HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-01, Page 1F
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u'1 c beneath z x pr ed n. such: $leash shape, -yau'l read, apt every Ax el
Wine news, ars and up-to-date,
" ` That piece oft
M Jewelery
iallverwaro that you bave laid
;asideors anfit for use, may pvs-
etbly be put into ;auoh couditran
as_to serve you as well as a new
Td the charm, of its pleasant as-
sociations youmay add the sat-
isfaction of usefnlneas.
Our repairing dep.irtment is a
hospital for the treatment of dis-
abled Watches and Clocks, Jew-
elery, Spectacles and Silverware.
'NVet-th1nk„that we give you the
best sort of work - that is the
sort that is done right the first
time -the sort that someone else
.does not have to work on after
we have it -the sort that not
only saves trouble, but really
eaves money for you in the end.
Uan we serve you?
P. P, Crews
Jeweler &Expert
Watch Repairer
CHURCH NOTES. -Last Sabbath mor -
ng Rev. Me Hutton, of Dungannon,
led the pulpit, Rev. Me Millyard tak-
g his work at Dungannon; in the
ening Rev. Me Millyard took his own
ork, on account of the inclemency of
ieweather very few attended the
'vices. Next Sunday evening the
emorial service of Miss Cynthia Pot -
r will be preached by Re'.. Me Mill-
DEATH. -A gloom was cast over this
action on Sunday last, when it was
arped that Miss Cynthia Potter had
Lased away, at the age of 20 years
id 2 months. Deceased, who, had
sen Buffering bat a short time with
,piloid fever, was the youngest of a
rlp of eleven, and was a universal
¢orate, having madd friends where-
rrir she went. The funeral, on Tues-
Ij,*as.largely attended. Our deep-
toyinppaathy is extended to the be=
aved farnil and friends.
N'oTEs.-Mr R. McIlwain and sister
feint Friday in Stratford, attending
iolr uncle's (Me John Johnston) funer-
Mr Sydney Potter, of Chicago;
iso Etta Potter, of Sault Ste Marie,
id Me Geo. otter, of Lucknow, were
Red home to ttend the funeral of
ieir Sister, Miss Gusts Potter (trained
irge, of Chicago) attended her sister
her late sickness. Me R. MCllwain
kh3vested in bicycle. Me Frank R.
orris; of Buffalo, is visiting under
','parental roof.
0FWO•RTH 14RAGUE.—The meeting
I?Muesday' night was a Missionary
opting; the Vice President of that
apartment, Miss M. Tiffin, led the
oeting. An address on "Home Mis-
ans"•:ivas given by Mrs W. G. Way,
id o ."What our church has
issions" was given by Mr J.
. ,'A ret f . "The •Sign -
"was ; ,en by Miss B. Smith.
le, nl . is was rendered by the E.
11 omlt+etiorn_for missionary
11 osea was taken up. Next week s
Ietin will be the regular monthly
ill'.Call and Consecration meeting.
n`Appeal is made to all the members
i}b�{e present. .
IUORRUCTION. - A subscriber here
riteeto the NEw ERA requesting a
irrection of the item which recently
p p;;eared in these columns to the effect
the friends of Nile Methodist church
resented Rev. J. W. Pring with over
);btiisb6ls of oats." He writes the
as Mr Pring has no connection with
b , Xethodist church; being under
lspension for conduct improper an
fphri.stian, ave don't believe in white
robing him. It is a downriggll
ilei to say the friends of Nile Met o
isfchurch." Please say "the friend
f Pring."
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ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., APRIL Xr 1898 • ft a year in advance $1.50 when not so paid
''�''''j' 'l Ingbam. Seatorth Holmesuille
_&iRQ'UNID T11� H t om • Tam FALL FAIR. -The directors of LACROSSE, — The Beaver Lacrosse rs are
M aging fo The Royal Temp-
wbat wide-awake and reliable oorrespondeuts find worthy of recording for publication the NorthlWestern Fair met at Kling's Club re -or anized for the cumin sea• lays are arranging for an open meeting
Hotel an Saturday last. The chief g g on Monday evening, April 11, when a
y son, on Thursday evening. Dr. Me- first-class program will be given;among
Londessboro Goderileh Township business transacted was the appoint- gay was elected President and Me E. other interesting features will be a de -
TEMPORARY SITE, -The Trustees of ENe&GED.-Will Potter has taken a ment of several committees to addvance Best Secretary, The club's prospects bate, Resolved, that a good-natured,
tee Methodist Church purchased a situation for the summer with C. H: the interests of the exhibition. The are very biight, and they intend to dirty wife is preferred to a cranky,
piece of land :from Me Bowcock, and Holland, 15th con. dates fixed on are Tuesdayand Wed- have the championship banner of the clean wife; affirmative. J. D. Burns;
will move the old church on to it and pEReON�L, -Will Holland, youngest nesday, September 27 and 28. C,L•A. resting in Seaforth this winter. Geo. Gould; negative, Geo. Philips, C.
use it until the new one is fiai8hed, son of Jeptha Holland, 18th con., who F4CTORY NOTES. -Button & Fessant HOTEL RENTED. -J. C. Kain, of To- L. Fisher. Everybody came; all are
when they will convert it into a driv- has been residing in Winnipeg, has ta- have begun the erection of an addition ronto, and J. F. Ellis, of Hamburg, welcome; no admission.
ing shed. ken a situation at Vancouver. to their factory; it will be built of have the rented the Commercial hotel, SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
PIGORRY.-Mr Thomas J. Bell has' STOCK. -Mr E. H. Wise, of this I brick, and part of it will be fitted up and teke possession May 2nd. The the result of the promotions made at
rented the Yungblut property on the township, last week sold a fine year- l as an office. Business appears to be Commercial- to undoubtedly the best the recent -examinations: -III to IV,
bank of the Maitland and is starting a rushing at this hive of industry'. Bell hotel west of Toronto. We ate pleas marks required, 440 -Fred Potter 1322
g lingg Ducham Bull to Me R. Manning, & Son are also re Gripg to build a q
piggery. It is hoped that it will not of Hullett, at a good figure. The sale P p t ed to state that Me Davidson intends Edward Badour 558, Sadie Caiitelon
large addition to their ex ensive fac .;-i- in town
g such distinction as the famous
Humber one, but that it may prove
was effected through the advertising
columns of the NEw ERA.
tory; it will be 90x20, and built to the
north of the kiln and be used partly, to
rem in g
MILITARY BALL. -One of the most
5=18, Lizzie Dempsey 538, Mabel Pick -
and 505, Rose Dempsey 482, Jessie
SIIPPER.-Those who took part in
provide more kiln capacity. These
brilliant society events that has been
held here for a number of years will be
Crooks 446, Josephine Gravell 444. II
to II1, marks required, 340 -Myrtle
STILL MOVING. -Some of the moa-
Ing last week is being ac-
the entertainment at S. S. No. 11, en-
'o ed an oyster supper at John Wig-
J y y pP
ementa of Win ham's factories
are indications IF prosperity.
p P
the Military ball to be given in Card-
Layis 404, Frank Evans 391, Olive Stur-
complished this week and two other i
ginton s on Tuesday night, when am-
nos Hall, on Monde evenin April I1,
y33k on.
under the auspices the
dy WilliamsMervyn Evans 364, Howard
g g ,pie
families are Gamin into the village.
Me Charles Crawford is to move into)
jU6t1Ce was done t 860 bivalves;
the evening wag pleasantly spent in
A meeting was held in the council
chamber on Tuesday evening to make
invitations will
Over cis hundred invitatioue wilt be
The be furnished
CHuttoH NOTES. -On Sunday morn -
one of Me Walker's houses and Mrs i
Wray, of Galt, into another. There is
social games, etc.
Henryaker has
circa ementQ for the celebration of
issued', music will
by the famous Glianno-Marsicanno or-
ing next H. Foster, of Clinton, will
preach a sermon in the educational in -
room for a few more families to come
sold his 100 acre farm on the Maitland
Her Majesty's birthday. Organization
as follows: -Secretary, A.
chestra, of Toronto.
tereet here; Rev W. Rigsby, of Blyth,
con., to John W. Burns, of the same
was effected
G.Bastedo• Treasurer, Robert Mcln-
NEw MAYOR. -At the nomination
meeting in the Town Hall, on Mpnday
will do the same at Ebenezer at 10.30,
at Sharon at 230, and at Holmesville
HORSE NOTES. -Mr Fred Yungblut
Saturday a• fine
concession, for the sum of $4,000 cash.
The farm is all cleared but about 12
doo, Committee -Thos, Bell, chairman;
J. A. Olin,a, A. H. Musgrove, Will.
evening, for the purpose of nominsr
at 7 p.m.; collections and subscriptions
brought home on
heavy draught stallion. Me Horton,
acres, has a good atone house thereon,
Fessant. It was decided to have two
ting a fit and proper person to be May.
Gunn the
will be taken up at each appointment
on behalf of the Educational Fund.
of Stanley, called ob Me E, Bell a few
days wanted to buy back
and is a bargain. Me Burns expects to
move on to it shortly.
baseball matches one in the forenoon
and the other in the afternoon, one
or of our town, Mr B. B. was
unanimous choice. Me Gunn made a
The reason these services were riot pre -
ago and
again the stallion he sold him some
FARM LEASED., -The property that
football and one lacrosse match. There
short speech, thankingg the electors
for the Mr°nor whichhad
viously announced was because they
time ago, but t lie horse is not for sale
James Fair, jr.,'purchased
is known as the Collins farm, 6th con.,
will be a monster trade procession
during the day. Specialties will be
Gunn is a ery able tn,and
Rigsby. Me Andrews will go to Blyth
at present.
a fine horse near this place on .Cues-
and owned by E. Campion, Goderich,
has been rented by Me Bernie Wilson,
introduced between the gimes. The
no doubt he will fill the position to the
the town himself.
next Sunday.
Landon butcher is
5th con , at a very reasonable figure.
Me Wilson has re-leased the rear 25
celebration will conclude with a grand
entertainment at night. The baseball
credit of and
FOOTBALL. - The Collegiate Insti-
ACCIDENT. -What proved a very ser -
ious accident occurred on Monday; as
NOTES. - The
around again this week and there are
.acres to the firm of Rick and Thomp-
and football teams will put forth ev-
ery effort to have a successful celebra-
tute football club was re -organized for
the coming season at a meeting held
Messrs Richard and Edward Grigg were
driving on the Maitland, the horse be-
two other London mon here collecting
scrap iron, rags etc. Mrs John Steph•
eon, who will use it for pasturage,
THANKS. -Elsewhere appears an ack-
tion. The Band will be in attendance.
in the school Monday of last week.
came suddenly frightened, and turned
the buggy,
o very ill at present and Mr
nowledgement from James
SCOTCH SoOIAL.--A very enjoyable
following is the list of officers
-Hon. Pres„ Dr. McKay; lien.
sharply around, upsetting
and throwing both out so violently
does not seem to mend. Mr
Isaac Lawrence hasiimproved so much
of the prompt settlement, by the North
American Life, of the insurance on the
evening was spent in the basement of
the Presbyterian Church on Thursday
Vice Pres., U: L. Schmidt; Pres., H. S.
that Edward's leg was broken id two
He taken to Wilson's,
that they are able toYget along with
out the services of the nurse. Quite a
life of his late eon, Elvin O. The pa-
ere were made out on the 19th of
last. As the name indicates, the
Scotch element predominated. makin
Robertson; Vice Pres., S. G. Stone;
Sec. -Tress., J. R. Morrison: Captain,
Wilson; Manager, R. C. Chea-
places. was and
medical aid summoned and the bones
set. It is a serious break, as one bone
number from here attended the funer-
arch, and the payment made on the
the proceedings somewhat novel an
Com., A. Bond, W.Aberhardt,
is broken at the ankle, and the other a
al of young Ballantyne on Friday.
24th,, which is very prompt. A, J,
very interesting. Scotch refreshments
in variety and abundance were pro-
S. I3ii1, and R. J. Mtlidrew. The 'boys
little higher up. He will be laid up
ADDRESS. -Rev H. Daeronian, a na-
Armenia, will give a lecture on
Oourtice is the local representative.
aded by the ladies. Rev. D. Perrie,
expect to have a good team this year
retain the hold,
fpr some time.
tive of
the manners and customs of Armen-
VISITORS—Miss Laura Wilson, who
has been visiting friends in Seaforth
gave an interesting address on Scot-
tish history, Prof, Cline sang the
an the two cups now
the Hough cup and the Junior W.F.A.
NOTES. -Mr S. Phipps has moved in -
to Mrs. Halatead's house, on the Mait
ions and Mohammedans, with some
to the late sufferings of the
for the past couple of weeks, has re-
"March of the Cameron men" in his
NoTEs.-The Western Ontario Ma-
Mani -
land, who expected to leave for Mani -
Christians, ,Knox Church, oc Thurs-„
April 7, at 8 o'clock. The
turned home. Miss A. Andrews, of
the let con., was the guest of Mise
usual excellent style. Me Fyfe also
sang and cheerfully respond t° en-
rime Band visited the Salvation Arm y'
Saturday Sun
toba on Tuesday, but Geo. Yungblut,
with whom she was going, decided not
dap evening,
lecturer is a graduate of Montreal Col-
Elisabeth Gould, the fore part of
this week. Mise Clara McCullagh hal
cores. Miss C; Fisher contributed a
solo. Miss M. Stewart, Miss A.
Barracks here on and -
da last; the were rested with large
to go; he has not decided what he will
do yet. Some persons took the privi-
lege and desires to be sent as a mission-
ary-t�o his own people. The American
returned to her home, Huron Road,
from an extended visit to friends in
Chisholm and Miss Winogene'McDon-
con a ations. The vote on the ubi-
g' g J
lee allrplus take place nest. Monday;
lege of taLtfying oil with some sap that
Me John Jervis had left in the sugar
Board of Missions had to refuse him
lack of funds, and he Ia
Ashfield.. Miss Lizzie Tebbutt, who
aid gave vocal selections were
much appreciated. N. A. Farquhar
the town clock seems to be the favorite
Major A,
bush. W. Walters had the misfortune
on account of
trying by his lectures to provide him-
library and means to
has been spendhn her holidays at
home, returned to aterloo Friday.
son and Jas. McAlpine also sang ac-
ceptabl Readin s b Miss MCKIb-
y g y
scheme for disposing of it.
Wilson has been elected a mem er o
to lose one of his working team one
day last week, death supposed to be
welt with a small
take him back to Armenia. He is
ENTERTAINMENT. - The entertain-
Victoria St. Choir
bon and S. Gracey were well received.
There a large attendance and the
the Council of the Ontario Rifle Aeao-
ciation. Me Walter Smith is visiting
from inflammation. Miss calico, of
Bayfield, has been visiting at T. C.
highly recommended and his lecture
will be illustrated with about 75 magic
ment given by to
Zion c arch last Monday evening was
entertainment was heartily enjoyed.
friends in Mitchell. Me W. Cudmore,
left, Saturday for Liverpool,
Pickard's, Mr E. G. Courtice was in
Mr F. McCart-
lantern views. There will be no charge
butsilver collection is-
quite a nice success, a good prograLm
being rendered and a fail- attendance
NOTES. -John Corn n, ex-edito% of
the Advance, has a art in-
jr., on
ing„ where he intends to 'reside far
the village this week.
nay is on the sick list. Mrs Blackwell
for admission _a
asked for. A chance to bear from one
of the people in the vicinity present.
terest in the Portage -la -Prairie Re-
some time. Miss in town of
is visiting friends in town. Mr John
is very low, with alight hopes of red a
ery. Mr Fred Stanley has secured a
• of themselves the stpry of cruel prose-
If we were permitted to expr•es�s our
opinion we think the recitation by
view. Mrs S. Gracey returned on Fri-
in Blyth.
Watson has gone to Chicago, where
gcod position with a dry goods firm of
cation, and to helpon a good
ought not to be missed by any one.
Miss Mildred Godwin and the whist-
da froms, visit to relatives
Mrs D. Groves spent part of last week
be intends to reside in future. Me
Banks, of Blenheim, is holidaying in
WELL SOLD. -The Martin farm, sit-
ling solos by Stokes deserve
special mention, although the entire
with friends in Biyth. Robert M. An-
derson, wife and family have moved
town. Miss May Soole has one to
y g
Marine City, Mich., where she has a
FiouRE.-That horses,
acted just east of the village, was sold
as Friday, and realized a
programme was listened to with a 'from
teat deal of interest. Proceeds 9i8:
Wingham to William Anderson's
farm, Belgrave. It is said that
gcod situation as milliner. Me Ed.
GOOD partic-
ularl good ones are goingu in val-
y '
price considerably beyond the espeo-
John Wheeler and family will move
Bri ht is the sick fiat this week.'
J. Munroe has gone to Chicago,
ue is shown by thepricespaid for
them. Last John Shanahan, of
tations of any one. Various conjec-
tures had been made as to what the
returned froma, business tri to Tor-
onto and Stratford, where he was ap-
frim Win ham back to the farm. J.
Smith, n G. R., was
where he intends to reside in future.
Air E. J. Dawson is in Centralia this
this township, sold a heavy draught
Americ%n buyer, for 4160. g
farm would fetch, and the highest con-
did not get beyond $amil at
pointPd General Agent for the Watt-
called to Port TI 'In Saturday by the
Port I 'I a
week on business. Cat Norman M, c-
to an y
NOTES. f farm stock and
the v e
the very highest. Charley Hamilton
Laufer Bros. Co. This is the same com-
pany that manufactured the Pea Har-
death of Mrs Smith's mother:
Smith accompanied him. Harry Day
Leod has gone to British Columbia to
reside. Mies Murphy is visiting friends
-The sale
implements of Mr John Wells was
wielded the hammer, and even this
finding that
venter that caused such a revolution
is back from the Northwest, where he
in Toronto. Mrs Harr West Moun-
well attended and prices ruled high,
veteran was astonished'on
only two men were bidding: and the
in ea harvestin last ear. Me Wett-
lauffer has patented a new buncher
bad been with a car of horses. J. E.
Swar:.s' runnin horse, S ria bok,
fain, North Dakota, is on a visit to
her Mr and Mrs A. Carona.
'cows selling from $45 to $78; Me Wells
we understand, has rented his farm to
price ran up to $0,00(1 at which figure
Robt. Scott.
which the driver operates, thus saving
P g
with his rider, went to Toronto on
Mr (I G. Wilson. has purchased the
Me R, Ferris but retains the use of the
it was knocked down to
The farm contains 90 acres of first class
two or three extra men, which goes
towards lessening the cost of the ma-
Tuesday, to train for the Queens plate
races. Miss Rosetta Weeks, Be'lmore,
post Office rocer from Me McLaren.
g y
Mr R. Stewart, of Central Balinese
house. Me Harry Morris returned
home afters spending a con le of days
land, the railroad taking off a strip
bank b
chine. The buncber works on the
has been visitin her sister, Mrs F.
College, Stratford, is holidaying i
. at Clandebo e, where he went to act
sling the side, with good
and orchard, but no house worth
rinci le of the dump rake and the
Divider bencher be, attached, to
Johnston. Mrs James McCvy, of
Lucknow, was the of Wingbam
town. Messrs. J. A. Jackson, E.
as groomsman for a friend, a pleasant
engagement as well as an obligation;
speakiug of, and adjoins a farm al
or can
an harvester and is not tri expensive
Y, P
friends this week. Misr, Jane Comber
Forbes, and R. Dawson visited r e-
field on Tuesday, A large number
of course'it is well �o b� a little obliging,
ready owned by Mr Scott, now
200 acres of the beat land in Hut.
article. The machine is perfection
has returned to.Parkbill, after a visit
Miss Bell&%Cum-
from here took in the "bail in Bruce-
' a man may have his own axe co gind.
owns -
lett It is said that this is is the hi
to Mrs Wm. Moore.
of cord - s ant Sabbath
field Tuesdayevens Mrs Holcombe
LEAVING4.-Harr Cade(eon of Mr M.
minga, y p is visiting Errands in codon this week. Cade, of this towns hi ,) and who has
MARTIN est price obtained for a farm in 20 with her parents here. Misses Edith
coing, on years, the last one sold at a similar Benmiller and Minnie Small, of Toronto return- had charge of the Be grave Saw Mills
tment be- rice being by John Lasham, but it LEG} BROAEN.-Mr Ed. Grigg had ed last week, after a visit to Mrs Eli West MlaHranosh for the winter, leaves next week For
N R bt G'b n - ed Chatham where a good situation
ore;y_ou deeido on your spring hats,
l ,.
had more than 100 acres In it. 21 acres
the north side of the road, belong-
the mi£fortune to break has leg On
Monday ]est. lie and his brother
Elliott. H. M, Watson, Esq., Inspec-
VIE..— o . r Son is e g g
with Wm. Riley, of Londesboro, for
awaits him. He has worked in Chat-
in to the same estate, was bought by
I9ick mere out driving when the horse
for of the Bank of Hamilton, was
this week in the performance of his
the summer, J. Hickingbottom, who
hal been renewing acquaintances for
ham before, and the firm with which
he is engaged have the contract for the
NOTRS-- Mise Ferguson -and Miss
Thomas'Millsr, at $640, which was con-
a very reasonable price indeed.
ran away and they thrown out,
official ditties.
some time past,, has engaged for three
erection of the Kant Hone of Refuge,
VicAllister, of Walton, visited Har-
Me Miller the one who bid against
NOTES. -Mr Percy Walters and faro-
months with W. H. Wilson, All and
and so much confidence have they in
Ttitkfci'ends this week. Rob Reid and
Jba Morrison called on Harlock friends
Mr Scott.
fly have moved to Wm. Hill's house
as Percy has hired with Me Hill for
sundry are complaining of coughs, sent,
and other minor afflictions at present,
of .Cade, that he is to haus full control
of this work. This is greatly to his
,On aturday last. The Reid brothers
hate been getting their barn in shape
the summer. Hiram Brindley, who
was teamster for M. Pframmer, left
PERSONAL. - Miss Ellen Horton
spent Sunday in Goderich. Mrs W.
sudden atmosphere changes being ac-
b which have
credit, and proves obey again the old
adage that "Huron boys always come
'#,he past, week to remodel it during the
d NICHOLSON manufacturer of and dealer
last week and his place was taken by
Cullison, of Benmiller, is spendinga
ee-vecountable.Wood es,
bean very tturmeroub'•�ately are over
to the front.
in 'Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty. a young mail from town. Me Peter few days waiting on .her mother, re '
- Whips 'Valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes and y g for another year. Mr and Mrs Joseph ARRIVED SAFE. --Under date of Hil-
Fisher, Sr., intends putting a veranda McLeod, who has been very sick.
Horsefirimmings. Washington attended the funeral of ton, Man., March 28, Mr Thomas Cole,
on the front of his house. Mr Frank CHURCH NOTES. -On account of the
READING' Roots. -This village has a the lata Mrs J. Brown in Goderich on formerly of this township writes: -
well -equipped Residing Room and Lib- Dodge, who wot ked for lir J. Kernig- unfavorable weather last Sunday the Monday.Alex. Scrim eour delivered ,.
rary which is being well patronized by ban last year, has moved to Benmiller Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was g Dear Sirct m number of your read -
and will reside in Mr Jewell's house, PP a horse tq R. McLean, of Goderich, for ars wanted me to send a card to your
the reading public. A catalogue hal postponed till vex,. Sabbath. The shipment to London. Robt. Medd has paper to let thein know of our safe ar-
o just
across the rivet; we bear he in• monthly business meeting of the C. E. y rival as we could not write to them
been issue , containing a list of the j Y g urchased a fine bull bred b Richard
tends Jewellt the "Klondike." Mr society wae'held on Wednesday, when y g all at once, We had a safe and pleas-
' 'good eR•
0 Belgrave, a ee l d
Y orae f Be a t3 v a
'sof whichar c
o pie
the Lib
oke in ,
bo y
ht a flee of
g as Bou
p weh
may be secured fro m R.O.Erratt, Secy. James Je g P a good program was given after the net cattle were delivered to Watson & ant tri and arrived in Hilton at
CHURCH NOTES. -The union meet- the Ressler property,. aerosis the river, business was over, o'clock
and is busy $stag fences. Messrs I.. migh, at Blyth, last week,and anum- three o clock Saturday morning, and
CAPTURED AN EALU.-H. Zeollner bar fol Easter were taken out this found Our friends waiting for us; our
ing of the Epworth League and Chris- and C. Oke bought the rest of the Ros-
flan Endeavor societies, was a great sier proper•ty and are also fencing. A is the proud possessor of a bald-headed week. Rev.B.L,Hutton, of Wingham, accommodations on the car were very
success; the papers on "Habits," given number of the farmers arebus making eagle that measures 8 feet 10 inches gave an excellentisetmen at Ebenezer good, but we were very tired and glad
b Mrs Henderson and Miss Welwood, y from wing point to wing point. IC is on Sunday. Master Crawford, Blyth, to arrive at our journeys end. The
y maple molasses. Me Michael Pfrimmer supposed to be largest even seen in is visiting at his uncle's, John Flu er, weather here is fine and I .don't thin
were helpful and interesting;the Uhris- has an apprentice in his grist mill.- i f3
' tian Endeavor choir tendered some ex- Miss Ellen Stewart is recovered after this pari of the country and is a fine that it is any colder than it is in On-
cellent music; refreshments were sere- looking bird. Me Zeollner got it on � Bl 1'
her Sever and has returned to Blyth. tarso. We Ike the looks of the conn-
ed at the close of the evenin Rev • the lake, one of his feet having caught 011U= 11 NOTRS.-Rev, W, Rigsby try finely."
gg Goderich to attend to her school. between a la and an ice hummock. g y „
Mr Riaebv, of Blyth, preached�in the g filled the pulpit of the Auburn church
Methodist of
on Sunday evening. ACCIDENT. -Some three weeks ago on Sunday, owing to the ill -health of Goderich.
Rev Mr Riggle ave an instructive Stanley Mrs McLeod met with what seemed a Rev. C. Cousens. Mr 11. Foster, Clin FOR &AJLV-Good rowboat $16 and canoe
sermon on "Love'�on Sunday evening. NOTES. --Mr George McLennan, of very simple accident. While picking ton, filled Rev, Me Rigsby'e place in W, it. Turner
Clinton, spent a day or two at the . up her knitting she ran the end of a the morning, and Mr John Wilford in ANOTHER NUISANCE. - During the
NOTES. -Quite a number attendedhome of Me Geo. Baird' last week. needle in the palm of her hand. She the evening. The Epworth League past two weeks those who use the
the funeral of Mrs J. P. Brown, God
_* rich, acct Monday. Mica Jennie Blair, Misses Stout and Isbister, of Clinton, thought nothing of it just then, but a held"their monthly missionary; meeting fawn service have found Braes, leaves"
�J may not spent last Friday evening at Mrs D. few• hours afterwards it became pain- when papers were given concerning and, some even claim, minnows,
,y who has been visiting Miss S. Blair, McEwen's. Me Wm. Baird is now ful and much swollen. Although pouf- the different missionary fields by (the latter is a little fishy) in their
bac returned to her home at Porters y drinking• water. There is, no doubt, a
�+�► ,. using a Massey Harris bicycle. We tices were applied it still .continued: Messrs Giles Jenkins Herb A.ahbur
`i l k �" Hili. Miss L. Etling spent Sunday at are glad to be able to say. that Mr J. $psinful and the doctor was called, and Wm. Sing and Misses I'3.Chamberlain, break in the intake pipe, and as soon
home. Mr J. Carter paid a gyibg visit Me&, wan is im roving in health.'-- he has since had to lance it twice. She L. Stevens and Airs I. Young, after as the: Mer is clear a diver will make
m..'dWerenoo between a Suit of Clothes to Clinton last week. Air D. Fell, of Btoadfoot & Box�a furniture factory ie in now somewhat improved, but will which the report:~ of the League Con- an examination.
bks neat and fete well, and one which Clinton, is working for Me Ferguson ver bus at resont, and it is expect- need careful attention for sometime, vention in Clinton was given b the
is just the difference between mood at present, Me J. Ferguson finds bis y y P p m g y FIRE. 's Saturday night John
( ttobr Suit, Our Readp•made oth- business rushing so that he has bad to ed thin they will employ 80 or 40 more attending c'telegate, )1St, D. Crittenden. Morris & Co's planing mill was buret
i+tti .spring is a lt►rger and better stook g hands. The P st. of T. T. Coleman 6onstance, NOTES.- eases Ed Campbell and J, to the round. There is no doubt that
rim seasons, and take pride In show add another hand to his atntP, in the shipped a large number of their cele- NpTEs.-Mr, J. H. Ra , of Belleville, Hahkirk left for Toronto last Monday, the gra was of incendiary origins a`s
Ingo It to you. pO�rson of Mr Argent, 101inton. Miss brated Dale rollEre to .nanitoba this Jr both on business. Mies lions Curtis
gltu,plainaodfanor pat- $5 Roes has returned home again. Mrs bas 'come to the village, intending to the mill had not been runding since
•donna trimmoa, for.... spring. start u the chseea ggtictdry.' Mr T, visited Win him fri0nds this week. -
' figlt fancy Scott is.very sick at resent. Mr Jones, f 'Tuesday, and there was no oily waste
pp Willows returned from 'be-
, A da, 79 8,10 of Biuevale, Is visiting his sister, Mrs Ca'aNC1IL.--Stanley council met on Pollard and Miss .Bertha Odle worn Mr Philip, lyin around to cause spontaneous
°a S. Scott, at resent. Mr S. Nichol left Marek 28th all members present. The united in tlieili3ly bonds r►f matrimony trait on Tuesday evening, where he �mtietian. The loss will run about
p h wasay+ing si visit to his son, Maurios,
a . ate, our own make, $1.80 do $2 for Manitoba last Tuesday morning, to contract*? repairing township hall on Wednesday t e' 23rd. Mr George Buil ing operations have been cora• $2��+ and there was no Insurance.
of ted Prints " 3t.Ko. �, >$ti sill implements for the Massey Harris was let to Geo. Cogan, of Brucefleld, Wheatley was the guest of Mian Lot- This fails almost entirely. on John Mores
PRO Nmenced an the' d`ew residence bf Me S,
t)varooats all colors ><o srtd 1R Co,; Mrs Nichol will visit friends at at $126 for carpenter, work and mater- tie Cook on Sunda last. lire L, Prod' Herrington, this week. The monthly ria and J. H. Fisher, who purchased
Boca a"Ir4iiAilan• a, Trout Cheek for a while before#�o���ing; ial, and $55 for stonework. The fol- ter • has purchased a, now wheel, but this mill some six walks sgo. c
. ., We hat+e'011grAdes of Boys'ana4Yonth'e a C fish- lowing siccants were paid: -W. . J. the people its the villa l?'air, cvao held an Tuesday, and a largo
alt+Wag as well. we wish thorn success. Mr . Wash- p p � �$ cap that he crowd took advaxitags of the fine day sympathy is felt far them, as they+
L. 11. I•• Miss Mitchell, panting, 2.14; Municipal should. ave of ai,blcyele builtfor two. well a young enterprising flan,' an
h,ot,60 hi Mind'laok aroWkd." ington is very low ab present, gg g and put in ati a eatxnace, Mr A.. WY
e abfiel is the nest of Mitis World, blanks, 20e; VV. 111rcBath, ,pat- Mr A. Oke, of Exeter, . is visiting atheir lass occurred just as they ware
Ryas, f A d, g in stilt+ert and re airing W e,H 3a Wrozreter rjh Wed
"�"" lson. Me and Mra R. Roberton ting dg Dir J, Marlin's, Mina %ottie Beat tints Robinsoni; obinsi w Mott pr Dia what rarsii' to be n
I 1 B, Wi uesdity, attettdin�gthe liliirrlag� of e
e�•��j s`4S, ' of Clcldezicla visited 'friends here last $2.7s W•. Reids gritvel Hauled to been visiti�ag Mrs J.IJ, )�inchley. lkl� i fid r W, 7Camlirn htztl Mi .a 1 mast prosperous spring.
�y ' .1,50, Council lain Wrs to able, t fr e . M W s
i WTuesda` . Mr J. Yautl' braced the bridge un Eith can„ Willi n b e o be, Ta>ria tteridetl ' ftxne al.in, Gfodeili h . tlBicthr> - ori Friday Ovetlln MI+
-.# y g in oi111laixde a 86th, os again. to it . r
ler of thtr brad a so as to asitia it cafe Irieatd age. Ai. r. o>U 1liottda , Miae3 Mar CIdle wily J: P, I3rnw'ri paas2d,to her long oma
r 1 el" p , . ►.. i3ion enc Onertal liusi- g . I -.-.^.W:,.. w. y . . Mary 0 1 1 it a nt r ea down tvheit 'the Coirrt of itevi
i ittit tai tv, e o , has been visieln Prlehds ilsre returned ' after dtl llrrtisa froYix ltiii tl cilble, nit
L11 5. 1 1a6 4 t, IYtV'S Cldt,ka Tilt N pu 11',IiA tII V 11 t3 rx» Holt. t 1;kWS
ler GeII be'il d. , tA3 ileal i�i�a�irx,xeter air 7t' ,694 s tending gvei: oils imirirtba, woob 'b
V"deietltu tetiic, oulltonq . l'. i y'
I � :
Y rte. /
1 `3X4
( is an old saying and true, ill ua tar
1 at least as health gals, Fair:blond,
I and ,t,14,I blootl - eaoh hells its
( owli'tale. Particularly at this title
1 of the year does impure blaed" te,.11
I its tale in that general feeling of las-
situde and lack of ainbitOp and en.
I ergy; tbat enoml rundown feeling
I in fact. it you w°nld have the
( blood that tells of health, yaur m Pet :
1 cleanse and purify the eyste#;i by
i some good blood medicine, Salraav
I vows. Bloodas are good for Builldi�ng @ OL04
I Iron Pills are better for others,
( If you know what you want ask its
1 for it. If you are not sure wheat will
be bent for you, consul$ us, Our
` conscientious advice is yours for tho,
asking. 8areaparills 75o and ,$1.. ±
Iron Pills 25o a box, five boxes $ ,.
I Graduate Druggists & Opticians,
1 ° ' Clinton.
which time she spent in bed. A1-
though her case had been very serious
for some time and the end not alto-
gether unexpected, the blow was a
heavy one to her family and friends.
She was born in Colborne in 1854, and
moved to Auburn some 15 years aggo,
coming to town in the fall of 1806. At
Auburn she wag known to everyone
within ten miles, and no one was bet
ter liked or more highly appreciated.
She had always a good word and help-
ing band for those in sorrow and of-,
fiietion, and many have reason to be
thankful for the kindly sympathy, en-
couragement and advice she so freely s.
extended to them. She leaves behind
her a husband, a daugtiter, Katurah, �+
and three sons, John, Robert and J.F.;
a father, John Buchanan, Colborne;
two brothers, Robert in Manitoba, and"(
John in Honolulu; and slsterk,, Mrs A- r''
Young, Mrs McHardy, Mrs Clarke and „'
Miss Lizzie Buchanan, in Colborne, _
and Miss MagKie in town. The news `t '° "
of Mies Cynthia Potter's death, at a'g
Nile, on Sunday, was a great surprise a
to her many friends here. Only two
weeks ago she was one of the health-
feetyoung ladies in town, and many
hardly credited the news on Sunday.
BRIEFS. -We are to have four juntolr
base ball teams in town. this aeasotr; "to {1
compete for a trophy, as proposed at �'''}
the re -organization meeting'on Tues- i`
day Qvening. Our bicycle club is in a `, :'! �
flourishing condition, having some 50 r
or 60 members. The tugs Cincus, Sea, ;`'„
Queen and Sea Gull have gone to Man- '�s''`:`
itoulin Island to commence the sea- ?J:'
son's fishing. The engineers were up , r,
last week and Rtaked out the proposed ,. R
site of the new elevator. J. P. Brown
had a grand delivery of four carloads •.. s
of Massey -Harris machinery on Thurs- 5
day, when several of the most promin-
ent officials of the -firm were present,
and delivered addresses; the display :i11
was by far the greatest ever seen,in.' ;
town. Work has been at a complete
stand still on the breakwater for the "'..r.
past two weeks and many of the men ;
are anxiously waiting Madigan's re-
turn. Me Chas. R. Edwards, the most
prominent singer in town, hal gone to ``
the city where he expects to secure a
position in one of the choirs; we al- I =a r
ways thought he was bound to make
his mark in the world. Those present
at the Literary Society meeting on '
Friday evening still wonder who the :;
-cat doctor", of our Collegiate is. Have
you got a Collegiate football team at {,,
Clinton who would like to arrange a 4
matOr-with our boys?
n '„
Tuelters with
LEFT.— The sale on Monday after.., ":
noon was well attended, and the fur- ,,4<
niture, &c., sold well. The amount of
the sale was over $50. Me and Mrs ,:
Watters and Jim left Wednesday 134
morning for North. Dakota,where they ,
will locate at present. We are sorry to a,"
lose.such old residents from our midst
but we hope that we may meet again, 4,
if not here on that beautiful shore.
NoTEs.-Geo. Layton will move ilia
stock, &c., on to the McKenzie farm1.
this week. , Mr Ball has been very sick
of late;but,as near as can be discerned,
he is improving as well as can be ex-
pected. Mr Findlay took charge of his :.
work on Sunday as usual, but the dis- 1.
agreeable weather prevented quite a , ..`
number1rom being present and there-
fore the congregation were small. Mr
Cooper was not able to come out on
Sunday evening but we will likely' hear'c.
flocs him some other time. The1,1
League will be taken by Miss Nott on
Sunday evening; topic, "Preciousness
J,';-: -
of Salvation." Miss Nettie Crich is'
home at present,having'ta' close up herr,
school on account of sickness. M>2 ,r .;
Whitely, Huron road, is very sick a$
present, but we look for bis recovery' ;.�• ',;;
soon. .
From an 000asional correspondent
NOTES. -Mr George Clark, of Brown
visiting has been vi
who h e
county, Dakota,g
friends here, hareturned to his home. tr ,
Mr Gifford Crich is on the sick list, s,
Some of the farmers -in this vicinity
have commenced seeding; this is un-
usually early. It is rumored that one .
of out most highly esteemed youn&,
men is contemplating taking anothe '
rib. We wonder what attracts one a
our west end young men down to thtt
east end so often; maybe some ons
can enkighten us on the.subject.
��•++ ��-+ii ��'+`
1.i l w r.7 ._ r_ .,.
You will soon be buying your Garden Bodde
and no doubt you will buy where y0# a ,'.
can get them the cheapest. We 00 '
selling three papers of G4ardou 8404
for loo„ or nine for 25o. We lied
offering a good-
Corn Husk Door ga11
d ,,.:,. ,
For 10o., just what you want tot ,ihk
muddy weather. have you seati'nt*
10c. Line of . Droom, ,
They are justwb4tq'ta have been,ltio
ing for to do your liglit s'ivealling Yijfll
i�X� �y �ty1�y�I-yy�y �i'yf}�
{lVt''�11r4 >1il 011,RJJIM a I# , .
TWO W,5?,31i.41'11.i�5J1Y�?'�"M. . -�y�.J
l clink bald for"tot�r altd hksu, i'itbtta .,'