HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-25, Page 7k ': The Second Time 11 14r,0h•R, Bolton, in the Independent.) T140 $on, John Crawford had a prominent man in hie co Ida lead begun life in poo ad learned economy early, a .,fOrtunately had married a girl wi ` 'taatss and had similar to his ow 0 Both desired to rise in the world, a $be, forgetting herself, bent all her e I ", •ergies towards his progress and a �' , 1 'cess. She did her own housework f years, made her own clothes and tho of her children, and in every way sa •ed that John might be rich and inS ept,a,. Her history was like that 11 I thousands of other New England w w men -she wore herself out for her fa RT. She never had time for loci 11 life, and not a great amount of ti 'for reading, though she kept up ,well as possible with the thought 'the day; but her on aim was to ha deer husband honored. .John Crawford was a good husban though not always considerate. thougght nobody quite so good an Axel ful as Betsey, nobody cooked well, nobody was more saving, and was proud to rise by her help. He fai ed sometimes to consider how large matter that help had been to him i his life. If he had been asked wh Trade his money he would have r �+•• _ 'plied without hesitation, "I made it. That Betsey was entitled to half, o even a third, would never have occur L, .red to him. He provided for her an the children all they seemed to nee He was head of the family, and th 11 Z He had made him somewha selfish and domineering. '; As the children grew older, and. Mr t Crawford looked out into the futur and realized the possibility of leavin the world before her husband, sb thought much of their condition u t , $er a changed home. Mr Crawfor -would mitrry again, probably, and he �: •children might have little or none o the property which they together ha struggled to earn. 1 One evening she said, as they sat be � � fore the open fire, the children havin I%:_ r one to bed: "John, it seems to ro `r Zings are unequal in the world. You ''i I... 1, and I have worked bard, and I hav been proud to have you succeed. W 1( , , sboth love the children, and want every ';tbing done for them, what if I shoul �{1. -die, and you should marry again an v, •,, have other children?" "Why, Betsey, you den't think 1, > could forget our own precious children No second wife could or would influ '.".. •ence me against my children. You ;',.'5 .:. and I have worked together, and ' should feel dishonorable to leave them ' :"` helpless and care for others. You fit,;•° must think me a villain." -1 I., "Oh, no, John; but I have seen case }' .', like that. Only the other day. the Re ,Cornelius Jonesl married a young ;'` ,, wife and gave her all his propertyy, leaving nothing to his three daugh- i tars. Now, if a minister would d i j that, what should we expect from Others ?' "There must have been peculiar cir- c , „'-cumstances. He could not have been f in his right mind." Bras ,,'�, "You know, John, if you were to h, i;. --lie, I should receive a third of what I bwiso helped you earn, and the rest wouldl o to the children; while if 1 I were to die, nothing would go to the -children. I should like to have at lepet the third, which the law consid- 11 ' mi a toI{q to them at my death. as i' ,does in �cauntries in the Old World, where a man cannot marry a -second time till he has settled a por- ,'• , tion on his first c4ildren." "But that would be a great incon- venience," replied Mr Crawford. "A -man has money in business, and to take out a third if his wife dies might 1 ,sadly embarrass him. Or even the F'' , the use of a third set apart for them, mi ht cripple him." `' atter that there be a little incon- rl'111''�:,�, " ,' venicc��ace than a wrong done to child- ren,"said Mrs Crawford. "The hus- band may lose every cent of what the wife bt;�s struggled and saved all her s life'0'­ ",elf accumulate. Marriage is a lxartn6 hip, and, like other partner- ships; , an suffer some change, and l� iiicon lance it may be, if one of the liartner dies. There must. neceasar- t� sly, be a ittew adjustment of interests." t" 's ,'•Butthsy law allows you to make a Will and giveaway your property, my ?'r dear, just a@ it does rne." "'` -Yes *h I have inherited before'or ' since my m riage; but I have luherit- ed none, an ou have .not. We have ade outs to ther, and you have of- ten said,tha,t xx u owe as much to my I. , skill and econO y as to your foresight •rind ability." . ! 5, "And so i do, , is true; but the law )r„•; makes no provisi n about our common to err .' ; ,,; p . But make it rself, then, John, if §,'- , - the law does nos ke a will. so that c of m d , 3n c e two daughters here hal'rl�aVfeaef a third of all you worth at that time, or, if you prefer, put a third, I might feel that it ought to be a half -in my name, or perhaps ' the dome; and let that go to our daugghters." "]But if I put the house in your ' name, so that in case of losses Some- thing would be saved from the credi- t tors, -1 should want it willed back to t ; ` the at `your death, so that I could Mill have a home and do as I liked tI . with it." .• "And then nothing would go to the .Children at my death? That is not lair, John„ and" I have worked too • hard -and long to be willing." "Well, Betsey, you can trust me to Jo the right thing. I will think it ,over" .right kissed her as they closed , ills 6t• altogether satisfactory conver- , 'sdtiof{; `ti ,., - At vra�s,to be expected, Betsey Craw- Jord brolte• down with the wear and teat,,6f life; and died, leaving her two ,jsughtere the care of a fon and tin- ;rgetterousfather. The lose was a great one to John Crawford. She had been bis coliipetent adviser, with tact and cod sense to keep matters right.1 She ' s'a irled;'more than he ever suspect- - ,ed, n odrued her sinaalely. as did ih6r i_ .,, d d{rtr ., a `�"'" t married Ott O,U younger }le t7I100Yhe same T afid not over - y" ti. When her son air became desirous that ver ge should be placed be- &O1i tit he might attain to honor '� A ORIA it1 THE OLINTO,N NEW ERA. W -- --- and wealth. She convinced Mr Craw- '�'� .••--------,•A SKEIN Ui• ovum...:-•�-.�,,,,ja; . CA{.LED "BAILEY'S MISTAKE.n ..I ' ' ford, e o thousand nameless wage, Heart tam Aolding her wool in an attituoe quaint, '"""— be. that the boy would need most of the Spasms prem We" Is, Haase with 0 Name That property for business, to marry well, ,wlust lake a wooden aimed, stained stmt Window saint• t4 Be Changed. and to carry down the family name. She Is sitting.at ease to a negligent poes, The pomtoflice department flag on n.ylnpr- m' The girls would doubtless marry and RA, AgpEW'g gUgE FQR �� HEART' An charming and fresh as the dew on a roes, one occasions ineiswd ott_ \ohanQang the be well provided for by their husbands. She thanks me for helping her out of her tangle names of offices oven wh . the vetiver red She talked with Kr Crawford about A WONDERFUL LIFE -SANER. And calls me "Be kind" ,K th when I say I don't mind. had no desire for such obangges and protest - the uncertainty of life, and, with tact, No organ in the human agatomy today Why, to please her I vow I'wonld nave ata ed against them. If the washington people n• urget that other things besides a spir- whose diseases can ice more rowdily detect. mangle are so fond of choosing apprApfilate names, nd itual preparation for death were ne- ad than those of the heart -and medical they should devote their attention ameexoIn, n- caveats. Aman should think of the discovery has nada them amenable to Young Cupid, no doubt, In amieohievone vain, eively to those towns whose Inhabitants an younger members of his family who proper troatmant u you have palpitation is weaving a snare from that innocent skein, desire relief. Such places are surely to be Or would be left comparatively hel less. or fluttering. shortness of breath, weak or For who could be blind to those dimples divtna sePeoplep r p, found. There Ie one, for example, up in said that the strong-willed irregular pules, sw¢IIInR of feet or ankles, Those eyes that so roguishly glance rep at m1nAf v- g the far eastern corner of Mains It now John Crawford had become very much satin � the left old*, fainting "Polls. drops!- I am longing with toverlike kisser to smother u- oaf tenatenoy, a of these indioato heart That sweet little face, rejoices In the name of Bailey's Mistake. older under the sway of his younger any Of dtrea$o, No mattrr of how Ion But I know it's a case A Dentary ago it sena called "Skunk's 43, wife; that be had grown less dominant, Dr. A g standing Of a flirt at one end and a tool at the otberl Misery." Later the terms "Puduoh," more appreciative, and more thought- gn ear spe iflo—a Hart will caro— Golden Penny. "Hardscrabble," "Mink Hole" and SICK REA BACHE m- ful of her needs and wishes. He idol- sur a heart epeciAo-sots quickly -sora • "Suokerville" were a al nasals -act$ safely. applied in turn and ized his eon, but rs seemed no dearer FOIBLES OF GREAT MEN. then dropped because they didn't begin to F'osltiiv'ely owed by geese me "I war given up to din b pl:yeipians g as than the daughters of Betsey. H8 was and traelade One dome of yiis. ♦raevYt. convey the prevailing Idea. There was a j�sn of amore expensive child, for he needed Cure for the Neart gave m'eease, and Napoleons Fondness For whit• Trotuers. new name every year for a quarter of a all sorts of pla things, the best school- six bottles cured my else at fltM �•a A Famous Jurist's weaknasr, century or so, and the nominee sena read They alio mlleve Distress from hav y ycare' etanddln�s." Airs J.L H1fLT,ItR, y Dyspepsia, ing, the best clothes, and a somewhat whitewaodI J!l.w.T. 111 The weakness of a great man Is often for more when Bailey came along and abut indigestion and Too Hear Eating.A lar a amount of spending moue It that feature which contains the most i m' - d, g i J Y• Guarantee• relief a0 mtnut•.., n off further debate. fisc! D4—fess, Nausea, Drowsf. He was evident that John Crawford, jr,, terest for the student of human E*ture. It Bailey's Mistake was named for Sam t� Dad Taste in the M d would require more money than his may be of interest to know that Iiayyoleon Bailey, a coasting trader.wlio used to sail oath, Coated Tongue half-sisters. Bold by Watts & Co, sot aside $4 000 a U Pain i:i the Side, TORPID LIVER. so L , year for dress. nfor- into Lubec harbor as often as once a month, They he In course of time, Mr Crawford, hav- tunately he bad a weakness for white the "mistake" part being added at the Regulate tlm Bowe" Purely Vegetable., I ing served a term in Congress, through breeches, and often while wholly absorbed time of Balley's last voyage, so that future f3ryt Small a good ability and the discreet use of HER FORTUNE; in state affairs he would spill ink or coffee navigators and geographers would know s . money in organizing his forces, and on those delicate trousers, which he would whose mistake it was: There are two sea- emtm Prices o° having done well for his constituency, hasten to change upon discovering the terways that lead up to Lubec from the Substitution followed Betsey to the other world. An 0hi0 Girl tells hour She spots. This circumstance cost the blame. Atlantic ocean, one a wide and navigable „ To the surprise of all, save the second Found it. less but timid Comte de Remueat his place ship channel and the other a wide and the fwmd of the dee Mie Crawford, the property was lett e- as master of the robes. The emperor robky shoal that affords excellent pastur- r her and her son, with the merest te- - spoiled his clothes so frequently that the age for flounders and other fish of small �} + d mrs of hard-working to the unmarried dough- Imperial tailor was constantly receiving draft. About ten See you Carter tars of hard-working Betsey Crawford. OVERHEARD IN THE cent. P y g years ago Bailey was S"' d. fresh orders, and $4,000 became InsuiB- beating his sloop up to the Lubec anchor- ` I wouldn't have thought . said a -- Ask for Carter's, at slant to moat the bills The master of age and took the wrong way. He knew all prominent ladyin the church. "Why, t John Crawford was a deacon, and pro- Some women, says the Daily Cummer- robes was foolishly afraid to mention the about the shoal water and the rooks and Khri to live according c right and alai, have found a fortune in their faces, subject to Napoleon and continued to siva had become so familiar with the course e unsatisfactory replies to the lnsilstent tai• that he paid rio heed, presumipg that his I�-&t and demand justice t There most have been undue while others have found a fortune in their e fi ler, who became pressing In his demands, sloop could find her way without help. influence. His first wife worked like a figures. But more interesting and profit- At length, becoming exasperated, the tai• There to where the "mistake" came In, �-�•'S Liffl g slave to help earn that money, I never able than the eaperieuoe of these, is that of g g P e Liver19• e for took the bold step of Dompleining bo for trusting too much bo the intelligence of supposed a man would be unfair to his the Ohio girl who actually found a fortune n children. in her ear. Napoleon, who learned with aatoairhmenl his sloop the craft went aground on the d ,. and anger that be owed his tailor 08,000. rooks and was chewed Into toothpicks be- CLINTON MARBLE WORHS. You never can tell what folk- will The young lady has been a resident of t He paid the bill and at the same time die• fore morning. __ f do," said another church member, the Buckeye State for fiftQen years. Her g thing Bailey COOPER'S LD STAND, ., missed the frightened Comte de R•ng an Asn crew over caw rolthat o! Bail d Youth and tact are great forces in present Lome is in Cincinnati, where she "I hope," said the emperor, smiling and or his crew 16 is Inferred tLat the fishes the world. John Crawford never is one of the most successful musicians ani), Next to Commercial hotel. meant to be unjust, but he couldn't voice trainers in the entire west. Her crowning at the some time "that his newly took what there was lett r them otter the help it. A third of that property personal attractiveness and unusual viva- appointed master of robes, that you will waves had dons their work. From that This kiishment is in full op oration and a g ought to Lave gone to those daughters. oioue temperament has, combined with her nod expose me to the disgrace of being date the term "Bailey's Mistake" sena et order filled in the most satiefactor seep come e accomplishments, dunned for the breeches I am wevAn ." taohed to this reach of water and the land b granite work a specialty. 1?ricer n Why didn't his wife make him fix it p iahmente, gained for her an enol- g sonable as those otany establishment u before she died?" able social position. To look at her bright, The famous judge, Lord Kenyon, had a on both sides of It, and now the coast sur- e "Maybe she tried, who knows?" said rosy, girlish face, one would suppose that weakness for ini}iscriminately passing the vey charts have recognized the claims, go 8 ALE & HOOVER, Clinton e the person addressed. "If the law don't her life had been one of perpetual sunshine, sentence of death upon the victims of law that Bailey's Mistake has become a goo- - make him do his duty, how could you and that she had never known a momenta brought before him. This peculiar weak. graphical fixture. -Troy Times. d expect his conscience to do it? We unhappiness. No one would for an instant ness took its form in terrorizing the do- 'P"°•"_^t The old Clinton PI�AIuING MILL unha In d need some new laws about the proper- surmise that this same girl had for nearly fendants and afterward invariably modify - I ty which men and women earn togeth- two years been the victim of a tormentor ing the decree. He passed the torrible sen. ---• er.", that had came near blasting her life and tense of death upon a young womalt who _ H. STEVENS, Proprietor ? _ Mr Crawford's injustice resulted in robbing her of her reason. Her lite pre• bad been found guilty of theft, but inti- The Fleet Horse In Poeft76 -'- mated that he meant to recommend hot to The old original Contractor and Builder, the early death of one daughter, and seats one of those oases where present F. S. Dellenban h has an artiole anti- who has made Clinton his borne for forty u left bitter memories of her father in al pearances fail to give an insight into past mercy. The young woman only board the filed "The Quick Horse" in SL Nicholas ears is still in business with s modern I the heart of the other. experienoea. formula of the sentence and fainted. to� It tells of the trained horses that la such Y ' It was during an' entertainment at the Benyon, evidently much agitated, call play up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill u College of Music in which she took art out: "I don't mean to bang soul Mi'fli no a prominent part in the modern fire de- all orders of whatever description, on short A 80ON TO CYCLISTS. g P one tell her that i don't moan to Dan partment. Air. Dellonbaugh says: notice and the lowest terms; first -clans s A bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil should that she contracted what she then thought one g Mankind loves the borne, for the bores workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS Rev be in Query cyclist's kit, as it is the most was a slight cold. I took no notice of it at has been one of man's most valuable aide for buildings taken, an_ •1i'Einde of build - effective said the young lady recently, to a The number of celebrated seen who and companions effective remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Creta stand cone icuous In human foibles and in all countries and In all ins material fnrni as desired. Commercial reporter, but in about week P Stiff Joints, Contraction of the Muscles, P weaknesses to large, and often it is amore ages. But there are ed preferences among small red spots appeared on my fade and g r� horses. ' So y Fd'EI(R7 BTEVENB Cramps in the lege, ata. rye are prized for their stead o so disfigured me that I lost my pupils, one the great minds that selHebnees van1L7 working qualities -their ability to draw Williaut'$ty"eet, Clinton fmmedititel by one. Their mothers, fearing contagion, and unreasonableness are found to hold Y T. GotTatt, Post master at Orillia, at- did not want them to come in contact with the most unchecked sway. -Detroit ll`reil Leavy loads. From time immemorial the `. - Lehind�l;e Park. tempted to commit suicide by slung- me. A nervone, rackingcough robbed me Pr°gs. gualityof'speed has thrilled bumanityand R . 1 found an echo in many a stirring poem. Iffill' 8TA1h7r,1► ing a hunting knife into his neck. of sleep and appetite, and cash of four dip- "How they Brought the Good News from, physicians who were called in he Badge of Deference General Booth disappointed a large P y gave , Ghent to Ala" makes the blood tingle In The undersigned is Prepared sian tog all dexo gathering of Salvationists at Winni- a different opinion as to what my trouble Perlia be used it from choice It mpj one's finger tips, ° stem nor Mats Persian Ruga and art} e h his non -arrival having missed was. Eczema, blood poisoning, lure have been the rule of the company that h g Ps, and kissed follow brave red- a es of lite nature. Work done proHPpN'y and peg y + g g land across the dawn kissed Belgian land- a reaeonabl¢rate�. YRS A,WORTHIN(I7.ON the train connections at Grand Forks. trouble and a complication of disorders should use it. However that t r lie, soape with swift anxiety. When Browning Ton Street. were among the results of their diagnoses. could not do otherwise, says John 8, f}U tells us Low "Mule " Sir Oliver Mowat, while on his wiry M suffering was intense and I began Lam in The Atlantic, than remark the faei ykeh'e master, rather from Government House to the Can- y g g than win back bis beautiful favorite b AGENTS. adian Royal Academy exhibition, Tor- toasting away to a mere shadow. Dread- t� he porter deferentially held out a till defeating her In the pursuits shouts to the "Glimpses of the Unseen" Faecinating onto, on al Academy da had his pocket ing the solicitude and sympathy which 1 y to receive the chair checks I!= fleeing thief telling him how to call forth Sweeps the entire field of borderland subi cts Wednesday, 1) could plainly read on the faces of my passengers. It was the nicest not of dig- her highest speed, our hearts go out to Everybody orders, Marvellous illustrations picked or lost his puree and a fat roll of .friends, I secretly changed my 'boarding crimination I had over observed in rho hila in sympathy as Lis et steed in come- Pros eotns $1.W. BRADLEY-GARRETSON bills. place. When they found my new place [ workday world. I was on a train between v P COAf�'ANX; LiuizBn, Toronto decided b the advice of two physicians, New York and Boston. The queries vanishes forever from his fond A card on outside of office door says - y P y P°ri� a'n� eight. "Sheridan's Ride" wakes usup till "Gone to lunch. Back in 10 minutes." to go to a private Sanitarium in Indiana. only an agent in a business tvaftsaotlon of the thunder of hoops to mingled with the My journey in the oars, continued the a corporation, but the agent tit the etatdon And the man will be there on time. That rattle of musketry and the shoat of the %� �p/p is, for some days, weeks or even moothe,he young lady, was a terrible ordeal, for aside who had thrown out the chock with Ira$1• rallying troops as the gallant commander MADE ME A MAN from my physical suffering, I saw that, sesslike deftness and the condaeter vrhd AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUR$ will, Then he will be at home occasionally spurn on to the front. In other ballads we ALLNerrone Diascuee Failing Meer for a day. He'll tell you he had a headsol-e, although I wore a veil, the passengers Dad briskly exchanged that cheek fur ani dash with Kit Carson over the.cris d ory,Impotenc sleapmeenese,oto :ennead a turn of cholera morbue,or maybe he'll say avoided the seats near me, and between my other were also only agents Ice the ttiandA p+ by Abuse or other Excoww; and India - Y Y prairies with the roaring fire demon in hot erationa, tv.oy qnto141v and seray,, he;had a lamp in his stomach and felt too coughing spells I could not but hear that action. In their daily ltiterooUlisewfiti the „ restore ioetvitauty is old orraang.aud miserable to move. The lump was probab- pursuit, or we shook our animal is Les- ata man for et they talked about my hopeless condition public they must make friend sad withi �z. bueIn¢ee or marttuma. and disfigured face. the faithful performance of 4 o a W ca," that stirring poem by Frank Dospres, Prevent Insanity and ooasutuption if ly two or three ten-minnte lunches con- g pe e9i and take refuge from file stampeded t" n trine. Theiruse ahows immediate m sed. Besides the horrible skin diseaec, she's they -very properly look for*twd fib ad= g peeled oa/Ole mentand effects a OIIRB where all other t2' 21 . beneath his poor body eiet upon having the genuine Ala: Tablets. They The man who "bolts" his lunch will find got consumption, and it's going to kill her wsur" r. in their chosen sarr, have oared thousands and will careron, We veapoo- hive written gusraatee to enact a ante !n Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pel lets the best friend Poor thing. It almost killed my sister, .The silver salver, iaowover, aanrlos 0 eaohoaseor ref,mdthe money. Pries + he ever met. rem a lady in an audible tone, to'her porter. It Is tho badgeof all hie tribes Ed paoka,ae; or sty pkmes (fail treatment) for $zea 1`y no companion across the aisle. m8 � �, mail, in lain wrn.�er� n rocelDtof rice. CircularSt. tionnindire gostiona heae of rtlbarn biliousness, any of he P Y �, Y be an as educated ba can Qitte {s rn� D ,.- 4 X R VDY CO., r'o ;�"' g y I shuddered as I heard m doom ro. as intelligentbaggage lea► the t rest of the night -mare breedings, that these pounced by careless lips,- and didn't have the conductor, but ba must keep his place, d at life is nos woitl> Elie r4ssg. 1fNa 0 d� Bold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson, little "Pellets" will not ours. They Dore enough hope left to pay more than a pass- and that place is at the bottom, and bib �'�al of �T bfsutle., the� druggists, ing notice to the name of the discovery color fixes It. He to an Amerimil oiti �f�Ce ad�weak, irtacHve s(ira f1K 8neya � ' permanently. Bend 31 cents in one -cent , which the lad said Lad saved her claret's and theoretical} ho on a�te' stamps to World's Dispensary Medical'As- Y y joys inalionabla Any V- It eared of Milaayweaktieu will sociation, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr, life. I bad met with so many disappoint- rights, among which are liberty and 06 teff you fbst when the Gads to ache, Pierre's 1008 page"Common Sense Medical menta that I almost -courted death, and it pursuit of bappifiess, but In his case libert McLEOD'S was a relief to et within the sheltering and the tirsuit of happiness be" Ultei �� r' Nether ante' nor Adviser," profusely illustrated. g g P se nor electrL-ky cm erre '341e System RENOVATOR walls of the 13anitarium, and hear the en. limits fixed rigidly lyy a de�imint--the � of Hie trouble 8t the vkin, fTeoit p couraging words of the proprietor and his sentiment of organized labor in the U ited i,,k, lxft•9hf ih��� attendants. States. The tray is tha badge of 44pre ggll. A Bad Slip. But all my hopes vanished when, after 138 philosophically keeps himself in hIJ In Von D AND OTIT10A 'TESTED REMEDIES One of our village young gentlemen took eight week's treatment, I was asked for the place and makes the best of it. (' him little slater with Lim while calling Lbe addressees of my relatives and friends, I -? 11 SPECIFIC AND 1�NTZ�OTIi other other evening at a home where he is knew then that these doctors also coneid- The cheat Canals of the �C o:Id. ' I had terrible pains lam Leak and my water s regular visitor. The little girl mads Ler- ered my ease hopeless. The mental agony The Suez canal is about 100 aloes 1n was thick and mt�ddy. r was all broken up For Impure, .Weak and Impoverished self quite at home and sbowed great fond- I endured brought my journey on the care length and oost $1 and in poor health noes for one of the young ladies, hugging back ;to me with vivid distinctness, and g ,000,000 per mils for fig Dr Hobbs SparagE Kiddnney. Pills cureds me Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- her heartily. "How very affectionate she suddenly the name of the "Discovery" construction. The Corinth ednai is 4 �fnlieb completely. Push the Bale of them hard, tion of the Hear}, Live_ Complaint, .Nen- „ Y , fn length th and there is nothing sal is L cost o in use of mo ice' fef said the lady of the house. 'Yes, so which the talkative passenger mentioned g completed, with its cep• g better. A. N. Qua n, Mich. g MB ry, Bronoh ie, Con - like bar brother," roe young g , preaches, $1,000,000 per Ile. Tho ro+ ss 7°lode 9k, Adrian, Hioh. enmpion, Gall Btol) g, Jaundice, Kidney lady unthinkingly, Paatterfamiliar looked as ringing saved Ler sister's life, began g per tulle I had suffered with',& lame Lads said was eon- and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dauae g y g' gin my ears. Somehow I could not posed Nicaragua canal will °set ,' fined to my bed for nearly *we weeks. I took Female irregularities and General Debility sternly over the top of his spectacles, the drive it from my mind, and by an almost with its terminals and approaches oertaip, not quite all of a box of r Hobbs' Sparagns young gentleman blushed, and the rest superhuman impulse I was impelled to ly not less and probably more Jhaa trio Kidney Pills and wag entirely cured, 1, `� sum named. The Canals of Suez and I8AAe MARE, 851$, Eleventh Bt, Sagivaw,MJ0% Laboratory, Goderich, Out. were ailont.-•Shortsville �Enterprlrw a atly send a note for a bottle of it, which _ -._ _ " I took according to directions. The first Corinth are real maritime canals, bull "-"- J. M. McLeod, More satisfactory. few days it had no apparent effect in m without looks upon the eea levo]. Theono, Dr. ' 7 pp y i�ebb Prop, and Manufacturer thin Mise l9ebanh (of Chicago} -90 you less case, except to relieve my cough somewhat that of CorIs situated in the temper, IL ff� Bold in Clinton by boarders, do gout and the soreness in my tangs. The seooad pre zone, whore the rAlnPwil Is tI7 or 41 J. H. COMBS and ALLEN &WILSON Mies Benoonbill (of Boston)-Nq IA- bottle gave me nitro strength, ani the Inches per annuin. � the othe,i, that of A � A s% Heed 1, We merely have a few remunerative eruption on my, face began to disappear. I Suez, is located in a region tNthout,ral l knew it was a Neither of tboge is threatened in its oouree 4) Iiidlley Pills guests. --Chicago News. against the rales of the Insti-S fution for patients to take any other medi- by streams liable to sudden and periloas r GAPALs By . The WOO' ox was originally a Celt% cines except those prescribed there, and I floods, so common in the tropical region of, A4GB111 & {di>(L$011i Ql'pg8I9tSS. B00611r. weapon. The ancient Irish carried taus called the chief phyoician to my room, ntral America Thoge'two Bradt vV,,rkd, NoRriff W the men of other nations oarrlDd ewoxda showed him thht I had left big own medi- afford no real parallel to the Nibiiragu i CLINTON, ONT j r cine untonched for weeks, told him that I Project, tthcr aetocost or fea6ib111Gjr: 'TLe --- had broken the rules and taken Lr Pierce's onwork ,parallel to this undertaking Is "�""(' — ) f �i j� "L',� G� LV e Nearly 1,000,000 telegrams pass tDrotiglt Golden Medical Discovery, which saved my v0 near, very like it, both ' In place ind -+ ..s L - �L' J S wthe�genalni postofl9oo a London Nets life after live different doctors had failed. circumstance; it is that of Che Panama Aly onigratitude is a matter of record, and I canal across the Isthmus of Darlen.-+Host Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being -11 David Tur ie in Iia ' complete, we aro prepared to offer, to the pub- ohee oaconsent to its publication as a P spar a Megesinw lic for spring planting a very choice lot of token to Dr Pierce and his Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry ' wonderful "Discovery," and in order that Authors and Pabllskozs, , } s and Peach trees, r, suitable other women may be recoiled from suffer. An American author who has mads ,i i, r prices. ]weirgreene a specialty. Ing and untimely death, I have renamed England bin home for some time past told i „µ r\ giving music lessons, and as you can see mo tbat he was bound to oonfess that he F Larqc etoek of small Fruits. f with your own eyes, added the young did so because his social position was ro 0la,: • t Choioe list of spring beddln Plante. § I Jody to the reporter, my skin is smooth much better there then in America. s, 't:! Price list maned on application. and clear, and my health is perfect. If I "HM," be said, "lam sought for fbr my s elehn Stewart Estate, ]Re>tia�fuer f 7 had not heard those two young ladies dis- own sake, tor what I have auoonrpliebed as onesing my ones in the oars, I would not be A wrltor turd not for what I havl,onrned. " hear to -day telling yon of my wonderful At home my publisher held a bett& asci I Elts's�i ,itl . recovery. Mq, eating that conversation position than I, not because hawse an r 1'T1 YeHILLOPy MUTUAL FIRE proved a fortune to me. more desirable personally, but because he I�` INSURANCE Cels The abovo case reported by the Co mer. was a man of wealto and could entertain pial, is by no means an exceptional one. more lavishly than I could. Not that there N 8'AR11i ac iSOLATTflD TOWN PROP1lItTY A v4ptablo rimlodj for dissa 0! Many thousands have given their volun- Is any objection to publishers, but I like a a ""''° °°' "' ONLY INSURED + tary, written testimony in support of the country where there is no objectloix b0 TOR ,% ilio be",, the dilly berdens of J atiflits� from i}i�lord�red Lzrof, Sto- wonderful curative and new life giving authors. Critio. life. It Taft flask's weak --D ' g g 41te1 a ias Sal wet President OFFICERS. P. 0,; S. B, mach or Bowels, such as $CadAChC, powers of Dr Pieroe'a Golden Medical Die- Pills wil�.etsen then it. ll fi tlMine aaQ �, oovery. Many of these have asked that sohes-Dosa'r l due Yi11r wili'oatvi No 10L°an' i ippon P. B., Vloo-Pros.• w. J $i1i0118neSS, COnstlpAtiog, Coate The supposed y Shannon, Sao .-Treace seafotth P.O.; `hos. E, their experiences be m'ado ublic for the Brava of (Eq is virlted bT ,e*porlment Tm iski0 D 'e =irl11*y Pills. Hays, Soafart P.O., 7nepootor of Looses. Q�e, Bad Bregith, Peeft UZ P over 40,000 pilgrims in each year. It }'s to o!!O TOn benefit of other sufferers, xhe}j` stilted hafidrt I et weiil,'ie81Elibibles nrxiEvrons be seen at Jiddah, in a eeibetory outaido los W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John' 0 -Grieve, If, as it eomo i meg happens appcat in long nog• the cit Q before etlfer kidney pill$ Nero (litosttkt.d iunrnor, Distress >tftel Eating etc. y walls, The tomb ie 1t0' cubits long Winthrop P, O.; George Dale. t3ealorth; Thoa, ►Doted and sorioualy-;ompliaated cases, the and 12 wide. The Arabs ontorWn a belief of. " I E. Hays; 8t� aforth; Jag, Evan Beechwood F. iilftd, t7LAPA Howl, Moncton, N.B. sa ae cure afforded by this great Diaoover AN JAMA I1b11', 1IIi11ovU10, Ont., iinifereod O.; Thoa. Garbutt„ Clinton,� homes Frason `' q doesn't promptly, , l, that Evo was the tallnrt woman that aver for nine Bruooflold; John B, McLean, ,Rippon. i "IGild "I aped mania -Liver Pills for Headaches pr p y follow, Dr 1?' intoe will lived. seers t►ith tfirrlble pa►3n in the . hounTg j1 . And Liver Trouble, and they not only re- upon beingadviapd by letter, send; free of • be,ok, tlidumailb pilind, tend • nine in the , .. �. P l3obeltSm.th,liailoclt Jiid ioo,HClmos- ahar e g bladdei:,; He .ipant ' 0900 doctorin , but of tdllo• Rdbt. MbMlllan ' .. • Tleved me btit oared fold. • +slip da tial d ; uohtraightforwnrd, rofeaslon- Tbo Patioan at Home la the lar set al g got y tiento ,t James Corn• g P is clad 1 " ri tl I v oo ag .Tit e y a oken will on tl lreli'd p Ilnd are is yy able an p , D hi m v t a � fib faire sttffD two h ! ash m due 1 dud i o J'bys 1 y, Torg from that has ever been ereolod, in length Morri fir au ' n filo on bek rind John a Pi la ha Icing, •� ' iii vn Il' ?%K bs " e3'` ei Iliac I li dttara +h gesso a o0 l6tei r o , t Cl Vb de M ou e Iia described, � him ni x, ed, tl bare It to 1,000 #cob and ial broadth.1,006' flier.. p ., , ba shed ,tLe hick 1'ttrtiea doatrcua to elladt InR rtilsooa or riitipr ' p�a •l cad bI 19d Dl*ltggi ttAt fa$ Sii6C'li, tholriaely e -at tiailro leltg`antl I b . t pltiatl,.axd all.tbe otbet': alub and 01x6 - i it . Yt 1?a sxleadXq bon ains,l,4 9 rooznd; l e nbtotho> lsueinartserlll be rots fly atwo od til w Nr �i'itwl pTh foT► # + Alxd pe malleutly. _ � a ron tp airs ai tnE bows at�l rd - 1 �; 1.f .° tlisirc Ity calve tie oe ,,:: �a ; .. > _lV �:lt,ia �l.ve�/''s ice:_ * . .; : • _ . ..." _ .._ . _ _ _. _ . ` —'e :...^.0 ,.- -A" .,.S�a.s• .... ', .a&., • .F::3 :.,r,...... __ •t ,'-1 r . . Ptroll 12r, IsaO , BUTCH,,U4I3HQ,VI$ ' HOGS WANTM ' Any quantity of fat bogs wanted four, shipping purposes, for whieb the h.iglr- eat market prices will be paid, Pa,rtle, # having hogs to sell will oblige by IOgr-�'. ing word at the shop. , R. Fitzsimons, Clintol.k. CENTRAL BUTCHER $0IOP - FORD a'@; lalU11tPiEV We are doing business on the cash prinohr ple, and will supply out vustomere witch, the best meats at the lowest paying prioe4 - 1 FORD d, MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. �' Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for - hipping purposes, for which the highest , market prices will be paid. Parties having hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at the shop. Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton. el NEW BUTCHER SHOD Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre- , a miser recently erected especially for. thiet`--*-,,' Peep on hand and deliver prposite Fair's o ptly where nto sit karts of the town. Fresh Meat of all kinds. A sharo of Public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTODI FLOUR AND FEED-BTOR ES. �COOIK'S Flour ' & Feed More BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF.ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for i bushel of Oats. ° D. COOK, CLINTON. DUNCIN'S FLOUR & FEED Store (1ste'Hill & Joyner) Opposite Market, Clinton Flo u Oats, Peng, ,_. and r at War. F. R esaed, S exchange. )ought and sold. Interest allowed ou de. ooaita. SAvrNos BANE- Interest allowed on: - ;ams of $1 and up. Money advanced to 'armors on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required • R. 0. hApmEIt, Manager, 01baton G. D, MCI AGGART. BANKER 11, ALBERT ST., - CLINTON. A general Banking Business �1.' transacted. NQTgf$ PISCOUNTEA Drafts sailed, Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, .. -___14 CLINTON, ONT, Advaaces`,msde to farmers on their owls noted at low rates of interest. S general Baltiking Business traneaota ,. 1"o Interest l ed on deposits. Bale Not'" MD"L'N" ht J. P. TI!tv— �`' iblon SEWING 14CRINE De ,, Huron Street. f"' We have just received another lot of N*'* Home and Dominion Ssprifig R, 'opined ':i caner is an, exceptionally g= ' " and hac g%von good satiefaotidn to ' Needles and all kinds of]Repalr kept on hand Mschines mold on monthly psyments. 914 on me or write for prioes and ternxe 4 an. 1898 WM. M'OO"J For Twenty-seven Yea' ' '� • D UNI I I-. I I 1, 0" , , , . -1 11 � � AX �'� , I 1, 1�� I I 0 11 '.. II � 11 , : . I.... I .. ..rti' , 11 -11. I I i+t+r�+, r1M t '�11 , ,,k..�J .,t "WoF rw"`� W—. , I � 1; � , ., - ., 1 6 '*. .it k ': The Second Time 11 14r,0h•R, Bolton, in the Independent.) T140 $on, John Crawford had a prominent man in hie co Ida lead begun life in poo ad learned economy early, a .,fOrtunately had married a girl wi ` 'taatss and had similar to his ow 0 Both desired to rise in the world, a $be, forgetting herself, bent all her e I ", •ergies towards his progress and a �' , 1 'cess. She did her own housework f years, made her own clothes and tho of her children, and in every way sa •ed that John might be rich and inS ept,a,. Her history was like that 11 I thousands of other New England w w men -she wore herself out for her fa RT. She never had time for loci 11 life, and not a great amount of ti 'for reading, though she kept up ,well as possible with the thought 'the day; but her on aim was to ha deer husband honored. .John Crawford was a good husban though not always considerate. thougght nobody quite so good an Axel ful as Betsey, nobody cooked well, nobody was more saving, and was proud to rise by her help. He fai ed sometimes to consider how large matter that help had been to him i his life. If he had been asked wh Trade his money he would have r �+•• _ 'plied without hesitation, "I made it. That Betsey was entitled to half, o even a third, would never have occur L, .red to him. He provided for her an the children all they seemed to nee He was head of the family, and th 11 Z He had made him somewha selfish and domineering. '; As the children grew older, and. Mr t Crawford looked out into the futur and realized the possibility of leavin the world before her husband, sb thought much of their condition u t , $er a changed home. Mr Crawfor -would mitrry again, probably, and he �: •children might have little or none o the property which they together ha struggled to earn. 1 One evening she said, as they sat be � � fore the open fire, the children havin I%:_ r one to bed: "John, it seems to ro `r Zings are unequal in the world. You ''i I... 1, and I have worked bard, and I hav been proud to have you succeed. W 1( , , sboth love the children, and want every ';tbing done for them, what if I shoul �{1. -die, and you should marry again an v, •,, have other children?" "Why, Betsey, you den't think 1, > could forget our own precious children No second wife could or would influ '.".. •ence me against my children. You ;',.'5 .:. and I have worked together, and ' should feel dishonorable to leave them ' :"` helpless and care for others. You fit,;•° must think me a villain." -1 I., "Oh, no, John; but I have seen case }' .', like that. Only the other day. the Re ,Cornelius Jonesl married a young ;'` ,, wife and gave her all his propertyy, leaving nothing to his three daugh- i tars. Now, if a minister would d i j that, what should we expect from Others ?' "There must have been peculiar cir- c , „'-cumstances. He could not have been f in his right mind." Bras ,,'�, "You know, John, if you were to h, i;. --lie, I should receive a third of what I bwiso helped you earn, and the rest wouldl o to the children; while if 1 I were to die, nothing would go to the -children. I should like to have at lepet the third, which the law consid- 11 ' mi a toI{q to them at my death. as i' ,does in �cauntries in the Old World, where a man cannot marry a -second time till he has settled a por- ,'• , tion on his first c4ildren." "But that would be a great incon- venience," replied Mr Crawford. "A -man has money in business, and to take out a third if his wife dies might 1 ,sadly embarrass him. Or even the F'' , the use of a third set apart for them, mi ht cripple him." `' atter that there be a little incon- rl'111''�:,�, " ,' venicc��ace than a wrong done to child- ren,"said Mrs Crawford. "The hus- band may lose every cent of what the wife bt;�s struggled and saved all her s life'0'­ ",elf accumulate. Marriage is a lxartn6 hip, and, like other partner- ships; , an suffer some change, and l� iiicon lance it may be, if one of the liartner dies. There must. neceasar- t� sly, be a ittew adjustment of interests." t" 's ,'•Butthsy law allows you to make a Will and giveaway your property, my ?'r dear, just a@ it does rne." "'` -Yes *h I have inherited before'or ' since my m riage; but I have luherit- ed none, an ou have .not. We have ade outs to ther, and you have of- ten said,tha,t xx u owe as much to my I. , skill and econO y as to your foresight •rind ability." . ! 5, "And so i do, , is true; but the law )r„•; makes no provisi n about our common to err .' ; ,,; p . But make it rself, then, John, if §,'- , - the law does nos ke a will. so that c of m d , 3n c e two daughters here hal'rl�aVfeaef a third of all you worth at that time, or, if you prefer, put a third, I might feel that it ought to be a half -in my name, or perhaps ' the dome; and let that go to our daugghters." "]But if I put the house in your ' name, so that in case of losses Some- thing would be saved from the credi- t tors, -1 should want it willed back to t ; ` the at `your death, so that I could Mill have a home and do as I liked tI . with it." .• "And then nothing would go to the .Children at my death? That is not lair, John„ and" I have worked too • hard -and long to be willing." "Well, Betsey, you can trust me to Jo the right thing. I will think it ,over" .right kissed her as they closed , ills 6t• altogether satisfactory conver- , 'sdtiof{; `ti ,., - At vra�s,to be expected, Betsey Craw- Jord brolte• down with the wear and teat,,6f life; and died, leaving her two ,jsughtere the care of a fon and tin- ;rgetterousfather. The lose was a great one to John Crawford. She had been bis coliipetent adviser, with tact and cod sense to keep matters right.1 She ' s'a irled;'more than he ever suspect- - ,ed, n odrued her sinaalely. as did ih6r i_ .,, d d{rtr ., a `�"'" t married Ott O,U younger }le t7I100Yhe same T afid not over - y" ti. When her son air became desirous that ver ge should be placed be- &O1i tit he might attain to honor '� A ORIA it1 THE OLINTO,N NEW ERA. W -- --- and wealth. She convinced Mr Craw- '�'� .••--------,•A SKEIN Ui• ovum...:-•�-.�,,,,ja; . CA{.LED "BAILEY'S MISTAKE.n ..I ' ' ford, e o thousand nameless wage, Heart tam Aolding her wool in an attituoe quaint, '"""— be. that the boy would need most of the Spasms prem We" Is, Haase with 0 Name That property for business, to marry well, ,wlust lake a wooden aimed, stained stmt Window saint• t4 Be Changed. and to carry down the family name. She Is sitting.at ease to a negligent poes, The pomtoflice department flag on n.ylnpr- m' The girls would doubtless marry and RA, AgpEW'g gUgE FQR �� HEART' An charming and fresh as the dew on a roes, one occasions ineiswd ott_ \ohanQang the be well provided for by their husbands. She thanks me for helping her out of her tangle names of offices oven wh . the vetiver red She talked with Kr Crawford about A WONDERFUL LIFE -SANER. And calls me "Be kind" ,K th when I say I don't mind. had no desire for such obangges and protest - the uncertainty of life, and, with tact, No organ in the human agatomy today Why, to please her I vow I'wonld nave ata ed against them. If the washington people n• urget that other things besides a spir- whose diseases can ice more rowdily detect. mangle are so fond of choosing apprApfilate names, nd itual preparation for death were ne- ad than those of the heart -and medical they should devote their attention ameexoIn, n- caveats. Aman should think of the discovery has nada them amenable to Young Cupid, no doubt, In amieohievone vain, eively to those towns whose Inhabitants an younger members of his family who proper troatmant u you have palpitation is weaving a snare from that innocent skein, desire relief. Such places are surely to be Or would be left comparatively hel less. or fluttering. shortness of breath, weak or For who could be blind to those dimples divtna sePeoplep r p, found. There Ie one, for example, up in said that the strong-willed irregular pules, sw¢IIInR of feet or ankles, Those eyes that so roguishly glance rep at m1nAf v- g the far eastern corner of Mains It now John Crawford had become very much satin � the left old*, fainting "Polls. drops!- I am longing with toverlike kisser to smother u- oaf tenatenoy, a of these indioato heart That sweet little face, rejoices In the name of Bailey's Mistake. older under the sway of his younger any Of dtrea$o, No mattrr of how Ion But I know it's a case A Dentary ago it sena called "Skunk's 43, wife; that be had grown less dominant, Dr. A g standing Of a flirt at one end and a tool at the otberl Misery." Later the terms "Puduoh," more appreciative, and more thought- gn ear spe iflo—a Hart will caro— Golden Penny. "Hardscrabble," "Mink Hole" and SICK REA BACHE m- ful of her needs and wishes. He idol- sur a heart epeciAo-sots quickly -sora • "Suokerville" were a al nasals -act$ safely. applied in turn and ized his eon, but rs seemed no dearer FOIBLES OF GREAT MEN. then dropped because they didn't begin to F'osltiiv'ely owed by geese me "I war given up to din b pl:yeipians g as than the daughters of Betsey. H8 was and traelade One dome of yiis. ♦raevYt. convey the prevailing Idea. There was a j�sn of amore expensive child, for he needed Cure for the Neart gave m'eease, and Napoleons Fondness For whit• Trotuers. new name every year for a quarter of a all sorts of pla things, the best school- six bottles cured my else at fltM �•a A Famous Jurist's weaknasr, century or so, and the nominee sena read They alio mlleve Distress from hav y ycare' etanddln�s." Airs J.L H1fLT,ItR, y Dyspepsia, ing, the best clothes, and a somewhat whitewaodI J!l.w.T. 111 The weakness of a great man Is often for more when Bailey came along and abut indigestion and Too Hear Eating.A lar a amount of spending moue It that feature which contains the most i m' - d, g i J Y• Guarantee• relief a0 mtnut•.., n off further debate. fisc! D4—fess, Nausea, Drowsf. He was evident that John Crawford, jr,, terest for the student of human E*ture. It Bailey's Mistake was named for Sam t� Dad Taste in the M d would require more money than his may be of interest to know that Iiayyoleon Bailey, a coasting trader.wlio used to sail oath, Coated Tongue half-sisters. Bold by Watts & Co, sot aside $4 000 a U Pain i:i the Side, TORPID LIVER. so L , year for dress. nfor- into Lubec harbor as often as once a month, They he In course of time, Mr Crawford, hav- tunately he bad a weakness for white the "mistake" part being added at the Regulate tlm Bowe" Purely Vegetable., I ing served a term in Congress, through breeches, and often while wholly absorbed time of Balley's last voyage, so that future f3ryt Small a good ability and the discreet use of HER FORTUNE; in state affairs he would spill ink or coffee navigators and geographers would know s . money in organizing his forces, and on those delicate trousers, which he would whose mistake it was: There are two sea- emtm Prices o° having done well for his constituency, hasten to change upon discovering the terways that lead up to Lubec from the Substitution followed Betsey to the other world. An 0hi0 Girl tells hour She spots. This circumstance cost the blame. Atlantic ocean, one a wide and navigable „ To the surprise of all, save the second Found it. less but timid Comte de Remueat his place ship channel and the other a wide and the fwmd of the dee Mie Crawford, the property was lett e- as master of the robes. The emperor robky shoal that affords excellent pastur- r her and her son, with the merest te- - spoiled his clothes so frequently that the age for flounders and other fish of small �} + d mrs of hard-working to the unmarried dough- Imperial tailor was constantly receiving draft. About ten See you Carter tars of hard-working Betsey Crawford. OVERHEARD IN THE cent. P y g years ago Bailey was S"' d. fresh orders, and $4,000 became InsuiB- beating his sloop up to the Lubec anchor- ` I wouldn't have thought . said a -- Ask for Carter's, at slant to moat the bills The master of age and took the wrong way. He knew all prominent ladyin the church. "Why, t John Crawford was a deacon, and pro- Some women, says the Daily Cummer- robes was foolishly afraid to mention the about the shoal water and the rooks and Khri to live according c right and alai, have found a fortune in their faces, subject to Napoleon and continued to siva had become so familiar with the course e unsatisfactory replies to the lnsilstent tai• that he paid rio heed, presumipg that his I�-&t and demand justice t There most have been undue while others have found a fortune in their e fi ler, who became pressing In his demands, sloop could find her way without help. influence. His first wife worked like a figures. But more interesting and profit- At length, becoming exasperated, the tai• There to where the "mistake" came In, �-�•'S Liffl g slave to help earn that money, I never able than the eaperieuoe of these, is that of g g P e Liver19• e for took the bold step of Dompleining bo for trusting too much bo the intelligence of supposed a man would be unfair to his the Ohio girl who actually found a fortune n children. in her ear. Napoleon, who learned with aatoairhmenl his sloop the craft went aground on the d ,. and anger that be owed his tailor 08,000. rooks and was chewed Into toothpicks be- CLINTON MARBLE WORHS. You never can tell what folk- will The young lady has been a resident of t He paid the bill and at the same time die• fore morning. __ f do," said another church member, the Buckeye State for fiftQen years. Her g thing Bailey COOPER'S LD STAND, ., missed the frightened Comte de R•ng an Asn crew over caw rolthat o! Bail d Youth and tact are great forces in present Lome is in Cincinnati, where she "I hope," said the emperor, smiling and or his crew 16 is Inferred tLat the fishes the world. John Crawford never is one of the most successful musicians ani), Next to Commercial hotel. meant to be unjust, but he couldn't voice trainers in the entire west. Her crowning at the some time "that his newly took what there was lett r them otter the help it. A third of that property personal attractiveness and unusual viva- appointed master of robes, that you will waves had dons their work. From that This kiishment is in full op oration and a g ought to Lave gone to those daughters. oioue temperament has, combined with her nod expose me to the disgrace of being date the term "Bailey's Mistake" sena et order filled in the most satiefactor seep come e accomplishments, dunned for the breeches I am wevAn ." taohed to this reach of water and the land b granite work a specialty. 1?ricer n Why didn't his wife make him fix it p iahmente, gained for her an enol- g sonable as those otany establishment u before she died?" able social position. To look at her bright, The famous judge, Lord Kenyon, had a on both sides of It, and now the coast sur- e "Maybe she tried, who knows?" said rosy, girlish face, one would suppose that weakness for ini}iscriminately passing the vey charts have recognized the claims, go 8 ALE & HOOVER, Clinton e the person addressed. "If the law don't her life had been one of perpetual sunshine, sentence of death upon the victims of law that Bailey's Mistake has become a goo- - make him do his duty, how could you and that she had never known a momenta brought before him. This peculiar weak. graphical fixture. -Troy Times. d expect his conscience to do it? We unhappiness. No one would for an instant ness took its form in terrorizing the do- 'P"°•"_^t The old Clinton PI�AIuING MILL unha In d need some new laws about the proper- surmise that this same girl had for nearly fendants and afterward invariably modify - I ty which men and women earn togeth- two years been the victim of a tormentor ing the decree. He passed the torrible sen. ---• er.", that had came near blasting her life and tense of death upon a young womalt who _ H. STEVENS, Proprietor ? _ Mr Crawford's injustice resulted in robbing her of her reason. Her lite pre• bad been found guilty of theft, but inti- The Fleet Horse In Poeft76 -'- mated that he meant to recommend hot to The old original Contractor and Builder, the early death of one daughter, and seats one of those oases where present F. S. Dellenban h has an artiole anti- who has made Clinton his borne for forty u left bitter memories of her father in al pearances fail to give an insight into past mercy. The young woman only board the filed "The Quick Horse" in SL Nicholas ears is still in business with s modern I the heart of the other. experienoea. formula of the sentence and fainted. to� It tells of the trained horses that la such Y ' It was during an' entertainment at the Benyon, evidently much agitated, call play up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill u College of Music in which she took art out: "I don't mean to bang soul Mi'fli no a prominent part in the modern fire de- all orders of whatever description, on short A 80ON TO CYCLISTS. g P one tell her that i don't moan to Dan partment. Air. Dellonbaugh says: notice and the lowest terms; first -clans s A bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil should that she contracted what she then thought one g Mankind loves the borne, for the bores workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS Rev be in Query cyclist's kit, as it is the most was a slight cold. I took no notice of it at has been one of man's most valuable aide for buildings taken, an_ •1i'Einde of build - effective said the young lady recently, to a The number of celebrated seen who and companions effective remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Creta stand cone icuous In human foibles and in all countries and In all ins material fnrni as desired. Commercial reporter, but in about week P Stiff Joints, Contraction of the Muscles, P weaknesses to large, and often it is amore ages. But there are ed preferences among small red spots appeared on my fade and g r� horses. ' So y Fd'EI(R7 BTEVENB Cramps in the lege, ata. rye are prized for their stead o so disfigured me that I lost my pupils, one the great minds that selHebnees van1L7 working qualities -their ability to draw Williaut'$ty"eet, Clinton fmmedititel by one. Their mothers, fearing contagion, and unreasonableness are found to hold Y T. GotTatt, Post master at Orillia, at- did not want them to come in contact with the most unchecked sway. -Detroit ll`reil Leavy loads. From time immemorial the `. - Lehind�l;e Park. tempted to commit suicide by slung- me. A nervone, rackingcough robbed me Pr°gs. gualityof'speed has thrilled bumanityand R . 1 found an echo in many a stirring poem. Iffill' 8TA1h7r,1► ing a hunting knife into his neck. of sleep and appetite, and cash of four dip- "How they Brought the Good News from, physicians who were called in he Badge of Deference General Booth disappointed a large P y gave , Ghent to Ala" makes the blood tingle In The undersigned is Prepared sian tog all dexo gathering of Salvationists at Winni- a different opinion as to what my trouble Perlia be used it from choice It mpj one's finger tips, ° stem nor Mats Persian Ruga and art} e h his non -arrival having missed was. Eczema, blood poisoning, lure have been the rule of the company that h g Ps, and kissed follow brave red- a es of lite nature. Work done proHPpN'y and peg y + g g land across the dawn kissed Belgian land- a reaeonabl¢rate�. YRS A,WORTHIN(I7.ON the train connections at Grand Forks. trouble and a complication of disorders should use it. However that t r lie, soape with swift anxiety. When Browning Ton Street. were among the results of their diagnoses. could not do otherwise, says John 8, f}U tells us Low "Mule " Sir Oliver Mowat, while on his wiry M suffering was intense and I began Lam in The Atlantic, than remark the faei ykeh'e master, rather from Government House to the Can- y g g than win back bis beautiful favorite b AGENTS. adian Royal Academy exhibition, Tor- toasting away to a mere shadow. Dread- t� he porter deferentially held out a till defeating her In the pursuits shouts to the "Glimpses of the Unseen" Faecinating onto, on al Academy da had his pocket ing the solicitude and sympathy which 1 y to receive the chair checks I!= fleeing thief telling him how to call forth Sweeps the entire field of borderland subi cts Wednesday, 1) could plainly read on the faces of my passengers. It was the nicest not of dig- her highest speed, our hearts go out to Everybody orders, Marvellous illustrations picked or lost his puree and a fat roll of .friends, I secretly changed my 'boarding crimination I had over observed in rho hila in sympathy as Lis et steed in come- Pros eotns $1.W. BRADLEY-GARRETSON bills. place. When they found my new place [ workday world. I was on a train between v P COAf�'ANX; LiuizBn, Toronto decided b the advice of two physicians, New York and Boston. The queries vanishes forever from his fond A card on outside of office door says - y P y P°ri� a'n� eight. "Sheridan's Ride" wakes usup till "Gone to lunch. Back in 10 minutes." to go to a private Sanitarium in Indiana. only an agent in a business tvaftsaotlon of the thunder of hoops to mingled with the My journey in the oars, continued the a corporation, but the agent tit the etatdon And the man will be there on time. That rattle of musketry and the shoat of the %� �p/p is, for some days, weeks or even moothe,he young lady, was a terrible ordeal, for aside who had thrown out the chock with Ira$1• rallying troops as the gallant commander MADE ME A MAN from my physical suffering, I saw that, sesslike deftness and the condaeter vrhd AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUR$ will, Then he will be at home occasionally spurn on to the front. In other ballads we ALLNerrone Diascuee Failing Meer for a day. He'll tell you he had a headsol-e, although I wore a veil, the passengers Dad briskly exchanged that cheek fur ani dash with Kit Carson over the.cris d ory,Impotenc sleapmeenese,oto :ennead a turn of cholera morbue,or maybe he'll say avoided the seats near me, and between my other were also only agents Ice the ttiandA p+ by Abuse or other Excoww; and India - Y Y prairies with the roaring fire demon in hot erationa, tv.oy qnto141v and seray,, he;had a lamp in his stomach and felt too coughing spells I could not but hear that action. In their daily ltiterooUlisewfiti the „ restore ioetvitauty is old orraang.aud miserable to move. The lump was probab- pursuit, or we shook our animal is Les- ata man for et they talked about my hopeless condition public they must make friend sad withi �z. bueIn¢ee or marttuma. and disfigured face. the faithful performance of 4 o a W ca," that stirring poem by Frank Dospres, Prevent Insanity and ooasutuption if ly two or three ten-minnte lunches con- g pe e9i and take refuge from file stampeded t" n trine. Theiruse ahows immediate m sed. Besides the horrible skin diseaec, she's they -very properly look for*twd fib ad= g peeled oa/Ole mentand effects a OIIRB where all other t2' 21 . beneath his poor body eiet upon having the genuine Ala: Tablets. They The man who "bolts" his lunch will find got consumption, and it's going to kill her wsur" r. in their chosen sarr, have oared thousands and will careron, We veapoo- hive written gusraatee to enact a ante !n Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pel lets the best friend Poor thing. It almost killed my sister, .The silver salver, iaowover, aanrlos 0 eaohoaseor ref,mdthe money. Pries + he ever met. rem a lady in an audible tone, to'her porter. It Is tho badgeof all hie tribes Ed paoka,ae; or sty pkmes (fail treatment) for $zea 1`y no companion across the aisle. m8 � �, mail, in lain wrn.�er� n rocelDtof rice. CircularSt. tionnindire gostiona heae of rtlbarn biliousness, any of he P Y �, Y be an as educated ba can Qitte {s rn� D ,.- 4 X R VDY CO., r'o ;�"' g y I shuddered as I heard m doom ro. as intelligentbaggage lea► the t rest of the night -mare breedings, that these pounced by careless lips,- and didn't have the conductor, but ba must keep his place, d at life is nos woitl> Elie r4ssg. 1fNa 0 d� Bold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson, little "Pellets" will not ours. They Dore enough hope left to pay more than a pass- and that place is at the bottom, and bib �'�al of �T bfsutle., the� druggists, ing notice to the name of the discovery color fixes It. He to an Amerimil oiti �f�Ce ad�weak, irtacHve s(ira f1K 8neya � ' permanently. Bend 31 cents in one -cent , which the lad said Lad saved her claret's and theoretical} ho on a�te' stamps to World's Dispensary Medical'As- Y y joys inalionabla Any V- It eared of Milaayweaktieu will sociation, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr, life. I bad met with so many disappoint- rights, among which are liberty and 06 teff you fbst when the Gads to ache, Pierre's 1008 page"Common Sense Medical menta that I almost -courted death, and it pursuit of bappifiess, but In his case libert McLEOD'S was a relief to et within the sheltering and the tirsuit of happiness be" Ultei �� r' Nether ante' nor Adviser," profusely illustrated. g g P se nor electrL-ky cm erre '341e System RENOVATOR walls of the 13anitarium, and hear the en. limits fixed rigidly lyy a de�imint--the � of Hie trouble 8t the vkin, fTeoit p couraging words of the proprietor and his sentiment of organized labor in the U ited i,,k, lxft•9hf ih��� attendants. States. The tray is tha badge of 44pre ggll. A Bad Slip. But all my hopes vanished when, after 138 philosophically keeps himself in hIJ In Von D AND OTIT10A 'TESTED REMEDIES One of our village young gentlemen took eight week's treatment, I was asked for the place and makes the best of it. (' him little slater with Lim while calling Lbe addressees of my relatives and friends, I -? 11 SPECIFIC AND 1�NTZ�OTIi other other evening at a home where he is knew then that these doctors also coneid- The cheat Canals of the �C o:Id. ' I had terrible pains lam Leak and my water s regular visitor. The little girl mads Ler- ered my ease hopeless. The mental agony The Suez canal is about 100 aloes 1n was thick and mt�ddy. r was all broken up For Impure, .Weak and Impoverished self quite at home and sbowed great fond- I endured brought my journey on the care length and oost $1 and in poor health noes for one of the young ladies, hugging back ;to me with vivid distinctness, and g ,000,000 per mils for fig Dr Hobbs SparagE Kiddnney. Pills cureds me Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- her heartily. "How very affectionate she suddenly the name of the "Discovery" construction. The Corinth ednai is 4 �fnlieb completely. Push the Bale of them hard, tion of the Hear}, Live_ Complaint, .Nen- „ Y , fn length th and there is nothing sal is L cost o in use of mo ice' fef said the lady of the house. 'Yes, so which the talkative passenger mentioned g completed, with its cep• g better. A. N. Qua n, Mich. g MB ry, Bronoh ie, Con - like bar brother," roe young g , preaches, $1,000,000 per Ile. Tho ro+ ss 7°lode 9k, Adrian, Hioh. enmpion, Gall Btol) g, Jaundice, Kidney lady unthinkingly, Paatterfamiliar looked as ringing saved Ler sister's life, began g per tulle I had suffered with',& lame Lads said was eon- and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dauae g y g' gin my ears. Somehow I could not posed Nicaragua canal will °set ,' fined to my bed for nearly *we weeks. I took Female irregularities and General Debility sternly over the top of his spectacles, the drive it from my mind, and by an almost with its terminals and approaches oertaip, not quite all of a box of r Hobbs' Sparagns young gentleman blushed, and the rest superhuman impulse I was impelled to ly not less and probably more Jhaa trio Kidney Pills and wag entirely cured, 1, `� sum named. The Canals of Suez and I8AAe MARE, 851$, Eleventh Bt, Sagivaw,MJ0% Laboratory, Goderich, Out. were ailont.-•Shortsville �Enterprlrw a atly send a note for a bottle of it, which _ -._ _ " I took according to directions. The first Corinth are real maritime canals, bull "-"- J. M. McLeod, More satisfactory. few days it had no apparent effect in m without looks upon the eea levo]. Theono, Dr. ' 7 pp y i�ebb Prop, and Manufacturer thin Mise l9ebanh (of Chicago} -90 you less case, except to relieve my cough somewhat that of CorIs situated in the temper, IL ff� Bold in Clinton by boarders, do gout and the soreness in my tangs. The seooad pre zone, whore the rAlnPwil Is tI7 or 41 J. H. COMBS and ALLEN &WILSON Mies Benoonbill (of Boston)-Nq IA- bottle gave me nitro strength, ani the Inches per annuin. � the othe,i, that of A � A s% Heed 1, We merely have a few remunerative eruption on my, face began to disappear. I Suez, is located in a region tNthout,ral l knew it was a Neither of tboge is threatened in its oouree 4) Iiidlley Pills guests. --Chicago News. against the rales of the Insti-S fution for patients to take any other medi- by streams liable to sudden and periloas r GAPALs By . The WOO' ox was originally a Celt% cines except those prescribed there, and I floods, so common in the tropical region of, A4GB111 & {di>(L$011i Ql'pg8I9tSS. B00611r. weapon. The ancient Irish carried taus called the chief phyoician to my room, ntral America Thoge'two Bradt vV,,rkd, NoRriff W the men of other nations oarrlDd ewoxda showed him thht I had left big own medi- afford no real parallel to the Nibiiragu i CLINTON, ONT j r cine untonched for weeks, told him that I Project, tthcr aetocost or fea6ib111Gjr: 'TLe --- had broken the rules and taken Lr Pierce's onwork ,parallel to this undertaking Is "�""(' — ) f �i j� "L',� G� LV e Nearly 1,000,000 telegrams pass tDrotiglt Golden Medical Discovery, which saved my v0 near, very like it, both ' In place ind -+ ..s L - �L' J S wthe�genalni postofl9oo a London Nets life after live different doctors had failed. circumstance; it is that of Che Panama Aly onigratitude is a matter of record, and I canal across the Isthmus of Darlen.-+Host Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being -11 David Tur ie in Iia ' complete, we aro prepared to offer, to the pub- ohee oaconsent to its publication as a P spar a Megesinw lic for spring planting a very choice lot of token to Dr Pierce and his Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry ' wonderful "Discovery," and in order that Authors and Pabllskozs, , } s and Peach trees, r, suitable other women may be recoiled from suffer. An American author who has mads ,i i, r prices. ]weirgreene a specialty. Ing and untimely death, I have renamed England bin home for some time past told i „µ r\ giving music lessons, and as you can see mo tbat he was bound to oonfess that he F Larqc etoek of small Fruits. f with your own eyes, added the young did so because his social position was ro 0la,: • t Choioe list of spring beddln Plante. § I Jody to the reporter, my skin is smooth much better there then in America. s, 't:! Price list maned on application. and clear, and my health is perfect. If I "HM," be said, "lam sought for fbr my s elehn Stewart Estate, ]Re>tia�fuer f 7 had not heard those two young ladies dis- own sake, tor what I have auoonrpliebed as onesing my ones in the oars, I would not be A wrltor turd not for what I havl,onrned. " hear to -day telling yon of my wonderful At home my publisher held a bett& asci I Elts's�i ,itl . recovery. Mq, eating that conversation position than I, not because hawse an r 1'T1 YeHILLOPy MUTUAL FIRE proved a fortune to me. more desirable personally, but because he I�` INSURANCE Cels The abovo case reported by the Co mer. was a man of wealto and could entertain pial, is by no means an exceptional one. more lavishly than I could. Not that there N 8'AR11i ac iSOLATTflD TOWN PROP1lItTY A v4ptablo rimlodj for dissa 0! Many thousands have given their volun- Is any objection to publishers, but I like a a ""''° °°' "' ONLY INSURED + tary, written testimony in support of the country where there is no objectloix b0 TOR ,% ilio be",, the dilly berdens of J atiflits� from i}i�lord�red Lzrof, Sto- wonderful curative and new life giving authors. Critio. life. It Taft flask's weak --D ' g g 41te1 a ias Sal wet President OFFICERS. P. 0,; S. B, mach or Bowels, such as $CadAChC, powers of Dr Pieroe'a Golden Medical Die- Pills wil�.etsen then it. ll fi tlMine aaQ �, oovery. Many of these have asked that sohes-Dosa'r l due Yi11r wili'oatvi No 10L°an' i ippon P. B., Vloo-Pros.• w. J $i1i0118neSS, COnstlpAtiog, Coate The supposed y Shannon, Sao .-Treace seafotth P.O.; `hos. E, their experiences be m'ado ublic for the Brava of (Eq is virlted bT ,e*porlment Tm iski0 D 'e =irl11*y Pills. Hays, Soafart P.O., 7nepootor of Looses. Q�e, Bad Bregith, Peeft UZ P over 40,000 pilgrims in each year. It }'s to o!!O TOn benefit of other sufferers, xhe}j` stilted hafidrt I et weiil,'ie81Elibibles nrxiEvrons be seen at Jiddah, in a eeibetory outaido los W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John' 0 -Grieve, If, as it eomo i meg happens appcat in long nog• the cit Q before etlfer kidney pill$ Nero (litosttkt.d iunrnor, Distress >tftel Eating etc. y walls, The tomb ie 1t0' cubits long Winthrop P, O.; George Dale. t3ealorth; Thoa, ►Doted and sorioualy-;ompliaated cases, the and 12 wide. The Arabs ontorWn a belief of. " I E. Hays; 8t� aforth; Jag, Evan Beechwood F. iilftd, t7LAPA Howl, Moncton, N.B. sa ae cure afforded by this great Diaoover AN JAMA I1b11', 1IIi11ovU10, Ont., iinifereod O.; Thoa. Garbutt„ Clinton,� homes Frason `' q doesn't promptly, , l, that Evo was the tallnrt woman that aver for nine Bruooflold; John B, McLean, ,Rippon. i "IGild "I aped mania -Liver Pills for Headaches pr p y follow, Dr 1?' intoe will lived. seers t►ith tfirrlble pa►3n in the . hounTg j1 . And Liver Trouble, and they not only re- upon beingadviapd by letter, send; free of • be,ok, tlidumailb pilind, tend • nine in the , .. �. P l3obeltSm.th,liailoclt Jiid ioo,HClmos- ahar e g bladdei:,; He .ipant ' 0900 doctorin , but of tdllo• Rdbt. MbMlllan ' .. • Tleved me btit oared fold. • +slip da tial d ; uohtraightforwnrd, rofeaslon- Tbo Patioan at Home la the lar set al g got y tiento ,t James Corn• g P is clad 1 " ri tl I v oo ag .Tit e y a oken will on tl lreli'd p Ilnd are is yy able an p , D hi m v t a � fib faire sttffD two h ! ash m due 1 dud i o J'bys 1 y, Torg from that has ever been ereolod, in length Morri fir au ' n filo on bek rind John a Pi la ha Icing, •� ' iii vn Il' ?%K bs " e3'` ei Iliac I li dttara +h gesso a o0 l6tei r o , t Cl Vb de M ou e Iia described, � him ni x, ed, tl bare It to 1,000 #cob and ial broadth.1,006' flier.. p ., , ba shed ,tLe hick 1'ttrtiea doatrcua to elladt InR rtilsooa or riitipr ' p�a •l cad bI 19d Dl*ltggi ttAt fa$ Sii6C'li, tholriaely e -at tiailro leltg`antl I b . t pltiatl,.axd all.tbe otbet': alub and 01x6 - i it . Yt 1?a sxleadXq bon ains,l,4 9 rooznd; l e nbtotho> lsueinartserlll be rots fly atwo od til w Nr �i'itwl pTh foT► # + Alxd pe malleutly. _ � a ron tp airs ai tnE bows at�l rd - 1 �; 1.f .° tlisirc Ity calve tie oe ,,:: �a ; .. > _lV �:lt,ia �l.ve�/''s ice:_ * . .; : • _ . ..." _ .._ . _ _ _. _ . ` —'e :...^.0 ,.- -A" .,.S�a.s• .... ', .a&., • .F::3 :.,r,...... __ •t ,'-1 r . . Ptroll 12r, IsaO , BUTCH,,U4I3HQ,VI$ ' HOGS WANTM ' Any quantity of fat bogs wanted four, shipping purposes, for whieb the h.iglr- eat market prices will be paid, Pa,rtle, # having hogs to sell will oblige by IOgr-�'. ing word at the shop. , R. Fitzsimons, Clintol.k. CENTRAL BUTCHER $0IOP - FORD a'@; lalU11tPiEV We are doing business on the cash prinohr ple, and will supply out vustomere witch, the best meats at the lowest paying prioe4 - 1 FORD d, MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. �' Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for - hipping purposes, for which the highest , market prices will be paid. Parties having hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at the shop. Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton. el NEW BUTCHER SHOD Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre- , a miser recently erected especially for. thiet`--*-,,' Peep on hand and deliver prposite Fair's o ptly where nto sit karts of the town. Fresh Meat of all kinds. A sharo of Public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTODI FLOUR AND FEED-BTOR ES. �COOIK'S Flour ' & Feed More BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF.ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for i bushel of Oats. ° D. COOK, CLINTON. DUNCIN'S FLOUR & FEED Store (1ste'Hill & Joyner) Opposite Market, Clinton Flo u Oats, Peng, ,_. and r at War. F. R esaed, S exchange. )ought and sold. Interest allowed ou de. ooaita. SAvrNos BANE- Interest allowed on: - ;ams of $1 and up. Money advanced to 'armors on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required • R. 0. hApmEIt, Manager, 01baton G. D, MCI AGGART. BANKER 11, ALBERT ST., - CLINTON. A general Banking Business �1.' transacted. NQTgf$ PISCOUNTEA Drafts sailed, Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, .. -___14 CLINTON, ONT, Advaaces`,msde to farmers on their owls noted at low rates of interest. S general Baltiking Business traneaota ,. 1"o Interest l ed on deposits. Bale Not'" MD"L'N" ht J. P. TI!tv— �`' iblon SEWING 14CRINE De ,, Huron Street. f"' We have just received another lot of N*'* Home and Dominion Ssprifig R, 'opined ':i caner is an, exceptionally g= ' " and hac g%von good satiefaotidn to ' Needles and all kinds of]Repalr kept on hand Mschines mold on monthly psyments. 914 on me or write for prioes and ternxe 4 an. 1898 WM. M'OO"J For Twenty-seven Yea' ' '� • D UNI I I-. I I 1, 0" , , , . -1 11 � � AX �'� , I 1, 1�� I I 0 11 '.. II � 11 , : . I.... I .. ..rti' , 11 -11. I I i+t+r�+, r1M t '�11 , ,,k..�J .,t