HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-25, Page 6March 23, 1,883
most Prisoners During the Winter Months.
Qufixwment in Badly Ventilated Rooms Has Helped- to Poison
the System and implant Seeds of Disease.
1ousands Have Lost in Strength and Weight and
are Broken in Health.
Pine's Celery Compound, the Best of All Spring Medicines,
Purifies the Blood, Restores Nerve Force
and Lost Strength.
Among the first good results that are ap-
perent from using Paine's Celery Compound
inthe early spring season is a perfect regu-
larity of the bowels, good appetite, Bound,
a,,hkaitl.•sleep, and good digestion.
;These benefits doming promptly with the
We of Paine's Celery Compound naturally
result in heath-bailding and the establish-
ment of a vigorous system that is capable of
resisting sickness and contagious diseases.
It should be remembered that spring
weakness, nervousness, despondency, lang-
nor and that "tired feeling" prove that the
matter in the nerves and spinal cord are not
getting sufficient nourishment.
Paine's Celery Compound will quickly
supply a nutriment for every tissue of the
body; the great medicine is prepared for
this purpose.
Paine's Celery Compound is the only
medicine in the world that has earned the
complete confidence of medical men and
the best people in every part of the civilized
The world-famous medioiue is the only
one that can meet the needs of all who arc
e been confined
salt and sick and who have w
in badly ventilated apartments during the
loug winter months. It quiokly expels
every trace of poison and disease, and gives
a flow of rich, pure blond that iusures per-
fect and true health.
It yon value your life, beware of substi-
tutes that are offered by some daulers.
Paine's Celery Compound is what you need
to cure you, take nothing else; it is a guar-
anteed spring life -giver and health -builder.
W.C.T U.
Hereditary Intemperance.
r;Owing to a certain peculiarity of the
ervous system impressions Left upon
it, .by using narcotics are transmitted
frons parent to child as truly as form,
feature, taste and disease are passed
fLom, one generation to another.
We may not be able to explain what
molecolar action takes place in the
body to insure the photographing of
.;had as well ad good good qualities on
ion the moral, mental and physical sen-
sitive.plates which receive these im-
"pressions and pass them from the born
, to::tie unborn, but it is a fact neverthe-
Iisea 1-ith forces itself on the thinking
hind with awful distinctiveness that
:even in this wcrld none of us die, but
;that- our vices as well as our virtues,
tour Weaknesses,ourdiseases,our unsub-
_ :ired passions, sins originating with
,ourselves, as well as evil tendencies
Overcome are- all the property of the
tions. The endencieq
that we subdue al s duedin the next
eneration, the o ces that we foster
ro liable to be festered in the next
sprrr111on.evil and all those who with the govern-
•%ii;'View of the facts that alcohol merit reeeiye the fruit of the poor
erte cost the United States directly drunkard's destruction.
tt:Odirectly in the last few years over Bound bythese claims imposed upon
O.ne'-billiondollars —$1,000,000,000 has him h heredity pP
y Y
tell us
sent 100 000
� 1
adds ed She po there is but one remedy,
tted en to the ourhouse,has commit removal of the cense ofyhis faallll the
ted 150,000 people into prisons and total abolition of the liquor traffic. But
l� `e workhouses, has made 200,000 widows q
,and 100,000 orphans besides helping to same sa3 you interfere with the liberty
.Fill our insane, asylums and swell the of the subject No rather as Sir Ben-
en -
of our• suicides—and in view of the
Struggles, the tortures, the despair of
the victims by the tens of thousands
Annually in almost every country un -
t 4.Qr the sun ?
The great and primary reason is that
�, IF isdesire has been transmitted from a
zrevious generation.
What else would make men and wo-
pa complacently on,while thous -
t ands of the' ellow-creatures are fore -;.-
ed to obey the dicta this destroy -
int agent and in turn are destroyed by
'I.heir very obedience.
1 If this passion did not exist any one
of_:the numerous arguments brought
against the uses of this evil together
ith personal observation would be
sufficient to convince the most skeptic -
that it is an enemy to all that is good
and true.
As long as the ranks of the drunk -
,rd are annually reinforced by the long
Army ;of drunkard's children and the
children of moderate drinkers, to say
;;ie. thing of those who cultivate a taste
ter fiery potion, so long will the de-
mand for the poison continue.
Until their fellow men who wield the
betrot;-and the legislators who make
iitilAws realize that they are dealing
vPilh inen who are morally, mentally
'and physically sick, what hope is there
for the unfortunate beings who are
ushered into this world bound with
these chains that are galling and irk -
seine to the extreme.
A. second reason for the continued
popularity of alcohol, even among
, t}ge„who do not partake of it them-
selves, is the er rone usidea d food that
isto ha
Ct` liservp1'.of energy
and e
trosnes;'` Science carefully and atyipar-
tialtyisttidied the action of al'cothliol on
the nuns ions structures and ftinetiotls
of the bt,dy, its effects on the mind,:ite
iG lotion to disease, cvilne, poverty .atid-
•Uutionstrated clearly 'that.it destroys
"Vital 'struc'tures, cause¢s;degeneration of
the body, weakens 'the reason, exalts
a►ritnal and emotional centres, giving
'theta there he predominance over the
reae4tiing'faeulties, is directly or indi-
rectly responsible for many cases of
epilepsy, insanity, gout, consumption
ma Other diseases.
, tOyfing the action of the alcohol
'ipn.,tlie system how can we expect those
'et�lddnlge indulge in it to have eith-
t e well-balanced reasoning facul-
ties necessary to decide what should
be done by such an agent or the will
tt7.citrry a right decision of the matter.
The moderate drinker used to be con-
sidered en example worthy of emula-
.`tion. In actions if not in words,he said
to'his More unfortunate brethren—
if,(.iehoaas a well balanced elan I can
take it or leave it alone. I never make
A beast of myself." But scientific and
niedical.skiill have kindly ,tided us ill
the last few years in tracing the physic-
tluoitted byl those moderatand 'moral e drinkers ns -
the easy deranged (trgazna of the gouty,
Tabetic and t•heamatie — the weakly
slauced,nervodlssystein oftliehyet :r•
ical, the epileptic and the choreic end-
ing, it may be, in dementia, paralysis
and insanity — the mania, a potu or
drink madness with his sudden and ir-
resistible craving. for alcohol, the mad-
ness accompanying the indulgence in
the same rrnd later the period of re-
morse, anguish and repentance which
is, in turn, followed by another relapse
and the dypsomania with his incessant
drink waving and ,such perversion of
his mental and moral faculties that he
is distinguished by a habitual disregard
for the truth—all these and many oth-
er evils follow in the wake, not only of
the habitual drunkard, but of the mod-
el ate drinker,
What use to tell such men as the last
two mentioned to exert their will pow- er Df the late Hun. C.5. Fraser.
er to overcome the evil whew certain '
centres in their brain are eoparalyzed I TOR1'URiNG SKIN DISEASES
that their proper balance of power is
lost. Keep you in misery during the day,
turb your rest at night. Tho burning,itch-
ing and smarting nearly drives -you wild.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures all skin dis-
eases; drives the poisons causing them out
intellect, the voter who by the power of the system, and makes the blood pure
use of the ballot might remove the and healthy.
stumbling block out of his way,thegov- Katie Ryder, Germania, Ont., says:—•
erument who licenses the sale of the Burdock Blood Bitters cured me of Salt
Rheum four dears ago, and I have had no
return of it since. I was so bad that I
could hardly sleep with the pain it gave me.
tea. G,� -66.110:6110101111WIMIZALL
The Toronto Evening Star says the
Government has determined. it is un-
derstood, 1 n make a• rigorous fight for
the two ridings at. Hamilton and Sprit
Ontario (in which Ministers Dryden
and Gibson were defeated) and both
will be protested If West Hamilton
cannot be opened, a place will be
found for Col. Gibson, probably East
Kent, where Mr ltobt.Ferguson has of-
fered to stop out for Mr Gibson. If Mr
Dryden duce-: not redeem South Oxford,
he will not consent to contest any oth-
er riding. Mr Harty will not be Com-
missioner of Public Works for long, al-
thb„ugh he :any hold his seat in the
House it ,7 1' ,n 50 ills successor will
be aer0.K.F r, ,c.iif13,nc:kvi le, broth -
If such commit murder in a fit of un-
conscions madness the blame is shared
by his ancestors who bequeathed to
frim both his appetite and his unstable
The Ontario .Government is cred-
ited with the intention of very gradu-
ally substituting district for county
jails, in accordance with a measure
adopted at time last session. The grad-
ual decrease in thb number of jails will
Jamin W. Richardson says: "It is the in time effect a very considerable say
liberty of the subject truly, but it is the ing to the provincial treasury.
misery of. the object."
Are such people free? Yes, free to
partake of that which causes them to
lose their reason,to commitarson,mur-
der, to .take up the residence in insane
asylums and prisons, and to leave
thousands of widows and orphans to
the mercy of the world. This surely
is glorious liberty. -
What pbysican would tx2at icliatient
as we treat those poor sick ones ?
The physician first diagnoses the
case, if there is a removable cause he
removes it, then sets to work to reme-
dy the mischief already done. Wh,
do we use so much common sense in
dealing with some subjects and so little
in dealing with others? What Would
we think of a doctor who said to his
patient, "You have bronchitis from
exposure Co a cold draft while your
body was overheated, but you must
overcome the cause of your disease,
continue sitting in the draught and
get your system accustomed to it and
overcome it like a man." If the re-
sult of such treatment were death to
the patient, the doctor would justly be
censured for causing his death. The
victims of this drink traffic have not
only physical ailments to contend with,
but the mental faculties are perverted
apd the moral nature dwrafed and we
say to these sick ones "be men, over-
come your weakness," while we our-
selves will not as much as lift our
hand tb cast the ballot in the proper
way torelieve the sufferers. Truly if
the ph aieian were Worthy of blame
in the'iormer case we are in the latter.
l ebttove the cause, begin to remedy
the damage already done; and in three
or four generations—if not in one or
tVve—you will have once more men
and women physically sound, Mental-
ly well-balanced and morally cabahle
of judging between good and evil, and
approximating as nearly as fallen hu-
manity can, the condition in which
they were left as they came fresh from
the hands of their Creator.
Victoria, B.C.
Provincial Road Inspector A. W.
Campbell has of late been receiving
satisfactory evidence of the thorough-
ness of his work in the form of numer-
ous letters from various pacts of the
province, stating that rdadt7 he had
built had stood the winter well and
were not deep in mud,as were the ordi-
nary roads.
If yon are troubled with Backache, Lame
or Weak Back, you will find Doan'e Kidney
Pills a remedy that will take out the pains
and aohes, and give your bank the needed
Just a grain of corn ! The principle up-
on which Putnam's Paiuloss Corn Extract-
or acts is entirely new. It removes` the
corn layer by layer,without any pain what-
ever. It never fails either. Give it a trial.
What s! Kan Van Dream In w Cat Wag
Lasting From 5t4U to 81e0.
Burton had sat his alarm olook for 5:80,
as he had soma writing to da and knew
that he oouldn.'t steal time for that pur.
pose at the office during the day. When
the alarm clanged, be awoke, Gab up In
bed, thought lazily for a moment and ut-
terly forgot his writing. It was 5:42 --for
he looked at the unwinking face of the
dial—when he settled back for an involun-
tary doze, one of those quick little nape
that overpower a man in the short hours
of the morning.
A few moments later he wits standing
in a small lnolosure surrounded by log
walla. A brown horse stamped beside
bin), and a woman, bearing a marvelous
resemblanoe in fade and voice to his wife,
was trying to toll him somothing. He
shook his head, disengaged his arm from
ber restraining band and tightened the
saddle girth upon the brown horse. On the
horso's back ho sprang,•the walls opened
and be aped out, while behind him name
streaming a tumultuous rout of horse and
foot soldiery in blue uniforms, whom he
had really failed to notice befgre, but who
evidently belonged to the walled inolosure.
The air was cool, bracing, delicious,
the skies bright blue. To right and left
rolling hills of considerable height were
drowned with underbrush and straggling
trees, while deeper woods extended to the
background. Ho noticed that the leaves
were resplendent in red and yellow, and
he realized that Ootobor was in all its
Somehow the ride must have been short.
There was a whirl of dust and a coach
not a stagecoach of
the west
whizzed by,,
but one of hose affairs with broad tires
and cushioned seats so much in vogue for
tallyho parties. He found himself, horse
and all, by the side of the log wall again,
and the coach passed inside. The next in-
stant he noticed a puff of white smoke up
on the hillside, about 1,000 foot away.
Then came other white puffs, and the
leaves flew in spots on either side of him.
Ho palled his men—called in a voice which
seemed to give no-sound—and there was
nu noise accompanying the white puflings
up there among the underbrush. His men
began to skulk behind trees and walls and
opened fire upon the places whence the
white clouds kept rolling.
A man in black ran out upon the hill-
side, emerging from a clump of brush.
There was a gonoral firing and the man
staggered. As he fell Burton noticed that
he had changed his costume in the mo-
ment of the fall and was now arrayed in a
blue gray uniform. He pinked himself up
and reeled back among the trees. There
was more firing, and Burton awoke.
Fully believing himself hours behind his
office time, ho looked at his clock. It reg-
istered 5:46. All the events of the dream
had passed before his drowsy mind in four
minutes of actuality.—Chicago News.
A dentist's case of instru :rents nowadays
contains between 300 and 400 instruments.
Ex -Mayor Little has presented a new
ambulance to the city of London.
If you are not feeling well, why don't you,
take Hood's Sarsaparilla ? It will purify
anti enrich your blood and do you wonder-
ful good.
A murderer in the penitentiary of Kan-
sas, who will be pardoned out soon, will
remarry his wife, who, since his imprison-
ment, had bsen diyoroed, married and wi-
Five to fifteen lives were lost in a fire
that burnt a big business ' house in
Chicago, the escape being cut off by the
fierceness and rapid spread of the
The man Jamieson, of Fullerton, who
was sent to the London asylam a few week,
ago, died there on Monday, and his body
was brought home for burial on Wednedays.
He was 76 years old.
The registration of shorthorns has
been larger this year than ever before.
Mr Henry Wade, the registrator of °
live stock, attributes this to the fact
that Canadian shorthorns are in great'
deniand,and that Americans are scour-
ing the country for this class of cattle.
They are all wanted for hrerding pur-
poses. Quite a feed carloads have been
sent to the far wesil whiles good num-
ber habe-•gone to the 'Western States.
its former ^years tlie number of short-
horns registered never reached note
than' three' thoucrand. This year fi55'
(were, regttitered,in,January, 004 in ren.
mini, and ielready'� Ode Month over 80
wer Son platted mi the booker.
Are quickly cared by a few doses of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; and beet of
all it's so nice the youngsters fake it with-
out any fuss.
.izt..a Cents a Day Will Provlds Noar-
Lhw.nt For w Nam.
Sixteen dents a day will teed a man at
moderate work and 18 cents a day is re-
g¢hired for food for a woman, pays the St.
Louis Republic. This hr the result of ex-
perimente begun by Dr. H. B. Gibspn of
daze state university and continued after.
bis death by Professors Sidney Calvert and
David W. May. Many studies of dietaries
were made. The actual amount of food
oaneumed t eoh day and the ooet thereof
have been actually determined. The aver-
age oost per man per day at the University
Boarding club is 18% Dents; of this amount
Mr. May said probably 2 cents' worth is
wasted. The dost in private families would
be smaller, with less waste.
In summing up the results of the experi-
ments Mr. May says: "When you buy, go
to the butcher shop end select what you
want. Don't let the butcher select it for
you. You will Boon learn to know the
best. Round steak is, all things consid-
ered, the cheapest. There are better outs,
but, as a rule, not worth the differenoe in
price. There is more In the cooking of the
steak than there is in the portion of the
beef from which it is out. Make your own
bread. It is far cheaper and should be bet-
ter. Twenty-five por cent of water is add-
ed to bread in mixing, and water at 5 Dents
per pound is not cheap. A good vegetable
lard is oheaper and healthier than hog
lard. Sugar is a cheap food. Give the
children plenty of it. Beans and peas aro
very nutritious and are muscle formers.
Tomatoes are of very little nutritive value
and are composed very largely of water.
Buy the best butterand take note
of the
amount of cream that rises on your milk.
Buy fresh vegetables when you oan get
them at a reasonable price.
"Above all, variety is the spine of a good
appetite. Let there be anticipation at each
meal, and not have the same dishes day
after day. Even a Thanksgiving dinner
will become monotonous if served alike
tor a week "
Broken in 60 Minutes
It's an alarming fact, but
statistics bear it out, that
at least So in every hun-
dred persons in this
country are tainted in a
lesser or greater degree
by that disgusting, offen-
sive and dangerous dis-
ease—Catarrh. If syrup-
toms appear, such as cold
in the head dizziness,
pains in the forehead,
headache, dropping In
the throat, offensive breath, loss of taste and smell,
the Catarrh shackles may be tighteningabout you -,-
is the mostotent Catarrh cure known to-day—
Recommended by eminent nose and throat special-
ists—gives relief In from to to 6o minutes.
•" For years I was a vtotlm of chronic Catarrh;
the first application of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal pow-
der gave me instant relief, and in an incredibly
short while I was permanently cured."—James
Headley, Dundee, N.Y.-33
ot): ito-t;::)
SEE fiiimei
t it
t?ee,ig3emeclyfor0oit pa
�'hh a
r3s�na .:I.)#al:1 o�
litesstal ' 8tetfil:PSL1 HI1
centre -4
eastorla Is put up in ono -size bottles only. It
nut sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell'
yen anything elso on the plea or promise that it
is "just as good" and "will answer every pur-
pose,' fico that on got C A -8 -T -0 -R. -I -A.
The he -
4444 icon
Clinton Sash,IJ oor W Blind Factory
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is supervis-
ed imi a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in-
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo.. Call and get prices and estimates before planing your orders
Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport
INS., found (Burdock Blood Bitters)
hwonderful blood purifier and gives
is experience as follows: "I was
very mach run down in health and
employed our local physician.who
attended me three months, finally
my broke out in running sores
with fearful burning. I had thir-
teen running sores at one time,
from my knee to -the top of my foot.
Alt the medicine I took did me no
good, no I threw It aside and tried
`.13.; when one -belittle bottle was
6 3, I noticed a change for ,the
and by the time I had finished
t , bottles my leg Was perfectly
ad . and my health greatly u
ge0V44ch, '
Post n0 Bills
If Bound would be a good
addition to your library.
Does this kind of work, and does
it neatly. Periodicals of every de-
scription bound at lowest prices.
The War of Cutting Rates
Is notmonopolised by the C.P.R and G.T.R. A call will satisfy you we are fol-
lowing suit in cut rates., Hotf'ecleaning time is drawing near, note what you require in
following list. We sell the leading brands of the finest Soaps,'Gold Dust, Sapolio, Pear -
line, Washing Soda. Brushes of all kinds, Broome, Mops and Handles, Wash Tubs,
Wash Boards, Pails, Butter Bowls and Prints. Also preparations for Fumigating,
Crockery, China and Glassware at Cost. Ask for Monsoon and Blue Ribbon Tea (these
Teas are never peddled.) Highest price for Butter and Eggs.
19 T. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
A Talk to Gentlemen
1897 New Dried Fruit .
RAISINS—Malaga, Valencia, Sultans. CURRA
California Prunes and Elime Figs.
CROSSE & BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron.
NUTS—Filberts, S, S. Almonds and Walnuts. Ccoking Figs for
NICE, OLD RAISINS for 5o a pound. Headquarters for
DEAR FRIENDS,—When you are in need of any of the following articles, please
pall on us. You will find the quality the beat and the pride the lowest. We have Hate
in Stiff and Soft Felt and Straw. Caps in -many qualities, Combs, Scissors, Brushes,
Razors, Straps and Soaps; Collars in Paper, Celluloid and Linen; Collar and Cuff But-
tons and Linke. Underclothee in great variety. Shirts in White, Black and Colored;
Skirtings and Sweaters, Braces and Neckties that are beauties. Coate in Fur Cloth and
Waterproof. Suits ready made and made to order. Tweeds and Linings, Smocks and
Overalls, Cottonades and Denims; Gloves and Handkerobiefe, Knives, Watohahains and
Charms; Violin Strings, both steel and gut. Tweed Pants, Sox in wool and cotton,
Boots, Shoes, Laces, Rubbers, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. Trunks and Valises,
Pipes and Pipe mounts. Tobacco and Perfumes, also many other articles for household
useiand outside wee. Then if yon are contemplating leaving a state of single blessedness
we ban supply you with the Marriage License.
We Keep in Stock and make to order
Waggons and Buggies of all kinds.
Teas, Sugars, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps.
J. W. IRWIN, - - - ' - Clint
By using the KRAeEle DOABLE Aerr SITTER, patented U.
Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market.
ters in one, of different size meshers. Separates e
large cinders. No labor, no dust, no waste.
On reoeipt of $2.50 we will deliver 1 double ash sifter
of Canada and pay express charges oursely,
Write for descriptive circular and references. W
retail. Agents wantedeverywhere. County, towns
rights for sale. Apply to
Patentee and Manufa
2529 St. Catherine St
How about 4bat;suit you want made to orders Call in and
see our tweeds before you buy.
$10 buys a nice suit.
12 buys a better one.
13.50 gets you more style.
14 leads you to higher grades.
15, splendid value.
16, elegant styles, beautiful cloth,