HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-25, Page 2.
. March 25, 1898
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. '"'^r`""'"""'"` ' law in disposing of liquor on the Bab- The Field Surveyed. ;xT .
bath, Inspector Miller laic the -- Ontario's Timber Policy.
i � charge and the proprietors of tLe A GLANCE AT THE POLITIUAL COM- T
Queen's plead guilty, PLEXION OF THE DISTRICTS -THE
fl The 50 acre farm belonging to Mr A UNITED STATES VIEW OF ITR PROD.Curesk.11
tI John Oakley, li miles south of Brus- ABLE EFFECTS. WILL STIMULATE u a IN E%CH&NGE
LIBERAL -THE SITUATION IN faQOr 12 :lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oahe
Eels, has been sold to Wm. Oakle ,who BRITISH TRADE AND LIbCUUitAOE ' of Hood's parsapar
D lives opposite, for the sum Of $2,200. THE EASTERN AND WEST- UNITED STATES TRADE WITH CAN- as for UO other meds- a' k 18 lbe. ohoice Family Floarfort bush Or to
Mr Oakley will remove to Lindsay lo- ERN DIVISIONS. cine. Its eat cures recorded Intrat ttal,,
I cality, where he owns a 100 acre farm -- ADA, tar
and resided at one time. From the Brantford Expositor) convincing language of grateful metra and' Oats taken in exchange
• P ) 'Che Boston Evening Herald publish- Folland, brother of Mrs Mun- It is iutereatin and not untm or- g p women, constitute its most effective ad-
s+ p id a letter dated from Toronto but he vartisin for Groceries
cos, of Fxeter, was badly injured the tint•, to note the distribution of Liber- identl written by a citizen of the g• Many of those verse are mar-
e� � . RiV1ER) other da in New York. While assist- alum an y velour
I 1.I SAMON l�.!<'i10 d Conservatism throughout United States, recounting which the United •<,Thay have won the oonfldenoeot These are our re
1 ins in ratstng a boiler, it fel}, and some Ontario, as shown by the late general Statestrtriff le ielation revoked the people; have given H:ood's Barsapa- ' present rates
of the ,timbers which were under it election. Only the final returns to the P but we dont know how long
Y the Ontario overnment to prohibit rills the largest sales in the world, and they will continue.
zb graduates assisted to positions struck Mr Folland. Several of his ribs Legislature, including the decisions of the export of to g necessary for its manufacture
duringlthe past year, p logs, and describing the have made
were broken, and he was otherwise in- the Cour tE in controverted cases, will probable effects upon trade and the re- the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's O. OLSON - Clinton
Our Shorthand Department is the lured, make it possible to exhibit this accur- !
bast in Canada. P sults in regard to the deforestation of Sarsaparillais known b the cures it has
I Our Commercial Department is Ac- Thos. Davidson,of West Wawanosh, ately, but an approximation, sufficient Ontario and Michigan which are likely madourem of berofula
P tual Business from start to finish. who recently sold his farm, has if we for all practical purposes, may be bas- to follow. Of the effect of the Dingley ,salt rheum and
I We can secure good board for stn- , are correctly informed, ppurcliasea a ed on the results at present known. tariff enforcing it duty of two dollars oma' cures of rheumatism, neuralgia IT PAYS TO
-outs from a distance at from $2 to { farm in Kincardine township,about 4 For purpose of comparison it will be er thousand f and weak nerves cures of e
p set upon Uanadian turn- dyspepsia, lives
a I2.50 p week. miles northeast of Kincardinand will advisable to divide the Province into her, and threatening two dollars per troubles,•catarrh-cares which prove
3 We pay the railroad one way. 1 move there shortly, three districts, one north of the Severn thousand feet additional in case Uan- *-�^
For further particulars address, River, including Parry Sound, Musko- ads, retaliated with an export duty of �J
We regret to announce the death of ka, Nipissing, Last Algoma and West two dollars per thousand l
t ' A. S NIHHO Mrs Edward Farley, of Lower Wing- AI oma; one mouth of the Severn, in- p tet on loge,
ham who was well known to man of g the Herald says: Hood's
I•W.4.,—+ ,M,w ,NA. ,..,—,.,,,.p ....—,.r�,q�y� + Y clu3ing such fare north municipalities The effect of the law war to immense -
our readers. She was the wife of one as Ha ihurton and Renfrew, and all ] disturb the lumber trade in north -
Clinton Post Office* who claimed to be the first settler ]n east of York and Simcoe and one west Y
the town plot of Wingham, who -died western Ontario. a niuri n mill own- Sarsaparilla Are You Aware of the Fact thal
1V of Lake Simcoe, including Simcoe and ere in Canada were n uriousl
I TIME TABLE. about two years ago. of having been York Counties. For the first of the � ] y affect -
aeon asince bout
ay, a neighbor went to ed. Canadian and Ametican mill ow- Is the best-4nfaet the One True Blood Purifier. TheCanadaBusinlessColleg(
DUE MAILS CLOSED her home on Wednesday, and found above areas there are five seats in the ners with mills in Michigan were alike _-
Legislative Assembly; for the second benefitted. The practical result would , cure liver 1118; easy to )
17 dM. P. 55 M. e.x M5 her dead. there are thirty-three, and for the be, of course, to hut down manufac- I3OOC1 S Pilus talu,easytooperaGt.7se, CHATHAM, ONT.
40 4330 WinRham a d fiincO trine 9 5�5 s °s5 "Who -will be the next Mayor ?" is a third there are flfty-six. turn of lumber in Canada for the
1015 9 55 Western S.W. h N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 question which many"residents of Sea- In the northern district all five mem- American market and stimulate the NEW BOOKS.- In addition to the list led°ing more for its pupils than any other
1015 103 Paris, Buffalo,keasternU8700 405 forth are asking, and is a question hers have been returned to su ort BueineaeCollegem the Dominion:
PP complete deforesting of Ontario in the published last week, the following new 43 pup ils-were p!aotd in two months. Stu
1015 1 03 Toronto ,kpointseast &nrth7 00 2 o which is more easily asked than ans- the Hardy Ministry, a fact of peculiar interests of Michigao. books have been added to the Clinton do is from all quarters are flocking to thtf
1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 wered. A requisition has been circu- interest in view of the outcry made In the madness of modern corn eti- Reading Room: -History of Canada b Worthy business school.
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 E 3s lated, asking Mr E. C. Coleman to about the exportation of sawlogs, and p g Y Y Besides n large attendance from Chatham
1 03 g tion it is often forgotten that there Roberts; Vol. 3 of History of Our Own there are already this year 93 pupils registered
Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 ( stand £or the position, while the name the suggested inference is emphasized must be two sides to a bargain, and Times, McCarthy; March on London, from outside pointa. 60oithem from point[
l019 s of Mr B. B. Gunn is freely mentioned by the small majorities for the Gonser- that for one man to rise by dragging With Frederick the Great, With Moore nearer to other business Colleges than tt
Points E & N of Stratford 700 235 the other down is in the end disastrous at Corunna A Final Reckoning, The Chatham.
27 in the same connection. In the mean- votive members -elect in East and Cen- g we presume those people inveetl aced the
1 03 ••..Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 time peeve Beattie is acting as Mayor. ire Simcoe. In fact, the timber court for both alike. Canadians frankly ad- Young Colonists, One of the 28tb, A Morita of the different schools, an decided
I- 7 40 2 55 ..........Goderichl.......... 12 4 try tributary to the Georgian Ba has mit that the United ,States can injure Chapter of Adventures, Henty;G&then• that nothing but the best would satiety thorn;
g oo Mrs H. Sparks, who sold, or suppos come out of the contest almost solidience, they are bore.
Lncan crossing, Sarnia an ed she had sold her farm on con, 12, Y Canada much more than Canada can ing �louds, F. W. Farrar;F Forge in the
- -015 655 .. .intermediate points... 7 00 4 05 Stanley,advertised an auction sale of Liberal, injure the United States. But it is oc- Forest, Chas. G. D. Roberts; With write for catalogue of other departments and
.7 40 ,.I,ondesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 Of the 33 constituencies in the east- casionall and seriously asked here is Crocket and -Bowie, Through Swain a list of the 43 pupils ,placed in two months.
her farm stock and effects, but the per- p
The office is open to the public (holida s ex can division Russell is still to be heard a otic of mutual injury W-atesman- and Glade, The Painted Desert, Kirk D. MCLACHLAN a%Co,Chatham
ce ted) from 8 a.m. to 7.15 y eon who purchased her farm has, we v
i lock boxes have access tot a lobby untid8 p m understand, backed out of his bargain, from, but it is no longer unfair to class ship ? Is it really good business ? Munroe; On the Face of the Waters, F.
and refuses to take the farm, so she it as Liberal. With this assumption, Would not both countries be more A. Steel; Chantry,Priest of -Barnet, Al-
Money Order end Saving Bank office open and admitting Mr Powell's election in benefitted b ore Tramps Abroad,
9 a.m, to o P.M. will have to continue working it her- g y mutual assistance and fred J. Church; M
i Matter for re elf. Ottawa, the representatives stand 13 co-operation? Is "do eat dog" to re- HuckleberrylFinn, Mark Twain; Kid- pROPERITES FOR $ALEoRTo LEI
nhourbetoreo Liberate and 20 Conservatives, not by main the permanent meal of intercom- napped, Robt. Louis Stevenson; The
Wednesday evening of this week the any means a solid contingent for the tinental statesmanship? Wrecker,Stevenson do Osbourne;Farth-
it of Mrs Robt. Currie, 4th line, Opposition. The comparative failure After describing the Ontario law est North, Vols. 1& 2,Fredtjof Nan-
is, took its flight.. Deceased had of the Conservatives in this old strong- prohibiting the export of logs, the sen; White Man's Africa, Poulteney FOR SALE.
in failing health for some time hold is emphasized by a glance at the `Herald says: Bigelow; The Lone House,A Knight of
r friends hoped for a charge for returns for South Renfrew, Glengarry The effects of this law cannot be safe. the Nets, Prisoners of Conscience, the undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451
ter. Thursday of last week she and Stormont, where many Liberal 1 predicted. It will doubtless stimulate Amelia E. Barr; Red Fair Book, Art- or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Partioulan
rth to a son and from that time votes were thrown away on third can- the sawmill industry in Ontario. It drew Lang; Island Night Entertain- upon application. JAME§ SCOTT, Barrister �,'
apidly. Mrs Currie was the didates, and in Prince Edward, where will also increase the export of man- menta, Robt. L. Stevenson; Elizabeth
gbter of Win. Bryan and the third condidate retired too late to ufactured lumber to the United States. Glen M. B., Mrs Keith Hamilton M.B.,
Howick township, affect the result. It is emphasized al- its effect upon Michigan will be to put A Victory Won, A Stormy Voyage, FOR SALE.
t very much to hear oft he so by the marked change exhibited in Michigan mill owners who depend upon Annie B. Swann; Uncle Remiss, Joel Factory and contents on the pmporty of D.
Mrs J. C. Halliday, Brus- the trge County of Hastings, where Canada' for supply of logs upon Itn Chandler Harris;Poetical Works,Long- Buchanan for $125; by guying $15 down and
11 from her chair one day the CIIy of Belleville has airyost brok- equal footing with Canadians in the fellow; The Earthly Paradise, Vol.. 1 balance at $to a mont. Building to be re.
and fractured one of her en away. from Conservatism and the American market. It will probably 2 & 3, `Wm. Morris; Paul, Herald of the moved. Apply to J. SCOTT. Clinton.
a Haliday is welt advanc- distillery influence. In any futuregive a new stimulus to the deforesting Cross, E. M. Kingsley; Stephen, a Sol
as no
t• been very vigor- contest, with good candidates and not cf Michigan, which has become so dier of the Cross, Mrs Kingsley; Titus, HOUSE and LOT FOR MALE
er of years, this acei- too many of them, the Liberals can re- grave an evil in that state. The gen. a Comrade of the Cross, Florence Morse
any time, means a verse the figures of Mar ch 1. eral result here will be to stimulate the Kingsley;The God in the Car, Anthony at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned
The one-story framo house on Townsend St
t an it would to a Of the 50 members for the western already rapidly increasing trade with Hope BB ahoo, Harry, Bungsho, Jab- by airs Duncan, is offered for sale onlreasonable
division the Liberals have secured 32, Great Britain, since there is a great bero,F.Ansley;Three usketeers.Vols, terms. It contains five rooms, stone cellar•
two of its most and the Conservatives 24. It was in market entirely free from sudden and 1 & 2, Twenty Years After, Vole. 1 & 2, quarter acre lot, in central position of town and
this district that the former suffered vexatious changes b• means of tariff Dumas Three Partnere, Bret Harte, in good repair. Apply toWm COOPER, build -
week, in the re- g v + er, Clinton
and Wm. Gem- their most serious reverses, but the tinkering. The situation will also great-
. es to Manitoba. Mr J. causes were obvious, and with proper ly strengthen those who are advocating
and hie entire family have Precautions many of the lost ridings the reservation and preservation of HEALTH IS BETTER.
may be redeemed while those wined Canadian forests until the second I bad no appetite and could not sleep atIOiTSE AND LOT FOIA SALE
while only four of Mr Wm.Gem- g „
.�1ill's family have left for the present, can be held. The Liberals, who won rowth has had time to catch up, and, night, and I was so tired that 1 could hard- The undersigned dfYers for sato thatrwostory
London after Mr Meredith's retire- 1 walk, I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla adver- Brick Residence occupied by the late lYlre Wm,
F. the Messrs Gemmell have been resid- y the ruthless destruction of Amerio-
e n me of ents of this township for nearly fort ment, have shown that they can keep an forests, the demand far Uanadian y Rattonbur , Thor. is In connection one acre
it. They have regained the two Lamb- lumber will insure not only high rices tiled and procured four bottles. Aly health of land which will also be sold in one piece or
I ears, and have been strai htforwar p is now better than it hue ever been,inn0 ! in lots to suit purchaser• Apg ly to
e Ida a tended to vote honest people. le. The % tons and the two Bruces, which they but immunit from congressional inter- pg
P P gap t e have left Y g was a child, and I have not been sick for WW.FARRANorJ.RATTENBURY, Clinton
for, is imprpcttcable, for the reasons will be very hard to fill, and we wish lost in 1894. They have made South ference with Canadian legislation. ton time." Mres +
7�,, Norfolk and South Wentworth safe g JEssr> TunxBurr, Gran-
'_ that the oth�s portion of the ballot, if them every success intheir new prairie All this is a miserable business. It brook, Ont.
homes. Liberal constituencies, and turned must be said that the government of COTTAGE AND LOT FOR
returned to the returning officer, Welland into a "Grit hive." They Ontario has taken the step with the ut- HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to SALE
would at once indicate the candidate DON'T TELL ANYBODY. 'have got back Halton, and have cap- most reluctance and after tremendous take with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
thin. Easy and
tured North Perth by a candidate who pressure from the country, Proofs of yet efficient. The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot -
}11 for whom tht: voter had decided. If no one should tell you about it, you is likely to hold it. They lost South the popularity of the measure are only tags of tour rooms with kitchen and woodshed
-There should be some amendment to would hardly know there was cod liver oil Grey by a triangular contest, acid too numerous. The opposition in the, On- attached. Centraliysitua,ed. Goodwaterand
x in Scott's Emulsion, the taste ie so nicsl North Gre b means which may be tario Aeaembl eo far from ndversel crit-
" A glance at the majoi itie� obtained drainage. Will beeold cheap. Appl�y to
the l , defining as nearly as possible 'covered. Children like it, and the parents more clearly revealed hereafter. West icisin the bill' point out with almost fev- by the candidate at the recent Proven- W Cr.,SEARLE.
�' _, g don't ob est. B P eta) elections willdo awe entire) ClintAn Dec. IOth '
what are cod and what are bad hal- j and South Huron, East Middlesex, the erieh emphasis that the idea originnttd Y y with
lots, when marked other than by the - • two El'gins, North Toronto and South with them. The jingoes are revelling in the idea the Conservatives had got in -
ordinary cross, and
Moller* and the Ass, Perth are all very close, with the pros- gore and ink. A gentleman running for al. to their beads that they had the major -
this ruling should pectsgood for Liberal gains on recounts derman in Toronto has had to defend him- ity of the people behind them. In the HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE
Lions, bears and elephants heaRe isao or following list West Elgin � be final. Where the intention of a ,yell r'm the stags; lizards and oeeponb dopetitrona. West York has turned self a;aittst the charge of being American- g g• has been The frame house and half -acre lot on Huron
voter is fairly well shown, the ballot (vide >Yima. Sarah Bizards an bavo also down Mr 'St. John into the Humber born. The more thoughtful regret the cit. counted to the Liberals and West Hu- Street. Clinton, occupied byeubscriber, is offer-
' been covered with stage tory, and intoe Piggery, in the offal o£ which he show- nation deeply, but feel, in common with all ren to the Conservatives, though both fa for for sale. Accommodation for ordinary
should be allowed even though there ed such a persistent disposition to revel classes, that this is the one answer that a are in dispute: Lauf y. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
may be -other marks On it than the have come to -the fore with great orodit Ca y Libe. (One bearing fruit trees. The house is well
themselves and their trainer. On a fair view of the whole field, the self-respecting people could make to.sueh , and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply
_ necessary'' one. If the ballot is to be But while co many "dumb things" Liberals have very little reason to feel legislations as the lumber clause of the By acclamation............ 2 0 to GEO. SWALLOW, or on the premises to
discouraged. Where they lost heavily Din le act• No one die utes the ri ht of 1000 or over ................ 4 2 lZRs AGNEW Clinton,
", _ r : used in its resent 1 have been excellent actors one of thele g y p g 500 ;tad under 1000.......... 6 8
p general form, it number at least has hoes ianrnortallsed they were themselves to blame, and Congress to put a prohibitive tariff on Can -
could be simplified so that the liability through failure: Monera hinreelt was the the errors they made can be easily rec- adian produce. The objection' lies in 'the 210 and under 500.......... 13 14 '
' ' stakes would be trifling. Take Astorwho-brought about the unrehearsed tified. .They cannottoo soon set about condition that if Canada dares to legislate I� and under 250.......... 14 9 HOUSE FOR SALE. -
the task of cicsing up their ranks; pre- upon own 50 and under I00."' ,..., 2 6
scene between himself. and his ase. Tera p produce retaliation will follow. —
the followin-' iiia �Tllt tratfon:- paring for probable contests in the The whole case is disheartening.Ri htl 25and under 50 ............ 6 0 $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
p1v was "Don Quixote,"amin and Mol}eie courts, and a possible renewal of the or wrongly, Canadian sentimentis turning Under 25 houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox-
played Sancho. Some minutes before he "" "" ""' 1 5 ton Property.
w o had to appear on the stage greaLer contest at the polls, It the re- Britainward. And now that Britaitt for - -
1 I JONES ago ho was waiting suit of judicial decisions and bye-elec- the first time meets sentiment with sent- 49 43 Money.ei h- Pirate also
ds In large forsale.
o wP1110101111 winmemossinsississ in tho wings, moun,tod on his ass. But tions is co bring on a complete dead- iment, sympathy with sympathy, favor with A petition will be entered by the Lib- "urns to loan u,r i❑ .: BRY Rates low.
the latter suddenly forgot lite part and 1A erals of South Huron, against the re W BRYDONE, Barrister,
lock, as may happen, then, with a fair favor, the trend in that direction is im
o sistod upon appearing on the steno with field and no third candidates, the Libe- measurably stronger than ever before. The turn to the Legislature of H. Eilber,
2 1 SMITH out delay. Nor was it of any avail that rals can corse, back easily with a major- time of excitement and wild talk for the the me ber elect of the riding.A
half a dozen assistants hung around his ity of from 20 to 25. This is the lesson ma crit ie set. The moat bo hopeless fent- counter CHOICE FARM FOR MALE.
bead and clung desperately to his tail. y p p petition will be filed by the
In thio form a voter could not posai- g P y of the general election, as we read it., nre•in the case, to one who believes in con- Conservatives. For sate, a splendid farm of 33 acres, betong-
The ase, with Moliere 011 his bank, dashed and the event will show that it is a tinental intercourse, is the calm conviction ing to the late C. Spooner, ad'oining the cor
bly put his mark anywhere but in the wildly among the actors on the scene, and fair forecast. on the part of the people that, the Republic poration of Clinton. All cleared and under good
compartment for the name; if marked the fiasco would have been complete had - Cultivation, small frame hou,o, frame barn
not Moliere saved the situation by sbout- PROFITS IN LAUNDRIES. does not desire mutual trade; but prefers to HEART RESCUE IN 30 MINUTES good bearing orchard and well. Will be sold
1. Ianywhere thereon, count if. The pre- ing to the audience, while jogging along, use its great strength to hamper and bind- on reasonable ;,firms to close up the estate. Al-
er the progress of its weaker neighbor. This After momentarily expecting for years so frame cottage on Albort Street, Clinton,
sense of the broad line through the "Pardon, gentlemen) Pardon, ladieal Ono Chinaman Went Home With 040.000 may be allwrong, but'as a mon thinketb, that death might snap the vital cord at any with half acre of ground, sppteadidly located.
�t centre would obviate the likelihood This confounded beast has come on against In His Pockets. minute. This is the story thousands could MRS. C. McGRb:GOR. Constance.
g so is he.' And the lumber clause of the Y MRS. W. ROBERTSON, Clinton.
of a cross in either place encroaching mywisbeml" The public respondedat once To hear the stories of money made in Dingley bill is a mighty stimulator of pro. tell and have told of the almost Divine for-,
g with roari of laughter and applause, but Chicago laundries one would think' there British seniiment in Canada. Doubtlees mala, Dr.Agucw's Cure for the Heart. Ev-
jW the space not intended by the vo- Mailers never again mounted an ass.- to an opportunity for a permanent out in it will accomplish its immediateur ose cry day chronicles the taking awn of man
ter. In view of the many errors that Westminster Gazette their prices. A man who knows a good and add to the wealth of a small number of who have not beaded nature's ' warnings BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR
have arisen in late elections, and the many of the local Chinese says one lawn- American citizens. But etc indirect effects that the heart was tired out and needed the BALE
A High Hiteh. dryman went back to China a few years will be felt in all the further relations be. helping that this wonderful cure gives,
• ,, likelihood that the same thine,* may A� General Forrest's raid Into Mem. &9O with $40,000 in American money, all tween the two countries for many its to Heart disorders are insiduous. Don't trifle, That desirable Brick Business Stand on AI -
earned in the laundrybusiness, but rob- Dome, as well ae in the future relation, rot g y bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
occur again, steps should be taken by phi, largo stories were told about his horo.P Thie teat ismer attacks the disease in- offered for sale, ineluding rear lot and stable.
the government to have one uniform Ism and the marvelous doings of his troops. ably largely by the buying and selling of the Dominion to the Empire. stantly. Sold by Watts 8r Co. Tho l ovation is one of the beet in Clinton. The
One of the beat Illustration, of the ad. laundries. There are some of the local property is Iron from incumbrance and title in
. style of ballot that would make some Chinamen who are continually dickering disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
m1rqtion inspired by the general came frorft m laundries One of them who line re- ITCHING, BURNING, CREEPING purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon-
.-of,the mistakes next to impossible. w no(4re soldier who claimed to hava seen + , don Road• or address Clinton P. O
Li'm as be rode up in front of the GAyoso oently bought w Stag street laundry for CRAWLING IT FEAT
a ° ", heel. He began t+alllas his companions $1,000, is said to have carried on nepopia-
o flocked endngnpl carpo to ilio lona for the purchase of over 26 laundries TO FIT YOUR FEET
frisp County Clipping's m western Massachueo6a durin the las► Skin diseesea relieved in a few minutes i
appearance of his-horve.?,," g by Agnew s Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ! 1 FI=BRIN BLOCK
"I was a-startin rightiw' dim siley,11 "Id few years' He does not seem to have much ment relieves instantly and cures Tetter, � FOR SALE
I . -Ur David Errington, of Morris, in- he, "*bsn I seen him earn* 'up. fie rid trouble in getting funds for such pur- Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcers, �
! r tends moving this week to Wawanosh, Lir Lose right up to do hotel, an -I'm tell- abases, as men who bavo lent him money Blotches, and all eruptions of the Skin. It $soo cash 120 monthfy paymeats otl S13 ALE
" In many instances on 80 to 60 dry notes D J CAMPBELL. Hamilton
where he hog purchased a farm. in you de trnf.-he bitched his hos, right is soothing and quieting and sots likemagie
say he has always paid before the paper L
to'de second story banisters.' I sed him, in all BabgHnmors,irritation of the Scalp
W.C. Campbell, who for many years „_ duo Itis said that a good Chinese Tann-
I tell you, I meed trim I BLtlsdelpL4 H or Ra,hes Burin Teething time, 85 Dente
bye resided in Har urhey, has moved dryman can clear $25 a week, although he „ I
sae- rwith his,family. H�m'd' pays from $14 to $25 rent, and sometimes a boa. Sold by alts h Co. Fai list if.r dale or to Rent.
Frank Millson has disposed of his A Vsefal OIL an high as $40, and hires two or three men —
P Th th half of lot oncession 9, Town -
store in Winthrop to Richard Com- Few people know hew usoful oil of pep at wages ranging from $0 to $10 a week, Rev. Dr. Carman preached at Park- hip of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres
mon, and intends to devote his time to Int is as a remedial a enk A little When their very economical. habits of ]iv- ' , cl eyed and In good stat, or cultivativathon.
1. E 111 are considered, dale Methodist church last Sunday ti� The a aro on th.premisos a frame house, frame
the:cheese business. ra bed ever a sensitive corn olminates g , it Is probable that they night, and the report cava that to the barn. frame dyne hooey good orchard, never
seem soreness in a miraculous manner. save a large share of their earnings. They sermon 'which was intended In support ' fail . su a of spring water. Situated; mile
11. `We are sorry to report that Mr Thom. seem generally to have mons to a their r PP t from the villa a spring
iBlyth. Will be cad on mile
Gibson, ex -M. P.P., of FordwicL, is at Two or three drops of oil of peppermint 8 pay of the superan anon fund of the g
bills for local merchants who deal with h , % eonable terms, Apop1y toC.HAMILTON, B:
pfisent indisposed, butho a to sera him raised with an equal sarount of suet rub- ' church, a made pecial allusion to the 1 m THOS. R. WRI1SUT, Executo_ 418 Prince le
p them any their accounts are almost always fact that Dr. Dewait had entered into Av . London, On
�^ ' soon restored to his usual hAalth. hod over a baby's chest gives instant relief paid promptly. politics, He dies ro
Iia ease of a old on the lungs or a tough, p pp ved of his action,
Mr Thos. Moore Boyd, who was born _San Fra�soo Obroniele. A queer feature of the lnundry businees and asserted that a minister of the Gos.
Is, lit�ar Belfast, It eland, died at the rear- Is the extent to which the local laundries pel should not enter politics, and he House and Lot for Sale
delicte of his son-in-law, John Robb, of aro in tho hands of syndicates or oombina- hoped that because one man had tom- But it van he done°b 11' d
i II,
Professional andOtherCa,rds
'Barrister, S.
", t
0ON VEYAN0ZB\ d:o . -' :
Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba.
Office immediately south of Gilroy & Wiseman
Office -Beaver Block.
Up-etairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery,
(Formerly of Cameron Holt .!c Cameron), ii,
Office-Ham/10011 Si opppp05160 Colborne House al
Office, Mackay Block. Clinton.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money tar n)
lend op,Mortgage and Note security. ' 1
Office Hours -9 to 5.
Graduate R 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity -
veraity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation
the natural teeth,
Ofhce, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store
B Y aid a ervisit
Thursd y aft rn oMonday g tie
DR. WM, GCNN, L- R. 0, P. and Llo . R. C. 8.
Nig Edinburgh.
at frontt door it esidence n OBatteen
bury St„ oppoaitePresbyterian church,
M. O. P & Sit Ontario oFellowoof the Obstetrics
Society ofDdinburgh,lato of London, En and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office--Dr,Dowscly'e old
office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell
answered at the same place,
A St., 0 cur, etc., office and residence on.
St„ opposite Englisb churoh, formerly oo
copied by Dr• Appleton, Clinton;��IFATHR.
L Medlc,,l Department of totoria Unlyer
city, Torvlato, t9huorly of th Hospitals and
Dispense"fes.. New York, Coroner for he
County of Buren, Baylleld, Ont.
-College. Treats al diseases Ofdom ,t,steel nd •, • '..
male on the most modern and scientific print i
plea Office- immediately south of the New Ere '
Office. Residence -Albert St., Clinton. Call a.
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned to Clinton and opened an office
at the Queea's Hotel, where he may be consult-
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at
"tended to.
nary H lege, onorar'oronto.at Treaof ts all Ontario
Domestic Animals on the most modern and
Scientific Principles. Day and night calla prompt
Clinton. Residence-Rattenbury St., west
a ud Resid nLo Marriage
plintou ibrnry )loom -�C°:
No witnesses required
P. Civil Engineer, PrLondon, Out.lal -Office Office Surveyor and
at Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
MOHillop Insurance Company. ,yf
Tho undersigned has been appointed to re `:
resent the 1uoBillop Insurance, Co., for the
townships of Rullett, Morris and East Wawa -
nosh. Parties having business witn the com-
pany, or desiringg to insure will be promptly
attended to. ItOBT, SMITH, Haarrtrck.
- ',
AGENTS. `" �t
"Klondike Gold Fields;' a largge cheap, vale
able bookselling like a whirlwind, Beautiful
prospectus twenty flue conte, Books on time
Tke Gem Woven -wire Feo,ce,
Subscriber is agent for the GEx �p OvieN,wrsrc
Feats, admittedly one of the best r o Fences
Coiled -spring Ste 1 wire, boat mQde,',ten In •, -
instable tighteners, gloaely woven, and is flu..
complete at 6o per strand per rod. The
fence ie not woven until it it V1 i up and one
can have as man strands as they wish It ie
a strong, durablo fencer none betterr-' and
whore,nsod farmers pprefer it to an7 other
PERCY EVANS, He esvillo
writes Lordeat lLorne aber Majesty
ut �s�a�ssn av a 7oa.r,
Agents make fl -e dollars dail'
fIRnDLEY-GARRETSoN j,.,&.,, _
y ca ing ilpon us an -- CLAN 11
Brite, on uesday. Drtarch 8. Deceas- one instance. tions of the laundrymen. A group of milted an error, the fund would not examiningour linea of Tho frame hovso on Rattenbury street, N
ed was in the 79th year of life age. Toaohor- Mountain climbing I, said to them, rotator to each other, are said to suffer, as there are many widows or -
be boalthful and Invigorating ' i ' !Women's immediately east very
y r. sortable for , to WOOD slid CO RD
FHenry Kirkby, of the 9th line, Mor- g sting In its effoot,. control Rolf o dozen laundries on South jthans and worn-out ministers depend- )lien S, and .
res, met with it painful accident on any instance, of this occur to you? Main and State streets, and thorn aro 0th- tna on it." Dr. Dewar( is not like the ! offered for sale on very roasonnblo terms, Subscriber is �p i p
Lutesday (if last week. He was ba.ul- Juvenile Pupil-Yas'rh. The goat Is a er similar, combinations in tbo city. The mn who couldn't tape back. $e has Children's Boots The bons® is ventrally situated being only dors for Wood or Coral dwh), Ill'lt' b,9- all oa�'�
ing a load of wood to Brussels and by mountain climber, and the goat is very, members of these various "syndicates" the floor. All Winter goods selling at reduced li minute walk from the ng room vontrn, IMPLEMENT
+aloe• Ofleo on Issue Street at LAVI
some rrieana injured his spine, strong. -Chicago Tribune. aro generally not on good forma with each rices. Fall assortment of has atone collar, largo dining room, rnrlor, IMPLEMICNT IIOOhIs,
P bed room and kitcherS down stairs with one CV. Wl3EATLEIC
11. Albert Crooks, Morris, other. 'If they moot in some stoic, they SPRINq aGEATHER WEAKNESS. Double stud Single has sold the 2`ho nblioim will not s oak the �,le Harness, large and two smaller bedrooms u stairs GENTS -- Book businoseis ,better than for
farm he recently purchased from the p prclsaion that the p , ugh knowing each oth- Trunks, Valises Robes Good-sized snmmor kitchen and p AGENTS
' John Hanna estate, to Richar�S Al- tinent is no longer;tho "unexplored" hrea er perfectly well. The competition be- It's not the weather that's at fault. It's i garden' boolrehrs,Aame clear
av emttlratidfoeter -Ilius
twoon those various groups to buy your system, clogged p suet illfttlket® Veryvonvomontl g g8 Otc$40yWool, A
h tack, o£ the Kith con„ Grey, for $ 150, of tbo old maps, in a mIptake. What bas far P y up an Y Y tem, 410 ed with poisonous mater• e o houe. Apply at ly sit ated for boardin PPo nloadorg aro:-'Qtyeott Fletc ria L#Po oL Mr
r bso>,.dono is most), tb st4lco out tern- available laundry Is said to be very shay ials, that makes you feel dull,larowsy, weelr Red and White Cedar Shtn�lts altvaye pp Y RA office. stone, My MotbaraBible 9torios ,, '•Pro»
` clearl+af; $$,10 On it. The pUrchltaer R grosslvoS onknr,'"!KlondiltcGotdlPlolriH, Wo
1 11<ittke posseseton At cries. tortes a1cAn doflnito outvs W#thl those and a loon} man who has such an opening and mraerable. Lot Burdock Blood Bitters on,hand, . „„ pp ..
pp to rent Is said to IfaVo received 2g a lion- vicar away all the potaons, urlfy and en-� ninhoraGndrnSuo� dPfthe Uristubn, "'+BroakPasn! '
;' -. , llztI the otgufgtrp js tr nerrlily as iS tllnolbh
DroO PP p or, Canacia;kn Efroyolo)trtie•
r ill �e liras of ku go Bark, tions Seat: lt`7-Sprfaf,lfldd Ropubliaan. rich your blood, make ycu fool bright and JAS. ' WITCHE �l�
! TH>s Nxcty ERA GIVES TtIIr7 IIoME NEFtts cTheIAZil.1n,pe froa.ta oanvneabrt�
, 001186e1s a ntribu t
`, '{�Stlte for, vfblati tt bf t o ^, vigorous,
3,orik, dl'Utoh, Nabi NEW nRA, GIVES T13A1 HO1S E NEWS Toronto, SON t7o„ L11n1tAd1 / , . ,. - I . A ,..I , I L. . . ,�
I .01 11 ,.
_ ,:
. '"'^r`""'"""'"` ' law in disposing of liquor on the Bab- The Field Surveyed. ;xT .
bath, Inspector Miller laic the -- Ontario's Timber Policy.
i � charge and the proprietors of tLe A GLANCE AT THE POLITIUAL COM- T
Queen's plead guilty, PLEXION OF THE DISTRICTS -THE
fl The 50 acre farm belonging to Mr A UNITED STATES VIEW OF ITR PROD.Curesk.11
tI John Oakley, li miles south of Brus- ABLE EFFECTS. WILL STIMULATE u a IN E%CH&NGE
LIBERAL -THE SITUATION IN faQOr 12 :lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oahe
Eels, has been sold to Wm. Oakle ,who BRITISH TRADE AND LIbCUUitAOE ' of Hood's parsapar
D lives opposite, for the sum Of $2,200. THE EASTERN AND WEST- UNITED STATES TRADE WITH CAN- as for UO other meds- a' k 18 lbe. ohoice Family Floarfort bush Or to
Mr Oakley will remove to Lindsay lo- ERN DIVISIONS. cine. Its eat cures recorded Intrat ttal,,
I cality, where he owns a 100 acre farm -- ADA, tar
and resided at one time. From the Brantford Expositor) convincing language of grateful metra and' Oats taken in exchange
• P ) 'Che Boston Evening Herald publish- Folland, brother of Mrs Mun- It is iutereatin and not untm or- g p women, constitute its most effective ad-
s+ p id a letter dated from Toronto but he vartisin for Groceries
cos, of Fxeter, was badly injured the tint•, to note the distribution of Liber- identl written by a citizen of the g• Many of those verse are mar-
e� � . RiV1ER) other da in New York. While assist- alum an y velour
I 1.I SAMON l�.!<'i10 d Conservatism throughout United States, recounting which the United •<,Thay have won the oonfldenoeot These are our re
1 ins in ratstng a boiler, it fel}, and some Ontario, as shown by the late general Statestrtriff le ielation revoked the people; have given H:ood's Barsapa- ' present rates
of the ,timbers which were under it election. Only the final returns to the P but we dont know how long
Y the Ontario overnment to prohibit rills the largest sales in the world, and they will continue.
zb graduates assisted to positions struck Mr Folland. Several of his ribs Legislature, including the decisions of the export of to g necessary for its manufacture
duringlthe past year, p logs, and describing the have made
were broken, and he was otherwise in- the Cour tE in controverted cases, will probable effects upon trade and the re- the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's O. OLSON - Clinton
Our Shorthand Department is the lured, make it possible to exhibit this accur- !
bast in Canada. P sults in regard to the deforestation of Sarsaparillais known b the cures it has
I Our Commercial Department is Ac- Thos. Davidson,of West Wawanosh, ately, but an approximation, sufficient Ontario and Michigan which are likely madourem of berofula
P tual Business from start to finish. who recently sold his farm, has if we for all practical purposes, may be bas- to follow. Of the effect of the Dingley ,salt rheum and
I We can secure good board for stn- , are correctly informed, ppurcliasea a ed on the results at present known. tariff enforcing it duty of two dollars oma' cures of rheumatism, neuralgia IT PAYS TO
-outs from a distance at from $2 to { farm in Kincardine township,about 4 For purpose of comparison it will be er thousand f and weak nerves cures of e
p set upon Uanadian turn- dyspepsia, lives
a I2.50 p week. miles northeast of Kincardinand will advisable to divide the Province into her, and threatening two dollars per troubles,•catarrh-cares which prove
3 We pay the railroad one way. 1 move there shortly, three districts, one north of the Severn thousand feet additional in case Uan- *-�^
For further particulars address, River, including Parry Sound, Musko- ads, retaliated with an export duty of �J
We regret to announce the death of ka, Nipissing, Last Algoma and West two dollars per thousand l
t ' A. S NIHHO Mrs Edward Farley, of Lower Wing- AI oma; one mouth of the Severn, in- p tet on loge,
ham who was well known to man of g the Herald says: Hood's
I•W.4.,—+ ,M,w ,NA. ,..,—,.,,,.p ....—,.r�,q�y� + Y clu3ing such fare north municipalities The effect of the law war to immense -
our readers. She was the wife of one as Ha ihurton and Renfrew, and all ] disturb the lumber trade in north -
Clinton Post Office* who claimed to be the first settler ]n east of York and Simcoe and one west Y
the town plot of Wingham, who -died western Ontario. a niuri n mill own- Sarsaparilla Are You Aware of the Fact thal
1V of Lake Simcoe, including Simcoe and ere in Canada were n uriousl
I TIME TABLE. about two years ago. of having been York Counties. For the first of the � ] y affect -
aeon asince bout
ay, a neighbor went to ed. Canadian and Ametican mill ow- Is the best-4nfaet the One True Blood Purifier. TheCanadaBusinlessColleg(
DUE MAILS CLOSED her home on Wednesday, and found above areas there are five seats in the ners with mills in Michigan were alike _-
Legislative Assembly; for the second benefitted. The practical result would , cure liver 1118; easy to )
17 dM. P. 55 M. e.x M5 her dead. there are thirty-three, and for the be, of course, to hut down manufac- I3OOC1 S Pilus talu,easytooperaGt.7se, CHATHAM, ONT.
40 4330 WinRham a d fiincO trine 9 5�5 s °s5 "Who -will be the next Mayor ?" is a third there are flfty-six. turn of lumber in Canada for the
1015 9 55 Western S.W. h N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 question which many"residents of Sea- In the northern district all five mem- American market and stimulate the NEW BOOKS.- In addition to the list led°ing more for its pupils than any other
1015 103 Paris, Buffalo,keasternU8700 405 forth are asking, and is a question hers have been returned to su ort BueineaeCollegem the Dominion:
PP complete deforesting of Ontario in the published last week, the following new 43 pup ils-were p!aotd in two months. Stu
1015 1 03 Toronto ,kpointseast &nrth7 00 2 o which is more easily asked than ans- the Hardy Ministry, a fact of peculiar interests of Michigao. books have been added to the Clinton do is from all quarters are flocking to thtf
1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 wered. A requisition has been circu- interest in view of the outcry made In the madness of modern corn eti- Reading Room: -History of Canada b Worthy business school.
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 E 3s lated, asking Mr E. C. Coleman to about the exportation of sawlogs, and p g Y Y Besides n large attendance from Chatham
1 03 g tion it is often forgotten that there Roberts; Vol. 3 of History of Our Own there are already this year 93 pupils registered
Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 ( stand £or the position, while the name the suggested inference is emphasized must be two sides to a bargain, and Times, McCarthy; March on London, from outside pointa. 60oithem from point[
l019 s of Mr B. B. Gunn is freely mentioned by the small majorities for the Gonser- that for one man to rise by dragging With Frederick the Great, With Moore nearer to other business Colleges than tt
Points E & N of Stratford 700 235 the other down is in the end disastrous at Corunna A Final Reckoning, The Chatham.
27 in the same connection. In the mean- votive members -elect in East and Cen- g we presume those people inveetl aced the
1 03 ••..Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 time peeve Beattie is acting as Mayor. ire Simcoe. In fact, the timber court for both alike. Canadians frankly ad- Young Colonists, One of the 28tb, A Morita of the different schools, an decided
I- 7 40 2 55 ..........Goderichl.......... 12 4 try tributary to the Georgian Ba has mit that the United ,States can injure Chapter of Adventures, Henty;G&then• that nothing but the best would satiety thorn;
g oo Mrs H. Sparks, who sold, or suppos come out of the contest almost solidience, they are bore.
Lncan crossing, Sarnia an ed she had sold her farm on con, 12, Y Canada much more than Canada can ing �louds, F. W. Farrar;F Forge in the
- -015 655 .. .intermediate points... 7 00 4 05 Stanley,advertised an auction sale of Liberal, injure the United States. But it is oc- Forest, Chas. G. D. Roberts; With write for catalogue of other departments and
.7 40 ,.I,ondesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 Of the 33 constituencies in the east- casionall and seriously asked here is Crocket and -Bowie, Through Swain a list of the 43 pupils ,placed in two months.
her farm stock and effects, but the per- p
The office is open to the public (holida s ex can division Russell is still to be heard a otic of mutual injury W-atesman- and Glade, The Painted Desert, Kirk D. MCLACHLAN a%Co,Chatham
ce ted) from 8 a.m. to 7.15 y eon who purchased her farm has, we v
i lock boxes have access tot a lobby untid8 p m understand, backed out of his bargain, from, but it is no longer unfair to class ship ? Is it really good business ? Munroe; On the Face of the Waters, F.
and refuses to take the farm, so she it as Liberal. With this assumption, Would not both countries be more A. Steel; Chantry,Priest of -Barnet, Al-
Money Order end Saving Bank office open and admitting Mr Powell's election in benefitted b ore Tramps Abroad,
9 a.m, to o P.M. will have to continue working it her- g y mutual assistance and fred J. Church; M
i Matter for re elf. Ottawa, the representatives stand 13 co-operation? Is "do eat dog" to re- HuckleberrylFinn, Mark Twain; Kid- pROPERITES FOR $ALEoRTo LEI
nhourbetoreo Liberate and 20 Conservatives, not by main the permanent meal of intercom- napped, Robt. Louis Stevenson; The
Wednesday evening of this week the any means a solid contingent for the tinental statesmanship? Wrecker,Stevenson do Osbourne;Farth-
it of Mrs Robt. Currie, 4th line, Opposition. The comparative failure After describing the Ontario law est North, Vols. 1& 2,Fredtjof Nan-
is, took its flight.. Deceased had of the Conservatives in this old strong- prohibiting the export of logs, the sen; White Man's Africa, Poulteney FOR SALE.
in failing health for some time hold is emphasized by a glance at the `Herald says: Bigelow; The Lone House,A Knight of
r friends hoped for a charge for returns for South Renfrew, Glengarry The effects of this law cannot be safe. the Nets, Prisoners of Conscience, the undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451
ter. Thursday of last week she and Stormont, where many Liberal 1 predicted. It will doubtless stimulate Amelia E. Barr; Red Fair Book, Art- or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Partioulan
rth to a son and from that time votes were thrown away on third can- the sawmill industry in Ontario. It drew Lang; Island Night Entertain- upon application. JAME§ SCOTT, Barrister �,'
apidly. Mrs Currie was the didates, and in Prince Edward, where will also increase the export of man- menta, Robt. L. Stevenson; Elizabeth
gbter of Win. Bryan and the third condidate retired too late to ufactured lumber to the United States. Glen M. B., Mrs Keith Hamilton M.B.,
Howick township, affect the result. It is emphasized al- its effect upon Michigan will be to put A Victory Won, A Stormy Voyage, FOR SALE.
t very much to hear oft he so by the marked change exhibited in Michigan mill owners who depend upon Annie B. Swann; Uncle Remiss, Joel Factory and contents on the pmporty of D.
Mrs J. C. Halliday, Brus- the trge County of Hastings, where Canada' for supply of logs upon Itn Chandler Harris;Poetical Works,Long- Buchanan for $125; by guying $15 down and
11 from her chair one day the CIIy of Belleville has airyost brok- equal footing with Canadians in the fellow; The Earthly Paradise, Vol.. 1 balance at $to a mont. Building to be re.
and fractured one of her en away. from Conservatism and the American market. It will probably 2 & 3, `Wm. Morris; Paul, Herald of the moved. Apply to J. SCOTT. Clinton.
a Haliday is welt advanc- distillery influence. In any futuregive a new stimulus to the deforesting Cross, E. M. Kingsley; Stephen, a Sol
as no
t• been very vigor- contest, with good candidates and not cf Michigan, which has become so dier of the Cross, Mrs Kingsley; Titus, HOUSE and LOT FOR MALE
er of years, this acei- too many of them, the Liberals can re- grave an evil in that state. The gen. a Comrade of the Cross, Florence Morse
any time, means a verse the figures of Mar ch 1. eral result here will be to stimulate the Kingsley;The God in the Car, Anthony at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned
The one-story framo house on Townsend St
t an it would to a Of the 50 members for the western already rapidly increasing trade with Hope BB ahoo, Harry, Bungsho, Jab- by airs Duncan, is offered for sale onlreasonable
division the Liberals have secured 32, Great Britain, since there is a great bero,F.Ansley;Three usketeers.Vols, terms. It contains five rooms, stone cellar•
two of its most and the Conservatives 24. It was in market entirely free from sudden and 1 & 2, Twenty Years After, Vole. 1 & 2, quarter acre lot, in central position of town and
this district that the former suffered vexatious changes b• means of tariff Dumas Three Partnere, Bret Harte, in good repair. Apply toWm COOPER, build -
week, in the re- g v + er, Clinton
and Wm. Gem- their most serious reverses, but the tinkering. The situation will also great-
. es to Manitoba. Mr J. causes were obvious, and with proper ly strengthen those who are advocating
and hie entire family have Precautions many of the lost ridings the reservation and preservation of HEALTH IS BETTER.
may be redeemed while those wined Canadian forests until the second I bad no appetite and could not sleep atIOiTSE AND LOT FOIA SALE
while only four of Mr Wm.Gem- g „
.�1ill's family have left for the present, can be held. The Liberals, who won rowth has had time to catch up, and, night, and I was so tired that 1 could hard- The undersigned dfYers for sato thatrwostory
London after Mr Meredith's retire- 1 walk, I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla adver- Brick Residence occupied by the late lYlre Wm,
F. the Messrs Gemmell have been resid- y the ruthless destruction of Amerio-
e n me of ents of this township for nearly fort ment, have shown that they can keep an forests, the demand far Uanadian y Rattonbur , Thor. is In connection one acre
it. They have regained the two Lamb- lumber will insure not only high rices tiled and procured four bottles. Aly health of land which will also be sold in one piece or
I ears, and have been strai htforwar p is now better than it hue ever been,inn0 ! in lots to suit purchaser• Apg ly to
e Ida a tended to vote honest people. le. The % tons and the two Bruces, which they but immunit from congressional inter- pg
P P gap t e have left Y g was a child, and I have not been sick for WW.FARRANorJ.RATTENBURY, Clinton
for, is imprpcttcable, for the reasons will be very hard to fill, and we wish lost in 1894. They have made South ference with Canadian legislation. ton time." Mres +
7�,, Norfolk and South Wentworth safe g JEssr> TunxBurr, Gran-
'_ that the oth�s portion of the ballot, if them every success intheir new prairie All this is a miserable business. It brook, Ont.
homes. Liberal constituencies, and turned must be said that the government of COTTAGE AND LOT FOR
returned to the returning officer, Welland into a "Grit hive." They Ontario has taken the step with the ut- HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to SALE
would at once indicate the candidate DON'T TELL ANYBODY. 'have got back Halton, and have cap- most reluctance and after tremendous take with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
thin. Easy and
tured North Perth by a candidate who pressure from the country, Proofs of yet efficient. The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot -
}11 for whom tht: voter had decided. If no one should tell you about it, you is likely to hold it. They lost South the popularity of the measure are only tags of tour rooms with kitchen and woodshed
-There should be some amendment to would hardly know there was cod liver oil Grey by a triangular contest, acid too numerous. The opposition in the, On- attached. Centraliysitua,ed. Goodwaterand
x in Scott's Emulsion, the taste ie so nicsl North Gre b means which may be tario Aeaembl eo far from ndversel crit-
" A glance at the majoi itie� obtained drainage. Will beeold cheap. Appl�y to
the l , defining as nearly as possible 'covered. Children like it, and the parents more clearly revealed hereafter. West icisin the bill' point out with almost fev- by the candidate at the recent Proven- W Cr.,SEARLE.
�' _, g don't ob est. B P eta) elections willdo awe entire) ClintAn Dec. IOth '
what are cod and what are bad hal- j and South Huron, East Middlesex, the erieh emphasis that the idea originnttd Y y with
lots, when marked other than by the - • two El'gins, North Toronto and South with them. The jingoes are revelling in the idea the Conservatives had got in -
ordinary cross, and
Moller* and the Ass, Perth are all very close, with the pros- gore and ink. A gentleman running for al. to their beads that they had the major -
this ruling should pectsgood for Liberal gains on recounts derman in Toronto has had to defend him- ity of the people behind them. In the HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE
Lions, bears and elephants heaRe isao or following list West Elgin � be final. Where the intention of a ,yell r'm the stags; lizards and oeeponb dopetitrona. West York has turned self a;aittst the charge of being American- g g• has been The frame house and half -acre lot on Huron
voter is fairly well shown, the ballot (vide >Yima. Sarah Bizards an bavo also down Mr 'St. John into the Humber born. The more thoughtful regret the cit. counted to the Liberals and West Hu- Street. Clinton, occupied byeubscriber, is offer-
' been covered with stage tory, and intoe Piggery, in the offal o£ which he show- nation deeply, but feel, in common with all ren to the Conservatives, though both fa for for sale. Accommodation for ordinary
should be allowed even though there ed such a persistent disposition to revel classes, that this is the one answer that a are in dispute: Lauf y. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
may be -other marks On it than the have come to -the fore with great orodit Ca y Libe. (One bearing fruit trees. The house is well
themselves and their trainer. On a fair view of the whole field, the self-respecting people could make to.sueh , and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply
_ necessary'' one. If the ballot is to be But while co many "dumb things" Liberals have very little reason to feel legislations as the lumber clause of the By acclamation............ 2 0 to GEO. SWALLOW, or on the premises to
discouraged. Where they lost heavily Din le act• No one die utes the ri ht of 1000 or over ................ 4 2 lZRs AGNEW Clinton,
", _ r : used in its resent 1 have been excellent actors one of thele g y p g 500 ;tad under 1000.......... 6 8
p general form, it number at least has hoes ianrnortallsed they were themselves to blame, and Congress to put a prohibitive tariff on Can -
could be simplified so that the liability through failure: Monera hinreelt was the the errors they made can be easily rec- adian produce. The objection' lies in 'the 210 and under 500.......... 13 14 '
' ' stakes would be trifling. Take Astorwho-brought about the unrehearsed tified. .They cannottoo soon set about condition that if Canada dares to legislate I� and under 250.......... 14 9 HOUSE FOR SALE. -
the task of cicsing up their ranks; pre- upon own 50 and under I00."' ,..., 2 6
scene between himself. and his ase. Tera p produce retaliation will follow. —
the followin-' iiia �Tllt tratfon:- paring for probable contests in the The whole case is disheartening.Ri htl 25and under 50 ............ 6 0 $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
p1v was "Don Quixote,"amin and Mol}eie courts, and a possible renewal of the or wrongly, Canadian sentimentis turning Under 25 houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox-
played Sancho. Some minutes before he "" "" ""' 1 5 ton Property.
w o had to appear on the stage greaLer contest at the polls, It the re- Britainward. And now that Britaitt for - -
1 I JONES ago ho was waiting suit of judicial decisions and bye-elec- the first time meets sentiment with sent- 49 43 Money.ei h- Pirate also
ds In large forsale.
o wP1110101111 winmemossinsississ in tho wings, moun,tod on his ass. But tions is co bring on a complete dead- iment, sympathy with sympathy, favor with A petition will be entered by the Lib- "urns to loan u,r i❑ .: BRY Rates low.
the latter suddenly forgot lite part and 1A erals of South Huron, against the re W BRYDONE, Barrister,
lock, as may happen, then, with a fair favor, the trend in that direction is im
o sistod upon appearing on the steno with field and no third candidates, the Libe- measurably stronger than ever before. The turn to the Legislature of H. Eilber,
2 1 SMITH out delay. Nor was it of any avail that rals can corse, back easily with a major- time of excitement and wild talk for the the me ber elect of the riding.A
half a dozen assistants hung around his ity of from 20 to 25. This is the lesson ma crit ie set. The moat bo hopeless fent- counter CHOICE FARM FOR MALE.
bead and clung desperately to his tail. y p p petition will be filed by the
In thio form a voter could not posai- g P y of the general election, as we read it., nre•in the case, to one who believes in con- Conservatives. For sate, a splendid farm of 33 acres, betong-
The ase, with Moliere 011 his bank, dashed and the event will show that it is a tinental intercourse, is the calm conviction ing to the late C. Spooner, ad'oining the cor
bly put his mark anywhere but in the wildly among the actors on the scene, and fair forecast. on the part of the people that, the Republic poration of Clinton. All cleared and under good
compartment for the name; if marked the fiasco would have been complete had - Cultivation, small frame hou,o, frame barn
not Moliere saved the situation by sbout- PROFITS IN LAUNDRIES. does not desire mutual trade; but prefers to HEART RESCUE IN 30 MINUTES good bearing orchard and well. Will be sold
1. Ianywhere thereon, count if. The pre- ing to the audience, while jogging along, use its great strength to hamper and bind- on reasonable ;,firms to close up the estate. Al-
er the progress of its weaker neighbor. This After momentarily expecting for years so frame cottage on Albort Street, Clinton,
sense of the broad line through the "Pardon, gentlemen) Pardon, ladieal Ono Chinaman Went Home With 040.000 may be allwrong, but'as a mon thinketb, that death might snap the vital cord at any with half acre of ground, sppteadidly located.
�t centre would obviate the likelihood This confounded beast has come on against In His Pockets. minute. This is the story thousands could MRS. C. McGRb:GOR. Constance.
g so is he.' And the lumber clause of the Y MRS. W. ROBERTSON, Clinton.
of a cross in either place encroaching mywisbeml" The public respondedat once To hear the stories of money made in Dingley bill is a mighty stimulator of pro. tell and have told of the almost Divine for-,
g with roari of laughter and applause, but Chicago laundries one would think' there British seniiment in Canada. Doubtlees mala, Dr.Agucw's Cure for the Heart. Ev-
jW the space not intended by the vo- Mailers never again mounted an ass.- to an opportunity for a permanent out in it will accomplish its immediateur ose cry day chronicles the taking awn of man
ter. In view of the many errors that Westminster Gazette their prices. A man who knows a good and add to the wealth of a small number of who have not beaded nature's ' warnings BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR
have arisen in late elections, and the many of the local Chinese says one lawn- American citizens. But etc indirect effects that the heart was tired out and needed the BALE
A High Hiteh. dryman went back to China a few years will be felt in all the further relations be. helping that this wonderful cure gives,
• ,, likelihood that the same thine,* may A� General Forrest's raid Into Mem. &9O with $40,000 in American money, all tween the two countries for many its to Heart disorders are insiduous. Don't trifle, That desirable Brick Business Stand on AI -
earned in the laundrybusiness, but rob- Dome, as well ae in the future relation, rot g y bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
occur again, steps should be taken by phi, largo stories were told about his horo.P Thie teat ismer attacks the disease in- offered for sale, ineluding rear lot and stable.
the government to have one uniform Ism and the marvelous doings of his troops. ably largely by the buying and selling of the Dominion to the Empire. stantly. Sold by Watts 8r Co. Tho l ovation is one of the beet in Clinton. The
One of the beat Illustration, of the ad. laundries. There are some of the local property is Iron from incumbrance and title in
. style of ballot that would make some Chinamen who are continually dickering disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
m1rqtion inspired by the general came frorft m laundries One of them who line re- ITCHING, BURNING, CREEPING purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon-
.-of,the mistakes next to impossible. w no(4re soldier who claimed to hava seen + , don Road• or address Clinton P. O
Li'm as be rode up in front of the GAyoso oently bought w Stag street laundry for CRAWLING IT FEAT
a ° ", heel. He began t+alllas his companions $1,000, is said to have carried on nepopia-
o flocked endngnpl carpo to ilio lona for the purchase of over 26 laundries TO FIT YOUR FEET
frisp County Clipping's m western Massachueo6a durin the las► Skin diseesea relieved in a few minutes i
appearance of his-horve.?,," g by Agnew s Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ! 1 FI=BRIN BLOCK
"I was a-startin rightiw' dim siley,11 "Id few years' He does not seem to have much ment relieves instantly and cures Tetter, � FOR SALE
I . -Ur David Errington, of Morris, in- he, "*bsn I seen him earn* 'up. fie rid trouble in getting funds for such pur- Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcers, �
! r tends moving this week to Wawanosh, Lir Lose right up to do hotel, an -I'm tell- abases, as men who bavo lent him money Blotches, and all eruptions of the Skin. It $soo cash 120 monthfy paymeats otl S13 ALE
" In many instances on 80 to 60 dry notes D J CAMPBELL. Hamilton
where he hog purchased a farm. in you de trnf.-he bitched his hos, right is soothing and quieting and sots likemagie
say he has always paid before the paper L
to'de second story banisters.' I sed him, in all BabgHnmors,irritation of the Scalp
W.C. Campbell, who for many years „_ duo Itis said that a good Chinese Tann-
I tell you, I meed trim I BLtlsdelpL4 H or Ra,hes Burin Teething time, 85 Dente
bye resided in Har urhey, has moved dryman can clear $25 a week, although he „ I
sae- rwith his,family. H�m'd' pays from $14 to $25 rent, and sometimes a boa. Sold by alts h Co. Fai list if.r dale or to Rent.
Frank Millson has disposed of his A Vsefal OIL an high as $40, and hires two or three men —
P Th th half of lot oncession 9, Town -
store in Winthrop to Richard Com- Few people know hew usoful oil of pep at wages ranging from $0 to $10 a week, Rev. Dr. Carman preached at Park- hip of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres
mon, and intends to devote his time to Int is as a remedial a enk A little When their very economical. habits of ]iv- ' , cl eyed and In good stat, or cultivativathon.
1. E 111 are considered, dale Methodist church last Sunday ti� The a aro on th.premisos a frame house, frame
the:cheese business. ra bed ever a sensitive corn olminates g , it Is probable that they night, and the report cava that to the barn. frame dyne hooey good orchard, never
seem soreness in a miraculous manner. save a large share of their earnings. They sermon 'which was intended In support ' fail . su a of spring water. Situated; mile
11. `We are sorry to report that Mr Thom. seem generally to have mons to a their r PP t from the villa a spring
iBlyth. Will be cad on mile
Gibson, ex -M. P.P., of FordwicL, is at Two or three drops of oil of peppermint 8 pay of the superan anon fund of the g
bills for local merchants who deal with h , % eonable terms, Apop1y toC.HAMILTON, B:
pfisent indisposed, butho a to sera him raised with an equal sarount of suet rub- ' church, a made pecial allusion to the 1 m THOS. R. WRI1SUT, Executo_ 418 Prince le
p them any their accounts are almost always fact that Dr. Dewait had entered into Av . London, On
�^ ' soon restored to his usual hAalth. hod over a baby's chest gives instant relief paid promptly. politics, He dies ro
Iia ease of a old on the lungs or a tough, p pp ved of his action,
Mr Thos. Moore Boyd, who was born _San Fra�soo Obroniele. A queer feature of the lnundry businees and asserted that a minister of the Gos.
Is, lit�ar Belfast, It eland, died at the rear- Is the extent to which the local laundries pel should not enter politics, and he House and Lot for Sale
delicte of his son-in-law, John Robb, of aro in tho hands of syndicates or oombina- hoped that because one man had tom- But it van he done°b 11' d
i II,
Professional andOtherCa,rds
'Barrister, S.
", t
0ON VEYAN0ZB\ d:o . -' :
Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba.
Office immediately south of Gilroy & Wiseman
Office -Beaver Block.
Up-etairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery,
(Formerly of Cameron Holt .!c Cameron), ii,
Office-Ham/10011 Si opppp05160 Colborne House al
Office, Mackay Block. Clinton.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money tar n)
lend op,Mortgage and Note security. ' 1
Office Hours -9 to 5.
Graduate R 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity -
veraity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation
the natural teeth,
Ofhce, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store
B Y aid a ervisit
Thursd y aft rn oMonday g tie
DR. WM, GCNN, L- R. 0, P. and Llo . R. C. 8.
Nig Edinburgh.
at frontt door it esidence n OBatteen
bury St„ oppoaitePresbyterian church,
M. O. P & Sit Ontario oFellowoof the Obstetrics
Society ofDdinburgh,lato of London, En and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office--Dr,Dowscly'e old
office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell
answered at the same place,
A St., 0 cur, etc., office and residence on.
St„ opposite Englisb churoh, formerly oo
copied by Dr• Appleton, Clinton;��IFATHR.
L Medlc,,l Department of totoria Unlyer
city, Torvlato, t9huorly of th Hospitals and
Dispense"fes.. New York, Coroner for he
County of Buren, Baylleld, Ont.
-College. Treats al diseases Ofdom ,t,steel nd •, • '..
male on the most modern and scientific print i
plea Office- immediately south of the New Ere '
Office. Residence -Albert St., Clinton. Call a.
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned to Clinton and opened an office
at the Queea's Hotel, where he may be consult-
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at
"tended to.
nary H lege, onorar'oronto.at Treaof ts all Ontario
Domestic Animals on the most modern and
Scientific Principles. Day and night calla prompt
Clinton. Residence-Rattenbury St., west
a ud Resid nLo Marriage
plintou ibrnry )loom -�C°:
No witnesses required
P. Civil Engineer, PrLondon, Out.lal -Office Office Surveyor and
at Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
MOHillop Insurance Company. ,yf
Tho undersigned has been appointed to re `:
resent the 1uoBillop Insurance, Co., for the
townships of Rullett, Morris and East Wawa -
nosh. Parties having business witn the com-
pany, or desiringg to insure will be promptly
attended to. ItOBT, SMITH, Haarrtrck.
- ',
AGENTS. `" �t
"Klondike Gold Fields;' a largge cheap, vale
able bookselling like a whirlwind, Beautiful
prospectus twenty flue conte, Books on time
Tke Gem Woven -wire Feo,ce,
Subscriber is agent for the GEx �p OvieN,wrsrc
Feats, admittedly one of the best r o Fences
Coiled -spring Ste 1 wire, boat mQde,',ten In •, -
instable tighteners, gloaely woven, and is flu..
complete at 6o per strand per rod. The
fence ie not woven until it it V1 i up and one
can have as man strands as they wish It ie
a strong, durablo fencer none betterr-' and
whore,nsod farmers pprefer it to an7 other
PERCY EVANS, He esvillo
writes Lordeat lLorne aber Majesty
ut �s�a�ssn av a 7oa.r,
Agents make fl -e dollars dail'
fIRnDLEY-GARRETSoN j,.,&.,, _
y ca ing ilpon us an -- CLAN 11
Brite, on uesday. Drtarch 8. Deceas- one instance. tions of the laundrymen. A group of milted an error, the fund would not examiningour linea of Tho frame hovso on Rattenbury street, N
ed was in the 79th year of life age. Toaohor- Mountain climbing I, said to them, rotator to each other, are said to suffer, as there are many widows or -
be boalthful and Invigorating ' i ' !Women's immediately east very
y r. sortable for , to WOOD slid CO RD
FHenry Kirkby, of the 9th line, Mor- g sting In its effoot,. control Rolf o dozen laundries on South jthans and worn-out ministers depend- )lien S, and .
res, met with it painful accident on any instance, of this occur to you? Main and State streets, and thorn aro 0th- tna on it." Dr. Dewar( is not like the ! offered for sale on very roasonnblo terms, Subscriber is �p i p
Lutesday (if last week. He was ba.ul- Juvenile Pupil-Yas'rh. The goat Is a er similar, combinations in tbo city. The mn who couldn't tape back. $e has Children's Boots The bons® is ventrally situated being only dors for Wood or Coral dwh), Ill'lt' b,9- all oa�'�
ing a load of wood to Brussels and by mountain climber, and the goat is very, members of these various "syndicates" the floor. All Winter goods selling at reduced li minute walk from the ng room vontrn, IMPLEMENT
+aloe• Ofleo on Issue Street at LAVI
some rrieana injured his spine, strong. -Chicago Tribune. aro generally not on good forma with each rices. Fall assortment of has atone collar, largo dining room, rnrlor, IMPLEMICNT IIOOhIs,
P bed room and kitcherS down stairs with one CV. Wl3EATLEIC
11. Albert Crooks, Morris, other. 'If they moot in some stoic, they SPRINq aGEATHER WEAKNESS. Double stud Single has sold the 2`ho nblioim will not s oak the �,le Harness, large and two smaller bedrooms u stairs GENTS -- Book businoseis ,better than for
farm he recently purchased from the p prclsaion that the p , ugh knowing each oth- Trunks, Valises Robes Good-sized snmmor kitchen and p AGENTS
' John Hanna estate, to Richar�S Al- tinent is no longer;tho "unexplored" hrea er perfectly well. The competition be- It's not the weather that's at fault. It's i garden' boolrehrs,Aame clear
av emttlratidfoeter -Ilius
twoon those various groups to buy your system, clogged p suet illfttlket® Veryvonvomontl g g8 Otc$40yWool, A
h tack, o£ the Kith con„ Grey, for $ 150, of tbo old maps, in a mIptake. What bas far P y up an Y Y tem, 410 ed with poisonous mater• e o houe. Apply at ly sit ated for boardin PPo nloadorg aro:-'Qtyeott Fletc ria L#Po oL Mr
r bso>,.dono is most), tb st4lco out tern- available laundry Is said to be very shay ials, that makes you feel dull,larowsy, weelr Red and White Cedar Shtn�lts altvaye pp Y RA office. stone, My MotbaraBible 9torios ,, '•Pro»
` clearl+af; $$,10 On it. The pUrchltaer R grosslvoS onknr,'"!KlondiltcGotdlPlolriH, Wo
1 11<ittke posseseton At cries. tortes a1cAn doflnito outvs W#thl those and a loon} man who has such an opening and mraerable. Lot Burdock Blood Bitters on,hand, . „„ pp ..
pp to rent Is said to IfaVo received 2g a lion- vicar away all the potaons, urlfy and en-� ninhoraGndrnSuo� dPfthe Uristubn, "'+BroakPasn! '
;' -. , llztI the otgufgtrp js tr nerrlily as iS tllnolbh
DroO PP p or, Canacia;kn Efroyolo)trtie•
r ill �e liras of ku go Bark, tions Seat: lt`7-Sprfaf,lfldd Ropubliaan. rich your blood, make ycu fool bright and JAS. ' WITCHE �l�
! TH>s Nxcty ERA GIVES TtIIr7 IIoME NEFtts cTheIAZil.1n,pe froa.ta oanvneabrt�
, 001186e1s a ntribu t
`, '{�Stlte for, vfblati tt bf t o ^, vigorous,
3,orik, dl'Utoh, Nabi NEW nRA, GIVES T13A1 HO1S E NEWS Toronto, SON t7o„ L11n1tAd1 / , . ,. - I . A ,..I , I L. . . ,�
I .01 11 ,.
_ ,: