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The Clinton New Era, 1898-03-18, Page 6
March 18, 1898 TH 9 CLINTON NEN ER Religions News. Dean Farrar, whose father was a missionary, was born in Bombay. I3e came to England when he was only 3, and lived with his aunts at Aylesbury. Bishop Burdon, who resigned the see of Victoria, Hong Kong, a few months ago, is returning to China as a mission- ary. He is 70 years of age, and has been in the mission field for 44 years, during. 23 of which he has acted as bishop. He proposes to settle at Pak- hoi. The Rev. Jas. Caughey was one of the most successful revivalists of Meth- odism. When laboring at Nottingham, England, Wm. Booth was converted. He is now known as General Booth, father of the Salvation Army. Our American brethren, says the Christian Guardian, think that Mr Caughev is justly grandfather of the Salvation Army. As indicating the growth of a native Presbyterian (church in China, it is in- teresting to learn that the two Presby- teries which form the Synod of Arnoy have a total membership of 2,565, with 21 ordained pastors, 22 students in the- ology, 38 elementary schools, with 785 scholars, beside nine girls schools,with more than 300 scholars, and 70 boys at the "middle" schools. The "Christian giving" for the year amounted to $8,- 236. An editorial in the London Christian states:—There has been much joy in quarters over the large legacy that has come to the Moravian missions by the will of the late J. T. Morton, and it is to be feared that the venerable society will seriously suffer through the pre- valent misapprehension on the subject. It is true that £250,000 has been left to the Moravian Church,' of which about two-thirds are to be applied to mission- ary effort; but (1) the money is not likely to he available for some tone, and (2) when it is remitted, in ten eq- ual instalments, it will not (as is sup- posed) benefit the current work of t -he missions, hut will have to be promptly applied to entirely new enterprises. Meantime, the mission balance sheer shows a heavy deficit, and unless friends rise without delay in aid of the ever-growing work, the society will he imply overwhelmed with deht, and abor under sadly lessened resources. ehristian Endeavor Forward steps. The Christian Endeavor movement in all parts of the world has taken with much earnestness two advance steps, which, it is believed, will bring bless- ings to the societies and to the church at large. These efforts are the system- atic giving of money and time to God. The first Is embodied and made con- crete by the "tenth legion," which is simply the enrollment of those who will promise to give not less than 'one- ,. tenth of their income to God. This has already been entered into by many thousands and is rapidly winning its way. This money is to he given through the churches and denomina- tional hoards for the spread of the kingdom. The other effort for t he giv- ing of more time to God is made con- crete by the "quiet hour" of personal communion with the unseen, in order that all the activities of Christian En- deavor may be based upon spiritual life—that the doing may be inspired .may being. This advance step is being to-En"hy thohsands of young people, and already in consequence the Christ ,- ian Endeavor movement is quickened by spiritual life, which it has never be- fore known. A Perp sexed Tourist. An Englshman touring through Can- ada and the United States, went on board a steamer late one night, and on the following morning, after walking on deck and looking round him,he step- ped up to the captain and asked him, "I beg pardon,, but would you kindly tell me what lake I'm on ?," "The Lake Huron," replied the cap- tain, and turned away. The Englishmen looked puzzled for a moment, and then, following the cap- tain, began again, "I beg your pardon, you said — "It's the Lake Huron,"roared the cap- tain, thinking the man was deaf. •'Yes,I know,"persisted the passeng- er. "but what's the name of the lake that I'm on ?" "The Lake Huron!" shouted the cap- tain, incensed at what he thought gross stupidity, and he turned away to relieve himself by railing at one of the hated,. The Englishman looked more perplexed than ever. "The lake you're on is the lak3 you're on. Of coni: a it is ! The, lake I'm on can's. help being the lake I'rn on. What impt'rl insect'! Let me look in my go•de-hook; perhaps that will tell me." It. did tell him; and then the humor of the situation suddenly dawned upon him. Some time ago an Englishman named Davis ?,pent a work or two in Montreal en route for the Klondike. He had a good deal of money and spent a large sum for stii.u.tee, having also amongst his possess - 'Mee no lees than sixty dogs. To -day a des- patch wuR recoined het by a friend, stat- iug that DR,vis' mind had gone wrong, and the poor than had been brought back to V anoouver. The directors of the Butter & Cheese Association of Eastern Ontar'o i ses- eion at Ki inset on, have passed a resolu- tion declaring t hat in view of the heavy stocks of 1807 cheese on hand it will he in the interests of the dairymen of Ontario not to manufacture cheese in April or November this year. They well-known contractor, John Ross, died very suddenly at the Mc- Rae Hotel, Lancaster, at midnight of Mai ch 10. He yas very successful as a Tallenty contractor, and ropnted to he very wealthy. It is said of himlthat he bunt more miles of railway than any other known contractor in America, He was 78 years of age, The New York World says:. -The great granddaughter of oldCorurnedore anderbilt, the handsome, dashing wife of young Jack Wilmerding ie an insane patient at the Blear iingil•i4!e Asylum. She was sunt home front Eli. rope four weeks ago by her fat het, 0.,1, Vanderbilt Allen. She was n(14)11)13.1 ti- led ccunt .to- ned by a physician and nnr'ses, mid mi- en her arrival was examined by her father's family physician. She was lreg,ularly committed to the Blooming - da a Asylum et %bite Mains. MAO fan Siud1 h on ^j JAVA'S GIANT TREE. ARBOREAL SIAMESE TWIN HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD. Stands ou the Site of tke Ancient City of Padglaraih —Crowned With Gorgeous Orchids, It Wooes the Worship and Wonder of Men. Undoubtedly the largest tree the world has ever seen is th giant tree in the island of .lava. This monarch of the eastern for- ests stands on the site of what in ancient times was the city of Padajarian, the glo- ries of which, now long since departed, wore of so magnificent a character 4s to have been extolled in the Bongs of contem- porary poets who flourished in those re- mote days, who never tired of telling of its grand buildings, its magnificent palaces, and, above all, of its wonderful tree. Earthquake and ' to have long swept the city and its people away into a common oblivion and have left little save the sur- viving poetry to tell of the existence of this beautiful city. But the great tree still remains, which the devastating earth- quake shook, but could not destroy. This veritable vegetable giant, which spreads out its great branches over a largo area of ground, formerly overshadowed the great palace of the native princes who ruled in times long anterior to the Dutch away and was ever the wonder not only of the whole city and island, but also of the East In- dian continent generally. It still stands as a recording monument, linking the past with the present, and commands not only the wonder and admiration of visitors from distant parts, but the adoration of the Indian natives, who worship at its shrine. The place where this great wonder of nature stands is called Batutulioo. Con- tiguous to its baso is a small wooden house where several Mohammedan priests and at- tendants reside, who perform daily native religious ceremonies and services. '1'o their especial caro is committed the conservancy of this inouarch of the forest, and also tho custody of a number of much prized and venerated relics of the departed city, and from the foes received for the exhibition of these and showing the wonderful tree they manage to derive a fair income, for the tree enjoys an odor of sanctity much bo- yond all else in tho island, and attracts not only the faithful to its shrine, but also the curious from far and near. It stands contiguous to the wayside and fortes nn imposing and striking feature in a landscape by no means otherwise deficient in natural grandeur, on an elevated plain, freely visible from all sides, odructing the attention of all comers, oven in the far dis- tance. So noble is its appearapce, so ma- jestic its port, that once behold it can never be forgotten. Shining rivers, waving fields of goldol colored cereals, woods and moun- tains, together with a live volcano in the background, complete the picture. Its trunk is of such groat girth and dimen- sions so vast that a scorn of men joining their outstretched hands cannot complete- ly embrace it. Botenteal data are not forthcoming for the determination of its ago, for it is deemed too accred a subject to allow of a proper expert examination being made. Perhaps tho greatest marvel, though, is that it is in reality two trees blended, as it were, and -welded into one, and, still more curteus to relate, two trees of the same genus, but of different species. Both have grown together and form an indivisible common trunk of onormods size. The dis- tinctive features of eaoh species appear un- mistakably In the branches, and reveal the very remarkable difference in the color of the foliage. At a little distance off this presents a truly strange spectacle. The leaves of ono aro of a lively and beautiful green, while those of the other are of a much deeper shade on the upper surface and pale on the under, The one has long, slender, drooping branches adorned -with elegant foliage, refreshing to look upon. From its majestic appearance this kind used to be planted in 'front of the palaces of the native rulers. Its larger branches put forth fascicles of roots, which, instead of descending, as is common among plants, to the earth, have orept along the old trunk, wrapped their strong arms around it and ultimately blended themselves with it. The other species, less graootul per- haps in growth, has shorter, more rugged and lustier branches, and by these and the color of its leaves is readily distinguished from its twin relative. Below, both be- came, so to say, fused into ono mass, min- gling sap and fiber together. The trees both belong to the natural family uno- raoear, a race which has given birth to sev- eral other giants of the vegetable world. They are of the genus flow. On arriving et,the base or entrance of the tree the visitor 'today who has come to inspect its wonders is met by the priests in charge, who proceed to perform forthwith some slight religious ceremony, at the ter- mination of which an invitation is given to ascend its aged sides, which is done by means of the countless lateral branches and the aid of peasants, who are at hand to render assistance to all who require It in the journey aloft. On arriving at the hor- ticultural plateau or tableland at the sum- mit words fail to at all adequately desoribe the lovely scene which meets the eye in all directions. It is literally clothed all over with elegant flowers and p rasitio plants. Orchids in a multitude of species have crawled up many a withered branch and flung down gorgeous flowers, roots and leaves in ono waving mass of fantastic fragrance and floral elegance. Lichens scaled up the wooden cliffs and ferns of many species grow up from the dark hol- lows underneath, while loranths suck the vital juices and serophulariads cover the branches with a veritable patchwork of many brilliant hues. This tree, in fact, may with truth bo termed a garden in the air, a mundane paradise. Tho rain of egos has washed down into its cavities dead loaves and de- oaying material, aud thus a rich Invigorat- ing vegetable world has boon created, highly .fitted for and giving exuberant nourishment to the host of plants which in the course of time, and some in a most mysterious manner, have found their way to the unique site where they flourish so woll.—London Standard. The Maul of Linboln, Dr. Bozzoll of Clifford, this county, has an old beech maul used by Abraham Lin- coln for splitting rails during his boyhood days Tho doctor's father borrowed the maul of Lincoln's father during Abra- ham's bbyhoud days when tboy were neigh- bors in Illinois, and never rotut ned 11. ft is now a valued relic. —Colum;. us (Ind.) Letter in Chicago Times -Herald. The Oldest Onlver,lty. The oldest university in the world le at Peking It is called the "School For the Sons of the Empire " Its antiquity is very great, and a granite register consisting of stone columns, 820 III number, Mita/1i Silo =Ones of Ei M° firaddltkis. ' t,t11L01,1,..., t UUltiLit, Are quickly ourrd by a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; and beet of all it's so nroe the t•onugstere aka it wit p- out any fuse. Thackeray an laokwood. The elder Blackwood seldom or never missed a good contributor to Maga, but the instinct of his sons was scarcely so un- erring. In 1840 they received an offer of some papers to be entitled "The World We Live In." "No politics, as much fun and satire as I can muster, literary lath and criticism of a spicy nature and general gossip," explained the writer and signed bis lotto? "W. M Thackeray." The "Yel- towplush Papers" had been published al- ready. Nevertheless this offer was not ao- oepted, and the "Roundabout Papers" ap- peared elsewhere. The "Irish Sketch Book" and the"Great Hoggarty Diamond" were also offered and met with the same fate, greatly to the profit of Fraser's Magazine, where they were gladly accepted. The greatest edi- tors, like the greatest generals, are those who make fewest blunders, but it is diffi- cult to understand bow the shrewd liter- ary instinct of the Blaokwoodsfailed them in this instants). Perhaps affection for the traditions of Maga made them slow to realize the change in popular taste, Chris- topher North had enjoyed a tremendous vogue, but his fantastio and boisterous style was beginning to lose favor with the public, Nowadays few people Dare for the "Nootes," except for their associations, and Thackeray has a thousand readers for every one of the groat professor's. The reason for this is suggested in one of Mrs. Oliphant's carelessly constructed sen- tences: "Perhupe a man cannot get 80 much from his o'.vu age, and at tho same time from the handset posterity. "—Long• man's Magazine. Washington Was Fond of Dancing. "Tire stately Washington had always been known as a 'dancing roan,"' writes Mrs. Burton Harrison in The Ladies' Home Journal. "Ho was 'fond of danc- ing,' says Mrs. Lewis, 'and had an odd fashion of keeping time by waving his arras before him till his hands almost crossed.' At the assemblies in Alexandria, at the 'breed and butter' balls of his earli- er manhood, at country 'frolics' and at headquarters during the Revolution—he had many a time achieved what old Gen- eral Nathannel Greene called a 'pretty lit- tlo frisk.' And it was not until late in life—until after he had ceased to be presi- dent—that hu wrote a letter to the man- agers of a birtl,night ball in Alexandria, saying, alas! his and Mrs. Washington's 'dancing days' were over. In the list of queries regarding the etiquette necessary to his presidential state, which he submit- ted to Ilie Madison and Mr. Jay, he had, indeed, (%0Ccc1, 'in what light the appear- ance of the 1.reriJout cf the United States rarely tit tea 11111tes would be considered,' but he lord sulaticsied nothing about ex- cusing himself from taking a comrade for the eotillon or minuet." What He Asked For. Once upon a time a printer brought to Booth for inspection the proof of a new poster, which, after the manner of its kind, announced the actor as "the emi- nent tragedian, Edwin Booth." Mr. Booth did not fully approve of it. "I wish you'd leave out that 'eminent tragedian' business. I'd much rather have it simple 'Edwin Booth,' " be said. "Very good, sir. k' Tho next week the actor saw the first of his new bills in position. His request bad been carried out to the letter. The poster announced the coming engagement of "Simple Edwin Booth."—Boston Budget. Alds. Fanny—I wonder where Mr. Reggie got his lovely English accent. He's an Amer- ican born. Quoenie—Why, I heard he bought his teeth in London. ' Fanny—How clever of himl—Philadel- phia Call. • Not Too Crazy. Jones, the tailor, is informed that one of his clients has suddenly gode insane. "Oh, the poor fellow I But he'll pay my bill, at least, won't he?" "Oh, be isn't quite insane enough for that?"—Gaulois, y , Actors, Singers, Speakers Thousands of actors, public entertainers, singers, lectur- ers, preachers and readers are tormented with throat weakness. These delicate organs being overtaxed be- come susceptible to head colds, influenza hoarseness, tickling in the throat, sneez- ing, dropping in the throat, pain over the eyes, dry throat, etc.; ail these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma, Tonsilttls, and are but stepping stones to more serious complications If neglected. DR. AG1NEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER ispowevfoi painless, harmless aud quick -acting, and will cure ail such troubles—relieves in to minutes. "I can botlaim Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der a wonder tl medicine, particularly for singers and public speakers. Myself and wife were both subjects of Tonsilltis and Catarrh, and never found anything to equal this great remedy for quick action and curative qualities—it is a wonder worker. 1 heartily recommend it to oily brother professionals." AL Emmett Fostell, Actor, New York City. -3/ SOLD BY W ATT ri 11 Old People's Troubles. Hard for the old folks to move about — constant backaches to bother them in t h e daytime — nry weakness to disturb their of n! etght. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys end help to make the deeming year. comfortable. Mr. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut Street, Charlottetown, P. E. I., writes "Per the 'past two years I have had =eh trouble with disease of the kidneys and non -retention of urine, was dropsical and suffered a feet deal with pain in my back, 1 have been greatly benefited by the use of Domes ltldney Pills." t1t p,. A d00 \ '1'0 LYCLIS'1'ti. A bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil should be in every cyclist's kit, as it ie the moat effective remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Cuts Stiff Joints, Contraction of the Muscles, Cramps iu the legs, oto. A Harmless A.ntifat. Most of the antifat compounds that rue of any value whatever have for their basis the berries of the common poke root. These figure under the Somewhat high sounding title of phytolaooa tablets. They contain about one to two drops of prepared berry juice to the tablet. That they are useful in reducing flesh bas been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and this without in- juring the health in any way whatever. Ill fact a number of persons who have tired them have discovered that rheumatic and other troubles have been decidedly de- oreased. These tablets are not a proprietary remedy—at least there is no monopoly in their manufacture any more than there is to quinine or witch hazel—but that they are a worthy addition to the pharmacopoeia is•admitted by thee° whose experience gives them the right to be heard. There are few things more distressing to the pos- sessor than abnormal fat, and any simple and efficacious remedy would be hailed by them with delight.—New York Ledger. The Foot hest. The importance of the foot rest is not widely understood, nor is it sufficiently dwelt upon even by the advocates of vari- ous sorts of rest cures. Every woman should know that it is essential to her phys- ical well being that she have a footstool as well as a chair; that a reclining chair, because it removes the weight of the body entirely from the feet, is more restful than even the very American institution, a "rocker,"and that in every kitchen a high office stool should form part of the furni- ture. Tho maids should bo encouraged to sit, so far as is possible, at their work. The stool gives a support to the feet by its rounds. Monday with the ancient Greeks was the day of rest. The Persians set apart Tuesday as the day for publio worship, the Assyrians Wednesday, the Egyptian's Thursday, while the Moslems hold Friday as the most sacred day of the week. The language with the greatest number of letters in its alphabet is the Abyssinian, which has 208 distinct characters. THE OLD MAN'S BLUFF. Grerge'a Account of How Re Caught On and the Results. "George," said the young wife, "what In the world le the matter with papa?" "Matter with papa?" he said in sur- prise. "I don't know. What's he been doing to stir you up? Cut us off in his will?" "Oh, he was going on at a great rate last night, so mamma said. He told her that you was altogether too fly and that you played cards too much like a gambler. You don't, do you, George?" "Played oarde like a gambler? I don't know what be means. I've played against him two or three times at the club, and I suppose because I called somo of his pat hands that he was trying to bluff through I played like a gambler. Oh, I've got him down to a fine point, sure. I can tell when he's bluffing every time. I naught him in it when I asked for you, and I never for- got his motion. "Didn't I ever tell you? Well, it was this way. When I asked him, he made a great bluff about it being hard to give you up, and be didn't know whether he would consent, and I knew be was dead anxious to get you off his hands"— "Why, George, you mean thing." "Well, that's a fact, and during the time he bad a peculiar motion of pulling the left end of his mustache with his right band. Then I oaught him in the same thing at ono tune when I tried to sell him some first clads bank stook 2 or 3 per cent under the market price. He pulled his mustache. the same way, and yet I knew he was bluffing when he said be didn't want the stock. I remembered that mo- tion, and I've used it to good advantage. "You see, we have been in two or three little sittings at the club, and once T caught hirg standing pat and trying to bluff his band through, and in a 26 cont game too. He pulled his mustache just in that same way, and I kept him in the game and finally called him. Ho was mad a lit- tle bit anyhow. But I have watched him every time and ho always gives himself away with that pull of the left band side of his mustache with his right hand. And 1f be doesn't get out of that habit I'll get all of your mama's spending money and put it in your pocket every time. "Maybe, as a matter of policy, though, had better let hire work a few of those buffs through just for the sake of keeping peace in the family. "—Cincinnati Com- mercial Tribunes. WasThere Ever A Greater Victory? Paine's Celery Compound, the World's Famous Disease tom""•• Banisher, Saves the Life of Mr `Church. All Other Medicines Had Fail„t1 and Death Was Fully Expected. As a Spring Medicine for New Blood,New Strength and Sound Health, Paine's Celery Compound is Recommended by Thousands. € iThe complete cure of Mr John A.Chnrch, of Coldbrook, N.S., and the production of his strong letter of testimony in favor of Paines Celery Compound are of themselves enough to convince every sick person that Paine's Celery Compound is a medicine honestly prepared and recommended for the curing of all sick people. No other medicine known to medical science can so well and so promptly restore lost strength and vitality in the spring months. It is not the common medicines of the day that phyaicand prescribe and the best people recommend. It is only a wonderful and marvellous life restorer Like Paine's Celery Compound that can command et- teution and respect. Mr Church writes as follows : WELLS & RICHARDSON 00„ GENTLEMEN:—It is with pleasure that I give testimony in favor of your marvellous medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. I bad an attack of la grippe which put me in- to such a condition that I could not sleep or eat. I was completely run down, had extreme nervous prostration, and lay for days in a half stupified state. After spending all my ,money for medi cine which did little good, I gave up to die, when one day a paper on Paine's Celery Compound was brought to me. 1 at once procured the medicine and derived great relief from the first bottle. I slept better, ate better, and digestion improved. After using nine bottles I feel like a new man. I can truly say that Paine's Celery Com- pound snatchrd me from the grave and gave me a new lease of life. I earnestly urge all sufferers to use Paine's Celen r'ompound, feeling sure it will cure then?. Do not spend your money for medicines that cannot cure you. Yours truly, Join; A. CHURCH. The War of Cutting Rates Is not monopolised by the C.P.R and G.T.R. A call will satisfy you we are fol- lowing suit in cut rates. Housecleaning time is drawing near, note what you require in following list. We sell the leading brands of the finest Soaps, Gold Dust, Sapolio, Pear - line, Washing Soda. Brushes of all kinds, Brooms, Hops and Handles, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Pails, Butter Bowls and Prints. Also preparations for .Fumigating, Crockery, China and Glaesware at Cost. Ask for Monsoon and Blue Ribbon Tea (these Teas are never peddlea.) Highelst price for Butter and Eggs. N. ROB ON'S, - . Clinton. A Talk to Gentlemen DEAR FRIENDS,—When you are in needof any of the following articles, please call on us. You will find the quality the best and the pride the loweel. We have Hats in Stiff and Soft Felt and Straw. Cape in many qualities, Combs, Scissors, Brushes, Razors, Straps and Soaps; Collars in Paper, Celluloid and Linen; Collar and Cuff But- tons and Linke. Underclothes in great variety. Shirte in White, Black and Colored; Shirtings and Sweaters, Braces and Neckties that are beauties. Coats in Fur Cloth and Waterproof. Suits ready mode and made to order. Tweeds and Linings, Smooks and Overalls, Cottonades and Denims, Gloves and Handkerchiefs, Knives, Watohohains and Charms; Violin Strings, both steel and gut. Tweed:Pants, Sox in wool and cotton, Boots, Shoes, Laces, Rubbers, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. Trunks and Valises, Pipes and Pipe mounts. Tobacco and Perfumes, Also many other articles for household useiand outside uses. Then if you are contemplating leaving a state of single blessedness we can supply you with the Marriage License, ADAMS' EMPORIUM, L®NDESBO tU: R. ADAMS CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS We Keep in Stock and make to order Cutters and Sleighs of all kinds. 1 RUMBALIL cLINPON (9 orb blow tin" or.. ;encu: ati rt.r- tu.tmu^rnvtt• r:'-+.::.,:nt�at AregetalARreparafatiptieSiontachssucl SE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE O l� 1t omotm' 9lioitCheeit ' 'ices Saves er Opralii, ©rpkil*ea r� rIsTAFtectirrec Pf11f7m di''• } . po, feel iiernedr forGonst'ipa- 1°-inf i`S opal&iomaC1L.Ddadh0¢d. Worms 1sionsifteveii&h-'t itess,an4LOSftialltiSIIEER nature.,ef IS ON THE ''RAPPER OF .8v±atB' BOTTLE OF r AtQ %la°xifil15•440 ci eXACteitlaCIParalgdeltAPPElat .,,.lienee eastorla is put up in one -size bottles only. It not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," Bee that yea ,get 0 -A -8 -T -O -R -I -A. Tho fac- simile signature of .re&44xfis ea every wrapper. Clinton Sash,Dboii Blind Pactory S. S. COOPER - - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We dell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your order's. 1897 New Dried Fruits 18 RAISINS—Malaga, Valenoia, Sultans. CURRA California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE le BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS—Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Walnuts. Cooking Figs for pound NICE, OLD RAISINS for 5o a pound. Headquarters for Teis, Sugars, Crockery, Cfassware and Lamps. J. W. IRWIN, - - Clinton A Double SAVING OF COAL By using the KRAsEL DOUBLE Asn SIFTER, patented U. S. and Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. Two sif- ters in one, of different size meshers. Separates small from large cinders. No labor, no dost, no waste. On receipt of $2.50 we will deliver 1 doable ash sifter to any part of Canada and pay express charges ourselves. Write for descriptive circular and references. Wholesale and retail. Agents wantedeverywhere. County, township and state rights for sale. Apply to Patentee and Manufacturer, f 2520 St. Catherine St. Montreal, P. Q P. It. IKRiISEL CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! Call in and How about that:suit you want made to order? see our tweeds before you buy. $10 buys a nice suit. 12 buys a better one. 13.50 gets you more style. 14 leads you to higher grades. 15, splendid value. 16, elegant styles, beautiful cloth. .O]3T. COATS & SOki