HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-18, Page 5We 'e - Ilion The Swim ening good watches cheap, d will give you better value an you oan get. elsewhere. 'Retnemuar, what we say we do Repairing done right, and a proper way. Engraving done right in our own shop. Prices right. J.B.Rumball The Leading Jeweler, CLINTON. ,S3 The Repairing' of Watches Is one of the Irnost important branches of our business, in fact there is no feature of our busi- ness that we wish to impress up- on you more than this. Having had twenty years experience in the t Repairing of Watches We feel qualified to do your work well. Charges•will be found moderate, and satisfaction fully guaranteed. J. GRIGG. $ Successor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON. • e 1 THE CLINTON NEW ERA ONION 041111011111141111 ORTH INYESTU0ATINQ There is nothing spasmodic about this business. It's euocess is due to well defined prinoiples. Buying for oash, selling for oash, and having the goods that people require. Inveetrgate these prices, compare our values -you will find them correct: - New Prints, extra heavy make in garnet and brown colorings 100 Splendid aesortmeni Canadian German Prints, fast colors 120 Dress Prints, endless variety in colors and patterns, every pieoe seleoted with the greatest care 12io Golden Draperies, very sightly goods for drapes, at 120 and 1500 Ort Muslin, new patterne 717o Art Muslin, very wide, 9o, 10o, 12,10 and Flannelette, 32 inohee wide, in pink and blue stripes 6,}o Corsets, a speoial make in fawn, nicely trimmed, loog waist, perfect tit50o Children's Bordered Handkerchiefs lo Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, two for 50 Men's Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 50 Men's;,20o Braoes 5o SHOE SUGGESTIONS Ladies' Oxford Ties, "Special," eizes 3-7 80o Ladies' Oxfords, nicely tipped, a shoe we oan recommend $1 • Ladies' Oxfords, patent leather tips, hand turned, flexible soles, sizes 3-7, $1.25 GROCERIES 2 lbe 20o Tea for 25o 2'Globe Washboards for 25o 9 lbs Sulphur for 25o 9 lbs Epsom Salts for 25c 2 good Broome for 25o Sunlight Soap per bar 50 Toilet Soap per cake to Good Red Salmon 10e Maple Leaf Salmon 124o Lion Brand Salmon 14c Corn Starch 5o Large Scrub Brushes 5c If you are not satisfied with your pnrohase your money will be refunded. We do as we advertise in every respect. McKinnon & Co., Blyth oemmpoomeeewmbotootowate Tamworth Boar Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, lot 32, con. 19, Hulett, a thorobred 7'amwor tb Boar of good pedigree. Terms. $1 at time of service, with privilegeof returning if neceseary Feb 25, 1898 .TAMES ELSLEY, for Service For Seed Grain Spring Wheat, Peas, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, etc., or For Feed Corn • Go to Standard Elev ator Porrester & Sniallacombe Clinton, January 6th, 1898 10 4.44%/Sli,114 WANTED Note Our Prices. Elm Logs, sound, fit for hoops, $7 per thousand. Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches in length, $2.25 per cord D. O R ANS I' R. J. R Stapleton Salt Works, Feb. 10,1898 HOVEY'S HEADACHE CURE A. safe and speedy cure for all kinds of beadachee, sink, bilious, nervous or hysterical. Gives prompt relief in neuralgia. Easy to take., ays gives satisfaction. Guaranteed free from morphia, chloral or opium. 12 wafers in box, 25 cents. Emulsion' of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, - Put up by F. Stearns & Co., Detroit. Regular 75c size for 50c. Peach and other fruit crops promise to be large in South Essex this year, accord- ing to the statements of several fruit grow- ers. At a fire at 27 Front St. east, Toronto, 09 Saturday morning damage was done to the extent of about $125,000, Mr. Robert Carrie being the heaviest loser. A mad dog bit a small boy at Canfield and also bit a horse and dog belonging to Mr. John Elumpries of Cayuga. The hocke and dog were shot. Burglars gained an entrance to the Grand Trunk station at Elora. They blew the safe open, evidently by the use of dyna- mite, leaving it a total wreck. At the Aldermanic bye -elections on Sat urday ex-Ald. Snore was re-elected in the Third Ward and ex-Ald, Gowanloek in the Sixth Ward. Both gentlemen wete dis- qualified after their election in January. J. E. - HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton E STILL LLING . OUT v�- Aetll Nlutrtioanento. General Servant Wanted WANTED -Good general servant. Apply to MRS JAS. SCOTT, high St. NOTICE • The NEW ERA has a large number of ac- counts and subscriptions outstanding, and will feel greatly obliged to its patrons for prompt settlement of same. R. HOLMES LOST In n Clinton. on Monday,M a rch 7, a $10 Mo l - ions Bank Bill. and nFriday, \aid1th 8ft in Bank BillsFinder will be snitribl,v re- warded by leaving same at NEW ERA Office. Summerhill Cheese Factory A meeting of the patrons of Summerhill Cheese Factory, will .be held on Thursday, March 31st, at 2 p. m. in the hall at Sunimer- hill, for the purpose of letting the routes for milk drawing for the season. G.J. STEWART Secretary. CLINTON 3IABKBTS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March' 17th, 1898. Wheat, .. 0 84 a 0 85 Qats 0 28 a 0 28 Field Barley 0 35 a 0 35 Peas 0 55 a 0 55 Buckwheat 0 35 a 0 85 Rye .....e 045 a 045 Flour per owt 2 50 a 2 05 Butter 015 a 016 Eggs per doz 0 10 a 0 10 Hay new 85; old 6 00 a 6 00 Sheepskins 0 50 a 1 00 No. 1 Trimmed Hides6 50 a 7 60 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 40 Pork 4 45 a 4 45 Dried Apples, per lb0 03i} a 0 04i Apples, per bag 0 90 a 0 90 Turkeye, per lb 0 07 a 0 08 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 450 head of butchers' cattle, 25 calves, 25 sheep and 8 spring lambs offered for sale at the east end abat- toir today. Trade was slow; very little im- provement in the low figures paid last Thursday, excepting in common and infer- ior kinds, which sold better to -day. Prime beeves sold at from 4c to 4}o per ]b; pretty good stook at 34c to no do; common to in- ferior beasts at 2fo to 30 por lb. Calves scarce and brought higher figures, which range from $2.50 to $7 each. Old sheep sold at about 3,io per Ib; yearlings at about 5o; and spring lambs at from 83 to $5. Very few hogs for sale to -day, and figures were 5o to 5tc por lb. THE EXPORT CATTLE TRADE. The outlook for the Canadian export cat- tle trade during the coining season is not the most hopeful. Business in this line has been dull daring the past 12 months. Prioee have ruled low, and it would seem that there ie little prospect of any immed- iate improvement. On the contrary, it is generally believed that prices will go still lower. Canada has many rivals in the cattle industry, and a new and formidable one has lately appeared on the scene. This is the Argentine .Republic:, wnich has just begun to m,'ke immense shipments of live etosk to the markets of the Old Coflintry Mesers. Thompson & Sheridan, a 'forouto firm, are now operating the Argentine, and advices to them from Buenos Ayres state that the cattle trade of that country is bound to have a depressing effect on the industry in Canada and the United States, During the next three months 70,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep will be shipped from Argentine to the Enropean markets. Prioes of cattle in Argentine are eonsidor- ably lower than those that prevail in On- tario, Cattle RN to -day selling in Toronto I at from $3.85 to $4.25, with little activity even at these low fignres. It is feared that the price will drop still lower, as the com- petition of the cheaper Argentine cattle has not yet been fully felt. -Toronto World. NOTICE OF TRANSFER. Notice is hereby given that Luxton Hill has transferred his hotel and license at Londesbo- ro, to Thomas Hill, and the latter Iwill take possession on or about April 1st, 18.8. THOS. HILL. • DURHAM BUIL FOIL. SALE. For sale, a there -bred Shorthorn Bull; of first-class pedigree, dark red, eleven months old. A splendid animal in every respect. Al- so a quantity of good clean Timothy Seed. E. H. WISE; lot 14, con. 12, Goderich Town- ship. - Clinton 1'. O. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROOKS Roos eon HATCHING. -PRICES REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. My flock is headed by a cock bird scoring 94 ointe, winner of 2nd prize at Ontario Poultry Exhibition, and have also secured a first-class Cockerel from Rice, of Whitby. My birds were prize winners at Guelph, Huron Central, Great Northern and Huron Poultry Associa- tion. F. G. FORIRESTER, Clinton. BACON. 'Fifteen cars of hams and bacon left Tor- onto, Saturday morning by the G. T. R. for the old country, vt.lued at 837,835. There was also $2,900 worth of wheat; over $3,315 worth of flour for Scotland, and a large ship- ment of agricultural implements for Bol- and. The London correspondent of the Trade Bulletin writes:-' ;Canadian baco.r sides are a scarce article, and are worth more money than the 50s which they are quoted at today, but they are likely .to be better next week if Irish shippers continue their r pp present tactics of abstention, which follow on the limitation of killings in the Emerald Isle. And the great slaughter iu Denmark has prevented a decent rise, which must come next week under ordinary conditions." JUDICIAL SALE. -OF- Farm,Fgrm Stock & Implements IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Pursuant to an Order for sale of the High Court of Justice, made in the matter of Wil- liam Martin, a person of unsound mind, there will he offered for sale, with the approbation of the Master in Ordinary, by public Auction, by Charles Hamilton, Auctioneer, on the pro- mises near Londesborough station, on Friday the 25th day of March A. D., 1895, at the hour of 1 o'clock. P. M., the following lands and premises: - Parcel 1. -Lo'. number twenty -throe, in the tenth concession of the township of Hullett, less Io acres owned by The Grand Trunk Rail - We have been some time reducin our stock, and have reduced way Company, said to contain about 90 acres. Parcel 2 -The north-east part of the west hbn bu - half of tot twenty-four in the eleventh con - it from about''13,000 to 6,000. We ave ee y ing staple goods, and have kept it well assorted, wt have cleared out a large quantity of the oldest stock, and at present we are *ell Assorted with Good Staple Goods, What you will want for the spring trade, and at prices that you will get nowhere else. can save you from 20 to 30 per cent w,hat we have to sell. Come and see us and save ey. The balance of our stock will be sold out as n as possible, as we are positively going out of business. -The store will be to let just as soon as we're sold out PLUMSTEEL�&� GIBBING, R eard of Thanks. I desire to extend to my politioal friends and eupporters in South Huron my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the earnest and hearty support which they extended to me in the recent election. Although we have been defeated, I hope and believe that de- feat is only temporary and that the cause of Ljberaliern will yet triumph in South Huron. We have no cause to feel ashamed or even discouraged. We have fought a good fight and an honorable defeat is more to be desired than a dishonorable or purchased victory. In so far as I am ,lereonally con- cerned. I have no regrets in the matter. I didiall I could, and in reviewing the situat- ion I cannot see that I have done anything that I should not have done, or that I left undone anything that I should have done. I do regret, however, our defeat, on account of the good men and true who stood 80 nobly by me and worked so hard for my na- mes, and through me the success of our party and the triumph of our principals. I also do feel moat keenly that old South Huron should go back upon its reoord of thirty years and should for the first time in its history turn its back upon Liberalism and ally itself with the Conservative party while I happened to be standard bearer. It makes it all the mote mortifying, also, that this result is due entirely to the iaot that some who, I believe, still claim to be Re- formers, allowed themselves to be swayed by national and looal considerations to vote against their party and principals. I hope that all such, now they have an opporunity of viewing their w.irk, will repent of their folly in sackcloth and ashes, and that they will not again allow themselves to be drag- ooned into an alliance which is not, to say the least. in accordance with the principals which they profess. But for these, the Lib- erals of South Huron could to -day rejoice in victory instead of having to lament de- feat. It is gratifying to note, however, that although there have been unexpected chang- es in ether constituencies as well as in ours, the ado instratioh of Mr Hardyhasbeen sus- tained and that Ontario will still have the benefits of honest, economical and progres- siveAgainthanking you for our rule. g y confidence and active support in two of the most keenly contested elections ever held in South Huron, and assuring you that, al- though I may never occupy the same relat- ion towards you as I have done the past two elections, you will still find me, as I have always been for the past twenty•flve years, giving my beet energies both with pen and tongue for the promotion cf the beet inter - este of our party and province. Sincerely yours, M. Y. McLEAN. NEWS NOTES. The bylaw providing for the erection of a new City Hall in Stratford to replace the burned hall was defeated on a popular vote Hon. David Mills states that the plebis- cite bill will be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons within a fortnight. Mr. Woolf Joel, the trustee of the estate of the late Barney Barneto, the South Afri- can millionaire, was shot dead in his office at Jobanneeburgby a former soldier. Mr Peterson confirms the statement that his firm has placed with Hawthorne, Les- lie. & Co., of Newcastle -on -Tyne, an order for two of the four new steamers required .for the fast Atlantic service. Mr. Fred Holden, a young man of Morrie - burg, was accidently shot in mistake for a burglar by Mr. Harry Bradfield, his em- ployer, in whoeeoffice be was working after night, The young man died a few hours after the shooting. cession of the township of Hullett, being all that porton of lot lying north and east of tho Grand Trunk Railway, together with a strip of land connecting with the Concession Road, paid to contaui tbout 21 acres. The buildings on parcel 1 are a log house and frame kitchen, also a new frame and stone hank barn and s) aides. There is aleo a good is orchard a good stateilof cultivation.uncesand ho prop- ertya TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent of the pur- chase money le to be paid at the time of sale to the Vendors or their Solicitors, and the balance in thirty days thereafter without in- terest" into Court to the credit of this matter cr if th.e purchaser desire, sufficient with the said deposit to make one half of the said pur- chase m •ney within thirty days after sale, the balance to be seen rod by a mortage on the premises payable in five years with interest at 5"%, pail) nalf yearly. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid to be fixed by the Master and the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of Court. At the same time and place, immediately after the sale of the farm property, the farm implements, stock and chattels consisting of: IMPLEMENTS. - 1 Massey Barris Binder (nearly new), 1 Mower 1 sulky Rake, 1 sood Drill 1 fanning Mill, 1'Waggon, 1 Butgy,1 sot of bob Sleighs, 1 Cutter, 1 turnip (,utter, 1 com- plete, 2 long P1ougghs,1 twin Plo Fork and gh, g if several seta of Harness, Forks, Shovels, Nockyokee. LIVE STOCK. - 4 good Horses ows, 8 Heifers. 4 Calves, 4 Sheep, 1 irood Poul- try, will bo offered for sale upon the ,tollow- in terms: -All sums up to 810 dash, sums over 810 either cash or on approved endorsed notes, Payable in eight months with interest at ny, Further particulars will bo bad from Messrs EDGAR Sol Solicitors for The' Toronto General Toron- to,s Company, Committee, or from A. 8. DICKSON, Solicitor. Blyth. NEIL McLEAN, Chief Clerk. Dated this 10th day of Maroli,1898, The C. P, R. will build a •$15.000 station at Woodstock. Floods are reported at London, Brant- ford, Paris and Galt. Much damage was done, but no lives were lost. The Bowery ivtission Lodging Howie in Now York was burned and eleven inmates lost their lives in the fire. March 18,' 1898 More New Arrivals For Spring Business We never had, we think, such splendid valuein Lace and Net Curtains as we are able to show the people this spring. We believe our 50c Curtains this spring will be found equal to the regular 75c elsewhere. Our regular Lai yd Curtain at $1 is regarded as something especially fine. Pring=4Oin. Apron Ginghams,Tickings, Cottonades,Flan- nelettes, Shirtings, are all considered good value. Our Dress Goods Are very bright and handsome. No trouble is found in selling, as prices are within reach of all. Just fancy a very pretty double fold stuff which will make a beau- tiful spring dress fit for any person, at only 20c, 25c and 30c. Just as handsome looking goods, just as good looking a costume as if you paid 50c, 60c, or 75c. See these goods, it is worth your while. Gilroy & Wiseman CLINTON A®o . FURNITURE H. C. BARLETT. • We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and the goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a large stook of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Coun- ty. Kindly come and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere. Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neatly and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse and outfit, there ie no better in this part of the country. II. C. BARLETT, - Clinton. •P. S.-Night?and,Sunday calls at reeidonoo on Huron St., opposite Baptist Church. A terrible tragedy occurred at Caradoo on Friday morning at three o'clock. In some manner the housem s WmQuick tooered � ® fire. Bofors the flames were discovered 7 they had made such progress that they were beyond control. While the excitement was at its height, Wm. Quick, the owner of the residence, suddenly expired. The unfor- tunate man had been in ill -health for some time past, and the shock that the cry of fire caneed him was too great. Within an hour nothing but a heap of ashes and char- red beams remained of one of the pleasant- est and best-known farm homes in Cara - doe, and the head of it lay dead. Wm. Quick was a well•to•do farmer, and one of the most widely known and popular men in the township. Sale Register Wednesday, March 23, lot 12, con. 13, Township of Hullett, farm stook and im- plements of John Wells. C. A. Hamilton, A uct. Friday, March 25, farm stock and imple- ments of Est. of Wm. Martin,near Londes- boro. C. A. Hamilton, Auot, Tuesday, March 29, at Blyth, threshing separator, furniture and iibplemente. C. A. Hamilton, Auct. BOOK BINDINGI)ONF: AT TIIF. d EW ERA Milnes. All kinds of Magazines Kc neat y Bound 'old books re-covered and made like new. FOR SALF. Three cows in calf for sale cheap. J. HOLMES, Huron Rond. TEN DEItS WANTED Sealed tenders, endorsed " Tenders for Church" will be received by the undersigned until noon of Tuesday, March 2.2, 1818, for a brick church at •Londesboro. Plans and speci- fications can be seen at Mr John I3runsdon's office, Londesboro, 'fenders to be addressed to M. BRAPPIIWAI'I'E,Sec'y of Committee. SHINGLES FOR SALE Subscriber wi]' kcop as usual the bust brands of Bed Cedar and other Shingles at .Blyth and Londesboro, apply to D. CowAN, nt Blyth. or himself at ember places, P'art.ies wantin shingles will find it to their advantage to ask for prices before buying ellsseWMwhere3ITELX. L ndesboro, Feb, 18, 1898. BORN. GRAHAM, -In Bayfield, March 14, the wife of Rev Mr Graham, of a daughter. TAYLOR. -In Hay, Marnh 10, the wife of Mr Duncan Taylor, of a daughter, McGREGOR,-In Stanley, on the 9th inet., the wife of Mr John McGregor, of a daughter. SIiIPLE Y. -In Hullett, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr W. Shipley, of a sou. THIBAU DEAU.-At Maidstone, to Bev Mr and Mrs A. Thibaudeau, formerly of Benmiller, a son. ' MORROW. -In Goderich, on March 7th, the wife of Thee, Morrow, of a daughter. HANLEY.-At Feseenden, Dalt., on Feb. 28, to Mr and Mrs Chas. H. Hanley, (formerly of Clinton,) twin sons. One died shortly after birth. . MARRIED. McGREGOR-FIS11ER-At the resi• donee of II. Fisher,on 15th inst, by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, Albert MoGr gor, to Miss Florence Fisher, both of Hullett. PATERICK-TYNDALL.- At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Carlow, March 2, by Rev. R. Henderson,IChailea Patorick, of Vancouver, B. C„ to Jennie S., eldest daughter of W. Tyndall. DIED. NICOLL.-Ia Wingham, on March 9th, Marion M„ wife of Mr John Nicoll, aged 84 years, BLAIR,-In Piokford, Mich., on Tues- day, March let., Wm. Blair, formerly of Goderioh Township, aged 70 years. WELLS -In Hullett, on March 18th., Jean, wife of Mr Jno. Wells, aged 80 years. KENNARD-In Brnoefield,on March 16, Mr Thomas Kennard. WEST HURON FARMER'S INSTITUTE. Will hold Mei tinge in the fellowiug places:- Itoluicsville, March 114, i't the village hall. Major James Sheppard, Qiueenaton,- "Forty oars' oxi�or:ence iu growing corn". evening, 'Planting and care of orchards." Joseph E. Gould, Uxbridge, -"Success or railure in dairy- idg'; evening, Remedy for over production and ow prices". bject to be chosen. James Snell,iClioton,- "Care of a flock". James Tierney, Blyth,- "Spraytng, &o•" Auburn, Murch 19, in the Orange Hall. Maier limos Sheppard, -"Four reasons why we 011 the soil", evening. "Three historical days at Niagara," Joseph E. Gould. -"How to construct a cheap silo"; evening' "Value of en- silage." R. C. McGowan, Blyth, - "Caro of manure " A. McD. Allan, Goderich,- "Fruit Growing, etc." James Gaunt, St. Helens, - "Care and management of a flock." IV Ingham. March 21, in the Town Hall. 'Major James Sheppard, -"Forty years' ex „ern encs In;;row-inrr corn"; evening, "Three bietor- ical days al. Niagara." Joseph h. Gould,-"Val- ue ould;"Val- ue of ensilage." James Snoll,-"Caro and man- agement of a flock." i=as Powder Makes Better and Lighter Biscuits than any other. J. . ® '� � 11lanufaeturing m, PhysiciansCheSupplies Something w Few f. v We have two new lines in the baking department, one is a Cycle Cake . with three flavors, strawberry, eh000late and vanilla; 10 cents each, plain, or 15c ornamented. The other line is called Corn Dodgers These are particularly nice cakes and sell readily at 10o per dozen. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Wanted, competent housekeeper for widow- er's family -all boys, Apply at NEW ERA office. NOTICE. The Commercial Hotel, in Clinton,- hitherto conducted by Shrink Bros., has been bought by the undersigned, who will hereafter conduct the same, J. ;J. McCAUGHEY. AGENTS WANTED., Agents• wanted, male and female, in every locality to sell our novelties. Big commission paid. Send app'ication and 25 cents for full line of samples. Tho FRANCIS M'fgg Co , Confederation Life B'ld'gs, Toronto. APPRENTICE WANTED. A good, strong, willing boy wanted to learn the blacksmithhng. ALBERT SEELEY, Clinton. MILK ROUTES. A general mooting'of the shareholders of the Ho)mesvillo Cheese & Butter M'f'g Co. will be held on Saturday, March 19, at 2 o'clock, in Wilson's Hall, H,lmesville, tc lot the different routes and transact other important business. A full attendance of the stock holders is par- ticularly desired. W. S. LAWRENCE. W. B. FORSTER, Secretary. President. OYSTERS -Aur trade in Booth's Bal timore Oysters is increasing daily. A large variety of good Oranges, Lemone and Grapes. Don't forget to try Our Reai Nome•made BREAD, it is giving good satisfaction. Wedding Oakes a specialty. indow Shades Standard Cloth, will not crock or fade, size 36 x 72 in., color, buff and two shades of green with gold or garnet decoration, spring roller and Dull complete, price 40c, 50c, and GOc. LACE CURTAINS, New patterns 21, 3, 31 yards long, at 45c, 75c, $1 $1.50 and $2 a pair. 0 CURTAIN POLES. With brass rings and en'ls, Cherry, Walnut and Mao hogany, `5 cents each. CLOTHING Our Black Worsted Suit at $14 is a leader. Coat. and Vest fine clay twill Worsted, warranted not to gloss and your choice of 30 patterns in black or grey stripe trousering TWEED SUITS made to measure, $10 to $20. Jas. McClacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. ' We have a full range of Manufacturers . Samples, and you can make your selection from 300 of the newest spring patterns. We use .the best of linings, we guarantee a satisfactory fit: Our prices are right. We'll be pleased to have your order, W. L. OUIME"'1 TE The Cash Dealer, Londesboro, •