HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-05-07, Page 8Cement for Sale. The ttnelersigeed keeps in stock All klsds of Cement, including QYeenston and Portland. Cetn.nt Building anti Flooring a spociaJty'• JOHN STEWART 181.YTIII, ONT. Orient Separator Guarantee. Following is a copy of the guarantee that aecompaniee every De Laval Cream Separator:— The De Ismail separator Co. guaran- tees that the machine, hereby ordered. U onereted aceording to the rules ..01- forth 01forth in the instruction mantel sem with it, will eitble the production of a greater vain[ of crearn and of a greater quantity of hitter of bet ter quell ty than le possible with any other Cream Separ- ator made, and (that tegether with the saving in Dower and ,expense generall t) It will afford the purchaser a greater profit from the milk handled than ally other et tem in oxiatenee; titerelore, shooed il:e purchaser, whose ORM° is attached hereto, demonstrate within 15 lays from the date the Inschlrle is set and started that equal profit can be realized through the use of any other Reparater or creaming system, this order obeli be pull and void, NNONAJ (A*$ON, Agent, Letftdeadoro, Ont. 1 h&e e'so a number of New Sharples Soper. Altai on baud *Mob 1 will salt at half pace, l!mnelt theta a 400Iho. capacity tubler.—fu gee Lwweoa, still MORRIS. LOC ALS.—Mr. Adapt Halliday hes disposed of his 100 -acre farm on the 5th line to Mr, Win. Armstrong for 85:00, Mr, Halliday, who lois been a resident of Morris for the past 16 or 17 years, will likely retire from Caroling as he is short of help owing to the locating 01 his sons elsewhere. Wo will be sorry to have the family remove ,from thie locality,,,. Dr. S. Ye, Caldbick is here for short yanation,, loaning the pictpre of health. His home is at Grand ids, Miohigan,,,,ftev. and Inkbeiner and children, of oil e, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Thomas Maunders for a few days re- ' Gently. The rev. gentlemen seas on his way home from attending the Canadian ,conference of the Evanaetical assoeia- 2,ion which met at Dashwood, Mr, }'fnkbelner is not shovingl., this year..., One day hist week Mr. JsInes Sherrie delivered eight hots of the York•Tam- worth variety to Mr. Joseph Clegg for which he received fill. Who can neat this for good returns'9 Dr. Roe, of Philadelphia,is visiting his parents in Ala township, His mother hes been ill for tete past few weeks. We under- stand that the doctor is one of the lead- ing physieiane of Philadelphia. NUILLETY,, J A•ttt op MRs. CBURCttOGL.—(in Monday morning of last week there permed into rest another of the pioneers of thie county in the person of Mrs. John Churchill, who had reaelled the advanced age of 91 yearn, She was a Dative of Tipperary, Ireland, and carne to this country with her husband nearly 70 years ago. For /lye y'eats they dwelt in York county and then moved to Goderich township where they zoolt op Iapd on the 11th concession. There they lived for veru many years ao$ underwent all the hardships incident to pioneering, Seven sons and two daughters were horn to them, only three of whim remain residents of Huron, James slid IYillialn are in North Da- kota, John and George in Afanitoha, Joseph in Morris, Thome in Cloderich township, Benj; in Ifnllett, Alra. Crh h in Ypsileuti, 51ichigen, and Mrs. John Richardson, in W4est. Branch, Michi- gan, Mr. Churchill died in 1881 since which time AS re. Churchill has lived with her son Benj., of this township. It was from his residence that the fun- eral took place. Thele was a large attendance of friends from far and near. The deceased was a member of the Anglican church and the services were conducted by Rev. C. R, Genie, of Clinton, Mrs. Churchill always en- joyed good health and for one of ler advanced vears displayed remarkable vitality. Last fall, when in her 93rd your, she walked to Clinton, And on the day previous to her death it was not 1t ouglu that the end was so near, but shortly after rising on Monday she watt taken ill and ill a few minutes passed away, ASSESSMENT NtTEs —Recapitulation of the assessment roll of the township of Hallett for the year 1903:—Acres cleared land, 43,023; acres wood land, :7is2; acros swamp and waste land, 6:l17 ; total manlier of acres, 63.982; real property,81,901,201J; personal prop- erly, 84100; rend and personal property, 81,008,8t0J ; male lessons between twen- ty -ono and sixty, 051; children between five and twenty-one, 819; children he - tweet) five aid sixteen, 620; population, 2721; drys statute labor, 2760; dogs, 368; bitches, 10; cattle, 7855; sheep, 1872; hogs, 4659; horses, 1907; birth-, 59; deaths, 20; acres of orchard, 040; &C•os fall wheat, 8260. LOKDESBORO. neonatal} BELL[.—'Ar 5,30 o'clock on the afternoon of April 151), the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson was the scene of a very pleasant event, it being the marriage of their sister, Mise A nelia F. Brown, youngest dun bier of rhe late Richard Brown, to Mr, Francis Gibbs, all of Londesboro, Rev, John lKenuedy-, B.D., performed the cere- mony. Miss Serail J. Gibbs, sister of tee groom, performed the duties of bridesmaid, while Mr. James F. Brown, brother of the bride, eseisted the groom. Niles Annie Leith, of Constance, played the wedding march. The bride entered leaning °n the urge of iter brother, Wm. The ceremony was performed beneath s lovely arch of evergreens. The bride and bridesmaid were dressed ill very• becoming snits of grey, with turgnois blue waists, trimmed with creast silk lare, After congratulatfone they all sat down to a sumptuous tea, there be- iug about 40 guests. After the inner man was satisfied, the evening wast spent pleasantly itt singing and games` till about 12 oblock, when they all left for their homes, after having spent a pleasant evening. The young couple have settled down in the village. They are a very estimable young couple and we wish them every success, M'K OP. COUNell. Mx1aT1N0,—Council met in Dublin on April 22nd for the purpose of allowing time who signed petition for drains to hear the engimeer'e report read turd the privilege of withdrawing or adding more names. Members of coun- cil all present, and Mr. John M. Goven- lock took declaration of office, The engineer's report ort Canada Company's drain, known as grain No, 4, being ,rettel and pians and profile examined cad no withdrawals, the reeve was authorized to sign the petition and the clerk authorized to draft a bylaw for raising the assessment in telt years at four per cent. A requisition was re- ceived from the town of St. Marys, asking the council to regneat tho L gift - !attire to compel all owners of heavy wagons to put five inch rime on for the benefit of the roads. No action was taken, as the county councils now have Nle power to do so. Accounts were Passed and paid amounting to 8192,10; 820 of talc was for burying expenses of a nen found dead in a culvert, suppus JADED NERVES OF WOMEN Are many times an indication or symptom of functional derangements. They are in most cases due to functional wrongs, to which women only are subject. " OUT OF NERVES " women are the nightmare of doctors. "CP.A3�ICS" is often the: designation of those patients by physicians unable to understand the cause of their irritable condition. Sr. Julius WAxn es have rendered great service to such physicians in Great Britain, who prescribe them to nervous women. S'r. JaMlts WAPERs afford great relief, simply by strengthening every organ affected by the functional wlunns in women, sttch as weak stomach — weak back—andweak nerves. ST. JAMNs WAF1tas help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the hottest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which 'accOui /dishes much. "�GI(Wyt $T INQTN TO Wf 'tt!tit0UI�1rNT'ENCNFGarsu508� 1:4tNT8t Ct ChAONSTIT810986UTI0ii TRtll-y[M'it Qf jtemijiii 4ofldo11 lafMotdKel•Cae Bos70 _r .aT 01eraf N •�.. AMERICA ell RfuggisE3 et Ch -Peke In Csasds: $1.00; wt pottla for $8.00 , "Ease need 8t. James Wefts* with each success as to Ilium them on my Bet of Selrables." Dr. Chas. IL Springer, London, England. St. Jones Pro fere are nee a secret remedy: to the nr meroutaactore re. commending theme to their pair. met we mend /Me Jorsrlad upon refw.t- Where den lets are not selling the Waters, they are wattled nem, re. aipt of price at 1h. Csnadl, n breath ; Bt. Aires Mehra Co. 1751 81. Ctt$stlee St, Soarert. BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STR3LES • 00 00 nand Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 0G GG 00 Q First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and °there requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, MTB, ed to have lain there for three menthe, Moved by Thoma§ Merrily, seconded by John 8, Brown, that the south pert of 1 t 10 and south half of lot 11, conces- sion 10, he taken from school section No. 5 and pin in Rection No, 8. Moved in amendment by Uirarles Little, second- ed by John M, Govenlock, that the above mentioned tote be left in school section No. 8. --Amendment carried. Council adjourned to meet at Mr, Christopher White's residence, Lead - bury, on Saturday, Ally 35th, at 10 o'clock as a court of revision on assessment roll. ASSESSMENT HRTURNs,—T110 follow- ing figures are gleaned from the assess- ment roll for the township of McKillop for this year; 'There are 837 names entered on the roll; the population is 2497, and there are 707 children between the ages of five and 21. There aro 52,180 acres in the township, of which 42,742 scree are cleared, The total as- sessed value of real property is *2,010,- 400; personal property, 888u0, and tax- able hlcolne, WO, Thera are 8191 days of statute labor on the list. There are 7812 cattle, 1504 sheep, 3018 hogs, 1815 horses, and 17 steam engines. 'there were also 44 births during the year, WALTON. Ax OLD SETTLER GONE.—One well known and highly esteemed In the per- son of Mr. John H. Swallow died on Saturday, April 20th, at the age of nearly 79 years. He svgs horn in Nor- folk county, England, and came with his parents to America when but It lad of time years of age, the trip across the ocean being made in the old sailing vessel, taking 14 weeks from Liverpool to Quebec and seven weeks later landing in Toronto. After growing up a young, man he engaged in driving stege when the old stage coach ran from Hstuilton 10 Sarnia. He moved sometime later to Pickering anti fartred there for live v, ears. Frr,m there lie carne went sett- ling on u farm just west of Walton, whish was there rill bush. Sometime after he sold and bought in the year 1817 the faun near Leadbury which he has occupied eye: side up to the time of his death, Mr, Swallow married a Miss Catharine McCoy, of Paris, in the year 1852 and to them have been born five sons and two daughters. The eld- est, W. J. died in 188'1; Mary and Welter, at hone; Carman, Day Mills, Algoma, and Alice (Mrs. MCNah) o) 1'hornhil , Manitoba. Two children died in infancy. The survivors were present with the exception of Mrs. Alc- Nab at the time of the father's death. The deceased was m Man who had the reapeet of the community in which he Iiverl having ninny friends but few ooemies. The funeral on Monday after- noon of last week was very largely attended, not only by friends it the immediate vicinity but by a mintl.er from a distance. Rev, W. W. Leech, .0ethodi,;t minister, of Walton, conduct- ed an impressive service, assisted by Rev, T. Wesley Cosens, of Bruss'le, al old frieni of the family. Inierncut was made in the family plot at Brussels cemetery, Decorate Xour Homes We have antieipatrd your wants by laying in a large stock of goods which will add to the beauty and comfort of your Ilonsos. Window Shades -50 different patterns at the lowest prides. Chenille and Tapeety Curtains, Carpets, Art Squsree, Mato, Table Covers, Lounge Cotters, Shane Holders, Piano Polish, Vernieh, Eta We have a large stock of General Rouse Furniture—the newest designs, quality and finish the heat, at prices which defy rote pet.ition. BRUSSELS. JOTTINGS,—Flax will not be sown itt co nectiot with Brussels flax mill this year, owing to the difficulty of eecuring he necessary hands to care for theorop. Manager Hogg hes a staff of hands at work yet in ecrutchiag last year's mop. We ere sorry the mill is not to run as the flax industry has been of no small financial value to Brussels and we hope the resumption of the work may he speedy ....A good job was done by the street grader on portions of Albert and Queen atrtets. There is plenty of scope 1or more of the same class of work within the boned; of the cortoratiou. i11r. P. Ament attended the funeral of bis brother, Mr. George Ament, at Ypsilanti, Michigan. Bright's disease was the cause of death. Mr. Ament was a former resident of Brussels. Ho leaves it wife aud two children to mourn over his demise Miss Maggie Mc- Naughton is home from Kincardine for a short visit Miss Mabel Adams hits gone to Trowbridge, where she expects to spend a few months with her grand • mother, 51re. Kellingtee Seniter,v lltepe(;tor McLaughlin was on his atl- nual visit last week, leaving board of health notices relative to cleaning up premises and removing all oljectionel matter therefrom ....Mrs. B. Gerryhas gone to Chicago to et' end the sic -bed of her pother, Mrs. F. Fiehleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Fistileigh ate former residents of Brussels, and the former is now 85 years old. while the hatter is 79. Airs, Gerry will remain at Chicago until an imprOvtlnent in the health of bee mother is apparent Mies AnniesCulvin left Tor Matureba on Tuesday of last week. She expecte to 'spend the summer there, 1Ia. Leckie fo hems nom nn enjoy- able visit with Torouto relatives teed friends 11re, .1. 11. AlcNaught.on, of Pen Yen, New York, is visiting at the home of Mr. Itoaald Alcaleughtou.... The temporary foot -bridge et proving a great cp}tventeuce to a dumber of our J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYITHH 1i711J1M���� �� FOR C000 HEALTH To preserve or restore 11, there is no better prescription for mon, women and children than Ripane T,Ihulcs, They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. $ipgns Tu- bules are widely used by all 80['69 of people—but to the plain, every -day folk') they are a veritable friend In need, Ripens Tatules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dvspepsm, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular !heutnntiiln, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from, It regular use of Ripens Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Hottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S WagftelkerlidritiarlidmieWNOW K K&K K& K K£YK K&K K &K K&K WcalI, Nervous, Diseased Men. Thousands of T buega rd Middle Aged dies are annually swept toe premature grate through early indiscretions and later excesses. bell abuse and Gonstitutional Blood Diseases bays ruined and wrecked the life Outlay a premising young man. Bare You any oltbstoltowing symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired In Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; E:citable and irritable; Eyes Blurt Pimples en the Face; Drams and Drains at NIgLt; Heelless; enggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; noir Loose; Pains in the Body; bunked Eyes; Lifeless; Diatruatfal and Lack of Energy end Strength, Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and eeaually, Curs Guaranteed or no Pay. as Vase' IN DETROIT. BANK MMDURITY. t3'No Named Used Without Written consent. A NERVOUS WRECK. -11. HAPPY LIFE. T. P. EMERSON has a Narrow Escape. "I live on alarm. At school 1 learned an early habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said 1 was going into 'decline" Conenmption). Finally, "The Golden Dlonitoq" edited by Dre, Kennedy & Ktrgan fell Into my hands. I learned the deedh and cause. Self abuse had eapped my vitality. T took the Now Method Treatment and was cured. My (Hoods think I was cured of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom were caged. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Ceistlletlon fns, Swts Erse, Waster Qusstlsa Sleet for Nome Trestmsnt. 148 Shelby Street, Drs. Kennedy a Kergan, Detroit, Mich. KteK Koch Kix•K KtxK K,)3K citizens. IVe hope to sec the new wire suspension bridge in place soon. 'Phe river is now getting very low, so it will he en easy mets r to build it,... Mrs. Sainted Smile is back from Buffalo, where she was visiting for the past few months with reletires.....51r. John Carrie, who was injured at the gangway of Mr. P. Ament's saw mill, is stiil unable to get about as his bruised leg is quite sore yet. —Reeve Lamour, of Hay, i, improv- ing Ins farm by 'eying down between 15(1 and 200 rods of tile drain. —A.;eleputatiea hi North Bruce and North Grey politicisue interviewed the government at Ottawa on 'Tuesday rela- tive to Wiarton harbor and the con- strurliun of a dock, --On timidity evening of last. week Mr, Frank Moeseau, of Hay, lutppcned with a peculiar and paiufel nceldeut. White driving into hie brother John's yard, his horse took fright nt a dog whieh csutr. ruonhng out and began to plunge and kick, Mr. Moussean writs thrown in such a position AS t° receive three hicks, one of the hand,, fin' on the face, ayd a very set'ero tune itt the side, One of his ribs was broken, aril the end of it pressed against the lung. Despite his injuries he (note to Hensel) and had them attended to by Dr, Ferguson, Ho is not nut of danger, though his splendid physique will gl eatly aid i1 l inrecevery• 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PA;,,,TENTS TRADE MARRS Dtedass COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n nit rtel, and tinterip4nn may eulekiy aneerta., nor 0Pinl.ut tree whether nu ,,vonI ton in!nobn hiyP tenlshle. ('mmiundra- nnnastrlcnyr,nrtblcutxl. Handbook on Pat unto, emit tree, (Miert 8RRe,try for necnrr0 put euro. Patents taken through Mums a Co. receive speclat nodes, without shares, In the Scientific ,American. A handsomely Ilinnlruled wnrkq. l,nruent Mt. ciliation of any ucienrin' 7o urnal. Terms, t1 ear; tone months, el. tkr d br MI newsdealer.. N &Ge0S8ertt. adWaasy, NneewY .rk Feld and Farm. Oar annual supply of Field Seeds has arrived and we have endeavored to get the very beet varieties to be procured. in Mangels we have the following standard varieties:—Rennte's giant Half -long Yellow Mangel ; liennie's Mammsth Long Red Mangel ; Rennie's Giant Sugar Mangel, also Evans' Improved Mammoth Saw Log Mangel, which is the leading variety in Ontario and is grown by all the best farmers and [tock raisers. Among our numerous varieties of Turnips you will find Evans' New Ontario, also Hartley's Bronze Top and the Kan- garoo. These are three of the best known varieties In Ontario, and along with many others wo feel wo have a collection of Swede Turnips that will please any of our customers. But in thinking of these we do not want yon to lose sight of our Groceries, of which we carry a com- plete stock. Highest market cash price always paid for Clutter cad Eggs. Potatoes wanted. GEO.. 'POWELL PRETORBLYTH Decorate Xour Homes We have antieipatrd your wants by laying in a large stock of goods which will add to the beauty and comfort of your Ilonsos. Window Shades -50 different patterns at the lowest prides. Chenille and Tapeety Curtains, Carpets, Art Squsree, Mato, Table Covers, Lounge Cotters, Shane Holders, Piano Polish, Vernieh, Eta We have a large stock of General Rouse Furniture—the newest designs, quality and finish the heat, at prices which defy rote pet.ition. BRUSSELS. JOTTINGS,—Flax will not be sown itt co nectiot with Brussels flax mill this year, owing to the difficulty of eecuring he necessary hands to care for theorop. Manager Hogg hes a staff of hands at work yet in ecrutchiag last year's mop. We ere sorry the mill is not to run as the flax industry has been of no small financial value to Brussels and we hope the resumption of the work may he speedy ....A good job was done by the street grader on portions of Albert and Queen atrtets. There is plenty of scope 1or more of the same class of work within the boned; of the cortoratiou. i11r. P. Ament attended the funeral of bis brother, Mr. George Ament, at Ypsilanti, Michigan. Bright's disease was the cause of death. Mr. Ament was a former resident of Brussels. Ho leaves it wife aud two children to mourn over his demise Miss Maggie Mc- Naughton is home from Kincardine for a short visit Miss Mabel Adams hits gone to Trowbridge, where she expects to spend a few months with her grand • mother, 51re. Kellingtee Seniter,v lltepe(;tor McLaughlin was on his atl- nual visit last week, leaving board of health notices relative to cleaning up premises and removing all oljectionel matter therefrom ....Mrs. B. Gerryhas gone to Chicago to et' end the sic -bed of her pother, Mrs. F. Fiehleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Fistileigh ate former residents of Brussels, and the former is now 85 years old. while the hatter is 79. Airs, Gerry will remain at Chicago until an imprOvtlnent in the health of bee mother is apparent Mies AnniesCulvin left Tor Matureba on Tuesday of last week. She expecte to 'spend the summer there, 1Ia. Leckie fo hems nom nn enjoy- able visit with Torouto relatives teed friends 11re, .1. 11. AlcNaught.on, of Pen Yen, New York, is visiting at the home of Mr. Itoaald Alcaleughtou.... The temporary foot -bridge et proving a great cp}tventeuce to a dumber of our J. H. CHELLEW - - BLYITHH 1i711J1M���� �� FOR C000 HEALTH To preserve or restore 11, there is no better prescription for mon, women and children than Ripane T,Ihulcs, They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. $ipgns Tu- bules are widely used by all 80['69 of people—but to the plain, every -day folk') they are a veritable friend In need, Ripens Tatules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dvspepsm, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular !heutnntiiln, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from, It regular use of Ripens Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Hottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S WagftelkerlidritiarlidmieWNOW K K&K K& K K£YK K&K K &K K&K WcalI, Nervous, Diseased Men. Thousands of T buega rd Middle Aged dies are annually swept toe premature grate through early indiscretions and later excesses. bell abuse and Gonstitutional Blood Diseases bays ruined and wrecked the life Outlay a premising young man. Bare You any oltbstoltowing symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired In Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; E:citable and irritable; Eyes Blurt Pimples en the Face; Drams and Drains at NIgLt; Heelless; enggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; noir Loose; Pains in the Body; bunked Eyes; Lifeless; Diatruatfal and Lack of Energy end Strength, Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and eeaually, Curs Guaranteed or no Pay. as Vase' IN DETROIT. BANK MMDURITY. t3'No Named Used Without Written consent. A NERVOUS WRECK. -11. HAPPY LIFE. T. P. EMERSON has a Narrow Escape. "I live on alarm. At school 1 learned an early habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said 1 was going into 'decline" Conenmption). Finally, "The Golden Dlonitoq" edited by Dre, Kennedy & Ktrgan fell Into my hands. I learned the deedh and cause. Self abuse had eapped my vitality. T took the Now Method Treatment and was cured. My (Hoods think I was cured of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom were caged. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Ceistlletlon fns, Swts Erse, Waster Qusstlsa Sleet for Nome Trestmsnt. 148 Shelby Street, Drs. Kennedy a Kergan, Detroit, Mich. KteK Koch Kix•K KtxK K,)3K citizens. IVe hope to sec the new wire suspension bridge in place soon. 'Phe river is now getting very low, so it will he en easy mets r to build it,... Mrs. Sainted Smile is back from Buffalo, where she was visiting for the past few months with reletires.....51r. John Carrie, who was injured at the gangway of Mr. P. Ament's saw mill, is stiil unable to get about as his bruised leg is quite sore yet. —Reeve Lamour, of Hay, i, improv- ing Ins farm by 'eying down between 15(1 and 200 rods of tile drain. —A.;eleputatiea hi North Bruce and North Grey politicisue interviewed the government at Ottawa on 'Tuesday rela- tive to Wiarton harbor and the con- strurliun of a dock, --On timidity evening of last. week Mr, Frank Moeseau, of Hay, lutppcned with a peculiar and paiufel nceldeut. White driving into hie brother John's yard, his horse took fright nt a dog whieh csutr. ruonhng out and began to plunge and kick, Mr. Moussean writs thrown in such a position AS t° receive three hicks, one of the hand,, fin' on the face, ayd a very set'ero tune itt the side, One of his ribs was broken, aril the end of it pressed against the lung. Despite his injuries he (note to Hensel) and had them attended to by Dr, Ferguson, Ho is not nut of danger, though his splendid physique will gl eatly aid i1 l inrecevery• 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PA;,,,TENTS TRADE MARRS Dtedass COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n nit rtel, and tinterip4nn may eulekiy aneerta., nor 0Pinl.ut tree whether nu ,,vonI ton in!nobn hiyP tenlshle. ('mmiundra- nnnastrlcnyr,nrtblcutxl. Handbook on Pat unto, emit tree, (Miert 8RRe,try for necnrr0 put euro. Patents taken through Mums a Co. receive speclat nodes, without shares, In the Scientific ,American. A handsomely Ilinnlruled wnrkq. l,nruent Mt. ciliation of any ucienrin' 7o urnal. Terms, t1 ear; tone months, el. tkr d br MI newsdealer.. N &Ge0S8ertt. adWaasy, NneewY .rk