HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-11, Page 2,
. 11
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March 11, 1893
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•. A,M�/•.�M,%00.1U.,N.N.N,I../+U•U•..N~H•._I-M'Mn %A ~ Aft- I . I .,
er the Election. - . .
} _ Crisp County.Clippings. Huron Co. C. E. Budget ■ Professiona.. �"�4l au#OQk0r,f*t. s
+ , i Mr Hyslop's majority is 521 in East - Are you plan- CA f R'A
9 Huron -the largest majority ever giv- Ralph O'Neil, Exeter, has leased the
fl� i en in the t iding. Central hotel, Aylmer, for a term of Hing to be at en F n OI111tilreII JAIKH13 1900 T•
s Mr J. L. Haycock, ex-M.P.F., accord- years. g ,; „
Win ham June or Uf Pts and ,
Ing to his friends will not again enter F. C. Mannin of Harrow, has ur 21st and 22nd. Merit talks thq The fes- t 4.
D i public life. g P These are the Intrineis value of Tal simile ;a n Barrister, Soli itkQ
p chased the general stock of G. G. John- dates of the Coua- Hood'aBareaparilla. �gaata„ every
�V. R. Beatt of Parry Sound ,
who the Conservatives claimed, states ton, Exeter. CONVEYANCE s
y' ty S. S. and C. E. Merit in medicine means, the power tc at , ,/�/. irsaDBm
i quite definitely that he will support Mr T. J. Sanderson, of Bayfield, has Convention. ours, Rood'aSareaparillaposaeaseeaotnai Oommissionorto'! rioandi>�anitpba.
41%,MJVomy, , purchased the Dominion baker , HOW TO TREAT Offic0 immediately south of Gllrgy *W14gtnau. 1the Government. W Y andunequalledcurativepowerandthere-
� 3 When Hon. J. M. Gibson goes under Ingham. NEW MEMBERs.- tore it has true merit. When you buys he alwa s carries a Minister of A ri- Durin the month of Februar the Every new memS (ON.CLA4R RiVEW Y Y bar should have Hood's Barsaparilla,and take it according IT PAYS TO We BRYpONE "
Z culture with him. In 1890 he and Mr value o the produce exported from * �
8 iA �i �+ p i considered as carefully and thorough- to directions, to. purity your blood, or
; lli+ka Old !ARID. 5 Drury went under; now he and Mr Seaforth amounted to ,$27,661.63. Y g BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Z O%'AR
S ? r den oto ether. ly as possible the pledge he is to take cure any of the many blood diseases, you
75 graduates assisted to positions p Y g g Henry Reid, of con. 4, Aehtield, is on enteral the societ so that there PUBLIC, ETC. 3 g y, aro morally certain to receive benefit, +
duriagithe past year. - The Liberals will protest Nor th and the possessor of a mare that re- maybe no walking in the dark; and
F p t Y g The Ig an to ears n there. Yoa are not Office -Beaver Block.
Our Shorthand Department is the t South Toronto. The protest in the cently presented flim with triplet colts. when it is taken the member will be , '•
yi bestin Canada. South will likely be pushed to the last o trying an experiment. It will make goat J Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo 090.0
b'`'"° z ' Our Commercial Department is Ao- j Mr. Geer a Taylor and his son Frank, ready to assume a fair share in the 4" r9,
extremity, but the may hold the blood pure, and nourishing, and thus CLINTON
fuel Business from start to finish. y North inorder to saw off with some of Kipped eft h Friday with 40 head work of the society. And is do that drive out the germs of disease strengthen = We can eeoure good board for eta- offat cattle for the old country market, intelligently, and with a sense of per- ' g Are You Rldraro of the Fact that '
' dents from a distance at from $2 to ; other constituency. oonal obli ration, then there will be the nerves and build up the whole
3 Miss Helen Moir, of Ha M' O' GAMER
J2.60 per week. It is also asserted that there is little y, left last p g TheCanadaBusinessCollege (Formerly of aameron Holt a Caxnor:
3 '' week for Denver, called forth self-respect find a delight- y
We pay the railroad one way. ? doubt but that�the Conservatives will ,where she has two gal feeling of partnership. The new / b
For further particulars address, protest West York. The claim to be brothers engaged in the teaching pro -
'i . P• y fession. member will be no mere figurehead or CHATHAM ONT. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
� 3 tiling up evidence that will send Mr silent partner. All his interest will be + Office -Hamilton St o osite CoiborneHousm
I A. S. NINNO I Will into the valley of obscurity. J. Ament, late of Ament Bros., has called into play, and he will realizeH o GODERIJ , ONT
/•KY�•WLiY41V/M.MI6/NM•U4IN/NA.MUH.NM•�/•U•WNMNJAL• Mr Guibord, the Liberal nominee i.n Putchased the American Hotel, Brus- that much depends on him, and that • Iodoing more for its pupils than any othoc ,
Bels, from A. Rcenig,and will take pos- he is of some consequence. This is the �o AS pti ils were p'ao,din ntte o months Stu
Russell, has offered to retire in favor session on the 1st ofmay. a ' 4
Clinton Post Office. of Lieut. -Col. Gibson. It is also said Y key to the position of a strong, vigor- dents from all quarters are flocking to this D. ,L• M ACPHERSON•
that Mr Robillard the Conservative Mr Robt. Shea has sold his farm on ously active, and permanent society. Is the best, in fact -the One True Blood Purifier, worthy business school „ -- Sl,.
TIME TABLE. + Besides a large attendance from Chatham l
I 11candidate in Russell, may not contest the Bronson line Stanley, to Messrs Thick of it well. Test it and see if it prepared only byC.Lj3ood&Co.,Lowell,Masa there are already this year, 93 u ilsre aatereri CONVEYANCING,
D1Z[!i MAILS CLOSED ' y' is not. from enlarge ou,te. 60 of thein from points FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NSURANO 1''
the riding. John and David Rohner, neighbors, 1� ,e Do not purge, pstn a --
Por the sum of $1',500. NASHVILLE, 1898, — Five hundred Flood's Plfl� gripe. Alldruggi nearer to other b Chatham.
Colleges than to
� ,: A. P.M. •'AM M5 Speaker Evanturel explains that the ets•>a6o• Chatham. MONEY TO LOAN.
a ," r 10 15 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 700 4 00 repor t that there vyas an arrangement Mrs James Snell, Wingham, has Iowa Endeavorera expect to attend We presume those people investigated the --
7 40 4 30 Wi,igham and Kincardine 955 635 the Nashville convention, What do merits of the different schools, and decided
1--. 1a lb 6 55 Western S.W. B, N, W. Us. 7 00 4 05 between himself and Mr Whitney re- moved with her family to Londesboro, office, MaoKay Block, Clinton.
�,, ; that nothing but the best would satisfy tient,
1015 1 03 Paris, Buffalo eastern U 67 00 4 05 garding a Cabinet position in the event where she will take up her permanent Uanadijuna think of that. How many Fred C. �Volf, of Waterloo, was kill- hence, they are here,
2 35 of the Conservatives winnin was residence in a house on her father's will go from Canada? ed by a tree falling upon him. write for catalogue of other departments and
I(r lb 1 03 Toronto rkpoints east iknrth7 00 4 05 started without authority, an he has farm. C. E. AND THE PRESS. -"The Times" y alistof the 43 pupils laced in two, months: JOHN RIDOUT.
1. 1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa.,. t 00 2 35 Y+ Wm Doris, who was.§o badly burn- p p P
1 o3 Manitoba, N W T and„B C 7 00 z 3a no such intention, of Brockton, Mads., once it week pub- ed at Cubour on Tuesday night, has --
Rost. Rae and family removed from g Y g + D. McLACHLAN & hatham , '
1 03 Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 The Government has been assured the let Con., Gra , where they have re- fishes a Christian Endeavor column, died Co,+ CONVEYANCER, 'COMMISSIONER, ETO
10 27 " Over two hundred Canadian papers of
1 03 that Mr Evanturel will give a very sided for a num er of years, to Lis- Mr. A, F, Pirie, of the Dundas Ban -
Points E & N of Stratford? 00 235 towel where the purpose makin ford to cur Provincial editor the same nee, who was the Libetal candidate in PROPERITES FOR SALEoRTo LET Fire Insurance. Moneyto lend. Real estate -*
10 27 active support to charge
Hardy. In fact, Y P P g rivile a Our young people are de- - matters carefully attended to.
1 03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 1245 he will take charge of the canvass in their home. Donald Pope has leased li g Y P P North Wentworth, takes defeat quite <
lighted to see a space green -in the daily
7 40 255 .........Goderichl ....•••• 9 00 Russell, if there is a fight there. the farm. a er, at least once a week, to the con- Philosophically. In Thursdays issue he FOR SALE„ Office—HURON STREET, (1LINTON
i :: Lucan crossing, Sarnia and The Government, it is believed Another of our old people Passed sideration of what is of special inter- says:- "The editor now resumes busj The undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 451
9 9p 6 ::Londe solei& B lir ve. • 9 5�5 4 makes no count on Tucker, the Pati as ay on Saturday morning, in the est to them; they are sure to take an ness at the old stand. All he brought or 12, Bailwa Terrace, Clinton. Particulars -'
P interest in these papers and patronize out of the contest was an old pair of n
ion. It is known now that before last arson of David Clark father of W. J. pen applioat o❑, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister Boa '
The office is open to the public (holidays ex session be asked to his seat moved ov- Clark, blacksmith, who had been a res- them. Each societ in the Fitclrbur trousers and his self-respect. Run- R. A�_NEW.
cepted) from 8 a.m. to 7.15 p.m. but holders o Y Y —
look boxes have access to the Qby until8 p.m er to the Conservative quarters, and ident of Hensall for over two years. Union, Mass., contributes at least one Hing for Parliament is great fun. Still, . FAR11'f T4u RENT.
g item a week for the C. E. column of there are other things [o live for that ,
a Money Order 'and Saving Bank office open to have his name enrolled with that He had formerlyresided at Hillsgreen. g -1.
are funnier.' Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goderich Town
"9 a.m. to 6 p.m. party Mr Jas. MoKelvie, Wingham, re- the local papers, carried on by the ship, about six miles from Clinton. All npartio AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY 08
a Matter for registration must be posted half Four years ago Kincardine town gave ceived the sad intelligence on Monday press committee of the union. The fall intensity of living is reached only ularaonappllcation toJOHN RIDOUT, Clinton EACIi MONTH
an hour before olo5ing the mails. a Patron majority of 78 and it now that his brotner-in law, Mr Walter THE INTELLIGENCE OF ENDEAVOR- by the perfectly healthy. Sickness dis- e
" STAGE MAIL - sUIIMERHILL -Every g Tedford, had died in Detroit, of Hell- .
Tuesday and Friday, arriving as 5.25 and lase- lees a Liberal majority of 167; and Mr P ERS. -No one can attend a C..E. con- counts the capacity for enjoyment. If his FOR SALE. Office Hours -9 to 5.
ing at 5.30p.m. Dack,who was defeated four years ago, monis. This is the third brother -in- vention without realizing that the body is all out of order and run-down, he ,,
ONCE A DAY ONLX ie mail.deapatohed on this occasion ave splendid aid to law Mr McKelvie has lost by death young people are intelligent; their will not be able to enjoy anything, no mat. Factory and contents on the. property of D.
the successful Liberal codidate. g P Y ya ere their testimony yen in the ter how full of enjoyment it may safer nth- Buchanan for 4125; by paging $15 down and
"•s from this office to Londesboro and Belgrave, durin the ast two ears. p P + Y g balance at $lo a month. Building to be re- DjR. C,
Ialso to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as Miss, Florence Reynolds, daughter sunrise prayer tnepting all go to show er people. If he is just a little bit out of or- moved,. Apply to J. SOOTT, Clinton. • �RIIc�► 9
abpve stated. Mr Whitney's lieutenants in the LA- of Mr, W. H. Reynolds, of Hensall, that, and yet what satisfies us at first der, if he "ie not sink, but doesn't look just SU41GEON DENTIST, )a
t Mails for British Isles -and European coup• gislature and his companions 'on the left here on Friday morning last for y g Y j g COTTAGE AND LOT FOR
^„„°itrtes intended to be forwarded by New York, stump were Messrs Marter, Willoughby, Y g does not continue to satisfy to we right" h he will only rt able y, enjoy thine Qradaate R O D S of Ontario, and Trinity
atnet have written on the top lett hand corner Kerna,Preaton, Mlscampbell, St.John, Keewatin, where she has been engaged must advance. Young men go tocol- in a halfhearted Bort of way. The nearer SALE. varsity Toronto,
of•en have era NEW Yoitic. Ke wood Meacham and Matheson. n, as assistant teacher to Mr. J. T. Wren, lege and university to get learning, he is to being perfectly well, the nearer will —
g + Y principal Y p Y j Y P` undersigned Special attention given to the Preservation
these all are retired except Messrs Mar forrnelr rinci al of the Hensall but man cannot do that, what th 3n his ea capacity for enjoyment ment be perfect. If The undere Ped offers for tale a frame oot- tie natural teen,
„1" - - school. obeli the do? We answer read read this condition doesn t exist something tags of four rooms with kitchen and woodshed
ter, Miacampbell and Matheson. y + + + attached. Centrale situs ed. Good water and Ofhoe, Coate f Tock, over Taylor's shoe store
read. Books constitute the modern ought to be done. That means nine• cases drainage. Will be oold cheap. Appl to N, B, -Will visit Bl th
The bank returns are an index of a Mr N. W. Rowell, who established Avery interest event took place on universit. well chosen books, tried, in tan the use of Dr. Yierce'e Golden Med• y every Monday ana `S
nation's prosperity. Canada has ev- a firm reputation as one of the best Wednesday evening at the residence y., C. d ABLE. Bayfield every Thursday afternoon curing tke
P p y' p of Mr Forrest Parr line Hay, g tested books; books b the best men, ioal Discovery. It works directly on the Clinton Dec.Decl0lh summer
'+ ,a,"' er reason to be road of the showing platform speakers in the Province dur- being Y digestive organs, and on the blood and e
Y P g ing the election contest, was born in the marriage of his daughter, Mar- ON LAPSED MEMBERS. -In every re- through these on every tissue of the body.
Q, which she makes this year. The clear- the township of London, Middlesex, o the A., to r Wm. H. Love, Stanley. ligious society members who have It makes the appetite good. digestion and HOUSE AND LOT FOR. GALE: D Ea burlhNN, L. R. C, p, and L. R, O, g,
November 1st, 18(37. He was educated The ceremony was performed by Rev. fallen away backward are found. nutrition perfect and supplies hes rich, red g Office -enteric Sleet Clinton 3
lags in the six cities with clearing at the Public Schools in the neighbor- S. Acheson, of Kippen. They lose interest, or they cease hav- blood to al P he tissues, building up solid, The frame hoose and half -acre lot on Huron burytSt lloppoeite pre byterie�n ohttroh Rattan
- b souses for last week brings the ag- hood and later in the cit of London. Chas. Abbot, produce merchant and in g fellowship with some one who was street, Clinton, occupied byenbscr,bor, is offer,
' the uniting link healthful flesh. ed for for sale. Accommodation for ordinary .E
gregate clearings since the beginning. He was oall'ed to the bar in 1891, and Miss Minnie H okin, of Exeter, were b , or some stronger at Send 31 gents in one -cent stamps to family Hard and soft water and cellar, also '
1 3t of the year higher by 35.7 per cent, has since practised his profession in joined in wedlock on Wednesday, at traction elsewhere calls them off, and World's Dispensary Medical Association, bearin fruit trees. The house is wefuocated, R J. L, TURNBULL, M. D. TORONTO ;7
Poronto. the residence of the brides parents, they drop out. What into he done to Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr.Pierco'a 1008 Go QE�O. bSWALLOwasornonithe rine. Ar>ply DUnivereity, M D. C.M., Victoria University
y -1. than last year. It would seem that people who talk of a "bad blow to Rev. C. Smith performed the Gere- their case? Do not say well, I guess page „Common Sense Medical Adviser," �aRs AGNEWnClimnton to so O ty of Eli nburgh.,latelotLondon�Eugtetend 11
th commercial commercial prosperity of the Liberalism" forget that in 1883 the Lib- moray. The young couple left for Lon- we can get along without them. That profus :ly illustrated. Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.=Dr.Dowsegy'eblil
gg don on the evening train, where they may be the case, but you have to _ . __ • office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell r
country must have some close connec- eral party,whjch had then been eleven think cf them as well as ourselves. answered at the same place.
a� ears in ower will reside. Y
tion with Liberal rule.. Y, P ,came hackto the Rouse To recover them, seek to create an in• CHOICI; FARM FOR BALE.
�, with 48 sesta out of a House of 88 mem- It is our painful duty to chronicle terest that will teach 'them, get a link Disordered — T
, ,11 I_ berg, At the election of 1894 they came the sudden and unexpected death of a to which they can join themselves, For ea'e,lots45and 74, on the Maitland con., LR• J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, S if
One'feature of the recent Provincial back with 50 seats out of a House of 94 most amiable child, n, the person of Township of Goderich, 87 acres; nearly alt Arcouobenr, etc„ office and re Hen n -
work for them with all the ingenuity cleared and fairly,well fortced. Soil is Brat- tarto St., opposite English church, t erly oo; ,
i`ie'. elections is the fact that nearly one- members, On neither occasion had Mary C. Bark, youngest daughter of you have, seek by any means, or by all Kidneys. class Good frame house and outbuildir.gs, onpted by r. Appleton, Clinton Ont
t they any difficulty in carrying, on the Mrs M. Burk, Seaforth, which sad means to recover them -so will our pea- Ing orchard, well watered, about 5 miles
half of the members of the new Legis- Queen's Government. Majorities do event took place on Wednesday, the society be strong. Y Perhaps they're the source of your ill from the fawn of Clinton, and close to school `''
lature will be new men. They ate new, grow. 25th ult., in Seafoi th, after an illness health and you don't know it, and churches. Will be sold on reagonab.le DR STAYBURY, GRADUATE O Hg
m,. ;. of four days from diphtheria. THE MINISTRY OF Music. -In the C. Here's how you can tell :- terms ADply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. Medical Department of vloto River
but many 'of them have had expel- Now that the agony is over it tom- E. society nothing is of more impel- Ifyou have Back Ache or Lame Back. city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
,.,': . - forting for the Liberals to look back ov- Mrs Somerville, of Seaforth, receiv- tance than the music that is rendered If ou have Puffiness under the E es Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
'ence to local mur3icipal government, erthe campaign and compete themeth- ed the sad intelligence, on Monday, of Y Y ConntyofHnron,Bayaeld,ont.
which will stand them in cod stead. there; a great part of the life and well- or Swelling of the Feet. HOUSE F®� SALE '
g ods'of warfare adopted by the leading the death, in Los Angelos, of her bro- being of the society depends upon it. If your Urine contains Sediment of _ '
t; i�,, , V�ithout saying anything of a diaper- t.ewspapers of the two parties. The ther-in-law, Mr Alfred Scott, of To- It has a most influential ministr it an kind or is High Colored and
Y: y g 812,290 buys the two semi-detached brick E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON
Liberal press, with hardly a single ex- ionto. Mt Scott, with his family, throws life into the heart of the socie• Scant house'soon Rattenbury 6t., known as the Fox- o'HonoraryGraauateoftheoutarioveteriaary
a aging character of the members • of re- caption, remained above the average went to California sorne months ago t it awakens its empt.ion:tf nature; y
csntaasembliea, on a curve of the y+ If you have Coated Tongue and pe ty College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
Y leve! of partisan politica so popular owing to ill heolth, but not being bene calls its fins ,nation into la and Nast Taste in the Mouth. trier houses and also vacant lots for sale. male on the moat modern soientifioprinti
• new faces, the conclusion is reached with mac newspapers in the countr fitted any had made all arrangements play, Y ]nas to
an on t.te lunge in large and small pies Officedence - Albert
etth of,,,,. al
Yy stirs it to t.ctivity in every good work; If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches, sorne to loan on m ir;ttge. Rates low. Office. Residence -Albert St., Clinton. call
that the Legislature which will meet Of the leading dailies the Globe was an to start for home on Tuesday, when it binds the hearts of the members in Bad Dreams,- Feel Dull, Drowsy, W. BRYDONE, Barrister, night orday attended to promptly
,; ; 'example of how to fight fair. It main- death came suddenly on Monday. one. A song becomes a rallying cry Weak and Nervous. Then you have
�11111 I'll in February. of next year will be one tained a dignitied, and courteous atti- Among the estimable old couples in or an evangel of hope, or a proclau�a- Kidney Complaint
a r'' of the ablest that has been selected tude throughout, and did not once des- Seaforth, who have travelled together tion of divine grace. Therefore, cult l- The sooner you start taking CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 3
tend to such vile tactics as character iz- down life's strew to for -years, are Mr vate the musical talent of the society; — has return to Clinton and opened an office
' since Confederation. And the Liberals Y. DOAN'S K113NEY PILLS For sale, a splendid farm of 33 acres, belong• at the' Queen`s Hotel, where be may be consult.
, ed some of the Organs on the other side. and Mrs Robt. Carmichael. On Tues never let a meeting pass without a tng to the late C. Spooner, adjoining the cor ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
Will have their full. share of the talent. , the more quickly will your health return. cattle, &c. All Dana, n,
*• The, Toronto Presbyterian Review day this worthy couple celebrated sweet solo or it charming duet; have poration of Clinton. All cloared and under good night or day, promptly at
says of the elections: -A condition of the the golden anniversary of their "songs and 'solos" by Sankey, or the They've cured thou- cultivation, etttan frame house, frame barn, tended to.
,T' sands of cases of kid-' good bearing orchard and well. Will be sold
s' ' things unsuspected and undreamt of wedding day, having braved the bat- fine collection of choice songs by Brier- on reasonable :,arms t close tip the estate. AI -
It is announced that during the year has been brought to light by the can. ties of life side by side for the past liftT ly Co,,. of Chicago, and you will never Hey trouble during the
ast ear. If ouare se frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton, U TOMLINSON, VETERINAkY SIIRGEON
there will be established in Ontario a yassera working in the political cam year a. Mrs Carmichael is ?2 years of be at a loss. P Y Y with half -acre of emend, eppleudidly located. . Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
rp a sufferer they can a J1Ri:. C. McGRh)l.Ori, Constance. nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases
+ 'factory for the manufacture of parquet paign in Ontario. It is well known age and Mr Cat michael is 81. TIIE GROWTH of CH1rrSTIAx EN- cure you.
MRS. W. ROBERTSON, Clinton. Domestic animals on the most modern and
that in practical politics it is custom- Councillor Ortwein of Hensall, ar- DEAVOR.-It is to be found organized Sciand fie Principles. Da and night calls prompt
.. floors or wood carpet. This is anew ar in forecasting the result to lake in- g Book that tells all ly answered. Residence-liattenbur S ., weal
Y g rived home from his visit. t0 the States in every denomination. It is in the about Doan s Kidney PROPERTY FOR SALE Clinton, y
but still important industry, as the to account the attitude of the several "on Friday. When near Craig the train army and navy and among the cab- Pills sent free to any o •
value of the 'finished article rune rap ,rel Bions interests. Rightly or wrong- on which he was returning, got off the men and police; it is amen the men of address. For sale, that property on the south side of
I itis admitted that this iS done. In Huron titrcet, Clinton, di r, fly opi'osite rho nn �rARRIAGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT 8R.
" into the six figures. There is one firm y' track, and he hired a livery, hoping to the life-saving stations; it has even The Doan Kidney Pill MARK residence of mr� .ealsh. Tdere is a tyro story lf� insurer of Marriage Licenses LibraryIto
' the contest now being carried on, the reach Lucan Ciossing in time to catch penetrated the prisons and laid hold of Co., Toronto Ont. TfUtS frame house a, the tot, which , ne.rll half an and Residenac, Mary street, Cltntou• om `
in Chicago which uses more than 6,- pdrta of canvassers have disclosed the the train rennin north. He was too the prisoners and is seekin to lift ' _.. --_ acre• 7 ec pr^silty s most eh,�,bly ,.=,united,
fact, that Mormonism has taken a hold running and will be :old for ;4410 Gish. For particulars
t 000,000 feet of strips in its factory and late, however. He then telegraphed thein up to a better life. Were is it apply to JOAN RII?utiT, C.intoc.
k I 11 1•:'";, 1:' ships the redact to all arts of the of some rural districLs, and an estimate for his son to meet him ,on the road not? It has swept round the world �� o� �p� TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO.
P P P has been mt+tle that before this year with a rig; gri in hand, he walked and has conquered in every clilne. 16 Wanted tl ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES.
world: There is a big field for Cana- passes away 100,00(1 avowed Mormons eight miles, meeting his t ig this side of And what is the great lesson Lhis
No witnesses required
11" Iglen enterprise in this direction, and will be in Ontario. Enquiries were Centralia. teaches? It is this, that the profes IN EaCII %NGE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR
made, with the result that thus far the , Sion of a taith in Christianity is riot SALE F W. L. S., Provincial
ass we Have plenty nf• the raw material political re orts have been confirmed. Alex. McKay, of lJgmondville, tom- Y 12 h e. choice amity t for 1 bush. Oats . P. L. e„ Yrovinoiai Land Surveyor an
that the business can Lt is said that meetings are cin held Plated, a few days ago, quite a wonder_ enough, there must be the practisri of 13 Iba. choice Family Flour for 1 bush0, t Thatdosirablo t3riol Business stand on AI- uiv11 Engineer, Lonaon, oat-Offiob lien o
there is no doubt e g being ful invention. It is a hand power it. Men profess faith and stand stone- beet St., Clinton, ocenpi,d by hlr N. Robson, is Stewarts Grocery store, Clinton.
in the small halls and schoal•houses, still, but the word of God is "S tak i i .p offered for sale, incluiling rear lot and stable.
•,b8 carried on with success. and that the are crowded with excit dredge, so constructed that it will take p' Oats taken 111 (%(h:l.➢1�-a Tho Wation is one of the best in Clinton. The
_ Y unto the children of Israel that they
ed audiences, who are carried awe b up fron 12 to 15 tons of dirt per day at , property is free from incumbrance and title in- McI£illop Insaranee C I
Y Y a de th of from 18 to 25 feet of winter. go forward. C. E. chimes in with for inl'f1Q 1.➢'l(.s dis utab!e. Price reasonable and terms to suit •
While Conservatives in Ontario are the eloquence of the Mormon mission- P that; it is an organized endeavor to do a chaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- The undersigned has been a
,f collpplaining of the coat of school cries. The case is urgent, and cannot The machine is very cheaplyronetruct- God's will; t meets the longing heart These are our present rates, �on Road, or ageless Clinton P. u repeat the 1i<ettrltop InsurnIIceoCoedfor rthe ,.
",„ ed, and would not cost more than g g townshipsof Hallett Morrie and East Wawa -
books and stating that they can be be allowed to rest where it is, about $10. Any ordinary roan could with encouraging help and sympathe- but we dont lineae how long nosh. Parr tea having business with the com-
�old fox a mere song, parents in Eng- Com plete returns gave Mr McDonald, build it, where timber could be had, tic fellowship. they will continue. �°
pony,, or desirin$ to Henle will be prompt lq
Conservative,431roajorityinGlengarry; • 1 PERIiIN BLOCI>� attended to. i1GBT. SMIfTH, Harlock.
r land, where there is the greatest tom- Mr McLaughlin, Conservative, 157 ma- The news reached Seaforth on Fri- JOIN HANIIS 0. OLSON, - Clinton .
petition�among pool book publish- jority in Stormont, and Mr Whitney, day last of the death of Mr Jas. Mc- -- Z _ FOR SALE ;
I Conservative, 131 majority in Dundas. Guffie, which Fad event took place at In Telling of the Caring Powers of Dr. Ag- $s00 each 12owontbty payments otiQlseach RCyiENTS•
ere, are agitating against their cheap- his residence in Cleveland on Thursday new's Cure for the Heart. D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton
This represents tri gain of two seats for IT IS A FEAT a ond,selli Gold Fields!' a lar e,oheap, vain- a
Feb. 24. Mi McGuffle was well-known
.I`` , ease. In order to produce the cheap the Conservatives, Glengarry and able book,aellin likea whirlw}nd. Beautiful N+
g P in this town, having held the position M.V.Thomaa,of Stanley Hoase,Kingston C IAOICE V kHM F roe ®otos twen y -five cents, Books on time.
. Article the English publishers print Stormont Navin been represented in of book-keeper in Messrs Reid & Wit- writes: "Dr. A new's Care for the Heart m )R. SALE R=-GARRETSON COMPANY Llunw
the last legislature by two Patrons. P g 1 O FIT YOII FEET JR 7 0 .1LI+;N'1`.
the books on poor paper and with bad Dundas remains Conservative. A care- son's hardpare store for a number of has proved a wonderful medicine in. my Toronto. -
'' ears. On leaving here be went to case. I was a eat sufferer'from heart
type, and the parents complain that ful analysis of the returns reveals some Y B The farm on the Huron road, Goderich T s
lairs causing the failing eye -eight of starting facts, lir Glengarry, Mr Mc- Clevel.tnd, Ohio, where he secured a tressle. I form ii a great health builder townenip,boina lot a. 1ss acres, ooaupi'ed by �� Gem �ovell-Nile renes1.
JUe, Liberal, and Mr Macpherson, In- good position as book-keeper. The de- and have received great benefit. My wife subscribes, is offered for sale or to rent on t : ;°
p ceased was 62 years of age, and was also has used the Heart Care and can bear reAsonablelterm a. All cleared and in aplen- at
the pupils and is responsible to a great dependent, ran as pledged supporters did state of cultivation good bearing orchard; Subscribe: is agent for the GEu woven -Wins
married to Mre Moore, of Tnekeremith, agaelly as strong testimony of the wonder- well watered; Rood outbuildirg s (house re- FExcE, admittedl one of the beat wire Fences
exE.nt to the slow progress which of the Hardy Government, and their y
' combined vote exceeds that of the Op- who, with one eon, Robt., eurviveahim. fol benefit received. It relieves in 30 min- solved If suitable to tenant.) Only one mile In existence. The wire used is the genuine
they make in advancing from class to osition member b notue hundreds, Just, 50 ears ago. on the 22nd da of utas. Sold.by Watts & Co. rent ,t with the fnrin.iber Particuf 0lars we on a dpi; Coiled -spring steel Wire, best made; with ad- •t
` slams. This is a very powerful alga- P Y K Y P instable tighteners, closely woven, and i. fiu-
that popular opinion in Glengarry Februkry, 1847,Sate Moriaty and John cation to either JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton, or niched Complete at 5c per strand per rod, The
ll ;',.th in favor of our Education De- clearly favors the Government,and an O'Reilly were united in the bonds of proprietor, JOHN HOLMES. fence is not woven until it is put up and one
can neve as many strands as they wish. It is
, . w psttmenVa action in keeping up the Opposition member ie returned only by marriage by the lade Father Schnider, a strong, galenic fence, novo better, and
the Ill -,advised division of the Liberal of Goderich, in the small to ig hours 'Zy� where,used farm�@ra prefer it to an othe
r quQity of the schoolbooks. vote. In Stormont a similar condition that they then occupied near oft Al.11ING Fat m for gale or to Rent. PF>RCY EVANs, Ho eevi e
of affairs exists. The Government vote, bert, and to celebrate the 50th anniver-
. as represented by the ballots cast for nary of that 1lappy event, a largge gath-�.� Th th Halt of of onoesaton 9, Town- A(*ENTS ~
Mayor Mulhern the regular Liberal aria of neigh d hip of uorria, em,taininp 100 acres, 80 nares „
COULD DO NO WOR11- y , g g ors and frien s, 1th cleared and in good state m oultivativation. The best life of Her Majesty I have seen,"
"Large sores broke oat on m sod ea3 candidate, and for Mr John Bennett. those of their children who coup be The, a are on tfi. promises a frame house, frame writes Lord Lorne about ^A assn Victoria!'
y y h Agants make fl, a dollars da1l
the Independent, who ave Mr Hard resent assembled at the fine farri? on barn, frame drive house good orchard, Hover- BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMy.
sled limbs, and also on my hands, so that t P g . P fait ng supply of spring water. situated }mile e
I i - � ! bdtldd not do any work, and my hair came a consistent support in the last Legis- which the old couple reside; tori. 0, from the village of Blyth. Will be sold on rea- Toro
oat. My trouble wits called dozema. I bc- lature, exceeds the total vote for Mr Ashfield. Many presents were sent in sonable terna. Apply too. HAMILTON, Blyth
McLaughlin, Conservative, h 600, so b the boys and iris away, and b the But it can be done' b calling u on us and or THOS. R. WRIGHT, Execute_ 9.18 Prince s
Ban taking Hood's garsapsitilla. When I b Y Y Y Y Y y g p Av ,tondos, On CL1NTOW
had taken several bottles the acres and itob- that again the popular voice is favor- neighbors and friends. One old gen. � I
examining onr lines of
in'g disappeared and I was oared." Mrs J. able to the administration, and 0 fluke tleman, Maurice Dalton, ex-dep�1irtityG ' , WOOD and C A
r (, ]Brown, Bri.ntford, Uat. fires Mr Whitney a supporter. But it reeve,who was present at the wedding, Mens Women's and
g 'SKIN DISK so IrNL1%V9D �6V ONE AP- tI i� ��pp p
4, __ the to perhaps jo Dundas that the result of was in attendance, and a jolly old fel- 'PLICATION OF ' • Children's Boots ilea$® and Lot for Sale dere forrWood or Coal d hioh
' Hdon'a �PILL8 are the only pills to take the balloting is most surprising. In low is he who is able, even now in his s lowest ratos. Oilico nn Igaae str e
1894, Mr Whitne as a Iain member 82nd ear to dance a i that would n}. ��i { All Winter goods selling at reduced The frame house on Rattenbary street, IMPLEMENT tiOUMS. W `vjE
9rittl►Hood s Sarsaparilla. Care all liver ills. of the assembly, carried the riding by astonish many a younger jig,
Dr. A e 11 s OinLlllenWj prices. Full assortment of immediately east of Ur. Tom!inaon's, is
187 ma orit ' p -- Double and Single farness, offered for sale on very reasonable terms. AGENTS - Book businosels better thdu
Midland Presbyterian ehurcll has ex- majority. Noty with all the res- The house is oentrall situates be:>; cal yDara !,ast;also cavo bettdrarrdfaatorsollllr
ignlled a unanimous call to Rev. J. J. Lige of Opposition leader and possible DOAN S KIDNEY PILLS. $! CENTS. Trunks, Vali> es, Robefi Y g Y scolia. Ag
of Orangeville Presbytery, Premier of the Province to attract the Dean's Kidney Pills sot on the kidneys, Pa r'avrfe sa:pb'or niimorchnnt,CV]ttceabarre, and Blanktjt8
a minute walk from the bueineas centre $10to$10woukly, '
�'+NO,4 g years I have Den has stone cellar, large dining room, arlor, few leaders aro: "Queen 'S.Mbrlq,, rLifdef")life
popplar vote, the majority for Mr bladder and urinary organs only. They dlstlgurrd wltn tette on Panda and sae. Red and White Cedar Shingles always ' g g + Oladstono," "My nlothor'elliblutitpri 11" �Ititlk.
1' Wtutne to reduced to 131,nnd there is But at Inst t tnvo tonna neuro to Dr. bed room and k{taken down stairs, with groasivagpoakor," 'IrlanaiktsGuldrioeitia ".Wox
Y ouzo baakaohe, weak, baolt, rbonmatism, on hand. man," `Glue�t1gos of this Unaeon,"""BrilEL A 1
C%A4.i�l0X1C1-a=-&1 little doubt, that under normal con- , Agne:v's Ointment, My skin to now largo and two smaller bDdrooiue upacairs ",
diabetes, congestion, inflammation, gravel, smooth and soft and fres from ever blem- Dimroraurlt3up or, Cahadt;aa Iifibyalopao7
,r V } rt .. •% dilions 1411 W. B. Lawson, the lucky Bri +lit's disease and all other di eslgoa aria• fair. The first ap lication gave relieif.• -•IID. r I t Good-sized summer kitchen and garden, din." t3noksLJ flame. Ot+titt�)fxon, of t+ltriltai'n.
ilZ. IN on
5-oung Liberal candidate, would have ingiroin wrong aotion of the h�idneya and p JAS. � 'ITCI�CrdL, Very oonvanlontly situated fol boartltug The i3I1AT1I,lCSiGf+ifRlYlutf30V Qd,t • itttitgi,
Mrawlr0 . vallpm easily redeemed the riding. bladder. SOLD BY WATTS & CO, OLINTr v Victoria, I31o01t, Clinton.
j r T os+outbi
house. Apply l> t l�ilat4 IlttA office.
I �:
. ,