HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-04, Page 3N w f.-_-,_. gM,91VR Prfwot& r1. 6t. }. I-* % ° , j subject. He re- Jtoided that Oanada was no longer a elderly lover and would not even allow him to come to her , N w f.-_-,_. gM,91VR Prfwot& r1. 6t. }. I-* % ° , .qi .. for•, . , ,q 1- March 4..1.690' pot a. Gogdion STICE IN 11�ENICOr THS Bt:t3CiAR's NOVEL sCH�Ml3. Rev. Dr. Barrlts, of Toronto, one of a -..- sical.Wretched- ---- amristart thea cerxe, uteri teas loss, longed, ! tee best knywn [c+Chodist divines in for one, naw no Saves 413 a Week by Not Ontario, is. seriously ill with .paialyeiy. Guelph, Nov. 28rd, 1697 $TRANfiE DECI231pNS GIVEN BY SOME That dry when, thinking not of tree I oriad I Shaving, The Sloan Medicine Co., Hamilton. .1 I ' 44 ll�iSex For respite from ray foes on every rl�io! O, M. Foley, the lawyer, charged at " 1, I,�' ' OF THE MAGISTRATES. Charles Coghlan, the well known En , Aideb. Ppeine the refuge akither T awIlit rata! g- Parts with fraud, in using clients funds to DEAR SIRS: --For years I was lroubletl with periodical sick headaeboe,'being a% ~^ And dldst Chex ceras flab yvoa{rig urea, and i lisp actor, walked down Broadway late the extent of $80,000, was sent to jail be- feeted usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were advertised As Quits �^ A murderer Mired 06 and the Casts —. A dim ono evening and was accosted by a bright OAgde h@ OOald ti0t faraitb D8g00sry bail. RYed by gimes► every doctor in finalpb. but without an relief. Un o When thinking not of tkH--too gsrviy tried-- looking young man, neatly but very Plain- t and was tte �ry y e doctor . ��'' Celery C%Qnlpou>t%dr+>ri' ooatraak with a Time Lemic T looked And Saw the western cicada divide ly dressed, who had About A two days' In Sb. Mary ■ Clathedral, Kingston, Vio= Yo1d me it was caused by a weak stomaoli, Aaokhes said it was hereditary saddnotirable Yltadasss to w Poor ]toy—A Queer 8seaelt And iks fair settiaQ of the fail opbQd sant growth of board on bis loge. He a lir-General Belly referred to the critical I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan s Indian Tonto, and am happy to say I did fsQ, •::t a Deliverer. Of Premins ga1t. And 14s shoe corse an that dark, sighing proached the actor in a meet deferentiaall condition of Archbishop Cleary', and asked A few doses gave immediate relief, and one, bottle and a half made a complete sere„ manner and caused biro to mto b tiro the prayers of the faithful for his recover This was three years ago and ilia headaches have never returned. I was sled troubled --• lOhrdowed� with troubles of eke deg►#ir be, P y Y• wi/h asthma, and not helped mo like year Sloaa'a Indian Tonto. I can heartUy Among tfio wild, Weird and viondWill novelty of the way in which he asked for recommend it to all and will be lad ►c ave an ;, When Budde" arum R dar fidii] Dell' li $ y perkiculara 10 any One af1lioted as Iwase k1r Barrand says: the de i be sound in the southwest Mexican are wary su ?„s. alma The recommend aro men who i shr,iidg testa ditrtrlssed An$ Young man explained that he the ices of t sometimes s outdo by Mexican �onet felt considerable diflidenoo In asking a imagine that out•daor W. C. HFiE(&$, tl jgsttoee et this {teaoe most of the justices AX=1thoucomeallkeureaadblewh,Qal1, gentleman to aid him in ble flnanclal die- work is a sovereign 11 or pale a+ eta dealers Os addssw Yiie Sorel the Medicine Which s g 1 Sure for all ill la this territory are Nnt Int I et few of the hour vrhe. mast I think M thee? tree but Mr, Cie blah looked kind heart- i s. They Ooayany roY hair Yew a8 Done So Much for Me them aramen os Auiliofoat tntnillaenoo arid "Edith M. 'rhontw in Csabotty, ed, and Lhoretore he would Oeko the liberty work tike slAvesat their Trio@ $1 rats bestial Y be►ttett >� education to know something about the to relate hie troubles Ha had only been business, take ineufii- Will Prove a Blessing to first principles of law, but mos] of 02+oi» CAT IN A BIRD ti TORtl, 130 the city throe days and by hard hustling tient time to rest and Vo very meagerly equipped, -- bad managed bo secure a sleep, and abuse Others," One such administrator of the taw hold- M3 Cray Bella* a Companion to Castries work the next morning. Ho hada t an ' and neglect their . and Parrots.1:1 g t- health in every 1309 office in northern Now Mexico decides money to pay for blsneQht's lodging or hl9 way, The when i1t� 1 T that it was hie duty to try a main who had Persons who have visited a aa'Ypin bird breakfast. He did not ogee tog that par they bre if, when down, been charged w, j murder. persons and Store ft. Sixth avenue eAaaat boYo iced to bieularly, but he did wank to go to his now ' they kgep on jest . Having a be impaneled a jury of min persona end sotieo the unrestrained movements et a big Place the neat morning looking clean and before, except and i o 4 robesed the Grocery stock of James Steep, at a greatly reduced figure, .- est Des trate Cases of ' g g k , that in addition to g thoroughly overhauled the same and sorted up with new goods, we era ll tried the Daae The jury found the man �iay krmeat Among the hundreds of ca- neat. He would therefore be much obliged < their usual work, now is •position to me@Y the wants of everyone, in price and quality. heumatiam are Overcome b guilty, and the justice at ogee orclered, the series, parrakebts, parrots, uullfincbea and to Mr. Coghlan If he would kindly give -r y , y prisoner to stood u for sentence. He do- ether tbathertxi coon au"te of iks ttttpry Sir „ , they go oat every P p Jilin ]0 conte with which to get Shaved in i1, n ►� day and spade a r , livered a long lecture is the murderer a lai w s climbs leisurely frgrn tier to ties the morning. I little i tikair g to Special Bargains in Teas, Soaps, Starch, Pickles, Biscuits Nat Ure s Cure, Paine's on thehaenousneaeof hieorimeand warned ani walks in and ouY among the titt2o Tho story was do plausible that the so. try Celery Compound. him never to appear in his court again up- wooden cages with the mechanical regu- bar, who is notoriously indifferent to the imitate Mo. Glad- and Coffee. Don't target to try our Blue Rillbon Tea, on such a charge. Then be impressively laxity of a nlgbb watchman on his rounds, value of money, di �.,;. — At stone by cutting peed into his trousers down a tree or —� pronounced sentence—a5 aad costs—and "What cat has beep hers festive years, and pocket And presented ifUo young man with :,+r 11 dismissed the court, hie tacebeamiag with ko kali never yet It a bird," evt*tatnod A silver dollar and went on hie wa �^`� choppingthe flim- Cash paid forC��1�.� 1: lir1'HL'' ONLY EiEMEDY FOR PAIN- pride and satisfaction over his oratorical rho )ropriet°r of the store to a patron who y' ily fire -wood. butter & Eggs s j� ) Conll)c'S Bi1�Dl� About a week aPtorward, while going front I Amore riditalous method of curing a effort. had y Q the Lows club to his hotel, Mr. Coghlau man who is suffering from nervous exhaus- RAC)iEDANDSTIFFENEDLIMBS apresaod wonder at eosin a cat in Before another edhisMexican easto f la the snob tempting prer association with !Mt most was accosted by the same young man on tion and is threatened with nervous pros - peace who dispensed his ideas of law Sri• tempting prey. Fifth arenas, without being recognized,tration could not baweii conceived. Aman "' ' southern New Mexico there came a Moxi- "Is He was told the same story. Desiring to i who has overworked does not need more 1," your cab especially p trained to the work, but less work and more rest. The .7.1 �PBI,ns t� as: Ju t a Co„ can mon and maid to be tied Sa wedlock, earn of birds?" asked the patron. learn the real inside of this new scheme, V (1- 1-k $ 1 FOR ]KLONDIKE! The judge looked them over oritioal] yg g• Mr. Co g man who has lost his appetite needs some- .[bW.6Zi..L.L Dsen rise: Just a year ago I was attack• y and lie. .Toch has Hover had an tiainin ghlan said nothln but invited the thing to restore ib. The man whose nerves ed 'by inflammatory rbeumtltiam in its apparently bad doubts about the compati- Ho was given to me when about 6 weeks young man to collie with him to the cafe I are shattered needs something to tone and rnoet croute form which total] ince sestet- bility of their tempers, for he pet a time old and bo has of the Hoffman House, whore after sitting strengthen them, Get the nerves right and As very few can afford ►o go to the Yukon $lolidike we Y p , grown up to the store. He have decided to give ed ma'from pursuing my trade — that of a limit upon the combination, and as he never has had any other companions than down at one of the tables he remarked: I sound;, and refreshing sleep will foilow• A you one at home. You can make and save more b atronizi tailor—or in fact from doing work even of Pronounced the words that made them birdeand tie seems bo think that he Sahara "Sue hero, young wan, you told mo this man who sleeps well and vats welt, and orium this year. Our sir y y p ng the Em - man and wife be added with emphasis, for the purpose of watching ever them. In same story on Broadway the color ni h digests and assimilates his food wilt not o ti°Hall y P g goods are arraying continually, aqd are ex_ the lightest kind,aO every nerve in mp body "for the space of two a t, remain ill, eP y good value end very choice. we are not Ding out of `Bis' or Was affected, I was in this distressing con- P years only.' Aa they all the years that I have had him Josh bus and I gave you $1. Now I want you to I In cases of this kind Dr. Pierce's Golden dissolving partnership, bat are going right along. We make m point to sur— dition for more t�t an seven months, when I went away be told them if they were dfa. never shown a disposition to attack or in- tell me all about this scheme while we Medical Discovery goes to bed rock—to ply our customers wants. We carry a large stock of first-class goods. o oommenoodneingPe>;ne'si sissy Compound. satisfied with their venture before that jure a bird. One peculiarity about him is have u drink." first causes. It creates a hearty aplretife; trash or shoddy dealt in, 6 I soon began to realize the effects of the time to come back and be would divorce that he will not mako friends with other The Young roan's face lighted up, peg it makes the digestion and assimPet,on Dress Gttods, TvveeAR, OVerCoatS, Unt1el'Claifiin medioine;bubmy case was an obstinate one, them for the same foo. oats. The only time that he appears ugly he gave vent to an uneasy laugh as he re- Perfect; it invigorates the {'ever; it purifies Soots, Shoes, E3erlVy Rubbers and Robes g, / and required the persistent use of the Com- Still another, who won bla fame in is when strange cats come near Klin, He plied: the blood and fills it with the life-giving pound for some months before I wits able Texas, tried a man for some petty offense, always drives them away. The birds seem "Well, mister, the drinks aro on me, as elements of the food. It builds up new . Offering at very low prices at present. All other goods kept its s de trtm<t,t- . to move about. I am thankful to say that found him guilty and fined hlm $5 and to Mks Josh, aithoggh onto in awhile a Y flesh, new muscle and new nerve fibres. It al story at lowees ri es consistent with honest dealin_p P I see You are `on' to me. I have been is an unfailing enre for nervous exhaustion highest pric9 for Bgtier, Egge, Potatoes end wood are to be found here 1l have commenced work again, and I am costa. But this was too much Yor thh psis- parrot will scold at hien noisily for some working this echemv for nearly two years and nervous prostration and the beat of very hopeful that by continuing the nee of ones at the bar, who declared that be could fancied offense, I'ho vat pries and bull- I carne to this city broke, and 130 two or all medicines for overworked men and wo- A t• the Compound a little longer I shall, please not pay the fino; that be had not so much flnohes so' in to like to tall] to him. Some- three days secured a position, and, deslr- men. An holiest druggist won't urge an DAMS A MPORIUM, _'. plod, be restored to my wanted health and money in the world. The justice looked times he will Sit for 10 or 15 minutes in ing to look clean and neat when 1 went to inferior substitute upon you, thereby in- �? ���t�+ » L `. ADAM strength again. Surely the medicine that him over with fine, large, Texan contempt front of one particular cage and listen plat- my new employer the next day, the idea sulting your intelligence. LONDESBORO: ► Bhas done so much for me will prove an for any one so ornery, shrugged his shoal- idly to the twitter or warbling of a bird. came to ma to ask a passerby to give mq I It is a dealer's business to sell you what aal blessing to others similarly affiieted; dere and turned tO the marshal with rho "Has Joeh any Favorites among the money enough to get shaved in the morn- y°u ask for—not what he prefers fr selfish , 11 4 find to such I say, "Give Paine's Celery nonchalant alternative: birds? No, I don't think he has. He treats g• gentleman Profit's sake to salt. in e i gave mo GO cents, Aman or woman who neglects constipa- THE l[D�tCfrn r ''Compound A trial." For what my mod- "Very well. Then take him out on the them impartially, although he undoubted- and the idea struck too that it I Could + tion suffers from slow poisoning, Doctor 1►1itt�J1l It t `y O icine has done for me you have my most mesa and shoot bim. " ly prefers the society of the song birds to make money as easily as that I would be a Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa- 1 r - grateful thanks. Ono venerable disciple or the law, who that of the parrots. The squawking of the fool to go to work all day in a store for $8 tion. One little `Pellet " is a gentle taxa - Yours truly, for d long time has balanced the scales of parrots annoys him, but he puts up with or $10 a week. So I kept it uP and man- Live, and two a mild cathartic. All meds- i u O ® 4 JoRm BARRAND, Barris, Ont• justice in the town of Las Cruces, is fa- the annoyance more calmly than a human ago to pick up anywhere from $25 to $3o a 'ane dealers sell them. 1 1 1 P mous through all that region for his re- being would. One arrot in week. I live in,a boarding house where I i. P particular ��� 1. markablo decisionsffi , . Before him a Mexl- seems to regard it as his mission in life to Pay $8 a week for my board and have a / can bo throw AIDE Chas. V n Allen11 , employed at Iro y, through his father, sued an Amer. prevent Josh from sleeping. Whenever this few dollars Par clothes and spending uois, stared to walk to Morriaburg on scan rancher for $60 which be claimed as parrot catches sight of the oat asleep by money. �OOT�t TaKEhT BV Lilt track in a blinding snow storm. He the wages due for three months' work. sets up a racket that almost alarms the "I have saved on the averaggforthelast JJ S 1� i wasstruck by a passing train and died Between a Mexican and an American any neighborhood. Half a dozen times I have 18 months $15 a week. If I can keep this ��T u ��j11 irOm his injuries. Meaicaa justice can a1wAYs Seo that the been on the point of hitting the squa+vkor up a few months longer, I am going cif NORWAY AY P�NE i -a \ Lj FOSTER 1 right is plainlq qn the side oP the suitor of on rho head with a club, butr Josh always Into some Small city and start myself in An inqquest is in progress atOrillia on hie own natfonalit and no matter what takes It very coolly and mows orb Qf range some little business in which I can make a ax the death of Fanny Young, who died y' Y liven Under auspicious circumstances, Ids the evidence be can usually find some way 'of the parrot's vision. g. " SYRUP .r� of making his decision express his s m a- "Well fed! Yes, indeed, ►\J Y U M•��� ee# Gloilatt, postmaster, is implicated, A•nd P Y P Wei Saod Bosh "But do you never got shaved!" asked f�$ `-vas placed ander bail by the Police thy' In this case the defendant proved on the best the market affords, and be is the actt:r. `Row do you always keep two t 1 Magistrate. that the boy had been hired to do chorea never allowed to go hungry. Perhaps that days' growth of heard on your face?" for his board and that it bad been express- is Dna reason why bo never attacks the "Ob, that's easy enough, " rep] led the b ly stipulated that be was not to receive birds, "—New York Times. Young man, with a grill. "I above with a Heals and Soothes THE GOLD RUSH money payment. The justice considered barber's hair olippvr." µ� , } '%"" the case with frowning brows and laboring QUEER BEART FEELING, f,hlan acknowledged corn ` -- Mr. c°' g Q the delicate tissues of the Is not�more Enthusiastic than are the brains for some time. Then be announced paid for the drinks Queer feelings in the heart re daily tom- ®' x I'ra#see of the Thousands who are Living aahsaet the plaintiff had tolled to prove his p)sinod of by ruultitudes of people — don't 7t would be too bad to allow this young Throat and Lungs. a tf To day Because of South American $id- know the canse,bttt it ntakee them ne:voge r�,an to part with Any of his Ingeniously "But, " he added, "the boy is a poor bo ao aired mono „ n@ Core. Y, irritable and unfit for either work or pleas. q Y•^Naw York Telegram, • • • a thoroughly up-to-date periodical for women will enter u fta `,;t y and it would bo a shame if be did' not gob ure, Mr B. A, Rosa, Ailsa Craig; -Ont,, ex- -- C[JRiNG • • • thirty-first volume in t upon e, something out of his suit He is entitled &A. During the year it will be as heretofma, + T#bussbds verify what is claimed of to egmething, and I hereby award him the plains it. He save: "It came from to grippe. COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, y3F . A MIRROR OF FASHIONil SollmerioAp Iiidney Cure. Greatest, I was irritable, worried, dizzy, short of D09N'S $1DN]JY PILLS. ASS, HOARSENESS, Paris and Now York Each issue wlu contain carefully pre d r';.; dependant's black mare that . tied in front breath and had each a ggeer feeling in my Pas/tfons pared irawings of the advance faslnons h r 1. e _f "�niokcistaoimug,- pp yuanent re]nits. of the dgor." f 1. 1.A epeoiiiotor kidnap disorders in ode heart shat I thou ht 1 would gave tip the Dean's Kidney Pills act on the kidneys, THROAT of Parts and New York. Once a month y g The Seine justice had to decide a unique ghost, Milburn'e Heart end New Pills bladder and urines ore• r INFI UEIVZA, and A to/Dred fashion the 13 x.. will issue, free, a colored Y, 6 or p2d; male cr female. It sajops the dis- breach of promise stilt. Amon the Mex- a y tans only. They PAIN L Supplement fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns -�,i > tinction,: of a hearty recommendation b g changed all thie,and I am free to -day from cure bacltacbe, weak back, rhenmatism,T. $ of certain gownstneach numbera7ll be Y teens it ie rho universal custom Por the al! these troubles." diabetes, congeatioc, inflammation Cut Paper Patterns made a future. These will be sold to c,f Ir11o.8t eminent phpaioiane. It relieves die= bridegroom to defray all rho ex ansae oP ' gray` I, EASY TO TAKE. T• iv- Fll,,inswl ,.t 14 "'ax@maing kidney disease in six hours. Nev- P - .- - Bright's dis �aso anri all other disessAs yr a- -- A Bi -Weekly pattern connection with each issue at A uniform William Reade the wedding. He must furnish the bride's Sheet The Beznn will also publish bi~' er falla W oureif persisted in. Acta direct- The Ctocit struett one, ing from wrong action of the kidneys and SURE TO weekly, free, an outline ly on. she circulation, and eradicates from The and all the housekeeping equip- pattern sheet, y n, P g eq p It was just two aninutes to 1 when John budder. �E• LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES went and he must pay for rho weddin the aysteal all solids and foreign substances ' g Ludlam entered the house, and, unwrap- Twofamoasanthorswilicnutr(butelon wbiob ole n these sanitary Organs of the he and all the native wine that the -' g WILD EELEN g P Y h guests can drink. He mu be so ping ° paper Parcel, said to his wife that ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N*N♦♦♦♦♦N♦ ,,te� serial stns es to the Bnzaa in t893 The Ry WILL1.4H B1 ACK 31ap]an anatomy. You test what others Y poor that be had brought iter a present of n algvk. CNH♦N�♦�`♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦ first deals with scotch and Continental w. �liave droved, These wgrde from a letter he will bavo to live with his wife s parents 2 scenes, the second is a story of a, I RAGGED LADY afterward, but he moat not think of insist- It was her birthday, enol she hncl e�poet- e t girl, versatile, and typically American ay W. D. t�orvRLLs ^reoeaI 1. sed Sou "I despaired of recovery ed a brooch or a ring at -least, and so she �1 ! C� �C� �� i t+ Mary E. Wilkins These and a stere of other equally until I used South American Sidney Cnre." Mon money until he has money enough to pay said tart] liiJJJ N L7 i7 ;I for the whole affair, from the first article Y, 'You liked the look of that War, - 7 J Octave Thanet prominent writers will contnbutp Bold by Warta & Co. in his bride's trousseau to the pbotograpt ' clock." H, P. Spofford short et06M tO Ole BAZAR in I$C Kathwki Do Forms making the paper especially rich in g., r in their wedding His Pnoo flushed. A nice way to speak A half hearted soldier and a rusty old musket are M S. Briscoe fwAlon err E. wtfkfns variably g garments, which they er about a present!" said he hotly.— DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLE$ it 1120 Longer a Colony y leave taken after the feast is over. Well, it's the truth. I wouldn't have i sometimes least dangerous when on the enemy's side. 11 ljA Mexican bridegroom would DO mora ea- OUR PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER given a couple of shillings for it," said she BY RArtfARfvr, Dr, >roRRar By Air,• Po71f rN&Y RJGELOW p CANADANOvIr Tt7NIORPARTNER IN THE pact his bride to pay for her wedding in an exasperating tens. Andaman may be a holy terror t0 shoot, but not CLUB woMEN HUMOR +� ' clothes than an American lover would ex- By .VwRCRRr ff, rr-Rrcff !fy JOfI.Y kENDRfe1' BA.�'cs q��,,.`. FIRM OF JOHN BULL & Co., pact his bride to pay for the license John Ludlam was a quick tempered carr enol] There will be a series of art cies on Etiquette, Music, the t l SAYS PRINCIPAL GRANT. An elderly Mexican in the town of Las man. The veins in his iornples swelled, y enough ammunition to kill a chipmunk. � voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women, the _ CrnCes whose heart wAa as Warm as 2tie rind— No merchant can sell enough "Slater Shoes" to hold Gardening, Housekeeping, life and Health, Indoor Details, etc ` bead was white, bad gained the romiso Just thea the clock struck 1. 10c, a Cb Principal Grant, at the dinner of P py (Bond for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year s 5 ., d of a rat What did it signify? That the clock was an agency, <t Queen a University Engineering So- pretty young senorita, and together running all right? g y, unless he keeps enough Slater Shoes " in Partoge Jinr do the United States, Canada and Mexirw `clety, Kingston, last Tbum-da night, they went to the store to buy her trous- W. D. Hrn.cu• Address HARPER &BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City octave ihanct y g It did not. The ambulance surgeon said SLOCk t0 Sell, a,�����������Q������6���������` ,responded to the toast"The Dominion," mean. From under her long black lashes .�,_ p she flashed her black e B few minutes later that if the clock had nd epnlce of its development con- Yes at him with f such effect that he opened wide him strnek one inch nearer her temple Jghn He cant supply the needs of six shapes of feet, if he #eiTerwion. The preferential duties for purse Ludlam would have been a rrieiower•— $strain and the stand of Britain in u And bought her all the pretty olothva ahq keeps s onl cue shape of shoes in stock—nor can he fit p' Pearson s Weekly. j% folding the Canadian view On the wanted And rho sonoritatoolt advantage fI NO, $foot with a I 4 s Bering Sea question, were steps equal of the occasion to want pretty much ov- %� shoe without hurtin th f t ' ' l > in every way.to confederation. Closer relations with Britain should be the desire of every British erything she Saw. As soon lie she had gob the pretty things safely stowed away at home she jilted her .eras, �i,l. t .'A'Wrj j subject. He re- Jtoided that Oanada was no longer a elderly lover and would not even allow him to come to her �N j� PAIN I THE HEART. Colony, but junior partnet in the firm house, While olad' in the dresses be had of J'ohIM1141l & Co. �. paid for she would sail past him in the Street with her head in the air and give TOO serious a oonditian to Nome Dyeing blade Eas �'• him not the least notice, That was too much for a hot hearted but cool beaded neglect. g Guelph lover to stand, aur! he brought suit for hnegle a maker- tells --- breach of promise, asking damages to the how he was cured. " Jtven aan hill CDy F-' e With amount of the value of the trousseau. Ib came out the Diamond Dyes, on trial that tho elderly lov- er had borrowed the money with Which he bad bought the wedding finery. Then Mr, Wm, Dyson, the well known saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., makes -- the justice decided in tho girl'a favor ort the tha following statement: "I heartily re- DIAMOND DYES COL OR ANYTHING ground that the things did not belong to the man because they bad not been bought w ANY ', iiCiWMS,SCARF COLOR ---MARS' OLD CLOG $g, SUITS LOOK with hie own money. Many of these Mexican justices cannot ' I1,% 'b ,AND tIRE NEW—HOW TO DREGS WELL speak English. But that Is not so much of a disqualification as It might appear, ' ;, A.T SMALL COST. '' Nr the territorial law commands all court , proceedings to be carried on in both Eng - \ lith and, Spanish, .Every Now Mexican Diamond Dyes are a wonderful help to fl3 its oolal Inter court has Interpreter, and every 000nolaical dressing, These simple home word spoken in either language by judge, . e dye, will color anything any color, and lawyers or, wibnesses is translated aloud 44 'they make cloaks, stookings, dresses, feath. into the other tongue.—Cor. Philadelphia (f/ " airs, hods, curtains, oto., look like new. Times . - `', Many;of' fha DIamond Dyes are made ewilling i groin spticially prepared dyestaffs,and in no to Help IIim. other way can home dyeing be done so "No," declared the old man who hasn't - — Miulply and satisfactorily. any children. "I can'£ tolerate the rattle - They. coma in all colors, and the plain and bang that always seems to be going I and explicit directions on the package make it easy, or the most inexperienced to on in some famillea Noise upsets my nerves. commtind Milburn's Rearb and Nerve Pills 11' use Vila W h 11 success, even A child can dye a J color, if Diamond Dyes "Well," said the father of four boys, " know the trustees of one of our largest heart art Arouble'sufferingand r gThey are v A s ness splendid are cometeriea If you'd like a job as sexton, medicine for such complaints, Fora Itsntg time I was kmicted with nervousness ,r Y i k. your material with dyes that ` bot cotton and wool with ' I'll be glad to put in a good word for you. —Chicago Nowa and pain in my heart, which was especially severe at night, often destroying rest. fbt •ia impossible to get sat. wiI h Byes of that obaraot- JAPana:se houses in the larger cities are my There pills cured me ands invigorated my oi3d Dyes there, are special of one general shape, two stories high, and nervous system which iei now strong and •healthy. They restored restful sleep'beaides ,. oo#tifans %i d pecial' dyes for wool, *r', the guarantoed to give Ostia- put together with a curious method of mortising, at which these people are • removing the distressing heart pains with#oil ' formerly gave we so much anxiety and faotibrt, adepta, not ono nail being used throughout tr6uble." * �'� the COnstrtbotion of the building, Wilburn's $ rt and Nt�rvo Tills db Qtr. boat w ' Not Miser than 6,0011 paupers in Cogen- a 8 for Al? d6, veld by dr1giabe or rent bynitil. ,&.,�bpxn A Co,, oronto, bat, .afii ,, +Wiry began art► air Pt0"1ai,.> tipporbed by public L. - eYftulttlif ,, brulv,'- Ar6vlelou. ..1. 1, Latr-Lfter Pi11s dura Conatipatiorl. �y • Y.. i C 'I M AAA"A�.�..:,A&Aul_a I 1j — I I . , � I .., , J I I I e oo , the shoe, his own trade, and the makers' repute. But—most merchants would be glad to put in few pairs of "Slater Shoes" in order to get the benefit of "Slater Shoe" advertising, which would bringego le to their store so that they might sell other shoes `which are "just as good." (N.B. Stick a pin in here at "just as good.") Sometimes the "Slater Shoe" customer would be it and buy the "just as good" shoe—and some- tilnes he'd be sober and wouldn't. But in both cases he- would ask himself "what in thunder we meant by advertising a "Slater Shoe" Agent), which hadn't enough "Slater Shoes" in stock to fit a one legged man." Now we wouldn't mind the loss of the sale so much. And we merely lift an eyebrow at the tricks of the trade. But we have very strong views about wasting our shoes—and advertising our Agency rights upon such a poor "bluff" as this kind of representation would be. Though not reckoned bloodthirsty, we would kill an Agency like this on discovery, if we never could get another in that town. ; We don't want any "bluff" agencies to fool the public,, and break the promises we make in over two ', hundred newspapers. " ; i GEC. T. SLATER & SONS, , na ere of MONTREAL. Can tl s s ! �ri ��a��l' in ,Shoe 1• Y, �11'. .1 0=11 trauDletl WIta inut-c gestion for the past fif- teen years. t" y t ' �� 1e..:;yy lliiri.�. _'' _ il ,. 1( •A.L& 1 y _ :�&k".' .eras, �i,l. t .'A'Wrj t ' �� 1e..:;yy lliiri.�. _'' _