HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-03-04, Page 2,.
Varob 4„ 18"
V'1V -
(citi � RVv 3
:4_ x.. YOUNG 1i1.ti 1
If you desire to prepare yourself for I
I b
busineea, take a coarse with as and 1
e successful.
Gt •Graduatea assisted in securing po- I
titione. 1
+ ; � Students admitted at any time. 1
I • ' Clinton Post Office.
A. X. P.M.' A.M M
le 15 6 55 Loudon and S. W. Ontario 7 00 4 C
740 4 30 Witghahn and Kincardine 9 55 6,
1015 655' Western 3. W. & N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 C
1015 1 03 'Paris, Buffalo&eastern U 87 00 4 t
ai. :,,� 1015 1 03'Toronto&points east &nrth 7 00 4 C
11.1 : 1 03i ... Montreal and Ottawa.., 7 00 28
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B 0 7 00 2 3
, r11 03 ..Stratford and Seafortli.. 7 00 2.1
10 031Pointa E& N of Stratford 7 00 2 E
1103 • • •.Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 12 !
7 40 2 55� ......... Goderich'.........•. 9 (
, ILucan crossing, Sarnia an
015 6 55.-•.intenwerliate'points... 7 00 4 (
740 I..Londeaboro & Balgravo„ 9 55
The office is open to the public (holidays e
eepted) from 8 a. in to 7 15p m., but holders c
+• look boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m
r ;' , Money Order and Saving Bank office ops
9 U.P. to s p.m.
' Matter for registration must be posed hal
' ,an -hour before closing the malls.
Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leas
Jing at 5.30 P.M.
ONCE A DAY ONLY Is mail despatebe
e hem this office to Londesboro and Belr;rav+
,L%;,' -1,also to 'Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing e
. - shwa elated.
Mails for British Islesnd European tour
m '•a
' tries intended to be forwarded by New Yorl
'' mast have written on the top left hand corne
of envelope VIA NEW YOBS.
r'' Crisp County Clippings.
W. Farrow, V. S.. Wroxeter, ba
� rented a farm in Morris township.
Mrs Sharpin, Gorrie, died of scarle
, feter last week, leaving a family of fly
Geo. Lintner, East Wawanoah, ha
the misfortune to get his arm brokei
',' one evening last week.
1 Davld.rrintop, who disposed of b
fAirJ14 , it ball ' Morr'i's, has purchase+
aj;t�•tt1i'efardgin West Wawanoah.
, alien&; townohiji' has aboliabed th
, • atinoPcollectiion' :of dog tax, owing t
a3largQly signed'requisition by the rate
+. layers.
Wm. J. Jacklin, 3rd line, Morris, ha
,' , purch4sed the livery business of Rohl
'"'r Gemmill, of Wingham, and has taker
' possession.
. 1. _.:.
Mr Joseph Stot-here has plltchAae,
the block on Queen St., Blytb, at ppres
• ent occupied by himself, from Mr.Jno.
R611y for $1160.
Dr. McAsh, of 134grave, has just re
° '- turned from Now Yoi•k, where be hai
-been taking a course at the Post Grad
nate Med &I'S'chool and hospital.
S ,Ill
,. P
rN. Holmes, one of Turnberr•y)
old settlers, passed, away on We0nes.
e day, after being confined to his bed for
ave years. Mr Holmes was seventy,
eight years old age.
6 ` ' ` Last Friday - Eva May, youngeel
r,-dau hter:of Richard Bewley, 7th con
' y, aP I> Or rte, passed away after a abort ill.
_.Mesa of stoppage of the bowels, at the
Yearly age of 8 years, 9 months.
the Ontario Government has ap-
��iiolnted Peter G. McKay, of Chisel -
'"`Burst, a deputy game warden for On -
10 h= ,.tario. Major Anderson and he are the
right men in the right place.
���,A happp event took place at the res-
", _.Mr Blackwell, of Hay, on
" osday last, when his daughter,
4iss Catharine Jean, was mat ried to
Mr Wm. Key, of St: Mary's
]drs.;Ramsay, wife of Mr Allan Ram -
c ,say, oE-tbe first line of Morris, died on
b'ridAy laHt of cancer, from which she
,+ 'had suffered sevemlY . Mrs Ramsa
11-1 ad4leen bedfast for Several mouths.
The need m a good spring medicine is al-
rmost universal, and Hood's Sarerparilla
exactly meets this need. Be sure and get
The young son of Mr John Morrison,
Deev@ of McKillop, u -e5 with a bad ac-
weident on Saturday. He fell from a
iladder, and in falling struck his arm,
1'i . ieh resulted in his shoulder being
UP A, Stutts, of Teeswater, deliver-
erl, a load of oats to A. Burkholder, of
;VVingbain, on Tuesday, containing
ItA bushels. This is the largest load
-'',tbat has been brought to that, town
!''this year. 11
^c `3lonaid McCallum, who bad the Bar.
<'',VloJarm, 6th line, Morris, rented last
•gear, has leased the Sillars farm, 16th
hcon'., Glriay* and will take possession
shortly. Mf•a Sillers and family will
vetliove to the United Skates,
t , Ott Wednesday the angel of death
ehf'ered the home of Mrs Burke, Sea-
#brthi and took. therefrom her young-
eet daughter. Mary, aged 8'years. The
little'ggWrl was 111 but two days with
Thd residence of George Mantle,
,� . orediton, was the scene of a very hap-
py and. pleasant event recently. the
, •.occasion being the marriage of Mies
$usie England, daughter of Mrs Mary
k.'• Eng�lAnd, to Wm. Winer.
T Y !� 0��'. O NEW ,&
noon. He was on ;top of a load of bay 11 A VtV vl >rr kWUlug W YOU1• S t I �� �o �'� Pro�ressloital �ldite�'.Vard#
when it capsized, Mr McTaggitrt sus- trynl�'ll. ; SQUAW CHARLEY+
taininlg several broken ribs, and other
Internal injuries to his back, Hie con. Thomas Dufr,Toronto,
clition is critical. �HE TRAGIrCOMEDY OF ¢N ABORIQ• JAMi� i65TTI,
For int'�,Ixta and Children:
The main event that has been eecu• I IKAL OUTCAST. Made >Krjntains.lheogntidenea r ..
eying the minds of the young people of the In Hood's Sarsa arilLt. Ifs 'p ** }
]J Thstn$- Bt�Xrisl.e�t �(i�iC�4Q
East Wawanosh, took place Woo- + :medioin9cures on when sick; If Ii makes } simile�.e�a
loot► .
neadity, when Miss Sarah L., eldest+ $o >a+u1 Cogapoittod Me Red Mans Un- • y � bigaat= errreytt" wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond -vrayjltli CONVIifYANCBiIi etc,laughter of Hre Jas• Perdue, was unlit- tV.:,_1:;1:'_���•• pardonable sin and Was Doomed to Ot _
�„f Igllgnestion that medioinepossesiiea merit. Commteetoner for Ontario and Ma M
d in the holy fiords o£ matrimony tor,, Female Attire and ostracism -SL Only
Mr F. Ohumney. Rev. T. E. Higley, t � ^ h ; /' Friend Was a Mongrel Cur. Office immediately south of G dray Aro
Df Blyth, tied the nuptial knot. " �''�r,� r It ie }navy years elnoe poor Squaw char -12M IT PAYS TO
L „!. '� T 1 .
While crossing the ocean with a -' '� .- joy enacted his tragi -comedy to the end Ws BRYDUNE. "
shipment of horses recently, Messrs In it, ed an "Abstract
of 'Farming' there and passed on to the happy bunting a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY
Bawt'e s & McDonell. Exeter, had the septan, d an Abstract of soler urs de- grounds, but many who were once dent- �, PUBLIC, ETC. I'.
misfortune to lase three of the animals, livered by Samuel Oushmau, of Paw- zone of that strange city whose wage ha That is just the truth about Hood's Bar- d,
Dwing to a rough voyage. Mr McDon- tucket, R. I., at the anunal winter Office -Beaver Block.
sit. who went with the stock, arrived meeting of the Massachusetts State trod will still recall him to wind when in saparilja. We know it possesses merit,�e
home this week, and relates an awful Board of Agricult tire," under the head a reminiscent mood. It was a unique city because It eures,'not once or twice or a Up -stairs, opposite Foster's Photo Gallery,
experience. of "Advantages and disadvantages of sat on a hill, and Its fame was not bid hundred Eames, but in thousands and CLINTON
On Tuesday,while Chas. Williamson Modern Methods of Poultry Culture.,, under a bushel, tiiat went abroad in the thousands of cases. We know it cores,
earth, for the shares of its great silver lode absolutely, permanently, when all others Are You Rwrare of the !Pact that t
was workingwith some horses on Mr The first paragraph of that article was tail to do an good whiltaver, We repeat M: Qs CAMERON
as follows:- were eagerly bought and sold Su all the y g r (Formerly of Cameron Holt arc Cameron
McGeogh's farm, Tuckersmitb, one of stock marts of the world. It had two level ■ ['lleCa,n�.daBllSlneSSC011ege 1f
the animals kicked him in the stomach. "Almost every one now realizes the streets whorcon its business was transact- / BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
Ile is in a very critical condition, and great importance of the poultry Indus- ed, and the rest of 1t bring oil by its eye- CHATHAIIS ONT.
small hopes are entertained for his re- try. Altboti �h rapidly extended of Oftiee-liamilton p+ opppposite Colborne House '
P Y• f. P Y lids where and naw it souls, to the per- GOI Bill' H, ONT
covery. late, this country (the United States) pbyry outcrops of the mountain that roseHo'odhdoing more for its pupils than any other
On Friday. Feb. 1$th, a ver leas• still uses more eggs and poultry meat behind it, glowing all the long summer Hueincee College is the Dominion. y Y P than it produces. Eu} Irtud p%tys f60,- with myriads Oi bright yellow aunliowore. �+e� 4Zpappiis were p'ao,d in two mouths Stu•
ant afternoon and evening were aper.[ 000,000ayearfurwhateht•impovisfro+n At some time 1n hie past h Sarsaparilla dents from quarters are flecking to this D. �• 1VL�1CPHeRsoN•
at the residence of ldlr Charles Dick- other countries. Russia tris won the P y had worthy business school
it the eKlden the occasion Nein the committed the red man's unpardonable sin Iathe best -infact the One True Blood Purifier. Besides alargo attendance from Chatham OONVEYANCING, 11
CelehC•br ion Of 1130 olden weds to oj' lion's share of this trade. O. twin• .l+,uw o- -l:o had proved himself a,crAven in sOine there aro sires y this year 93 pupils registered FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NaURANO
g g eau countries et smite of i( ande%en cure nausea,fndl actio ft'omoutside saute 60olthem from polnts _
+ crucial moment, and all his life henceforth e g a+
;41r and Mrs Dickson, who were mar- Australia sends eggs to England• Ca' u,ust wear the uniform of his shame, I�OOd 8 Pulls biliousness. 25Ceuu, nearer to other OsinesmColleges thou to MONEY TO LOAN.
ted in the land of the heather just nada not only produce, her own pout• which according to immemorial usage, le - We presume these people invests ated the
Hfty years ago. B 8 , g -- .:,
try and eggs, bat sends quantities to ;•, female apparel. No Pluto woman ever that tofnhe different schools and decided Offiee, MacKay Block. Clinton. +li,
Owing to ill health, All- Robt. scoff, England. As et, the United States is nothing the best would' satisfy them,
g Y wore a crinoline, but within the recent A BI,, Boom hence, they are here.
who has carried on a seed and feed practically out of it, The Government inemor•y of man it had been the distinctive -- write for catalogue of other departments and
store in Seaforth for the past nine Or Agricultural Department is opening badgeof white foinininity; so, to make his 0-anada's Trade Increases by alist of the 43 pupils placed in two months. JOHN RIDOUT,
len years, has been compelled to .g;o tip tt market for American batter in punishment doubly atroeioue, the victim Leaps and Bounds ,l
out of bnwinea3, and has disposed of England. How about the foreign egg was enraged in a discarded hoop, garnered -__ D. McLACHLAIV BSG Co,Chathasn CONVEYANCER, COMDSIsaIONER, HTO1. the same to Messrs W. Kerslake and trade ?. Why should not the Unftud from sonic ash heap. When Charley was The Canadi,ul 001vial Gazette con -
E. A. Hamilton, States take a good share of it ? Our fortunate enough to possess a skirt and tains trade rel urns for seven months, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET Fire Insurance. Mone to lend. Real estate
Mr James Lawrence, of McKillop, home market for ponitr y pi educts shawl to hide his skeleton Its mi ht ass enoin Jan. 31 last. The total vol- _ matters carefully attended to. ,
has purchased the Club farm, adjoin- may not yet have becornP so wing et,ted comparatively unnoticed up and down the unie of trade Is $183,863,431, compared
Ing Seaforth on the north frown Mr E. its that for dairy products, but it will P FOR SALE. Offioo-HURON STREET, CLINTON11
g streets. Butblasesourcesdid not always Wuith$162,170,710-an.inerease of $31,-
0. Coleman. The rice aid was $7,- be easier to wilt the foreign market P luxury, and thou his long 692,721 for the current year for seven The undersigned will Bell ats sacrifice, Lot 451
P P permit each
500, and Mr Lawrence get.q possession now than later. It is cheaper to ship Iln,bs, clad in sontobody's castoff nether months. The inn ports wen a $72,58$699, or 12, Ballway Terrane Clinton. Particulars �
shortly. The farm is a good One and Poultry and eggs to England t hall corn Rerment�s-it might be a pair of ragged, cora ared with tf(i5,668,6I1-an increase ,bon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barriater &u
has excellent buildings on it. and•wheat; besides, these products will P R. AGNEVII.
not impoveriah the land." blue overal}s aro �clth marc startling effect of $7,019,988 over 1897• FAR To RCN's'. DENTIST, CLINTON 't
On Tuesday morning a feeling of j a pair of red flannal drawers -loomed gro- The exports were $111,274.83:. for F
deep sorrow was thrown ever Seaforth Something in the nature of this par- ' tesquely through the rusty and distorted seven months, as against $86,692,099- Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goder•ieh Town
when it became known that Alfred, agraph is exdctly what I have been Ax- bars of his perambulating prison. an it.creawe for the current year so far ship, about FLY miles from C�WnWn. All pantie AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OB I
the youngest eon of Mr anti Mrs Ham• pecting for some time past, and it I We palefaces always wondered what oo- $21,472,000. ulars on application to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton EACH MONTH
of that place, had passed away shows its clearly that the people of the cult power compelled the etolwart, hand- The duty collected for seven months
W join the silent majority. The de- United States intend to [Hake it bid for ' come fellow to yield obedience to the tribal was $11,932,939, compared with $11,- FOR SALE. Office Hour" to 15,
ceased was in his eighteenth year and the English egg trade. We should be ' decree, or, if such power e:ieted, what 131,409 -an increase of '$801,000. For r
was a general favorite with those with tip and doing, and that trade can he ' prevented biro from betaking himself Be- the month of January alone the im- Vactory and contents on the property of D,
whom he came in contact. ours if we but put our shoulder to the I yens !ts reach. Bat the anwrlttsa law oQ pons show nu increase of $2,400,000 Buchanan for $125; by paying 115 down and ,,
halved. A ly o month. BuiliIngnto to be re I DR• Te- C• y
wheel and give the English people tubal the nomad le ebeyed as will no•rpr he the and ex of to of Over 4000,000. aaoved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. BRIIC}�`s 1,
A very interesting and pleasing i P $ +
event took place at the home of Mr they require. printed and eosnmenMted and atsbelveA The duty i"creased for the poet SURGEON DENTIST, E
Samuel Alton, of West Wawarhosh, ['he LnQlieh market demands a class redo of ane sfvl3izivl [woe, Charly m• month by $3f0,Ot90 over the same COTI'AG R A,ND LOT FOR Graduate R O D 6 of Ontario, and Trinity
Dn Wednesday evening. The occasion Of eggs w1iich will average seven and i maimed Siad sd*mdto$beandwith stoical month of 1897. SALE versify Toronto,
was the celebration of the sevent +- calloneand
to tai pound. these they I patience. Hit4 eatraciof was complete — Special attention given to the Preservation
Hfth anniversary of Mr Alton's birt�• eau and du obtain in large quantities I DwBlltgg in the rwfdst of his kind, ko,was HOW TO KEEP WELL, The undersigned offers for sale a frame nor- thenatnral teeth,
frown Gerwany, France and Ruaaia, eaieff trove ashen �,�, Mj , tags of four rooms with kitchen r.nd woodshed
day. All the memberacf the family g gkistand �ithoat regular action of the bowels attached. Centralfyeituaed. G>«1Raterand Ofhoe,Coatrflook,overTaylor'eshoeetore
while very few are exported from this wiettul q good health is im impossible. Laxa-Inver Pills g
were present, besides a few athero. AL lg wa Mbl an the , be* he of a g P drainn .. Will be sold cheap. A�ppl�y to N. B, -Will visit Blyth ever Monday and
count ei i
a certain t y which will come up to the re- jay�jpg, B+��nB grerrp, bat he was W,(1. BB;ARLE. Bayfield ever y y
Thos Alton, of I the ,osf eppet 4�fo r q°ared weight While at Delhi last ' never invitees to tako a land. Ho yoigbt regulate the bowels, ours oonatipation, dys- Clinton Dec.1011 summer 9 Thursday afternoon daring tie
u,onth, I paid a visit to Mr Morgan, i gAZOlo pepsin, biliousness, sick headache and all I
ward and presented Mr Alton with a ngimgly at a sherry pi°ule party on affections of the organs of digestion. Prins x
very fine easychair and Mrs Alton a who is a very extensive shipper of a timber pile [Basting en watmraieloa, bat 250. All druggists.
eggs. I took the liber[ of weighing gg R. WM. GCNN,L. R. C, F. and L. R. O, S. 4
beautiful rocker, o Y g g no juicy mussel tune ever tendered him. HOUSE AND Ii.UT FOIA t3;�LE Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Sre.t Clinton 1.
some of the eggs which were brought Idle awn sex rapuetiatoti laliss utterly. Dtei Night call$ at front door of residence on Rstteu tl
How much business can a man do whose into his warehouse, and I fouled that 'isle roach a knot of tbo sax whans big - The trams housoand d by sore lot r Huron bury St., OppoeitePreebyterian church. •
system is in a state of disorder 7 Headache in many instances the a ga only g >iPP y Srreet, Clinton, occupied by subscriber, fe offer --1
Y Pf Y arb travestied tb. aentod him and Leas Seaalokneee Now, ed for for salo. Accommodation for ordinary
is only a symptom. It is not a diseaae. welghed fourteen ounces to the dozen, ' moved away, laughing. The children of The surgeon of a great liner, who has bcariY Hard and soft water and collar, also R J. L. TURNBULL M• D.
The pain in the head is the sign of rebellion. while the largest I could find woiild both sexes and two races j+ierod at Lim been ten years in the north Atlantis toads, sad w a tb iso d on rata oaablahouse i terme.1oA �n1' �Univereity, M D. ULL, into ' TORONTO
There have been mistakes in diet and other only average seventeen ounces to the with the heedless barbarity of youth. said the other day tbut the modern big to GEO. S WALLOW or on the remises to MOP & s„ Ontario. Fellow of t' aobetetrait t
%'ruses. Dr. Pierces 1 ieasant Pellets are a dozen. For farmers to bring. iu eggs One fortunate clay lie acquired a stray shipbasdeoreased seasi°kneestrmnendous- Mf;B AGNEW Clinton. Society ofEdlnbargh,late of London „ anA
gentle, effective renovator and invigorator of this size and expect to he paid a y, par Dent of the cabin assn ars -Edinburgh hHos i le, Ofiloe.-Dr,Dowse yeald
g dog, a vlaloua, mongrel our, osis thence- 1 No00 pa g office Rsttenbary St, Clinton. Night bell
of stomach,, liver aed bowela. They assist remunerative price for them is nothing I forth the two outcasts were iasoparable on a ff4t(h steer twin screw are ill during answered at the same lane,
nature without threatening to tear the body 'nora or less than rank nonsense. NO Together tbey were an hungered. Togoth- even the roughest winter voyage. Bilge CIIOICIE FARM ,FOR SALE. p
piece -meal. There are no griping pains, no eggs should be placed upon the market er they endured the gibes and sometimes keel and thegroat length of the now liners
h --
weighing less than seven and one-half �R, J. W. SHAW, PHYS2 s
nsueea. One is a laxative. A book of 1008 g g the missiles of theft orhders, and together lessen to a large degree Choir tendency, to For ca'o,lots45 and 74 or the Maitland con,, Aecouohenr, OIAN, SURGI�p>!
pa,, e, profusely illustrated, written by Dr. to the pound. Mr Morgan informed ' they cuddled at night for mutual warmth, roll and itch. A passenger on a show Township of Godericl,, 87 acres; near) all etc., office and restdenoeiTd�
R. V. Pierce, oalled "The People's Uom- me that he made a contract last season D P g 1ti y y tanto St., opposite English church, tormerl ooh 1
rlcaredandiairl well fenced. .roil ie flret• y
to sit 1 tllirt. t lar ihs,tnd dczens Of I Together they not infrequently came to slow going ship of 15 years ago, the sur- c?nes Good frame house and outbuildings- oupied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Out.
mon Senea Medical Adviser," will be Bent PP Y Y I oto• back door, and the animal retired geon said, needed a pretty good stomach to Bra Ing orchard, well watered, about 5 miles
free for 31 one -cent stamps, to cover cost eggs to'one person. This party asked deprecatingly to a corner, while his incon- stand the mighty shaking up he wa8 sure front the town of Clinton, and close to school
df mailing only. World's Dispensary Med- him to guarantee that they would ruoual and churches, Will bo sold on reasonable +1 IR STAN.hURY, GRA
wet h g y garbed lnastor sawed wood or to get 1n a winter storm. iY iledioal De GRADUATE OF Tlli]I
foal Association, No. 663 Main. Street, Buf- g fifteen Hounds f o the ten dozen, spilt kindlings. Bu.t when the taeL was There was no infallible wooed for sea- terms AoDly to JUHN RWOUT.Clinton. Department of victoria Univer
1-0, N. Y. but he refused to do so. Finally the done be camo forth promptly to share the or -sickness, be said. It could be relieved and Dispensaries,' formerly
York the
Hospitals 0
contract was entered into, and gg the I oompeneating ration and unfailingly got even prevented in persons who wore not of ,(,, County of Huron, u C. f s1
Amore melancholy death than that gun agreed to supply the eggs, the his share, whether the dole were meager a equeumieh disposition. Persons of differ- HOUSE FOIL SALT. 11
which occurred on the 17th con. of weight to be fourteen and three quay-
[lawick, Friday morning, con's hardly ter pounds to the f en dozen, but not- or abundant. Often then the man throw ant temperament required different treat- �2,2(eo buys E. BLACEALL VETERINARY
himself dawn upon the Band, with his merit What vt ale good for a bilious pa- y the two semi detached brick Honorer SURGEON
ae conceived. The victun was Mt' G. withstanding t.his extremely low stan- back propped against a sun heated bowlder tent m hL not be houses on Ratteubury Ht., known as the Fox• yGraduateof theontarioVeterina
Inglis, A highly esteemed young farm- lord, I was informed that thirteen 1g good for ono who was ton Y,opercy. College, Trentsall diseases ofdomesticated andp .►� '
W, at the age of about 30. On Satur- thousand dozen eggs were received at the corner of our fence and lay there for not bilious. Acid and effervescent drinks the+ nouaes and also vacant lots for sale. male on the most modern and scientific Print " `11
Way he was in town with a load of which didnd not. some u r w the re uir•ed hours, his gaze fixed upon the far horizon, were remedial, and a bandage on the ab- Money.-Prirate funds in large a,:d small pias Office -immediately south of the Now Erg .-
!h q while facing him eat the dog, alert at hie semen also helpers But the etlrgeon final- sums to lona o, m ,:;, t.;e, Rates,om, OtSce. Residence -Albert 8t•., Clinton, ,Qcl
hop and that night betaine sick. A weight, and had to he sold by illy, Mor- , W. BRYDONE, Barriser, night orday attendedto promptly i,
iocwr was immsdeately called front $ to ,tt a shrinkn.ge of five and One- slightest; movement, its amber orbs -like ]y said the time tuns near when there
,octord and no serious results were 'half reale ler dozen upon the actual [°any curs, it had beautiful oyes -flied would be no seasickness, when the 800 •;},
tntici ated. On Thursday it was cost. Holy therefore, can an ri ht- steadfastly upon him. It was a strange foot chip, with joie of beam and deep bilge CNO[CE FARM FOR SALE. JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 'X
Y g landscape that Charley's stoic gaze ranked keels, would make voyaging in the most _ has returned W ollntou ai,d opened an offioe `
hon, t he was improving nicely, but thinking person expect, the buyer to over. Far below him the canyon wound tumultuous weather almost as comfortable For sale, a eplcudid farm of s3 acres, halos at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be renculi
on Friday morning he took a change give them a remunerative price for for miles like a writhing ear ant, before Ing to the lata C. Spooner, adjoining ths.cor ed for tae treatment of all diseases of nosh, 1
or the worse and at 7 o'clock pu the eggs when the article which the g R as staying on shore in your parlor. -New cattle &o. All calls, ni t
poratioa.ot Clinton. All dewed and under good tended to. P,h or def, promptly at
cid iy morning he was acorpse. An offer ft,i stile is so far below the StatY It dobouohed into the desert,. whence th. York 91e>itV cul,ovation, smau frame house, flame barn,
ttack of pitcumotiia appears to have darn rPgiiirsd by the hest rnarketa in casuol trains couho up from Fort Churchill, gocd bearing orchard and well. in be sofa
een the trouble. the world? laden with salt and borax for the nasus- on reasonable arms to cl.se up the refute. Al-
ae frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton,
tion works and whore of afternoons the BLOOD THAT IS BAD. g TOMI,INSON, VET INAhY SURGEON
The 1$ngliah market rightfully he- ' with half-ACry o ground, splm�,dldly located. Honorary Graduate the Ontario Veteri
sandstorms waltzed gayly in the sou in Blood that is bad makes the whole hod DQR+t, C. ]lcGRICGOR, Constance. nary Oollege, Toronto. T ats all diseases
DO YOU WANT CONSUMPTION longs to its; we are put t and parcel of Y MRS. W. PWBERTNON, Clinton, Domestic Animals on the oat modern and
the British Empire,and i conscientious- couples and trios, traveling about in sway- sick. Blood that is good makes the whole
Are you really looking for it? Inviting ly believe that. the people across the Ing hourglass columns that reached from body healthy and vi-oroas, Burdock Blood Saientific Principles. Dayan nightcageprompt
FiLUP +`RTY FUIi SALL ly °newered. Residence -R tenbury et., west
? Then pay no attention to your back- water would prefer to purchase from earth to sky. Bitters make good, rich, ruddy blood, I � Clinton,
ig;. cough, staid your weak throat. You roan- In all the Immense prospect there were regard B•,B,13, as the beet-medioine in the .
revent it, though. Take SCOWS Emueion its rather than from a foreign country, 'but two things -the brlllfant concave world, to moire rich, red blood. It cured For stile, that promrty on the south side of
provided that we could give them to Huron Street, Clinton, dir,:eU.r opposite the MARRIAGE LICENbE, JAMES SCOTT, SR,
trly, when the cough first begins. vault and the bare brown earth, scurrod, we after two years suffering from rieh,thin resident ,of out Walsh. There is a two-4tory ,sourer of Marriage LLeeuseB, Library Room
t*OOd a class Of article ns they could
purchase elsewhere. The United States upheaved and contorted by the throes of blood. Jaxxr'E A. GLtAeON, Centreton,0at' fraalc acre. The he lot, which is ne"rly halt an and Resideaco, Mary atraet, Clinton,
has one ahead ver i a idl, in the mat- world birth. But in richness of coloring, - _ _ -.-_. pr'•ld forrty 4 most eligibly situated,
OLD ACQUAINTANCES MEET. 8 Y P y and will be sold for $400 -cash. For particulYrs
ever varying and ever beautiful effects of a
ter Of the poultry indugtr•y, while we , pply to JOHN RIDUUT, C,intor.. AMES CAMPBELL LONDESBORO,
tow an Rlderl Man Kept a Young Pas. in Canada have practically been stand- , passing cloud shadows and vast, solemn ®��� li/q/ � ��(� 1 -
y p = grandeur that scene has no equal in an VV YY �a ISBUIf li OF MARRIAGE LIOENSES,
sen ler From coin Fleeces. Ing still. We effort now put forward g q Y BUSINESS PROPEW Y FOIL
g N
Being o tvltn
I eBae6 required
land. Whether or o 9
U red
not an of its refound
'h y profound, every o o get,
.t possible effort to a [hie English Some years ago o young man with more trade phut the only way this can be ac- i deathlike peace entered the Pluto's soul it IN EKCII t)rGh]
ionoy than sense became involved in a I SALE RNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF
crnnplished is to keep a class of fowl le certain that no white creature over lived 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush, Oats F.P.-�.1 L. S„ Provincial Land Surveyor and
ame of pokAr on one of the English ships. which will lay eggs averaging at least i long in the face of it without growing to 13 lbs, choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats That desirable Bricrt Business Stand on Al- CivilF. Engineer, Loudon, and Surveyor
at Geo,
be $1st night be won freely and bad a seven and one half to the pound. It, I feel a fatalistic reaignatlon stealing over bort St., Clinton, occupi,•d by liar N, Robson, is Stewarts Grocery Store, Clinton.
offered Por sale, including rear lot and stable,
Ig eta° of rod and blue chips to cash in will cost, no more to feed fowl of this his spirit. atS taken in Tho lo.•ation is ono of the best in Clh,fon. The
rhen the game closed. The second night sort, than those which lay such abnor- As time wore an Charley and his dog + , , , property is free from incumbrance and title in- McKillop Insurance Conipaaly.
o bad to la in order to give his o o- for Croceries b
play g PP mal ly small eggs. became such, familiar figures to the Com- di,puta le. Price reasone.Wo and terms to suit
onto % chance to recover, and toward the stockers that they acusis to glance Aeon- purchaser. Appy to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- The undereigeed has been a '-
These are am resent rags, sou Road, or address Clinton P. O resent the McKillop In 'i rho
nd of the evening lost heavily. He hold and time at their pathetic grotesqueness, but we don't know how lou townships of Hulrett Morris and Tia' vtrat
cod Londe but somebody else always HAVE YOU NEURALGIA? the will continue. nosh• Partes having business s witn the aom-
+ Y Y and Lha ohlldren gave over tormenting 1S +
old bettor, and be was compelled to go to them, Y ) '� eD ) rAT BLOCK
I pang, or desiring to insure, will be
is bank several times. As Past as he if you suffer its agonies, and fail to get His ptinishment was to him wiirsat ex-
l Y,ittiRI BLOCK attended to. ROBT, smiH. Harlbek.
ought chips they were transferred to two it remedy, we want you to try Nerviline, gonunnnfeation must bove been to its vio- 0' OLSONf - Cilntoll +
leasant looking gentlemen who played Its action on nerve pain is simply marvel- Z FOILALIC
P Y tisna in the middle &gee. Nothing In leo
ecklessl and sympathized with his losses. lour. Nerviline is the most pleasant end —
Yabhorrent to the savage ale solitude, and $800 cash 120 monthly payments anvil eanh
powerful remedy. Try it. AGENTS.
Than he did win, it tune only a small pot , Obarley grow abject, drooping, premature D J CASiPBhILL, Hamilton „
Rd nobody sloe lied anything. 1 a T S A FEAT Klondike GoldFields;'nllw d.hBeti Valu- -
y 1Q while big dog grew daily more 111 able book,aellin' like a wh- fir and. Beautiful
An old gentleman with a long, whits - tiempored and disreputable. Bat fate's r1 U 11 t )1C 1 i" k LL iii Fl) It SALE rospectus twontt five centa. Books on time
eard, who was down on the passenger list rroper Treatment of irrexen Plante. -L (� FIT YOUR FEET, nit 7 U it 1•.NT'1'. �UADLEY-GAR! ETSpN COMPAXT Ll1WZD.
Pa g truest Brushing Blow was yet w taw. One - Toronto,
s Judge Something -or -other from Cali- An soon as discovered, remove the frost.- day as irate tollgate keeper shot his dog, rbc farm on the Huron road, Goderict,
bruin, had been overlooking" the game for ed Plante to a cool place where the tem- eaugltt 1n the very act of mmauding to®he fa ,bean¢ lot a, las acres, , Go ed ch .
n hour or mora, when be touched the perattue can by some means be gradually aiasong the white mga'e shioksas Over by
Bubsnriber, is offered for sale gr to rent on 'The Goin Woven -%I re Ferree
oungster on the shoulder and said: raised until it reaches that to which the the body of his slain companion Charley reanenablelterms. All cleared and in splen- _
"I say, young fellow, let me spell you plants have been accustomed. A sudden wept the only tears be was ever known to did state of cultivation good bearing orchard; f+nbscriber is agent for the ®res Woviut-W1Bs
well •Mnt•ered; Rood outbuildinga (house re- FRxct, admittedly one of the best wire Fences,
as a couple of hands around, just to rise In the temperatare, after plants have shod, and bore it off 1n his arm^ a bowed, serve f if suitable to tenant.) Only one mile in existence. The wire need is the genuine
bangeibo look." been badly frosted, thaws them tea rapid- I latsofate figure slowly fading Orem ken from t;Hnton. A number of oows could i.e Coiled -spring Steel Wire. best made, with ad -
The young man was Inclined to refuse, ly and results disastrously. Trim off the against ashe,l plain and ultramarine sky. rentel with the farm Part.oulars on appli- justabie tighteners, elosels woven, and is far -
at he noticed a curious expression on the, [Boder chaeta which are beyond tel and The cation to either JOIi Y ItIWUT, Clinton, or nished complete at 5c per strand per rod. The
P y p, pariah was seen no more In the proprieter, JOHN HOLUB-3. fence is not woven until it ie ptit up and one
sdge'e face and changed seats with him then gradually raise the temperature sur- ltannts of men, and it was long after when can have as many strands as they wish It is
) see what would happen. Twice the Ing the day until 1t reaches the. occustom- yyrospectors Pound ,bla skeleton, still eased n strong, durable fence, none hotter, and
edge caught the gentleman on the oppo- cd mark- They may then soon be placed la the ootrodad steels of the old hoopakirG f where, farmerB prefer it to an other
Itty side on a misdeal. Twice he laid down in their proper plaeo4, but it might be well None could know. how he met hle and or :� Fn 1 m for 'gale or les lieu t. PERCY EVANS, Holmesville '
Is band on the ground that the wrong to shade them for a day or two from the through how many boo" or daj`e of thirst _ — -
Th th half of lot 100once-Wonacres 9. Town-
srQ was gluon-ktint. Two of the other sun. and anguish theentoaethadwreetlod alone ' hip of Iuorri., containing 100 acres, 80 aeras RC+ENTS
layers protesteiT, but the judge was very A splendid and effective protection with the grim aonqueror of all.As the o cl. ared .end in good state o oultivwtivado,, "The best life of Her Majesty I have seen,,,
rm and dignified about it and wouldn't against a certain amount of cold Is secured boast dieth so thea the Indian a d Char- 'she a aro on tits prenh.cs a frame house, frame writes Lord Lotne about ••pueen Victoria."
' ' bArn. frltme drive houa- ga+d orchard, nevory Agents make fl• a dollars da,t'IIy,
ren answer their arguments. Three times by placing over the plants cones made ley had perchance not fared m worse fail og Buppply of spring water. Situated I mile BRADLEY-GARREI".3pN COMPANY, Lip,
o requested the man opposite him to out from paper. In this spanner cold drafts 4Rt the end than others of his ra n. --San from the vilingo of Blytb, a ill he so.d on res• Toronto.
gain, but be always did It in such aquiet, from about windows on very severe windy 7Pranoisoo Argonaut, sonable terror, n iv to C. IlAMIvrON, ]t ith
Ioasent way that no offense could be tak- nights can be kept from harming the But it can be done'by calling upon us and or IROS. R. WR 11T, Wxeoutu.• 948 Prince e
.a. Flnall ,to proposed examinin our lines of Av , London, On , CL.1NTOW ,,
While choppin in the bush on Tuea Y P P sed that they play a plants, -Woman's Home Companion. There W a surprise. B
g round of auk q Vunniman•-Now,
rlay afternoon o#last week, Robt. Eak• j pots and oft. When that there's your husband Men's women's and FOOD and COAL
etr Gfrex, had the misfortune to inflict was done and be shoved the chips oyer, The Collar He Wanted. coming, Mrs. Candor. Let's m e a little t f
tl ugly ash. in his left foot b the the young man whose lace he had taken " y, " a rise for him. Mrs. Funni n and I Children S Boots House alld Lot for Sale asfor her d pr fired to ramp
g y g y P I want, he sold lirml one of these — sore !or Wood or Coal, which
glaboipg of the axe. 1t required three found himself many dollars t° the hotter. paradoxical collara." wil hide behind 'the curtainh eto, find All Winter goods selling at reduced The frame house on Rattenbnr street lowest tatee. OffiOe on Teatte.8 t,
-,.1etltehes., In tke instep to close tip the He offered to divide tho winnings, but the, "Er-er-wbat is thg name again, you tell him that your et oted guoate Y + I1ZPL1BILENT 1i0U71iS. , yr$
fudge onlysmiled and lighted a big cigar g + Po prices. Full assortment of smrrieciatel met of Dr. Tom'inson'e, Ie
,ill Lwofind. g g g pleasel" asked the puzzled clork. haven't eome. Then we'll itap; Hilt alld Double and Sin rle Harness offered for nate on ver reasonable terms,
1.and said: "I don't know. It fe a turndown stated surprise him. t+ s Y AGENTS - Book businessis better'thii
11�r ii., Jldc aggart, of the London +'Put our mono in ' Trunks, VciliEea Robes The liouea je central) sitaateci bein onl ,earsp,ast;alsohave better&adffisterttellin .
y y Your pocket and n affair. Clnchnnati Commercial Trib• Enter Mr. Candor. ' , Y beingonly boo tai A +uta Bleu from t10 re$!0 tr4oklp..
i?ila'd, tie Ir Exeter, met with a painful don't ever la with strangers again. P and Blunlceta a minute walk from the business centre g
1#not f'titl .Accident on Tuesday after• play g g ung Mrs, Candor (obeying' otder)'-Wel1l has atone cellar, large din{n +room, arlor� few loaders are: "Queen Yi°tottla Y'Lifo of yd, ,
Those ohaps are old acquaintances of mine. John, our expected guests l3av° Sllaall',, Red and White Cedar Shingled always ' g 6 F + Gladstone, My Mower%bible tjtriries " "pro,,
bed room and kitchen down stairs with one gressiveS eakor-" 'KlondlkoGuldllulttu „ wce': ,
u I mot them at Sacramento when I was a anted us --Mr. slid Mrs. PlinAlluarl' on:band. lar a Hud two smaller bedrooms �n stairs Nr'
d 7;1 .'7!.'wC �]C$�.Ea.. C7 A. +t&�] g�,,s po man,o "Gl inpeob of tho 17notill ' "Brenkas
havon'tcoste, - DtanerandSup er,"'t7anadapdri�l'o. oltxiat,
awls member of the their 'ga several years no 112110+ ,,ff ( y JAS w T Good-sized summer kitchen and garcon, �,++ Booksor� �tate. Ontfltafretlta
ftltti!]e .••11t on ago, and I know their `game. "� -Chicago simile Of �i�' , fe CrOy_ Mr. Cnntlar hoartil) Thank heaven 1. e ( rasa uaesern
/ltt?idetifi , . °city Record, rigaatltrs 4vAPm CI�LGL, Vory oonyoniently situated for boarding Tho BRADLPuY•GlARR1lTc0>rl ild.'.,,
1h'agpt:ti ,",a ---1 ouson s Weekly 11 'Victoria Block, Olimlon. Ones. Apply at Nzw EPA orloe. To+wnto,
. .
. ,,A.
r. ,} .
i - -
S., �!=!_�&'Jzl ,t ifilm� t
, w ..,
„. .
.. _ '1
•, .
T Y !� 0��'. O NEW ,&
noon. He was on ;top of a load of bay 11 A VtV vl >rr kWUlug W YOU1• S t I �� �o �'� Pro�ressloital �ldite�'.Vard#
when it capsized, Mr McTaggitrt sus- trynl�'ll. ; SQUAW CHARLEY+
taininlg several broken ribs, and other
Internal injuries to his back, Hie con. Thomas Dufr,Toronto,
clition is critical. �HE TRAGIrCOMEDY OF ¢N ABORIQ• JAMi� i65TTI,
For int'�,Ixta and Children:
The main event that has been eecu• I IKAL OUTCAST. Made >Krjntains.lheogntidenea r ..
eying the minds of the young people of the In Hood's Sarsa arilLt. Ifs 'p ** }
]J Thstn$- Bt�Xrisl.e�t �(i�iC�4Q
East Wawanosh, took place Woo- + :medioin9cures on when sick; If Ii makes } simile�.e�a
loot► .
neadity, when Miss Sarah L., eldest+ $o >a+u1 Cogapoittod Me Red Mans Un- • y � bigaat= errreytt" wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond -vrayjltli CONVIifYANCBiIi etc,laughter of Hre Jas• Perdue, was unlit- tV.:,_1:;1:'_���•• pardonable sin and Was Doomed to Ot _
�„f Igllgnestion that medioinepossesiiea merit. Commteetoner for Ontario and Ma M
d in the holy fiords o£ matrimony tor,, Female Attire and ostracism -SL Only
Mr F. Ohumney. Rev. T. E. Higley, t � ^ h ; /' Friend Was a Mongrel Cur. Office immediately south of G dray Aro
Df Blyth, tied the nuptial knot. " �''�r,� r It ie }navy years elnoe poor Squaw char -12M IT PAYS TO
L „!. '� T 1 .
While crossing the ocean with a -' '� .- joy enacted his tragi -comedy to the end Ws BRYDUNE. "
shipment of horses recently, Messrs In it, ed an "Abstract
of 'Farming' there and passed on to the happy bunting a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY
Bawt'e s & McDonell. Exeter, had the septan, d an Abstract of soler urs de- grounds, but many who were once dent- �, PUBLIC, ETC. I'.
misfortune to lase three of the animals, livered by Samuel Oushmau, of Paw- zone of that strange city whose wage ha That is just the truth about Hood's Bar- d,
Dwing to a rough voyage. Mr McDon- tucket, R. I., at the anunal winter Office -Beaver Block.
sit. who went with the stock, arrived meeting of the Massachusetts State trod will still recall him to wind when in saparilja. We know it possesses merit,�e
home this week, and relates an awful Board of Agricult tire," under the head a reminiscent mood. It was a unique city because It eures,'not once or twice or a Up -stairs, opposite Foster's Photo Gallery,
experience. of "Advantages and disadvantages of sat on a hill, and Its fame was not bid hundred Eames, but in thousands and CLINTON
On Tuesday,while Chas. Williamson Modern Methods of Poultry Culture.,, under a bushel, tiiat went abroad in the thousands of cases. We know it cores,
earth, for the shares of its great silver lode absolutely, permanently, when all others Are You Rwrare of the !Pact that t
was workingwith some horses on Mr The first paragraph of that article was tail to do an good whiltaver, We repeat M: Qs CAMERON
as follows:- were eagerly bought and sold Su all the y g r (Formerly of Cameron Holt arc Cameron
McGeogh's farm, Tuckersmitb, one of stock marts of the world. It had two level ■ ['lleCa,n�.daBllSlneSSC011ege 1f
the animals kicked him in the stomach. "Almost every one now realizes the streets whorcon its business was transact- / BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
Ile is in a very critical condition, and great importance of the poultry Indus- ed, and the rest of 1t bring oil by its eye- CHATHAIIS ONT.
small hopes are entertained for his re- try. Altboti �h rapidly extended of Oftiee-liamilton p+ opppposite Colborne House '
P Y• f. P Y lids where and naw it souls, to the per- GOI Bill' H, ONT
covery. late, this country (the United States) pbyry outcrops of the mountain that roseHo'odhdoing more for its pupils than any other
On Friday. Feb. 1$th, a ver leas• still uses more eggs and poultry meat behind it, glowing all the long summer Hueincee College is the Dominion. y Y P than it produces. Eu} Irtud p%tys f60,- with myriads Oi bright yellow aunliowore. �+e� 4Zpappiis were p'ao,d in two mouths Stu•
ant afternoon and evening were aper.[ 000,000ayearfurwhateht•impovisfro+n At some time 1n hie past h Sarsaparilla dents from quarters are flecking to this D. �• 1VL�1CPHeRsoN•
at the residence of ldlr Charles Dick- other countries. Russia tris won the P y had worthy business school
it the eKlden the occasion Nein the committed the red man's unpardonable sin Iathe best -infact the One True Blood Purifier. Besides alargo attendance from Chatham OONVEYANCING, 11
CelehC•br ion Of 1130 olden weds to oj' lion's share of this trade. O. twin• .l+,uw o- -l:o had proved himself a,crAven in sOine there aro sires y this year 93 pupils registered FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NaURANO
g g eau countries et smite of i( ande%en cure nausea,fndl actio ft'omoutside saute 60olthem from polnts _
+ crucial moment, and all his life henceforth e g a+
;41r and Mrs Dickson, who were mar- Australia sends eggs to England• Ca' u,ust wear the uniform of his shame, I�OOd 8 Pulls biliousness. 25Ceuu, nearer to other OsinesmColleges thou to MONEY TO LOAN.
ted in the land of the heather just nada not only produce, her own pout• which according to immemorial usage, le - We presume these people invests ated the
Hfty years ago. B 8 , g -- .:,
try and eggs, bat sends quantities to ;•, female apparel. No Pluto woman ever that tofnhe different schools and decided Offiee, MacKay Block. Clinton. +li,
Owing to ill health, All- Robt. scoff, England. As et, the United States is nothing the best would' satisfy them,
g Y wore a crinoline, but within the recent A BI,, Boom hence, they are here.
who has carried on a seed and feed practically out of it, The Government inemor•y of man it had been the distinctive -- write for catalogue of other departments and
store in Seaforth for the past nine Or Agricultural Department is opening badgeof white foinininity; so, to make his 0-anada's Trade Increases by alist of the 43 pupils placed in two months. JOHN RIDOUT,
len years, has been compelled to .g;o tip tt market for American batter in punishment doubly atroeioue, the victim Leaps and Bounds ,l
out of bnwinea3, and has disposed of England. How about the foreign egg was enraged in a discarded hoop, garnered -__ D. McLACHLAIV BSG Co,Chathasn CONVEYANCER, COMDSIsaIONER, HTO1. the same to Messrs W. Kerslake and trade ?. Why should not the Unftud from sonic ash heap. When Charley was The Canadi,ul 001vial Gazette con -
E. A. Hamilton, States take a good share of it ? Our fortunate enough to possess a skirt and tains trade rel urns for seven months, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET Fire Insurance. Mone to lend. Real estate
Mr James Lawrence, of McKillop, home market for ponitr y pi educts shawl to hide his skeleton Its mi ht ass enoin Jan. 31 last. The total vol- _ matters carefully attended to. ,
has purchased the Club farm, adjoin- may not yet have becornP so wing et,ted comparatively unnoticed up and down the unie of trade Is $183,863,431, compared
Ing Seaforth on the north frown Mr E. its that for dairy products, but it will P FOR SALE. Offioo-HURON STREET, CLINTON11
g streets. Butblasesourcesdid not always Wuith$162,170,710-an.inerease of $31,-
0. Coleman. The rice aid was $7,- be easier to wilt the foreign market P luxury, and thou his long 692,721 for the current year for seven The undersigned will Bell ats sacrifice, Lot 451
P P permit each
500, and Mr Lawrence get.q possession now than later. It is cheaper to ship Iln,bs, clad in sontobody's castoff nether months. The inn ports wen a $72,58$699, or 12, Ballway Terrane Clinton. Particulars �
shortly. The farm is a good One and Poultry and eggs to England t hall corn Rerment�s-it might be a pair of ragged, cora ared with tf(i5,668,6I1-an increase ,bon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barriater &u
has excellent buildings on it. and•wheat; besides, these products will P R. AGNEVII.
not impoveriah the land." blue overal}s aro �clth marc startling effect of $7,019,988 over 1897• FAR To RCN's'. DENTIST, CLINTON 't
On Tuesday morning a feeling of j a pair of red flannal drawers -loomed gro- The exports were $111,274.83:. for F
deep sorrow was thrown ever Seaforth Something in the nature of this par- ' tesquely through the rusty and distorted seven months, as against $86,692,099- Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goder•ieh Town
when it became known that Alfred, agraph is exdctly what I have been Ax- bars of his perambulating prison. an it.creawe for the current year so far ship, about FLY miles from C�WnWn. All pantie AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OB I
the youngest eon of Mr anti Mrs Ham• pecting for some time past, and it I We palefaces always wondered what oo- $21,472,000. ulars on application to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton EACH MONTH
of that place, had passed away shows its clearly that the people of the cult power compelled the etolwart, hand- The duty collected for seven months
W join the silent majority. The de- United States intend to [Hake it bid for ' come fellow to yield obedience to the tribal was $11,932,939, compared with $11,- FOR SALE. Office Hour" to 15,
ceased was in his eighteenth year and the English egg trade. We should be ' decree, or, if such power e:ieted, what 131,409 -an increase of '$801,000. For r
was a general favorite with those with tip and doing, and that trade can he ' prevented biro from betaking himself Be- the month of January alone the im- Vactory and contents on the property of D,
whom he came in contact. ours if we but put our shoulder to the I yens !ts reach. Bat the anwrlttsa law oQ pons show nu increase of $2,400,000 Buchanan for $125; by paying 115 down and ,,
halved. A ly o month. BuiliIngnto to be re I DR• Te- C• y
wheel and give the English people tubal the nomad le ebeyed as will no•rpr he the and ex of to of Over 4000,000. aaoved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. BRIIC}�`s 1,
A very interesting and pleasing i P $ +
event took place at the home of Mr they require. printed and eosnmenMted and atsbelveA The duty i"creased for the poet SURGEON DENTIST, E
Samuel Alton, of West Wawarhosh, ['he LnQlieh market demands a class redo of ane sfvl3izivl [woe, Charly m• month by $3f0,Ot90 over the same COTI'AG R A,ND LOT FOR Graduate R O D 6 of Ontario, and Trinity
Dn Wednesday evening. The occasion Of eggs w1iich will average seven and i maimed Siad sd*mdto$beandwith stoical month of 1897. SALE versify Toronto,
was the celebration of the sevent +- calloneand
to tai pound. these they I patience. Hit4 eatraciof was complete — Special attention given to the Preservation
Hfth anniversary of Mr Alton's birt�• eau and du obtain in large quantities I DwBlltgg in the rwfdst of his kind, ko,was HOW TO KEEP WELL, The undersigned offers for sale a frame nor- thenatnral teeth,
frown Gerwany, France and Ruaaia, eaieff trove ashen �,�, Mj , tags of four rooms with kitchen r.nd woodshed
day. All the memberacf the family g gkistand �ithoat regular action of the bowels attached. Centralfyeituaed. G>«1Raterand Ofhoe,Coatrflook,overTaylor'eshoeetore
while very few are exported from this wiettul q good health is im impossible. Laxa-Inver Pills g
were present, besides a few athero. AL lg wa Mbl an the , be* he of a g P drainn .. Will be sold cheap. A�ppl�y to N. B, -Will visit Blyth ever Monday and
count ei i
a certain t y which will come up to the re- jay�jpg, B+��nB grerrp, bat he was W,(1. BB;ARLE. Bayfield ever y y
Thos Alton, of I the ,osf eppet 4�fo r q°ared weight While at Delhi last ' never invitees to tako a land. Ho yoigbt regulate the bowels, ours oonatipation, dys- Clinton Dec.1011 summer 9 Thursday afternoon daring tie
u,onth, I paid a visit to Mr Morgan, i gAZOlo pepsin, biliousness, sick headache and all I
ward and presented Mr Alton with a ngimgly at a sherry pi°ule party on affections of the organs of digestion. Prins x
very fine easychair and Mrs Alton a who is a very extensive shipper of a timber pile [Basting en watmraieloa, bat 250. All druggists.
eggs. I took the liber[ of weighing gg R. WM. GCNN,L. R. C, F. and L. R. O, S. 4
beautiful rocker, o Y g g no juicy mussel tune ever tendered him. HOUSE AND Ii.UT FOIA t3;�LE Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Sre.t Clinton 1.
some of the eggs which were brought Idle awn sex rapuetiatoti laliss utterly. Dtei Night call$ at front door of residence on Rstteu tl
How much business can a man do whose into his warehouse, and I fouled that 'isle roach a knot of tbo sax whans big - The trams housoand d by sore lot r Huron bury St., OppoeitePreebyterian church. •
system is in a state of disorder 7 Headache in many instances the a ga only g >iPP y Srreet, Clinton, occupied by subscriber, fe offer --1
Y Pf Y arb travestied tb. aentod him and Leas Seaalokneee Now, ed for for salo. Accommodation for ordinary
is only a symptom. It is not a diseaae. welghed fourteen ounces to the dozen, ' moved away, laughing. The children of The surgeon of a great liner, who has bcariY Hard and soft water and collar, also R J. L. TURNBULL M• D.
The pain in the head is the sign of rebellion. while the largest I could find woiild both sexes and two races j+ierod at Lim been ten years in the north Atlantis toads, sad w a tb iso d on rata oaablahouse i terme.1oA �n1' �Univereity, M D. ULL, into ' TORONTO
There have been mistakes in diet and other only average seventeen ounces to the with the heedless barbarity of youth. said the other day tbut the modern big to GEO. S WALLOW or on the remises to MOP & s„ Ontario. Fellow of t' aobetetrait t
%'ruses. Dr. Pierces 1 ieasant Pellets are a dozen. For farmers to bring. iu eggs One fortunate clay lie acquired a stray shipbasdeoreased seasi°kneestrmnendous- Mf;B AGNEW Clinton. Society ofEdlnbargh,late of London „ anA
gentle, effective renovator and invigorator of this size and expect to he paid a y, par Dent of the cabin assn ars -Edinburgh hHos i le, Ofiloe.-Dr,Dowse yeald
g dog, a vlaloua, mongrel our, osis thence- 1 No00 pa g office Rsttenbary St, Clinton. Night bell
of stomach,, liver aed bowela. They assist remunerative price for them is nothing I forth the two outcasts were iasoparable on a ff4t(h steer twin screw are ill during answered at the same lane,
nature without threatening to tear the body 'nora or less than rank nonsense. NO Together tbey were an hungered. Togoth- even the roughest winter voyage. Bilge CIIOICIE FARM ,FOR SALE. p
piece -meal. There are no griping pains, no eggs should be placed upon the market er they endured the gibes and sometimes keel and thegroat length of the now liners
h --
weighing less than seven and one-half �R, J. W. SHAW, PHYS2 s
nsueea. One is a laxative. A book of 1008 g g the missiles of theft orhders, and together lessen to a large degree Choir tendency, to For ca'o,lots45 and 74 or the Maitland con,, Aecouohenr, OIAN, SURGI�p>!
pa,, e, profusely illustrated, written by Dr. to the pound. Mr Morgan informed ' they cuddled at night for mutual warmth, roll and itch. A passenger on a show Township of Godericl,, 87 acres; near) all etc., office and restdenoeiTd�
R. V. Pierce, oalled "The People's Uom- me that he made a contract last season D P g 1ti y y tanto St., opposite English church, tormerl ooh 1
rlcaredandiairl well fenced. .roil ie flret• y
to sit 1 tllirt. t lar ihs,tnd dczens Of I Together they not infrequently came to slow going ship of 15 years ago, the sur- c?nes Good frame house and outbuildings- oupied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Out.
mon Senea Medical Adviser," will be Bent PP Y Y I oto• back door, and the animal retired geon said, needed a pretty good stomach to Bra Ing orchard, well watered, about 5 miles
free for 31 one -cent stamps, to cover cost eggs to'one person. This party asked deprecatingly to a corner, while his incon- stand the mighty shaking up he wa8 sure front the town of Clinton, and close to school
df mailing only. World's Dispensary Med- him to guarantee that they would ruoual and churches, Will bo sold on reasonable +1 IR STAN.hURY, GRA
wet h g y garbed lnastor sawed wood or to get 1n a winter storm. iY iledioal De GRADUATE OF Tlli]I
foal Association, No. 663 Main. Street, Buf- g fifteen Hounds f o the ten dozen, spilt kindlings. Bu.t when the taeL was There was no infallible wooed for sea- terms AoDly to JUHN RWOUT.Clinton. Department of victoria Univer
1-0, N. Y. but he refused to do so. Finally the done be camo forth promptly to share the or -sickness, be said. It could be relieved and Dispensaries,' formerly
York the
Hospitals 0
contract was entered into, and gg the I oompeneating ration and unfailingly got even prevented in persons who wore not of ,(,, County of Huron, u C. f s1
Amore melancholy death than that gun agreed to supply the eggs, the his share, whether the dole were meager a equeumieh disposition. Persons of differ- HOUSE FOIL SALT. 11
which occurred on the 17th con. of weight to be fourteen and three quay-
[lawick, Friday morning, con's hardly ter pounds to the f en dozen, but not- or abundant. Often then the man throw ant temperament required different treat- �2,2(eo buys E. BLACEALL VETERINARY
himself dawn upon the Band, with his merit What vt ale good for a bilious pa- y the two semi detached brick Honorer SURGEON
ae conceived. The victun was Mt' G. withstanding t.his extremely low stan- back propped against a sun heated bowlder tent m hL not be houses on Ratteubury Ht., known as the Fox• yGraduateof theontarioVeterina
Inglis, A highly esteemed young farm- lord, I was informed that thirteen 1g good for ono who was ton Y,opercy. College, Trentsall diseases ofdomesticated andp .►� '
W, at the age of about 30. On Satur- thousand dozen eggs were received at the corner of our fence and lay there for not bilious. Acid and effervescent drinks the+ nouaes and also vacant lots for sale. male on the most modern and scientific Print " `11
Way he was in town with a load of which didnd not. some u r w the re uir•ed hours, his gaze fixed upon the far horizon, were remedial, and a bandage on the ab- Money.-Prirate funds in large a,:d small pias Office -immediately south of the Now Erg .-
!h q while facing him eat the dog, alert at hie semen also helpers But the etlrgeon final- sums to lona o, m ,:;, t.;e, Rates,om, OtSce. Residence -Albert 8t•., Clinton, ,Qcl
hop and that night betaine sick. A weight, and had to he sold by illy, Mor- , W. BRYDONE, Barriser, night orday attendedto promptly i,
iocwr was immsdeately called front $ to ,tt a shrinkn.ge of five and One- slightest; movement, its amber orbs -like ]y said the time tuns near when there
,octord and no serious results were 'half reale ler dozen upon the actual [°any curs, it had beautiful oyes -flied would be no seasickness, when the 800 •;},
tntici ated. On Thursday it was cost. Holy therefore, can an ri ht- steadfastly upon him. It was a strange foot chip, with joie of beam and deep bilge CNO[CE FARM FOR SALE. JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 'X
Y g landscape that Charley's stoic gaze ranked keels, would make voyaging in the most _ has returned W ollntou ai,d opened an offioe `
hon, t he was improving nicely, but thinking person expect, the buyer to over. Far below him the canyon wound tumultuous weather almost as comfortable For sale, a eplcudid farm of s3 acres, halos at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be renculi
on Friday morning he took a change give them a remunerative price for for miles like a writhing ear ant, before Ing to the lata C. Spooner, adjoining ths.cor ed for tae treatment of all diseases of nosh, 1
or the worse and at 7 o'clock pu the eggs when the article which the g R as staying on shore in your parlor. -New cattle &o. All calls, ni t
poratioa.ot Clinton. All dewed and under good tended to. P,h or def, promptly at
cid iy morning he was acorpse. An offer ft,i stile is so far below the StatY It dobouohed into the desert,. whence th. York 91e>itV cul,ovation, smau frame house, flame barn,
ttack of pitcumotiia appears to have darn rPgiiirsd by the hest rnarketa in casuol trains couho up from Fort Churchill, gocd bearing orchard and well. in be sofa
een the trouble. the world? laden with salt and borax for the nasus- on reasonable arms to cl.se up the refute. Al-
ae frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton,
tion works and whore of afternoons the BLOOD THAT IS BAD. g TOMI,INSON, VET INAhY SURGEON
The 1$ngliah market rightfully he- ' with half-ACry o ground, splm�,dldly located. Honorary Graduate the Ontario Veteri
sandstorms waltzed gayly in the sou in Blood that is bad makes the whole hod DQR+t, C. ]lcGRICGOR, Constance. nary Oollege, Toronto. T ats all diseases
DO YOU WANT CONSUMPTION longs to its; we are put t and parcel of Y MRS. W. PWBERTNON, Clinton, Domestic Animals on the oat modern and
the British Empire,and i conscientious- couples and trios, traveling about in sway- sick. Blood that is good makes the whole
Are you really looking for it? Inviting ly believe that. the people across the Ing hourglass columns that reached from body healthy and vi-oroas, Burdock Blood Saientific Principles. Dayan nightcageprompt
FiLUP +`RTY FUIi SALL ly °newered. Residence -R tenbury et., west
? Then pay no attention to your back- water would prefer to purchase from earth to sky. Bitters make good, rich, ruddy blood, I � Clinton,
ig;. cough, staid your weak throat. You roan- In all the Immense prospect there were regard B•,B,13, as the beet-medioine in the .
revent it, though. Take SCOWS Emueion its rather than from a foreign country, 'but two things -the brlllfant concave world, to moire rich, red blood. It cured For stile, that promrty on the south side of
provided that we could give them to Huron Street, Clinton, dir,:eU.r opposite the MARRIAGE LICENbE, JAMES SCOTT, SR,
trly, when the cough first begins. vault and the bare brown earth, scurrod, we after two years suffering from rieh,thin resident ,of out Walsh. There is a two-4tory ,sourer of Marriage LLeeuseB, Library Room
t*OOd a class Of article ns they could
purchase elsewhere. The United States upheaved and contorted by the throes of blood. Jaxxr'E A. GLtAeON, Centreton,0at' fraalc acre. The he lot, which is ne"rly halt an and Resideaco, Mary atraet, Clinton,
has one ahead ver i a idl, in the mat- world birth. But in richness of coloring, - _ _ -.-_. pr'•ld forrty 4 most eligibly situated,
OLD ACQUAINTANCES MEET. 8 Y P y and will be sold for $400 -cash. For particulYrs
ever varying and ever beautiful effects of a
ter Of the poultry indugtr•y, while we , pply to JOHN RIDUUT, C,intor.. AMES CAMPBELL LONDESBORO,
tow an Rlderl Man Kept a Young Pas. in Canada have practically been stand- , passing cloud shadows and vast, solemn ®��� li/q/ � ��(� 1 -
y p = grandeur that scene has no equal in an VV YY �a ISBUIf li OF MARRIAGE LIOENSES,
sen ler From coin Fleeces. Ing still. We effort now put forward g q Y BUSINESS PROPEW Y FOIL
g N
Being o tvltn
I eBae6 required
land. Whether or o 9
U red
not an of its refound
'h y profound, every o o get,
.t possible effort to a [hie English Some years ago o young man with more trade phut the only way this can be ac- i deathlike peace entered the Pluto's soul it IN EKCII t)rGh]
ionoy than sense became involved in a I SALE RNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF
crnnplished is to keep a class of fowl le certain that no white creature over lived 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush, Oats F.P.-�.1 L. S„ Provincial Land Surveyor and
ame of pokAr on one of the English ships. which will lay eggs averaging at least i long in the face of it without growing to 13 lbs, choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats That desirable Bricrt Business Stand on Al- CivilF. Engineer, Loudon, and Surveyor
at Geo,
be $1st night be won freely and bad a seven and one half to the pound. It, I feel a fatalistic reaignatlon stealing over bort St., Clinton, occupi,•d by liar N, Robson, is Stewarts Grocery Store, Clinton.
offered Por sale, including rear lot and stable,
Ig eta° of rod and blue chips to cash in will cost, no more to feed fowl of this his spirit. atS taken in Tho lo.•ation is ono of the best in Clh,fon. The
rhen the game closed. The second night sort, than those which lay such abnor- As time wore an Charley and his dog + , , , property is free from incumbrance and title in- McKillop Insurance Conipaaly.
o bad to la in order to give his o o- for Croceries b
play g PP mal ly small eggs. became such, familiar figures to the Com- di,puta le. Price reasone.Wo and terms to suit
onto % chance to recover, and toward the stockers that they acusis to glance Aeon- purchaser. Appy to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- The undereigeed has been a '-
These are am resent rags, sou Road, or address Clinton P. O resent the McKillop In 'i rho
nd of the evening lost heavily. He hold and time at their pathetic grotesqueness, but we don't know how lou townships of Hulrett Morris and Tia' vtrat
cod Londe but somebody else always HAVE YOU NEURALGIA? the will continue. nosh• Partes having business s witn the aom-
+ Y Y and Lha ohlldren gave over tormenting 1S +
old bettor, and be was compelled to go to them, Y ) '� eD ) rAT BLOCK
I pang, or desiring to insure, will be
is bank several times. As Past as he if you suffer its agonies, and fail to get His ptinishment was to him wiirsat ex-
l Y,ittiRI BLOCK attended to. ROBT, smiH. Harlbek.
ought chips they were transferred to two it remedy, we want you to try Nerviline, gonunnnfeation must bove been to its vio- 0' OLSONf - Cilntoll +
leasant looking gentlemen who played Its action on nerve pain is simply marvel- Z FOILALIC
P Y tisna in the middle &gee. Nothing In leo
ecklessl and sympathized with his losses. lour. Nerviline is the most pleasant end —
Yabhorrent to the savage ale solitude, and $800 cash 120 monthly payments anvil eanh
powerful remedy. Try it. AGENTS.
Than he did win, it tune only a small pot , Obarley grow abject, drooping, premature D J CASiPBhILL, Hamilton „
Rd nobody sloe lied anything. 1 a T S A FEAT Klondike GoldFields;'nllw d.hBeti Valu- -
y 1Q while big dog grew daily more 111 able book,aellin' like a wh- fir and. Beautiful
An old gentleman with a long, whits - tiempored and disreputable. Bat fate's r1 U 11 t )1C 1 i" k LL iii Fl) It SALE rospectus twontt five centa. Books on time
eard, who was down on the passenger list rroper Treatment of irrexen Plante. -L (� FIT YOUR FEET, nit 7 U it 1•.NT'1'. �UADLEY-GAR! ETSpN COMPAXT Ll1WZD.
Pa g truest Brushing Blow was yet w taw. One - Toronto,
s Judge Something -or -other from Cali- An soon as discovered, remove the frost.- day as irate tollgate keeper shot his dog, rbc farm on the Huron road, Goderict,
bruin, had been overlooking" the game for ed Plante to a cool place where the tem- eaugltt 1n the very act of mmauding to®he fa ,bean¢ lot a, las acres, , Go ed ch .
n hour or mora, when be touched the perattue can by some means be gradually aiasong the white mga'e shioksas Over by
Bubsnriber, is offered for sale gr to rent on 'The Goin Woven -%I re Ferree
oungster on the shoulder and said: raised until it reaches that to which the the body of his slain companion Charley reanenablelterms. All cleared and in splen- _
"I say, young fellow, let me spell you plants have been accustomed. A sudden wept the only tears be was ever known to did state of cultivation good bearing orchard; f+nbscriber is agent for the ®res Woviut-W1Bs
well •Mnt•ered; Rood outbuildinga (house re- FRxct, admittedly one of the best wire Fences,
as a couple of hands around, just to rise In the temperatare, after plants have shod, and bore it off 1n his arm^ a bowed, serve f if suitable to tenant.) Only one mile in existence. The wire need is the genuine
bangeibo look." been badly frosted, thaws them tea rapid- I latsofate figure slowly fading Orem ken from t;Hnton. A number of oows could i.e Coiled -spring Steel Wire. best made, with ad -
The young man was Inclined to refuse, ly and results disastrously. Trim off the against ashe,l plain and ultramarine sky. rentel with the farm Part.oulars on appli- justabie tighteners, elosels woven, and is far -
at he noticed a curious expression on the, [Boder chaeta which are beyond tel and The cation to either JOIi Y ItIWUT, Clinton, or nished complete at 5c per strand per rod. The
P y p, pariah was seen no more In the proprieter, JOHN HOLUB-3. fence is not woven until it ie ptit up and one
sdge'e face and changed seats with him then gradually raise the temperature sur- ltannts of men, and it was long after when can have as many strands as they wish It is
) see what would happen. Twice the Ing the day until 1t reaches the. occustom- yyrospectors Pound ,bla skeleton, still eased n strong, durable fence, none hotter, and
edge caught the gentleman on the oppo- cd mark- They may then soon be placed la the ootrodad steels of the old hoopakirG f where, farmerB prefer it to an other
Itty side on a misdeal. Twice he laid down in their proper plaeo4, but it might be well None could know. how he met hle and or :� Fn 1 m for 'gale or les lieu t. PERCY EVANS, Holmesville '
Is band on the ground that the wrong to shade them for a day or two from the through how many boo" or daj`e of thirst _ — -
Th th half of lot 100once-Wonacres 9. Town-
srQ was gluon-ktint. Two of the other sun. and anguish theentoaethadwreetlod alone ' hip of Iuorri., containing 100 acres, 80 aeras RC+ENTS
layers protesteiT, but the judge was very A splendid and effective protection with the grim aonqueror of all.As the o cl. ared .end in good state o oultivwtivado,, "The best life of Her Majesty I have seen,,,
rm and dignified about it and wouldn't against a certain amount of cold Is secured boast dieth so thea the Indian a d Char- 'she a aro on tits prenh.cs a frame house, frame writes Lord Lotne about ••pueen Victoria."
' ' bArn. frltme drive houa- ga+d orchard, nevory Agents make fl• a dollars da,t'IIy,
ren answer their arguments. Three times by placing over the plants cones made ley had perchance not fared m worse fail og Buppply of spring water. Situated I mile BRADLEY-GARREI".3pN COMPANY, Lip,
o requested the man opposite him to out from paper. In this spanner cold drafts 4Rt the end than others of his ra n. --San from the vilingo of Blytb, a ill he so.d on res• Toronto.
gain, but be always did It in such aquiet, from about windows on very severe windy 7Pranoisoo Argonaut, sonable terror, n iv to C. IlAMIvrON, ]t ith
Ioasent way that no offense could be tak- nights can be kept from harming the But it can be done'by calling upon us and or IROS. R. WR 11T, Wxeoutu.• 948 Prince e
.a. Flnall ,to proposed examinin our lines of Av , London, On , CL.1NTOW ,,
While choppin in the bush on Tuea Y P P sed that they play a plants, -Woman's Home Companion. There W a surprise. B
g round of auk q Vunniman•-Now,
rlay afternoon o#last week, Robt. Eak• j pots and oft. When that there's your husband Men's women's and FOOD and COAL
etr Gfrex, had the misfortune to inflict was done and be shoved the chips oyer, The Collar He Wanted. coming, Mrs. Candor. Let's m e a little t f
tl ugly ash. in his left foot b the the young man whose lace he had taken " y, " a rise for him. Mrs. Funni n and I Children S Boots House alld Lot for Sale asfor her d pr fired to ramp
g y g y P I want, he sold lirml one of these — sore !or Wood or Coal, which
glaboipg of the axe. 1t required three found himself many dollars t° the hotter. paradoxical collara." wil hide behind 'the curtainh eto, find All Winter goods selling at reduced The frame house on Rattenbnr street lowest tatee. OffiOe on Teatte.8 t,
-,.1etltehes., In tke instep to close tip the He offered to divide tho winnings, but the, "Er-er-wbat is thg name again, you tell him that your et oted guoate Y + I1ZPL1BILENT 1i0U71iS. , yr$
fudge onlysmiled and lighted a big cigar g + Po prices. Full assortment of smrrieciatel met of Dr. Tom'inson'e, Ie
,ill Lwofind. g g g pleasel" asked the puzzled clork. haven't eome. Then we'll itap; Hilt alld Double and Sin rle Harness offered for nate on ver reasonable terms,
1.and said: "I don't know. It fe a turndown stated surprise him. t+ s Y AGENTS - Book businessis better'thii
11�r ii., Jldc aggart, of the London +'Put our mono in ' Trunks, VciliEea Robes The liouea je central) sitaateci bein onl ,earsp,ast;alsohave better&adffisterttellin .
y y Your pocket and n affair. Clnchnnati Commercial Trib• Enter Mr. Candor. ' , Y beingonly boo tai A +uta Bleu from t10 re$!0 tr4oklp..
i?ila'd, tie Ir Exeter, met with a painful don't ever la with strangers again. P and Blunlceta a minute walk from the business centre g
1#not f'titl .Accident on Tuesday after• play g g ung Mrs, Candor (obeying' otder)'-Wel1l has atone cellar, large din{n +room, arlor� few loaders are: "Queen Yi°tottla Y'Lifo of yd, ,
Those ohaps are old acquaintances of mine. John, our expected guests l3av° Sllaall',, Red and White Cedar Shingled always ' g 6 F + Gladstone, My Mower%bible tjtriries " "pro,,
bed room and kitchen down stairs with one gressiveS eakor-" 'KlondlkoGuldllulttu „ wce': ,
u I mot them at Sacramento when I was a anted us --Mr. slid Mrs. PlinAlluarl' on:band. lar a Hud two smaller bedrooms �n stairs Nr'
d 7;1 .'7!.'wC �]C$�.Ea.. C7 A. +t&�] g�,,s po man,o "Gl inpeob of tho 17notill ' "Brenkas
havon'tcoste, - DtanerandSup er,"'t7anadapdri�l'o. oltxiat,
awls member of the their 'ga several years no 112110+ ,,ff ( y JAS w T Good-sized summer kitchen and garcon, �,++ Booksor� �tate. Ontfltafretlta
ftltti!]e .••11t on ago, and I know their `game. "� -Chicago simile Of �i�' , fe CrOy_ Mr. Cnntlar hoartil) Thank heaven 1. e ( rasa uaesern
/ltt?idetifi , . °city Record, rigaatltrs 4vAPm CI�LGL, Vory oonyoniently situated for boarding Tho BRADLPuY•GlARR1lTc0>rl ild.'.,,
1h'agpt:ti ,",a ---1 ouson s Weekly 11 'Victoria Block, Olimlon. Ones. Apply at Nzw EPA orloe. To+wnto,
. .
. ,,A.
r. ,} .
i - -
S., �!=!_�&'Jzl ,t ifilm� t