The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-18, Page 7._ WANTED . .a., r...--+ - fld;s6x hogs Wanted for Ge, for which the high - Will, lQ paid, Parties . - sell will oblige by leav- t at tuo, shop. E„ Fitzsimons, Clinton. • ENTRAL 11UTCHEII SHOP V¢Rl) MURPHY 'Q7. skro ao.iog l'qusineso on the one prinoi• road. wilf supply out vastomere with t,Meate at the. lowest paying prices '(,)UD ,$ MUjtPF.IY, ,CLINTON .1 issues Change. y quantity of fat hogs wanted for hipping nIFPOSPS, for which the highest 1. iparl(ecapkioes will be paid. Parties having ��oga to sell will,, oblige by leaving word at s1?op �, ," -, ""�V'allis, Clinton. NER'' BUTCHER SHOP S11booriborhas .opened a shop in the pre• ,=. 1ses'repently, erected especially for this urpo;ie>;opoosote Fair's Mill, where he will p nn hand and deliver promptly, to 0611 its Of thb,tbwn. rash X,6at, of all kinds. A Share of blip patkonsge respectfully solicited. - . H i'O"WVLL, - - CLINTON lft,40R-AND FEED:STORES. i ,00 K'S ,r. lour & Feed More RA•N� & SHORTS + ox email quantities. C_�KL+: and MEAL vPi �OF_ALL BINDS. i ';f'�' do ptl,Aads Cliofoe Oatmeal for Il bushel of Oats. D,''COOK, CLINTON. k l DOC I'llSTLOUR & FEED Store f .s - ' (late Hill &Joyner) 'Opposite Market, Clinton Flour,,, ran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley, �►qd alldsiof meal sold at lowest prices. regfi Co* n',for Feed, 38c a bush Good , alenoi.a Raisins, 28 lb boa U. hoice Tea, special line 25c per ib. and up. ilidq of Grain bought at highest market prices -1 TU -'1161sons Bank neorpo>? tied by Act of Parliament 1885 `; CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,500,000 J�AD' OFFICE, MONTREAL. _, "iwtf.'AtOLaON MA01?HERSON, President li�, . F. WorFEBsxeN THOMAS. Gen Manager es discounted, Collections made, Drafts ed,, Sterling and ,American exchange �slit knd sold. Interest allowed on de- fts. 13AvINGs BAxx—Interest allowed on Ilne of '$T and up. Money advanced to kmers,:On• their own note, with one or lore endorsers. No mortgage required (}; BRFiW ER; Manager, Clinton 1. CT'AGGA T. R , INTON, OnS nj; JBusiness d. , OTE$ DIgCOUNTED �^'tj oto cloned. Interest allowed on ' I deposits. x . AN t TISDALL. . BANKERS, • ',ULINTON, ONT. a ,, van,b invade to, farmers on their own nttt.1 ildg, at low rates of interest. 11 �onioral Banking Business transacted. Itit&egb,allowed on deposits. `Sale Notes bought J,. P. TISDALL, Manager. tori SEEING MACHINE Not ' Huron Street. have jndt received another lot of New dje and Dominion Sewing Machines; the ! ifr is sft exceptionally good machine, acid 1. •hole given good satisfaction to all 1. IA6And all kinds of Repairs :'inept on !land fnouthly payments. Call 6 trend fpr prices and terms. 'WM. MOORE 4seven Fears 1% Al # '. X , I �1 0�.. E � I' FIN" M►1Ve1tai11 RHE T cl as. It's Stoll: laft XLeatr liniments or trLaebeitzI +bot a%od carne. But tie aleeam wa be CURED W_ 72 was taken with a severe attack of rheuma- tism and could not turn myself in bed. I was persuaded to try Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pills. They soon put me on my feet again. Less than one box cured me no completely that I have returned again to my work in the Lake Shore Repair Shope as well as ever. WIL A. SCHOFIELD, Adrian, Mich. I am pleased to say that Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pills are the most relieving remedy I have ever used for rheumatism. You may use this as a testimonial for the benefit of others who are afflicted. CHARLES HESS,. Veteran of Civil War, 284 Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich. Dr. Ro'hb Plus �U Kidney Pills FORISALE BY ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists, CLINTON, ONT The old Clinton PLAING MILL H. STEVENS, Proptietor The old original Contractor and Builder, who has made Clinton his home for forty years, is still in business with a modern, up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill all orders of whatever description, on short notice and the lowest terms; first-class workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- ing material furnished as deeUed. ~`HENRY STEVENS, WilliamlStreet, Clinton,, immediately behind the Park. 9VT- g i A. P STA1U r ,.N v The undersigned Is prepared to do all kinds of Stampping for Mats, Persian Rugs and arti c es of.like,nature. Work done pprompptlyy and at reasonable ratot. MRS A.WORTHINOTON ron Street. AGENTS. "Glimpses ofithe Unseen" Fascinating book. Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations. Prospectus 1.00. BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, LimyED, Toronto - 1. C. STEYENSON, —THE LEADING— L.,TAKER —AND— EMBALMER• � AWULL GINE GOODS )TPP in STOCK Best Embalming Fiuid used, Splendid Hearse Residence over store OPPOSITF$TOWN HALL BIc LEO D'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES .SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverisbed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitns' Dance Female irregularities and General Debility Laboratory,- Goderich, Ont. J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold inaClinton by J. H. COMBE, andjALLAN & WIrLSON 11 , B00611161.&Rfl�s Trees, Plants, sh be. r . This old-ostablialled and reliable business to being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our line can rolv on the very beet of service Cholcominnts for Spring Bedding. Floral Designs for Weddinga or Fune"s Fruit and Ornamental Trees Spruce. Scotch dt Astrachna Pine Pr oes of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. John Stewart Estate, neusumler McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSiiRANCE CO. FARM dt ISOLATED TOWN PROI?MVY ONLYINSURED OFFICERS... Goo. Watt Prosidant, Harlock R O.• J. B. McLean, Kippen P. 0., Vlce-Pres.• W J. Shannon, Seoy -Treas Seaforth P.O.; �ihos. E. Hays, Seaforth P.O., Inspector of Losses. DIRECTORS Joe. Broadfoot, Seaforth• John G, Grieve, Winthrop P. O.; Goorge Ddie, Seaforth; Thos. A • E. Hays, Soaforth• Jae. Evans. Beechwood O.; Thos Garbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser. 13rucofleld John B. McLean, Kfppon. Robert S !twonNTs. e 13arlook; Jno.H. Yoo, Holmoe- Vflle' Robt. Moi�2illan m Scaf rth; James a os Cnin- 0 .41 , E,mondvil'o; John Oovonlock and John C. Morr son, Auditors, '61,tios desirous to effect Insurances or tran- saot other business will be } romptly attended to ro'r� application W any of the above officers & roselod W their rospeotm offices. i. ;a i' SEEN IN ,ENGLAND. LITTLE THINGS AN AMERICAN NO• TICES ON HIS FIRST VISIT. The Words Beside a Doorbell-7rhe Spu+ City of Zoe —Women In Barrooms "Sweets" Not Up to Our Candy—my* terlous Sign In Cardiff: The books that are written about foreigr countries are most unsatisfactory. This it just as true in the case of such an eas3 country to write about as England as it it In the case of central Africa. The books tell the poor Americans who have not beer there a good deal about Westminster abbe] and the Tower of London and the houses of parliament, but they do not disclose tbs Iittle things in which English life differs from American life, the little things which, after all, make up life, the things which an American on his first Englid 1 visit finds almost as diverting and surprls Ing as palaces and cathedrals and galleries The very first experience of the presen writer and a wise companion of his 1t London was of this sort. They got into i cab at the station and gave the cabmal the address of the house where they were to stay. When they were set down at th, door, they saw beside it a bell handle ant beside it the words, "Ring also." No sue] words as these had tbey over seen on s door before, and they stopped and studies them, while the cabman wondered wba they were waiting for. What could thi strange request to "ring also" mean? Dfi it mean, "Ring thou also, others bavini rung," or did it mean, "Oh, thou wh, hast done something else, ring also?" Ans If so, what else? Then the companion wise in the Socratic method, remembered In a pretty little edition of Thackeray'E "The Rose and the Ring," he had ono seen a picture of a door with a knocke and a bell and the words, "Knock an ring." This door bade knocker, too, ani "Ring also" must be a shorter way of any Ing, "Knock and ring." He knocked wit; tbo knookar and rang with the bell, an that proved to be the right thing to da There is quite as much strangeness it the things that are missed as in the thing that are seen. Probably the most terribl affliction for Americans in England is th want of Ica It takes time to learn t drink warm water, if the silly and ur English American will insist on drinking water at all, and it is just as bad to drinl Wit rm beer. Perhaps it is in part the bot rible tepidness of the alleged cold drink that drives the English themselves t drink so much tea and so much spirits, Ice is not wholly unknown. Now an then a barroom has it for luxurious out . towers who demand it, and in tbab one the fact is announced to an amazed pope lace by a placard with the word "Ice" t, the front window. Some hotels have fi too, and guard it as a treasure, handing 1 around in dishes of the size of sugar basins Nor 1s the Englishman himself, whe, properly educatedblind to its nsefulneel The barmaid is another of the surprise for the American. He know that she et Isted, of course, yet it is a shook to see he for the first time. It Is a shook, too, s first to see women customers standing c sitting about in barrooms, even 1n con: partitively reapeotable ones. But this di not set out to be an essay on barrooms c drinking habits. It is hard to keep awn from the one or the other in England. To make a long jump, there is the mai ter of candy, or "sweets," as they wont call themselves over there. Many Englis women who make short visits to th halted States go home with pale faces an jaded constitutions because of the too sue den revelation to them of American oar dies. A girl who likes sweets—that Is t ray a girl—should accustom herself t the American grades from childhood t avoid the temptation to get drunk on tber at a later period. But up to a abort tiro ago—and probably it 1s eo still—thore wa only one ebop in all London that coul supply candies of the quality to be foun at 40 Shope in New York. This shop wa making a fortune in candy, and was als doing a land office business in ice crear soda, and yet Such is the conservatism c the Briton that it ran for years without a Imitator. Full credit was given to It origin, and it wan known as the Amerioa candy shop. Englishmen seeuch given to shay Ing themselves, as it appears to the Amoi loan in search of a barber shop. And he f stricken with a new sense of wonder whe, be finds a barber's shop called a toil( club, Sometimes American barber Shop are advertised, and then he can comma ''itis fate to ono and take bis chances. The things that are advertised as Amei loan are sometimes diverting too. Ameri can dentists are expected to announc themselves as such all over the world, c course, as the title is necessary as an at entrance that the operators know some pat of their business. American sewing me obines would be expected to bold a bigbe place than the Engllsh ,and to be so of vertieed, and so they are. Then there at American organs. But an explanation i still sought and would be gratefully rc cefved of the meaning of the followin sign, which was observed In the flourisl Ing city of Cardiff, in Wales: "Genth men's clothing cleaned by the America process without injury to the fabric." And the funniest part of it all 16 the e3 pression of mingled amusement and pit that an Englishman puts on when he 1 told that anything in any other countr Is not exactly as it is In England.—Net York Tribune. — BUROOc I ZD BLOOD BITTERS MRs. THos. MCCANN, Mooresville Ont., writes: 'a I was troubled wit biliousness, headache, and°,lost al petit@. I could not rest at night and was very weak, but after using three bottles of B.B.B. my appetit has waved, and I rim Wttw I have been for years.. -J would tic be without Burd ck Blood Bitter,., o It is such a safe and good remed that I am giving it to my children. 1� 't .. ... :r. , ,: % Boycotting I* 1730. SLEIGHT OF HAND. j This may be read 1n The Daily Courant ----- 1 — of 1788. Bxplwnstions of Some of Herrmaian's - "The" being some Indian and French Clever and As*hlshing Tricks. I to a table, rolled the package with his silks now selling by auction In this townFeats of sleight of hand which appear 1 and two or three brewers' wives in the difficult, are very simple when explained. Karl of Meath's liberty having bought a few thereof, the master weavers and Deceiving the eye by the hand 1s the result figures per second). He then endeavors to pieeee dyers, as well as journeymen of those Cor- of many astonishing effects. In one of Herrmann's favorite tricks he borrowed a ' porationo, give notioe by beat of drum handkerchief from a lady and gave it to a dience, pretended to toss the piece of cloth that they would not drink any liquorsyoung man to hold between his hands. whatever brewed by the husbands of the He carried a wand under his arm. Tak- said ladies, who would encourage foreign ing the wand out with his right hand, be his right hand, which he dropped to hie manufactures when there are numbers of also took from a little pocket under his sd j���• poor weavers In a starving condition .in arm a small package of pieces of linen, this town and all over the kingdom, for which hoeoncealed in the palm of hie rigbb want of employment." -- Notes and hand. He then said the young roan in the Queries. I audience was not holding the bandker- IV chief right and took it from him to show �1 In Now York the other day a lot„ 50 feel him how. He rubbed the handkerchief OI front by 100 feet deep, on the corner of between his hands ,palmed it and gave 1�S Fifth avenue and -.Forty-fifth street, sold book the bite of cloth in its stead. The 0jaMON&EM4 for $410,006, which 10 $8,200 a front to -4 � � young man did not observe the change. and $82 a square foot. Again Herrmann appeared dissatisfied, BRIGHT AS A DOLLAR. and told the young man to hold the hand- kerchief by the The —.- ,.pp,,� I �mote6'9"6e` Heart and nerve troubles cloud the brain, up corner. dupe opened his bands and the bits of cloth fell out. dRes cgE wreck tangle the memory, wreck the system and destroy sleep. memory, Heart and Nerve He picked them up and handed them to op �0..,�uku l �+ Pills regulate the heart,tone the nerves and Herrmann, who put them between his own hands, palmed them and worked to- i�OT*X.t1M04 bring health and vigor to the entire System. ward the ends of his fingers is long strip -- - —' of clotb, which be had concealed in his in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTED VALENCIAS, RAISINS, FANCY Experiments on the Memory, palm. Then he shook out the strip and nIKYL The celebrated French psychologist said it was composed of the pieces. This k A� Professor Alfred Binet, in a paper on he rolled up and palmed, and turning his CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DTNNER SETS, &o "Tho Experimental Study of Memory," back to the audience to go back upon the 1 Crate Galley Chlna,just the, thing for Christmas presents states that so far attempts have been made stage be put all the bits of cloth away un- to measure but one kind of memory, but der his coat and showed his bands to be ���`11 >c �1 /, N. �O�A7O Min Minton. that 1t is a great'advance to be able to in- empty. Then he picked up a lemon from lr • IJ7 troduce the concept of measurement into which the pulp bad been removed and in- i'' this problem at all. Experiments deal the images that side of which a handkerchief bad been Ho out the lemon and drew out ATs c rifted with number of memory can be stored at one trial without allow- placed. the handkerchief. The spectators thought ft fs WSiO.if' Ing time for rest to the subject. Successive it was the one he bad borrowed, and they WGt-it;1S 5 investigations have been made on the applauded. He put the handkerchief on a ,tess,m� measurement of the memory for figures plate and poured some alcohol upon it. VV lZN .l 1J' and syllables. The development of these The pretty young woman set fire to the � it + looslized memories cannot be considered alcohol with a candle.' .Then be extin- 4 lbs. New Raisins for -......,...........$0 25 Regular Price. Our Price 7 lbs. Good Japan Tea ... 1 00 Washboards February' 18, 1898 THAT 071'"' IH 'AC -SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF— T •i \ - - -, 11 IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY 11 If 33OTTT LE op , , , 4%. r.- '... 1. , . . : . � '1-1 ,. ; r. ; .. .L f. R � . ■■■ � as a sign of the development of the other guished the flame with n sheet of paper, j • m°omorles. Reservations must be made se in which he wrapped the embers. He went i 11 I, eastorla IS ptit up in one-aiae bottles only. It to conulusione to be drawn from those ex- to a table, rolled the package with his . Aa not seld is bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell periments. A series of figures is read to a subject at regular speed (generally two hand into a little wad and took up anoth- er paper containing an unscorched piece you anything else on the plea or promise that It "just "will figures per second). He then endeavors to of cloth. He walked down toward the au- is as good" and answer every per - pose." , -gee that you 0 O,A-6-T-0-M-A. repeat the figures without error in the or- dience, pretended to toss the piece of cloth dor which heard thorn. Any adult60 to a lady with his left and palmed it with Ths iae- ei.a. fe os. a can give four easily; Ilion flue, six and so g his right hand, which he dropped to hie I'pER4 sd j���• on until a number ie reached which can- Each waist. While the spectators were looking ` vrR"'w�'n o°0 a ,,,eyppGT, n4be repeated correctly. trial is at his left hand he concealed the piece of repeated, with Intervale of rest, Expert- cloth in a pocket just inside the edge of menta taken together show that not only his coat. He then placed the wand under memory, but the powers of voluntary at- his left arm and took from the pocket . tention, are employed. As children have there the original borrowed handkerchief, less control over their attention, they re- concealing it In his palm. Placing big tain fewer figures by this method than adults The average educated adult re- hand at a gentleman's ear, be dropped the handkerchief to the endo of his fingers, Leine seven figures; a child from a to 8 pretended to take it out o! the gentle- when1111CChas111�',, 3.0111'retains Remember, five; achild of 10, si*. Jacques In- man's ear and handed it tothe lady.-- ands, the celebrated lightningfigu Is able to commit more than 40 figuresres at at Boston 'Herald. Christmas Supplies wellChristmasone trial.—Boston Transcript. The Giateman's Trials. "Do you know," volunteered the ob- If you take quality into consideration, we are able to meet all requirements, SUFFERING STOPPED. servant philosopher in charge of the gate in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTED VALENCIAS, RAISINS, FANCY The sufferings caused by constipation car.' at the big railroad depot, "that I am ever VOSTIZZAS, CURRANTS, ELEME FIGS, NATURAL FIGS, ' PURE not be numbered. All of these troubles can a reformatory instructor of undisciplined Now, keep eyes.and sera on SPICES, Best brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELS, COCOA, LATE ICINGS, EXTRACTS, ESSENCES, ORANGES LEMONS cHoco c s s • , be permanently cured by Laxa•Liver Pills. One Laxa-Liver Pill every night for thirty auntie? your this smiling old lady with her puff combs CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DTNNER SETS, &o days cures constipation and biliousness, and corkscrew curls." I 1 Crate Galley Chlna,just the, thing for Christmas presents -_ "Which to my train?" she asked as she Toronto Star. — It occurs that Air deposited a pile of packages that would ���`11 >c �1 /, N. �O�A7O Min Minton. Whitney's second name is Pliny, Pliny have puzzled a veteran porter. lr • IJ7 was the gentleman who, impelled by "Rightthere,madaib,"came tbeprompt curiosity as to the inner works of Ve- answer, "backed up against the bumper, • suvius, ventured too near the crater. with the card of instructions on it. You Perhaps this latter-day Pliny is also can't go astray. monkeying atound too close to the danger. "But she will," be continued as she bustled on. "See? There the Q '��% %� (�1Tj� O OATS D seat of she goes on VV lZN .l 1J' CONTINUED SUCCESS. IAn wrong platform, walking like the leader a six day match. Now she's dazed, In exchange for FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, ETI;'. Continued success means sterling merit. and inside of a second she'll be abusing the railroad company for not looking after 4 lbs. New Raisins for -......,...........$0 25 Regular Price. Our Price 7 lbs. Good Japan Tea ... 1 00 Washboards Norway Pine Syrup has Sterling merit-- hence its suttees. It cures her. Now she's cut loose " as her She,albs. 25c Japan Tea. • ..................•.ti oo I ............. ........25 17 :5 lbs,30e Japan Tea ....................... 100 Oatmeal (per 11 lbs)................ 2.5 Flavoring continued coughs, colds, opthma, bronchitis, hoarse- ,r7 voice rent the air like a two edged sword. g "Here, Extracts ... ....... ....10 08 3 11 a. Black or Japan Tea............... 90 I ness, sore throat and all throat and lung Pete, help the old party there into No. 3. Don't leave her till she has a seat Regular Price. Our price Laking PowdeStarcr..................... io 08 Laundry Soap, 10 5e bars for ............ • 25 faking Soda troubles. and fs sure she knows where her tickets .. . , • , • • , • • .. , • • • . 5 (4 Brooms ...... ..I ........ I........... 15 12 Sunlight Soap,(3 bars .............. 18 15 Brooms.............:.......... .. 25 20 310c. plug McDonalds Tobacco I 25 Five years ago the little daughter of are. "Pulled Out five minutes ago," replied ...3o Other goods at like prices, 3,fuch Sugar for little money. Chiiee family Flour, $2.35 per cwt Oats wanted in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter hand. Bran, Mrs.Turton, o Moose Mountain, Man., the gateman to a big, flush faced man who on Shorts, Chop and all I kinds of Grain bought and sold. disappeared, and could not be traced. Recently Rev. Mr Spoule, Pierre had just rushed up and asked for the Chi- ongo flier. �r Oa OL 6t BIT, Victoria Sty near Queen's Hotel, Clinton of ,N. B., found a white child in possession "Gone!" roared the corpulent giant. of a wandering tribe of Indians. The "Gone, did you say? She is scheduled to I girl's photograph was taken, land the leave at 10:05, and ft's only 10:08. Look --- mother and neighbors at once recog- nized• the likeness of the waif. The at this watch." "Watch is slow, sir." %%�` !fit' SA VI NG.OF GOAL girl, who is now 9 years of age, is on "What!" with a whoop. "Watch wrong? /q obis her way to Winnipeg. It hasn't varied the fraction of n second in ten years. It's your infernal company By using the IiBneEL DOUBLE Asa SIFTER, Atented U. S. and P Health and strength carr ue throw •h y f the dangers and make us safe in the pres- that's wrong. I'll report you, Sir, for im- Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the 'market. Two sif- encs of peril. A perfectly strong man with pudence end incompetence, sir." And the ters in one, of different size mesbers. Separates small from large cinders. No labor, no duet, no waste. rich, pure blood, has uctbrng to fear from big man shook the whole terminal system germs. He may breath in the bacilli of as he stumped away. Now you get an idea, concluded the On receipt of $2.50 we will deliver 1 doubleash sifter to any part consumption with impunity. If there is a p p y weak spot where the germs may find gateman as he rounded up half a dozen of Canada and pay express chargee ourselves: le be- tranoetothe tissues, then the trouble be- children for a lone woman and then uard- g ed them while shf want for tickets. "I Write for descriptive Circular and references. Wholesale and gins. Disease germs propagate with light- ❑Ing -like rapidity. Oaoo in the blood, the ought to et the resident's Salar g g p y � —De- r retail. Agents wan f r sale. County, township and state rights for sale. Apply to only way to get rid of them is to kill them. troit Free Prose. P I�IiASEL Patentee and manufacturer, SE That is what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal f 2529 St. Catherine St. Montreal, P. Q Discovery 1e for. It purifies the blood.— h Early Cannibalism In the West Indies. W f b That means it kills the germs, but t at is a can p cturo t o depredations Caused . 11 I'll only part of what it does. It assists diger- by the incessant marauding of bands of tion hystimalating the Secretion of digestive these forocioua cannibals, and the torror flni,ls, su i,rommiug assimilation and nutri- they must have excited in the minds of the + a N a a ' ' + ; tion; purifies and enriches the blood and so milder islanders. Fetor Martyr tolls us. supplies the tisquee with the food they need. that in his time alone more than 5,000 men It. I; tilde up strong, healthy flesh and pate had been taken from the island of Sancti. �AiLB OP THE STRIKING FEATURES FOR 1898 the whole body iato a disease -resisting Johannis to be eaten. Even after the ,} st•`e. Caribs had abandoned cannibalism they THREE SERIAL STORIES Send 31 one -cent stamps to cover cost of continued a fierce and desperate people, ssssssss mailing only, and get hie great book, The shunned and -dreaded by Arrowauka and THE ADv lruRERA POUR FOR A FORTUNf3 THE COPPER PRINCESS People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, Europeans alike, and - when Cannibalism Bj,Il e.r/Aaler7W.AMON AV .lrx"r LMU By 7frntt uannoa ; absolutely free. Address World's Diepen• had ceased to be an everyday matter it teathrIIAsretefeHshtfor iaasNarissnamaRreofber Itfsinthebowslsoftheeerthwhere Ej Bary Medical Association, No.663 Main St„ would break cub every no`s and then when a feeawn enaefJal�el is an o11d0 an,pp.pions who !ears 10- tins hero has his ndventane and11 oamw fit the meese.invef Waust anted a long lost fottew fevni where he resmes the Princess Buffalo, N. Y. occasion arose. The establishment of A company has been formed in the Spanish rule and the disappearance of the, SHORT FiCMN p y 1s seididoe to fib tll�es lar s►siW ,stories, the bileatton of wlekh Mil ctnidnee the rrrtire Province to extensively ship Canarlia.11 Arrowauks must have been the main fao- 1'�tttrerawSber4srtetenoot ofwiichIt bon 's' furniture to the British markets. It tore in the decline of cannibalism,but be- heykiad, tgpoesibletomentloneiewtiAeehers will buyfurniture from an manuGie- fore snob was the case the Carib seem do Mara fie Owier The Bisckndera A Harbor Mystery y 6 ay ssAamrr, t►sr:aa ny ��rst &A mw n, roan R eraexs tur•er in Canada, wliether of the Cum- have given up the practice in some places. lbs Fleaktao of Watkins' abost A Great Heal A Creature of Circumstance p>a•ny or nut. Th.' comppany will send Thus Herrera says that "thoso of St. Croix IV reAl ssrnrsrer suss B, sorinsewynt By 1roA9J1r BOB,: WWY h.' annd,i in the "knoclr-down" stage and Dominica were greatly addicted to ARTICLES O�N $PORT, TRAVEL, ETC. t.. Liverpool. There a large factory will predatory excursions, hunting men," but Mephent yldating in Afrka M American Explorer in Afarst bo run by the Company, and the per- not long before be wrote the Carlbs of I•, 071P"r rReera n, crave aADAJM "` fected goods will be placed on the Bi it- Dominica had. oaten a poor monk, "and filer Lessees to Tiller and Sheer � •- Wing Out a Gott Coarse ish markets. Everything in the fur- he so disagreod with them that many died, 4 �Am riirae .,i,,f m, r ar W. s, riaT.seaz strrramr nit ore line will be dealt in, The work and that for a time they left off eating DEPARTMENTS ..r=+.:.. PRIZE COMPETITIONS will begin at once. human flesh, making expeditions instead WWs Table, Stamps and Coins, Photopaphy Elm" Stories, Sketching, Photograpfil to carry off cows and mares. "—Lad Edith 10 Cdwj& • Alamber (Shed fir Fru PyarpesMr), 8wheeripttox, $1.00 a Year. Blake in Appleton's Popular Science Postale free In the Valted states, (hands, and Mexim Monthly. Aslileevs HA ZIM & DBOrHMUS, PubUsbms, W anklin &quare, X. F. 0100. ADY'Spepticr 7��� Solemn Goll. a One of bhe caddies et St. Andreae, Boot- +* :1� ';; ' land, says a London paper, can be drawn ---- -. occasionally into expressing his views up- '" SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE 18 TWE on golfers, grant and -otborwitss, upon 1 ''' RAINBOW OF PROMI:SL whom he has attended. He is evidently no ' t Rmeciated- weary—$looter, 17d om eat specter of persons, for when his opinion � • "tr adequntelr desorlbe the ableot mfewr of was asked on the respective merits of the st..ky J. Werra" it. n. U. w.twu Cyrus C. Adam Powtney BFgetow Ittrk Munroe 'It the srutrerer from Dyspope(a and ln,mges. prince, Mr. Asquith and Mr. Balfour he a y/.q&,.%A6ti"1,1�N'l1 tion. Routh American Nerviue is the replied gravely "Aye, I mind the names. ` bI greatest discovery In medical seitewd They'll has muckle to learn. I tollod the ' flat the euro of ah chronic etolmaCh pprinoe so, but he only laughed. 11th; but troublo% It sats dirwity through the it'A a pity—a gran pity l Vo can no laugh ands eebtl noes of all t""""asty 7ifrom and play wf weal Ye mio>)<1 yl icon be OUTTERS � SLE in A e•.ands taettiy of Dares' tmd1, IRdir� fircm Orcoketk '� ja the ffrst Soso - — ... 'Z was a gs pr tbora A Dilemma, LL i eteaoewe end t:Ee v I tlkf�ed/ �a "What Id it 0 U01j" ]* te? Yon •.l Mof �&ipa Xrvf"s %- •-T•-°' " We Keep in Mock and make to order , ; e o oY $outs dm tip b .� Ws.,..,,,., worked wonders. �ix bot Ip� rdsd-o a "Sure an the troubl in with the twin C �, new titan os and - �w. If Bmokm an, � �, Cutter f and k.lei lis of all kinds — Mortdsburg, Ont, mum. Ono of them s cryin because h g Don't oxporinsrnt with now wMci swallowed his rattle, an ••the other de doubtful Madfat•„osi-.Take that t led bowlln out . of sympatby, a bot0 6�C� the and teotod. 21 two of thein baw'llo'l; oan't �o11 U 0. qn� 'rK��ALL, allot b,a the 1%01ti "'—]xt�rXf or'A Bazat�. Fr � .I.Ja c IN -1, 01 Rota by watts &.Co. I I. , 11, l rr l ; , f { -. ( .� ,. 'r t -,'it tw .