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The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-18, Page 6
W.:Febru4rT Is a v Mun ons Succe AT TWILIGHT. IF XO1J VdSH TO BE WELL Out of the dusk( mint! blown and thiq, ss You moat fortify yoursystem again( Who shadowy wood boats gather in, attack of disease. Your blood mut ,And twilight hushes the ]arbor's din- -- kept Pure, your stomach and digeativ Sleep, little head. On my shaWdorl gags in order, your appttite good.. H The Sold lights wake throagh the avenin ICI �111y Wliat oilght t0 be Sareaparwa ie the mediuine to build ,in,the little village beside the bay, g Bray up, purify and enrich your blood and And • few cold stars gleam far away— Expeepted From you strength. It creates an appetite Sleep, little head, on my shoulderl gives digestive power. The salor turns his face once more �f I� HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite fa t�where. his sweetheart watts at the opened HIS METHODS .thartio, easy to take, easy to operati door. The lone light washes the wave swept shore -,- Sleep, little head, On my shoulderl The Dundas Banner says.— It is ter to have the elections on Marel Here where the dancing shadows swarm Upright in Rverything—Riwrays than on March 41h, although in Our driftwood fire 14 bright and warm , Keeping Fgfith with ith the Fes ease theQoyernmentiscertainCo Aft Beyond our window wakes the storm— People. 4th to victory and it will n its Thou sleep, little head, on my shoulderl and, AbOVO Rll, During Them March under Hardy, -William Carman Roberts in Century, Of Their Iiia—{Achy WoUldn't JOHN JAY, Success Follow `P A FAMOUS PICTURE. Ruder His Direotioa Bigrerr WeA AboI. The Almost Miraculous !Escape of _ ished 1n Now York State,Mr A. AtkeNo.phsael's -Christ Bearing the Oroaal John Jay to one of the most interesting To on o, Ca ads Says: 4"I haveote be nv a an adv ntu a or9 N. No icturer so miracui us's has hade roai n eco characters in our national history, He . constant sufferer for the last ten or 15 years. as Raphaei'e was born in New York city Dec. 12, 1745, At times I suffered Be "Christ Bearing the Oroai vere pains in the TG was ordered by the fraternity of Huguenot stook, and graduated from Stomach and chest. At other times it bas Mount Olivet at Palermo, the brotb King's—now Columbia—college. He was talien the form of soreness of the stomach, wishing to bay O a Specimen of of the at admitted to the bar in 1768 and lmmedl- Again intense epasme would occur. I have braced Italian ately became one of the most prominent treated with a number of m3dieal men their monastery, Theswork picturo s remd supporters of the colonial cause. He was who all failed to effect a cure. I began able for the truth with which the pain a colonel in the patriot army, chief of the taking Munyon,e Dyspepsia Cure and I New York supremo c,lurt, member of the can unheaitatingl� say that the new treat- has portrayed the suffering of the Savl( continental congress and the author of his ment has acted wonderfully and I have as he bends sin th Cho heavy I, w own state's constitution. He was mints. vastly improved. The pains have disc Raphael out painted It in Rome, where t•Or to Spain two years, and with Franklin peared and the depression Liter eating also. Parried out so much of his work, and 1 and Adams negotiated the treaty of Paris, T must express my entire satisfaction with patched ane carefully Siciy paurin and d Returning to America, be was for five Munyon's Remedies." patched by sen to Sicily. During the ahs Soars secretary forforeign affairs, and ane wind a Munyo l'a Rbenmatio Care seldom fails waves VOYS9O became soa storm aviolent that the vee. l In 1789 appointed by Washington the first to relieve in one to three hours, and oures was wrecked. chief justice of the supreme court of the in a few days. Price 250. The crow and Passengers United States. He was minister to Eng. Munyou's Dyspepsia Cure positively no trace of Cho ship or her ctPrgoswnS se land in 1794, and in 1801 withdraw from cares all forms of indigestion and Stomach again, save the picture, whicb, floating public life and devoted himself to study, troubles. Price 25o. Ito philanthropy its cued on the water, was washed ushc py and to the emancipation Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and discovered by Ilio expectant monks. of slaves, It was Under his direction that and breaks up a.eold in a few hours. Price On the case being opened it was foul slavery was abolished in New York state, 25c. He died May 17, 1828 that the sea water had in no way injux Nov. 19, 1794, Munyon's Congb Care stops Coughs, the divine beauty of the painting, Whi .john .lay signed In Lon. night sweats, allays soreness and speedily was bung up at Palermo amid great i don the Instrulnont known as .lay's treaty, heals the lungs. Price 25o. uta . joining and thanksgiving at its mirao by which most of the questions in dispute Ninnyon's Kidney Cure Speedily cures lous escape. between England and the United States Pains in the back, loins or groins, and all Raphael painted several portraits of b were settled. 'There were many matters forms of kidney disease. Price 250, left Without definite understanding at the y chief Patron, Popo Jt the II. No weer plan ou'S Nerve system, a stops nervousness than 12 aro extent, but the majority war end SI the Revolutionary war. By the and builds up the system, Price 250, at ny rate partially, Painted by his pupil provisions of the Jay treaty the northern Munyon'a Headache Cure stops headache I The three-quarter length figure of tl boundary of Maine was determined, Amer• in three minutes, Price 25. loan citizens recovered about $10,000,000 Mnnyou'S Pile Uintmont Positively sorsa famous Popo which hangs in our Nations for illegal captures oP vessels by English piles. p y gallery was painted on board. I all forma of �ilee. Price 25c Theroundpictureof the "Holy Family, cruisers since the peace Of 1782, and all Munyon'e Blocd Cure eradicates all im- the western posts still held by Driiish gar• Pericles of Cho blood. Price 250. which has b°cu so often reproduced, we risons were surrendered. Munyon's Female Remedies ara-a boon mss° Painted on wood, Raphael, it is sail The American people wanted some to all woman, having seized the bottom of a tub an things that Mr. Jay was unable to secure 1llanyon's Catarrh. Remedies never fail, sketched the figures upon it for lack c dor them, He could not prevail on the The Catarrh Cure—price 25c—eradioates morn suitable mattrsy1 .English diplomatists to Open Canadian the disease from the system, and the Ca- Among his countrymen he was knoll parts to American vessels or to grant a tarrb Tableta—price 250.—cleanse and heal °s Il Divine"—"'Phe Divine Raphael.' free traffic in West Indian Seas, and the the parts, He was the son of an artist named Qic regulations upon neutrality as betweep Munyon's Asthma Remedies relievO in vanni Sanzio, from whom his first lesson English and French privateers were ncd ! throe minutes, and cure permanent! in art wore received. Later he became s What his countrymen desired. Price $1. Y. Pupil of Porugino, who quickly recognize( The Jay treaty was really only Supple. I Mnnyon'eijlVitalizer restores loaf Vigor. his genius, ane un(lor whose tuition ht mentary to the treaty of Paris, by which Price $1, executed whilu Atli amore youth works thO Revolutionary war was ended, and the A Separate cure for each disease. At all which not only Cyttaied but surpasses growing strength of the states rendered its druggists. Mostly 25o a vial, those of his master citizens impatient of anything 1e68 than a I Poreonai letters to Prof, Mnnyon, 11 and Raphael lived only 87 years, and tb( complete concession by England, ,Tay 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free amount of work he executed was indeed ex, was most roundly abused. Public meet- nedieal advice for any disease. traordinary. It is small wonder that such ings were held in half the cities of the I undertakings as the frescoes on the second country, and he was accused of having A Royal Reprimand, floor of the Vatican and the cartoons for the been purchased with British gold. A tutor was once employed to teach away.ixThe originalstino Y rthese cartoons But President Washington felt assured A I the son of a king, The young prrnco was hang in our .National gallory. substantial advantage bad been gained, sometimes disobedient. But in the estee,ri Tbd last work upon which Raphael was and be approved the treaty, the senate of the tutor it was not quite proper to employed was a painting of "The Trans - ratifying his approval Aug, 14, 1795. — wh Chicago Times -Herald. itch. ip the son common king with n oomon figuration."" He died of fever and was Sk So to the lapel of the boy's coat buried in the Pan thoon. —English Ex- , ,. the teacher pinned a piece Of purple ribbon, change. t Plain Yellow. WI en the young prince manifested a dis- _ S % There are no doubt many People who, P°Sidon to defy authority, the instructor not naturally responsive to the beauties of Pointed with the end of the rod to the Delicate children! What i nature, assume in the presence of fine Purple ribbon on his coat. This was an ' scenery or Striking atmospheric effects an appeal to his royal blood. a source Of anxiety they are ° enthusiasm which they do not honestly ' l feel, because they are not willing to be In MexicoCitp "first Plast American The parents WISh them 1 f"' thought; deficient in appreciation of rob• butter, made Iiy an expert,„ is advertised hearty and strong, but they Y jests that excite admiration In otherat 60 and 66 cents a pound at wholesale 1, minds. Far better than such hollow ecata• end retail respectively, keep thin and pale, files is a frank and modest confession of „ 5 proferencefor other forms of beauty—those ro all these delicate chil- i belonging perhaps more dtrectly to human ow art or 1fPo. Sucb an avowal implies, of CAPS OR CROWNS. dren Scott's Emulsion of p r course, a natural lack which Is unfortu• Cod-liver Cil with Hypo— nate, but 1t does not necessarily imply Stu• whether the head macre a flap or a crown Hypo— mate, u Ignorance, does co and It I headaches Will come. Burdock Blood Bit- ' gives the per- tern cures all forms of headache, It is a phosphites comes with the Bon making it the, dignity and charm of 4mudor. curative for rich or poor, r' best of news. - n•-•—�N11tdmlrably_ f n tbough_har ad "I suffered with terrible violent bead pp ealiea, but -$;-.8 -$roared me before--I"bad It llilllgS rlcliIOodr_. _ miselon carried hero shorter distance, was t a lady who, with a companion, stood re- finished the fourth bottle. w garding the setting sun at the clots of a MRS W MACKLIN, Cypress River,Man. strong bones, healthy nerves, 130autiful autumnal day. The sky was and sound digestion. It Is singularly clear. There were no clouds to bar the shining heavens with contrasting growth and prosperity t0 colors,or to catch the sunbeams on their edges In gleams Of The Wandering crew. them. gold. Only, as the There are various versions of the story( groat orb Slowly doacended, the mallow light of afternoon descen richer and more of the Wandering Jew, the legends of NO matter how delicate golden, until not only the sky and its re- numerous romanceswhom have , poems and tragediesfoundations . a fllMMODS in the molten stream, but the One version is that this person was asere- the Child, it is readily taken. gees, the shores, the distant hills, th0 ant in the house of Pilate and gave the! SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. urhole visible world and the very air that Master a blow as he was draggedsir. and a,,00 all druggists, flatbed it, wore one great lovely, golden the palace to go to his death, popular i glow. One of the watching women drew tradition makes the wanderer a member q i a' long breath of admiration and murmur- a •- WOOD'S 4 ed softly: or eight! ©ears Naphtali, who, some seven F , How beautiful I- s y previus to the both of the NORWAY "Well," replied the other, Christ child, left his father o go with the, glancing wise men of the east whom the star led to h about hor without enthusiasm, and com- the lowly cob In Bethlehem, It runs also grew b ly, " ng her shawl, as the air that the OauSO of the killing of the obll- PINE -grew c illy, '"you know I never did oarO Bron can b0 traced to the stories this Por-! 'Inuch for these Plain yellow Sunsetst"•— son related when he returned to Jorusa- Xouth's Companion. lam of the visit of the wits mon and the! � r R presentation of the gifts they brought to +� P. D. Armour. the Divine infant when be was aoknowl-I THE M03T PROMPT., i Philip D. Armour began the struggle edged by them to be the King of the Jews. l 6 for life with notbing, The first capitol be He was lost sight of for atime, when he FlOa�t and Perfect Cure got he dug out of the ground In the form appeared as a carpenter who was employed for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 'S of gold from the PlacoraoP California. His in making the °rose on which the Saviour) Braaphitit3l, FitDRrAe111efiD, flrsb,Venture in industry was as a pork was to be lifted up before the eyes of all _ Packer }n Milwaukee, The war wave men. As Christ walked up th'o way t6! OYo x'1lroftt, Croup, Vf%b00p- Came along and carried him In a very abort Calvary he had to pass the workshop of Ing Coughs QAingy, poAn in $Imo to the possession of great wealth, this man, and when he reached Its doors Then be went to Chicago and began to the soldiers touched b the sufferings of the Chest and all Throat, Ibul]d up the great business of which he the Man of Sorrows, besought the carpop-I the and Lung Diseases. is master today. He has bought and sole! ter to allow him to rest there for a little. The heeling anti -consumptive virtues 'various properties. As director and owner But he refused, adding insult to a want of .of producing Industries, he has been mbst charity. Then it is said that Christ pro-: of the Piera4'ay Pine are combined a eiieeoSsful, As a more trader—a buyer P in this MQdioine with Wild Cherry tdbd seller --be has rare pluck and Sagas} nounaed his doom which was to wander over the earth until the second coming. and other ascots! Herbs and Dal - and and be has added to his store very Sines that Sentence was uttOred he bee 11AM111 to make a truo speeifio for all jarsaes by tilts means. Mr. Armour wandered, Courting death, but- finding it forma ofdiaeasooriginatingfromeolda. drosses simply, lives In a plain LuuaO, fa not, and his punishment becoming morel P�iC� a er f jutOrestOd in education and has away oP unbearable as the generations come and 250. and BQO• q "(Wiping out the debts of small churches of go, HO is said to have appeared In the' i all ereells that amazes the impecunious sixteenth, seventeenth and oven as recent- 00®®�36�a9O0v6>0 oongmgatlous tbereof.—San Francisco Ar- ly as the eighteonth century under the °haut. names of Cartaphilus and Ahasuerus, by' Give which the Wandering Jett/ has been TIYb Perversity of Moods. known -:-St. T,ou}s Republio, i the The only food "'Don't you fool more like wonting at p�� that will bt ild sbmc timos than at othemP" Inquired the BRONCHITIS L'TJRI;i). B young woman. " y lip a weak con,,- Tb' ,t. "Yes," ho replied. "I do. Whon I am M:cgsne T. Mu,DuaN & Co., Toronto, Out. a �+ titration grade We rldin'g In a railway our, where I can't pos- DAAa Sina,—I brave i•crd ilagyafd'e Yel- Chance ally but surely is slbly'Drld a Pon, poneli or paPer or any. low nil for n,, cbilttrtn when be had bran_ fscdji to talk business to, I 1 ut to fooling ehiti^, n,' l altvnge with groat Snocete. I ee i Tbi a6r( ilidustr`lons that it makes me nervous.." nsr` it also for Sore throat,and can Pay there s i.Y , - Wtishington Star. is nothing to edea] it, as a sure cure, r ! Ron ' 11017 that Bilk fabrics are sucaegsfull Mus JAS. O'BnIFN i1 � V tj y Huntdvhle, Ont. In tl *441110 of wood, cotton, linen or ramie, tui Old industry of China and,Tapab Is threat- a simple, scienr;r. 111 '�isd by 40lnothing mora soriong than, far- +CJA.lgitt7." '�7�� nutritive b Y IeK ThO nOW 1)rW 9k6 ire attracting lfaa. -�+• _•,ten tar inalids' Iildoh- l'ittenti0n ailf0ii9 American invent- .1" delicate Cnf]drell and invalids. tiifaa:at8 , �A KERRY WATSON S Cb., MorN(srgaq Ii INalitrtei►L P E I e v t the Won at a Hound, f can Rheumatism Cure is I►u absolute This estallishmont is ill lull or oration' and a speeifle, and radios order filled in the most satisfaeto, y way, come fly curse the Cash _ t be 3 or- lawiwTTlR d's In one of the largest and moat comfort - able stalls of one of ''tbe finest stables of the country there is An old, r-� , ORM y.,otl stiff jointedomw hares tbat to not long to enjoy the luxuries Physlelaus without any lastingg i beneIIt. A tow doses of Bout h Ameri- give and that have peen showered upon his tbor- oughbred Highness for years "Thab's DitESSDTAIKING: NEw rt RTITS NOW IN ►7TOw t` O .t11 h7 oily D001" said the owner as we stopped baforo the manger. "I always she wi 1 bo Prepared ;to exe- Cato all orders onttusted to her in a thoroughly workmanlike and satisfactory manner. She SOLD BY WATTS I ,, AR'GUIMBAU'14 (Select Layers, A>GfiIIN$ iFineotrista12# will not permit ns o Sesta prions, but come and See for yourself what anspa we have to offer, ember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in speak of my marriage as a runaway match, and Duke aid the running. a was 6 the trade. DERTAKYNG. Ila department our is HURRA-19- FOR v1- LijuONDIKE! t 0II" F3tA11E CIIRR�� bet- lot strong, Swift, fearless beater. Many'a the cross Country record I made with him. "One day f I' '. (• EA11fornia Prunes, best Bleme Fige in ma and laygiCp i>I to , Lemon, Citron and Orange eels, so" Raving bought 6t tile)pF'@4t this after I bad been away for a month I took Him out for an airing, '' , we will give You close priicee. iIf3W ,rch ,at and you may W sure he wag full of fire and went as though bis mnsales cadre of springIto Offering At very low prices at present. All other goods kept in a department- al store at lowest pries, consistent with honest dealing, are to Highest for QED steel.A,p ho took me prancing by a big truck the driver struck him a cruel blowSIC with a whip, just to be • t rf F mean. It was a new cape was to Duke sed maddened He was away likes shot, the bit jos oL Sa8hx0Ar1'010B1indJFVatie.him. Chilton his teeth And his eyes i3aming. He chose se y¢ 09 Ot Ito We �.,, his way without accident till we came up- on an open barouche that was turning and had just straightened out across the strt at. They also relieve D hvr eftom, Dyspepsia, Wig -don and Too Fleas Eating. II Awl. �t S •,ems• • COOP It It PRO.I RIET01% of I tugged frantically at the reins, but might have for Dizziness, 'may >zZ:n, Ham, Drawl. Bad Taste In General Builder and Contra Y - are lo_ saved my strength. Duke shortened his stride a bit though he had rtis,P orad �' the Mouths Coated Tongue M LIVER They This factory is the largest in the count in k roadeas a mighty los and the distance, carriage cleared the sae with its 000uPante. titsi$ovaTelO R Ptnely egetable. cilinery, capable of doing work on the elf's testhnotice very Latestyyimproved ma- an reliable stook and prepared plans, and for to � ff In this effort to seemed to have vented hie seem wrath, And I turned within half a block. �YtitBli ���I. $ Z?O$E�r Bdt18I1 F►NCga lan give estimates tendrbu�d e01 11tQclass. es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work ig sup rv'., ed In a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed, he "The young lady in the bnrouche, A Stately creature with great black ayes, Substitution we sett all kinds gf terior and exterior material, Lumber Lath, SLi>tigles, Lime, Sash, Doors, he Is- was Clapping her hands. The old lady on the other sent was scolding about circus (119 fraud of the daty. Blinds ! EIS Agent for the Celebrated GRA TBILL trb ad Performance And being used as ss hurdle. Tho rest you can fill in. The girl was a SC4� you get Carter's, SCHOOL DT'Sgt Tilanul'netoi at Waterloo. Call and et prices and ea mates before lapin H p P g your crdexe tel horsewoman herself. She was glad to ride Duke, and he was proud. It was not long till she Toted both Oi Carter's, " ld in in the horse and his own- cr."- Detroit Free Pro— - — Insist and demand Ige91� ����� w 3 1097k re TtIE NEW ERA QIVEB T$)f $ E NENEWS-a -arter's Little Liver Pills rusts HAISJNS—Malaga, Valencia, Sultans. CURRANTS—Filiatrae, Fiue.Vostizza d ih • `� California.,Prllues and Elime Five. — s" I- K11�/���` MCHillop Insurance Company, CROSSE & BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. is v i `J • Tho underelcki d has been appointed to rep- resent the Iv(clii]Iop Insurance Co., for the townships 1VT7TS—Filberts, S. S. Almonds and !Walnuts. Cc oking Figs for 5C a -pound rSOUTH ,, AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE nosh. A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR, ' pany, of 13ui'ett, Morris and East wawa- Par(le,i having business witu the com. or desiring; to insure, be NICE, OLD RAISINS for 5c a pound. Headquarters for i, o attended Relief In sig hours! Whab will promptly to. ROBT, SUITFI, Harlock. Teas A , Sugars, Croekely, Glassware and Lamps, 1 a glad Mesl- saga to the Pain -racked, bed•rtdden, des - Pairing rom au>£ererhis s rhoumorne scrual CLINTON. MARBILE T90IZRS. is and this is a fact borne out by volumes volumes of evidence, for this greatest of COOPER'S OLD STAND. Vain conquer J. W. j"���)I� .. V .LV M V �ln�•O ora, Nex to Commercial Hotel. i Rheumatism is oorAble—south Amor!• ------ �"r f can Rheumatism Cure is I►u absolute This estallishmont is ill lull or oration' and a speeifle, and radios order filled in the most satisfaeto, y way, come fly curse the Cash stubborn casae In from one to throe days I sufrered intonsel ezand granite work a specialty. Prices a y sonable as those of any establishment r-� yfrome edies am and eraatiosA Triad many remedies and many — HE Al Ill & II30VEP'Clinto a ��•�e(� � t$1}f�El sY�te+�i/d'i(�i�g Physlelaus without any lastingg i beneIIt. A tow doses of Bout h Ameri- OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT can RheumatfoGure wonderful! hal me; tped wo bottles cured ma.."—EgErrel Mo DitESSDTAIKING: , Steady inorense in our trade is good proof of the foot that our goods are right and our prices lower than those of other dealers ThousandsoTOnt Subscriber bas opened dress makID9 rooms in Yhosuewnda freotl slaves tellthe 1 the house formerly o• cu�.ied by M,•s, 14c, Har. Sam© sQory—don't suffer an hoer OilStaeet, whe,e Ionger..-22, a she wi 1 bo Prepared ;to exe- Cato all orders onttusted to her in a thoroughly workmanlike and satisfactory manner. She SOLD BY WATTS I profit, other Cases, Ila t0 be added in for the retail dealer. I eek we have passed into stock some of our now dea}gns, Space & CO., CLINTON desired goo out and do sowing -by the day if ISS BY, Huron will not permit ns o Sesta prions, but come and See for yourself what anspa we have to offer, ember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in Street, Clinton, the trade. DERTAKYNG. Ila department our is HURRA-19- FOR v1- LijuONDIKE! stook complete, and 'we have undoubtedly the beet funeral outfit in the county. Oak prices are as low as the lowest, L WADFOOT,13Q & co. i•- we Chidley As very few can afford to go to the Ynkon Klondike, we have decided to give YOU one at home. YOU can make and Save Manager —Night slid Ouilddy 06119 attended to by calling 6,11. W, money by patronizing the Em- porium this year. Our spring gooda are arriving continually, and are ex • sept}anally good Value and very choice. Cjhidtey'a, (Funeral nrdotor) re6idelioe. _ We are rsot going out of "Bis" or dissolving partnership, but are going right along. We make a point to sup- ply our customers' wants. We carry a large stock of first-class goods. No trash or shoddy dealt in. Dress Goods, 'Tweeds, Overcoats, Underel Boots, Shot s, Heavy Rubbers and Robes °(Ling, Offering At very low prices at present. All other goods kept in a department- al store at lowest pries, consistent with honest dealing, are to Highest for price be found here, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes and wood. ADAMS'EMPORIUM R. LONDESLU.,U. 1 tt D �•-.`� ADAMS d GLO'PFING? CLOTHING How about that suit you want made to order? see our tweeds before you buy. 00 buys a nice suit, 12 buys a better one. 13.50 gets you more style. 14 leads you to higher grades. 15, splendid value. 16, elegant styles, beautiful cloth. dm'r , t .1 wi:l present to its renders a faithful pictorial tupre- sencr,ron of t::e world's most interesting and important news. TiifF_ PEWS TRAT BECOMES HISTORY National and mer - The W e tt.v wilt continue to participate natlonai Pol'Ftics n the great potitical events of our court- Sodal and Economic try. It will treat of the social and eco- ? - Questions nomic questions, and of the development 4 Industrial Enter rise of the middle west. Its special corm Art and L)tera',urC tli� tory ent soothle e greatkgold(discto-ert'^tos� 1 s. R. Crockett 1 LONS SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Cuts`hur 1 Two longsarialswill appearduringthe Tea RED AXE year, contributed by authors of inter- DV S. R. CROCBEIT national fame, and will be illustrated. NICE AAaOCIATI:13 JIERAI119 By FRANK R. AMICTON VL ewes Wister These and a score of equally prominent Howard Pyle writers will contributeahortstoriostotha John Kendrick Bangs Wsatu.yin r8g8,making thepriestoaper pa Mary E. Wilkins ciallyrichinfictiom Other features are the- ` DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES r Caspar whitaey THIS BI)Sy WORLD FOREIGN NOTES By E. S. 2f.4RTIN �� LETTERS FROM LONDON Rr ARNOLD WHIT$ A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND l Inthe interest oftheWnatcav,Casp. Whilri iso the world. He will visit Siam fn search of big me, making principal hunt from Bangkoic. Hewnlvisitlnriiaand then proceod: to Europe to prepare articles on the sports of Germany and Francm. IOc. a copy (sendjor free 9rorpecjw). Sr,6ser:Q/rmr $,t,,Op a perp, ./y�� Postage,&ea in the U died States, Canada, and Y. D. Howc(Ie Address 11ARPE11 & BROTHERS, Publishers, Men Toro Cttlr henry jamas ►.,4&AL1GLoa-a.es Chea�ey"' DUring•the month of :Feb. we �e nit realwill gids great inducements to cash %:xteusion Tables for 400 wortli $5 00a� Mattresses - for 2 75 worth 3 GO Allittressesl - for 2 50 worth 3 00 iieds wa.cls - for 2 0 Worth 2 75 ' Wire SpriligN - for 2 00 worth 3 00 We carry the large lowest pr'i stock and J. H • C K E LS IEW. B ell at the lowest prices. �/ ` {� t YTH, s � orr. sat ■ Calll in and HE LEST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BI' HOR-AC,�E FOSTER iO B'T'. COATS & SO 9 7 - 8 HARPER'S MAGAZINE a will enter the coming year prepared to Sive to the reading public that which has made it famous for the pest quarter of from the ��•�e(� � t$1}f�El sY�te+�i/d'i(�i�g pens of the great literary men and women of the y leadiry—contribulto ii world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such rtyading as OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT �•7-� r r ��•.i{(/ .((�, (`,/0 OX (� Co JCW� aV: rROMcTS FOR A NICARAGUAN CANAL TUE COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE OF AN ISTUNIAIt CAtItAL Rr SIB DAVID TURNS Dp OMINT Ole OU C, FORD RABTEnN SIBERIA AND THE PACIFIC kw. TCf$ DgpiCLO0HART Ob OUR PACIFIC DOMAM r Ry STEPILR'N BONSAL , Steady inorense in our trade is good proof of the foot that our goods are right and our prices lower than those of other dealers Rr OfId RLSB F,}LUdfdllB by Hnirav RODEN S CORNER-THISoNOVEs OF THE YEAR 1' in the trade, manufacture furnita O on a large Coale ana Can afford to soil, cheap, If yon bey from us, We S8V0 for you the which, in be contributed by such authors as W. D. Howells, Richard Hking nov vies I rind rt fiction g Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, end athero. Thane aeries of article profit, other Cases, Ila t0 be added in for the retail dealer. I eek we have passed into stock some of our now dea}gns, Space will be a THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART ANO THE 0 ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKET will not permit ns o Sesta prions, but come and See for yourself what anspa we have to offer, ember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in Sub. 14 a year. Add est HARPER & BROTH—,1s4 Pub% N, y, Clty Send gr�eatrco, o- the trade. DERTAKYNG. Ila department our is stook complete, and 'we have undoubtedly the beet funeral outfit in the county. Oak prices are as low as the lowest, L WADFOOT,13Q & co. i•- we Chidley gy Manager —Night slid Ouilddy 06119 attended to by calling 6,11. W, A. Cjhidtey'a, (Funeral nrdotor) re6idelioe. _ �'. >�» wA11'to' MI w _ _ -