The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-18, Page 2Febrouy 18,1898
,- 4Nay
e p O"14;
e7lL�[T1\ �� e O N ! lyR 1 O..
Bookkeeping. Our system of
hook -keeping is actual business
from start to finish.
Shorthand. Our Shorthand
department is the most thorough
in Canada.
Instruction. AN individual in-
struction is given students may
enter at any time.
POSMoXs. Begin now and be ready for l
a position in the spring.
A. S. N INNO, 1.
Clinton Post Office.
r' A. M. P. M. I A. M M
10 15 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 700 4 C
!r , , 7 40 4 30 Wingham and Kincardine 9 55 0 s
10 15 6 55 Western S.W. & N. W. U.J. 7 00 4 0
" 1015 1 03 Parts, BurYalo&eastern U 700 4 0
10 15 1 03 Toronto & points east & nrth 7 00 2 8
1 03 ... Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 23
11 :' 1 03 Manitoba, N W '1' and B C 7 00 23
1Stratford and Seaforth., 7 00 23
-1027 03 "
10 27 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 3
103 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00
>_. 740 255 ..........Goderich_•..••.... 12 4,
Lucan crossing, Sarnia and
O 15 655• • nntermediate points... 7 00 44,
:n• 7 40...Londesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55
The office is open to the public (holidays ea
•eepted) from 8 to 7 15 p m., but holders 0
look boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m
Money Order and Saving Bank office oper
' 9 a.m. to 6 p,m.
Matter for registration must be posted hall
an hour before closing the malls.
t ' Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav
Ing at 5.30 p.m,
ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched
from this office to Londesboro and Belgqrave,
'Also to Mitchell and Dublin, malls closinsc ale
ab; ve stated.
Mails for British isles'and European conn•
trtee intended to be:forwarded by New York,
tmust have written on the top left hand corner
' 4 of envelope' VIA New YORK.
1 ' At the annual meeting of the Shire
' Horse breeders' Association of Canada,
.; in Toronto, on Wednesday, the Preaid-
t�.;, ent,in his address,stated that, "the fut-
lure of the shire horse in this country
was bright with promise, and already
an improvement in the prices ofhorse's
of all classes was being experienced
a and would be still more felt during the
succeeding twelve months. I am fore -
ed to the conclusion that the present
11-in,.reased price of horses will not only
11 be maintained for some time, but will
a,etually advance, and that before very
-• long we will once more see the breed-
' ing of horses} a profitable industry,"
This is the way to figure up, says the
t Dundas Banner. In order to carry the
day and secure the reins of power the
a•'•'•. 'Whi,tneyites will have to carry every
T `
seat they now bold or make up for ev-
F4;*,: , ery one they lose. They will also have
1.` ,11, I to carry every Patron seat - and the
x tinajorlty of Patron members. are ;Re-
. P , lormers. And they will have to carry
' ; 'r several seats held by Reformer mem-
bers. It cannot be done. On the other
hand,all the Reformers have to do is to
:. bold the seats they now hold, or an
equal number, there being a majority
of Reformers in the house over Conner-
' •: Vatives and Patronsput together. Any
,'` one whosays that the Whitneyites will
4.. Jhold adl.the-seats-they hold now, carry
• atil.the Patron seats and win some of
> ; . -the Reformer seats as well, does not
)know the rule of three.
-Many persons are interested in the l
r •Standing of the political parties, in the j
dominion Parliament now in session l
"st�Ottawa. In the bye -elections of last 1
l fall the Liberals gained a seat, making j
,,, o on a division. In the 28 contests i
that hrLye taken place since June 23, 1
1896, the followela of Sir Wilfrid Lau-
tler carried 26 seats and the Opposition a
2:... he Liberals have gained 9 seats, a
=being 18 on a division. Official figures r
t4Uow, that iii the House of Commens I
F Chore now are 125 Liberals, 80 Conser- t
oatldes,'5 Patrons and 3 independent t
1,- (7Sneer9 atives. Ontario sends 45 Lib- r
orals, ]t0 Oonservative, 3 Independent t
" s ser es an r
Con e d 4 Petrone, With
the exception of ]lir Robertson, of East e
cii'litl'to,all of these Independents have e
eretpfore given a general support: to a
ire 'lGfnvernment. The Government
iroa o fty overall, including the speak-
;te ig,87. The majority, counting the
;lt,"'i4tron and Independent votes that gs; s
anally go with the Government, is 53, a'
` be Opposition profess to regard the n
t(iunia voted to aid the railways as con- h
l�Cttriting an enormous debt, variously t,
at'' $5,00)0,000 to $10,000,000. a
'khat are the facts ? The total aid rot- b
And to be • spread over 40 years, is h
LL ,MS. The reader may form his si
IL two opinion of the character of the O
if0ort fid' newspapers which magnify this tl
,alto a•debt of five or ten millions. The b
�'+ 04driiwent has evolved and put into u
#j6,& adheme of selling annuities real- ti
nzit,g •:ib the purchasers about 3 per b
is 6 per cent n •t '
apt. It gge p o its invest- tl
at>44tnid. ',the purchase money of the an- d
Inriitlett�p rigs the railway subsidies as n
rlhey falf due, and by the time the a¢• ft
kdutltsore squared the Government's w
prdfjts bit the interest pays off the' ken- T;
Mlituttles,_d,tld leaven the Government's ft
• Cappital untoltched. The cry, "Why le
xltl'I Annbities Ifyou have a surplu.9"? cl
U a fo,'rj• &Word one. Why should a er
ttll'ttt'r stall so,cilr'lties bringing him 5 per h(
-4o ti when he can get money, at 3 per ca
(ttstit., (hos makin 2 per cent. proflt, a Ar(
to ttssl;0r in forty ears will amount to hn
tlf'igtria'l Capital ? I fu
7 South Huron.
The Globe of Saturday says'"So
Huron has been set down as one of t
doubtful constituencies, and hae be
confidently claimed by the Consery
tives• We are glad to say that our
formation is that not only will Mr
Y. McLean be re-elected, but that
majoritywill be increased. He had
hard light four years ago, but duri
s Parliamentary term has heco
better know a to his constituents, ai
has strengthened himself very much
his record in the Assembly. He is
gond question a man of exceptiop
ability, and it is satisfactory to kno
t hat lie is very certain to hold a ae
jn the next Parliament."
Mr McLean will assuredly poll
larger vote than at the lest electio
and stands an excellent chance of b
ing re-elected, other forecasts notwit
standing. Our information is to t
effect that Mr McLean'sprospects ha
very perceptibly improved, and it wi
be time enough to bark on Mr Lt ilber
✓ election when the ballots are counts
What a dote for Hardy Means.
Honest, faithful service.
Assures good capable government.
Reflects credit on province and coup
g0 Deserves continuancefrom theelector
Young and old will vote in its favor.
the Best -Governed Province i
I the World.
i There are countries acknowledged t
be well governed,as there are countrie
acknowledged to be badly governed.
Those acknowledged to be well govern
ed are:
' Those in which law and order ar
well maintained.
Those in which the public revenue
are conserved.
Those in which agriculture is pro-
moted and fostered.
Thoqe in which opportunities for gen
eral education are provided, so that n
child should grow up in ignorance.
Those in which ample and kind)
provision is made for the care of those
who suffer from mental aberration o
the loss of any sense or faculty.
Those in which the citizenship and
equal rights Of every nationality, class
or creed are recognized and respected.
Now,jtidge this Province by the fore-
going or any other test. and it must be
conceded that Ontario is the most for-
tunate and best governed country in
the world.
It is never time to make achange for
the worse. .
Yet a change for the worse In every
respect might be made as readily
through over -confidence or neglect as
through deliberate intention. Every
citizen of Ontario who values the,pr?
less blessings of good Government, es
enjoyed in this great Province, should
keep _constantly to mind the weighty
words of the statesman at the time of
the national crisis: "Men say that God
moves slowly, yet will not let a good
cause fail. Let them refresh their piety
by a glance at his ways in history and
reflect that he visits wasted opporiun-
itiee not less than wickednes with
ruin." ,
OBITUARY. -One of the sad events
which come to us in this life, occurred
on Jan. 28th, when the angel of death
visited our neighborhood, and carried
away to his eternal rest one of our val-
ued residents, Mr John Horton. His
sickness was of short duration, being
less than three weeks confined to bed.
Typhoid fever was the first cause of
sickness, but pneumonia set in, and, to-
getber with a weak heart, was the di-
rect cause of death. We cannot yet
realize what we have lost. For years
be has been a pillar in the church, and
his hand was ever outstretched .to aid
any work that would tend to advance
the cause of Christ. He was an elder
in the church, and a member of the
choir, was Treasurer and Secretary for,
the church, and a"n"' active member of
the Christian Endeavor Society. Truly
we can say "a cedar has fallen in Leba-
non." He was daily growing in grace
ind the knowledge of his Lord, a loyal
supporter of the cause he loved, and a
Ncreat comfort to his pastor, Rev Jae.
amilton, who in speaking of him on
Sabbath, said that he could say of him,
'rom an acquaintance which was very
ntimate, that he was a true Christian,
ret a very humble one, ever wishing
uinself be5ter, but there was always
be true ring of the Matter's coin in
rim. The fruits of his consistent, life
vere born out in his death; he met the
;rim monster with a triumphant smile
,a he heard the Alaster's, "well done,"
,nd entered into the Joy of his Lord.
Is leaves a widow and six children to t
oourn hie loss. We can but commend
hem to the One who has promised to e
e a father to the fatherless, and a hus-
and to the widow, and prey that they ;
lay be able to kiss the hand that dealt t
he blow, feeling assured that he%,,,kes
o mistakes. The sympathies he
ntire neighborhood have been '
d; and we feel that we have sustained s
EXERCISING CARE. -The following
Vories come to us from a reliable
lurce,and we believethey may be true. I
ome time ago a certain person who c
,as at the time given to a little too 1
inch indulgence, arrived at a hotel
ear his own home, and was unable to r
roceed farther. His wife heard where
e was, and with commendable fare- c
sought went to him and found him
sleep; carefully removing hie pocket t
sok that it might be safe, she went i
ome knowing that he would A r
-ben he awoke. The pocket o a
mply contained $30100. On a otbe a
:casion the individual reached h
iA similar condition, and profltin S
is previous experience, took a ro f e
.Ils and shoved them an ar ' gth c
rider the house, intendin to procure v
tem some time afterw ds; when he
ent to get the money it was not there,
it an examination disel he fact
tat the rats bad carried it rther un- w the ben"., and were using it for a p
W; the floor had to be taken tip be- re the money was recovered, but it
as little the woree when gathered up, a
le indivi4tial in question shortly af- P
rwards resolved to turn over a new u
A and lead a better life;he joined the a,
arch, and has since lead a most ex- to
plaryy, and Consistent career;no more m
inorable an(l straightforward man
In be found in the County;hia word is
g()od as his bond; he has now no bad
tilts, And his name ip the synonym
honor, but we won't divulge lt, til
.. - -„ . —
1 }
Crisp County clippings. T -.,=i& THIRTY MILES FOR AN ACORN. _. PROPFiRITES FOR SALE OR To LET'
nth — _ Prof Won X�,qd Q
he H. L. Peine has sold his hotel prop- - ---
P P The indnstr er w Mexlcaa Bird In Stor. FOR $ALE. —�
en trey aG Hensall to Dan McCormick for i Ing Up winter Provisions. _ __I . . . ;;;;
a- the sum of $4,600. Fred A. Ober con ributea The undersigned will sell atanacriftee I,ot 461 ,J AX.B0 13C1�t�'�'
in- Mr Gen. Webb of the 20th concession St, contributes an article to or 12, Bailway Terrace Oilmen. Particulars r
M. Of Stephen, had tt two which gn, n hon .Nicholas entitled A Birds Store. This is the complaint of Upon applioatlon, JAME�3 SCOTTI Barrister &u '
I aQ; or, The Carpenter Bird. Mr. Ober tlwndanda at this season. Bili'Y'1$]'t ol.
birth to a lamb over two weeks ago � tells of the California woodpeoker that
a bores holes in trees and then fills them n They have no appetite
Mr Chas.E H
s Wilson, d O B
n of too II ES
Hensall lett o F
g f i UR BALE OR RENTty-
me Listowel, having leased the Mansion with acorns. He adds: P does not relish. Th need the tonin n at CONVEYaIiran, ,,,
g upat houses either for sale or to rent, Fult' Oommtesioner iqx Ontario t4 tlq n ..
id House, Exeter, from Mr Robert Lea- Down in Mexico there lives a similar Lhe etAmach sad digestive organs, which pertloulare on application t° JOHN MOGARVA Office immediately for
ri fyi A A itq
by thorny, has purchased lilt Ralph woodpookerwbo atones hienutaand aoorna a course o! Hood'a Harsaparilla will R#w � iii W1Qetugq�'
be- O Neil's entire hotel furnishings and , in the hollow stalks of the yuccas and them. It also purifies and enriches the VARbl Tu RENT.
al will take possession March 2nd. I magueys. These hollow stalks are sopa- blood, cures that distress after eating mad Good 80 acre farm to tont tri Goderioh Town r
W Mr Hiram Dayis, of the 4th conces- . rated by joints Into several cavities, and ship, CVs QtRYPQINE.
at slop of Usburue, has sold his flit acre I the sagacious bird has somehow found thle internal misery only a dyspeptic taro p about six n,iloa fro,,, Clinton. All ppartic BAR1ti9TER, SULICITQi% NQ'1'Ali
y out and bores a hole at the a know, creates an appetite, overcomes Ghat ulars ou application to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton r
farm to Mr 'rhos. Dickson, of Bid- � ppor ettd oP PUBLIC, ETq,
a dulph. Mr Davis elite rented Mr Kel- I'll Joint and another at the lower, tired feeling and builds up and stretai$s h`AIirDI FOIL SALE Office -Deaver I'tOSl4ca s
land's farm on the 3rd concession of through which to extract the acorns when the whole physical system. It so prompt _
n, I wanted. Than it fills up the stalks solidly ly and efficiently relievee dyspeptic symp- 80 apnea; Bayfield road; l;milosfrom Clinton, UO -stairs, Opposite Footer's to Qallex rQ ,t
Usborne. and loaves its stores there until needed, toms and area nervous headaches that M Soll,olay loam; abundance of water; bank CLINTON Y1 -
e Mrs A. w. Carter has sold her resi- + barn, 68x56 frame house and1.
h- safe from the depredations of any other seems to have almost "s magle touch." five acres op bush. good orchard;
dance on Queen St., Blyth, to Mr ' or
he Win. Bell, and has purchased t'rortt lilt LhThe II sitdpla Place
ur in
ooted which thisanimal.
curious JAS SrEN1' MERON ,
0 p fl0l: G� �s+r
ve Robei t Howard, the residence on Dins- I hablt was observed was on a hill in the / FOR SALE. lFonneriy of Camercn Holt & OarUer, " +
11 ley street, at present occupied by Mf midst of a desert. The hill was ooverod B'actory and oontenta on the roporty oP D.
Elam Livingston, with yuccas and magueys, but the neard S p BARRISTER A D SOLID rr
Buchanan for 8120; by paying f5 down and Uffioe-tiamrlton St op�yoolte Colbor QR.
a Seekers aftergold are often disappointed. oak trees were 80 miles away, and so it balance at 10 a month. Building to be re- . House
d. Seekers after health takes Hood'sBaraapar- was calculated, these industrious b ds moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. GODP ,CH, ONT
ilia and find it meets every expectation. had to make a flight of 60 ilea for h COTTAGE AND I,
Elijah Curran, one of the most wide- acorn stowed thus in the stalks. Sarsaparilla • BALE. LUT FOR D. {�. M Cyt iE� OH. r
1y known and p,opnlar young men. of An observer of birds rentar•ks, " ere , . __
Goderich, after a long urd painful ill. are several strange Pe e6 to be ticed Isthebest-In fact the One True BloodPtniftat The undersigned offers for cele a trema cot- UONVEYANCLNq+ 1'
nese, died on Fricloy last, lie had in those facts -the evident instinct tags of tour rooms wlc1, kitchen and woodshed FIRE, LIFig AND'ACCIDENT INSURANpp
which promptsHood's aro the hist atter-dinner attached. Centra __
been ailing for :t lore;; time and his taco P P this' bird to lay by stores PHIS pills, aid digestion. 260 drains o. ant hes ]d chen . Good water and
very was not hoped for, of -provisions for thawinter, the great die- g p• ppr�y to MONEY TO LOAN,
s, tance trnversed_to collect a kind of food so Clinton Deo.l0l,h �' C• tiEARLE. _
Mr R. Fl. Collins, Exeter, received unusual for its race and its seeking in a The it. (]lair River mn,s completely Office, MacKay nlock, Cliuto-.,q,• +
the sad intelligence on Wednesday of place so remote from its natural abode a blocked with ice, and the Port Huron �—
the death of his only brother, who re- storohouso so remarkable." and Sarnia ferry line for to tactic- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE
centl died of typhoid fever in Aug- P _
n Y YP Can instinct alone teach or have oxperi- illy suspend business on h?unday, for The frame houseand half -acre lot on Hut JOHN RIGOUT.
ttalia. He was principal of a high ence and reason taught these birds that the first time this winter, Street, Clinton, on _
school and leaves to mourn his demise far better than the bark of trees or crevices ed for for sale. Occupied
or ordinary , COMMISSIONER, a wife and six children. family. Hard and ooft water and sellar, also CONVEYANCER
in rocks or any other hiding plane are WANT TO DEEP YOUR NEURALG}IA7 bearIngtruit trees. The house is well located, Fire Insurance. M + ETC
o An event which is usually hailed these hidden cavities the make for them- O course you don't; so you should take Money to land. Real estate
s Y y f y and will be cord on "nor'able terms. Apply maWere carefully attended to. with delight by the fairer sex took selves within the hollow stems of distant Scott's Emulsion. It is a fact this remedy to GEO. SWALLOW , or ou
the Premises to __
place at the residence of Mr Wm.Earl, plants? cures it; and it cures nervousness, nervous MRS AGNEW Clinton. UfHce-HUNON STREET,
7th con., Usborne, on Wednesday, This we cannot answer. But we do debility and insomnia also. •CLINTON
Feb . 9, thee vent being the marriage of- know that one of the most remarkable _ ___ CHOISIE N�AR1M-- FOit---- :,
his daughter, Kate Alice to Mr John birds in our country is this California The very readable series of papers For
Thompson. The nuptial knot was woodpecker, and that he is Well entitled Which Edward Everett Hale is wa iting To or eaT of God R. AGNEW
ea'e,lote 45 and 74, on the Maitland con., s
tied by the Rev. C. Fletcher, in the to his Mexican name of el' carp iptero- for The Ont.look continues to grow in erich 87 acres; nearly ail ,
presence of about eighty guests. the carpenter bird cleared and fairly well 'fmiced. : oil is first- DENTIST, CLINTON ,
interest, That printed in the Fybruary °]pas Good frame house and outbuildir,ga. 1.
One of Wingham'a former well. Magazine Number deals with Lowell's Bea Ing orchard, Well wateran ab7ut 5 miles AT ZURICH THE 11
- known residents was married at Port- THE GALLEY FIRE. life and friendships in college, and con- from
churches of wilt be sod Daae to sohuoi 2ND THURSDAY O$
age la Prairie, on Wednesday of last tains some examples of his poetic wo11
rk terms Apply to JOHN a sold o Creas n able EACH MONTH
week. Mr Joseph A. Youbill, son of Customs Aboard Ship Concerning It -Saw- when he was one of the editors of "Bar- —
y Mr S. Youhill, Wingham, formerly in Ing and Spluttina the Kindlings. vardiana." Dr. Hale in this install- Office Hours -9 to 5, r
Jas, A. Cline & Co's hardware store, The galley stove has a rack around the went to}la the true story of Lowell's HOUSE FOR SALE. •'
was married to Miss Jennie Wyatt, of top to keep the pots and kettles from slid suspenaiou from college just before ;1,•
Winnipeg, formerly of London" Out. Ing off when the ship pitches and rolls. graduation, about which for many ho ye son it tatenburp St , known Aa th brick D$. a i"
Peter Fox, jr„ passed awe at hie Some stoves are provided also with iron Years absurd and abaoiurely unfounded ton Property. e Fox- - C_ BRUCE,
]3 etre w stories have been circulated. The true SURGEON DENTIST, ;ham
residence oil Britannia Road, oderich, pa, hick can be scoured to the rank, Other houses and also vacant lots for sale. (lradnata R O D 8 of• n
on Monday at noon, after an illness across the top of the stove, over the pots cause . of the RnR pnvjrm was aim 1 Money. -private funds in large and small O toric, and Trinity
and kettles and solei o Simply ruara to luau o•i ro it to ta. ittttee low. varsity Toronto,
extending over four weeks. About , so that they cant slide at all, y young Lowell's lack of reg- W. BRYDONE, Barrister. g r^^ - ,_ .
the ]at of January he contracted a se- but are bold down to one spot As tar as ularity i❑ the at.t r pian(, upon the Col- peoiai attention given to the Preeervstlon
vere cold, which $Hall ended in the the fire itself is concerned, that is kept just lege chap, -1 exercise,- the teeth, v.
Y p l (y3 a year. The Y
attack of fever which caused his death. as it would be in a stove ashore. Outlook Company, l3 Astor Place,New CHOICE FARIP4 FOR BALE. Othes, Coate f look , over Taylor's oboe store �r`.
Deceased was born in 1858 on the lot • On American deep water ships the nom- York,) _ N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday nab
where he died, and has always lived 1n mon custom Is to burn hard coal, and the I For sale, a epiC Sp farm of 33 acres, belong- nmmer field every Thursday afternoon during tlr
town. fire is built anew every day. It is lot ° - ing to the late C. Spooner, adjoining the cor ..
g poration of Clinton. 411 cleared and under good
The home of Mr and Mrs William out after supper has been Prepared and is cultivation, amen crane home, Prams barn
built up again in the morning. The cook good bearing orchard and well. Will be so DR• WM. GONN, L. R. ,
Cann, Exeter, has been saddened by -Old on reasonable 0rms to close u E-wm. h. C. P. and L. R. 0. S
the dee h of their little daughter, Eliz- is an early riser, for on these ships !t 1a pthe estate, Al- g 011lce-Ontario greet Clinton11
' V se frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton, Night calls at front door of residence on Ratt
abeth Ann, who died on Monday last dustomary to give the watch on deck oof. ) With halt -acro or ground, s lendidlY located. •bury st.;..opposite Presbyterian church.
at the a e of 4 years, 3 months and 21 fee at half past 4 or 5 o'clock in the morn. L Q (�) >KRit, C. McGRKQOR Constance.
days. g ing. On some ships the men get a little I t � People S MR'S' W ROBERTStjN, Clinton,
A few weeks ago she was at. ` R J. L. TUR
tacked with.. typhoid fever and from snack of something to eat with it. For PROPERTY Ib' DR NBULL, M• D. TORO
the first her case assumed a serious as-
the preparation of this early coffee the cook f7 Z OR SALE iversity, M D. C,M„ Viotorja university
makes a wood fire. When the coffee has Troubles M'C'P& $•.Ontario. Fellow of theObstetrrics
pact, finally developing into inflatuma Foreale, et, elioporty it the south aide of Society B[ Edinburgh, late of London, Engg
tion of the lungs, which soon ended been made, he puts on coal and starts up s liaroa Street, Clinton, directly opposite the •EdtnburgliHospitsld, Offiae.-Dr,Dowsei'iand
her sufferings. the fire for the day. _ �� residence of Mrs Walsh. There is a two-story office Rattenbary. St. Clinton, y soll3 ,
The wood used is usually
frame hoose on the lot, which is nearly half an answered st the same place, Night bbl
Avery pretty wedding took place in y °Ord wpod i Hard for the acre, The property to moat ellg�bly situated, t
St. Michael's church, Blyth, on bion sawed and split. When a ship is at sea, it old folks to move and will be sold for $400 cash. For Particulars
day forenoon, Jan, 31. The contract- !$ not convenient to run out and get a apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton.DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, BUIL 11,
pundle of kindling wood at the store, and about -constant i R- J.chear, etc., office and residence d-
ing parties were Air Francis IV1cCaugh- backaches to 11
e R An ample supply of firewood is- taken bother them in tarso St., op osite Enouilb church, formerly on
y, of Hallett, and Teresa third dao h• aboard at the outset. The customs as to FINE PROPERTY for SALE. °spied by lopr.Appleton, Clintono Ont, ,s;k
ter of Mr Daniel Kelly, of Morris. The t h e daytime -
interesting ceremony, which made this wood vary. Some ships take aboard urinary weakness to disturb their The Update 1.
them one, was performed by Rev. Fr, regular card wood; which !s both cawed fest at night, adjoiui,,g the town offers for
etp g oRr14 jr,ZedioaN] De art GRADUATE OF T '
McKeon. Mr John A1CCUnnell, of and split aboard; some have the wood acres, 5acres of which is boating or of s1Ly, Totical a meat of Vlotorf
Hullett, assisted the groom, and Win- sawed into lengthy ashore and take it DOAK $ KIDNEY PILLS choioestfruita. The is bearing
Dispensaries, New
nie Kelly, sister of the bride, was aboard in that shape to be split up as need- hotras, bank bar,,, ppoultry house, etc', all in Count
od on the she There may at times be Strengthen the Kidneys and $ret -class repair. This is a rare chance 'or
a y of Hnrg11.
bridesmaid, Owing to the bride being p' y d help to make the declining farmer wishing to retire or for s peraorl wan;,
a member of the choir, high mass wits some wood that has been used for dun g in a fruit farm. For particulars appl� person•
sung. Mendeilssohn's wedding march nage and can be sawed up, yeah comfortable. or by let ter to H. JOYNI R Jr, Clinton, l E. BLACHALL
was played by Miss Jewel Lynn, or- As to who aawe'and splits the wood on Mr. W. G• Mugford, Chestnut .HonoraryGr ate oftheo'nte
ganist of the church, At the close of the ship, customs vary also. Oftener ooIlege. Treatealldiseases ofdomeoteatedand
probably, the cook dose tr Street, Charlottetown, P. E. I., macs on the most modern and eoientiiSo print
the ceremony the happy couple and in- , sawing and split. writes: USI ESS PROPERTY FOR pi -ea Of l immediately south otiheNewErs
vited guests drove to the home of the ting enough to last perhaps two or three "For the past two years I have SALE office. Re,301i e e Albert south
St.Clinton, pal
bride's father, where, the wedding days at a time. If there are boys on the had much trouble with disease of ght orday attended to promptly
ship, they are likely to caw the wood. On the kidneys and non -retention of That d able Brisk Business Stand on Al -
breakfast was partaken of. urine, was dropsical and suffered a bert St., Clinton, Occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
aorne ships the sellers raw it and split it great Baal with pain in my buck. offered for Bale, including rear lot and stable. JOHN F. MIr,xE, VETERINARY SURGEON'
A PROMINENT U. S. PHYSICIAN and etabk it up for the cook, who is sup- I have been greatly benefited by Thee location*
ie one of the beat in Clinton. The has returned to t liuton and o erred an 'cliia
posed to have enough to do in his regular the use of Doan'a Kidney Pills.' pp party ie free Prom incumbrance and title m at the p e
PRAISES DR. ACNE W .s OINTMENT , g dtsputab e. Price reasonable and terms to suit ed for Q the treatment of all diseases o! consult. duties. -New York Sun. purchaser. Apply to DEO. STANBURY, Loh- cattle, &o. All Dells, night or da ,
Dr. M. Barkman, Bingbampton, N. Y., don Road, or address Clinton P. O tended to. Y promptly at
writes: "Send me 12 dozen more Dr. Ag. Egypt.
new's Ointment. I prescribe _ large quanti TIME' --TO - -
Froriz the darkness which envelops the 1
salt of it, It is a great rauiedy for tetter, centuries modern research has brought to 1 PERRIN BLOCK D TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON
salt rheum, eczema and all terl
akin diseases, light much that was unknown and for. 2 B. Honoraryp Graduate of the Ontario res
and also a care for piles. Price 35 cents a FOR SALE nary College,
there oatBm diseases
box, Sold by Watts & Co. gotten. With almost the creative touch 8cienSNO Animrinals
Day e mnight prompt
it has made the dry bones to live again ake $300 cash 120 monthly, payments of°$13 each lY answered. Residence- p P
NBWEI NOTEe, and link by link drawn out the long chain D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton Clinton. Rattenbury St., west
of the years. What was once but a roll of -
Mr G. M. Rose, the well-known Tor. names has
onto publisher, died Thursday, at the grown to be a record of the PFatm fur Sale or to Rent. j1�AI1RIAOE LICENSE, daMES SCOTT ASR.
y+• words and deeds of men of like passions hssurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room ;;
age of 69. with ourselves. The bygone faces look — and Residence, Mnry street, Clinton,
Th th half of lot oncession 9, Town. i''
John Carney, a Tyendinaga farmer, forth by the side of modern man and claim hip of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres
was killed by being thrown off'. a logd the universal brotherhood. When Shoes are Selling• cleared and in good state or cultivatiyatiou, TAME r
of wood. Egpytian queonal What a picture the The, a are on the premises a frame house, frame tJ S CAMPBELL, LONDEgJ3BORO
Homo calls u of old times splendors, of the at our present prices. All barn, Pram. drive haus. good orchard, never ISSUER OF MAR1t1AGtE LIURNSEB.
The life insurance companies doing P P Pail ng supQly of spring water. Situated $mile No witnesses required
I in Montreal are accepting light at eastern skies, the soft breath o! YY interGoo(ls specially re- from the v,liaga ql Blyth, will ba sad on tea -
eternal summer, of the great Nile as a duced. soc,ablo terms. Appplyy toC.HAMILTot"B'.yth F. yp, EAItNCOMB, MEMBER OH A88'N OF
risks on Klondikera, beneficent deity, of monuments and al• or PHOS. R. K'Rl(3HT, Exeouto_ 948 Price s
Mr Fitzpatrick has introduced the Av , London, On P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Government bill to reeal the existitt aces, gardens and waving palm tree , of �p Clpil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office st Geo,
g houses with gorgeous coloring, of princes Good ➢■a1•diVOod taken lIl a%- Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Dominion franchise raw and subs:i- and slaves, all mingled on the tapestry of
ute therefore the Provincial lists. !louse and Lot for Sale
time t change for Robes, Blank- NOTICE To eREDITOR
The Customs Department have decid- Few countries claim such antiquity. Of ets, C. The frame house on Rattenbury street,
d to send two officers to Skagway and none do the estimated dates differ more immediate) seat of Z r. Tomunson'a, to
Dyea to furnish information to Canad- widely. An aboumulation of difficulties y Re Estate of L'liza tlnn Wilson, deceased.
ane going through to the Yukon by meets the student as it does the explorer, A fail stock of...... oaeThe sale
en n ve reasonable21t only visci pursuant to the R
hat route,and to assist in the carr in 0. Notice is hereby elven
carrying a period of years almost beyond compute• a minute' walk from the business centre, Seat! nt 36aand ann IId;II io 1887, Chapter 110
out o
f the customs
tion, a language at first undecipherable, Single and Double Harness, F g acts that all credt-
a has n sellar, large dining room, orlon tors and other arsons havin g
Sir Louis Davies made the following and even now but Imperfectly rend, trans• the estate of Eliza Ann g claims against
gyp, bed roo • and kitchen down stairs, with one Wilson, late of the
tatement re arding the Yukon Rail- lations proved later to be incorrect, basty .trunks, Valises, IX C� a Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron wi-
V in the House of Commons: -'•The guesses of scholars anxious to establish largr tad two smaller bedrooms npscalrs dew, f e December,
who died on or about the 2sth
Goo t •s:2ed summer kitchen and garden. day of December, 1897, are required to send by
gentleman who represented the Rothe- some favorite theory, broken monuments, Sliingles—Red & WhiteCedar Very conveniently situated for boarding pset pro paid or deliver• to W', B d to sen of
hilds in this country had the offer rifled tombs, Inscriptions erased and al• house. Apply at N$w situated
officer. g Clinton, Solicitor for James L. Turnbull, the -
made to him. After considering the tared. Among all these difficulties Iles ' Shingles always on hand. Executor of the said deceased, on or before whole question, afteoexamining all the the way, but with patience and cars and the let day of March, 1898,a statement of their
Call and see us. names, a dresses and deboriptione, with full
nformation that the Government with imagination for a servant, not Dartionlareandproofaofthertione, with
ould place before him, and after cats- master, one arrives, as the French say -at IWAR PIG FOR lt3ERVIC$. nature of the securities if any held by them:
ing to his Principals at home,he wrote least in a measure last. -Leigh North after AND NOTICE is hereby further rgiven that
the Government declining to touch in Lippincott's Magazines •l AS. TWITCHELL, Subacriber has just bought a thoro•bial the last mentioned day, the said Ex.
Victoria Block, Clinton. Duroe Jor•eoyboar, of first elasR pedigree, which eentor will proceed to distribute the assets of
at all." } he will keep for service. Terms, $ at time of the snidideeeased, amongst the Persons entItI.
Rev Mr Keefer, w1Yo was until re. A Poser For Bradiaa h, service. with prlvelege of returning it neees- ed thereto, having regard only to the claim A
g , sary. JOHN EIDT, Auburn Mills, of which notice, .hall then have been given, "d
eptly an able editorial writer. on the When the late Mr. Bradlaugh was once IT PAYS TO and the said Executor will not be liable for • '
Temppl�ar, has established a Subscrip- engaged in a discussion with a dissenting the said assets or any part thereof, to anyppeY•
ionNewe A enc in Hamilton, hav- g son of whosealaimhe shall nothavoreooived
Agency minister, the former inafetedbn the latter 'I IigOliO-BLL SALL 1tUCiK FOR notice at the time such BR rYitiun.
it been appointed the Canadian rep- answering a question be bad asked him by V
esentative of the New York Christian ,& simple "Yes'• or ,,No,,, with any ✓✓✓✓ Solicitor for the Executor
dvocate and other leading religious more oiretlmlooutton, assorting that every For vale, 9 two ear old Tamworth Boare,ono Dated at Clinton, thio beth day otJan,,1898
nd secular American journals. On question could be replied to !n tbat man- r• behnu whiner of the 8rd prize at London also
is retirement from The Templar, the fip later Exeter, Goderich, Clinton Seatort�i and RGENTS.
P per. The reverend gentleman one, In Dungannon. Also an aged Poland China Boar, "Klondike Gold Fields;' a 1 g
pectator referred to him as an earn- a quiet manner said, "Mr. B lA h, winner of lot prises where shown. 2 Duroo Jer- able book e selling _" 0, cheap, valtt-
et and thorough -doing Prohibitionist, will you allow me to eek y gusset Are You Aware 01 the Raft that soy Bonne, tl months olrl, ono winner of 2nd ble books taint like a whirlwind. Beautiful
maistent and unrelenting in his ad- on those forms}" "Certainl , 'said Br pr zee at London. Also one a ocl Jersey Sow, y live Dents, Books on tim
win or of 22 nrI-.. An or all of these win be DRAlILEY GARWTSON COMPANY,LrMrrrt
ocaey of what he thoroughly believed laugh. `•Then, may I ask, have you g1v TheCanadaBusiness College Bold cheap, WESLEY iV.FISFIER Banmillor Toronto,
to be the great need of the age. Mr
Keefer is well known in the count of up beating your wife? This was a poser,
for i! answered by Yes it would im- CHATHAM, ONT. CLINTON
Huron, havingbeen stationed at . \ The Gem Wovelo-wire Felle
ply he had previously beacon her, and u 6VOOD and COAL YARD. 5ubeoriber is a
Wingham. He as had a varied ex- by "No" that he continued to do as Iadoing more for its pupils than any other 7
e at el, being atone ti a one of the Husiness College in the Dominion. Fsxora, admittedly oforne t e Gthe b etW'vz .
moat eloquent ae well as one of the After Bis Do artntre. + perpne were p aa, d In two months Stu >vxbaeribor Is pre orad to ppromptly fill all Or- in existence. The wire need in '
moat poplar clergymen in Canada, p dents from bll quarters are fhoking to this dere for Wood or �oal, whish will be sold at Ooiled-spring Steel Wire, beat made, t
at having also engaged in mercantile Amy --Tom wants to marls* me, Arts- worthy business school. low0at rat0a• Office on Isaac Stxeet, at LAVES instable tightener., closely woven and to fu
orsuits that had the misfortune to be topbanes. Do you think I had better take Rcsl4es a largo attendance from Chatham IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WHEAlrLBY nished complete at 6o per strand per rod, fi
the chances? there are already this year 93 pupils rogisterec( t�T f0e Hohave
e hsv of woven Until it is put a and on
nprofltable, B. B. is a clever man, front outride poIt to 60 of them from pointe GE S -Book bueinoeeis batter than for a e as many strands 1 tiioy p a It
1'd would, we believe, have,b:en et.
BbstonParrot-Candidly Ido, in uesrbr to oth°r busieeas Colleges than to A carspast;aisohavebetterandfastersollin a strong, durable fence, one better,
r off to -day bad he remained in the P Chatham. a whereluaed farmers prefer iti to any ohr
as It is erlloue to mon a boo s. Ag:ntsnlenrfrom$tOco$40weoklY. A PEIICi'EyANB Aolmasville
iniatty. ahanoes, bspoolally wh a hae reaohe We pretumo these people invoctITAcd the fnwleadom Are: "qqueen Victor a, 'Life 6f Mr ,
merits of the difioront Acbools, and decided Gktdstone,' "My idother'A Bible stenos, '•Pro
the period of the lost o o.-Harpor'aBazar. hat nothing
lbut the lbest
wol satisfy them, gtseslve5poakor,""KIcndikoGold ieids,""Wo• AGENTS-',
�°��= S K o matt " Glimyy,�aoA of rho Un9onn BrealtPrtst „
Tho fan The pope In 1186 prohibited th6 arses Write formtalogne of other' departments an Dttuter and r3titp or,"' Cat�oda; ori Eno. Gib The best life of Her bfri s
r.milo .. —1K, p 41 >Y brio le if+ I haus rasa
e'""" "' ooDrp bow As barbarous and threatened oreaa^ p The~BRADLEY i,}A1tRE sacra, writes Lord Lnirie about.,` a an Victoria
!a 0A a list of the d3 pupils plttcecl in two months; din•• flnolrs an throe, t)ht(lf�s fres to oanvq A onto fnbke �n dnllara ,dhi
gax'ttos bowman with eacomfrinnloatlon, Torofita. xS(}N 17b., Litnifotl B A" ri -GA I 0r� ANy, L11
of . � aeappels _ D. 141roI.AC�E#LA. �'C74;r,011:utllh,pl
{ i . y l rettto. !