HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-05-07, Page 5'To Farmers and Others We would say that we are in the rearket for any quantity of Butter and Eggs, for whish the highest price will bs ps(d in cash. Butter Tube and Boxes for sale at manufacturer's prices. A quantity of Timothy Seed for sale cheap. Store to rent. Bell for cash and buy for cash is the best way to do, Remember the old stand. MOMILLRN & CO. Maley street Blyth ••M••♦e ••..•♦••t• ••••••• ♦ THE • NEW STORE •••• • 1 1 • 1 We have just received and opened up a choice line of LADIES' WHITEWEAR for summer. It will be to your advantage to examine our liues before purchaeing. Our Groceries are fresh and sold st most reasonable prices. Also all kinds of Garden and Field Seeds. :GOLDEN, . BLYTH • • •• • •• • • • • ,••••••.•••••••••• •••••••i • TOWN TOPICS. -Conn. Sloan made a business trip to Toronto last week. -Mrs, Robert Kelly has returned from her lengthy visit with London friends, -Corm. and Mre. Stothere end chil- dren spent Sunday with friends in Dun. gannon, -Mr. James Leach is the most pieia- ant gentleman in town these days; he is the papa of a bouncing baby boy. --Brussels junior W.F.A. football team defeated jietowol in a game at Brussels on Tuesday night by a score of 1 to 0. -The best way to make a Scotchman turn into a Dutchman is to turn him up side down into a barrel of saurkeaut, We are all children of circumstances. -One of Blyth's old landmarks was torn down last week. It was the kitchen at the Commercicl hotel. Workmen are now engaged excavating and build- ing a cellar. The old kitchen will be replaced by a large oement one. -The old postal regulation regarding correspondence to newspapers has been renewed, The postage is now one cent for two ouneee. Envelopes must not be sealed, THE STANDARD correspondente having two -cent stamped envelopes will use then, -Mexican silver dollars are in cireu• lation in different ?arts of Ontario, brought in by specnlatore, As the money is worth only 49 cants, persons taking them at the same value se the Yankee silver dollar will lone 61 cents in the transaction. Look out for them. -Mr. George Powell has just receiv- ed a car of seed corn, comprising such well-known varieties as Bailey, Comp. ton's Early, White Cap, improved Lemming, Longfellow, Huron Dent and Saltzer's North Dakota. Also a car of feed corn. The above is being sold at very close prices m small or large quantities. -If any of our readers would like to see the Eureka semen: block machine at work, they should go to the rear of the Commercial hotel, where they will find the Eureka and s large ataff of men at work making cement blocks fur the new Cotnmereial kitchen. 1t is a wonderful machine; does its work per- fectly, and doee it quickly. -Mr. David Sellars, who has been employed at the Grand Trunk station is Blyth for the past two years, left yesterday afternoon for Detroit, where he has secured a position with the Michigan Central railroad. The beat wishes of many friends go with Dave to hie new home, and all hope that he may continue to rise and prosper in the railroad world. -While digging a hole for a telephone poet at the dock at Meaford a few days ago, the telephone men came upon a pile of bones, which upon examination proved to be part of a human skeleton. The bones were in a state of great de - nay, but the teeth are well nigh perfect. ,There is no doubt but that the bones are those of an Indian, prebahly a Mohawk, who died and was buried there many years ago. -Sending wreaths to cover the casket of a deceased friend or fellow citizen is becoming quite a puputer manner of expressing sympathy. But did you ever stop to consider that is note. true expression of sympathy, A wreath of roses costs money ; you buy It the same as you buy any other commodity, but true sympathy cannot be bought. It is eometltiug that must be given -from the heart, and not the pocket -hook. -Mr. R. B. McLean, of Tuckersmith, during his recent visit to Ottawa was greatly chagrined to find the members of the house of Commons strolling around in groups, or reading and smok- ing while about 20 of them in committee were voting away the people's money by the hundreds of thousands. No sur- prise need be felt over the natter as this kind of thing has bee# going on for years and will continue far into the future. The committee work is usually left to a few, and it is only when great party questions come up that the mem- bers are to he found hi their places. -At the regular ,nesting of St. Jos- eph branch, No. 848, Catholic Mutual Benevolent association, Clinton, the following resolution, moved by Bro, James Flynn and seco:"ied by Bro. Thomas Carbert, was adopted unani- mously : "That whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remove by death James Vincent McCaughey, beloved son of Bro. John Joseph McCaughey, our worthy president, wa, the members of St. Joseph branch, N. 848, extend our sincere sympathy to our brother and the other meinherk of the bereaved family in the lose they have sustained of a loving one, who has been during his illness a model of patience and re- signation to the will of the Almighty. Resolved, that a copy of thie reeolutiop be sent to Bro. J. .1. McCaughey; to the Canadian, the official organ of the C. M.B.A.; to the Catholic Record, and iuserted in the local papers." -Last Friday evening a team from the Wingham public school Dame to Blyth and played a football match with the local public school team. Blyth won by a score of 7 goals to 0, At half time the game stood 8 to 0. The Wing - ham players were: Goal, F. Rose; backs, W. Lott, C. Hole; half backs, P. Lang, A. Small, W. Isbister • forwards, W. Jobb, R. Runtime)), J. Murray, W. Fleming, L. Howson. The Blyth play- ers were: Geal, R. Sims: backs, W, Smith, J. Bell • half backs D. McLean, R. Wanless, E. Mason; forwarda, M. Begley, W. Sellars, S. Buchanan, W. Watson, H. Jerome. -At the regular business meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of St. Andrews church, Blyth, held on Tuesday evening, the following resolution was passed by a unanimous standing vote: "Resolved, that we, the members of the Y.P.S.C.E. of St. Andrews church, Blyth, do heart- ily approve of the action taken by Queen's university, Kingston, in con- ferring upon our beloved pastor, Bev. A. McLean, the honorary degree of D.D., as a recognition of faithful and untiring services for teeny long years amongst us, and we would wish to be the first among the many societies con- nected with our ahurob to publicly cow grietalate Rey., Dr, Maj(eeanP -Division court will be held in Blyth today (Thursday). -Mr. T. R. Wright, of London, was is Blyth yesterday, -Quarterjy meeting services were held in Blyth Methodist church on Sunday. -Conn. Sloan sold Metetre Heffron Bros. last week 18 head of; cattle which Ratted $1280. -A gang of gypsies pawed through Blyth going northward yesterday morn- ing. Their stock of horses wee a hard one. -A union meeting of the Epworth ;League and Christian Endeavor socie- tiea will be held in the Blyth Methodist ;church next'Tuesdey evening. -Mr. James Gibson, of Morris, has Owen ,rJB.of hie o 1�METaman, (grseveraldays seriously 111, We are pleased to learn that he is slowly recovering. -Whilst a kuowledge of German is ,considered by many as an accomplish - Anent and much time and study are put ,on it in, colleges, yet very few German orate in Canada teach their children the good old tongue of the fatherland. 4n another generation the language will :die out. -The editor cannot call at your home ,to enquire it there is any news. We want all the newe, but one man cannot .get ell. We are just as anidous to men- tion your visits and visitors as those of ;your neighbors, but probably your neighbors give us more aesistance in ,,.securing the feats. Hand in your Dews items. - We want them. -Mr. T. B. MoArter, who bas been in Toronto for the past three weeks taking pointers in the photographic art with Mr. E. J. Rowley, has returned to Bowe and is at his old stand, Brewer's art gallery. As Mr. Rowley took the grand prise at the Paris exposition in 1900, the public may ex eat something _up-to-date from Mr. McArter. -The Toronto Star is the authority for the statement that it young English- man who recently came to Canada and settled with a farmer at Milton, on the morning after his arrival, got up to ,.light the fire and not being accustomed to Canadian stoves, he placed the fuel in the oven and fired up. This will give some idea of what teaching " farming" signifies. -Bishop Baldwin is expected in the Bluth parish today (Thursday) and will hold confirmation eervicee at Belgrave in the afternoon and Blyth in the even- ing. Twenty persons are to be confirm- ed and received into full member- ship of the church at each place. The churches will doubtlese be crowded, as they always are when Bishop Baldwin Ruches. -Dr. J. S. Jerome, who has been practising dentistry in Blyth for the Spot year and a half, disposed of his Lraotice lese week to Dr. G. E. Long, of istowel. Dr. Long is a graduate of the Rept' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and an honor graduate of -Toronto university. He is a young , man of wide experience in the dental profession, having been for several ears associated with Dr. Ireland, of arriston, apd Dr. Bruce, of Listowel. e welcome Dr. Long to Blyth and wish him every success in his ohoeen profession. • SPRING GOODS . • On hand for the trade, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons Fresh and cheap as the cheapest. A limited quantity of Fine Timothy Seed, home grown, $2,50 per bushel. Garden and Flower Seeds. Confectionery and Canned Goods kept fresh by ordering often, and of the best brands, Bakery produc- tions always to the front. First-class Teas and Groceries. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL R, R. DOUGLAS .. BLYTH Blyth *shoot Board, The regular monthly meeting of Blyth school board was held in Industry hall on Friday evening last, All the mem- bers were present -Chairman McCom- mins, Secretary Plummer, Trustee Pot- ter, Trustee Cowan, Trustee Wett- laufer and Trustee Brad win. Principal Bailey presented the fol- lowing report for April: -Div. No. 1 - Aggregate attendance, 191 ; average attendance, 12; number on roll, 18. Div, No. 2 -Aggregate attendance, 478 ; overage attendance, 80; number on roll, 84. Div, No, 8 -Aggregate attendance, 702; average attendance. 4i; number on roll, 5ti. Div. No. 4 -aggregate at- tendauee, 690; average attendance, 48; number on roll, 62. Fees for the month, $12.80. There being no business to transact, the board adjourned. Wheat Wanted. Highest Market Price Paid ,Blyth Flour Mills. C. H. HEES . apsolal Council ateselnt. A special meeting of Blyth oouncil was held in Industry hall on Thursday everting last, The meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a chief constable for the village of Blyth. The members present were Reeve Sime, Coun Stothers, Coun. Milne and Coun. McNally. Coun. Sloan was absent in Toronto. There were two applications for the vacant coustableship. The applicants were Mr. George White and Mr. James Barr, the late chief. Attached to Mr. Barr's application was the following petition: -To the Reeve and Council of Blyth municipal- ity : Gentlemen; -We, the undersigned business men and ratepayers of the village, would ask you to reinstate Mr. James Barr and give him one more trial, as we must admit he has made mistakes, but on the whole we have found him to he a very eficient officer and one whose place is not easily filled!: E. Watson, W. Emigh, A. Wettlufer, C. H. Beene, C. Hamilton, T. J. Huck - step, S. Herrington, Geo. Powell, J. H. Chellew, D. B. McKinnon, John Mc- Millan, J. A. Anderson, J. M. Hamil- ton, J. G, Emigh, Rev. J. Edmonds Hugh Mc uarrie, C. Floody, J. G. Moser, R. It Douglas, John .. Heffron, W. H. McElroy, D. M. MCBeath, J. Lindsay, R. McCommine, John McGill, R. Milne, Rev. A. McLean, J. Wilford, John Melees, A. E. Brad win, A. W. Robinson, Balaton Bros„ Wm. Mason, Benj. lieson, J. H,Bloor, James Moon, James Heffron. Coun. McNally ,plowed, seconded by Coun Milne, that owing to the applica- tion of Mr. Jamas Barr being accompa- nied by a petition signed by a good number of Blyth's feeding"citizens end business men, requesting that he be given another chance, we re -appoint him to the position of chief constable. - Carried. Coun. *others voted nay. THE DLE. LEACB.-Is Blyth, on ply 3rd, the wire of Mr. James Leech, of a eon. THE ALTAR, OIBBB--BROWN.-M the home of the bride's brother lndaw, Mr. 'lhornoi Limon, on April 16•h, by lOe. 3. Kennedy, R.D, Mr, F. anis Gibbs to Mien A. F. Brown youngem daughter of the lets Btebard Hrowo, all of Londeeboro. 'TAE TOMB. TOIINn -1n Auburn on Apr1l elth, Iaabetla, Clark, relict of the late ,.horse Young, of Colborne, aged 81 years. WANTED. -Car 1 d Potatoes. 65e per bushel for good stock. G. E. K1so, W inghaat. 88tf •••••••••••••••••••••••• •Art Gallery • see • • Call and see us, • • •• 1 - 1 :.,..••••• •••••••• ••••••i BREWER'S A et l ri MsX► -t ri► 1s ►A► EgEMWA A McKinnon & Co. FlBlyth. Ea1 A 1 A Fl We made a Targe purchase of Corsets at a bar- gain from the well-known D. & A. Corset Co. We made them an offer for a large quantity of three Filines at a price we did not think they would accept, but the quantity being large and for spot cash they ►r4 accepted our offer. There is no use going into n details as to how this deal came about. Suffice it r to say, the goods are here ready for your inspection, A and while they last they will be sold at the following very low prices :-- GREAT — PHOTOS Of every kind and finish. The Sepia and Olive finishes are very popular at present - Prices right Rud satisfaction guaranteed. ALL SORTS OF VIEWS TAKER. Amateur)' Supplies on hand. GREAT SNAPS IN CORSETS r Mar see T. B. McARTER BLYTH. Ladles', Corsets, In fine drab jean, long and medium lengths, ,in all sizes. We have always sold them at 50c, our price now is 39c. Ladies' Corsets, in. fine satin jean, In drab and white, bias cut, steel tilled, straight front, habit hip, trimmed with wide lace, sold everywbere at 75o, our price while they last, 50e. Ladles' Fine Coutite Corsets, military hip, straight front, steel filled, bias cut, trimul d with wide lace, iu drab and white, a regulardollar.corset,ffor 75o. We also carry a full range of the F.T., B. k C., Crompton's, and the new B. & I. Corsets. Rock Fast Shirtinge We have just received another lot of those Rock Fast Drill Bhirtings, the best value in shirtings we ever sold. Every yard is guaranteed fast colors and the wearing qualities are unsurpassed and the price is only 15e. Boys' Clothing Our second spring shipment of Boys' Clothing has arrived, and they are dandies. Every boy in Blyth and vicinity shoald see theta, sizes from 22 to 33, prices from $1,50 to $5. eery^--^---^-�--- r V A V A r A A V McKinnon & Co. '.1 ►.1 $1y tbFAI - kVA kvi vwww► o ma imw► i i om► WALL PAPER Largest Stock. Choicest isesigns. Closest Prices, These are the inducements we offer. Wall Paper is very cheap this year, and you will he surprised how little it would cost you to brighten up your house. Cell and see the snaps we have to offer iu Window Shades and Wall Paper. FRANK METCALF JEWELER AND STATIONER BLYTH oltt riN4liv4N4tWVZAW4N Summery Things for Hot Weather Comfort The Men who want to look well on hot .days should wear furnishings which give complete comfort, which fit so they dont rub or chafe in the hot sun and which are light enough to he a pleasure on a hot day. We have things for wen which will be just right for hot weather wear. •••.••.••••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••• S. Hr Gidley - Blyth ,s is