The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-07, Page 4dfltnES mcIllURCU,IE trite fit lith ttanbarbe BANKER. A. E. BRADWIN, PURL1U L A isEN, 1,AL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, I3LYTH, ON`Lr&R1O. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to fanners on their own hetes. No additional security re- quited, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con eistent with sate and conservative banking principles. UNLIIITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowoet rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to plane their property on our list for sale. Route collected. GBRYETANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. .RSURAIiCE. We represent the feeding Fire end Life Assurance companies, end re- apectf4illy solicit your account. ,OFFICE HOURS : 10 e.g. to 8 P.M. Business Cards. Da. G. a, LONG, DENTAL BURGEON. $iwsrer ,o ger. Jerome. Ore duets of the too coo*. of Dente) Burgeons. Au honor puha*of onto ,9100 owell's store, Pretorw University leaak,/BBllyth.va` E. L. MEMOS, BARRISTER, SCLICITOR, ETC., Lea om.. loitor for block, Wh.gltam. Money to 0. LINDSAY, M.B. PR'YSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Swlembot to Dr, Tait. Graduate of the Unt. vMdty of Toronto, Member of Coliega of Phy- afolans sad Burgeon of Ontario, Formerly of Landon, Ragland sod Edlnbur h,Bootland, Mu- tilate.bDt Tahatn, 'midto ns, loot lately oaou- J. YILNE, PHYSIOLIN AND SUROEON, 11.D.0,11L, University of Telntt,7 Collage;.41aM.D„ pa's UoIvareity; Fellow of Trinity Medloal Gaa0. and of member Calle of Pbysiotens and llntg ms of Oatuto. Coronae for the 'UDty of Huron. 0f6as, ons door north of the ramarolal hotel, Qnan street, Blytb. HgCBBTEP, BARBER ARD TOBACCONIST. Clotra.Wok of Tobaeeoe,Olean and Pipe, on Sod. Kant lar the Parisian Stoma Laundry, iQtt..nWoof. lytlt. „c. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Lend, Loan and Iosnranos Agent. Office, on Aaiun street, Blyth. Orden lett at '0 o MINN. Doan ogles will moats* )prompt attention. THE BLYTH STANDARD,ublished ovary rhureday morning, is a live %cal news- paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making 11 a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scriptionrice to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; 81.60 will be charged J not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and •lleaply executed, Correspondence of a newsy nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908, A.E. BLADWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT. The R1der.Dempeter Hues represented Como Coked sold to any part of Europ. Low win. Mg es411W 101011/014 00 appliItemisers cation 1e Tai ,i T01DleP ONtne, Blyth. PROF. S. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING .OPTI02AN AND EYE BPPOIALIBT. All Wade of Sp,ptaolee and Eyeglasses made to order. Speele! attention given to fitting the eye Orders b1 mail promptly itteoded to, Beware of parties aging my name as I employ no travelling agents whauwa0. Satisfaction guaranteed. SIM Rlohmondtreet W Tonto ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE $t. Thomas, Ont. NOTES AND COSIMHNTR. —Where did the money come trona? Yee, and where did the liars come from ? —Hon, J. R. Stratton was the prin- cipal witness at the Gamey investiga- tion this week. He swore that he never gave Mr, Gamey $8000, nor three cents. —Hon. D, Gordon, who for 80 year. has been a member of the Prince Ed- ward Ielend legislature and never once has suffered defept, has resigned the lesderehip of the Conservative opposi- tion. He is succeeded by Mr. John A. Matheson, barrister, of Georgetown. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the ,largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses—M,L.A., M.E. .L., Piano. Organ, Sint ing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physioal Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial, Healthiest location. Moderate char- rges. Write for catalogue to HEV. PR1N. WARNER, RA., B,B. OUR MOTTO: "Nigh Oracle Work Only." culture of Ontario. According to the reports of the bureau of industries, the average market value of the threshed peas grown in Ontario during the peat 20 year% amounted to fully eight mil- lion dollars a year. In 1807, no less than 896,786 scrag were devoted to the pea crop, this being the largest arca under peas in any single year. Since that date, however, there has leen a gradual decrease until the year 1902, when only 682,689 acres of peas were grown. This decrease is undoubtedly due to the great damage done to the crop in southwestern Ontario by the pea weevil, commonly known as the {x +a bug." The total direct logs by the agency of the pea weevil in 1902 is estimated at over two million dollars, --Here is a bargain—THE STANDARD from now to the end of the year for 80 cents, —Mr. J. H. Schnell, of Hay, has a five-montba' old pig that tips the scales et 284 pounds, —The Bank of Hamilton has agreed to sell the electric light plant in Palmer- 8tott to the town for 82600. —Hay township has purchased a oar load of cement and will make all its culvert tile in Zurich this year, —Dr. Campbell, of Zurich, has gone to Europe. where he will spend several months studying in the leading hos- pitals. —Mr. George A, Mills, the oldest cabman in Stratford, died of apoplexy on Monday, He had been in business 80 years, —Mr. A. R. Leonard, a former Wrox- eter boy, is the Liberal candidate for Rockwood in the approaching Manitoba elections. —Mr, R. R. Johnston has taken pre- seeeion of the Dominion hotel, Zurich. Mr. C. L. Shoemacher, the late proprie- tor, will live private in Zurich. —A typical sign can be seen on a gate post on the second concession of Howick, south of Gerrie, which reeds " House cleaning; no visitors wanted " —Mr. ,Tohn Rusk, V.S., son of Mr, George Rusk, of Howick, and a recent honor graduate of the Ontario Veterin- ary collette, has opened up an office for the practice of his profession at Harris - ton, —A Kent county farmer has recently discovered that by planting onione and potatoes in alternate rows, the onions become so strong that they bring tears to the eyes of the potatoes in such quan- tities that the rows are kept moist and e big crcp is raised in spite of drought, —A gentleman in Bruce county has invented a machine of great umbos in the harvest of beet,. It is supposed to top and pull one acre per hour, with one team and man, and when oompleted will leave the beets in piles of buckets of 200 pounds, Thie machine has been the outcome of several years' study in the beet field. —Several merchants in Sebringville were confidenced one day recently out of from 60 cents to 01 by a man repre- senting himself to be an agent for the Stratford Herald, and agreeing to have write-ups of their business inserted in the paper. He was unauthorized, and, of course, the 00110e8 did not appear. He got altogether about 010. —A Wallace township farmer went to law with a neighbor. Speaking with his lawyer he suggested sending the magistratoa couple of fine dunks. ' Not for your life," said the adviser. " If you do you'll lose the case," The judg- ment was given in his favor, when he turned to his lawyer and said : " I sent the ducks " Astonishment on the tat- ter's part turned to admiration when his client continued: " But I sent thele in my neighbor's name." —A plant of unusual growth and beauty is to be seen at the home of Mrs. Alex. Gibson, sixth concession of How - ick, It is s species of geranium, com- monly called Pansy (.4eranium, though frequently known as Royal George, or I,.ady Washington. The plant stands over six feet high and measures three feet across, being a solid macs of leaves for five feet. It is in full bloom, there being over 80 blossoms on it at the pres- ent time. A number of flowers have already fallen off and innumerable more buds are developing. The slip from which this handsome pient has grown was planted about three years ago, and has received no special attention but was cared for and prized vary much by every member of the family, as it was a slip given to their late daughter, Esaie, when i11, and she took great pride and interest iu watching its growth day by day. —The notorious John Maxwell, the man accused of the brutal assault on Mr. Paul Shafer, of Seaforth, about two months ago, appeared before Judge Doyle in Goderich and was sentenced to 18 years in Kingston penitentiary. There were two charges against him— one for the assault, and the other for stealing a Pair of gauntlets from Dr. Hamilton in Clinton. A number of witnesses were examined. His honor, in delivering sentence, said he consid- ered it, if anything, to light. The sentence for the aaeault is 10 years with hard labor, and for the lesser offence three years. The remainder of Maxwell's term fur vagrancy, of course, ie merged in the 10 -year term. The prisoner, though protesting his inno- cence, did pot seem to be much affected. Mr. Win. Proudfoot appeared for the prisoner, and Acting Crown Attorney Lewis prosecuted. Efforts are beim{ made to connect Maxwell with the Wingham case, which resulted in the death of Mr. S. J. Smith, a prominent business man of that town. The night after being sentenced, Maxwell made e.n attempt to get out of jail through a place where the stones of the wall had been loosened to melte a sewer connec- tion, His attempt was unsuccessful, and he was taken to Kingston in cus- tody next day. —The Toronto News saye that every- body knows that the prime minister of Canada is paid with miserable igade- quacy. It is a disgrace that he should receive only 8960) a year, when the position should command a salary twice, at least, as large. It is worth that amount of money to the country ; It is worth that, and more, to the first min- ister. It is rabid nonsense to expect Sir Wilfrid Laurier to maintain his proper estate on the salary provided, and to save anything. The people all agree that .the salary is too small, but the people's representatives In parliament make no step towards Increasing it. Sir Wilfrid 'himself would never hear of any move in the direction of an augmentation, and, so long as he re- mains in office, be is not likely to change his mind, —In a recent issue the Raymond Chronicle commented upon the condi- tions existing in the towns of Frank and Raymond, Alberta. The former is the unfortunate town that wag des- troyed by a landslide from Turtle moun- tain last week. The Chronicle says they are exactly of an age, each having been founded in September, 1901, by a Yankee capitalist. After alluding to them as two of the beet towns in the Northwest," the Chronicle goes on to say that 'Frank " is a swift town of the Wide-open kind; Heywood le the other extreme of absolute prohibition. and on these widely different diets both are thriving, but with this difference—in Frank three policemen spend all their time trying to preserve order, in Ray- mond one policeman comes occasionally, but unnecessarily." It must be noted that Frank is a mining town, peopled by a considerable variety of races, while Raymond is inhabited largely by people of the one stamp. Mormons cer- tainly are sober, industrious and free from crimes of disorder and violence. Regular Connell Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of Blyth council was held in Industry hall on Tuesday evening. Members present were Reeve Sims, Coun. Sloan, Coun. M4a11y, Coun. Milne and Coun. Stoth- erg. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and confirmed, Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by Coun. McNally, that the following ac• counts be paid:—George White, draw- ing fire engine and watching flax mill, 02.50; C. Hamilton, salary as assessor and postage, 840.60; James Barr, salary for April, 035 ; Morris Branch Agricu , tura) society, rent of Agricultural park for 1902, 01; E. Livingston, electric light for April, $89.60, less 81.65 for lights not burning, 087,95; E. L. Dick- inson, legal expenses, $9.23.—Can•ied. Coun, McNally moved, seconded by Coun. Sloane that the assessor's roll as presented be accepted.—Carried, Coun. Milne moved, seconded by Coun. McNally, that we appoint Mr. G. F. Blair, barrister and solicitor, of Brussels, solicitor for the village of Blyth.—Carried. Conn. Milne moved, seconded by Cohn. Stothers, that we purohase six lanterns for the use of the fire brigade. —Carried. Coun. Stothers moved, seconded by Co1111. Milne, that the court of reviaiou for Blyth he held on Tuesday, June 2nd, at 811(4. m.— 'arri d p e. Coun. Stothers moved, seconded by Conn. Milne, that this council meet on Tuesday evening, May 19th, for the purpose of receiving tenders for the position of caretaker of the Agricultural park.—Carried, Council then adjourned. • Our graduate, readily secure positions • • because our high grade training pre eros • • them 14 render near delis 401V '01 Itoah • • nate men want tlr0toleae worker as) • • have no time to waste urn Oa other • • kind, Comwenoe a course now and he • • ready for a position in the rr.11. Write • • for handsome cstaiogue. • W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL • 66••••••••11••••••••••••••• Farm For Sale. 2714 no undersigned diets hie te'ro, lot 57, sou a, $tu Wawanoan, for sale. The (arta (tantalite al antes, 50 x010. AM AMI, l SIoJ ce good 0.rd- wood bush, 95 acres plout;6ed, 0 acres of fall 'hoostsblIng . of orchard ; cement emir.6 50od r h ane gnedaGpe .bog psu with driving house user, lav'lO: two 'good w.ne; imine how*, one and a half storeys bleb. wi'b good atone oeller and 0,10.0E soot of wa 8, this subject le more int rtant Th. (arm te well watered by a living epilog y 1 po Cost Ontario Two Millions. The Ontario department of agricul- ture has issued an imppoortant bulletin on "Peas and the Pea Weevil." Since Ontario is the greatest pes-growing sec- tion on the continent of America, and since the crop is used in a great variety k and ts well do ed for stook purposes, than may appear, .n from Pd Lh an half mita from t in three odes t v The pea crop has undoubtedly oeeu f; ;tf tljt1$1,4'"- . f4 P:4fr1 *Y"'",:43‘'f,G?"111t,,l? Llr Pk _f ;l 'Mt ;w. Right in Front . WITH SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel, To see our Prints means to buy—they are beauti- ful. A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor- sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be- fore buying. We have exceptionally good values, A 'lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in the Millinery department was never better. Our staff have to work all the time and over time. COME AND SEE US J. A. ANDERSON BLYTH YARRETB. • Myth, May 8.—Wheat, sec to 70e. Barley, Seo to 400. Yves, 68a to 61a, 0.1., 98o to 500. Eggs, 116 to 150 Butter, 16.1 to 188. Pomtom, Pe to too. Hides, Sob 9o. Bay, 85 to S7. Lard, 550 to Ito. Port, s7 to is Flour, 111.90 to 89.115. Wood, 89,60 to 50 Wool, lOa to 160. Turk,ye, lta o 1 t+e..e, ee b yo. UpaW, co 1pn• e as thtw'm or full itinfa'dipolar' i ioiiadeoe vttjkb P ct apied a very fmperteut place int a Agri- Opl0g.a i, 6, b yo, - We Have the Hat For You e e a e; It has the form and finish and the staying qualities that characterize the leading hats of the day. It will give you an easy bearing. It will fit perfectly. It will give you a stylish air, even though you're not self-conscious in the least. The price may reach $2.50. Then again 1 perhaps $2.25 or $x may be enough. It's just as you say. If you feel like paying $1,5o, or even less, we have a good selection to choos0 from. itt V ai no. S. Herrington . . ET TH Imported Sire Stallions Bankfield's Baron, Raymond McConnell, Proprietor. Monday—Will leave 1116 0wn.1ah1,, lot el, con. 15, Hallett, and proceed to Wm. Ts) 0r`s, lot 11., non. 0, Ended, for noon: then to James Rey aolde', lot 29, non. 4, Mullett, for night. Tues. day—Proceed to his own stable for noon ; then to David Crawford's, lot 50, coo. 1. Haat MAMA. nosh, fur nigh'. Wednesday—Pr000ed to John Young's. lot M. sen. 1, West Wawanoah, for noon; then to Alex, .orlmgeoar'a, 104 56, eon. West Waw.noeh,for night. motley —Premed to James Pollard's, lot 21, eon. 0, Wast Wawa, nab, for noon • then to Moneta In'a hotel, Duo. moon, for nlppli0. Friday—Proceed b Gilbert Waves', 104 Fl eon. 7 West Wawaooeh, for noon; thea to John lledmood'., Westfield, for night. Batordav—Pr000d to James Vint's, lot EA, coo. 4, East Wawaomh, for nom; thee to his own stable where he will mato Until the fol. lowing Moods), m0re1115. Southport. Ed. Bell, Proprietor. Monday—Will learn hie own stable, Landes. bolo, and proceed along 1215 ecu. of Hallett, M Blao. Herrington's for noon • then to Emigb'a hotel, Blyth, for night. Tueebay—Proceed along the Boundary to J. 0• Stolt.' kr noon ; then to Manchester bot.1 and remota two hoots; teen along the Base line to Herb. M ride's for night. WeAnesday—Proceed along 19.15 cm. of Hallett to his own stable, where he will remain UN Thursday morning. Thursday—Proceed to Charlet Levitt's, Haas line, for noon; then south to Jewel Coraleb's for night. Friday—Frogged to Colo Lawnm's, lot 15, con. 6, Hallett, for noon • then to John Rapaon's, tot 6, con. in Hul- lett, for night. Saturday—Proceed leo ng the 10- 11 eon. et Nolen to hit own stable when he 118 remits till the f UNN Moapay mgXulog. ei Good Farms and Saw'Mill For Sale. No 1-.W1 lot Be, son. 6, East Warranosh, po• teiutug 100 scree, 60 sores cleared Mod in a good state of cultivation, 5n sorer partially sheared and 90 acres of amber land Tim soil 1s a good loam. There la on the place a gond 4,104 dwell. lug house 90:64, one and a ball storeys, with thohen attached, wood•ebed 90010, and .ism cellar under full rib of house; good 0drn; good well and wind mill convenient to home and out-butldtngs; frame barn 60499+ with stone stables ueo derntn; two frame dwellings 18eS6, one and a halt 1100071; a Steam saw mid 10.60, two storeys, with boiler, engine and all mow ,sty machinery for mmufeeturing lumbar, lath end shingles, all In good ordbn No. 9—+l lot 54. con. 5, Nam Waw►nosb, 110n. Mining 100 urea, g0 scree cleared end in a good state of cultivation, 90 .orae of 'timber land. 'l'hele ie 011 the place .good frame barn {Dago and 20 feet blgh with Mote stables nude/ the full eine; good from. dwelling 90s6e, cos and a half etoreye wth one storm klteimb attested. No. 8-04 lot 8e, eon.7, East Wawaoeeb, 0011. Mining 100 acres, 90 acre atoned and in a go d state of oultivatlon, 10 terse of timber Bind. The soil le a good olay Loam. On the pkat there 1. a good frame dwelling 99050, Mme eel• lar, alto kttchen attached 18x95. one and' a halt etorsys; hard end s fa water; gond frame bark 40160, with atone stables ander; fraaa.'ttabl i and shed 24160; good orchard. This pplods is well drained and Lae a never Allies spring roub ming tbronsh P. For full particular, apply to TRosala H. Tay - 1u5, Westfield 0.0., OM, or to C. HAMILTON, Blyth P.V., 01.t. 0015 House For Sale. A comfortable brick boos, and four IoM (one sem In .111. with good frame stable and a numb bar of fruit tree.. This property le *Rusted on the north tide of Diode' street In the V1u111aagae. of Blyth. Convenient dietaries from K.E. tui- tion, post cause, churches end school. Aleb Mk lets west of and adjoining the Blyth brick yard. For further oartleul.n apply to Ida undersigned. N. H. Yonga, 1841' Building Lot For Sale, 00s of the beet bullion tots in Blyth M offer• ed for sale ata bromide. it to in a reeidentlii section, being on inneie7 street, between Quoin em1 Wildon attests. Full particular. et Toa 5T*NDAND OHO*, Blyth. !4941 A. 0. U. W. Blrtb lode, Nu. 146, Ancient Order of United Wtrlrmeo, meets In the Workmen ball, 111101 block on the Sud and 4th Thursday is nary math, at eight p.m. ViatOlos brethren ora burr, Osceapsa. OsticNa, till, T. d, 8