HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-02-04, Page 5• 4 THE CLINTON , NEW ERA February', , .,4808 e.greatly exceeded iris have settled do . to age of tirade at: t •- season. ehoe atoe •�.f TONES, OCliS, L,ER N NERW RE, CHINAWARE iris** Will be f nndthe very Lowest Or**, 151514 good., goode. We do all ;'epakr ivo k, And do- it in a manner ibAt ifi sat afaetory. bau G1ftS. ling Jeweler, LIN ON K I a atches, Clocks, o welry, = Silverware, Optical Goods, Novelties. u uvil ur'in fts from our Mag - re to ert your gifts it contains so py•articies en5gestive of the teeeason Having bought the Iecoinbe stock at 66c on pett us in a, position ve you prices much lower an, elsewVhere. Never before 'dire i such ` high quality goods .eoldtor uch low prices. The SelMtatielf which this store has wa s'heldforthe high quality of the .goods'sold, will still be aeaaintained `Safety as well as satisfactiofi comes from dealing 4the beSt place. A cordial in- . fid, ion' is extended to every- lodyy' to calk ;We will be pleas • o show our stock. GRIGG, ooelesor- to d: Biddlecombe, -'. CLINTON. eliableo ods When we sell goods we gparantee them to be reliable. It simply would not c pay ns to let useless merchandise be distributed from this store. People Boon find out the difference between a genuine and an inferior article, and hen onoe we sell a person goods, "we want them to know they are getting . • value, to be satisfied with their purchase in every respect, and to re- in and buy again. If it should happen that our money will be refundedith a • thing you uy er , b h e bring it back and Y EARLY SPRING GOODS New Prints, fest colors, in pink, blue end red designs,"very pretty 8o New Prints, beautiful patterns, light or dark colorings, large or small 100 patterns New Prints, stylish dress effects, some e.egant p�itterns and perfectlyl2�o fast colors •! a. new style of Print is shown in stripes for -Wrappers -it is 86 inoh wide -4 inches wider than ordinary -and tonally sold at 15o, but we ere o running it this season at German Blue Print, fast colors and good value SIIIRTINGS•• ' We make a specialty this Beason of American Shirting, an extra heavy weight, but we will be able to sell it the same es the lighter make -it 12}o comes in stripes and oheoks, and price COTTONADES. Full assortment, prices range 100, 14o, 17o, 20o and 25o. a yard. You will find our prices eherday the inttfor oone e day in the week only, but CASH AND ONE PRICE. MC}Iinnon at Co., Blyth SN•SN• MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS Montreal, Jan. 91. -There were about 550 head of butchers' cattle, 10 calves and 150 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the,East in- Etoirndtweathera did - not prevent aThe vercoldnd good many butchers from Doming out, but trade was rather slow and prices continue a about the same as on last Thursday. choice animals on the market, and the best sold at 410 per lb., with pretty good stock at 1 from ate to 40 per lb., and common dry cows at from 2c to 8c per lb. The calves were all young and sold at from $2.50 to $6 each. Sheep Isell at from Soto 311c per lb., and lambs at from 410 to nearly 5e per lb, Fat hogs are plentiful er lb hogs, and 510 l forth se just off sell at about thc e cars. fat For Seed Grain Spring Wheat, Peas, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, etc., or For Feed Corn Go to Standard Elevator. Forrester & Smallacombe l01 Clinton, 3arma1y Gth, 11£8 DAME CURE seedy cure for all kinds of headaches, sick, fbbilio ous, nervous s or"hye orioa . Rives pprompt relief in neuralgia. Easy gives satisfaction. Guaranteed free from morphia, chloral or opium. 12 wafers in box, 25 cents.• itlsionl • of 'Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, ut;npa y F. Stearns & Co., Detroit. Regular 75c size for 500. OVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton .ELL/NG OUT. e are selling out, and as the stock gets smaller ;prices get lower. If you want to save money -rand get the ^bargains While they are going. elow are a few lines Cies' Jackets at $1.00 Ladies' Jackets at $2.00 0 , Ladies' Jackets at $3.00 The former prices were from $5 to $$17.50 A'Iojt; of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for $2. A big stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our Cottons,.Prints, Flannelettes arid' `r Skirtings -f or 5 cents. "lat of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers told Overshoes at much below cost. See them. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, February 3rd, 1898. Wheat, 0 85 a 0 85 Oats 0 26 a 0 26 0 28 a 0 28 Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Buckwheat 0 28 a 0 28 Rye 0 • f a 0 40 Floor per cwt - 0 a 2 50 Batter • • 0 13 e 0 13 Eggs per doz 0 14 a 0 15 Hay ne ; old 6 00 a 7 00 Sheep•. ins 0 25 a 0 25 No. Trimmed -Hides0 08 a 0 08 Po •: toes 0 40 a 0 40 Ta keys, per lb 0 07 a 0 08 G.:se per lb 0 05 a 0 06 Duoks, per pair 0 50 a 0 60 Chickens, per pair 0 25 a 0 25 Pork 4 75 a 6 25 Dried Apples, per lb0 04 a 0 90 04 a 0 05 Apples, perbag Field Barley MARKET REPORTS. Tuesday Evening, F Lard is fid lower in Liverpool. Liverpool wheat futures closed %d to %d higher. Feb. wheat in Chicago closed at $1. Leading Wheat Markets. Following are the closing prices to -day et important centres: Cash. May. Chicago .. • $0.90 New York ...$1 03% 0 97 Milwaukee, No. 1 North ... 00 97 0 957 0 % Si. Louis 0 9571 0 95% 095 09o% 0 05% , 0,045 0 04% Toledo ... ••• ••• Detroit . Duluth, No. 1 hard Duluth, No. 1 North Toronto, red Toronto, No. 1 hard ,• 1 06 • • •• Toronto Grain and Produce. FLOUR -The flour market Is quiet and featureless. Straight rollers sold at $3.95 to $4 in wood, middle freights. WHEAT -The market was firm to -day. Red winter sold at 86c, .high freights, for 20 cars and spring Is quoted at 85c to 86c on Midland. No 1 Manitoba bard Is steady at $1.06 North Bay and at $1.03 Mid- land. .. BARLEY -The market le quiet, with No. 2 quoted at 33c to 340 west, No. 8 extra at 30c to 31c and feed at 27c to 28c west. OATS -The market .is firm, with sales west awite and on Mid- land tt 277c tor28c;nmixed 26c west. PEAS -The market le quiet, with sales at 53c north and west. BUCKWHEAT -The market rules sternly, on with cars quoted at 32c west a Rd at II3c Midland. RYE -The market rules easier, with sales at 46c west and 47c east. CORN -The market is qutet end prices unchanged. Car lots quoted at 281/2c to 29e west for new yellow. BRAN -The demand Is fair, but offerings are limited. Bran is quoted at $10,50 to $11 middle freights, and shorts at $12 to $13, middle freights. OATMEAL -Phe market is firm, with quotations $3.30 in bags and $3.40 In barrels on track. As announced in the local columns of this paper, the firm of GILROY & WISEMAN will continue for some further . time, as heretofore. We beg to inform the public that our stock having been reduced to a very low point on account of the an- ticipated change, we have again purchased a very large and compre- hensive stock of Spring Goods,which we think will fill the premises to their utmost, and we trust be ample to supply the wants of the public with the very newest and beat sel- ected stock we have had for years. GILROY & WISEMAN, Clinton. reFis .Goods, Shirts and Drawers, Ties, Cuffs, 'GioveS, handkerchiefs, &c., away down in price. "We are clearing out, no mater what others may say to the contrary,'arnd you can get barkains here. STEEL GLBBINGS . CLaIt TO BORN. MENNELL-In Clinton. on Jan, 28, the wife of Wm. Mennell, of a son. TUi2NER-In Tnchersmith, on Jan 19, the wife of Albert Turner, of a son MORDEN-In Wingham, on Jan. 22. the wife of P. Morden. of a son BAEKER-In Lower Wingham, on Jan 20, the wife of N Backer. of a daughter COWAN-In East Wawanosh, on Jan 17th, the wife of John Cowan, of a daughter SPROAT-On Jan 17, the wife of J Sproat, of Tuckersmith, of a daughter DIED. 0 months DICKSON-In 50 yeas anti on Jan h, Elias Dick- son, ick- n n, ageMUSGROVE-In Turnbery, on Jan 26. John Musgrove, aged 84 years HORTON-In Colborne, on Jan. 28, John Horton, formerly of Goderich township, aged 55 years and 8 days: GRANGER -In Clinton, on" Feb. 1. Annie Granger, daughter of James Granger, Bruce - field, aged 22 years. 1 THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS 1 pronto St. Lawrence Market. The weather being cold and stormy, the receipts of grain were small, only 1200 bush Wheaels,t arm. 300 bushels sold as follows: W hits 80c to 88c, red 90c to 91%c, and goose 81c to 8111/2c per bushel, Rye steady at 48c for 100 bushels, Barley firmer, 100 bushels sold at 35c to 391,4,c. Oats firm, 500 bushels selling at 31%c to 32c, Peas firm at E58e for 100 bushels. Hay -One load sold at $8.60 per ton. Straw -One load Wrought $7. Dressed hogs wdak0r at $6.40 for light and $0,20 for heavy. Toronto Live Stook. There was a fairly large run of live stock at the Western Cattle Market to -day, 43 cars, composed of 671 cattle, 325 sheep, 6 calves and 1600 hogs. The cattle were prineipallY butchers' stuff, with a few exporters, feeders and stock- ers. No loads of exporters were offered, those bought being small lots from amongst the butchers' cines, at $3,75 to $4,25 per cwt.; extra good heavy shinners might have brought a trifle more. Thera were not as mryany good cattle of- fered das were on sFfollows: Choicess for picked lots, $3.75 to $4.00, good loads $3,50 to $3.65, medium $3,35 to $3.50, commpn $3 to pm, Inferior $2.75 to $2.85 per cwt, The finding of a gold nugget of 74 pounds is reported in Siberia. Mr J. W. Jardine, of-Saltfleet, was appointed County Clerk of Wentworth New Altrertia elmeuto. tyBUO,000 THE PRICE PAID. 1;e3nae Came Down Half a Million and the Deal Was Closed. Montreal, Jan. 29. -As already inti- mated, the Canadian Paoiflo Railway and Mr. Auguste Heinze have come to terms, and your correspondent has been able to ascertain the amount the young German from Montane has been paid by the big railway to get out of ]sm:t?Gh Columbia. The agreement is that the Thull smelter, the railway from Robson to Trail,. the abort line from Trail to Rossland, a iii the lands received from the British Col- urnbia Government as subsidies are hand- ed over to the Canadian Pacific Railway for the sum •of $800,000. Tho narrow gauge from Roseland to Trail will at once be widened to the standard by the new owners, who will also proceed to° make the grades much easier and practic- ally rebuild the road. The line from Rob- son to Trail is a standard gauge, is well built, and can be operated at once in connection with tho great railway system to which It now belongs. This transfer of the Trail property will in no way inter- fere with the project of a new smelter at Robson, suitable for treating tho silver• lead ores of that district. On the con- trary, the contract for the Robson smelter has been given, and it will probably be in full blast a good while before ;Se Crow's Nest Railway reaches the foot, e9 Kootenay Lake. East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 1, -Cattle -Re- ceipts, only a few loads, which sold at Strong prices. The receipts of stockers and feeders yesterday were about 80 care, 19 of which were Canadian. Tho demand was good for best grades, and the market was strong to 10e higher. Canadians quoted as follo�ws: Feeders, good quality, $4 to $4.25; Yocckecerra, common t eightsg and $3.00 pr ma to $3.00; d yearlings, $3.75 to $4,,05; common grade [Rockers and feeders, $3�to $8.50; stockers and 8e eers, light, common to (rood, $3.10 to BOAR PIG FOR SERVICE. ti Subscriber keeps for Service at hie premises lot 27, con. 11, Hullett, a thoro-bred, pedigne ed Tamworth Boar, Terms -$1 at time of ser- vice, with privilege of returning if necessary. Also good Tamworth boar for sale. HOWARD RIDDELL. Hullett, Feb. 8, 1898. TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the 'un- dersigned up to the 15th day of February, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the erection of a brick Sabbath School room in connection with the Presbyterian Church, Brucefield. The plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of Mr. John Aikenhead, London Road. B. R. HIGGINS, Secretary B'ld'g Committee, Brucefield, Ont. COMBE'S Sabin, 6-, Powder: Makes Better and Lighter - Biscuits than any other. Combe Manufacturing Chemist, 3.Physicians' Supplies CHOICE F A U11I FOR SALE 9R 10 RENT. The farm on the Huron road, Goderich township, being lot d. 193 acres, occupied by subscriber, is offered for sale or to rent on reasonable terms. All cleared and in splen- ' did state of cultivation ;good bearing orchard; well watered; good outbuildings (house re- served if suitable to tenant.) Only one mile from Clinton. A number of cows could' be rented with the farm. Partioulars on-appli- cation n appli- proprieter,JOHN HOLME eitherg gUT, Clinton, or Wm. D. C.' Elvin, who committed suicide by shooting who at St. Au- gustine,, Fla., was formerly a resident, et Hatntiton, At the 'Victoria Wheel Works, Galt, Jahr Tufford, an employee, wailcanght by h knife nttnehnaedtt. lifted oil Iris ALLISON WAS UNMOVED When Told That the Death Penalty Would bo His.Fate on Friday Next. Berlin, Ont., Jan.. 28. -Allison, the murderer of Mrs. Anthony Orr, near Galt last August, maintains his quiet demeanor, and shows little distress over the news that on Friday, Feb. 4, he is to suffer the consequences for his rash and cruel not. When informed that the peti- tion to the Minister of Justice in his behalf Ind no effect on the sentence pro- nounced upon him he betrayed no signs of emotion. It is thought he will go to the scaffold in the sumo unboticerned way. Sheriff Springer will not bo present at the exeoution on account of indisposition. Radcliffe, the public oxooutfoner, will arrive and make the necessary arrangb, manta the beginning of the week. feet, and w hirled aroutide,everal'timeei BOARDERS WANTED A couple of young men can get a nice room and board by applying at NEW ERA OFFICE ANNUAL MEETING The ani meeting of the Summarhill Cheese Factory'; $ , se held at the Hall, Snm- merhillon Wcdnes Feb. 9, at 1 o clock p. m., for the election ofncers and the transaction of general bnstite All the share- holders are inited to attend.;,r',1a,-, G. J. STEWART, BEN, CHUII HELL Secretary. Something New We have two new lines in the baking department, one is a Cycle Cake with three flavors strawberry, chocolate and vanilla; 10 dente eaob, plain, or 150 ornamented. The other line is called Corn Dodgers Those aro particularly nice cakes and sell readily at 10e per dozen. OYSTERS -Our trade in Booth's Bal- timore Oysters is increasing daily. n A large variety iof good Oranges, Lemons and Gra es. Don't forget to try Our Realhome•made IBRI 7W, it is giving good sat isruction tock Taking i ht1 all the slightly Y This week we're housecleaning. We have gathered togag damaged or otherwise imperfect goods, all odd pieces -remnants, odds and ends, slow sellers, and all goods that we find it desirable to clear, after a live be! idey tra(ir. 7.1)w4-0 have. all been marked at prices that will ensure a quick sale. Some one-third, some one-half, and all at much less than they are at any other than stock -taking time. Overcoats and Ulsters cae have etill eve. Yon n buy a lot of twentyhteen or o solid comfortfor $5 fetin atook. nn now.t tol wi ternwea her ahead -prepare for it. Boys' heavy Tweed Overcoats for $2.50; will fit boys of I3 to 16 years. Ordered CLOTHING Wedding Cakes a specialty. Never before in the history of our business have so many suits been sold in the month of January. Our cutter is giving the best of satisfaction. We are -building aan d bestm vnlneeClothing trade. The oorner stone is "largest variety of goads _,, We are showing 3.00 patterns of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds., at $10 to 815 a' -. 50 patterns of Trousering at $5 to 87 a pair'. 15 qualities and varieties of Black Worsteds and Serges $14 to 525 a Suit. The Black Worsted Suit we are selling at $14 is good value you must see it to appreciate it. Jas. McC1acherty,, .N 0velty,13a'11:e `y and Reetaurbft Telephone tin. 1, .1 Tho customer who boys a ten dollar suit will have the same pare and attention as the one who buys a snit at $25. We will not allow any garment to leave, the kmanshi that a not perfectly el-fittin o clothes,in swyorn by our customers, s and workmanship. know that B will do more than anything alae in building up our Ordered Clothing business, and that it will be to our -interest to have every snit we turn but a model of elegance. 'Wether yon want a Snit or not we will be pleased to have you call and look over our 800 patterns of Tweeds. All Tweeds sold at 500 Or over per yard, will be out free of charge. oir1 The Cash boater, Londesboro..