HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-02-04, Page 3•yl•
FObtuarY 4,a M`3
.. ..
. .. PEEP ... LARDER. 0 lir /f3 dr
. AT A , LA uel h Nov. > �98i.
t HEN WHO DISAPPEAR Dade Me, A ------ J. Kethod of Uarins For Table Dolleaeles The Sloan Medicine Co., Hamilton. •
11 12~ Eye r cv Q�+� Grandmother says in her quaint old way. � urge hotel.11
M 1V a li l7 MYSTERIES THAT BAFFLE SHREWD �� "World wasn't made In a he white
Wifig of
. And that blue sky where the white oloiide fUlt The general cold storage room of a large DEAR SIRS: -Far years I was troubled with periodical t a flick addaahee,
1t�I �' CITY DETECTIVES. The Life oftMrs bleMaster, Of Why the Lord was sire days printing itl hotel is refrigerated, and hero are kept tilt (acted usually every Sadat', and need all the remedies that ware adrertieod ae antes, ,
t8 Cat]tUC10 and general stores, suoh as' onnned goods, and was treated by almost every doctor in Gaeiph, but without any relief. Omo declot
,r anada �--- Toronto, 18 Saved "The way ain't sunny, meats, vegetables, eggs, oto., so that it told me it was caused by a weak stomach, another slily it wWs hereditary ned lnourable.
�{� a'U I But dent you frotl looks exaotly like a wholesale produce I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Indian Tonle, and am happy to say I did so.
�`s • ..L _ Interesting Facts and Opinions From the Cheer up, honey )
=r --r Chicago Pollee nepwstment--"A woman you'll get there yeti" house. In it are some 84 dgose• so that A few doses gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a hell made a complete oars.
�1.p� pT1NG wt the $ottom of IL" Qenerwlly-The A Cage that Pl'OVed t00 Dl d#ranamother says in her qualut old wap: the difficulty of maintaining the low tem- Thte was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was also heartily
l� iti ,; IlQUB .. perature of 84 degrees is evident. `rhe with Bothnia, and nothing helped me ive your a ticula Indian Tonic. I can heartily
queer Q.we of John W. Matthews. "World wasn't made in a day -a day.
cult for the Physicians The meadow there, whore you love to sit, freezing chamber, which branches off from recommend it to all and will be glad to give any particulars to any one
. 0 to Eats+ �g e•
this one, is kept at 18 degrees F., and to
" , ',` Many a queer tale, more weird and in- Yields t0 the On- Why, the Lord took time to carpet ill I It are stored Ptho flak, poultry and game,
" POlt1� �'+,yiden�e Of yui 8 teresting than any penned by writers of r 1{ For sale at will dealers,or adtl>hca the OompaA9 BaOO'
;° OQ (�rQIIC�L1 1V0 t0 Permit (lotion, is hidden away aeatke t�hy the dl OL18 Virtues Of "The don't ayou sirotl ' I and nearly 4 deep to used lforstoring the price $1 pay bottle; Y bottles fort ; 6 -
mysterious disapp® P JPaine s Celery Compound Cheer up, honayl I mllk and dream as It to received, and is
c Of It Chicago police department. Between 800 itOn'U get there yeti" kept just above freezing point, or at 82
. S. , and 400 men and women drop out of eight { I degrees. Then. there are several short or-
t.-' every yeah in this city -disappear as com- And still to me in the flalds and dellsmeats to
ors Testify pletely as if the earth had opened and R Signal Victory for the King Of And I dream brave dreaer sweet voice.riugH lms as I hear her oayt weaI der lOxThe es rbutter the se and mfruit !for Bus' ss Change
�`I1* Xioig 110 Y swallowed them. Whet becomes of these 1Hedicinel! "World wasn't made in a day -a day. i immediate use are stored in another room.
. people is n mystery few detectives care to One of the strangest places for a reLrig-
• attempt to explain. Foul play !s the ez- "Tho way ain't sunny, stela.' box to the uninitiated would seem to Having purchased the Grocery stook of James Steep, at &greatly 'synced figure,
" lunation advanced by their relatives in But don't you fret!
Aii,q 'fligk ,Ask your, Nearest Drug- P P tins Danished, Eyesight Quite Restored, Cheer up, honeyl to in the bakery, but bore the pastry has and having thoroughly et the overhauled the same and sorted a with new goods, we era
nine cases out of ten, murder by footpads and a New Life Begun. �• g
(jpny, Vial pt DlLanyon'e being lila customary plea, but in few In You'll get there yet! // to be kept stiff puddings cooled, berries now in a position to meet the wants of everyone, in pride and quality,
st ftp "� -Atlanta Conotitut}On. preserved fresh, fresh preserves for baking
vQniadld8 liriy stanoeo are the facts suoh as to justify thio ff parposea kept sweet, so that the pastry
atancesareion. ..r pardon is quite Important sad a ma>3t in Special Bargains in Teas. Soaps, Starchq Pickles, Biscuits
Wholesale killingefor plunder could not WFLLe & RICHAxDSCN Co-, teresting sight A still stranger room is and Co�f'e. Don't forget to try our Blue Ribbon Tea.
go on year after year without detection. GENTLEMEN: -Ten years ago I was at- DEADLY SIDNEY _ DIS ASE• what is known as the "pitcher rooxn, m
.�TI YUO$SELF Sooner or later the bodies of some of the tacked with naeralgi&, and though treated - whore the shelves are filled with rows upon
alleged.viotims would turn up or stolen b six doctors, the disease grew worse and The Only Way To void t e Great De• rows of pitchers filled with ice and water Cash paid for XcXU �'RA.Y5 Combels Block
_ valuablea would be found in that market nearly drove me insane, I was for one etr yet. and ready for instant use. The "bar butter & E948 J. ivi +�
for all thieves, the pawnshop. It ,ta be summer an out -door patient at the hospi- Once clear to the individual that kidney box," which is in reality a room 12 feat
' F, N0.2,Gildersleeve Ave., cause of lack of developments of this kind tel here, but only got temporary relief. disease is the res of uric acid and oxa• square and 8 feet high, for storing wives
sa"Both myself and that officers experienced in criminal mat- I was sleepless for nights, my digestion late of lime, w oh have their place in the and beers and kept at a temperature of 42
gens gunyon's Grippe Cure ters soout the idea of foul play. But poo- was bad, and I would feel w pain in my human eyat , hardening and forming in- to 44 degrees, is an important adjunct to
p laipt tl Yedn. Ddr Maloney
was ple keep on disappearing at an alarming stomach every time I ate anything. Day y the house. -Milwaukee Journal.
eine from the disease rate, and the natural question fe, What after day I suffered the most intense agony, to stone-lila substances, and the toll of 11
eriu� extrQil4e'.p treating ea a disease with any medicine
>xfteo poi ig tl}e ,remedy, for one night becomes of theme and I often wonder I didn't go crazy. I other than a igaid and one that will di. - _
{ ' r pvgpkf+ text morning completely They are not embezzlers or others who took emdleee medicines given me by medi- e0ive these so ids,there will be little trifling r.. 1 Y
d, ala h&a not been troubled since. have known cause for hiding themselves cal men, and getting worse, I became ut with pills, wders and remedies of this "z f e11
lar. QVe have &leo rte received at police headquar- rl disheertened. eclat which cannot ossibl effect a Vanity in women i aP' r ,Ir� p i �®
"!" I .� Fluence *&a similar, If the repo to y Ober , P Y �"• forgivable. It t - - i� £
tai �bntk Croup Cure far our little ters are accurate, nearly all of these miss- One day my deliverance came, A lady per at cure. The suoeess of South 4 i was Nature's in- . r ,b
aiz 6lithi old, and again we had the ing people are individuals free from finan- who had suffered just as I bad told me Ameri n Kidney Cure is due to the fact .i tention that wo- ly ,
` t f esult4. ' Tke child was very bad, oial or domestic troubles and to all out, that Paine's Celery Compound had cured that a liquid itotmmediately reaches the ;! man should be r� - _ IN
>r i` o er thio,Ar stment she completely re- ward appearances happily situated in life. her. I used the Compound as a last resort �,.. vain of. iter. per. T r
apt 4 licit ffrith in Mun- decea ed parte, Bbd dissolves these alkalies solei appearance, "
area.„';;"We boys itnp "Men do queer things at times," said and it Simply made a new woman of me. and h rd substances. It never fails. Sold `�^ -, _
f 's Remedied and keep them constantly former Captain Elliott in discussing this The pain vanished; my eyeotght, which b QVa to fi die• and the woman �. -
rt 6liH llogee,i' subject, "and of all their freaks that oY �+ '" l who fails a this r �����', ¢. �
was impaired, returned, and I felt /myself y fails fails
her foil c • 11 la'
t -_..� : _ J _ - .
pn. henmatto Cure seldom fails mysteriously disappearing is the oddest growing well, and I never felt happier in womanhood. No
t4, Y. a y y my life. I am now well and strong, and woman should be - , - s ^` - �I o a - •
,6lievean;one` to three hours, and cures Sometimes the real! became insane and
Price 250. actually lose their Identity, but as a rule all my health and bapFinesa are dee t 'e Farewell Appearance at the htrone. : r ; satisfied to go
!� f6W dayat Yaine'S Celery Compound. I will always There was a circus at Chanute, and an , > , through the world
)fxulig4ii'.s , Dyspepsia Cnre positively those who disappear are not afflicted mon old farmer ooaoludod ho would take his e I r with a complex -
y gratefully remember the mediaiue tb&t �' P FINE COBLER—SEAT ROCKERS,PARLOR SUIri'S,
;ea. allorma of indigestion and stomach m�iln oP scald !mind warsandno cured me and will speak a good word for"it. wife to it. He had about $75 tri change in ion made hideous
ouleli.irloe 250. D4its TnOa. McMASTEu, his pocket, and as n matter of preonution by u n s i g h t 1 y
�5,. 'do 01 0o1dC1nrepreventa pnenmoai& murder has been committed close investi- 40 Cumberland Ft. Taranto. blotches, pimples DINING CI3AIRS, BEDlI00�1 SUITS,
Iprdeyk9 nQ a cold in afew hours. Price gallon twill disclose tho fact that he bas , be took along o revolver, knowing that he and eruptions.
some real or fancied ca for getting out would not got home until" Tato at night. /= No woman should
After rho circus was over the old Panner /- PICTURES, FANCY ROCKERS, PHOTO FRAMES.
o, ,qves be satisfied to
. 1 Unyog. a Clough Cure elope P °gb Y their husbandsf the way atheua w but PI shave ]Becky sharp. spied a "shell game" and tried to beat it. have a sallow,
r ,r''." , sweats,' alloys soreneso ands eedilPICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDII� GS
Price 2�0. known inatancea in which luau who to all After all when the novels are road and In about toil minutes he had lost $75. His ` �' sickly complex -
ik, ' gs...' . the costumes duly t1 ]mired or condemned wife'was present at the performance. ion.
unpon's Sidney Cnre speedily cares outward appearnucoe were devoted hos-
. 1*4 ah steak, loins or groins, and all bands were really weary of life with their do we not conclude that the true secret in concluded that the old man had got up The remedy for these conditions does not
( I I I ;1n ..4 y ` PP making use of cu. against a "regular swindling game, as lie in cosmetics. Skin disease is caused by ��j �T�R1ltiL Sm®�v�� �F GOOD Ill URNITURE•
�ori�is.. 14-n6y disease. Price 250. conjugal mates and quiet! dish eared g vtutun as ria anti in flc- g g t g 1� 1 r �v �A
;Daub",on•e I.. .. Cure stops nervousness in order to get rid of them. tion lies in following a plan not unlike she termed it, and decided to help bim impurities in the blood, and b nervous ®� �Ra� Ei7 lie R CAS 11
of V'
ills ti .the system. Price25o. "They would not face the scandal of the tilt conduct of Miss Sharp regarding the out. Silo took the revolver out of his she distinctly rders femiue to n weakness
organnsnid Doctor
ion$ - p divorce court, and indeed had no cause to laces and brocades which she purloined pocket and poked it under the nose of the Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the
\ , ]nxi,�+(rny9 $e&decile Care stops headache operator of the shell amt and cool! Colo
,, ;71p thkb0i;itiinatea. 'Prise 25. base an action on. Man sometimes be- clueing the housecleaning time front rho g Y realest of all known blood•purifiers. It
p Y come annoyed because their business af- closets in the house of Sir Pitt? WO all hien to give bank till old man's money. not only drives all•im unties from the life- AM
f %0. stwo
�lsnyoii!ePile Ointment ositivel cures Tho gambler handed it over, and lutein p
o ilea: Price 25c Lairs aro not in good shape and seek relief rementbor how silo kept them wall out oP g streaut, 1 • a fills it,with the rich, life-giving
ttili`or#ms R'p , g sight until aha clesirud a eostumo dt tour to rho "old (armor she said: elements of the food. Dr. Pieree's Favor- s
1 uli , Blood Care eradicates all im- in voluntary retirement. Others a ail
"'g`• Ctheblood. Price 25e. are imbutd with love of adventure, and of "the most olognntand Brilliant descrip- ",roN pa, we'll go home, and you can't its Prescription acts directlyou file delicate Opposite the Town Hall, lllt011
uli le . o a d himortant organs that bear the burdens
AipnI yontp 1i'emale Remedies are a boon after spending years to quittdomestiO sur- tion," so effectito as to cotopol Lady Jane never go to another circus as long as you wit_ liood and motherhood. It makes ^ —
to,ail women.
roundings an become imbued with to own sorrowfully to herself that she was live."-)iausas City Journal. them pure, stroirg, well and vigorous. A
uiY o1,s.Catarrh Remedies neverfail. an uaoonquorabledesireto see other phases quite inferior in tasto to Mrs. Beoky, and cottr,e of these two great medicines will -
i' sCata�rh;•-Cnre-prise 25e-eradiostes of life. It is possible and oven probable Airs. ButoCrawleyandher daughter du\c Coutlicting Evidence. trap=formaweak, sickly, nervous, despond-
` ' ` y that some of the people reported as miss- in the country to give vert to their hent c
tea 1ilisease�from the a stem, and the al ads But the num tion at rho airs of the "sandy "Was that a man's cnliao or n woman's cru tions ont f the .skit ho suffers
a hetnilithy, happyait,
4 ; itrrh'xtablet4-price 250. -cleanse and ing fall victims to footpads, indigna that the police found down by the railroad p
ter is small, Crimes of this kind are has- haired, groon eyed French rope dancer's trnckP" asked the cit editor. amiable companion, with a skin that is "ny r
+' a pext�'r 0 in the perpetrators Y clear and wholesome. These medicines ea
ill?�nI - I , Asthma Remedies relieve l fly detected, and while P P dao 3ittnr. " ' I dun no, answered the police reporter, are made from herbs and roots, and contain "- G
O':'m7nntse, and once permanently. may not be caught in scary instance the Tho luistake of the light fiction writers „There was nothing in it but one of Zola no minerals of any description. They Sint- d 1
" r11
identity of the victim sad the fact of kill- in regard to costume is in not Iteeping
}�iej, stories, a copy of `The Dolly Dialogues,' a ply assist the natural processes of asstmila- s,
Sin ox1,.s Vitalizer restores lost vigor. ing aro pretty sure to Be quickly ostab-, ulothos in the background until the ino- ltnper sack of caramels and a pack of cig tion, secretion and excretion. Medicine j�
, I Y flaked. went whoa only clothes can produce the arettos."-Indiana alis Journal. dealers sell them. /
1-,Vrioek P It is a druggist's business to give you, not .K ,
Aare >iifate bore for each disease. At all "Sudden insanity accounts for many tlosired effect. Tboy )natio ti heroin° so to tell you, what you want. ;t
sial''.- Dtlostl 250 & vial, thio for b'ruakfast that nothing retuAins, a thoroughly up-to-d'ate periodical for women, will enter upon its
rpgg y mysterious disappearances, but Aa a gun' thirty-first volume iu ,&)S. Luring tilt year it will be as heretofore
1'er Ili letters to Prof. Manyon, 11 and eral thing you may charge them up to for a Custuuto do Cour.-N:VaA. Madden YEARS OF SUFFERING FROM RHEU tis, of Wei cfe�cl Stnti��, Gnssexs CO,�vas Imo � A ZVIIRROR ®F FASHION
I. women. ' answered with free ,women. Many men live double lives, and In Lippincott's. 111ATI�M RELIEVED By ONE DOSE daughter Listen was atllictcd with eczema in a rr�� � tq ��
fluwa `• 1C aY iseli8e' �� _ distressing form. Dr, Pierce's medicines cured ,� �+ g Paris and New York Lac) issue will contain carefully pre- !,
whbn rho situation gets distasteful it is Op MEDICINE. her ager all other remedies had failed." �' �Il" ; I pared drawings of the advance fasluons
only natural they should try to better Choir AN JAI, PORTANT CASE• �! of I ,tis and New fork. Unca a month
condition B dropping out Of sight so far "For,many years," writes lytta N. Ferris In sending for a free copy of Dr. Platte's AasColored Fashion he B:.zArs will issue, ilea, a colored
c Y
he San yeas Scale one of their faaiale partnere is con pedlar'Sent to 1't:ern for P,epresenting wi'e t f tbewell-knownbi -ch manufacturer, Common Sense Medical Adviser, enclose Sul Lemont I ff cert_ siepptmnent• Cutpallberwill ns be
,irrT as A "I was neral afflicted 3c one -cent stamps, to cover customs and / r p or certain goiens m each number will he ,
I � F �_ `'` % -� bo I mitation Pill to be the Same as Dr. oP Elighgste, Ont., Y maildn •only, if a paper -covered copy is y. Cut Paper Patterns , made a feature, These will be °")d in William Black- A
IF_�,�.'_.',,�_i, ,1. 'ti e l ^ sued destruction by t ce"Oent of th°queerest cases of mysterious an I
leasant , with rheumatlo paino in my anlilSe, and at desired, or go stamps for cloth -binding. T. w. niggiawa A fli-NJeekl Pattern !connection lith each issue at a uniform
,s, tet :' . " ' 6 Williams' Pink Pills' - A Far Reaching Y price. The BAZARWill also publish bi.
kibim,' an otic Scale of the p disc entente wilt which the.Chica ro Po- times was almost disabled. I tried every Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
' Iirb ptxcGpf Ontario fruit- apples, peaches, i lice d department has had to dual is that of tbing, as I thought, and doctored for years Shcet I weekly, free, an outline patteru sheet.
." plittns, pears and grapes -gaining Amar- John W Matthews, who quietly, dropped D( oision. without any.'benefit. Though I bad lost LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES
t Montreal, Jan. 24, 181)8,-A case of more confidence in medicines, I \vas induced to p �+ Twofamousauthorswillcdntributelong WILD EELEN qtr
tx •k�t�it•theBir tis divan rivalling the Neese out oP sight in till ; city in November,,. PROM PERSONAL
atiIct tlntriea, Q 1808 and has lover Leon henry from.* An than ordinary interest ta, the public came try South Ameriaen Rheumatic Cnre. To ` 6r1 serial storiestn the BAZAR In t3g3. The et' KIGtLrnt P"CRI •Mro•'
e f the Province, the prompt snd p� p a��•r
prgallpb 0 uusually vigorous se:+rah was mddo for before Judge Lafontaine here to -day, the my delight the first Aoee gave me more re- A first deals with Scotch and Continental RAGGED LADY
'�.',pfle&9nree t0 fight this insect EXI LI\�hl'\t1.lEs scenes, Clic second is astoryof ayoung
t riZy- hila, DrX. because hu was an intimate facts being as follows: For some time pget lief tIt°n I tad in years, snd two batt eS girl, versatile, and typicarly American. Ry rr, D. yore cr./s
`de - token by the, Ron. John D Y of Captain Campbell, secretary of one H. E. Minger bas. been going about have completely cured me. You call pub- I Tlacse and a score of other equally
nyader'; Agriculture, are other evi- friend P Malty have lite$ for years to discover b 4 ;31t �!'�+�J 1Vlnry E. Wilkins
1Y niet > °t the de artment, and rho latter interested peddling a pill which be reprlessenPtaedtaepble list thio letter:' Sold by Waite & Co. _ Octave Than et rominent writers will co;tvibute ly�7,1
g0''es' if:that were needed, of the wisdom P remedy snitalile to their own cavo for the �' short stories to the Rn7nx to ,s9a, ,
, t„ it Oliver himself in seeing that the hunt was a ing the same er. dicing Co, placed the � -- Conotipatioa Biliousness, Indigestion, H. P. SpoEiord I making the paper eapeciatly rich in 'Mary E. Wllstns
A'6' '1q atked the selection by S Kathaciue De Pvrest fiction.
4 Headache, Badley `snd Liver Complaints M. S. Hriacoe
d pat•When Premier of the Government, tborpugh one. Matthews lived in Mon- The Drin the . W 0 writer in the Now York Herald in• arlaing from Poor D•igestion,•JVe'ak Stomach, DEPARTMENTS AND• SPECIAL ARTICLES
x h•hm is now Ser Majesty's represen• moutb, Ills., and
came to Chicago nal Ort ofebelCanadian neecreft Detective
who s soon Olddy sl ycle Girls. and Dfsordsrd Ldver. OUR PARIS LET'= THE LONDON LETTER
w1I Q
{iq, pf it pxaotical farmer as the respons- able wealth. eludes in his report of a visit to an art gal• the medicinerl.olp a new By
lery the following episode: To these we Bay: 1°ry/ ny kP, rl/:IR/.\r• Dr roRrsr 1t' nr r. rout r r./UMOR .
i$- }1ei;d 401 & depsrtment having to do the middle of suit of clotheeNandiwith $7001n cash. the arorlesttof Mi ger °n aichnree of obtain,
thlie•greatest indaetry to the country. Hero ho met and talked with several ing money under false pretences. I might have completed lite romance in ny nrrrc,tRrr n. rr 'iota rt' ✓o//.v As,vo/rrc> 1r aNcs '7 p^,
'Girder g,11 uthority conferred by the Legis- 1 of whom afterward remarked time Minger had left Montrbal, going to t3 t. my Panay had not my attention been at- + There will be a series of articles on Etiquette, Music, the *,*
traoted by three bicycle women who were 0 Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among women,
n .#I . e;Minister of Agriculture already friends, al a d was st once placed under arrest and an of- directly in ,front of me, and out of pure
'/� v Gardening; liouselceepiug, Life and health, Indoor Details, eta 4 'r.
lits eters. at work in the nurseries and that be was in fine health and spittle. John,t on On his arrival at that place he + , 1 oc. a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year
p�y later ficial sent to't'ing him back here. He was curiosity I followed them. I was disap
hard .6fAh� send it being thoroughly no trace of him was ettuvbe foul.tlgsing, n g pointed that they would not linger In Postage fret in the U11 ,'led states, Canada, and ntezuo.
sg¢t a star , "The police were baffled, when a mind brought before Judge Lafopntaine t]gie mYtnf front of Bon aington's "Normandy Coast w. M livavila Address 1IARPEit & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City octave Thanet
ped 6dt '.
riotils a matter de&ling with this reader gave them a clew which led to iu on two charges:pand leaded rift of Scene, but I made a mental note to re• e���,����® a�igy�rtst<y��Qy�®/r3'�1��,�b%®®0`�V�e
$pxiger n :lm foroseopioal peat is, may be strange disclosures. This person said MAC both. It was eluted out that tis offer•°a turn and continued in pursuit I followed
1 it learned that not only thews lead been suddenly taken insnfno ii lenstb9rterm of mpriaonmont.ove one and left him li Zile cue them through the room of the porcelain
gap ,>ithen i.. gone to n hotel i❑ Mnd g stat- wondering
r ., . tt elc d o e Co ronzes
a bushes Chicago and ha g . r Williams' Medicln oroulaneum b ,
ill kindoof trot
t trees shrubs and g he sol for the D , eyed H PILLb
taxeiibleat. to destruction by the Scale, but son street, near Clark street, whoreed th at punishment at this time; they only what w°old interosb these up to date
what people say. Hone it IS. r� _
1 toolu Sec growth in our forests &s well registered under his proper name, but in severe his clients did not wish to press for young people. They finally paused in -
e i, I an undecipherable running band, and had wiehedt o establish the fact that; represent -•-'-'_, i 'i • C'. .�• 4;
Mayr iarrdined. front of the three much Tlie u red 10ation B&ridssick ( � J%' '.L'`-1`
in an imitation pill to be the same as Dr. "I wonder what wheels they rode," said �� y P ' � / It �}
T een4i'lnone lose•suffered in the seven- fico ° I3eforo bedtime°however, he had WKlliams' Pink Pills was a crime which _ 4111 _
>tigen;�ta%es.::of the neighboring republic, ` > the frivolous youngest, �leadlaahe•" { - _11
",,,,;, he-13oale is ravaging, is but a mea- I taken a car and gone to the lake near left the perpetrator liable to a lengthy im- "Wheelsaro a leasant, sure I ;1' ;11.11' ,� ""r" `�
toilets t, ,.
flat title Pcovinae will escape by Jackson park, where he drowns ode gala prisonmentp On one charge the judge then the dest, °andrbon a%hey ep dei stopping ton On, saysgr' They was Hotel, II&mil- — / _ 11 t l
ai}re ;dh W..., Shortly after this, the mind re
jaeiE oVern iQut'a admirable action. i n is I body was wnahed ashore in the Calu imposed s sentence of tan drys, with the again when they reached a handsome old and quick acre for constipation, dyspepsia y r
pri&te in this connect o the b y o tion of a fine of ten do liars, and in the ot- • sedan chair. &nd sick headache." _
street fr am &n interview mot region, where it was found by a fish• P Ont.: - 11 l °i;� i �i f ,{ s
t}1e'follo'tvttig e I ro riated the money and her case a sentence of ten days iti jail with "They couldn't have tad wheels in Delisa M. E. Hmas, South Bay, u I f� r u.,ly tli t - - I
> y ",•` '`,:Albert Pay, Proprietor of rte erman, tvho BPP P f trou out the option of a fine. those days," again exclaimed the youngest. tr Laxa Liver Pills are excellent for sink- j��{e�fi{� ��,1��.�WJth, farm near St. Cattar- valuables and then tosave himsel Thie deolsion ie likely to have a far- "`��l{�IlI���'111
1 64 d{ 1+'�"'." la- edt ill fruit , of the romaine in the sands, "Whoever invanttd that as &mode of htladaahe, tensing np pQml3ain ]tong Ont.:lyt4�p he Buffalo Exprtee ble buried reachin effect, as it seems to establish the' 1 rin t g aonveyanoemust have had 'em," said rho Mus JOHN ToltmlxaoN, �/ k----1 I1!� ^�i. � _t~ .,Ontario „ koro the auiaide who "The are a pe ect care for even the �''� �, I I r1 1 `/ "
11 I ,itileS Tho hotel, the spot w that aubatituters and those
,r 13thinqt.. he Govern• purred the appearance of the fisherman principle ,,second.-)-;i
rr _ 1
�i 4litxea aro opposed tot oc Sell imitations representing them to be"the I could stand it no longer; they were severestheadaoho." i .' 1 , tt,' i ' ' t i ` , •r..
1 "illy " said, Mr Pay, "but I and tilt locality in which Matthews Body „ _ _r_ _ p'
:Osltarto,. witty salla as Dr. Williams Pink I ills, aro Il• too modern, and I wanted to return to my i t�-� ;' .f---�i{esa�l���,
rilOYlt Gf list in Mr Dryden filo present was wash] aehort were all described -• ` V n "-'m xr rsr�
' Tn at say. t ' much iuinutontss by the mind reader. His able under the criminal code, which is in Bacohnuto WOOIU'£3 7 1-10 �PI30Y�IlY]H7•
Elms a most competent man. force all over the Dominion, and it will, no The Great English Remedy. tt -� 1n� `' •�1 / '" " J
bidmioiotrationha P �-�
• 'r eii he'tgked me to come to Toronto to story caused a groat deal of merriment in doubt, to a considerable extent, put an end slipping Rugs. SimPackatras Guaranteed to -6 T'� t`
E , i I and those with me, poll,
circles until Captain Campbell in• p\ `� n s ' �,
1061 over;;: ais bill, p to this nefarious business, as it is evident N.
ud that we were' necessary to eisttd that it should be looked into, and all from the fact that the Dr. Williams' MEdi• Housekeepers who rejoice in smooth, romptty, and permanently ! �1 - � � , '� _
bxpbated�b fs f that bill. ' lle se were stat esaeutlal facts were found to be tor• hard floors often find the slipping of the cure au forms or Nervous / r -- �� �- v- - ' _
x theao- ,lotion o cine Co. went to the expenao of bringing ruga stretched upon them a serious annoy ircaknc.s,hrrtdasdon.,3per»t• \ \> _ _ - i
ri, 1 hb bill had teen drafted and was tact. Actual suicide and robbery of the ihi� nian back from s° great a distance as �, atorrliea, Impobmoyand au
not, for our approval. We bed wore ncvor ostahllshod, and many O c, encs, iP not a positive danger, as falls may effects Abase or Excesses, if `__ _t
' o us Pp y t. John, that they intend sparing no ex• tasil ensue from it. A rug salesman conexcessive _
unbnittteti t full covered and instead Matthews' friends think lie is still alive, Menta' svorrv, UM0rsti mac ' a �• l /f' -
u d the ground, y n oxnoti- , PCnee to protect both the pudic and thein• tributed the other day this suggestion as a r F�
p n but in other things there woe n ,r t' op Tobacoo,.OpdumorStdmw
of`teaoa ng' heMinieter how to preserve selves in such cases. remedy. "Wet the rugs thoroughly, he Be o?'ea�id6ftef: 1{ - � U
f rant., .mmsoon lead to Ire f ti''' w1 i
the frglt4; we ;found ourselves liatening to tulle of doscription that was alarming. "and turn Item right side downward �� ` �(! �� �� " � .
dg''y lens., It Would be impoa- "Mattbewe signature was found on rho said, rmdly,InsandtU.Conaumptdonandancarrr/Brave. r -- r ��sF
r P P until dr It will not hurt them and will Has been over 85Yoara in thousands of ( N- 1 a'*
t B y hotel register, and he had boon assigned to y ��
tlible'tb'dtd in0ft capable Minister
de she Cost of a ilstanaa Wife' relieve this tendency to slip." Tho expla
{ re,xlY•tbe Province. QV a Eourth floor room, which he had not oc- Ther° ie a list of goods which was ro• nation to that the wetting dissolves some caveat ie the oitiv loidabre and IIoneat M¢dtednc �_- �s
,p grical u known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phoaphodinei if Y 1�; ' - ---- - -„ 1-�-
r tbcl.wlth flim" oupied. Search along the southern lake cantly puha. by a young man in our employ slightly 'gummy substance used in their he lagers some worthless medlcino lit place of this, __��.r -= "
Iiq)xfront revealed a spot identical wit, `t ` _ '•� -,_-- I
,ilt fa. tife'd 0 Govern intention, OOn- treatment, whose drying makes them slip- inclose price in latter, and we will send by return -fir•• 1 C
:jjjr,ajr, to d0etroy, or cause to be gluon by the mind reader as till pisco where to a futile' In-law who had an eye for bus!- �.�`�.c} gt'b':
�'_ ti>lued'C tree that to known d um"act Into the warm, and ness before the young man secured hie eery. -Now York Post. man, price, one paokngo, Sit six, ba• One ludo a g j,d r,T--,,,q f- 1p.i" `
alter fruit tr Matthews ba j P "
adptrdyedt y prcaee, six hotly cure. pamphlets free to any address, � Iw ,�,.„r � nn ' «
in the Calumot country the officers found wife, And the time will never edit when tL'lao Wood COut, ana,
i o'be 41 tsoted with the San s b Scale- It A player at whist may hold about 085,- Windsor, Out, Canada.
;e belietved'that the pest was brought into the fisherman they were after. Thorn also his f ct right law will not regard It as his 000,000,000 different hands. Playing 40 .
sty ,a.0; frpin United St&les nor series, and it was easy to malc0 out tilt mind 'layer's perfect right to oak his eon-in-t&w for nny-
deals every evening !n the year, it might Sold by Allen Rc Wilson, Clinton,
lit i heboma e6 fatal to the fruit trees picture of the aorpso marked -beach whore thing more ho may wart. The list ie thus:
t stubiYti6a4urea are necessary. The the body had been oast up. As the fisher- Eighty neptunes, 5 -guns, 82 marks' (about be above 40,000,000 years before a e Naos- MRS.
for compensation to &n r 2 zine trunks, 2 umbrel Bion of players would have the sumo hand druggistsOHN CA=>II. My husband h be�1i-
pr6Videa P man stoutly denied having found such a D81 kegs ofapowder, 8 goats, S °ease of gin, again.
onpt,; tiVhiell will enable the grower to Lady, however, and no evidence could be las I coat, 2 chairs, 2 tall hats, 8 felt hats, 1ti9 �(i'� AN troubled Wlth dy 51�G}
Iaoo t}idrttaeh without expense to him- had against him, the matter was dropped,” 1 flag, 4 shirts, 1 tin of sugar, 8 drinking Boo, the exclamation used to Frighten MADE
fi dtltti enaltyfor neglecting to de- ,-„,Chicago Tribune. glasses, 12 plates, 1 lamp, 2 Braes kettles, children, is a corruption of Bob, the name � dLLNcr-eoraa Diaolonaa aetc atom' and fii1d5 RipaT19 Ta�1u1e5
d trbe4 ie suoh as to induce
df aIi orphard to see that the of a famous Gobbio general It has been tsy nt,nao or other Eroosaea and lnaia He f.
Oratorical influence. 4 small iron pots, 1 knife, 25 pieta, 2 jugs, ' m orf,lmpotonoy,Sioevtoaeneas,eta, Ingleaused it
When the inf6'cted 1 largo iron pot, 80 brass wires, 4 pairs of uned as a terror word for many cOnturles• crotion av�ov nudahtti mn,t avn•e'I life n�ly I�cll
dktried bub', 'tThorol” exclaimed the manwbo firmly reatmeltaAlitality in o;doryoung•nn
gi a destr0j+ed We can start Ever again scissors and about Q8 marks in epee ($5.75). titl+men for otudy. buslnoas or marrift9
.leW residing for the rigid in• believes that to !e eloquent. "I regard Quito a long, coelia flat for
this noun propant Insanity snd Consumpption e, #y - • • • •a 'Nihil 111L '`
a'nb p that as th0•efforb of MY 1, is oil time. 1'hotru,u ehM6e imtaedinto !mvrood• 1- _;�i �:
6f Izl1$ni art6d nursery stook and "It to ratter long, teti't itP" remarlroil try, when it to remomb0red that thin young moat and offeots a oURn, whoro all Other fail In• c_
man receives but 20 marks (about $5) per �t . M stet upon Raving the 06nuiito !fiat T blotm. �lioy p �x' ,,
1Y19t6ft ' of tre6'a' 'gifftlbt&I by the •the young woman who ball been typowrlb• inolibh for his wages, upon which he must �EO-KIA have eared taeusands cud attlon oyer. ive tro 1" . gestion for �a !t'
illg it i't► itive tvrltton 6nnrontt a do oRoot n euro1'�" a per ,
oltlthe himself &o well IIs divide with oth- oaoh6hroor rmfunrl the sh"..'. Fettle
"Rflt it's b6nnd tt5 prtYdudO an eff6tlb, paeknaat or alx ukttee ttnll troatmontat•for $2.rrm, 1'p ci1 X1,5•
" ... ... a mail, In Iainwl'A r u o srooM�Gof 4r1I'll, i,ket•1 ,
pli ITM9 011 Couldn't vara notice that it ex6rt4 potelib hub the When
lawn has pad him enough For '[nf a and (liliYdx�li. free. A� __ R�tlll,717 d ti *� Cbtagod ul.
15)1x(3 6 eii Whoa, imperfectly d6liv. for his daughter, he
itif odnori v dine being +
f {rt tSplillec ab tlit 'tsplaitr �r far the ti16 titin man, and ` F old iti Motion by 1�61a,
1»x 6reaP, t l , t>;en loot; her over to y fed Al16ii ec .vs
�xith wlilclt 1�e1 villus teras dr ,t i tlilltlrl bth6txghf< -'gat Hurit6' `iirifle clrpgglet , t"a`
b� .; C�elly hlbt3figoferbdr d ,; dt
pitllrl a tliidt lr 60111x, lit iii f6bt"M 4 ombit ilii' wlf6+ tlliiilEoh titAxtsira ,iieT!1 I `
tlf ;tthe nfnaltldn, 1�oC rel b k bac
'it. od x I ti for a,11 nervi , arl� b#bid, o rrl�t a o> xt1ai~7tiV1'
r k hltnd'b� 011401'6e�Pdinbinboiltdit!. �. ,
t! r +'��fLIG i�LiiA