HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-02-04, Page 2I 410V
• mlazing State oi' Riliaitra, . � OPE ITIS FOR BALE OR To LET i*rorossional y.
. f . e A CanadianS Rai a - .� _ �� .
j (dry p
; 1,
l� y `o Kl41ndike The re ort of the cotumis9iones 11 � -
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pointed to investigate the titi'aira PfCures. FOR SALE.$ �e -•
the St. Viri(ent de Paul Peniteptiary Tho undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Loti5l , a,,.
Rail and Steamer tQ Da�TSQn Cit $ 'sin
the bands of the Mlnksler. of Ins- eet7ttree talk"in favgr or 12, Rallwayy Terraco Minton Particulars R {. r�,1
y , y aeptenlber. tice, Its summarized contents are of a of Hood's Sarsaparilla,Talk upon pplioatfen, JAMF. SCOTT, Barrister �v Barrister, .
highly sensational chmract.er, It ie a as for no other roads- HOUSES NUii E Ods IiEN'I' QCNV>$ltAktpl�itw"I',
t(��,��l�,��, I
r + ) story of malfeasance in office, theft., cine. Its great cures recorded In truthful, ' SAT
9) GOVERNMENTS CONTRACT WITH II CANADIAN STN- waste of public money and misappro• convincing language of grateful men and Several houses either for sate or.1 rent, Full pomml@gioriertilDr , ntRrla I' n#tabAe
` v �J+ k �(v �� i priation of public pro arty. The pub- particulars on applloation to JOHN h1oc3ARVA Offioo ilaRiodiatelysQtltk bL #ii15oJlF Wjeggtslt
7� ]►,L/� DICA E• networks storekeepers account shows women, constitute Its most effective ad- ,
11 L
a shortage of $30,000. The guards and vertlsing. Many of these cures are sitar- Ii A Ii M '1`v II ENT.
ON THE 5 -GLAIR RIVER) convicts practised petty thieving con- velour. They have won the confidence of H/e BIRYOPIN4,r
f�A�IA//� ®R]Tw 1� i ) Land Grant of 3,500,000 Acres—BUt Not a Cent of Mone , stantly. Guards employed convicts to the people; have given Hood's Sarea a- Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goderleh Town
q+/"aaTu�a �, ■� llsldYl�i• y etta� supplies from the stores. The rillsthe largest. sales in the world and BARRI5TEiR, $(T�T(1'ljGtr I�O�'.
+ ship, about six miles Prom O intnu. All rile g r ulars ou application to,1OHN RIDOUT, 2111 too
Book-keeping. 'Our system of stores were first filled with goods not have made necessary for its manufacture pIIBZ'10' P1'I•(),
book-keeping 1a actual business The most important announcement I both passenger and freight, over the rer)nired, but purchased from political the greatest on earth. Hood's r Office-BitD ,ye)'rrYeA*0
Shorth nd` LUurfln9l orthand made for roans a day is that of the railwtpty. The rates fixedatthe begin rxorttiCant pricds of the es, find party
afterwrthen in irda at ower It Sarsaparilla known by the cures it has I ALZ111 I UltaALL Up eaire, popes#to Iroator'p.. tq Pottery,
ntng of the service Will be reduced en. S°md`guards sold delicacies to the made -cares o1 borofula, salt rheum and 8o acres; Bayfield road; similes from Clinton. CI"Zi1'I'a
'department is the meat th�ruugh provisional contract entered into by twenty five percent at the cud of the )oii.t ay loan,; abundance of water; bank
it) Canada. convicts. Grocers called on sprue of eczema, aures of rheumatism, neuralgia brain, 5us5U, frau,° house and Good orchard ^—
Dominion Government with a firm of third year,and twenty-five percent for - the convicts siva sorsa of bush. '
,instruction. As It
in- they at the end of the seventh , and took their orders for and weak nerves, cares of dyspepsia, liver JAS, WEEP.
. I i ear action is given atudeuLs clay Canadian contractors, for the con- year of what they wanted. Warden Ouimet 'troubles catarrh -cures which rove - --- �' Q� tib" �E� . r
enter at any time. at ruction of a line of railway through operation. After ten years the opera- did not restrain these irregularities. ' p >i'Odt SALE, (Formcavy Of4pmercn halt Qa Cath•,
Y g tions of the road will come under the
POSITIONS, Begiat now and be ready for Important papers and records were de- 9 ' BARRISTER A D ISC1'aI4.lx[k'UR,
r.' . ! a position in the spring, to the Yukon, to be built on Canadian general provisions of ills Railway act. liheratel desire ed. The 1+'actory and contorts on the property of D. •
s The government aid is to be confined Y Y ' Parl fes encs- Buchunao for 8125; b pa m g15 down and OffiOB-'Hutu et oppppgeiGe Colborne Hotted ?,
A• S. IM�►I® territory, and to be open for traffic by to a land grant. The company +vitt re- en to furnish goods and supplies sues bal,anaa at Btu a menti,, 1ll:�tld;ug to bo re_ GOD) .CH, QNB •`
!ti✓tilKVtirtLtii�d���f�fi�s•O� the 1st of September next. The com- ceive 3,500,000 steres of land in the Yu picked out, irrespective of tenders, and utovcd. Apply to J. SCUTE, Uliutoil.
in most cases were the higherk tender- • '
pang is also to construct a sleigh road kon district, wl;icb is north of the six- ers, Tonders were mans Mated in Yav ' COTrA GE AND LUT FOR . r:
uI Clinton Post Oihce. " tieth mericiiar , he south of that a al- P Sarsaparilla �' �.• Me�CPHE, RgON.
to be ready for use in six week time. 7 P r or of favorites. ,The contract system SA1,1;� -llr
lel being in Br,t• it I (,u' Lehi, and not, was made a farce. Letters to convicts — . CONVEYANCIPJC},
I TIME TABLE. The Com an sits u a deposit of therefore, wit ;,iu i Iu• ter rilorial oris- Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. The undersigned offers Par Fele a tramp cot- FIRE, LIB It AND ACOIDEIJQ,., 1iS, p
rL P Y P P P 1 and front convicts were. unposted and
diction for bard tri: poses, of the Do- I' -- tags of four rooms with kitchen i-ud woodshed H
DUE MAILS CLOSED $250,000 cash that the road shall be undelivered. The cr.mmi�s)oncrs dc -s- cure t +vr ills; easy to
minion Govet:,tne"•. This is t he whole f attached. Centra Ly situs ed. Uond water and MONEY TO LGAN,
com feted b the time stated. The cribe this ac hears less to a degree of I IGod S r!IIS mac• eaby to operate." drainage. Will bosold chew A
A. M. P.M.I e.M M5 P y consideration, so frit' as the Dorttiniorl brutality. W. C. bEARLE. le ,
101 6 55 London and S. W. Ontariol7 00 4 00 distance to be constructed is 150 miles Government is concerned, There is no y. Convicts ordered to burn Clinton Dec.1000 Office, MacKay B1ook, Clin
7 40I 4 i0 Wingham and IN. W. 9 55 s ' money subsidy whatever, letters addressed to other convicts in R Letter From P-2xico .
1015 6 55 Western 4.w. & N. W. U.SU.S.7 00 4 0o and the company get a land grant of many instances found money in them.
1015 10 Paris, Buffalo&easteru U 57 uo 4 u5 The method of determining the land Surne of these letters were still in the , The following letter' from F. E. Karn HOUSE AND LOT I'OR iB.�LI:
10 15 1 03IToronto& pointsm at&nrLh 7 00 2 35 3,500,000 acres for its construction, but to be granted to the syndicate .is as g +
4 05 I vaults, and the coin mission them- lateofail4oleons Bank, to a friend hero ie of JOHN Rl' 0Q �°�', ;; +
1 03 ..,Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 235 not a cent of subsidy, follows: -The syttdicnLe having chosen Srlres t)p�ned the,,,, rend foun,l endear- The tinea houaeand halt -acre, lot on Huron.11
interest:- sheet, Clint -m, occupied byeubseriber, is offer CONVEYANOER . UOQ g
1 03 Manitoba, N W '1' and B L 700 2 ;s One great necessity for the road is a locality for a portion of its grant, a in letters from )areola. wives and San Augustine Rauch, od for for sato. Accommodation for or ' I 7mTC
1 03 Stratford and Scaforth.. 7 00 2 35 line twenty-four miles in len th is laid g 1 dinar Rf,.
7 10 27 '• that the United States government is down. The land for three roster hack sweethearts, with wici aev in them, sent Via Lai, Cruces, N. M„ • fuel Y. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
P P Jan, 17, 1898 bearing fret trees, The neuro is wall located, Fire Insurance, Money to lend egl:,egtate'
1 u3 to sake the hardships sof risen life en- and ail bo sad ou roasonnble terms, A , ,1 matters carefully attended q,; ..; ..
10 27 Points E & N of 6trattord 7 W 235 doing all it can to divert the Klondike on either side this ling forms a blotyk dared by shear loved ones. !41an• of DRAB FRIGND,— to GGO stv'ALLOw, or o" the , N I t y
103•... 11
Mitchell and Dublin ..700 trade to the'American coast citier. trveoty•four miles long by six dee Y lr m,: eq .lo --
t% 1z 40 , e- these letters contained prayers and We are still on the ranch,. as �foh M hS AGNEW Clinto ,. Office -HURON STREET', CJ,10 AN
7 40 255 ••• .....Goderich.....••.• 00 even to the impo3iLion of unfair tariff 'ibis block is divided into eight sec- sacred emblems, and exhortations'to will see. itis the oldest and probably the
Lucan crossing, Sarnia and tions, and the company is granted the earn remission time h t`
0 15 655 •...iutermediaLe points... 7 00 4 0i restrictions, and the Canadian govern- odd numbered sections, while the ov- Y goad conduct, most uoto:ious in the state, and a few UI�U1'JI: FAlttOl JN Ola SALL. ,'
7 40 ..Londosboro & Bslgrave.. 9 55 g and conte out to live an honest life. hundred yards from our Jacale stands the }
ernrnent kee s the even numbered - --- y a
_ - -..g
;= men ; with a promptness that is coin- P These letters were never (iP.11V'eTed. rained wills of tits one-time fame(] tradin " Iia, AB�Ee- N
Tlio oi3Ico le open to the public (holidays ex sections. The present Mr Ja19t.ICP Burbidge, then post of the Comanche and Apache In, For ca'e,lots45 and 74, on the Hartland con., f
` oepted) from 8 a.m to 7 15 p.m., but holders o mendable, has determined that the Che syndicate's grants are airiest Towushi.+ of Goderich, s7 acroQi uoarly nu DENTIST
Y Deputy Minister of Justice, went at as well as the headquarters of one of the clears d and ,slily well fo„ecd. tion a Nrail , CLINTON., ` T,'
lock boxes have access w the lobby until ores trade of this immense region shall s. subject to all the rights that may have night to the Penitentiary with Warden moat notorious outlaws that ever existed in c'ass Goad name neuro sad rn •
Money Order and Saving Bank office open retained for the benefit of Canadians, been previously establi: bed b ft ee > rtbu, dre,;s.
ti la,m. to 6 p.m- To preserve Canadian interests in Y Laviolette s report n the revolt of 1886 the United States -Bill the Kid -you Bea ing orchard, well watered, abitit 5 ,,ties AT ZURICH THE 2ND THI7RSD ,` bF
miners or by other companies. It is Y Y from the town of Clinton, and close to sah:ol EACH MONTH $•
hfatter for registration roust be posted half the gold fields and the interests in the subject also to a provision which pre- and demanded th t he shonld alter it, have probably heard of nim, i have eaten and churches. Witt be Bold ou reaeortabl ,:
P He refused because he said it contain- several meals with his slayer; who i9 now terms Aooly I'D JOHN R1OoUT, Clinton. a ' �
an hour before closing the mails. several branches of trade dependent on vents the syndicate from becoming the ed the truth about the institution, and Office Hoare -9 to 5.
STAGE MAIL - SU>Ft>ItERHILL -Every the opening up of the new country, it proprietors of the bands of the rind- Sheriff of the county. It was on thio i .
Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and hav- was necessary that the Government pa.l linea of water travel, which f°r he was a dying man and would not tell ranch that Colonel bailor captured fifteen 1
+ , ing at, 5.30 p.m. establish an all -Canadian route with- anything but the truth to the Minister hundred men from the North with only II0IJ SI. FOR SALE.
thirty yards back is reserved for the at, Ottawa, Sir John Thompson. Mr fifty men, the capture talciug place after
ONCE A DAY ONLY” is mall despatched out delay. Eminent authorities agree government. Itis also subject to pro- 1)R• Z'• C.i
. from this office to Londesboro and Belgrave, g 1 P Burbidge left .the report there, and it nightfall. $8,20° buys the two scall -detached brick BRII619,
also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as that the Stickeen route is the only one visions which secure the •'use of the g houses ou Ratteubury St„ known its the Fox- SURGEON DENTIST • J 1�11-ab,+ve stated. worth of consideration. was found hr the commissioners that, The great, striking characteristic of this ton Property.
Y �o ensure water of any strenrn partly or wholly theslamp of the department on it had cmantry, is its pure rarified air, which, Other houses and also ca<:ant lots for sale. Gradnata R C D S `
Mails for British Isles and European coon*
the performance of the work without within ftinyndicate's landpartly
grant, to of Ontario, and Trani
tries intended to bo forwarded b Now York, an hour's delft the Gov- barn suppressed. Exorbitant rices asao�iated witb ar„nor= m nntai, climbing, Marcy.—Private feuds in large and small varsity. Toronto, �Ixll
y ”
y Y Y+ free to or "thorn h ring claims in were paiePlFor supplies. For ane prices
id too truly au Ituo++n, .try -,nd etimulatin soma to loan on inerts rte. ltatoc low.
must have written oil the top left hand corner ernment had very properly enlisted the locality of such streams, g W. BRYDONE, Barrister, Special attention given to the Preservation'
y of envelope VIA N>rw YORK. the services of a firm of contractors, The Bovet omens has had relimiriar in 1889 fionr selling in Montreal at N., 9 ,Ilere one is uorno m., -r racuntatns, above the natural teeth.
P y a barrel, was paid for at the rate of forastsof pine and sir, with an occasional +;'
sizl whoaeexperience,eneigyandfinancial ne otintions with many represeuta- $g,75�Sometimes coda were P , Olhae,CoateLlook,overTaylor'sehoesEare
The Toronto World pointe out that standing are beyond the ranch of criti• t.ives of immensely wealth syndicates g given glimpse of Prairie; along ]Duel strafe tee by CHOICL FARM FOR HALE. N, B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday aro
Rlre . y $100,000 has been saved by the case. ayY away to officers, who also got at ticles the aide of the Rio Grande, which is called — Bay,geld every Thursday afternoon twin
who have applied for railway °barters, For sate, a s ¢- ,,,,,_g th I.
operation of the Ontario Department BY March 3 the syndicate is bound but the Mackenzie a ndicate final) mad° for themselves out of prison ma the Nile oP the New World, past vast rocks, plendid farm of 33 acres, belong- tu,ramer
y Y terial, paying only 25 cents a day for cracked and fled in blocks; in laces that ing to the tato C. Spooner, adjoining the cur �:
11 i of Ne lected and De endent Children, bq the contract to have completed a offered to du the work on by far the the labor. In some cases goods were are overgrown with chaparral, see full of cultivatlon,Cem°woi .t All cleared and under good 1
g P sleigh road from the mouth of the most favorable terms. That the syn- Fold a others, including tyir J. G. Mo frame house, frame barn, TTD�R. WM. GUNN,L. R. C, P, and L. R. C: ti
i, More than 60(1 children have been else- Stickeen river to the head of Lake Tes- dicate is a perfectly res' curable one g y interest to the tired. aced bearing orchard and well. Will be sold 1J Edinburgh, , L. R.Ontario Bret i1.
lin byway o P Inn, then Inspector of Penitentiaries, Thor -sands of cattle and countless hocks ou reasonable terms to °+Oso up the estate. Al- Night a Cl noon
ed in foster homes. At $50 a year each Y y f Telegrnph Creek. This and capable of carr out ata con• so t,an,e cottage on Albert Street, Clinton, bur calls at front door of resid'ence'on Ratted
Oat' road will be about 250 to 2?0 miles in tract is +yell known, The ex erasure at prices lase than were Paid by the of sheep browse in the valleys. and on the with halr,ao a of Qronnd, sp!eudidly located. y St•, opposite Presbyterian ohurol;,11
�11they would have coot tbecountry $30,- length;120 miles from the coast to Tele- of both its chief directors in railwav nri'coit for similarart.icles. Exorbitant hiltaide�, MRS, c. 3daGRhGOIi, Constance. ae
000, or $120,000 far the four yeass, be graph -Creek, and 130 or 150 miles from buildirsg in Canada is also a n.a.ran) er, Prices were paid for pork, and pen k Gross coun+ry riding is one of the most MRS' �'• R+iBERTnON, Clinton,
• sides saving the erection of costly Telegraph Creek to Like Teslin. At ag>unst failure. g raked on the farm of the Institution li'cat,ing+ features for the tourist, with hie DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D. ZORONT
the be inning of March, therefore, min- This wholly Canadian enterprise, to '"d for veru mach less. The indn=- )cnapsel strapped to his bo:ee's back; and 11-ROPERTY 1+`OR 15AL1+.` University, a1 D, O.M. ViotgrIa Ualverild s
buildings. Besides this, the benefit of g trial management was conducted chl,•f has red is pitched under the dome of the M.C.&.tS" Ontario. Follow. of theObstetrita.. IN
�`1. era will find a read clear from the coast be carried out in the face of such dith- Forsa.le, that property on the south side of y o Edinburgh, of LontheOdon ngeirand ti"
home care and training of the children to Lake Teslin, which they can ,travel cattier within so short a tithe as six ty in the interest of officers and erns ek,y. Aaron Strout, Clinton, directlyopposite EdFnburghHoepitale. Oflrce.—Dr,Dowsel 'e.
pt to the y oI ,
" mor be considered. This is tine of the over with horses of their own or they months will redound to the credit of victs. In some crises convicts took I will give you the form of an invitation residence of Mrs Walsh. There is a two-story office Rattenbary et. Clinton. Night beI
contracts for considerable amounts of extended to Its to atterLd a Cowboys' dance: frame house oil the lot, which is,rrearly half an answered at the °ame place.'
11 deptlrtments that was established by will he conveyed over by horses and Canada, The establishment of this all acro. Tl+e prot}erty is most ell ably situated,
Lhe presentLegislature which has been sleighs owned by the company at a fair Canadian route will be an immense stone, and not a dollar of it went into "Mr Benner requests the pleasure of your and will bo sold eot• Bis cash. ib asituated, -r-a .
:i great boon to the country, and blr rate of remuneration for the service. advertisement for the Dominion, and the prison revenue. A community of body s to the Cowboys dance on Xmas apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. R. R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, il
gelso,t b very efficient superintendent Miners will appreciate this early open- will r mach To bring all the navel interest was established between offi- Eve. La it year three men were killed and Dre idea 3AN
l A �oouohenr, etc„ office and residence t)n.
. is one of the new officials s the; -was ing up of thegreatsleigh rogtes,as they and traffic, freight and passenger, to cars and convicts, There was the most. several wounded before the ntgbt was over, tarso St., opposits English church, formerly oo,
foisted on the .province, to use the will be able to get to Teslin Lake in the Yukon through C:utnrls. flagrant waste And abuse in the stone and we expect to do fu'ly better this year; FINE PROPS, RTY + copied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont:
words of the Opposition. When so time to build boats for the descent of The men who kava undNrttaken this dep:u tenant and n loss of $65,000 alone come prepnrad to shoot straight. The le- for SALE. �; ;-
r11 rank a journal as the World is able to the river to Dawson City with the op- startling and at first i+ppearance im ns- m 1 he hnildin); c,f I ho penitc nl r;try dies will be c ,,efully guarded when the The undersigned offers fcr sale his
show such a large saving ld the prow- ening of the river in spring. property R Medical
P wall. Large gnantilies °f dimension ehoo:irr; tun+s lime+, and we have provided adjoict..g the town of Clinton, conslstingot 14 Medical De artmen
P g. sable enterprise arra al4easrs lllttekenzie+ stone were purposely toasted, in order a doctor to attend u l gentlemen who may sea'''s, 5acrrs of which is bearing orchard, city, T « o+zthYalfl87�.n
ince by Mr Kelso's appointment, the By Sept. 1 the company. is bound by of Toronto, and Mann, of Montreal, choioest.ruits. The buildingsconsist otr"rame viapensar Ow k the IIcapital
Iteople will hardly begrudge him the t.hecontract to have completed a rail- Mr Mackenzie is the builder of the that the guards and convicts might get in the way of flying hulleta and we per- house, bank bar , poultry house, etc , a'1 in Ooant DfHnro X • Coroner fo
9tna11 salary he receives, way from Telegraph Oreek,at the head Rbcky Mountain section of the Pacific sell it, and pocket the proceeds. The sonall a This is a rare chilli, fora y n•Hatyfield,Ont.
y appeal to you to as your prey• first -crass repair.
i11""r of navigation on the Stickeen river,to Railway, also of the Maine' short line. commissioners say:— No officer has once in order to give it eclat," but as we farmer wishing to retire or for person wane
Galbraitb's Post, on Lake Teslin, a and Mr Mann is almost a 111 Lyell tofited to a renter extent h ihexn_ ingafruitfarm. Foi-particularsapply person -
_14 I-1 rasp County Clippings. P g Y dirt not come to this country for such ally or by letter to H. JOYNER. Jr,Clinton, E. BLACRALL VETERINARY SU
-- distance of 12A miles as the crow flies, known as agrent rwilwnv`1tntiactor, drietridl system in vague than the, amuseu,ent it was honorably declined. �•HonoraryGradaateoftheOnt,tx' dryy
and of 150 miles by the route the rail- These gentlemen will, of course, have Warden, Mr Ouimet. 13e built a steam
Wished you were only here to join'ue in College. Treatealldtsea>yenroRIIomes icated4xl� .
oseph Ward has sold his farm Ott wry will hove to take. The route iF,of to transfer the contract to n company, Yacht partly by prison labor, and he our cross country riding, chasing antelope, 13USINESS PROPERTY F mate on the most modern and eoientifiopxinF
P Y, a -ed histnfluPncefor politica purposes., coyotes and rabbits; it is high fou, I assure OR pies „Office—immediatelysouth oftheNewEr6
' n. 5, Tuckeramitb, to Wm. Dobie, of course, a difficult and a costly one, and and are sanguine tr Basil raising in SALE office. residence -Aubert St ;Clinton, Cal Y g There was a family compact. lion Mr you, night orday attended to promptly
gmondbtlle, for $5000. to construct it within eight months ie England tall the money needed, but in Thatdesirnble Brick Business Stand on Al-
' ",/ 'i Mr John Mogg, Exeter, died Thurs- An extremely big undertaking, bat any case, company or no company, Wimet, when ou Minister of Public I have made tt number of views, but Bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N, Robson, is
7J day night, 20th that, suet was buried on MCF9ra Mackenzie and Mann are the they ore held personally liable to the Works, sold a foundered and worth- have been unable to get them finished. I offered for sale, including rear lot and stabl
r most experienced railway 'builders in extent of their deposit for the fulfil- less horse to the Penitentiary, of which might say we are 25 miles from civilization The location is one of aha best in Clinton.'The JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON,,
baturday+, Canada probably, and havinu done meat of the under taking. The part his brother was 'Warden, for $]15, its r just as bad, as first is our nearest pproperty is fico from incumbrance and title fn has returned to Gunton and opened an offi09'
R p t of dtsputab+o. Price reasonable and terms to suit at the Queen's Hotel, where be may be aontult�
John Getnmill, .of the6th, Turnberry, mach of the most difficult work on the this proceeding which rs open to cri- hg a young man named Marceau as eighbor• urchase,•. Price to sono STA ed for the treatment of all aiseasea of horse
has sold his farm for $4,500, a very Canadian Pacific.Railwrty, may be ex- ticism is that it has been concluded p Apply NDLJItY, Lon cattle,&o. All calls,ni ht or day, s,
e p etended owner of the horse. Itis very gnitifying to me to hear that sun Road, or address Clinton P. O y promptly at.
good figure. ecied to carr their Many of the guards could neither read the ladies of Clinton have such a kindly tended to.
P y job through in without advertising for tenders. Tie
James Moore, Hensall, had the mie- time. government had not the materials for nor write, and the Warden was not interest in me; assure them words fail me
mulch better.' Tiiese'cases are only il- to express my feelings towards them in i� TOMLINSON, VETERINARY S•URGEO'
fortune to get his ankle badly hart the The construction of this railway is specifications, and the absolute need of 1 I'EItIiIN. I3L0CI�
other day, while unloading oats. the key which will open upan easy and getting t hrrnigh this season made it luetrntions. The management of the which I should like, I tell you one couldW y U, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vater
rapid all -Canadian steam impossible to await the deliberations institute was rotten from top to bot- appreciate their company when here FOIL SALE nary Cottager Toronto. Treats all diseases,
Major Anderson, of Seaforth, has tom, and the instances of petty thiev- awhile; in fact to live here is to know it." — Domestic Animals on the most modern an
been appointed a deputy game warden son city. of Parliament. There were countleFs $Soo Dash ., lzomonthl Scientific Principles. Day and night modern
g Already in summer there is steam pr'oposit.ions before them, which the Ing are so numerous �Ivly cannot monthly of;Sl3each lyanswered. Residenoo-Ratteubury St., W
for this provi(trce by the Ontario Gov- communication between Vancouver met by imposing the severest condi all he Karen. There is of forg- ONLY THE BEST D J UAMPBELL, Hamilton Clinton,
t ernment, and Victoria B. C., and Telegraph tions. Steam commutticintion moat ed accounts and tampntracts..
1 If on feel weak, dull end discouraged g P Should be your motto when you need a - ._ -
�_ Y, g Creek, 120 miles up Lhe Stickeen, The be opened by the first of September. medicine, Do not be induced to talte any Fat sit ft.•r `^ale or to Rent. MARRIAGE LIUENSE, JAMES SCOTT S
you, wall find a bottle fu Hood's Sarsaparil- mouth of the Stickeen is in American It must be tbrou h all Canadian t.r- DUES YOUR FOOD DO YOII GOOD ? substitute when you call for Hood's Sar- issurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Ito
la will do you wonderfal good. territory, is by treaty open to naviga• eatery, and there would be no money If you have dyspepsia your food cannot P d p Th u th hale of lot oncession 9, Town- and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
sa arrlla. Experience has roved it to be
Geo. Mardie, McKillop, sent to the tion for all time to Canadians. grant. These conditions threw out do ou all the ood it should. B.E.B. cures the best. It is an honest medicine, pos• hip or orris, containing, 100 acres, 80 acres
Winthrop cheese factory, to five and a The government hits providedalso,in every proposition made, and it was dyspepsia and re regulates the stomach, so eesaing actual and unequalled merit. Be share are tpogood rie eta ora ttltivatayatidn, JAMES CAMPBELL L .r
anticipation d yg p frame house, frame ONDE$130RO
half months, 9,932 lbs of milk, besides or otherwise of the nee commercially only after the mos , anxious consulta- that every grain of nutriment is extracted wise and profit by the experience other biro. Pram. dr,vo hour. ISSUER OF 1V1AItRIAGE LICENBBiS
foil n s Band orchard,n"ver ,
ireeping enough at home for use. Two ,for the extension of the tion that these respnaible men under- from the feed. Solid facts count. Mies P°OplO g apply Df surto water. situated §mile No witnetees.reguired
cows were all he had on the farm. Stickeen and Teslin Lake railway south took to meet them. It may be said Mary Rose delliveau, Church Point, N. S., __ from the village of B:yth. u'i11 be so.d on res-
iu Canadian tern i,tor to a Canadian that the general features of the con arse: "Burdock Blood Bitters made seem• - Y savable forma, Ap ilv t.n C HAMIL'rOly, 1t'yth
Mrs Martin, an elderly lady., wife of y HOOD'S PILLS are the fatrorite famil THOS. R. WRIT, Lseeuto_'. 948 Princes F.
the late John Martin, of Wroxeter, seaport at the head head of the Port- tract. have the endorsation of Sir Ch�i�r- plate Dore in my case after Iliad suffered cathartic, easy io take, easy to operate, Av London, on
1 P. L. 8„ Provincial Land Surveyor dna
;-- died on Saturday last at the home of land canal. This ocean Inlet is open all les Tupper, whc realizes the i eat nr.r for two ears from dyspepsia. I believe it __ Civil Engineer, London, Ont,-OtBoe at pear
the,year round. of having the road quickly Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton,
her daughter, Mre R, Sanboon. She q spat through' cannot fail to cure," Messrs Whitney, Matheson, St. John House au(1"Lvt for Sale
The government has reserved abso- and appreciates the promptitude of the & Co. asserted oil public platforms y
-' was one of the early settlers of Wrox- g
. eter, and was highly respected. lute power to fix the rates on traffic, government.
Rev.Dr.Milligan,of Old St.Andrew's, git• recently that there would ben ---
At thej annual Congre ational meet Toronto, has requested his congre a. deficit of about $500,000 in the govern- The frame house on Ratteubury street, --
g hh tion to reduce his salary, of $4000 to g NOTICE TO CREDITORS
' ing of Knox church, Belgrave, it was g meat accounts audio Dec. 31 1897. immediately oast of Lr. Tom.ineon's IF .
NHWB NOTESregretwas , in onsY The balance sheet now nblished shows offered" for sale on very reasonable terms,
see`what then prosphe ects wet
gooing Crossley and Hunter claim to have I forth, when it became known expressed
M s hispaart are set forth . The reas in ahletter to the $ 1 Y g onlyIle Estate'of Eliza don Wilson, deceased.
P P going Y p a balance of 372,172 over expenditure.Tho hoose is centroll siiaatea boar, _
Fl 1.on With anew church. Tho committee had over 200 converts at Galt, ,E, Dennie, of Toronto, formerlyof congregation, in which he refers to Comment on our part is needless•- a ""auto' walk from the business centre, Notice is here givenpursuant to the Ro .
Seaforth, had assed from time to star• what hs terms the providential rapers- Chatham Banner, bas r, cellar, largo dining room, parlor, vieedstatutes o�Ontarro 1887, Chapter 110,will report shortly. W. James Moore, a prominent Citi- IT
pity on Monday, Jan. 24th. Mrs Den- es and the death of some of th� rveve - bed r:q and kitchEn flown stairs, with one Section 35 and amending �ets, that•ull eredi-
zea of Chatham, deed fn the general I nie was a daughter of Mr D. Cantillon, iest people of his church and fez Ilse fact tors and other�parsons having claims against
Ota Top, by Mr Smith, of son. 11, hospital on Wednesday. g p p large r two sstnlle r bedrooms upstairs the estate of Eliza Ann Wilson, late of the
c$itlap, hauled to Seaforth, a dis- of Dublin and was W com aratively that the financial ca tabilities of the Coo •9 .cd samuwr kitchen and garden.
Town of Clinton, in the Count of Huron wi .
' P IT PAYS TO Very c cnvei,ic fitly situated fcr boarding dow, deceased, who died on or about the lsth
'• 'tante of 10 miles, a loud of green. wood, Mr John McCann, of Belmont town- young woman, being only 34 years of congregation are not what they once g day of December, 1ss7, are re aired to send by
which weighed off the market scales 8 ship, committed suicide by cutting hie age. Deceased was well known here, were. Two of London's leading Pres- house. Apply at Nsaw Ens office. ppet prepaid or deliver to w. r YDONE of
rtone and 800 lbs• It was hauled tip hill throat. as she lived bete a few years ago, her byterian ministers have also refused �� __ Clinton, Solicitor for James L. Turnbull, iho
and down' by one team in 3 boars, and. Wm. Hutton, a colored employee of husband beinv proprietor of the old increases of salary during the est he t anof ithesaid
ids�e aaate on o oft or
we think will beat anything ancient or the Ontario Rolling Mills, Hamilton, Simpson House, now burned down, week or so. P linAli PIG FOR SERVICE. Hemet, addresses anddeeariptiona, with full
modern 'that can be produced. was fatally crushed between, a pony en- The annual con r e - _ particulars and proots.ofthe r claims, andthe
Another of the sturdy .11
pioneers of Bine and a truck. g Kation me>,eting of Hev Ralph T. Cou),rsey, of Harrison Subscriber has lust bought a thoro•l red nature of the seourities if any held by them:
the Presbyterian church, Wingham, Dnro2.lursoyboar,otfiratelaas pedigree, which AND NOTICE is ere further Igiven that I
'I'urnberrq has passed away, in the per- Water loo County Council have ap- was held Monde with Jas, A. Cline M• E. church, in hie sermon eferred to gee You 1[tttare of the Raft that ) after the last mentioned day, the said Ex
son of John•• Mus rove err, who died canted Geo, Mat tin oP Hes alar Man- in the chair, there beim a large nu - ho will keel) for service. T.rrl $1 at t.,ale of ecutor willproceed to distribute the assets of
g P , p g m aha use of wine ata recent state dinner scrcl e, with pri1-o'et o of returning if occas- the said deceased, amongst thepereona entItl•
on Wednesday .at the ripe old age of ager of the House of Industry. There ber present. Mr SiGracey, treasurer given by President McKinley. He said 1 rr sary. Jull\ MID r, Auburn !+tills, ad thereto, Navin regard ori t £h 1 1
:84 years •list Mus rove was born in were 42 a licant T>1eCanadaBusi'nessC ll
g y O eOam8
PP e• presented the flna»cial statement for that the sinner tnhrgh poatttou is often o I'r,C of which notion, shall thenhava den gIvan; • I,
Fermanagh, Irelan , inI814. He came The O: P. R. eras the lowest tenderer the past year which was ver easier not brought to task, while the sinner and the said Ezeoutor will i3ot be liable f6r
to Canada in 18&7, and settled in the• b factor Y lnhumble position is broughtunder CHATHAl♦I, ONT. T1I0It0-B11%,ED .450C
Ii FUdt thesnidassetsoranyPartthereof,toanyDDer,• ••- -
y $200 for the transportation of 5C0 y. The total amount collected discipline. p SALh son of whose claim he ehallnothavereooived
totvnahip of Pickering, where, in 1816, reindeer. from New York 'to Seattle. for the church debt was 715.22. That is not in accord with notice at the time of each dietributicri•
be married Mies Mary Armstrong, of They will be part of the United States $ the rules of the Methodist church. It Iadolng more for its pupils thab any Diller -- W. BRYDOPIE
Barrie: In 1858 he came to Turnberry is a greater sin, he said, and a greater Business College in theDominiou. For ante, 2 two your old Tamworth Boars,ono Solicitor for theY'4Xeout"or
" '.'an$ settled on lots 8 and 9, con. 4. For relief expedition to the Klondike. NO MATTER. 43 pupils were p no.d in two months. Stu• being w inner of the 3rd prize at London also Dated at Clinton, this 26th day of Jou,,18oll
violation of the rales of the Methodist dente from all quarters are ftneking to this Istat Exeter, Goderiah, Clinton Seafortii and
+fives• 60 , ears deceased was a member Lord Aberdeen has approved of -tn. No matter how obstinate the Dough, how church for President McKinley to worthy business school Dungannon Also au kgod Poland China Boar,
,1 of the Methodist church, and for over order Council allowing the law to take severe the cold, Norway Pine Syrup will drink wine at a state dinner than f6r Besides a large attendance from Clint,ham wienor of 1st prizrs w•hereshown. 2 Duroc i r•
R��' darter of a century was a class lead- its course in the case of James Alliflon, cure and cure quickly. No other remedy the poorest mechanic in 'the church there aro already year 93 pupils rogieterorl poi, Bearer 6 mouths obi, one winner of 2nd NOTIOV • rl'O CREDITOR . •
`,'srai'• from outaldep Ante. 60 oltthem from points Pr, .o dt Lnndou. Also one ago r Jerroy Sow,
He was a total abstainer and tem- condemned to be executed for the mur• equal° it in curative power over throat and to drink it at his humble table. "The nearer to other business Colleges than to winner of 22 rizos, A ny or n-, of I.ho3o r+iII be /n (ler, Surro ate Court .' perste In all other habits; a man from der of Mrs Orr,near Berlin, and he will , lung troubles." President, if he is a good Methodist," Chatham, sold cheap, p 9 rt of the CoufiI
WESLEY \V P1:3HER Denmillor
"I., =lips an oath or profane word be bung today, Feb. 4tb, said Mr Coursey, "should set, the ex- �'e Presume these people investigated the __•_••- Hua on, in the estate Of Thomas Neilans,'
g While Lord Brasse Governor of p merits of the different schools, and decided CL1N'1'Oh deceased.
suss not -heard; possessed of a strong y, The Canadian Home Journal for am le fou•• all ethodists, but he hats that nothing but the best would satisfy them
mind, honest and trustworthy in every Victoria, was attempting to board his February is especially interesting, not. The discipline of the Methodist hence, they are here. gy00D and COALI Y1)11g) All persons anyelalm against the e
detail of life, true assteel to his friends vyetch in Melbourne harbor from a The Canada Clab is again to the fore church must he lived up to, and if Write forentalogue, of other departmentsand ,f• late of Thomas Neilano, late of of he oNn
Mid, reepected and looked up to even inunch a wave carried the gan wily .with A, description of how a retail store President McKinley does not live u a list of the 43 pupils placed in taro months, ship Of Hallett in the C;yunty of HVr:1Y
h ..those who might differ from him in handles Canadian goods. There are to it, he should et out of the church subscriber is prepared to ppromptly fill a.) or• deceased, are reqqulred on of befora • ,
y g away with Lord Brasses and the oat g g dere for Wrod or Con], wtich rvi11, be sold at day of February, 89% to solid the]ihdors
�ublicor political opinions. $e took swain on it, They narrowly escaped three competition stores to be voted D. BIeLACIILAN �Co,oLati►am 1OW09t+atca. OtllcoenIsaacRtroet,ntLAVIS odsolicitorforthD Dxcautor of tib eluate. sill
Iitt1P part in public affairs, but suss a being a Ptished between the yacht and upon, and Secnarf writes an interest- WILL fOU TRY? IMPLEMENT 800318. W. �VtIEAT1.EY . Ftarticnlars of their e)h{me soil the gnevritieit, '
eotleisEetlt Conservative, ']lever havin Winch. ing title of "An Unwelcome Guest." CPEESE FACTORY NOTICE. (If any ht31d b them duly, verified byrtitldhv#
Music it»d este Will you try to got rid of oonstipatron if GENTS - Book businosais bettor than for After ho sof date rho oxtlottti)t;Wi111ir6A
•. tuissed yo grit ail election since 187 , Gossip has it that Mr Marter will re. P y title present in plenty, w° tell yon how? The remedy is Burdock The anDualmeeting�- A ears rRst, a1sD hav° bet+ornnd faster ! to distributeenit by,
assets of the d9 fb to ni
Y a n ot the stoek•hoklors and sellingt(t _ _,. .
=.atnd;at the astelectron, its 1890, kle poll• tire;tlOt dilly from the contest, in North and the various departmenth of thea
Blood 61ttors, It puts the stomaob livet ,patrons of Ilie Holmosvillo ()heeds and Butter boo es. Ap nus olrarfrom $lOtb$lO weok1 +..A Parties entitled ther'tito, having,rdttlronc
d sig vote its iistial• Tiif'bttt('si batt• from public life, In this Jonrnal are so complete that it 4•s no Co, (Lima ed) +1-111 b0 h Ill fh W11sor1's Hit,,, fetv.leaders are: -Queen Viotoi "Ll Mr to the claims of which hu hill' rebo#v'ed n
and bowels in perfect order. We oto o e . • " , and after such die ributi'on tbo staid bit
Feb, le, at 2 O'clock r so f I pill do p gregMvt Spa "hay , "Xi.or'ri Bible Stories," rD• ((.. ... _ .
ti+eltt nit .T. J. l!`oy may be nominated wonder that it is becoming po alar. r Wilt hot be aGCbtth[aiilq for Yuri Rrtbf t
' I i e' north Chou b t - Every family should be pp what we print: I think there it no equal to t,eb. 12th, 1fiof t1l the ourp�bas of C10Filt il Inosafveypen►rer„ 1110 ikDGotdfle ds,"• t'b• Yp
17 , Ig Here are numer y a sabseritiel• to B.B,B. for constipation, s Mrs Thomas the busifross Dt lto a o ti g P Innta," "Glia ifsbN of the Unsoon "' Brea r cot» d# tub ofitato to' ally Poll eon a Wlkodb
91�tltlr t this distinctively Canadian Prioiical P Y t pas reefs 0�, and for site liti)no radl t °+ I fust, du0botibelsaonot bootihi o is bd
' llittllo = -�^--- !Y tiff ting tither aspirants wise believe their p Tambl n, Oshawa Out. ,,It cured u etoctian Dt offinots far the cotton(� J oar. P kit ls. or, , I ads, an Enoyciopito g .17+ h ff
Ill ."pt dfQt>' pnbTlrservices ustif the)reltumsto'Tb$llicrtZitlwi Reines Journal M Kin• Y both W.B;FOliSTf+;lt,lso.." die.?„rnoltaOil tiir)D.BntlasYreotooanvsab,rr. piv°'lliutettaattothtisticut(iiu,tratbohttl
gii�pot J Y , C m husband and myself after airing cots G rv, S. LAVIrR17NCLr T BIte1DL13X GFAIiIiT1TM0. Ciotr i. ltocl1.+'• BOLMSq'ICA, .
u. , • � . considetatlofl by' the convention, non Buittl'ing, Toronto• bottles In all.", I H°:mosvIllo, Deor $0, It10Z, , '°& Ilton , 8q'1#eltol+tbr th!a XXooutior so'6tth
., i bated the l0tlr duty tai atutuulit `tsB+
- :.•'
I I I : 4, / .
.. ''.
K__ -11.1- .. -L I ,; \ , I I - I