The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-04, Page 1R
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ONT. FEBRUARY �, 1898 $1 a year in advance 01.50 when net sei paid , 1
1t ROBERT HOI�MES, Editor and Proprietor. ° CLINTON, t �i I
ce CouQtY Council• 11+ Turnberry, which is assessed Rrucellield
, : u . 004 is �— ! at $39,150. Three now brick school CORN Mr Wm, �/�� ,
fl Scott, our enter -
5 t ked 1 h t O 1 D 1 s a s t e r� houseeAvere erected during the year priatng grain merchant, has just re-
A 1 V - The January session was opened on, ill No. 1 Morrie, No, $Turnberry and cc load a cprload of cora; we hope this
• Tuesday last, all the members present. Morris, and No. 12 Grey. The report will meet the wants of his many
. �i#vo -you the time? TlIe-ttrat bustnese was the electron o! �•
1e►t time is it ? F also refers to the examinations, mode} oustomera,
a harden. Dr Rollins was nominated schools and teachers' institutes, and
f•-Iu you ' time eotrott ? Factory Burned M Messrs Cox and' McLean, and Geo. concludes by saying that the work by ti ding o NOTES,- Collectors, Por the Qit,31I and �rI
� ItQ,tt why itot ? The Doherty Urgan y oF.wan by Messrs Cook and, Holt. the schools is, on the whole, satiafac building of a new brick Sabbath School sby.
The ballot resulted} in 9 to. 7 in Mr Ma tory, but the Inspector laments the room in connection with the Freaby•
iia the gneetion T. would ask. Ewan's favor, and was declared of break in salaries, as it will have sten- ferias church here, have been on their The two pane in the scales of jae-
. it t'io, q t atom without the ected and duly installed. Many com- dent to drive the best teachers out of rounds; tenders for the erection of the tfoe, We balance the two. In Drugs.
r s. Yan'.re gat to have it. I! ,° the books and a few tools municatione were received and refers ed the profession. school room will be received up to the especially we first look to quality,
arXvst4h %s not. groin pn as Nothing Saved beyond to the various committees, and the die- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 14th of Feb., as per advertisement in then to price. 1f this price looks`
.sod se;rtiAfaotri�n as yon would � poral thereof will -be fou,id in the res- another column, The Communion will high you may be care it is balanced
r jr bring'it . no, and we will INSURANCE $4O e)OO. pective Committee reports. The following is a statement of esti- be held in the Presbyterian church by the quality olthe article You get.
I ' t+;c Win to. make nd you ill L0,5,� $lOO,400. t P. Holt and W. Lane were appointed mated and actual receipts and expendi- here on Feb. 13tb, which is the second It it looks low you may be equally
' reuatislaotion,orWo-willgiverefim auditors of criminal justice accounts. tures:- Sabbath in February; Rev. Mr Ilam}1- sure that it is not through the care r
�rpn yonrpioney:,I The following were appointed trustees ton, of Londesboro, will preach the rifles of quality. Our prices are
MR. DOHEIiTY'S RESIDENCE ALSO DESTROYED of Uollegiate Inatitutea:-Cxoderich, �� �� preparatory sermons on the preceding right, always, and always as low as
' Jordan; Cli}xton, Henry Plumste , = w : :+n :n u� : , mE � rd, Friday. we can afford to make them.
+c • . The most disastrous fire, and the trio lighted throughout, and there were Sekforth, D. McIngis and Thos. Kidd. o ti ' ' N °' Q' �� NOTES. -Saw logs are coming in _ _
r. Crews most far-reaching in fie effects, it has orders enough on hand to keep the fac- Geo. Baird, o Stanley,la,nd A,J.Moore, tam � ° fast t saw mill; Graduate Druggists
grate t to he the sound ALLEN & 1J ILSON, i -;
a doEs art been the misfortune d'f Clinton' to ex- tory busy for some time to come. , of Goderich, ere apppointed members , , S oo a S;1 : � ; ; 81 SES of the mill has been improved by the aggis &Opticians,
. , rwtC Repairer pexience, occurred early on Tuesday The townspeople looked upon the of County Board of Eaaminera for I898. a : erection of a new steam -boat whistle. Clinton.
morning, when the rriagguificent works industry as a most important one; one It was decided to ask the Legislature � : : °� o "V' R 9 :V 19 §+, : I Parties ha'va been the order of the v� ”
oI .1f the Doherty Organ Uompany were in which all forme of business have an to so amend the Munic4val Act that v, everiing during the past week, there
reduced to ashes.. The origin of the interest, and keenly realize now the members for municipal councils should 1 � m ,n - being not leas than three in our midst; ,
fire is a xnyatery, except that it started value of the loss sustained. Very few be elected for two years instead of one, ,I ZZ ,� 8 g � a m $ g g : 2 cc and good prospects for a few more. Holmesville
.. �^-~. g
in the hot blast fan, which was used are aware, however, that last year the the elections to be held at the same a ,° a, �, o� a Mr Kennard has been quite ill lately, POSTPONED ENTERTAINMENT. -OW-
w;. - • •'�FJrg' _*1ller to heat the .buildings. Mr Sage, tb wages alone paid out amounted to time as those for County Councillors. I �� � � � � � � � o � � � m � but we hope to hear of his recovery ing t° the storm the New England eu -
�ix7MET;-�Qn entertainment 'night, watchman, was making his u $37,275.26, the real bulk of which was It was decided to put a railing at each ' before ion Mr Robt. McMordie, er., pp
iv nsiti tha''Tem ,erance hall, ual 'rounds, at about half est two g R per and entertainment of Holmesville+
bog e P spent here. The outlook was exceed- end of Benmiller bridge. The Warden v: of Anna Trebor farm, near Hensall, League, has been postponed until Fri -
al' • p em- alt fire, and Soon in 1 bright and the greatest sym- and House of Refuge Committee w re p gF5,888 88gggggg�t ct was in our village this week. Mr I+i d was romised in
" �'
;tato sus ices of the Sona of T o. clock,. 4vhen he am a re Feb 4. All that
'. Feb. 12 el box whtch con- nth ie telt Por Mr Dohert w)Tb, by "ins'tructeil ti° Yaks steps -to have Bridd o o
pg y __... _._ pp
., . nce, on Tliursdayevening, , located it in the ate , P y . in face ley: an inmate of the House. commit s � $ , �, r' '-+ Higgins, of WinRham, was this week previous notices will takeplaee, includ-
the follopgiiig personsfrom Gode- tained the fan. He at once stopped indomitable pluck and energy, • � � ',,, ;p , 411 u"'y : § the guest of Mr B. R. Higgins. A few ing the Clinton Orchestra. Riga leave
,Epill,tak6 fact. Miss Whitney,Miss the working of the fan and started the of l;reat difficulties And obstacles, had ted either• to the Asylum for Insane or m Iu� from here attended the carnival in Town Hall as Stated before, at 5.30,
t j}eabr'gn, 141Fes',5trachaln, Mrs,, Prid- pumps. By the time he turned to the built up such a, handsome b:xaineae to the County Jail. A. motion, that w �, lieneall on Tuesday evening of last 6,15, g.4Fi and 7.15.
aq,: B;HObxni3,on, J :E,Davis, Mr Stod• fan with the hose, 'rhe heat and fired that it was recognized as the leading the Property Committee examine the ew week in spite of the inclemency of the
were so intense that when he opene one of its kind in the Dominion, and House of Refuge once a year, was lost. • ° . :-,: :
JneIThtim§ob,Miss D1c0a11, accom- fO liippen
Y A: 'lit,>nd, $; Silty, of Clinton. the door he was driven back and al- who had made the name, "Doherty The Olerk was instructed to distribute t. ;„ m Z : a weather.
yy y p p y : : o 0,a :'Z d Goderich Township GATHERINGS. -A number of the
a' �pxg I1,;' 'Warner slid Mise K. most suffocated, getting slightly burn- Organ, Clinton, Canada, known al- count property, such as hand-ctxife,
od r% li, visited the tatter's ed.
in to the uttermost parts of the etc., on the authority of a member of �•q 7 ; � ; �°, : $ � a c ' °,d : CHURCH. -Quarterly services will be farmers around here are purchasing
( ygeau,•'' Ce ,.e c last. Owing to b g y ° �' ' �'� . m ° �pznu) o c'� held at Wilkineon's Corners, next Sab- corn to feed, 11[r John Mc coin get- _
,. i+itaiori .S>inday as g The factory whistle sounded an earth, his foreign trade ern a very the Count Council, &nd net on the u ° m .�
�'` e'ye atorriny, night a great many but such important and extenaive part of the authority of Reeves and Deputies,'as ,y a a c c u p , m�°UPa bath, the 8th, at 10.30 a.m., when the ting a car load to supply his custom.
� , , alar m, and also the fire bell, heretofore. I b c d •- o U d$ a � Cd m ° `c o,2'd pactor will preach. Service at 7 p.m. exs. On Friday evening the I. O. F.
r lig-inteAded taking in the New Eng- a ter rific gale was blowing from the business' On motion of Mr Pattersop, seeoiilded i " o . +� ° an a held a concert in the hall, and iiot-
t<L' supphx at Holmesville .were dis- north-west, that many in that section NOTES a... u U = o a• ° as P " o d m by Rev, Mr Graham, of Bayfield.
e(1 Ort Friday evening next of hear either. The firemen were by Mr Stewwrt, the County Commis w a q ° y; �+ a c o'os� U o m F RECOVERING. -We are lad to sa withstanding the unfiivorable condi- +
i} t .., did n d -.o � a- y o , b c, tion of the weather the hall was com-
owantenda:holding a political soon on hand, but it • was a consider- An organ factory has been placed at bide a known x Dyer's --bridge, ane bet- I w.d L = o� t. °' ° ca 4 m a P. o " that Mx Louis Tebbutt, who was con fortabl filled and all spent an en o
"itis Ih.1 }ie djaill's hall; The temp- able time before the engine could be their disposal. g Y g °'at " d ° j' u ° ° a fined to bed at hie brother Alf's, Hur- Y J. 1 y' _
k `'''1. of to the factor , owls to the drift- The dl y kilns, 811ed ,with the driest ween Hallett and W awanosh, and U ti p r-, A a U1 U v, vl J U Pa Q°+� on road, fora few days, is able to be able evening Mrs J. Workman is
,.,er�,ppei�p etl�tl.$enrnxller orchestra have tenders placed before the June RECEIPTS confined to thehousa theca h
�itttpnd Htildl : a .concert in the near g of lumber, went off like a flash. meeting, if it has to be rebuilt. out again and retaened 'to his home g eicknesa.
'bills and don't miss ed condition of the roe ,and the fire g Weare leased to note that Yrs R.
;Mature"; ►a lx "g, ,`., . , had then made such headway that it It ie robable the new factory will The Clerk was instructed i o aster, From Registry Office .... , . $5134 25 last week,19
;;. ,� �'fet?pvb ;bur young,men took in was-im oseibla to save the premises built east of the Standard Elevator. From Auctioneere'licenses.. 348 00 POLITICAL. - Alread considerable Miss M. a fs again able to go about.
1.u e'totr su per of -$he Workmen' at p he building, be b tain from the Provincial Treasurer the From Peddlars' licenses.... 475 00isy Miss M. Meeting
of attended the oil
�# 1 • The Prams cellon of t g $ , P trict Meeting of the R. T- of T. in
(1ytrlppcits'1!huesday evening last. P as Covered with A s�etem of water -works would un- probable cost of an audit of the books interest 'bein manifested in the o- Goderich last week. Mies A. Cooper, x
four stories high w uestionabl have been of groat ser- of the County by the Provincial Audi- Leaving the net actual expenditure litical contest in `South Huron, and
p{ie bor0 steel and the roofs with iron, while the vice, Y tor, for the past three years. $2814.771eaat hantheq,mountestimated. prominent public men are prophesying of Hallett, is visiting at the home eof
T"9 centre building was brick, with iron On motion of Mr Mooney, seconded who shall be the representative for Mr Jae. Coo Cooper. Business is rather
ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT but if we are to
' 1 r� "`A~ roof reader nv roof. The brick portion having only.l Mayor Thompson, Goderich, sent a by Mr Torrance, J. C., Mrorrisonr-of Me- the next Pour years, quiet in our village on account of -the !i+lSOTIpIT,-�uri been added last year to accommodate message of sympathy to the Mayor of $illop, was appointed 'Auditor. A The committee recommended that "judge by the feeling of the Liberals in severe storms and intense cold;"it gives
], ' '19 annoying error in the the increasing business. The ro ria- Clinton. our merchants a rest and time to take
1?, P motion to appoint John Anegess, of Goderich township be empowered to this township, Mr McLean wit ave a ,,.
ftp, ,,1�t.',W' k,, concerning the pro y The brick walla that remained stand- Turnberry, to the sa°u position, was close up and dis sae of a certain road lar er majority than he bad last time. stock.
1.ed•; re*r `.`Methodist church.' The for had taken ever precauttoggn to p g In act we foretell the result in the
rixi i;iated theft the sum of "$37" had make the building aerial inn anwind abs t m were thrown over for safety on lost. A motion was dfe that Arthur allowance, another road lravin been
r. silted ;`b91 - subscriptions so far. the iiiflawmable ma. Wednesday. Major be a ointede second Audi- opened a The ;ommittee recom following lines:- Auburn
n. j .1' y at it it but all these counted as nothing esers. Dohert Co, have opened tor, but D. ,U rquhartf'Hensall, received mended that the Commissioner attend McLean and Eilber a contest will fight, Call and see our stook of Fur Coats, Robes,
;; 0ti vVa9 so, palpably an error th M y ,IIlankets, eto.-J. NICHOLSON.
not ' ' ` hake It should have when once the fire had got headway a temporary office in the corner of the the appointment ipe"lead. to all bridge repairs, so that same may For the attachment of M. P. to their name,
�gpd y d B MaLean's popularity and isms.
" d ::�o beer, to On" -a very impor- The thermometer stood at about 15 Town Hall building. The lCgle ',a�g!nof the QCounty, sand er of W rWalahntoi leu ld as bridge on But Eilbpr should be buried clean out of Bight NOTES. -Miss Dimond, of Bluevale,
.r 1 w.
f,;•�,j; difference,, below zero, and made it exceedingly Letters of a ro ath and tele rams dal y
:f ^? en and others to Y . P ' g submit them to the Executive. boundary of Morris and McKillop, for V161TORa.-Mise Susie Elliott,rof the was the guest of 113isa Annie gnoa last
QPoRR:-A very enjoyable d iac.ult for,the firem have been received' by the firm from The next meeting of the Council will $100; be accepted; that the tender of R. Bayfield line, is at present the guest of 'week. Miss B. Miss
M. of Blyth, was ".:
11�IsK6N. < - ,
iii of+the>Misaion Band of:Knox work. After the tank at the Factory Mr. Gamow, Mr. Cameron, and many Jameson to build bridge on boundary her cousin, Miss Clara McCullagh,
the guest of MiaS M. Radcliffe last
P +1' ,06fv, g, of Hallett anQ Mcgillop, for $117, be Huron road. Miss Sarah Nott, of week. Diss Yates, of Goderich, is the 1'
'spttttreb'was..held' Sat'urdap afternoon was exhausted. the engine was moved others. be held in Jun.. ecce ted; that Jos. Laweon's tender to Tuckersmith, visited the family of Mr guest of Miss S. Blair. Mr G. Whit-
g t,
•p the: x'A' an' sei fifteen were present. back to the market and a line of hose REGISTRAR's REPORT. p John Rodger last week; as also did Mr ney is home from Goderich, and'is laid
1b : re abed : -::for .the contest and attached to the hydrea,nt, but it was S. haveb•laCC op the r e tabliehmentsn at ins of the Registrar for the build bridge near Grand Bend, $117,
with enthusiasts; eight were too short to be of servic the disposal of ei Doherty to en used The returns be accepted; the lowest laude being in and Mrs Wilson, "of Dakota, who are up with rheumatism Mr Moore, the i
a t ' eight
d were
The heat tom the factory soon set past year showed that 4051:„instruments each case recommended., spemding the winter at the latter's maxi carrier, was unable to Roto West _
,u Ir .Qn it. subject. in the meantime. were registered during 1897, and the parents, Mr and Mrs Hark, Colborne. field and Donn brook' on Tuesday on
&n`Y1. ; on 3 s Mr Doherty'O'bouse on fire, and al- EDIICATION_COMMITTEE. y
art intereatin r logs, t u pine of the effects in the low- We understand that the Grand ,fes received therefor amounted to Miss Rwmeay, of Goderich, is visiting account of the drifted roads. Miss L.
r'afew h ' as orked ho g,q"e v d the family prat- Trunk Railway bee offered a specially pp p g The committee recommended the Erratt is vision friends in Clinton ab
.Agile Scott, who h w er part were sae , 4517:I5. The De utyy Registrar rem at WmrHaacke'e. Mr Richardson, visiting
patience for the } caved sa ;the Clothing they low rate of freight on all materia} eived $750 salary; cther help and ex publication of the inspectors' reports in of Ashfield, Sundayed at the home of present. 11Ir J. Curry's sister, from
relatzeal`and„P tical y y h
-ta co mencement, four had on -Jay, , Mr Doherty's eldest soh, brought by rail for the purpose of re- asses of the office amounted to $1062.- the minutesahat the examination ren- Mr S. J. McCullagh. Lionel Leith- the Nile, Sundayed wit Miss Sprdnge
eines I CnuRCH,-Rev. C.C,Couzens prei ch -
o ;was pr canted with Dr. did not save as much as ' a shirt. At hulloing. 05; the County got $1i94, and also a tie for High School Entrance and Pub- Waite and sister, Clarice, of Holmes
"'* -eye :,$took. It was decided to resent the famil are domiciled at At the council meeting Mr. Doherty little surplus', f rQm the previous year, lir School Leaving in Stephen be Chang villa, spent the latter trait of last ed in the Methodist church Sunday
,., • r yy he net 'amount received by week as the guest of their sister, Mrs .+ "from
A. ,11
I . ti and make picture books for the home of W. G Doherty, second stated that he did not want to leave leaving ; ed from Grand Bend to Crediton, and night on Self examination,
' ;' I 4 udian'Chtldren of one of the Mra- cop of Mr Doherty, while some of the Clinton, but he did want waterworks, the Registrar, 526id.75, in reference to the request of the W Driver, Glebe Farm. 2 Cor. 13, 5. On Tuesday evening the
;, Teachers' Assn., that a delegate be Epworth League spent the evening
, gelds at the next meeting. children are atoppI with their sister, a statement the circumstances have ,
4A' I NnTES,=Quite an excitement Mrs McKee, of London. more than justified. INSPECTOR TOM s REPORT. sent from Huron to attend the annual {ATingham. with the poets; Mr F. Tabb taking
fl;laet,:week among the horae> The stable was one of the most tom- W. Doherty has had a remarkably A GOOD R7dcoRD.-A ood days work Tennyson; Miae D. Erratt taking O.
r des oro over y y The report of'Inspector TOM showed meeting,that no action be taken. was done on the farm of D.Meiklejohn, Goldsmith; St. Clair-Couzens, Words .:
en11. ' and,farinerel o#'Lon h fortable buildings of its kind in the successful career, this .is the first that the'total receipts in the school in- SPECIAL COMMITTEE. worth; O. E. Erratt, Milton, and E. A.,%
e. urchase`of the lane yyoung Shire county, and this, too, was aeon. a vic- reverse he ever had. A good general spectorate, of West Huron were $72,- Recommend that no action be taken Morris, last week, when two young Blair, Longfellow; a ver enjoyable
11}ona Reed's'Hero, by E. Bell, from Lim to the fur of the flames.' Mr Do- concerning the memorial from Lanark men Bluevale, and b. y
Well knoyvn firm' of Innes & Hor- y a}ways takes hie first defeat hard, and 107,85, while the expenditures were , Wm. Stewart, avenin was spent.
' o have undoubtedly herty has some valuable driving hors- he, like the proverbial Highland man, $60,817,37; this is a alight increase in asking the Legislature to amend the Bell, Morris; cut rtifd piled ten cords of g
:CJlin,on, wh y es, and also a heavy, team used fez neverlearne how to beat ii retreat. both items over last year. The teach High School Act of 1897; concerning cordwood ra rRne hours; This ie a Blyth.
111 rYi l+ d aZ;e of the best Clydesdales draying purposes; fortunately these Several of the.unmarried employees ars employed are 58maleand 75 female: the memorial from Bruce county, ask- g
ht hve`croSsed the Atlantic. Reeds were all removed to a place of safety, g temporar situations else average salary paid male teacher, $380,
log the council to petition the Legis- HAPPY TO MEET, SORRY TO PART.-- NOTES. -Mies C. Tucker, of Wing -
i; a,beUutiful bay, on extremely several toils of hay and other supplies are takinHu h Rourke a valued mem- an increased average of $1 pert lature to amend the County Council The Masonic at home in the Town ,ham, is visiting friends in town. Miss
..t legs„arnc`1'very heavy bodied. His being consumed with the etables. where. aHttenbur St, choir) has gone average salary paid female teacher, Act of 1898, and go back to the old Hall on Friday evening last, was thee- Heywood, of Uliaton, i, the guest of
•,i is.a, general wonder. He is a g her of R y
In the and was an immense stock to Strathroy; Dick Foster, our well fa281, a decreased average of $id per method of County Councils,recommerid oughly enjoyed by those present. The Mrs Wm. McElroy at ,.present. Mr
brothet'to the now famous Bel- yard
estimated at be -known and o alar singer, (a member -'teacher. They hold 2 first class certifi no action to be taken. hall and counciLchamber,were decorat Wm. Shaw and Miss Grace Shaw, of
T a�, ,whi'eh is considered s ex- of valuable and r, rests n feet, and ed with red and white bunting, notice- Goderich, were the guests at Mr Wm
11 ,
be'the' he built low set tween 750,000 his of Ontario St. Uh6ir) has gone to Sea- Cates, 56 seconds, 74 thirds. 39 changes ably among which was a large square Fleuty's residence on Sunday. Rev
ts;to En - as there was no way of saving t + forth; T. Wheatley has gone to De- of teachers occurred during the year. ,COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE. eind,compasa on each aide made up of Mr Millyard, of Clinton, exchanged". of the best sires in g in to the absence of water, it too licit; S. Kitt, to,Woodelock, and oth- 7478 Pupils are enrolled, being 200 less Thie committee re cited having ox-
14ir Bell is certainly to be con- owing Several attempts t, u situations wherever than in 1890, but the average attend amined the jail and found everything. bhxo.and crimson. A short program pulpits with Rev. W. Rigsby on Sun -
"t dstud encouraged for his was consumed. S ers are picking p once was greater. Classification of pu- clean and in good ordenthat the differ, pvaa ii terspersed through the evening 'day, and the reverend gentleman de-
' ki his urcenco as the former were made to remove some offeit, ffort they can. iia is as follows:-Ist reader, part 1- ent rooms in the Court'House were and refreshments were served. At livered two very powerful and touch-.,
PLne n e notwillin to dispose of the heat was so great that re rt Th lar a cafe in the office, from r5. part 2-1028; 2nd reader -1304; 3rd clean and well kept, and would say n�;dni>rht the younger folk repaired to ing sermons. Mr A. M. Babb visited
iovnners Wer g
nn horee,06 were only temp- had to be abandoned, The fire he g
' _: is ,o ed W Du can's whfc� the broke were removed while 1355; p 4th -15I7; 6th -531. I visited that Mr McOreath, caretaker, appears the council chamber where they dance Cranbrook 'friends on Sunday. The
r h , 1.. bpi ��_ nice to reluctantly let one time threaten n hard the fire was in progress, and then each school at least twice, and found be a very efficient man' for the Arai; ed to the music of a special string or- Misses Lanae; of Ashfield, are the
„ rted 54 , g ..pp chestra,under the leadership of J A. nests of Mre Giles Jenkins fora few
im o. , yyfth the certainty of a house, but it was saved after closed up, leaving a lot of valuable pa- the teachers earnest and diligent, each tion. Several minor improvements to g
• btsim 'irx horses the farmers in this work. ere inside, was opened on W.ednes- one striving to perform their duty the county buildings were also recom- Morton, until toe, early hours, and all Gays this weak. Mr D. Buie left on -
� ti 0M. _�, ate certainly position now A staixle belongilxg to Mr Combe, nay, the locks Could not be budged, faithfully. mended. were unanimous that such events Saturday for Green Bay, sport OW on6
z;;;. o,take at7gantage of it, having this across the road from the factory, was and it was necessary to cut. file doors should he more frequent. Lake Michigan, where his boat dle3
i - JAILER'S REPORT, remaining. Mr and Mrs S. H. Gidle
rand'you*) sire m their midst, and also burned, and the fact that the far- open; the papers were found all secure. REPORT or HOUSE of REFUGE PSV
`' ' 1 a preciate Mr Bell's. luck in for was iron sheeted; alone prevented SICIAN. The jailer reported that there are at NOTES a Misa McMats R Dungan- ware, visiting friends in Exeter ,over
1[ejr wx 1. p _ P y but the binding on lett'br fylee, etc. resent 11 rnale and 1 female,prisonera non, is teaching in Miss Robertson a Sunda g y
nhe'same to place in their the destruction of other propert►es. was so blistered by the "heat as to fall Dr: Shaw'a re ort was as follower- P
hoer pod.. Mr Beli has had con- ere secured, a couple of at the touch, P rn cuatody;l0 of the mares are via ile t e, department during the absence of the isgathering,(idlMra R. ° S. lbsMon o! *
1. s^ Y exfi lit :Hg Q[ience and has done a The books w I have visited the House 81 times our the other one is for forgery, while the latter, who went home last week to at Wrxeter, as in town last week.
' i ldera e p the interests a the workmen managed to get their int{ theyear. Many of the worst cases female is insane, tend the funeral of her sister. Monday
t • Mr R. Milne, w3 are leased to learn, °
feat to'advance tools Ont, but beyond this very little HELP BY THE TOWN have come in from the municipallties, dot went to -Ottawa on Monday to PMe
• , •;•�braf!men+ to anything was saved. have co with from acute disease,more EXEC TIVE COMMITTEE. attend the session -of the9Dominion par- is recovering from his sickness; ng
The Mayor called a speciall meeting g The corxlmi tee recommended that a liament, Last week R,Scott, Brussels, Wm. Crittenden is also recovering ''
, ` *' The building, stock and machinery the Town Council for Tuesda mar- suitable for o hospital. The House ha pacing slowly from a severe attack r ams
a'' �ttCl[01"dti41t11 000 and there of y pro- traded his trim acin horse Naber, lis in the face and head. Mr Fames
were valued 'at $100. nin to consider what steps could be served as an asylum for the insane and Copy of the ixnicipal World o ro p
as May Carnocjtanr rl 1000 or ens on the wap to g ietanee to Mr Do• id}otic, these canes being the direct cured for each member of the coixncix• coming four years of age,with a record Ireland was in Goderich on Sunday.
O"t.-1121 Y were nes y g are taken to render ass cause of same of the worst accidents fn That theuaual grant of $300 be made to of 1:21 for a half mile,to George Cline, A regular monthly fair was held od.'
ordntr& visited ,relatives here last completion.,, A lot of Supplies hart towards rmbu'ilding, suggesting g the Agricultural and Horticultural So -
0$ o! Clinton's ent P in thin nature o! small ware y the Institution, to say not.hin about of town, for a six year old mare and Tuesday, but on account of the in-
}, '%cell. •Mias-Dodd, P necessarily the propriety of a loan for a numiier h cieties; this was amended in council to colt. Mies F'lo Shepard, Toronto, is y+
here', he oast of Miss C. and of these a big stock was on hand. Several citizens resent spoke destruction oil proper y. There is no clement of the weather previous slid :
»5'' nday h 1 a s but a Small ears. v P �� ,of contagious diseases read $W to each �ociety�; that $25 be the oast .1 Mrs L. )V. Hanson, Mr heav roads, the gathering was not `
a ng, MrNOw:ton Crich accident y Against all this there i _ Tin favor of the same. After some•txti .,,,Y.,,,, ranted to eachFarmtara Inatitutm;that guest
- cutting wood on .300. hence .Mr licher coed, Try' `br'oi�tgl?t i°' and at present we fear an and Mre J.D.N� ichol, o! Lucknow, were Y g g
,tut has do6t- while cu R insuranca of $40, , formal conversation it was m g in Winggham on Friday. stir Jefiriea, large, only a couple of buyers being•- . i
last,' Mrs: A. Turner }tae been t 's loss �vi11 be very heavy, to say ReeveKenned .seconded byeputiy- uutltreaik, Tae air space for each Sleep -10 be expended in Alantin flowers oil ondan, is the guest of G. E. Bing. Present. 9
`s ,' Moods k `gut is improving. in inmate is less than 325 cubic feet, around the Court HOUSe: that $15 be
finite d c r P g• nothing of the interruption of buss- Reeve Jones, atidd'.carried unanimous- when'600to. I600 feet is the re uiaitm granted to each Public Library; that,'Th r newly ida5alled officers of the In-
,,,, . sass, and the temporary derangement . ly, that a loan i51' $25;000 be made "1GIr amount. Many, owing to acexente, no grant be made to,rthe Poultry Asao dependent Order of Foresters enter -
of trade. Doherty for 20 or 30 years, free of i e arm or�nflned to their rooms; and we ciation (thio was afterwards amended, tea ped the brethren to F dayoyeta eningupper Everybody ,
�1�j fOP The factory employed a staff o! near- terest, and a by-law submitted to t have'muctt trouble in avoiding pnOn- and, $25 granted); that F. Pap and J. at J. McKelvie'S on Friday evening
w�•a++l`'�AL 1 150 hauda, over seventy of them people to ratify the same. ,,Mr Dotter Kenney, of Howick be granted Pedd iliac, The Misses Roderous entertained .
y nd the ceaSaseven g work at t warmly thanked the wOmbere of i'4odirt and other lung ailments. Y g a number of their friends at their home In town, knows to their sorrow, thii`
v married, a i serious mnt- y for their rooTt tnesS and. Tare Licences free, they being unable
this time of the year is . the Council p. 1NSPECMGR ROBB'S REPORT. , to pay for them,and being deserving o! on Friday evening last;mdaicand dant-• • the Doherty ' Organ }Factory giiw
RD� l to some of them. Possibly the appreciation of hie busmee1i but said of 1n- Charity, council declined to adopt this ing were the order of the evening, and burned to the ground, Tuesday mora.
• ter ; (
eaviest loser among thin employees is he was not in a position to state defin- Tfie following is a sumMaty clause); that no action be taken con- a very pleasant time wte enj o ed. Rev. Ing.
h who owned some rant s oetor;• Robbs report: -Visited all G,J,Abey, Brussels, reached two v0
is ,1 .60 _ H. B. Chant, P itely what'course they would efinit P cerning the proposal to pay each lock- pp 1rh ,Ever one in Clinton and sti6oundlrg
I for of hie own construe but would ive.the Mayor a definite scllobls in the Inspectorate twice our• u keeper the sum of $10; that T. G. eg txvepermonS in St. Paul's church Y know that The t7aSh Gr
i• lit the !ac Y' h his tools, his g iii thio year, There aro 125 depart- P ooxnt
active to on to ether wit answer at 5 p• At 5 o'clock the g teacher one ,Ttplltig be awarded , he contradt of sup- on Sunday, on behalf of domegtic inial- Y o4!ry
r ,.t�lhferd Buyers will tae ti g en and ei ht ceived a }atter from Mr Do cions; Rep. Mr Lowe did likevviae at is the' Place to buy their Clro+isrioe eetteatl;
! the following:- loss being between sev g Mayor re xuentd; in char a of
and 85 3rda, lying roceri0a to to ail, his. tender Chinaware,
;,ttdv!►ntage.o g p g }
Ilare: against this he has Sri hent , acCeptin thin offer, and w.hes ttolding 1st, 5t1 Sec being th0 LoVveSt; W •`p•Murney, to sup Bruasmis,trt alsea�d�undaOCewi11 °be The holidays are oy itnd i `+
hundred do g
Council again met in the evening, 39 changes of teachers during the year. l meat to same; D. Cantelon, to sue- cbmxnufii v,; N y Y 8>± is time to-ildie'
V , QO fQY` � �O insurance of $50. the g, asked full of citizens, Pupils in vltrious classes, as follows. ply broad; that the county rinting be I uarterl �equimuxlion Sunday in the where you are dt: �To doubt you r3��ti t
Mr W. Doherty atartad the mann- the room was P p 2nd P,Y p qc1 y
y' twenty man of 'whom at times showed b lstclOss, fir-1132;1stclasa, Br- ll0t#,, - given to F. ,*1 „Neelln, Seaforth; thae Sfothodiat chunch• u great des} ludic thanyouuho4ldhawi
+ever" orde>i,for'CommittaltO the II011B done, on Bmaa lits. Mout: goo try Qo
,? O LOP X OO facture of organa here about twe y y Clara y il`
;A�►t 1266; 3rd -1898; 4th 72; 5 h pp
O - ars ago, and the business has grown a Alsace their approval
saewt of huge 4• the;Onr°11 "nttend'ance is"1$4 ass Refu Ork/0 countorsigned ,a mem- 11arlock that. Now, you taunt to ooett0isfzii
ye g ` e ion until •itis now one place. As it wa 5 51 , , of g
,from. its inception w properly reptired, the 18{18. -, hs .total ictal is were her of the Count Council o!t O,district NOTES.— spial friend, R. Shielw, b1a1m xt np. You can oxotoine ; , r `t
# tins . $' ' 0 for 5 OO � leadin industries in the pro- the by law p p y
1i1'll� � ,.'�.. of the James Scott and W, N. Mari $877ti>1.9d; and '�� �dit>area• $5791:5:$5, from which thet�nmate is Sent;that the N g eaonotr►y in baying the lreiit; Gtr . '�
• ctor was the largest Clerk, r fort e' edudat on of each the Clinton Collegiate. may now write P. M. after lits name, at rices we are quoting. our pxia i,
t~ Vince. The f y a and nin wore appointed t° interview M avera a cost it i .
AP 16 b0 a factor in Canad , g Treasurer Aay ll
f $ elusive or y frorin him sill neces- it for the year was $7,8t;'eacli pu it as thin pu SCo deb, l ra7'lie Mrd pe'. ; Wa will help you build up a reeoi vie
1�6 . . Ottcl g of ed and yet not G,arroW and get pup the sum of $27, a mistake of this
best c pp milts them on an average 122 days, and a Navin oCcuir ed in a revious him on Y, future needs. #
• ' one Of the q p
, ds of sty information. After telling attended amount F4 p is alta epidemic esxnxo in, our villa O an oth-
eve neve, offered h to meet the demon!. rrow in 's attendance o a Child at P,
valne'w r e encu n uretic Mr' (1a Yin le daq , , , t . mast, recommen ed, thitut thin fol- �
Jdetta>c la g . , emit ,, b"roth• Just new we are offering a }iris o! xioolti "zo ;
+' :alk in and look g c ,� TliO deCLe in solar tote bo aid rho several
I before. '� trade. An extensive addition the course t pursue te0 he°Iv6uld' relxdw gaol costes t” , . ppay. tinily at present`. 1jVm,
tytl l►e their ed the commit . wah rw ,_ . Idwm sine P • tt
,s mer, rind abqub form A ra a aix0 t 5 7 B and 1
• ,r . Coit laatsum . r - � could.°.ftf; bean's er'Cenl. ��- .e Institutes this' ,year:•--• Seas er of Robt, Smith, collector, •is Koine hammers, consisting of :Rakers
tiiCottlod. was made d- Or whatever aaatotrince. he, lis -has . _ - gg Oollegiat ; ,from Dakota on a visit., Dick Prof ]lowia i► , , , flo, eitah,
$ ,Worth of new machinery a f o town' is any wltiy f'the school sections in. East Huron is th. , 2327.83; Clinton, $2093,0(1, Godo ,
• 2l);ObO trade• u yards it and Help. h ii for , $ _ tor, of Eiinburn, has hired with Angus
,�:T-= •tomeOtthe increasing , p o char' e, The by-law 4814acres ,and the average aaaosged
coed, salols free i~ � , . � � riCh,1805,32. It orae' recommended to Reid for the. 'iv'ltiter months, Uur °"�"''”
• as the men all Worked over po the (7ouncxl at lnn , 148216: No. 3, Tudlketramith, LOW Le islatute to slake -the ,, , n . s"has beert making •
to Christmas ill ,be submitted t'S valuat 9t ask the g I,e4tty of the Sn w .g
s intenaed to male ail w th 'ee at l8 000, and pegs its O(x� i COOPLH +[�; C
tidit viii bein advott sed i• meased $ + l t �
•: ixiie a •. - after � is a terii� for which uunici al Councils are `
t + factor once, and g ... assessment is P d be ii -brand atte►ripl this welt to regain
addition to the.., y s old 1;00 a ear: 'this assassin ears instead of: one,an s e a aYintld( TUE CA11l1017$i$r
itJ-1�+. bthor'}aige ,wxllbe.3oted u ntr and hC tOaGllsr S 3' exerted lode y
3 f uildlt5 vas. equi pod weeks, ,,, pp etc al offnurtoxvnships, as:eleations£ot GiLit- hese re u'atiori,wh> h, h h d
t this year+ x'h0 b t . equip.cartxed ung mous fy, arid, �tvlll SAb big or. than lli t. ii t th0 salsa time slat. I'1�ona 2Q
, : y ,. itlllxOOry
ltitWt mactilnery: 8orict. i70
ii work out segue' file hay to be ratified by thl�• 'j i? rn tenac sb asses ", . VA1 a lair s ty doiinixil, .:
t.rd.1[llX�,r Aver 1aCillty Por tarsi R d alar;; ature, +filth t ldwest aseeu8ea r# 91
' heated tl
ql 1�+; +iiae atei�in h F 1
r ` -
` ; ” • , 1
P r
;ny' ';
s - . -'..
'" e
- ,. -,� .,- ....... ... ... . . . ,�,�, qA..
- 1,
- .. ..
-. .
.. ... ..
. ,
,M� u.. , wnT . I
• w�'`.•-s too
_. P,„
ONT. FEBRUARY �, 1898 $1 a year in advance 01.50 when net sei paid , 1
1t ROBERT HOI�MES, Editor and Proprietor. ° CLINTON, t �i I
ce CouQtY Council• 11+ Turnberry, which is assessed Rrucellield
, : u . 004 is �— ! at $39,150. Three now brick school CORN Mr Wm, �/�� ,
fl Scott, our enter -
5 t ked 1 h t O 1 D 1 s a s t e r� houseeAvere erected during the year priatng grain merchant, has just re-
A 1 V - The January session was opened on, ill No. 1 Morrie, No, $Turnberry and cc load a cprload of cora; we hope this
• Tuesday last, all the members present. Morris, and No. 12 Grey. The report will meet the wants of his many
. �i#vo -you the time? TlIe-ttrat bustnese was the electron o! �•
1e►t time is it ? F also refers to the examinations, mode} oustomera,
a harden. Dr Rollins was nominated schools and teachers' institutes, and
f•-Iu you ' time eotrott ? Factory Burned M Messrs Cox and' McLean, and Geo. concludes by saying that the work by ti ding o NOTES,- Collectors, Por the Qit,31I and �rI
� ItQ,tt why itot ? The Doherty Urgan y oF.wan by Messrs Cook and, Holt. the schools is, on the whole, satiafac building of a new brick Sabbath School sby.
The ballot resulted} in 9 to. 7 in Mr Ma tory, but the Inspector laments the room in connection with the Freaby•
iia the gneetion T. would ask. Ewan's favor, and was declared of break in salaries, as it will have sten- ferias church here, have been on their The two pane in the scales of jae-
. it t'io, q t atom without the ected and duly installed. Many com- dent to drive the best teachers out of rounds; tenders for the erection of the tfoe, We balance the two. In Drugs.
r s. Yan'.re gat to have it. I! ,° the books and a few tools municatione were received and refers ed the profession. school room will be received up to the especially we first look to quality,
arXvst4h %s not. groin pn as Nothing Saved beyond to the various committees, and the die- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 14th of Feb., as per advertisement in then to price. 1f this price looks`
.sod se;rtiAfaotri�n as yon would � poral thereof will -be fou,id in the res- another column, The Communion will high you may be care it is balanced
r jr bring'it . no, and we will INSURANCE $4O e)OO. pective Committee reports. The following is a statement of esti- be held in the Presbyterian church by the quality olthe article You get.
I ' t+;c Win to. make nd you ill L0,5,� $lOO,400. t P. Holt and W. Lane were appointed mated and actual receipts and expendi- here on Feb. 13tb, which is the second It it looks low you may be equally
' reuatislaotion,orWo-willgiverefim auditors of criminal justice accounts. tures:- Sabbath in February; Rev. Mr Ilam}1- sure that it is not through the care r
�rpn yonrpioney:,I The following were appointed trustees ton, of Londesboro, will preach the rifles of quality. Our prices are
MR. DOHEIiTY'S RESIDENCE ALSO DESTROYED of Uollegiate Inatitutea:-Cxoderich, �� �� preparatory sermons on the preceding right, always, and always as low as
' Jordan; Cli}xton, Henry Plumste , = w : :+n :n u� : , mE � rd, Friday. we can afford to make them.
+c • . The most disastrous fire, and the trio lighted throughout, and there were Sekforth, D. McIngis and Thos. Kidd. o ti ' ' N °' Q' �� NOTES. -Saw logs are coming in _ _
r. Crews most far-reaching in fie effects, it has orders enough on hand to keep the fac- Geo. Baird, o Stanley,la,nd A,J.Moore, tam � ° fast t saw mill; Graduate Druggists
grate t to he the sound ALLEN & 1J ILSON, i -;
a doEs art been the misfortune d'f Clinton' to ex- tory busy for some time to come. , of Goderich, ere apppointed members , , S oo a S;1 : � ; ; 81 SES of the mill has been improved by the aggis &Opticians,
. , rwtC Repairer pexience, occurred early on Tuesday The townspeople looked upon the of County Board of Eaaminera for I898. a : erection of a new steam -boat whistle. Clinton.
morning, when the rriagguificent works industry as a most important one; one It was decided to ask the Legislature � : : °� o "V' R 9 :V 19 §+, : I Parties ha'va been the order of the v� ”
oI .1f the Doherty Organ Uompany were in which all forme of business have an to so amend the Munic4val Act that v, everiing during the past week, there
reduced to ashes.. The origin of the interest, and keenly realize now the members for municipal councils should 1 � m ,n - being not leas than three in our midst; ,
fire is a xnyatery, except that it started value of the loss sustained. Very few be elected for two years instead of one, ,I ZZ ,� 8 g � a m $ g g : 2 cc and good prospects for a few more. Holmesville
.. �^-~. g
in the hot blast fan, which was used are aware, however, that last year the the elections to be held at the same a ,° a, �, o� a Mr Kennard has been quite ill lately, POSTPONED ENTERTAINMENT. -OW-
w;. - • •'�FJrg' _*1ller to heat the .buildings. Mr Sage, tb wages alone paid out amounted to time as those for County Councillors. I �� � � � � � � � o � � � m � but we hope to hear of his recovery ing t° the storm the New England eu -
�ix7MET;-�Qn entertainment 'night, watchman, was making his u $37,275.26, the real bulk of which was It was decided to put a railing at each ' before ion Mr Robt. McMordie, er., pp
iv nsiti tha''Tem ,erance hall, ual 'rounds, at about half est two g R per and entertainment of Holmesville+
bog e P spent here. The outlook was exceed- end of Benmiller bridge. The Warden v: of Anna Trebor farm, near Hensall, League, has been postponed until Fri -
al' • p em- alt fire, and Soon in 1 bright and the greatest sym- and House of Refuge Committee w re p gF5,888 88gggggg�t ct was in our village this week. Mr I+i d was romised in
" �'
;tato sus ices of the Sona of T o. clock,. 4vhen he am a re Feb 4. All that
'. Feb. 12 el box whtch con- nth ie telt Por Mr Dohert w)Tb, by "ins'tructeil ti° Yaks steps -to have Bridd o o
pg y __... _._ pp
., . nce, on Tliursdayevening, , located it in the ate , P y . in face ley: an inmate of the House. commit s � $ , �, r' '-+ Higgins, of WinRham, was this week previous notices will takeplaee, includ-
the follopgiiig personsfrom Gode- tained the fan. He at once stopped indomitable pluck and energy, • � � ',,, ;p , 411 u"'y : § the guest of Mr B. R. Higgins. A few ing the Clinton Orchestra. Riga leave
,Epill,tak6 fact. Miss Whitney,Miss the working of the fan and started the of l;reat difficulties And obstacles, had ted either• to the Asylum for Insane or m Iu� from here attended the carnival in Town Hall as Stated before, at 5.30,
t j}eabr'gn, 141Fes',5trachaln, Mrs,, Prid- pumps. By the time he turned to the built up such a, handsome b:xaineae to the County Jail. A. motion, that w �, lieneall on Tuesday evening of last 6,15, g.4Fi and 7.15.
aq,: B;HObxni3,on, J :E,Davis, Mr Stod• fan with the hose, 'rhe heat and fired that it was recognized as the leading the Property Committee examine the ew week in spite of the inclemency of the
were so intense that when he opene one of its kind in the Dominion, and House of Refuge once a year, was lost. • ° . :-,: :
JneIThtim§ob,Miss D1c0a11, accom- fO liippen
Y A: 'lit,>nd, $; Silty, of Clinton. the door he was driven back and al- who had made the name, "Doherty The Olerk was instructed to distribute t. ;„ m Z : a weather.
yy y p p y : : o 0,a :'Z d Goderich Township GATHERINGS. -A number of the
a' �pxg I1,;' 'Warner slid Mise K. most suffocated, getting slightly burn- Organ, Clinton, Canada, known al- count property, such as hand-ctxife,
od r% li, visited the tatter's ed.
in to the uttermost parts of the etc., on the authority of a member of �•q 7 ; � ; �°, : $ � a c ' °,d : CHURCH. -Quarterly services will be farmers around here are purchasing
( ygeau,•'' Ce ,.e c last. Owing to b g y ° �' ' �'� . m ° �pznu) o c'� held at Wilkineon's Corners, next Sab- corn to feed, 11[r John Mc coin get- _
,. i+itaiori .S>inday as g The factory whistle sounded an earth, his foreign trade ern a very the Count Council, &nd net on the u ° m .�
�'` e'ye atorriny, night a great many but such important and extenaive part of the authority of Reeves and Deputies,'as ,y a a c c u p , m�°UPa bath, the 8th, at 10.30 a.m., when the ting a car load to supply his custom.
� , , alar m, and also the fire bell, heretofore. I b c d •- o U d$ a � Cd m ° `c o,2'd pactor will preach. Service at 7 p.m. exs. On Friday evening the I. O. F.
r lig-inteAded taking in the New Eng- a ter rific gale was blowing from the business' On motion of Mr Pattersop, seeoiilded i " o . +� ° an a held a concert in the hall, and iiot-
t<L' supphx at Holmesville .were dis- north-west, that many in that section NOTES a... u U = o a• ° as P " o d m by Rev, Mr Graham, of Bayfield.
e(1 Ort Friday evening next of hear either. The firemen were by Mr Stewwrt, the County Commis w a q ° y; �+ a c o'os� U o m F RECOVERING. -We are lad to sa withstanding the unfiivorable condi- +
i} t .., did n d -.o � a- y o , b c, tion of the weather the hall was com-
owantenda:holding a political soon on hand, but it • was a consider- An organ factory has been placed at bide a known x Dyer's --bridge, ane bet- I w.d L = o� t. °' ° ca 4 m a P. o " that Mx Louis Tebbutt, who was con fortabl filled and all spent an en o
"itis Ih.1 }ie djaill's hall; The temp- able time before the engine could be their disposal. g Y g °'at " d ° j' u ° ° a fined to bed at hie brother Alf's, Hur- Y J. 1 y' _
k `'''1. of to the factor , owls to the drift- The dl y kilns, 811ed ,with the driest ween Hallett and W awanosh, and U ti p r-, A a U1 U v, vl J U Pa Q°+� on road, fora few days, is able to be able evening Mrs J. Workman is
,.,er�,ppei�p etl�tl.$enrnxller orchestra have tenders placed before the June RECEIPTS confined to thehousa theca h
�itttpnd Htildl : a .concert in the near g of lumber, went off like a flash. meeting, if it has to be rebuilt. out again and retaened 'to his home g eicknesa.
'bills and don't miss ed condition of the roe ,and the fire g Weare leased to note that Yrs R.
;Mature"; ►a lx "g, ,`., . , had then made such headway that it It ie robable the new factory will The Clerk was instructed i o aster, From Registry Office .... , . $5134 25 last week,19
;;. ,� �'fet?pvb ;bur young,men took in was-im oseibla to save the premises built east of the Standard Elevator. From Auctioneere'licenses.. 348 00 POLITICAL. - Alread considerable Miss M. a fs again able to go about.
1.u e'totr su per of -$he Workmen' at p he building, be b tain from the Provincial Treasurer the From Peddlars' licenses.... 475 00isy Miss M. Meeting
of attended the oil
�# 1 • The Prams cellon of t g $ , P trict Meeting of the R. T- of T. in
(1ytrlppcits'1!huesday evening last. P as Covered with A s�etem of water -works would un- probable cost of an audit of the books interest 'bein manifested in the o- Goderich last week. Mies A. Cooper, x
four stories high w uestionabl have been of groat ser- of the County by the Provincial Audi- Leaving the net actual expenditure litical contest in `South Huron, and
p{ie bor0 steel and the roofs with iron, while the vice, Y tor, for the past three years. $2814.771eaat hantheq,mountestimated. prominent public men are prophesying of Hallett, is visiting at the home eof
T"9 centre building was brick, with iron On motion of Mr Mooney, seconded who shall be the representative for Mr Jae. Coo Cooper. Business is rather
ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT but if we are to
' 1 r� "`A~ roof reader nv roof. The brick portion having only.l Mayor Thompson, Goderich, sent a by Mr Torrance, J. C., Mrorrisonr-of Me- the next Pour years, quiet in our village on account of -the !i+lSOTIpIT,-�uri been added last year to accommodate message of sympathy to the Mayor of $illop, was appointed 'Auditor. A The committee recommended that "judge by the feeling of the Liberals in severe storms and intense cold;"it gives
], ' '19 annoying error in the the increasing business. The ro ria- Clinton. our merchants a rest and time to take
1?, P motion to appoint John Anegess, of Goderich township be empowered to this township, Mr McLean wit ave a ,,.
ftp, ,,1�t.',W' k,, concerning the pro y The brick walla that remained stand- Turnberry, to the sa°u position, was close up and dis sae of a certain road lar er majority than he bad last time. stock.
1.ed•; re*r `.`Methodist church.' The for had taken ever precauttoggn to p g In act we foretell the result in the
rixi i;iated theft the sum of "$37" had make the building aerial inn anwind abs t m were thrown over for safety on lost. A motion was dfe that Arthur allowance, another road lravin been
r. silted ;`b91 - subscriptions so far. the iiiflawmable ma. Wednesday. Major be a ointede second Audi- opened a The ;ommittee recom following lines:- Auburn
n. j .1' y at it it but all these counted as nothing esers. Dohert Co, have opened tor, but D. ,U rquhartf'Hensall, received mended that the Commissioner attend McLean and Eilber a contest will fight, Call and see our stook of Fur Coats, Robes,
;; 0ti vVa9 so, palpably an error th M y ,IIlankets, eto.-J. NICHOLSON.
not ' ' ` hake It should have when once the fire had got headway a temporary office in the corner of the the appointment ipe"lead. to all bridge repairs, so that same may For the attachment of M. P. to their name,
�gpd y d B MaLean's popularity and isms.
" d ::�o beer, to On" -a very impor- The thermometer stood at about 15 Town Hall building. The lCgle ',a�g!nof the QCounty, sand er of W rWalahntoi leu ld as bridge on But Eilbpr should be buried clean out of Bight NOTES. -Miss Dimond, of Bluevale,
.r 1 w.
f,;•�,j; difference,, below zero, and made it exceedingly Letters of a ro ath and tele rams dal y
:f ^? en and others to Y . P ' g submit them to the Executive. boundary of Morris and McKillop, for V161TORa.-Mise Susie Elliott,rof the was the guest of 113isa Annie gnoa last
QPoRR:-A very enjoyable d iac.ult for,the firem have been received' by the firm from The next meeting of the Council will $100; be accepted; that the tender of R. Bayfield line, is at present the guest of 'week. Miss B. Miss
M. of Blyth, was ".:
11�IsK6N. < - ,
iii of+the>Misaion Band of:Knox work. After the tank at the Factory Mr. Gamow, Mr. Cameron, and many Jameson to build bridge on boundary her cousin, Miss Clara McCullagh,
the guest of MiaS M. Radcliffe last
P +1' ,06fv, g, of Hallett anQ Mcgillop, for $117, be Huron road. Miss Sarah Nott, of week. Diss Yates, of Goderich, is the 1'
'spttttreb'was..held' Sat'urdap afternoon was exhausted. the engine was moved others. be held in Jun.. ecce ted; that Jos. Laweon's tender to Tuckersmith, visited the family of Mr guest of Miss S. Blair. Mr G. Whit-
g t,
•p the: x'A' an' sei fifteen were present. back to the market and a line of hose REGISTRAR's REPORT. p John Rodger last week; as also did Mr ney is home from Goderich, and'is laid
1b : re abed : -::for .the contest and attached to the hydrea,nt, but it was S. haveb•laCC op the r e tabliehmentsn at ins of the Registrar for the build bridge near Grand Bend, $117,
with enthusiasts; eight were too short to be of servic the disposal of ei Doherty to en used The returns be accepted; the lowest laude being in and Mrs Wilson, "of Dakota, who are up with rheumatism Mr Moore, the i
a t ' eight
d were
The heat tom the factory soon set past year showed that 4051:„instruments each case recommended., spemding the winter at the latter's maxi carrier, was unable to Roto West _
,u Ir .Qn it. subject. in the meantime. were registered during 1897, and the parents, Mr and Mrs Hark, Colborne. field and Donn brook' on Tuesday on
&n`Y1. ; on 3 s Mr Doherty'O'bouse on fire, and al- EDIICATION_COMMITTEE. y
art intereatin r logs, t u pine of the effects in the low- We understand that the Grand ,fes received therefor amounted to Miss Rwmeay, of Goderich, is visiting account of the drifted roads. Miss L.
r'afew h ' as orked ho g,q"e v d the family prat- Trunk Railway bee offered a specially pp p g The committee recommended the Erratt is vision friends in Clinton ab
.Agile Scott, who h w er part were sae , 4517:I5. The De utyy Registrar rem at WmrHaacke'e. Mr Richardson, visiting
patience for the } caved sa ;the Clothing they low rate of freight on all materia} eived $750 salary; cther help and ex publication of the inspectors' reports in of Ashfield, Sundayed at the home of present. 11Ir J. Curry's sister, from
relatzeal`and„P tical y y h
-ta co mencement, four had on -Jay, , Mr Doherty's eldest soh, brought by rail for the purpose of re- asses of the office amounted to $1062.- the minutesahat the examination ren- Mr S. J. McCullagh. Lionel Leith- the Nile, Sundayed wit Miss Sprdnge
eines I CnuRCH,-Rev. C.C,Couzens prei ch -
o ;was pr canted with Dr. did not save as much as ' a shirt. At hulloing. 05; the County got $1i94, and also a tie for High School Entrance and Pub- Waite and sister, Clarice, of Holmes
"'* -eye :,$took. It was decided to resent the famil are domiciled at At the council meeting Mr. Doherty little surplus', f rQm the previous year, lir School Leaving in Stephen be Chang villa, spent the latter trait of last ed in the Methodist church Sunday
,., • r yy he net 'amount received by week as the guest of their sister, Mrs .+ "from
A. ,11
I . ti and make picture books for the home of W. G Doherty, second stated that he did not want to leave leaving ; ed from Grand Bend to Crediton, and night on Self examination,
' ;' I 4 udian'Chtldren of one of the Mra- cop of Mr Doherty, while some of the Clinton, but he did want waterworks, the Registrar, 526id.75, in reference to the request of the W Driver, Glebe Farm. 2 Cor. 13, 5. On Tuesday evening the
;, Teachers' Assn., that a delegate be Epworth League spent the evening
, gelds at the next meeting. children are atoppI with their sister, a statement the circumstances have ,
4A' I NnTES,=Quite an excitement Mrs McKee, of London. more than justified. INSPECTOR TOM s REPORT. sent from Huron to attend the annual {ATingham. with the poets; Mr F. Tabb taking
fl;laet,:week among the horae> The stable was one of the most tom- W. Doherty has had a remarkably A GOOD R7dcoRD.-A ood days work Tennyson; Miae D. Erratt taking O.
r des oro over y y The report of'Inspector TOM showed meeting,that no action be taken. was done on the farm of D.Meiklejohn, Goldsmith; St. Clair-Couzens, Words .:
en11. ' and,farinerel o#'Lon h fortable buildings of its kind in the successful career, this .is the first that the'total receipts in the school in- SPECIAL COMMITTEE. worth; O. E. Erratt, Milton, and E. A.,%
e. urchase`of the lane yyoung Shire county, and this, too, was aeon. a vic- reverse he ever had. A good general spectorate, of West Huron were $72,- Recommend that no action be taken Morris, last week, when two young Blair, Longfellow; a ver enjoyable
11}ona Reed's'Hero, by E. Bell, from Lim to the fur of the flames.' Mr Do- concerning the memorial from Lanark men Bluevale, and b. y
Well knoyvn firm' of Innes & Hor- y a}ways takes hie first defeat hard, and 107,85, while the expenditures were , Wm. Stewart, avenin was spent.
' o have undoubtedly herty has some valuable driving hors- he, like the proverbial Highland man, $60,817,37; this is a alight increase in asking the Legislature to amend the Bell, Morris; cut rtifd piled ten cords of g
:CJlin,on, wh y es, and also a heavy, team used fez neverlearne how to beat ii retreat. both items over last year. The teach High School Act of 1897; concerning cordwood ra rRne hours; This ie a Blyth.
111 rYi l+ d aZ;e of the best Clydesdales draying purposes; fortunately these Several of the.unmarried employees ars employed are 58maleand 75 female: the memorial from Bruce county, ask- g
ht hve`croSsed the Atlantic. Reeds were all removed to a place of safety, g temporar situations else average salary paid male teacher, $380,
log the council to petition the Legis- HAPPY TO MEET, SORRY TO PART.-- NOTES. -Mies C. Tucker, of Wing -
i; a,beUutiful bay, on extremely several toils of hay and other supplies are takinHu h Rourke a valued mem- an increased average of $1 pert lature to amend the County Council The Masonic at home in the Town ,ham, is visiting friends in town. Miss
..t legs„arnc`1'very heavy bodied. His being consumed with the etables. where. aHttenbur St, choir) has gone average salary paid female teacher, Act of 1898, and go back to the old Hall on Friday evening last, was thee- Heywood, of Uliaton, i, the guest of
•,i is.a, general wonder. He is a g her of R y
In the and was an immense stock to Strathroy; Dick Foster, our well fa281, a decreased average of $id per method of County Councils,recommerid oughly enjoyed by those present. The Mrs Wm. McElroy at ,.present. Mr
brothet'to the now famous Bel- yard
estimated at be -known and o alar singer, (a member -'teacher. They hold 2 first class certifi no action to be taken. hall and counciLchamber,were decorat Wm. Shaw and Miss Grace Shaw, of
T a�, ,whi'eh is considered s ex- of valuable and r, rests n feet, and ed with red and white bunting, notice- Goderich, were the guests at Mr Wm
11 ,
be'the' he built low set tween 750,000 his of Ontario St. Uh6ir) has gone to Sea- Cates, 56 seconds, 74 thirds. 39 changes ably among which was a large square Fleuty's residence on Sunday. Rev
ts;to En - as there was no way of saving t + forth; T. Wheatley has gone to De- of teachers occurred during the year. ,COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE. eind,compasa on each aide made up of Mr Millyard, of Clinton, exchanged". of the best sires in g in to the absence of water, it too licit; S. Kitt, to,Woodelock, and oth- 7478 Pupils are enrolled, being 200 less Thie committee re cited having ox-
14ir Bell is certainly to be con- owing Several attempts t, u situations wherever than in 1890, but the average attend amined the jail and found everything. bhxo.and crimson. A short program pulpits with Rev. W. Rigsby on Sun -
"t dstud encouraged for his was consumed. S ers are picking p once was greater. Classification of pu- clean and in good ordenthat the differ, pvaa ii terspersed through the evening 'day, and the reverend gentleman de-
' ki his urcenco as the former were made to remove some offeit, ffort they can. iia is as follows:-Ist reader, part 1- ent rooms in the Court'House were and refreshments were served. At livered two very powerful and touch-.,
PLne n e notwillin to dispose of the heat was so great that re rt Th lar a cafe in the office, from r5. part 2-1028; 2nd reader -1304; 3rd clean and well kept, and would say n�;dni>rht the younger folk repaired to ing sermons. Mr A. M. Babb visited
iovnners Wer g
nn horee,06 were only temp- had to be abandoned, The fire he g
' _: is ,o ed W Du can's whfc� the broke were removed while 1355; p 4th -15I7; 6th -531. I visited that Mr McOreath, caretaker, appears the council chamber where they dance Cranbrook 'friends on Sunday. The
r h , 1.. bpi ��_ nice to reluctantly let one time threaten n hard the fire was in progress, and then each school at least twice, and found be a very efficient man' for the Arai; ed to the music of a special string or- Misses Lanae; of Ashfield, are the
„ rted 54 , g ..pp chestra,under the leadership of J A. nests of Mre Giles Jenkins fora few
im o. , yyfth the certainty of a house, but it was saved after closed up, leaving a lot of valuable pa- the teachers earnest and diligent, each tion. Several minor improvements to g
• btsim 'irx horses the farmers in this work. ere inside, was opened on W.ednes- one striving to perform their duty the county buildings were also recom- Morton, until toe, early hours, and all Gays this weak. Mr D. Buie left on -
� ti 0M. _�, ate certainly position now A staixle belongilxg to Mr Combe, nay, the locks Could not be budged, faithfully. mended. were unanimous that such events Saturday for Green Bay, sport OW on6
z;;;. o,take at7gantage of it, having this across the road from the factory, was and it was necessary to cut. file doors should he more frequent. Lake Michigan, where his boat dle3
i - JAILER'S REPORT, remaining. Mr and Mrs S. H. Gidle
rand'you*) sire m their midst, and also burned, and the fact that the far- open; the papers were found all secure. REPORT or HOUSE of REFUGE PSV
`' ' 1 a preciate Mr Bell's. luck in for was iron sheeted; alone prevented SICIAN. The jailer reported that there are at NOTES a Misa McMats R Dungan- ware, visiting friends in Exeter ,over
1[ejr wx 1. p _ P y but the binding on lett'br fylee, etc. resent 11 rnale and 1 female,prisonera non, is teaching in Miss Robertson a Sunda g y
nhe'same to place in their the destruction of other propert►es. was so blistered by the "heat as to fall Dr: Shaw'a re ort was as follower- P
hoer pod.. Mr Beli has had con- ere secured, a couple of at the touch, P rn cuatody;l0 of the mares are via ile t e, department during the absence of the isgathering,(idlMra R. ° S. lbsMon o! *
1. s^ Y exfi lit :Hg Q[ience and has done a The books w I have visited the House 81 times our the other one is for forgery, while the latter, who went home last week to at Wrxeter, as in town last week.
' i ldera e p the interests a the workmen managed to get their int{ theyear. Many of the worst cases female is insane, tend the funeral of her sister. Monday
t • Mr R. Milne, w3 are leased to learn, °
feat to'advance tools Ont, but beyond this very little HELP BY THE TOWN have come in from the municipallties, dot went to -Ottawa on Monday to PMe
• , •;•�braf!men+ to anything was saved. have co with from acute disease,more EXEC TIVE COMMITTEE. attend the session -of the9Dominion par- is recovering from his sickness; ng
The Mayor called a speciall meeting g The corxlmi tee recommended that a liament, Last week R,Scott, Brussels, Wm. Crittenden is also recovering ''
, ` *' The building, stock and machinery the Town Council for Tuesda mar- suitable for o hospital. The House ha pacing slowly from a severe attack r ams
a'' �ttCl[01"dti41t11 000 and there of y pro- traded his trim acin horse Naber, lis in the face and head. Mr Fames
were valued 'at $100. nin to consider what steps could be served as an asylum for the insane and Copy of the ixnicipal World o ro p
as May Carnocjtanr rl 1000 or ens on the wap to g ietanee to Mr Do• id}otic, these canes being the direct cured for each member of the coixncix• coming four years of age,with a record Ireland was in Goderich on Sunday.
O"t.-1121 Y were nes y g are taken to render ass cause of same of the worst accidents fn That theuaual grant of $300 be made to of 1:21 for a half mile,to George Cline, A regular monthly fair was held od.'
ordntr& visited ,relatives here last completion.,, A lot of Supplies hart towards rmbu'ilding, suggesting g the Agricultural and Horticultural So -
0$ o! Clinton's ent P in thin nature o! small ware y the Institution, to say not.hin about of town, for a six year old mare and Tuesday, but on account of the in-
}, '%cell. •Mias-Dodd, P necessarily the propriety of a loan for a numiier h cieties; this was amended in council to colt. Mies F'lo Shepard, Toronto, is y+
here', he oast of Miss C. and of these a big stock was on hand. Several citizens resent spoke destruction oil proper y. There is no clement of the weather previous slid :
»5'' nday h 1 a s but a Small ears. v P �� ,of contagious diseases read $W to each �ociety�; that $25 be the oast .1 Mrs L. )V. Hanson, Mr heav roads, the gathering was not `
a ng, MrNOw:ton Crich accident y Against all this there i _ Tin favor of the same. After some•txti .,,,Y.,,,, ranted to eachFarmtara Inatitutm;that guest
- cutting wood on .300. hence .Mr licher coed, Try' `br'oi�tgl?t i°' and at present we fear an and Mre J.D.N� ichol, o! Lucknow, were Y g g
,tut has do6t- while cu R insuranca of $40, , formal conversation it was m g in Winggham on Friday. stir Jefiriea, large, only a couple of buyers being•- . i
last,' Mrs: A. Turner }tae been t 's loss �vi11 be very heavy, to say ReeveKenned .seconded byeputiy- uutltreaik, Tae air space for each Sleep -10 be expended in Alantin flowers oil ondan, is the guest of G. E. Bing. Present. 9
`s ,' Moods k `gut is improving. in inmate is less than 325 cubic feet, around the Court HOUSe: that $15 be
finite d c r P g• nothing of the interruption of buss- Reeve Jones, atidd'.carried unanimous- when'600to. I600 feet is the re uiaitm granted to each Public Library; that,'Th r newly ida5alled officers of the In-
,,,, . sass, and the temporary derangement . ly, that a loan i51' $25;000 be made "1GIr amount. Many, owing to acexente, no grant be made to,rthe Poultry Asao dependent Order of Foresters enter -
of trade. Doherty for 20 or 30 years, free of i e arm or�nflned to their rooms; and we ciation (thio was afterwards amended, tea ped the brethren to F dayoyeta eningupper Everybody ,
�1�j fOP The factory employed a staff o! near- terest, and a by-law submitted to t have'muctt trouble in avoiding pnOn- and, $25 granted); that F. Pap and J. at J. McKelvie'S on Friday evening
w�•a++l`'�AL 1 150 hauda, over seventy of them people to ratify the same. ,,Mr Dotter Kenney, of Howick be granted Pedd iliac, The Misses Roderous entertained .
y nd the ceaSaseven g work at t warmly thanked the wOmbere of i'4odirt and other lung ailments. Y g a number of their friends at their home In town, knows to their sorrow, thii`
v married, a i serious mnt- y for their rooTt tnesS and. Tare Licences free, they being unable
this time of the year is . the Council p. 1NSPECMGR ROBB'S REPORT. , to pay for them,and being deserving o! on Friday evening last;mdaicand dant-• • the Doherty ' Organ }Factory giiw
RD� l to some of them. Possibly the appreciation of hie busmee1i but said of 1n- Charity, council declined to adopt this ing were the order of the evening, and burned to the ground, Tuesday mora.
• ter ; (
eaviest loser among thin employees is he was not in a position to state defin- Tfie following is a sumMaty clause); that no action be taken con- a very pleasant time wte enj o ed. Rev. Ing.
h who owned some rant s oetor;• Robbs report: -Visited all G,J,Abey, Brussels, reached two v0
is ,1 .60 _ H. B. Chant, P itely what'course they would efinit P cerning the proposal to pay each lock- pp 1rh ,Ever one in Clinton and sti6oundlrg
I for of hie own construe but would ive.the Mayor a definite scllobls in the Inspectorate twice our• u keeper the sum of $10; that T. G. eg txvepermonS in St. Paul's church Y know that The t7aSh Gr
i• lit the !ac Y' h his tools, his g iii thio year, There aro 125 depart- P ooxnt
active to on to ether wit answer at 5 p• At 5 o'clock the g teacher one ,Ttplltig be awarded , he contradt of sup- on Sunday, on behalf of domegtic inial- Y o4!ry
r ,.t�lhferd Buyers will tae ti g en and ei ht ceived a }atter from Mr Do cions; Rep. Mr Lowe did likevviae at is the' Place to buy their Clro+isrioe eetteatl;
! the following:- loss being between sev g Mayor re xuentd; in char a of
and 85 3rda, lying roceri0a to to ail, his. tender Chinaware,
;,ttdv!►ntage.o g p g }
Ilare: against this he has Sri hent , acCeptin thin offer, and w.hes ttolding 1st, 5t1 Sec being th0 LoVveSt; W •`p•Murney, to sup Bruasmis,trt alsea�d�undaOCewi11 °be The holidays are oy itnd i `+
hundred do g
Council again met in the evening, 39 changes of teachers during the year. l meat to same; D. Cantelon, to sue- cbmxnufii v,; N y Y 8>± is time to-ildie'
V , QO fQY` � �O insurance of $50. the g, asked full of citizens, Pupils in vltrious classes, as follows. ply broad; that the county rinting be I uarterl �equimuxlion Sunday in the where you are dt: �To doubt you r3��ti t
Mr W. Doherty atartad the mann- the room was P p 2nd P,Y p qc1 y
y' twenty man of 'whom at times showed b lstclOss, fir-1132;1stclasa, Br- ll0t#,, - given to F. ,*1 „Neelln, Seaforth; thae Sfothodiat chunch• u great des} ludic thanyouuho4ldhawi
+ever" orde>i,for'CommittaltO the II011B done, on Bmaa lits. Mout: goo try Qo
,? O LOP X OO facture of organa here about twe y y Clara y il`
;A�►t 1266; 3rd -1898; 4th 72; 5 h pp
O - ars ago, and the business has grown a Alsace their approval
saewt of huge 4• the;Onr°11 "nttend'ance is"1$4 ass Refu Ork/0 countorsigned ,a mem- 11arlock that. Now, you taunt to ooett0isfzii
ye g ` e ion until •itis now one place. As it wa 5 51 , , of g
,from. its inception w properly reptired, the 18{18. -, hs .total ictal is were her of the Count Council o!t O,district NOTES.— spial friend, R. Shielw, b1a1m xt np. You can oxotoine ; , r `t
# tins . $' ' 0 for 5 OO � leadin industries in the pro- the by law p p y
1i1'll� � ,.'�.. of the James Scott and W, N. Mari $877ti>1.9d; and '�� �dit>area• $5791:5:$5, from which thet�nmate is Sent;that the N g eaonotr►y in baying the lreiit; Gtr . '�
• ctor was the largest Clerk, r fort e' edudat on of each the Clinton Collegiate. may now write P. M. after lits name, at rices we are quoting. our pxia i,
t~ Vince. The f y a and nin wore appointed t° interview M avera a cost it i .
AP 16 b0 a factor in Canad , g Treasurer Aay ll
f $ elusive or y frorin him sill neces- it for the year was $7,8t;'eacli pu it as thin pu SCo deb, l ra7'lie Mrd pe'. ; Wa will help you build up a reeoi vie
1�6 . . Ottcl g of ed and yet not G,arroW and get pup the sum of $27, a mistake of this
best c pp milts them on an average 122 days, and a Navin oCcuir ed in a revious him on Y, future needs. #
• ' one Of the q p
, ds of sty information. After telling attended amount F4 p is alta epidemic esxnxo in, our villa O an oth-
eve neve, offered h to meet the demon!. rrow in 's attendance o a Child at P,
valne'w r e encu n uretic Mr' (1a Yin le daq , , , t . mast, recommen ed, thitut thin fol- �
Jdetta>c la g . , emit ,, b"roth• Just new we are offering a }iris o! xioolti "zo ;
+' :alk in and look g c ,� TliO deCLe in solar tote bo aid rho several
I before. '� trade. An extensive addition the course t pursue te0 he°Iv6uld' relxdw gaol costes t” , . ppay. tinily at present`. 1jVm,
tytl l►e their ed the commit . wah rw ,_ . Idwm sine P • tt
,s mer, rind abqub form A ra a aix0 t 5 7 B and 1
• ,r . Coit laatsum . r - � could.°.ftf; bean's er'Cenl. ��- .e Institutes this' ,year:•--• Seas er of Robt, Smith, collector, •is Koine hammers, consisting of :Rakers
tiiCottlod. was made d- Or whatever aaatotrince. he, lis -has . _ - gg Oollegiat ; ,from Dakota on a visit., Dick Prof ]lowia i► , , , flo, eitah,
$ ,Worth of new machinery a f o town' is any wltiy f'the school sections in. East Huron is th. , 2327.83; Clinton, $2093,0(1, Godo ,
• 2l);ObO trade• u yards it and Help. h ii for , $ _ tor, of Eiinburn, has hired with Angus
,�:T-= •tomeOtthe increasing , p o char' e, The by-law 4814acres ,and the average aaaosged
coed, salols free i~ � , . � � riCh,1805,32. It orae' recommended to Reid for the. 'iv'ltiter months, Uur °"�"''”
• as the men all Worked over po the (7ouncxl at lnn , 148216: No. 3, Tudlketramith, LOW Le islatute to slake -the ,, , n . s"has beert making •
to Christmas ill ,be submitted t'S valuat 9t ask the g I,e4tty of the Sn w .g
s intenaed to male ail w th 'ee at l8 000, and pegs its O(x� i COOPLH +[�; C
tidit viii bein advott sed i• meased $ + l t �
•: ixiie a •. - after � is a terii� for which uunici al Councils are `
t + factor once, and g ... assessment is P d be ii -brand atte►ripl this welt to regain
addition to the.., y s old 1;00 a ear: 'this assassin ears instead of: one,an s e a aYintld( TUE CA11l1017$i$r
itJ-1�+. bthor'}aige ,wxllbe.3oted u ntr and hC tOaGllsr S 3' exerted lode y
3 f uildlt5 vas. equi pod weeks, ,,, pp etc al offnurtoxvnships, as:eleations£ot GiLit- hese re u'atiori,wh> h, h h d
t this year+ x'h0 b t . equip.cartxed ung mous fy, arid, �tvlll SAb big or. than lli t. ii t th0 salsa time slat. I'1�ona 2Q
, : y ,. itlllxOOry
ltitWt mactilnery: 8orict. i70
ii work out segue' file hay to be ratified by thl�• 'j i? rn tenac sb asses ", . VA1 a lair s ty doiinixil, .:
t.rd.1[llX�,r Aver 1aCillty Por tarsi R d alar;; ature, +filth t ldwest aseeu8ea r# 91
' heated tl
ql 1�+; +iiae atei�in h F 1
r ` -
` ; ” • , 1
P r
;ny' ';
s - . -'..
- -
t .. .
- ,. -,� .,- ....... ... ... . . . ,�,�, qA..
- 1,
- .. ..
-. .
.. ... ..
. ,
,M� u.. , wnT . I
• w�'`.•-s too
_. P,„
ONT. FEBRUARY �, 1898 $1 a year in advance 01.50 when net sei paid , 1
1t ROBERT HOI�MES, Editor and Proprietor. ° CLINTON, t �i I
ce CouQtY Council• 11+ Turnberry, which is assessed Rrucellield
, : u . 004 is �— ! at $39,150. Three now brick school CORN Mr Wm, �/�� ,
fl Scott, our enter -
5 t ked 1 h t O 1 D 1 s a s t e r� houseeAvere erected during the year priatng grain merchant, has just re-
A 1 V - The January session was opened on, ill No. 1 Morrie, No, $Turnberry and cc load a cprload of cora; we hope this
• Tuesday last, all the members present. Morris, and No. 12 Grey. The report will meet the wants of his many
. �i#vo -you the time? TlIe-ttrat bustnese was the electron o! �•
1e►t time is it ? F also refers to the examinations, mode} oustomera,
a harden. Dr Rollins was nominated schools and teachers' institutes, and
f•-Iu you ' time eotrott ? Factory Burned M Messrs Cox and' McLean, and Geo. concludes by saying that the work by ti ding o NOTES,- Collectors, Por the Qit,31I and �rI
� ItQ,tt why itot ? The Doherty Urgan y oF.wan by Messrs Cook and, Holt. the schools is, on the whole, satiafac building of a new brick Sabbath School sby.
The ballot resulted} in 9 to. 7 in Mr Ma tory, but the Inspector laments the room in connection with the Freaby•
iia the gneetion T. would ask. Ewan's favor, and was declared of break in salaries, as it will have sten- ferias church here, have been on their The two pane in the scales of jae-
. it t'io, q t atom without the ected and duly installed. Many com- dent to drive the best teachers out of rounds; tenders for the erection of the tfoe, We balance the two. In Drugs.
r s. Yan'.re gat to have it. I! ,° the books and a few tools municatione were received and refers ed the profession. school room will be received up to the especially we first look to quality,
arXvst4h %s not. groin pn as Nothing Saved beyond to the various committees, and the die- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 14th of Feb., as per advertisement in then to price. 1f this price looks`
.sod se;rtiAfaotri�n as yon would � poral thereof will -be fou,id in the res- another column, The Communion will high you may be care it is balanced
r jr bring'it . no, and we will INSURANCE $4O e)OO. pective Committee reports. The following is a statement of esti- be held in the Presbyterian church by the quality olthe article You get.
I ' t+;c Win to. make nd you ill L0,5,� $lOO,400. t P. Holt and W. Lane were appointed mated and actual receipts and expendi- here on Feb. 13tb, which is the second It it looks low you may be equally
' reuatislaotion,orWo-willgiverefim auditors of criminal justice accounts. tures:- Sabbath in February; Rev. Mr Ilam}1- sure that it is not through the care r
�rpn yonrpioney:,I The following were appointed trustees ton, of Londesboro, will preach the rifles of quality. Our prices are
MR. DOHEIiTY'S RESIDENCE ALSO DESTROYED of Uollegiate Inatitutea:-Cxoderich, �� �� preparatory sermons on the preceding right, always, and always as low as
' Jordan; Cli}xton, Henry Plumste , = w : :+n :n u� : , mE � rd, Friday. we can afford to make them.
+c • . The most disastrous fire, and the trio lighted throughout, and there were Sekforth, D. McIngis and Thos. Kidd. o ti ' ' N °' Q' �� NOTES. -Saw logs are coming in _ _
r. Crews most far-reaching in fie effects, it has orders enough on hand to keep the fac- Geo. Baird, o Stanley,la,nd A,J.Moore, tam � ° fast t saw mill; Graduate Druggists
grate t to he the sound ALLEN & 1J ILSON, i -;
a doEs art been the misfortune d'f Clinton' to ex- tory busy for some time to come. , of Goderich, ere apppointed members , , S oo a S;1 : � ; ; 81 SES of the mill has been improved by the aggis &Opticians,
. , rwtC Repairer pexience, occurred early on Tuesday The townspeople looked upon the of County Board of Eaaminera for I898. a : erection of a new steam -boat whistle. Clinton.
morning, when the rriagguificent works industry as a most important one; one It was decided to ask the Legislature � : : °� o "V' R 9 :V 19 §+, : I Parties ha'va been the order of the v� ”
oI .1f the Doherty Organ Uompany were in which all forme of business have an to so amend the Munic4val Act that v, everiing during the past week, there
reduced to ashes.. The origin of the interest, and keenly realize now the members for municipal councils should 1 � m ,n - being not leas than three in our midst; ,
fire is a xnyatery, except that it started value of the loss sustained. Very few be elected for two years instead of one, ,I ZZ ,� 8 g � a m $ g g : 2 cc and good prospects for a few more. Holmesville
.. �^-~. g
in the hot blast fan, which was used are aware, however, that last year the the elections to be held at the same a ,° a, �, o� a Mr Kennard has been quite ill lately, POSTPONED ENTERTAINMENT. -OW-
w;. - • •'�FJrg' _*1ller to heat the .buildings. Mr Sage, tb wages alone paid out amounted to time as those for County Councillors. I �� � � � � � � � o � � � m � but we hope to hear of his recovery ing t° the storm the New England eu -
�ix7MET;-�Qn entertainment 'night, watchman, was making his u $37,275.26, the real bulk of which was It was decided to put a railing at each ' before ion Mr Robt. McMordie, er., pp
iv nsiti tha''Tem ,erance hall, ual 'rounds, at about half est two g R per and entertainment of Holmesville+
bog e P spent here. The outlook was exceed- end of Benmiller bridge. The Warden v: of Anna Trebor farm, near Hensall, League, has been postponed until Fri -
al' • p em- alt fire, and Soon in 1 bright and the greatest sym- and House of Refuge Committee w re p gF5,888 88gggggg�t ct was in our village this week. Mr I+i d was romised in
" �'
;tato sus ices of the Sona of T o. clock,. 4vhen he am a re Feb 4. All that
'. Feb. 12 el box whtch con- nth ie telt Por Mr Dohert w)Tb, by "ins'tructeil ti° Yaks steps -to have Bridd o o
pg y __... _._ pp
., . nce, on Tliursdayevening, , located it in the ate , P y . in face ley: an inmate of the House. commit s � $ , �, r' '-+ Higgins, of WinRham, was this week previous notices will takeplaee, includ-
the follopgiiig personsfrom Gode- tained the fan. He at once stopped indomitable pluck and energy, • � � ',,, ;p , 411 u"'y : § the guest of Mr B. R. Higgins. A few ing the Clinton Orchestra. Riga leave
,Epill,tak6 fact. Miss Whitney,Miss the working of the fan and started the of l;reat difficulties And obstacles, had ted either• to the Asylum for Insane or m Iu� from here attended the carnival in Town Hall as Stated before, at 5.30,
t j}eabr'gn, 141Fes',5trachaln, Mrs,, Prid- pumps. By the time he turned to the built up such a, handsome b:xaineae to the County Jail. A. motion, that w �, lieneall on Tuesday evening of last 6,15, g.4Fi and 7.15.
aq,: B;HObxni3,on, J :E,Davis, Mr Stod• fan with the hose, 'rhe heat and fired that it was recognized as the leading the Property Committee examine the ew week in spite of the inclemency of the
were so intense that when he opene one of its kind in the Dominion, and House of Refuge once a year, was lost. • ° . :-,: :
JneIThtim§ob,Miss D1c0a11, accom- fO liippen
Y A: 'lit,>nd, $; Silty, of Clinton. the door he was driven back and al- who had made the name, "Doherty The Olerk was instructed to distribute t. ;„ m Z : a weather.
yy y p p y : : o 0,a :'Z d Goderich Township GATHERINGS. -A number of the
a' �pxg I1,;' 'Warner slid Mise K. most suffocated, getting slightly burn- Organ, Clinton, Canada, known al- count property, such as hand-ctxife,
od r% li, visited the tatter's ed.
in to the uttermost parts of the etc., on the authority of a member of �•q 7 ; � ; �°, : $ � a c ' °,d : CHURCH. -Quarterly services will be farmers around here are purchasing
( ygeau,•'' Ce ,.e c last. Owing to b g y ° �' ' �'� . m ° �pznu) o c'� held at Wilkineon's Corners, next Sab- corn to feed, 11[r John Mc coin get- _
,. i+itaiori .S>inday as g The factory whistle sounded an earth, his foreign trade ern a very the Count Council, &nd net on the u ° m .�
�'` e'ye atorriny, night a great many but such important and extenaive part of the authority of Reeves and Deputies,'as ,y a a c c u p , m�°UPa bath, the 8th, at 10.30 a.m., when the ting a car load to supply his custom.
� , , alar m, and also the fire bell, heretofore. I b c d •- o U d$ a � Cd m ° `c o,2'd pactor will preach. Service at 7 p.m. exs. On Friday evening the I. O. F.
r lig-inteAded taking in the New Eng- a ter rific gale was blowing from the business' On motion of Mr Pattersop, seeoiilded i " o . +� ° an a held a concert in the hall, and iiot-
t<L' supphx at Holmesville .were dis- north-west, that many in that section NOTES a... u U = o a• ° as P " o d m by Rev, Mr Graham, of Bayfield.
e(1 Ort Friday evening next of hear either. The firemen were by Mr Stewwrt, the County Commis w a q ° y; �+ a c o'os� U o m F RECOVERING. -We are lad to sa withstanding the unfiivorable condi- +
i} t .., did n d -.o � a- y o , b c, tion of the weather the hall was com-
owantenda:holding a political soon on hand, but it • was a consider- An organ factory has been placed at bide a known x Dyer's --bridge, ane bet- I w.d L = o� t. °' ° ca 4 m a P. o " that Mx Louis Tebbutt, who was con fortabl filled and all spent an en o
"itis Ih.1 }ie djaill's hall; The temp- able time before the engine could be their disposal. g Y g °'at " d ° j' u ° ° a fined to bed at hie brother Alf's, Hur- Y J. 1 y' _
k `'''1. of to the factor , owls to the drift- The dl y kilns, 811ed ,with the driest ween Hallett and W awanosh, and U ti p r-, A a U1 U v, vl J U Pa Q°+� on road, fora few days, is able to be able evening Mrs J. Workman is
,.,er�,ppei�p etl�tl.$enrnxller orchestra have tenders placed before the June RECEIPTS confined to thehousa theca h
�itttpnd Htildl : a .concert in the near g of lumber, went off like a flash. meeting, if it has to be rebuilt. out again and retaened 'to his home g eicknesa.
'bills and don't miss ed condition of the roe ,and the fire g Weare leased to note that Yrs R.
;Mature"; ►a lx "g, ,`., . , had then made such headway that it It ie robable the new factory will The Clerk was instructed i o aster, From Registry Office .... , . $5134 25 last week,19
;;. ,� �'fet?pvb ;bur young,men took in was-im oseibla to save the premises built east of the Standard Elevator. From Auctioneere'licenses.. 348 00 POLITICAL. - Alread considerable Miss M. a fs again able to go about.
1.u e'totr su per of -$he Workmen' at p he building, be b tain from the Provincial Treasurer the From Peddlars' licenses.... 475 00isy Miss M. Meeting
of attended the oil
�# 1 • The Prams cellon of t g $ , P trict Meeting of the R. T- of T. in
(1ytrlppcits'1!huesday evening last. P as Covered with A s�etem of water -works would un- probable cost of an audit of the books interest 'bein manifested in the o- Goderich last week. Mies A. Cooper, x
four stories high w uestionabl have been of groat ser- of the County by the Provincial Audi- Leaving the net actual expenditure litical contest in `South Huron, and
p{ie bor0 steel and the roofs with iron, while the vice, Y tor, for the past three years. $2814.771eaat hantheq,mountestimated. prominent public men are prophesying of Hallett, is visiting at the home eof
T"9 centre building was brick, with iron On motion of Mr Mooney, seconded who shall be the representative for Mr Jae. Coo Cooper. Business is rather
ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT but if we are to
' 1 r� "`A~ roof reader nv roof. The brick portion having only.l Mayor Thompson, Goderich, sent a by Mr Torrance, J. C., Mrorrisonr-of Me- the next Pour years, quiet in our village on account of -the !i+lSOTIpIT,-�uri been added last year to accommodate message of sympathy to the Mayor of $illop, was appointed 'Auditor. A The committee recommended that "judge by the feeling of the Liberals in severe storms and intense cold;"it gives
], ' '19 annoying error in the the increasing business. The ro ria- Clinton. our merchants a rest and time to take
1?, P motion to appoint John Anegess, of Goderich township be empowered to this township, Mr McLean wit ave a ,,.
ftp, ,,1�t.',W' k,, concerning the pro y The brick walla that remained stand- Turnberry, to the sa°u position, was close up and dis sae of a certain road lar er majority than he bad last time. stock.
1.ed•; re*r `.`Methodist church.' The for had taken ever precauttoggn to p g In act we foretell the result in the
rixi i;iated theft the sum of "$37" had make the building aerial inn anwind abs t m were thrown over for safety on lost. A motion was dfe that Arthur allowance, another road lravin been
r. silted ;`b91 - subscriptions so far. the iiiflawmable ma. Wednesday. Major be a ointede second Audi- opened a The ;ommittee recom following lines:- Auburn
n. j .1' y at it it but all these counted as nothing esers. Dohert Co, have opened tor, but D. ,U rquhartf'Hensall, received mended that the Commissioner attend McLean and Eilber a contest will fight, Call and see our stook of Fur Coats, Robes,
;; 0ti vVa9 so, palpably an error th M y ,IIlankets, eto.-J. NICHOLSON.
not ' ' ` hake It should have when once the fire had got headway a temporary office in the corner of the the appointment ipe"lead. to all bridge repairs, so that same may For the attachment of M. P. to their name,
�gpd y d B MaLean's popularity and isms.
" d ::�o beer, to On" -a very impor- The thermometer stood at about 15 Town Hall building. The lCgle ',a�g!nof the QCounty, sand er of W rWalahntoi leu ld as bridge on But Eilbpr should be buried clean out of Bight NOTES. -Miss Dimond, of Bluevale,
.r 1 w.
f,;•�,j; difference,, below zero, and made it exceedingly Letters of a ro ath and tele rams dal y
:f ^? en and others to Y . P ' g submit them to the Executive. boundary of Morris and McKillop, for V161TORa.-Mise Susie Elliott,rof the was the guest of 113isa Annie gnoa last
QPoRR:-A very enjoyable d iac.ult for,the firem have been received' by the firm from The next meeting of the Council will $100; be accepted; that the tender of R. Bayfield line, is at present the guest of 'week. Miss B. Miss
M. of Blyth, was ".:
11�IsK6N. < - ,
iii of+the>Misaion Band of:Knox work. After the tank at the Factory Mr. Gamow, Mr. Cameron, and many Jameson to build bridge on boundary her cousin, Miss Clara McCullagh,
the guest of MiaS M. Radcliffe last
P +1' ,06fv, g, of Hallett anQ Mcgillop, for $117, be Huron road. Miss Sarah Nott, of week. Diss Yates, of Goderich, is the 1'
'spttttreb'was..held' Sat'urdap afternoon was exhausted. the engine was moved others. be held in Jun.. ecce ted; that Jos. Laweon's tender to Tuckersmith, visited the family of Mr guest of Miss S. Blair. Mr G. Whit-
g t,
•p the: x'A' an' sei fifteen were present. back to the market and a line of hose REGISTRAR's REPORT. p John Rodger last week; as also did Mr ney is home from Goderich, and'is laid
1b : re abed : -::for .the contest and attached to the hydrea,nt, but it was S. haveb•laCC op the r e tabliehmentsn at ins of the Registrar for the build bridge near Grand Bend, $117,
with enthusiasts; eight were too short to be of servic the disposal of ei Doherty to en used The returns be accepted; the lowest laude being in and Mrs Wilson, "of Dakota, who are up with rheumatism Mr Moore, the i
a t ' eight
d were
The heat tom the factory soon set past year showed that 4051:„instruments each case recommended., spemding the winter at the latter's maxi carrier, was unable to Roto West _
,u Ir .Qn it. subject. in the meantime. were registered during 1897, and the parents, Mr and Mrs Hark, Colborne. field and Donn brook' on Tuesday on
&n`Y1. ; on 3 s Mr Doherty'O'bouse on fire, and al- EDIICATION_COMMITTEE. y
art intereatin r logs, t u pine of the effects in the low- We understand that the Grand ,fes received therefor amounted to Miss Rwmeay, of Goderich, is visiting account of the drifted roads. Miss L.
r'afew h ' as orked ho g,q"e v d the family prat- Trunk Railway bee offered a specially pp p g The committee recommended the Erratt is vision friends in Clinton ab
.Agile Scott, who h w er part were sae , 4517:I5. The De utyy Registrar rem at WmrHaacke'e. Mr Richardson, visiting
patience for the } caved sa ;the Clothing they low rate of freight on all materia} eived $750 salary; cther help and ex publication of the inspectors' reports in of Ashfield, Sundayed at the home of present. 11Ir J. Curry's sister, from
relatzeal`and„P tical y y h
-ta co mencement, four had on -Jay, , Mr Doherty's eldest soh, brought by rail for the purpose of re- asses of the office amounted to $1062.- the minutesahat the examination ren- Mr S. J. McCullagh. Lionel Leith- the Nile, Sundayed wit Miss Sprdnge
eines I CnuRCH,-Rev. C.C,Couzens prei ch -
o ;was pr canted with Dr. did not save as much as ' a shirt. At hulloing. 05; the County got $1i94, and also a tie for High School Entrance and Pub- Waite and sister, Clarice, of Holmes
"'* -eye :,$took. It was decided to resent the famil are domiciled at At the council meeting Mr. Doherty little surplus', f rQm the previous year, lir School Leaving in Stephen be Chang villa, spent the latter trait of last ed in the Methodist church Sunday
,., • r yy he net 'amount received by week as the guest of their sister, Mrs .+ "from
A. ,11
I . ti and make picture books for the home of W. G Doherty, second stated that he did not want to leave leaving ; ed from Grand Bend to Crediton, and night on Self examination,
' ;' I 4 udian'Chtldren of one of the Mra- cop of Mr Doherty, while some of the Clinton, but he did want waterworks, the Registrar, 526id.75, in reference to the request of the W Driver, Glebe Farm. 2 Cor. 13, 5. On Tuesday evening the
;, Teachers' Assn., that a delegate be Epworth League spent the evening
, gelds at the next meeting. children are atoppI with their sister, a statement the circumstances have ,
4A' I NnTES,=Quite an excitement Mrs McKee, of London. more than justified. INSPECTOR TOM s REPORT. sent from Huron to attend the annual {ATingham. with the poets; Mr F. Tabb taking
fl;laet,:week among the horae> The stable was one of the most tom- W. Doherty has had a remarkably A GOOD R7dcoRD.-A ood days work Tennyson; Miae D. Erratt taking O.
r des oro over y y The report of'Inspector TOM showed meeting,that no action be taken. was done on the farm of D.Meiklejohn, Goldsmith; St. Clair-Couzens, Words .:
en11. ' and,farinerel o#'Lon h fortable buildings of its kind in the successful career, this .is the first that the'total receipts in the school in- SPECIAL COMMITTEE. worth; O. E. Erratt, Milton, and E. A.,%
e. urchase`of the lane yyoung Shire county, and this, too, was aeon. a vic- reverse he ever had. A good general spectorate, of West Huron were $72,- Recommend that no action be taken Morris, last week, when two young Blair, Longfellow; a ver enjoyable
11}ona Reed's'Hero, by E. Bell, from Lim to the fur of the flames.' Mr Do- concerning the memorial from Lanark men Bluevale, and b. y
Well knoyvn firm' of Innes & Hor- y a}ways takes hie first defeat hard, and 107,85, while the expenditures were , Wm. Stewart, avenin was spent.
' o have undoubtedly herty has some valuable driving hors- he, like the proverbial Highland man, $60,817,37; this is a alight increase in asking the Legislature to amend the Bell, Morris; cut rtifd piled ten cords of g
:CJlin,on, wh y es, and also a heavy, team used fez neverlearne how to beat ii retreat. both items over last year. The teach High School Act of 1897; concerning cordwood ra rRne hours; This ie a Blyth.
111 rYi l+ d aZ;e of the best Clydesdales draying purposes; fortunately these Several of the.unmarried employees ars employed are 58maleand 75 female: the memorial from Bruce county, ask- g
ht hve`croSsed the Atlantic. Reeds were all removed to a place of safety, g temporar situations else average salary paid male teacher, $380,
log the council to petition the Legis- HAPPY TO MEET, SORRY TO PART.-- NOTES. -Mies C. Tucker, of Wing -
i; a,beUutiful bay, on extremely several toils of hay and other supplies are takinHu h Rourke a valued mem- an increased average of $1 pert lature to amend the County Council The Masonic at home in the Town ,ham, is visiting friends in town. Miss
..t legs„arnc`1'very heavy bodied. His being consumed with the etables. where. aHttenbur St, choir) has gone average salary paid female teacher, Act of 1898, and go back to the old Hall on Friday evening last, was thee- Heywood, of Uliaton, i, the guest of
•,i is.a, general wonder. He is a g her of R y
In the and was an immense stock to Strathroy; Dick Foster, our well fa281, a decreased average of $id per method of County Councils,recommerid oughly enjoyed by those present. The Mrs Wm. McElroy at ,.present. Mr
brothet'to the now famous Bel- yard
estimated at be -known and o alar singer, (a member -'teacher. They hold 2 first class certifi no action to be taken. hall and counciLchamber,were decorat Wm. Shaw and Miss Grace Shaw, of
T a�, ,whi'eh is considered s ex- of valuable and r, rests n feet, and ed with red and white bunting, notice- Goderich, were the guests at Mr Wm
11 ,
be'the' he built low set tween 750,000 his of Ontario St. Uh6ir) has gone to Sea- Cates, 56 seconds, 74 thirds. 39 changes ably among which was a large square Fleuty's residence on Sunday. Rev
ts;to En - as there was no way of saving t + forth; T. Wheatley has gone to De- of teachers occurred during the year. ,COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE. eind,compasa on each aide made up of Mr Millyard, of Clinton, exchanged". of the best sires in g in to the absence of water, it too licit; S. Kitt, to,Woodelock, and oth- 7478 Pupils are enrolled, being 200 less Thie committee re cited having ox-
14ir Bell is certainly to be con- owing Several attempts t, u situations wherever than in 1890, but the average attend amined the jail and found everything. bhxo.and crimson. A short program pulpits with Rev. W. Rigsby on Sun -
"t dstud encouraged for his was consumed. S ers are picking p once was greater. Classification of pu- clean and in good ordenthat the differ, pvaa ii terspersed through the evening 'day, and the reverend gentleman de-
' ki his urcenco as the former were made to remove some offeit, ffort they can. iia is as follows:-Ist reader, part 1- ent rooms in the Court'House were and refreshments were served. At livered two very powerful and touch-.,
PLne n e notwillin to dispose of the heat was so great that re rt Th lar a cafe in the office, from r5. part 2-1028; 2nd reader -1304; 3rd clean and well kept, and would say n�;dni>rht the younger folk repaired to ing sermons. Mr A. M. Babb visited
iovnners Wer g
nn horee,06 were only temp- had to be abandoned, The fire he g
' _: is ,o ed W Du can's whfc� the broke were removed while 1355; p 4th -15I7; 6th -531. I visited that Mr McOreath, caretaker, appears the council chamber where they dance Cranbrook 'friends on Sunday. The
r h , 1.. bpi ��_ nice to reluctantly let one time threaten n hard the fire was in progress, and then each school at least twice, and found be a very efficient man' for the Arai; ed to the music of a special string or- Misses Lanae; of Ashfield, are the
„ rted 54 , g ..pp chestra,under the leadership of J A. nests of Mre Giles Jenkins fora few
im o. , yyfth the certainty of a house, but it was saved after closed up, leaving a lot of valuable pa- the teachers earnest and diligent, each tion. Several minor improvements to g
• btsim 'irx horses the farmers in this work. ere inside, was opened on W.ednes- one striving to perform their duty the county buildings were also recom- Morton, until toe, early hours, and all Gays this weak. Mr D. Buie left on -
� ti 0M. _�, ate certainly position now A staixle belongilxg to Mr Combe, nay, the locks Could not be budged, faithfully. mended. were unanimous that such events Saturday for Green Bay, sport OW on6
z;;;. o,take at7gantage of it, having this across the road from the factory, was and it was necessary to cut. file doors should he more frequent. Lake Michigan, where his boat dle3
i - JAILER'S REPORT, remaining. Mr and Mrs S. H. Gidle
rand'you*) sire m their midst, and also burned, and the fact that the far- open; the papers were found all secure. REPORT or HOUSE of REFUGE PSV
`' ' 1 a preciate Mr Bell's. luck in for was iron sheeted; alone prevented SICIAN. The jailer reported that there are at NOTES a Misa McMats R Dungan- ware, visiting friends in Exeter ,over
1[ejr wx 1. p _ P y but the binding on lett'br fylee, etc. resent 11 rnale and 1 female,prisonera non, is teaching in Miss Robertson a Sunda g y
nhe'same to place in their the destruction of other propert►es. was so blistered by the "heat as to fall Dr: Shaw'a re ort was as follower- P
hoer pod.. Mr Beli has had con- ere secured, a couple of at the touch, P rn cuatody;l0 of the mares are via ile t e, department during the absence of the isgathering,(idlMra R. ° S. lbsMon o! *
1. s^ Y exfi lit :Hg Q[ience and has done a The books w I have visited the House 81 times our the other one is for forgery, while the latter, who went home last week to at Wrxeter, as in town last week.
' i ldera e p the interests a the workmen managed to get their int{ theyear. Many of the worst cases female is insane, tend the funeral of her sister. Monday
t • Mr R. Milne, w3 are leased to learn, °
feat to'advance tools Ont, but beyond this very little HELP BY THE TOWN have come in from the municipallties, dot went to -Ottawa on Monday to PMe
• , •;•�braf!men+ to anything was saved. have co with from acute disease,more EXEC TIVE COMMITTEE. attend the session -of the9Dominion par- is recovering from his sickness; ng
The Mayor called a speciall meeting g The corxlmi tee recommended that a liament, Last week R,Scott, Brussels, Wm. Crittenden is also recovering ''
, ` *' The building, stock and machinery the Town Council for Tuesda mar- suitable for o hospital. The House ha pacing slowly from a severe attack r ams
a'' �ttCl[01"dti41t11 000 and there of y pro- traded his trim acin horse Naber, lis in the face and head. Mr Fames
were valued 'at $100. nin to consider what steps could be served as an asylum for the insane and Copy of the ixnicipal World o ro p
as May Carnocjtanr rl 1000 or ens on the wap to g ietanee to Mr Do• id}otic, these canes being the direct cured for each member of the coixncix• coming four years of age,with a record Ireland was in Goderich on Sunday.
O"t.-1121 Y were nes y g are taken to render ass cause of same of the worst accidents fn That theuaual grant of $300 be made to of 1:21 for a half mile,to George Cline, A regular monthly fair was held od.'
ordntr& visited ,relatives here last completion.,, A lot of Supplies hart towards rmbu'ilding, suggesting g the Agricultural and Horticultural So -
0$ o! Clinton's ent P in thin nature o! small ware y the Institution, to say not.hin about of town, for a six year old mare and Tuesday, but on account of the in-
}, '%cell. •Mias-Dodd, P necessarily the propriety of a loan for a numiier h cieties; this was amended in council to colt. Mies F'lo Shepard, Toronto, is y+
here', he oast of Miss C. and of these a big stock was on hand. Several citizens resent spoke destruction oil proper y. There is no clement of the weather previous slid :
»5'' nday h 1 a s but a Small ears. v P �� ,of contagious diseases read $W to each �ociety�; that $25 be the oast .1 Mrs L. )V. Hanson, Mr heav roads, the gathering was not `
a ng, MrNOw:ton Crich accident y Against all this there i _ Tin favor of the same. After some•txti .,,,Y.,,,, ranted to eachFarmtara Inatitutm;that guest
- cutting wood on .300. hence .Mr licher coed, Try' `br'oi�tgl?t i°' and at present we fear an and Mre J.D.N� ichol, o! Lucknow, were Y g g
,tut has do6t- while cu R insuranca of $40, , formal conversation it was m g in Winggham on Friday. stir Jefiriea, large, only a couple of buyers being•- . i
last,' Mrs: A. Turner }tae been t 's loss �vi11 be very heavy, to say ReeveKenned .seconded byeputiy- uutltreaik, Tae air space for each Sleep -10 be expended in Alantin flowers oil ondan, is the guest of G. E. Bing. Present. 9
`s ,' Moods k `gut is improving. in inmate is less than 325 cubic feet, around the Court HOUSe: that $15 be
finite d c r P g• nothing of the interruption of buss- Reeve Jones, atidd'.carried unanimous- when'600to. I600 feet is the re uiaitm granted to each Public Library; that,'Th r newly ida5alled officers of the In-
,,,, . sass, and the temporary derangement . ly, that a loan i51' $25;000 be made "1GIr amount. Many, owing to acexente, no grant be made to,rthe Poultry Asao dependent Order of Foresters enter -
of trade. Doherty for 20 or 30 years, free of i e arm or�nflned to their rooms; and we ciation (thio was afterwards amended, tea ped the brethren to F dayoyeta eningupper Everybody ,
�1�j fOP The factory employed a staff o! near- terest, and a by-law submitted to t have'muctt trouble in avoiding pnOn- and, $25 granted); that F. Pap and J. at J. McKelvie'S on Friday evening
w�•a++l`'�AL 1 150 hauda, over seventy of them people to ratify the same. ,,Mr Dotter Kenney, of Howick be granted Pedd iliac, The Misses Roderous entertained .
y nd the ceaSaseven g work at t warmly thanked the wOmbere of i'4odirt and other lung ailments. Y g a number of their friends at their home In town, knows to their sorrow, thii`
v married, a i serious mnt- y for their rooTt tnesS and. Tare Licences free, they being unable
this time of the year is . the Council p. 1NSPECMGR ROBB'S REPORT. , to pay for them,and being deserving o! on Friday evening last;mdaicand dant-• • the Doherty ' Organ }Factory giiw
RD� l to some of them. Possibly the appreciation of hie busmee1i but said of 1n- Charity, council declined to adopt this ing were the order of the evening, and burned to the ground, Tuesday mora.
• ter ; (
eaviest loser among thin employees is he was not in a position to state defin- Tfie following is a sumMaty clause); that no action be taken con- a very pleasant time wte enj o ed. Rev. Ing.
h who owned some rant s oetor;• Robbs report: -Visited all G,J,Abey, Brussels, reached two v0
is ,1 .60 _ H. B. Chant, P itely what'course they would efinit P cerning the proposal to pay each lock- pp 1rh ,Ever one in Clinton and sti6oundlrg
I for of hie own construe but would ive.the Mayor a definite scllobls in the Inspectorate twice our• u keeper the sum of $10; that T. G. eg txvepermonS in St. Paul's church Y know that The t7aSh Gr
i• lit the !ac Y' h his tools, his g iii thio year, There aro 125 depart- P ooxnt
active to on to ether wit answer at 5 p• At 5 o'clock the g teacher one ,Ttplltig be awarded , he contradt of sup- on Sunday, on behalf of domegtic inial- Y o4!ry
r ,.t�lhferd Buyers will tae ti g en and ei ht ceived a }atter from Mr Do cions; Rep. Mr Lowe did likevviae at is the' Place to buy their Clro+isrioe eetteatl;
! the following:- loss being between sev g Mayor re xuentd; in char a of
and 85 3rda, lying roceri0a to to ail, his. tender Chinaware,
;,ttdv!►ntage.o g p g }
Ilare: against this he has Sri hent , acCeptin thin offer, and w.hes ttolding 1st, 5t1 Sec being th0 LoVveSt; W •`p•Murney, to sup Bruasmis,trt alsea�d�undaOCewi11 °be The holidays are oy itnd i `+
hundred do g
Council again met in the evening, 39 changes of teachers during the year. l meat to same; D. Cantelon, to sue- cbmxnufii v,; N y Y 8>± is time to-ildie'
V , QO fQY` � �O insurance of $50. the g, asked full of citizens, Pupils in vltrious classes, as follows. ply broad; that the county rinting be I uarterl �equimuxlion Sunday in the where you are dt: �To doubt you r3��ti t
Mr W. Doherty atartad the mann- the room was P p 2nd P,Y p qc1 y
y' twenty man of 'whom at times showed b lstclOss, fir-1132;1stclasa, Br- ll0t#,, - given to F. ,*1 „Neelln, Seaforth; thae Sfothodiat chunch• u great des} ludic thanyouuho4ldhawi
+ever" orde>i,for'CommittaltO the II011B done, on Bmaa lits. Mout: goo try Qo
,? O LOP X OO facture of organa here about twe y y Clara y il`
;A�►t 1266; 3rd -1898; 4th 72; 5 h pp
O - ars ago, and the business has grown a Alsace their approval
saewt of huge 4• the;Onr°11 "nttend'ance is"1$4 ass Refu Ork/0 countorsigned ,a mem- 11arlock that. Now, you taunt to ooett0isfzii
ye g ` e ion until •itis now one place. As it wa 5 51 , , of g
,from. its inception w properly reptired, the 18{18. -, hs .total ictal is were her of the Count Council o!t O,district NOTES.— spial friend, R. Shielw, b1a1m xt np. You can oxotoine ; , r `t
# tins . $' ' 0 for 5 OO � leadin industries in the pro- the by law p p y
1i1'll� � ,.'�.. of the James Scott and W, N. Mari $877ti>1.9d; and '�� �dit>area• $5791:5:$5, from which thet�nmate is Sent;that the N g eaonotr►y in baying the lreiit; Gtr . '�
• ctor was the largest Clerk, r fort e' edudat on of each the Clinton Collegiate. may now write P. M. after lits name, at rices we are quoting. our pxia i,
t~ Vince. The f y a and nin wore appointed t° interview M avera a cost it i .
AP 16 b0 a factor in Canad , g Treasurer Aay ll
f $ elusive or y frorin him sill neces- it for the year was $7,8t;'eacli pu it as thin pu SCo deb, l ra7'lie Mrd pe'. ; Wa will help you build up a reeoi vie
1�6 . . Ottcl g of ed and yet not G,arroW and get pup the sum of $27, a mistake of this
best c pp milts them on an average 122 days, and a Navin oCcuir ed in a revious him on Y, future needs. #
• ' one Of the q p
, ds of sty information. After telling attended amount F4 p is alta epidemic esxnxo in, our villa O an oth-
eve neve, offered h to meet the demon!. rrow in 's attendance o a Child at P,
valne'w r e encu n uretic Mr' (1a Yin le daq , , , t . mast, recommen ed, thitut thin fol- �
Jdetta>c la g . , emit ,, b"roth• Just new we are offering a }iris o! xioolti "zo ;
+' :alk in and look g c ,� TliO deCLe in solar tote bo aid rho several
I before. '� trade. An extensive addition the course t pursue te0 he°Iv6uld' relxdw gaol costes t” , . ppay. tinily at present`. 1jVm,
tytl l►e their ed the commit . wah rw ,_ . Idwm sine P • tt
,s mer, rind abqub form A ra a aix0 t 5 7 B and 1
• ,r . Coit laatsum . r - � could.°.ftf; bean's er'Cenl. ��- .e Institutes this' ,year:•--• Seas er of Robt, Smith, collector, •is Koine hammers, consisting of :Rakers
tiiCottlod. was made d- Or whatever aaatotrince. he, lis -has . _ - gg Oollegiat ; ,from Dakota on a visit., Dick Prof ]lowia i► , , , flo, eitah,
$ ,Worth of new machinery a f o town' is any wltiy f'the school sections in. East Huron is th. , 2327.83; Clinton, $2093,0(1, Godo ,
• 2l);ObO trade• u yards it and Help. h ii for , $ _ tor, of Eiinburn, has hired with Angus
,�:T-= •tomeOtthe increasing , p o char' e, The by-law 4814acres ,and the average aaaosged
coed, salols free i~ � , . � � riCh,1805,32. It orae' recommended to Reid for the. 'iv'ltiter months, Uur °"�"''”
• as the men all Worked over po the (7ouncxl at lnn , 148216: No. 3, Tudlketramith, LOW Le islatute to slake -the ,, , n . s"has beert making •
to Christmas ill ,be submitted t'S valuat 9t ask the g I,e4tty of the Sn w .g
s intenaed to male ail w th 'ee at l8 000, and pegs its O(x� i COOPLH +[�; C
tidit viii bein advott sed i• meased $ + l t �
•: ixiie a •. - after � is a terii� for which uunici al Councils are `
t + factor once, and g ... assessment is P d be ii -brand atte►ripl this welt to regain
addition to the.., y s old 1;00 a ear: 'this assassin ears instead of: one,an s e a aYintld( TUE CA11l1017$i$r
itJ-1�+. bthor'}aige ,wxllbe.3oted u ntr and hC tOaGllsr S 3' exerted lode y
3 f uildlt5 vas. equi pod weeks, ,,, pp etc al offnurtoxvnships, as:eleations£ot GiLit- hese re u'atiori,wh> h, h h d
t this year+ x'h0 b t . equip.cartxed ung mous fy, arid, �tvlll SAb big or. than lli t. ii t th0 salsa time slat. I'1�ona 2Q
, : y ,. itlllxOOry
ltitWt mactilnery: 8orict. i70
ii work out segue' file hay to be ratified by thl�• 'j i? rn tenac sb asses ", . VA1 a lair s ty doiinixil, .:
t.rd.1[llX�,r Aver 1aCillty Por tarsi R d alar;; ature, +filth t ldwest aseeu8ea r# 91
' heated tl
ql 1�+; +iiae atei�in h F 1
r ` -
` ; ” • , 1
P r
;ny' ';