HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-28, Page 7-4 r, r TILE CLINTON NEW ERA. 4"gtA ry 28,1 183 .( nted for he high - Parties a8 w •t,r by env- e chop. ''itzsinions, Clinton. ,BITCHIER SIOI'. `i ituRRT (allege en tIt'o osela prinoi• %apply oni n etlomers with sit lowest eying prides RPHY, LINTON , mess Change. nhgtity of fathogs wanted for prl cisme, for which the highest :Will be • ; id:. Parties having Wiil'eblig by leaving word at Clinton. J'CIiER SHOP -Sul amrth has ops e d . shop in the pre• see recent*- erected especially for this rite, opposr '.b'aiz'e Mill, where he will Pim hand and sliver promptly, to all its of the•tawn reeh /Meat of all xY41els. A share of tie patronage respeotfury solicited. O'vijEYL, - - CLi�TTON CUR AND FEED -STORES. 00K'S ion ;deed store a, 'SORTS csmall quantities. and MEAL AZ,Tr BINDS. unds,Clhoice Oatmeal: for 1 bushel of O,ate. COOT ,. CLINTON. FLOUR & FEED Store ate `Hill & Joyner) Sit& ;Market, Clinton ., ,f3htirt , Oats, Pero, Barley, fi"of mel old at lowest prices. r Feed, 38c a bush a Raisins, 281b box $1. line 25c per lb. and up. -insight at highest In orporated by 'CAPI ATI' 42,000,000 FUND- -f 01,500,000 HEAD yOli'I'ICE, MONTREAL. INTON o i al k otof arliament 1886 'Wax,: MO'L8ON MACP1nnsON, President WoLFZUBTA?o Tritr*e: Oen Manager ee discounted, Colleotione made, Drafts Q, .Sterling American exchange uglit and foold -Interest allowed on de- ei e % Tinoe$A.ni--Interest allowed on Duals of ;i1 ;and up:. Money advanced to mere, on' their town note, with one or re endOrsors . Ne'rliortgage required g. Cj. BREwiR, Manager, Clinton Fieri AGGART. SER CLINTON, ing Business eted. OUNTED tiytereat allowed on posits. AN & TISDALL. BA.NKTIRS, & arroN, ONT. fleets taiade %tofarmers on -their own haw et low rates of interest. inatal Ban'king 19ueiness transaoted. Interest allowed On lisposite. Bao Totes bought �,'• 1P, TISDALL, Manager. n8E1111441 NIA IINKBchot tYttolh 'street. yhave inert redoived another lot of New and,Deminitfn Sewing Machines; the cit t ail exceptionally good machine, $ hail given good eatisfaotion to all and. ail ds of Repairs kept On h#tnta d on'monthly payments. Call Write for prices and terms. WM. MOO.RE Seven Years .At the next meeting °of the Ransil. Presbytery,, the Rev, W, J. Dey, of Sinlcoe, will move that every. Pres- byterian minister resign his charge af- ter holding it for five years, unless it is contrary to the wishes of his congre- gation. T . I NG pit4E, • LWLIIIG STINGING OKiN DISEASES RELIEVED BY PLICATION OR Dr. Agnew's Ointment, 35 CENTS. Mr. James Gaston, merchant,Wilkesbarre, Pa„ writes :-For nine years I disfigured with tetter on hands But at last I have found a cure Agnew's Ointment. My skin smooth and soft and free from every lab. The first application gave rellef.- Sold by Watts & Co.' ON AP. have been and ftice. In Dr. is now blem- $0. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ls the only safe, reliable 3 monthly medicine on which - ladies can depend in the hour and time of need I. prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known --sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for speoialcases--io degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, hive Dollars. No. i, or No. S, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-oent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Catania. Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson, druggists. DRESSMAKING: Subscriber the house formerly on Street, where cute all orders workmanlike will also go desired. MISS rooms in Rye, Hur to exe- a thoroughly manlier. She the day if Clinton. . - �. .i .; u need. bas opened dress making occupied by Mrs. she will be prepared enttusted to her in and satisfactory out and do sewing by BYE, Huron Street, J4 -THE UNDERTAKER IsGOODS Best Splendid OPPOSITE ST:iNEo�_ � LEADING -AND- EMBALMER. A FULL U[Ai 7 KEPI' ill STOCK _ Embalming Fluid Hearse Residence over store TOWN HALL 1cLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and -Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dame Female irregularities and Genera1Debitity Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON McHILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'CO. FARM as ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURrD OFFIC r- r:. Geo.IWatt, Prestd r araock P. 0.; Tames Broadfoot, V1ce-P- s., Sc•rforth P. O.• W. J. Malmo ,, kleoy.T vas., Seaforth P.O.; eL Murdie Inspector of las-os, Seaforth I'. 0. DIREOTORS Jas. Brondfoot, Seaforth; Si. Alcrdlo, Sea - forth; Geo. Dale, Seatorth; Goo. Watt, Bedeck; T. hl, Bays, S•'aforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead - bury; Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippon. , AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock tg-ret for Huhott,'Mor- ris and surroundings; John U. Yeo,Holmesviile, for Goderich, Colborne and surroundings; Robt, McMillan, Seaforth, and J. Comings, Egtnondville. Parties dosiroas to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers iv/reseed to their resp-ctive offices. 1'At llllhril' CS8 B Trees, Plants, iambs, This old -established and reliable business Is being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our lino can rely on the -very bust of service Clrolco :Plant's for Spring Bedding. Floral Deaigitq fol: NVeildings or Funerals Fruit and Ornamental Trees spruce+ Scotch, it Astrachan ,Miro imott few* All rd entire Sd, tewart Estate 1 ►mlliler Huron County ehristian Endeav- or Budget. REMEMBER WINGHAM, JUNE 2IST AND 22ND, 1898. TAKING PART IN THE 0. F. MEETING. We are all pledged to take part in every C. E. meeting. To do so is one of the acts that help to develop our gifts and exercise our graces. In doing this many are timid and fearful and need inspiration and help, and for this we have large assistance given us by the U. E. writers who provide for our our need. There is a neat little book published, by the Canadian Board of Publication, Philadelphia- "The Pres- byterian Cht istian Endeavor Manual," by W.G.Ellis, of the Golden Rule once. It is an excellent and cheap manual. Get it. Then there is a nicely bound volume issued by the same house, en- titled "Converted Anew," written by Miss Belle V. Chisholm. This is an in- spiring story, no one can read it with- out feeling the high privilege of being an Endeavorer,and being permitted to do something both in the meeting and out of it for the good of others. Ano- ther is "A Daily Thought for a Daily Endeavorer," by G. II. and E. P. Sut- phen, and published by the Baker & Taylor Co.,New York, This is a store- house of tinefruit;the choicest thoughts of many minds. No one can peruse it without having his mindenriched, and thereby beingfitted to take part in meel'_ngs• e are thankful for these most excellent helps, they will aid uS in brightening up what would other- wise be a very dull and uninteresting meeting: HAMILTON, OCT., '98. The Endeavorers`of Hamilton are very busy preparing for the Conven- tion of '98. Committees have been struck and are hard at work, they are determined to make it a grand success. We trust the whole of our province will aid in that. THE C. E. SOCIETY AID THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The C.E. society stands in the closest relation to the Sunday School. Many of its members are Sunday School scholars and teachers, and it has in its working force a S.S. committee whose duty it is to look after the children and see that they attend Sunday School set vice, using every inducement to se- cure this, or if they or any other children have no way of attending Sunday School, open one in a kitchen or in a parlor, or in a school house at the cross roads. Tnis one of the hest works in which the C.E. society can be engaged. It pays in a four -fold way, pays the parents, pays the church,pays the indiyrdual, pays the community. All are blessed by it. No one need be afraid to enter the work for want of helps; th abound.e A most com re- heeive and excellent book is the Prac- tical Commentary or the International Lessons, with hints to teacher, black- board exercises, questions and class register. It is complete and good, and sound teaching, and cheap too, being only 60 cents. If anything more is needed by the Mission school teacher, "Pelonbet's Suggestive Illustratione on the Gospel according to Matthew" will be yaluable. It is a choice collection of the beat. Pelonbet is known by all teachers, he is at the front. Both are published by the Revell Co., of Toron- to. Let the activity of the C.E.society go out in this direction. It shall do much to develop the members and at the same time build up the congrega- tion. OUR QUESTION IkRAWER. (1) What is the best form of a cense; cration service ? The simplest and the truest. That which will help the mem- hers most in realizing that they are the Lord's,and are giving themselves anew to hirer. Think of how that can be done best. (2) We are very ignorant of the history of the church and have not much time, what would you suggest as a good outline of history ? There are many useful compendiums. Wesley's Church History is one that has been in use many years. If you want a recent one, we recommend to you an exceed- ingly good one. entitled;"The Rise and Spread of Christianity in Europe," by W.H.Sumers. It is in the series of Present Day Primes, being issued by Revell & Co. This little book is full of interest and will awaken desire to know more of the history of the church, Read it repeatedly till the events stand out clear to you. (3) When should we drop names from the roll ? Be not hasty in doing that. Young life is val- uable. and springs readily from one po- sition to another. Be therefore patient, little good and great harm is often done by the hurried removal of names from the roll, Deal kindly with the erring and seek to reclaim them. (4) What is the best time for C. E. meet- ing? A time in which the society can meet by itself, and in freedom develop its own life, without any fear of out- siders. (5) Can you suggest aood missionary program that would deep• en interest in missions ? Have papers of three minutes on the country, the customs, the worship, the people of some heathen nation; let those who have no paper read passages from the word of God, or get a speaker to give a well prepared address on the mission you wish to know more about. Have plenty of singing. (6) What recent book would you recommend to ayoung man as helpfulin the building of char, acter? Never were so many issued an they are to -day. Among the best m- be named "The Investment of lir- fluence" by Nevelt & Wright Hillis." This handsome volume is inftpiring, interesting as a story, and stimulating as the morning breeze. No young man can read it and not be helped. It is a splendid book. Revell &Co., Toronto, publish it. Mrs Geo. Douglas, an old lady resid- ing in Woodstock, died suddenly un- der somewhat peculiar circumstances. On Tuesday she was in bed upstairs when she was startled by smoke corn' ung rnt,o her room, and, although very weak, got out of bed, but fell on the floor, where she was found in a help- less condition. She never recovered from the shock. Munyon's Converts The People of Canada Are Satisfied and Convinced ALL WILL TESTIFY That Munyon has Kept Faith With the People and Made Good HIS PROMISES His remedies are Beco`•mg the Safeguard of the Home -The Peo• e Have Trusted and Have Not Been Dec 'yeti. TWINGING SHOOTING PAINS. Mr. Wm. Dyson, Guelph, Ont., says. - "My experience with Doan's Kidney Pills proves them to be a splendid medioine for any ono troubled with backache or urinary diffionitiea. I had bad paine in my back and shooting Using all over my body, toge- ther with dieziness and sleeplessness. Through the ase of Doan's Kidney Nile I am now entirely oured and feel braced up and as young as ever I was." Oct tea. 'tif)iild *Latter. Is eti ooy Mre Mary Moes, No. 25 I' hestnnt St, To- ronto, Canada, eaye:-"I ave used Mnn- yon's Dyepepoia Cure wit. splendid results. 1 was so bad with this it isease that food would lie for hours on m stomach, caus- ing me great pain and agony. I also had severe pains in my back and I was fre- quently troubled with sour stomach. I had to be extremely careful what I ate, but af- ter using one vial of Munyon's Dyspepsia Care I am now able to eat anything with- ont distress afterwards. After suffering for years with this disease it is a pleasure i to be again able to eat anything I desire. Thanks to Munyon. Munyon's Rheumatio Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cures in a few days. Price 25o. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. Price 25o. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25o. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cares pains in the back, loins or groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25o. Munyon's Nerve -Cure stops nervousness and builds up the system. Price 25o. Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache in three minutes. Pride 25. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price 25o Munyon'e Bleed Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 25o. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boom to all women. Mnnyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure -price 25c -eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets -price 25o. -cleanse and heal thearts. Munyon's Asthma throe minutes, and Pride $1. Mnnyon's$Vitalizer Price i$1. A separate mare for each disease. druggists. Mostly 25o a vial, Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free -redioal advice for any disease. Remedies relieve in mire permanently. restores lost, vigor. At all A STORY OF DR. HOUGHTON. Too Honorable to Meet the Logic of His Own Appeal - The following story is told of the late Dr. Houghton, pastor of "The Little Church Around the Corner::" Some.20, years ago the Gilman forgeries attracted much attention -not only by the skill and system of their execution, but from the character and standing of the perpetrator. Ho was convicted and sen- tenced to state prison. His amiable and accomplished family was plunged into distress so poignant that many benevolent and prominent friends determined if pos- sible to compass his pardon. Dr. Houghton was invited to go to Al- bany and act as spokesman of the party, many of whom were personal friends of the late Lucius Robinson, then governor. Dr. Houghton had become much interest- ed in the case and made an eloquent ap- peal for executive clemency, which moved his audience, including the governor, not a little. When at last he ceased speaking, there was silence In the executive library for a moment, broken finally by a question from Governor Robinson: "Dr. Houghton, I have been intensely interested in what you have said. May I ask you ono question?" "Certainly, governor, as many as you wish," replied Dr. Houghton. "You area clergyman of high repute for integrity and intelligence. I am the governor of brie state under a solemn oath to execute its law. If you were governor is:. - ' • ' 'okcu that oath, would you par- don Gilman?" It was a temptation to any speaker, but it ras retested. De. Houghton paused a moment and very quietly answered: " C ovcrnor Robinson, the law places that power and responellality upon the chief rxecuth o. It is for you and not for me to say bow it shall be exorcised." "Very well," Said the governor; "then I shall exercise it, and I shall not pardon Gilman, much as 1 feel for his family," 1t is doubtful if PO few words ever more clearly display( d Lao character of two I.ct,, cacti of wh(.in Lad tho highest esteem na tl:o other. -Mw York Mail and Ex - mess. After serious illneca, like typhoid fever, pneumonia, or the grip, Hood's Sarsapar- illa has wonderfnl strength -giving power. Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then' she gets into a tight place and heeds helping out. Thing( get started in the wrong directions ., Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. 5oc, Auld Stone ; alt druggists. \ SCOTT & TiClVrtkVg; • 'dietitiste Totbate. Working a Perambttlator. The road from Port Lokko to Bumban being well known, we did not sketch it, but we checked the distances with the per- ambulator and observed the latitude every day, using frequently both theodolite and sextant and taking meridians of the sun and one or more stars. Wo had some little trouble at first with the perambu- lator. The native boy who had charge of it could not be persuaded that there was any legitimate method of transport except by resting his burden on his head, and when out of sight ho adopted this method. When oured of it, he resorted to the device of reversing the instrument occasionally, reeling off a mile or so, and then making it work backward for a bit, so as to defy all attempt to get the distance covered. But we very soon overcame these dlflf- oulties, and our operator learned to take a pride In his instrument and became in- flated with conceit at his own intelligence in wheeling it. -Geographical Journal. A Considerate Boy. Employer -You were latothis morning, Henry. ✓' Office Boy -Yes, sir. Employer -Did you forgot to mention it to me? Office Boy -No, sir. But I didn't want to deprive you of the pleasure of being the first to speak of it. -Boston Transcript. Avarice says, "I will oppress the weak and devour the fruits of his labors, and I will soy that it is fate that bas so or- dained. '-Volnoy. _Pets gf run with eich fathers-in-law are alwaFe 1red.-Washington Democrat. LIFE DNSTiiOYT[vl'l. CI.Ot11' CURED. GEwTs.-I have used liitgyard's Yellow Oil in my family for croup and bronchitis during the past twelve years and never found it to fail. It cures every time. I have recommended it to my neighbors and they keep it on hand. I would not be with- out it for any price. MRs, 11. WARDEN, Winthrop, Ont. Jas. Eves, of Toronto, who died on Tuesday, was a generous supporter of the Salvation Army in his lifetime, and his will leaves all his estate, which amounts to $20,000, to the Army. He gave $5,000 towards the erection of the temple on Albert St., and other dona- tions during his life brought the atnount up to $20,000, Mrs Eves has been left about $600 a year. The sick man .knocking at the door of health gets in if he knocks the right way, and stays out if he doesn't, There are thousands of ways of getting sick but only one way to get well. Dowhatever you will, if you do not put your digestion in good or- der,and make yonr blood rich and pure,you will not get well. Rich, pure is the only thing that can bring ;:erfeot health. Constipation is a disease of the blood. A large part of all diseases are traceable di- rectly to impurities in the blond,and can be oared by eliminating them with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The first thing it does is to put the whole digestive system into perfect order. It stimulates the appet- ite, excites a copious secretion of the diges- tive fluids and promotes aesimilation. It searches out disease germs wherever they may be, kills them and forces them out of the system. The "Golden Medical Discov- ery" has been used with unvarying success for over 30 years. John E. Walters, blacksmith, Water- loo St., Stratford, attempted suicide Thursday morning, by cutting his throat. He was discovered before he had done himself much damage, and no.eerious.results are anticipated. Ile is about 50 years of age, a bachelor, and rather eccentric. REMEMBER We don't advertise for mere effect,but for business. We know that,if you are subject to cramps, you should have a prompt, effi- cient remedy on hand. Nerviline- Derv( - pain cure -has a wonderful and immediate curative power. It,relieves in one minute, cures in -five. Pleasant to the taste and the best known remedy for pain, Canada is a great country, and Can- adians are a great people. In the light of sjme recent events who can say what the future may have in store for the Dominion? Mr ar,d Mrs McGilli- vray, of Toronto, aged respectively 78 and 60 years, are now rejoicing over the birth of their 22nd child, a daugh- ter, who arrived on Monday last; they take the matter quite coolly; in fact they act as if used to such events. The lady also gave birth to a child in August, 1896, but it died. C 1`' C H E makosthe young feel 0$3, and fiescdd feel that life is not worththe g. 4ti We a dan. ger signal of Kidney etuxes/ink evidence of 'weak, inactive aril i d'neys. Any person cured of I4`idney tress will tell you that when tike back ceased to ache, all troubles ended. Neither liniments, nor plasters,. nor electricity can once it. The seatl o the trouble is not in the skin, flesh of modes.�i?stn the kidneys. k can CUED I had terribleains in my back and my was thick and muddy. I was all broken up and in poor health generally. Two boxes of Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me completely. Push the sale of them hard, there is nothing better. A. if. VAN ALSTIN f•Mt iER; e4 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. I had suffered with'a lame back and was con- fined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I took not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pills and was entirely cured, ISAAC MARK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mich Dr. Hobbs' PM%AU W Kidney Pills W FOR SALE n! ' ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists, CLINTON, ONT The old Clinton PLAITING MILL H. STEVENS, Proprietor The old original Contraotor and Builder, who has made Clinton his home for forty years, is still in business witha modern, up-to-date Factory, and is prepared to fill all orders of whatever description, on short notice and the lowest terms; first-class workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS for bnitdings taken, and all kinds of build- ing material fntnished as desired, HENRY STEVEv8, Vitilltam Street, Clinton, im r ediatolt f 'be • •c1; the Park SE313 THAT 'I`HE FAC -'SIMILE SIGNATURE -OR IS ON TT -171 WRAPPER R OF EVERY BOTTT.' P OFi 1' TORIA dastorla is put rep in ono -size bottles only. It 4e not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it to "gnat as good" and "will answer every pt r•- peae," *airf3oe that yon get Tho he - tisane Sa on every VuDDOr- S� Reiiieniber when purchasing your Christmas Supplies If you take quality into consideration, we are able to meet all requirements, in FRUITS, U S FINEST SELECTEDAL 1 V ENC AS RAISINS, S FANCY VOSTIZZAS, CURRANTS, ELEME FIGS, NATINURAL FIGS, PURE SPICES, Beet brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELS', COCOA, CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, EXTRACTS, ESSENCES, ORANGES, LEMONS, CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS; DINNER SETS, &m 1 Crate Fancy China, jnst the thing for Christmas presents N. ROBSON'S, - - Clinton. L OATS WAN RED In exchange for FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, ETC. 4 lbs. New Raisins for 80 25 Regular Price. Our Primo 7 lbs, Good .fapan Tea ,. 1 00 Washboards 25 17 Elbe. 25c Japan Tea.. el 00 Oatmeal r„.5 lbs. 30c Japan Tea (per 11 lbs) 25 8 lbs. Black or Japan Tea 1 Laundry Extracts... ... .... ....10 08 Laundry Starch 10 08 Regular Price. Our price Baking Powder 10 08 Laundry Soap, 10 gc bars for 25 Baking Soda 5 04 Brooms ...... . 15 12 Sunlight Soap,(3 bars 18 15 Brooms. .... ........-. 25 20 810e. plug McDonalds Tobacco 30 -25 Other goods at like prices. Much Sugar for little money. Choice family Flour, 82.35 per cwt Oats wanted in exchange for Oatmeal- Choice Butter on hand, Bran, Shorts, Chop and all kinds of Grain bought and sold. . 0. OLSON, Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, Clinton --'"`"~""' ar'' i ,f. A Double SAVING OF COAL By using the KRASEL DOURLN Asn SIFTER, patented U. S. and Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. Two eif- tere in one, of different eine meshers. Separates small from large cinders. No labor, no dust, no waste. On receipt of $2.50 we will deliver 1 double ash sifter to any part of Canada and pay express chargee ourselves. Write for descriptive circular .and references. Wholesale an(I Detail. Agents wantedeverywhere. County, township and state rights for sale. Apply to PR. liRASEL Patentee and Manufacturer, . iD li 2520 St. Catherine St. Montreal, P. Q "14tHARPERS • R'OV ND • TABLE • S, SOME OP THE STRIKING FEATURES POR 1898 1 1 THREE SERIAL STORIES , .` �,, Tlie AOYBPfTURERS FOUR POR A PORTON'," THE COPPER PRINCESS Are pi B, i,1r4 aAe�l t►A MOX Pp Acnmrr Lis t' ny E71411 MUTNVBOR 18 a Belling *fry of a fight ft ?Os mitring narrative trift1w? It lelin thebowels ofthe eatthwhert a lasasa . owaysai 2 is an old onapasions whe have Its. the hero has his adventures, and nude in the awrlas. esorfiraleba gated a tong lest fortunes from where he reccurs the gainers, SHORT FICTION is sddiAos et i'U. Shoo tang.oriel stories, me pablterfian of Which Will ctmtihne daring the entire ,esr, d,.re trill ➢a skor't stenos of scary kind, .1 which it sr only possible to mention a few titles here. Nutt, tiro ONter The Blockaders A Harbor Mystery TI, ,raamr 5'1, W117,11, . try WEBS1ainnten Dt iorrn n. SPIldRB '!'lid Makings s/ Watkins' alre.4 A Greet thin, A Creature of Circumstance ny ,rail rlrxertr s4118 Dy ee)ffr7 eirser r'.fly x0110437 IORffia713OA ARTICLES ON SPORT'' 1 AVEL, PTC. ElepM y * !l OST 11 Iw Airk An American Explorer to Africa s *MOST *15001(8 ii 075178 a 411.4115 P ,t Les/ m os it Tiller and Shama wt� l.eying Ont 5 Golf Conrse ' no Dtnzar D. 7. P4s.FLa r.,_.0 ., „ b, tr. 0. rata TAW= r BrrrrnRdr DEPARTMENTS - PRIZE COMPETITIONS Editor's Tabls,Stempg and Coing,Photogratffy Ghost Storles,Sketching,Photopraphj 10 Casts • XwmSvr (Send jar Fr,, F v,p,cM.B} Su5rcrlpllon, $L00 a Y.trr. Postage free In the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HAR:ilrn$ & BROTHERS, Publishers, Franklin Square, N.Y. U;.try, mantel I. Weym5 9. R. N. wstron Cynu C. Adam rbnitaey Bigelow Kirk Munroe If You Are Energetic and Strong. If you aro above foolish prejudice aRainet can- vasAing foraood book, write and gct}my prop• &Ilion, The information will cost, nothing. I have put hundreds of men in the way of malting money, some of, whom aro now rich, 1 can do geed things forr you, if you aro hon- orable and will wa k hard. T 8 LINSCO.TT, Toronto, CLINTON MARBLE WORKS.' COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nex to Commercial hotel. This mast-Herat/lent Is in full oy edition anal it order )hied Inthomost satisfaotory'raq o.rns torp end granite work a specialty. Wriest ie ennablo a5 those of arty' a tablinbbsant 4g l'.si.•t i OaA'itt.blittto •