HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-28, Page 3Mr s,{ 'THE. GL OE E!' EE. jaauary 2$, 1808,„ yeti excea eded or Om .>}1~veIe pled clown to O arida e,t this season. all. pboioe:atook of ITCHES, CLOCKS, -ELEIRX., VEItWARE, $41:10 add CHINAWARE i prioea will be�foundthe very lowest teat' with good - geode. We do all of repair violt and do it in a manner • that is satisfactory. ,mball ng Jeweler,N .O, r%% oiday Gifto.$• '11 atches, Clocks, Jewelry; Silverware, 'Optical Goods, Novelties. 'You ,vin find it a pleasure to s01ect+ your gifts frons our Mag- n,1Qcenttitock, as it contains so many articles suggestive of the tseason :ilaving bought the eeolnbe'stock at 65c on t( .press us in a position yOit p'eices Hauch lower elsewhere. ere. \Never before auch_hi h quality goods :orc s i ,;low prices. The htion which this store has 'gys heldfor the high quality ltte goods sold, will still be ii tarried. Safety as well as afaction comes from dealing *best best place. A cordial in-' fop .is . extended to every - to Bali. We will be pleas • ell .to show our stock. d GRIGG, icoessor to J. Biddlecombe, 'CLINTON. lyth tair The Blyth Monthly Pair for the sale of Aorses, Cattle, etc., will be held on TUESDAY; FEBRUARY IsT, 1898 ' A large concourse of people always assemble at these fairs, and we have spre- pared a lot of genuine surprises for them for t ate me day. i y.liWe, e aveh e i i will ed atook•taking, and find we have too many goods clear out at prices like these:- worth $6 00 for $3 85 Men's Frieze Uletere 50 for 4 25 Ladies' Jackets, brown and black worth worth 64 6 50 for 2 95 Ladies' Jaoketa, black only worth 50 for • 25 Corsets, long waist worth 75 for 50 Crompton's Corsets worth 75 for 50 Ladies' Cloth Slippers 5 for 15 Heavy Wool Tweeds worth worth 25jfor 50 Remnants of Prints in 3 to 8 yard ends worth 10 for 05 Remnants of Prints in 2 to 7 yard endo Remants of Tweed Dress Goode, in 3 to 5 yard worth 60 for 32 ends, suitable for Drees Skirts0 for Wool Serge Dress Goods, blank and oolore, endo for Ski h 30 for 105 9 woI' Check Shirtings, fast eolore worth 08 for 05 Fanny Check Gingham, in bright colors worth 35 for 20 New Pound Prints We are showing a full range of new English, Canadian and American Prints in all the latest designs. isCanadian and American Shirtings and o H AND ONE PRICE Keep Your Eye CAS • McKinnon & Co., Blyth 04101111411 4WD *041101110060 The Reason Whywe Sell Furniture so Cheap is this: We buy our stook for ^ash, whoh have aa saving of. from a practiicalo 16 per oent. men, not afraid of woe own our rkaaud understand there- fore have se rent to pay. P onr bueinese. If you need anything in our line we can �s� a y�u y• J. H. CHELLEW. H As a result of legislation ' passed at the instance of Premier Ha dy, no poor and honest man can now be irlprisoned in On- tario, Mr Hardy is bound to keep his Province at the head of the procession in every respect. For Seed Grain Spring Wheat, Peas, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, etc., or For Feed Corn Go to Standard Elevator. Forrester & Smallacombe Clinton, January10 6th,18:: ULINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thnreday, January 27th, 1898. Wheat, 0 83 a 0 84 Oats 0 25 a 0 26 Field Barley 0 25 e 0 30 Peas 0 50 a 0 52 Buckwheat , 0 28 a 0 30 Rye 040 a 040 Flour per owt 2 20 a 2 60 Batter ry012 a 015 Eggs per doz 1-0-14 a 0 16 Hay new $4; old 1 6 00 a 0 00 ShSheepskins No. 1 Trimmed. Hides. 0 08 a 0 08 , 2t, tatoes 0 40 a 0 50 Turkeys, per lb ....... 0 08 a 0 08 Geese per lb 0 051 a 0 06 Decks, per pair 0 50 a 0 60 Chickens, per pair ... • 0 55 5 0 a 0 25 0 25 Pork Dried Apples, per lb0 04 a 0 90 Apples, per bag 0 90 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS Very little improvement is noted in the cattle trade at tit,: market. More butohcr cattle are in than aro wanted. and the price is slightly lower. There will likely be a de. wandfor good export steers weighing 1,300 lbs. and upwards, although for those on the market the sale w as not by any means fast. Heavy export bulls bring from $3 to $3.60 per cwt., and for extra good, $3.60. There were very very few calves in and they are in demand. 4.50 to4.85 per cwt. Altogether there werembs are worth from w 64 loads, 500 sheep and 2,700 hogs. ON THE • DATE OF Our Great Winding up ,I, ,„,, ......, Day!TURDAar ain January When you may Have, Full Control Of This Big Store - And Its Entire Stock EADACHE' CURE and speedy cure for all kinds of headaohes, sick, ibbiliouo s, nervous us terioal. Gives prompt relief in neuralgia. Easy atisfaotion. Guaranteed free from morphia, chloral or opium. 12 in box, '25 cents. of •Cod Liver Oil. with Hypophosphites, p by F. Stefano & Co., Detroit. Regular 75c size for 50o. COVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton SELL1NG OUT, I Bing out, and as the stoc gets smaller et lower. If you want to save money ; get the bargains while they are going. elow are a few lines a ies' Jackets at $1.00 _9 La es' Jackets at $2.00 4 L dies' Jackets at $3.00 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 650 head of butchers' cattle, 30 calves and 1C0 eheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir on Monday. The butchers were slow in coming out, each seemingly waiting for the others to break the roads. Several droves of cattle, ane well as nearly all sheep and calves were also late in reaching the mar- ket. There were no really choice beeves on the market, but there was a larger propor- tion of fair to good animals than usual, and these brought lower prices than on last Thursday. The best oattle sold at about 44-o per lb; pretty good stock at from 4o to to no per lb. Common dry °owe went at from 2c_to 3o a lb; calves from a few days old up to a sew weeks old at from $2 to $8 eaoh. Older calves sold at from $8 to $11 each. Sheep sold at from 3o to 3i}c per lb, and lambs at from 4/to to 5 c. Fat hogs sold at 5o to 51o. This is the Last Chance You Will Have, so come Early and Bring Your Largest Pocket Book SPECIAL for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27.28 -29. --Miss McKay, of Montreal, will demonstrate the superior advantages of The Protector "Lip" and "Tube" Bias Dress Bindings, at our Notion Counter. Ask to see them. The best Skirt Binding we know—and we know them all. Durable, waterproof and neat. Beyond all others. We are glad to show them•because we can confidently recommend them. FREE—With each dress length of the3e bindings the latest French Sktrt Pattern for spring is given. GIT1ROY & WISE1VIAN, Clinton. IIMr,imwkwww A young boy named Sholtz,went into the electric light station at Wiarton reaeutiy, and banked up against the switch -board. His coat was damp,a'd be received a shock that rendered him' unconscious, and threw him to the other side of the room. The boy has seyeral burns on his back. Every light connected with the circuit was put out by the contract. ,< . The: former prices were from $55 to $17.50 A •lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for V. Aabig stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our „~ ttous, Prints, Flannelettes Shirtings for o5 cents. A lot of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubber and ,t Overshoes.at much below cost. See them. Ries Goods. Shirts and Drawers, Ties. Cuffs, GleveS, Handkerchiefs, &c., away down in price. e are Clearing out, no mater what others may say t110 : contrarrtud you oan get bargains here. knew Aauertioemtnt'. BOARDERS WANTED A couple of young mon can get a 'nice room and board by applying at NEW ERA OFFICE Welland now has natural gas for heating lighting and manufacturing purposes. Geo. Counsels; Clerk of the County of Wentworth, died suddenly at his home in Hamilton. Mr R. Dandurand, of Montreal, who has been appointed to the Dominion Senate, was during the last four general elections one of the chief organizers of the Liberal party in the distrietof Montreal. He is one of the youngest Senators, having been born in 1861. He is author of a work on "Crim• inal Law," and a "Manual for Justices of the Peace," and was president of the Club National in 1885. In 1891 he was decorat- ed a knight of the Legion of Hondr of France. Mrs Dandurand, his wife (nee Josephine Marohandps the esteemed auth- orees and vice-president of the National Council of hand Women. of She daughter of Premier Edward Knowles, 28 years old, a Cana- dian lawyer and son of a prominent Pres- byterian minister iu Pembroke, Ont.,spent last Sunday night in the Buffalo police sta- tion. He visited a friend in the city, and at 2 o'clock this morning he was arrested and looked up on the charge of being a tramp. On proving his indentity in the sunrise court he was allowed his liberty. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Summerhill Cheese Factory, will be held at the Hail, Sum- p om., or the election ofeb. officers at landsock the transaction of general business. All the share- holders are invited to attend. G. J. STEWART, BEN. OHURCHILL Secretary. President NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Re Estate of Eliza Ann Wilson, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario 1887, Chapter 110, Section 85 and amending trots, that all credi- tors and other persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Ann Wilson, late of the dew, d ceased, Clinton,f in the ho died onory ntyabout the of 26th day of December, 1897, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to W.BRYDONE of the xecntorof1the saidfor Jdeceased,mes L. Tonnorube ore the let day of March, 1898,a statement of their names, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars and proofs of their claims, and the nature of the securities if any held by them: AND NOTICE is hereby further (given that after the last mentioned day, the said Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the saidldeceased, amongst the persons entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice, shall then have been given, and the said Executor will not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim he shall not have received notice at'tho time of such distribution. W. BRYDONE Solicitor for the Executor Dated at Clinton, this 26th day of Jan„ 1898 TIME TO CO BORN. SROSS-In Hallett, on Jan, 18, the wife of James Ross, of a daughter. WADE—At Westport, Dakota, on Jan 13. the wife of W. Wade (neo Eugene Walker, of Clinton) of a daughter. MWCEOB -Iof ae Clinton, no , on Jan. 21, the wife of LOWRY—SHARP the family resi- dence in Morris, on y Jan 18th, by Rev. S. J. Al- lin, daughterJof Mr' JamesLondon, Sharpe. Miss Min- DAVIDSON—MoVIM pis ton erre residence ofy the bride J. West, Mr Walter Davidson, of Rev. W. J. west, Bellmore, to Jane, second daughter of Mr John MoVity. mon WATSON..—In Mayfield, on Jan. lath, John DEANS, -.-Ten Wingbam, on Jan.17th, Annie T;oiiella, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thos• Deans, aged 6 months and 19 days. g0•JJlBy.•-At Gitivesten Texas, on Doo. Sind, Annie, se en•dd da daughter o f. the llate Richard Fourby, gi,t788ELf .'011 Jan. toth at tliMethodist nareona e, Centralia W. F. Russell, of New York, father—in—lave of Rev, S. Saltoirl � it- his firs year, Watson, aged 91 years Extra==Special TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Town Hall, Clinton, When Shoes are selling at our present prices. All WinterGoods specially re- duced. Good Hardwood taken in ex- change for Robes, Blank- ets, &c. BB'S Baking Powder--- Makes Better and Lighter Biscuits than any other. H Combe Manufacturing Chemist, 01., t'hysicians' Suplllieg A fell stook of Single and Double Harness, Trunks, Valises, &c. Shingles—Red & WhiteCedar Shingles always on hand. Call and see us. JAS. TWITCHELL, Viotoria Block, Clinton. Monday=Tuesday Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st Under auspices and personal patronage of St. Paul's Church the celebrated special ped l engage- GILBERT-GORDON COM'Y, including Bessie Gilbert, World's Greatest lady Cor- netrst, late Soloist Gord n, t� pran Gilmore Sousa bands MrsD.Louie 0. LeRoy Kenney, Monologue Artist F. LeonSidner, phenomenal boy Baritone Seta Mintz, accomplished Pianist, and positively last visit of Lanliere's Original Cinematographe • .y Something Newr . We have two new lines in the baking department, ;one is a Cycle Cake . with three flavors, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla; 10 Dente each, plain, or 16o ornamented. The other line is called Corn Dodgers Those are partioniarly nine Oakes and sell readily at loo per dozen. OYSTERS—Our trade in .Booth's Bal- timore Oysters is increasing daily. A large variety of good �Orangee, Lemons and Grapes. Dont forget to try Our Real IXome•made BREAD, it showing all newe Queen's Jubilee Procession. Tickets 25c Resaiar'ted Zoo 'oi+ Uel at, Ja kB , tock Taking This week we're housecleaning. We have gathered together all the slightly damaged or otherwi2e imperfect goods, all odd pieces—remnants, odds and ends, slow, sellers, and all goods that we find it desirable to clear, after a live. holiday trade. These have all been marked at prices that will ensure a quick sale. Some on,-'hird, some ono -half, and all at much less than they are at any other than stook -taking time. Overcoats and Ulsters eat $5C ptge We have stilleighteen or twenty in stook. We want to sell every one. Yon can buy a lot of solid comfort for $5 just now. Loads of winter weather ahead—prepare for it. Boys' heavy Tweed Overcoats for $2.50; will fit boya of I3 to 16 years. Ordered Clothing is giving good satisfaction. Wedding Oakes n 8peoialty. Jas. McClacherty, -1 NoVCii Yf Bakers., and Restaurant r tl'elepbnno lifts. fr Never before in the history of our business have so many snits been Bold int the month of January. Our nutter is giving the best of eatisfaotion. We are building an immense Clothing trade. The corner stone is "largest variety of. goods and best values." We are showing 30D patterns of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, at $10 to $15 a Suit. 50 patterns of Trousering at 55 to $7 a pair. 15 qualities and varieties of Black Worsteds and Serges at. $14 to 825 a Suit. The Black Worsted Suit we are selling at $14 is good value;: you must see it to appreciate it. The customer who bnys a ten dollar suit will have the same care and attentions as the ono who boys a suit at $25. We will not allow any garment, to leave• '. the promisee that is not perfootly satisfactory in style, out, trimmings anis workmanship.' We know that well•fitting clothes, worn by our .Oast „otter will do more than anything else in building up our Ordered Olothing.busin and that it will be to our interest to have every shit we turd out a medal elegance. Whether you want a Suit or not we will bo ppleased, to: have Dalt and look over our 800 patterns of Tweeds, All Tweeds jiold at no of per yard, will be cit frbe of charge. . TA. 0 The 641, Dealer, itiOnde Ott': et