HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-28, Page 2,I; r 1['a fq!l7r I I 1, I . I t.. .. r . I � 7 > a1a11ELp ► $ 1$9A . I r. < TUB %� NT X .4�1EW ERA Small Fault to Find, Crisp County Clippings The 0404411Y UVao Tree "--T ,-W6T1uB TO (71taC:nl�. OR - f L i �� Ontario School Books. WHY 'SR017,D-NOTA CRAXSTIAN P11Q,. I ,^-- Ail the Grey township officials for Tn fife Matter of the A49ate of t?aticerine 1897 have been re-appointed,PLE I'Roazzt>m THE I,zOENf3Ifl 7 RAF, e I ' The Opposition in Ontario have tried to FIO?-IS THE O1taR.oH DEAF TO THEM if'alker, late of the 7'awn 41r Oltntol}, make capital out of the cost and quality of Allan Geor a has Sold the Walton CAIE9 of SUFftHING HUMANITY? - g married taorntcn, deceased. brickyard to John Govenlock, a son of -- D the School Books Furnished scholars, and Roht. Govenlock, of McKillop, "Merit talks" the Take notice that all persona barin claims The manufacture and sale of intoxi- intrinsic value? of T1(�a againet oticetha of the ahovenafneclCathez, have claimed that the bcoke ooald be app- Mise May lilies, eldest daughter of eating liquors is a shame and scandal Hood'a}3areaparilla,' the 7th day , Aeoe sed, Igo died Ye or about + I John Hiles, mbrchant, of Dungannon, OT,nro quit o" "% plied much more cheaply thaw they are. on our boasted Christian civilization. send in particulars of the eame•to JoEW t7Jax1. - left recently to attend the ladies college Under the sanction of an iniquitous Merit in medicine means the was to PON , ii, On Nov, 12 the Ontario Glovernment a in Whitb TEa Clinton Ontario theExeautor named. 'ttt!"§�rmoff I pule. good's Harsaparilla ppsaesl}ee actual her last will testament on pr before the , -- P• y. license law, this traffic has proved it- Commis + "'pgi)?teda Committee to inquire into the Wearesorr to learn that Mayor self to be a nuisance and cantieroua andunegnnliedourativepoweraudthetre- let day of February,18o8,andthatonandalter..egt,� ffi orOfltprl, tict ,' itob+t y blotch on the health Coe e ' the said date the said .Executor will proceed die 4ibth 9 (F)ltp FilVEi2) price of text books used in Public and High Scott, of Seaforth, has been confined Y P P rify of the tore 1t has true merit. When you bay to distribute the estate of the said deceased 1 1' .'lee r f�,'A �o �i"TA [910 'to his residence by a severe attack of country, It has 9 -Own up among us, a9od's 6arsaparilla,and take it accord haves regard only to the claims of which he 1. I 0 [�1l1��Yi[ 3ohoole. The Committed reported to the fostered by the deliberate vote and to directions to eehall sponsvlefort tloe,audthathashallnotbe Ws 131 N • House on Friday, le , purify your blood, ell responsible for the assets of the said estate,or �1g* �s *`Book-keeping . Our system of y, and their report is a Som- Mr Roderick Grey, of McKillop, near be peri ttof the people professing to cure any of the many blood diseases, you any partthereoF to any arson or peraons, of BARRISTER B d whose claims no�ios shall not then bare been Q�ICpR►-% 'book-keeping ie actual business plate endorsation of the Ontario Govern• Srafoxth, is in very poor heal is at re- sen tug to Parliament are morally certain to receive benesit received. 1'UB1aIF1,' 1]TC. , p men who pat this wild beast of perdi- The power to Dura' is there. Yoa are uo1 JAMES SCOTT, from start to finish. sent, and hopes for recovery are not ti"u, by deliberate legislation enabling Office -B tlQl meet. The commission consisted Of Shorthand. Our Shorthand Judge Morgan, Jas. Bpin, very bright. g trying an experiment. It will make o solicitor for John Carter Executor @tLPei>e T`1 department is the most thorough , jr., of the its minions to vex and prey on the y ul Dated at elicitor for othDecember, las? Toronto Public Library, and C. Black- This week Alfred J. Lowry, of Brus- virtue comfort and prosperity of the blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus Up -stairs, Opposite Foater'e • , in Canada. Y+ O%1NTgN A eft Robinson, president of the Wes sale, left for St. Thomas, where be en- teen, women and growing youth of drive out the germs of disease, strengthen pROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET instruCtlon. As individual in- minaterClompauy,Liinited. They were tared into partnership with Morgan this fair land, destroy;ng and blasting the nerves and build up thewholeayatetu. struction is given students tray instructed to ascertainwhetheran re- + h -=- enter at any time. y Hatch butcher. their happiness for time and eternity. POSITIONS. Begin now and be ready for duction could be ma in the price of Mr W. H. Beaker teacher, of Eg- The inspiration of this traffic is a Howd' FOR SALE. M. Ger1iER`i the text -books, ha ng Bard to the mondville, was off duty on Monday covetous selfishness fattening on the __ (Formerly ot[lamer'. Roli'*Iy e a position I . S. the spring. reasonable profile o the publishers and and Tuesday, on account of a severe P ' She undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 46,1 BARRISTER 7• •r, vices it [evokes and feeds. or 12, Railway Terrane Clinton, Particulars A "D � I . l' - 'ei the trade, ss are w rranted by commis- attack of erysipelas. This covetousness is idolatry and upon application, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister ,kit ��at�tton St op oslto' O'bi n . " �'t'e'�'�'�' ary,buainese practices. The commie- sin, fund all farms of wickedness that 9x ago Sion was also authorized to enquire in- Some sneak thieves broke into the dis¢r+ace and ruin humanity are fed at GODF ,p> i, ,L . 1 u ,l Clinton Post OfGee, to the matter of rOyaltiea, and report Commercial Hotel, Seafortb, on Moo- its filth st evil and shameless vii- Sarsaparilla la ROUSES FOR SALE OR RENT day evening, and stole 33 bottles of ale lainies can everywhere be cherished in TIME TABLE,,, the extent to which the payment of ' p andhalfaloafofbread. )Es the best, in fact -the One TrueBioodPtirli]eta Several houseseltherforsaleortorent, Full �'j' Mr:CiP'lEi+$Ip ,, royalties affected the coatof text -books its secret enclosures et particulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA y bribed by its prepared only by O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa ` 11 DUE MAILS" CLOSED to the public, and whether it was de- The many friends in and around Sea- gold, this criminal business is cheribh- CONVEYA1�pINd! , .- eirable to substitute the payment of a fol th of Mr Hugh Grieve, will regret ed by lawmakers in party political r Do not Iu'rge, pain or FARM To RENT. • FIRE, LzFE ANDAppIDENT,. 'w A.M. M. r.M.i ..M M5 lump sum to the authors in place of to learn that he is dangerously ill in a strife, and the people who boast of Hood S Pill3 gripe. Alhaitig¢iat$.Na, : ., ,L >lt 10 15 0 55 London and S. Ki Ontario 7 00 400 further ro alties. The commission hospital !n Vancouver B.C. their power of making parliaments, Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goderich Town MONEY To &,PAN, 4 1,7 40 4 SO' Winqham and Iiinoardine 9 66 696 Y + i; p , chip, about six miles from Clinton. All partio 1015 8 65I Westoru s.w. & N: W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 held twenty-one meetings and examin- Mabel, the 5 year old daughter of Kr suffer a purchased legislation to go ship,ulare about six mil toJOHNRIDn. All u% <° 10 15 1 03 Parte, Buffalo i4eastorn U S 700 4 05 ed many witnesses upon the cost, of John. Penhale, Lake road, Hay, died Protecting by law this wild beast with Canada s Tradeon Office, MaolinyBlook. t)liiitpq. !o is 1 03 ToroutoJcpointaeast"�nrth 7 00 4 05 text -books. on Friday last from includes, and was capacious cruelty, to crush its victims FA%L1VIi FOR SAJF.E r The commission finds as to readers buried at the Exeter cemetery on Sun- and hunt them down to despair, ani- BIG INCREASE IN OUR FOREIGN COM- E I o3 snit Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 now in use in the Public schools that Y Bide, and ruin forever. But still a HERCE IN SIX 1�01%lTIIS ' I 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 700 2 a day last. 80 sores; Bayfield road• 1 miles from Clinton. JO� I 16 , 1 03 Stratford and seatorth.. 7 00 235 they are of excellent and durable qua]• Christian(?) people go on,as if stupefied -- Soil,olay loam; abhnaan1n le water• b Co l0 27 it as to typography, g p y Afliss Lena Cavan y The customs department has made barn auk NPEYAh'C7RR CO>xMTss , , 1 os Y p per, t o ra h illustra. ,who has held the h the vaporous fumes of distiller > five sties bOuA and good orchard; _ _ „ &, r) 1027 Points E N of Stratford 00 2 35 tions and btnding,and in addition have Position of head millinet in Hoffman fires, or the vile stench of the bar up the returns of Canadas foreign $ JAS: STEEP, Fere i _ -% '` 103 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 a very attractive appearance, which is & Co.'s store, at Seafortb, left on Mon- rooms, in their sleeping dreams to im• trade for the six months ending Dec. Insurance Mono . 16124",' 1 ' 7 40 -2 65 •.........Goderich;....•I.... 19 00 not to be overlooked in the get-up of day for, Detroit, where hermuther now agine that by licensing such a Satanic 31, 1897, and the statement is one that FOR SALE. matters careful attended � est, , ,r Iiucan crossing, Sarnia and schllol backs, and that the retail price traffic we are promoting the prosperity will be moat gratifying to every Cana- Factory - 0 15 g .,..intermediate pointe... 7 00 4 05 , now charged for each hook is not ex- A short time ago the Caledonia So- of our county Wall, showing as it does art increase in. y and oontonts on the roporty of 1 - 7 40 Londesboro & Balgravo.. 9 55 cesc,ive, and should not be reduced to ciety, of Seaforth, seat to Dr. J. Camp- See what vast proportions this the total trade of $20,000,000, The fol- balanoea�at �l01ei6monthaying g15 dews, ar The office is open to the public (holid{sye ex any lower prices than 'that t'o which bell,Brooklyn,a pair of drinking horns+ wicked business has assumed in this low balance a statement of the imports moved. Apply Building ti , pe r for the six months: P np.Y to J. SCOTT, Clinton. cepted) from 8 a.m. to 7.16 p.m. but holders.gt the ]Minister of Education bas by the as a mark of their esteem for him who land during the last fifty years. Look lock boxes have access to the lobby until s� recent agreertfejnte„reduced them, as had been their chieftain for 12 years. back over the history of this 1>omin- 1897 1896 COTTj9t 1,' AND LOT F h, Money Order and Saving BiGnk office o an the publishers and%$ trade generally ion and what a terrible record will Imports=^' SALE. Ol ea m. to 0 p.m. will not at present pniet#s. realize more It is not often that a bicycle is of use present Itself to our investi willion. ""' • • •462,701,000 �! 2000 _ Matter Lor re istration moat be posted half• than a fair bueinesa' prciiit Prom the in Lhie northerrt climate in January, Take Little York, fvr instance one of Dutiable ........ 34,350,000 31,5;qQ� dug,�'. e undersigned offers f r 1 a an hour before dosing the mails. but Mies 1i lice Sa e, by Walton, broke , Duty collected.. 10,34%,000 9,683,06(% of lour rooms with k�Co'i�" ^ me o0 sale of thege books in''connection with gg Y Y the evil fountains of this stream of in- Free goods•..... 25,618000 21 834 ;lied. Centradyaitua, <°Q °rlshe STAGE MAIL - SUMNERHIL.L - Every i the other school books ublished with the record last Wednesda b wheel: toxica,ti,ng poison turnip out about '� ,,e, Will•b o °' te<1►n Tuoeday and Friday, arririn¢ at 5.26 and rear- P ing from Walton to Brussels and back. + g Collh'find bullion 2,732,000 4,478,00(2, a ld ohetiy.! A p7�y t , ing at 5.30 p.m. them. The commission further says twelve thouaeand gallons of what Ro-• Z?P1, t,iABLE. that from their own examination of Mr enc ;Mrs Knight, who fora num- bort Hall once termed "lI aid fir Re(tlrns from. the port of Vancouver ��. _ lot '' • s ONCE• A DAY ONLY is mail doapatc6ed the Irish and American readers der o1i q e o ,;fiat born tom et '' from this office to Lonaesboro and Bel belied , and years•have been engaged in mis- bell and distilled damnation "an g P e, the estimated - also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closiI as from the strong opinions expressed by. sion woxkdn China, and who are now may form a vague idea of the ill Nom.I umounG �llo>wt m the imports ra$847,000:, J�OU13E AND': �1;111 ab Iai stfoed. Professors Alexander, Reynar and hOme=Ogifdrlough, are this week visit- tions it has assumed. Its it -"i .. whicl;<,'4 �tO the totals,wbu�make . OR SSE Iilllhfaile for British Isles -and European coun. Clark, and Chancellor Wallace; they ing.at the:residence of Mr J. W. Elder, has so perverted even the 'el the llYcr ,for the six mouths over The frame hp oa . tries intended to be,torwarded b New York, beaforth. diCrar Street, Clinton ° Job on Hum y are eatiafied that the Ontario readers mind that even one of oqr i the corresponding six months in 1896. ad for for ease scriber, is otter must have written on the top left hand comer are infinite] Registrar Mitchell, of Goderich's half dared in the face of the 0 "J Itis res has about r ports classi- miry, gam• odsition for ordinar k of envelope Via NEw YORK. y better adapted for use in g tzatt pub• s$2. 0-1 ,ai10 The ex water and collar, alsi r the schools of the province than either yearly return births, the Registrar General lie to call it a res ectable'm11 fracttla :lied a»d"eo ipuared with 1896, were as bearin fruit trees, The house is well located the Irish or American series. • In the shows that 29 births, 26 marria es and the one fountain to w�tich vVe 1'efitr : ollo.�t m to w Al 'Sewed on reasonable terms. Appl; ` N 16 deaths were re i LLOw, or oo the remises d Clinton� case of some of the remaining text- g stared for the half above, destroying eight hundredir fes' 1$97 . 1896 »iRs AGNEvt}'Cli ises u books in the Public and'. High schools, year ending on Jan, 15. thousand bushels of Goa -given Brain Minerals .......0 7;656,000 0 5.314.0(10 ���}}}��• the profits are pt•onounced not to have It becomes our sad duty to record in the year to make a poison to ruin Fish ............ 7,100,000 7,230,000 ' been excessive, and the prices should the death of one of Zurich s oldest and men for time and eternity. Such work Animals and pro- CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1898 therefore not be reduced. Reductions moat respected citizens, in the person is truly Satanic. Flow many broken duce ........:. 32,487,000 25,950000 � are, however, recommended totake ef- of Mr C. Benedict, who died on Wed- hearts, murders, robberies and ruined Forest ........., 19,767,000 18,763.000 Township'lofe Goderioh°87�acres; near con, The charge that the goverment "rob. feet at the end of 1898 with respect to nesday, after a prolonged illness from souls the victims of one of these mann- Agriculture .... 26,771,000 14,247,000 cleare d And fairly well fenced. ,iOileie nearly al bed the municipalities" and the charge the following books: First Latin book consumption. factories of sin, God,alone will be able Manufactures . , 5,738,000 5,132,000 class Good trams house and Outbuildings, that they wasted Sandfield Macdon- $1 to 75 cents; High school hookkee to trace back in ud ment. to the foul Miscellaneous .. ' 174 (M 248,000 Bowing orchara wolf watered, .about 6 miles P• The following license commisaionera J g , from the town o{ Clinton, and close to school ing aid's surplus do nothan together. Un- geography, phy? 5 cents to 8 ?cents; Public gg by wicked laws and lawrrtakersin the 099,673,000 X76,886,000 and churches, will be sold on reasonable h 60 ang or Huron for 1898have been appointed: work of men thus aided and der' the surplus distribution scheme school writing course, 7 cents to 6 West Huron -Samuel Sloan, Jae. Ste- land, But we are told that lawmakers moat terms Avvlzrto JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. there was paid directly to the munici cents vans, Hugh McQuarrie. Ear t Huron Produce of Can. primary Latin book, $1 to ?5 -Thos, Gibson Ueo. Fortune be moderate and cool. Who counsels ada .. ...089,779,000 $89,991,000 HOUSE FOR SACC. aliti-1 for the Provincial Treasury, cents. , ,George moderation in dealing with such a Coin and bullion 987000 3,212,000 ' .�"� - •m>Ainl in the Murdie. Yy__ years 1874 5 8.7 snore As to royalties, the commission says: wild beast as the liquor traffic? Are than $3,388;000, It being our Opinion that the system "The Poplars," the residence of Mr these moderation men found in our heavy in ill b ease inhthe exports of farm'houses >sz'2oo buys the y o semi-detached brick of royaltv is the best as between pub- and Mrs John McVittie, Morris, beheld churches? And they are so far be ail- to,i sees°on Ryttenbur St., known as the Fox - Notwithstanding all the talk about a fisher and author, and that it does not a very pretty wedding, on Wednesday ed as to imagine that we havenot ter d a sl ghtmincreaseeBin and but- m nnfac- ]rtu increase, but tends to diminish, the evening of last week, when their sec- been moderate- usin moral suasion furca. Thera t Uth'er houses and also vacant lots for'aale. g hey. -Private funds in large and small big deficit, the Ontario government's retail price of_ text books, we are de- end daughter, Miss Jane, was married u,)til we are ashamed, as we think of of Canada is it do amted int develop ease taus to loan on �o BRYDONEes lorriater. receipts during 1897 were $372,000in ex- cidedly of the opinion that the setae to Walter Davidson, Rev W. J. West moderation with this wicked traffic in exports for the half year of $2,300, - reasons apply to•the Government and officiating, until it has filled unnumbered homes 000, The only decrease in the list is in . cess of the expenditure. The people of that it.would not be in the public in- On Tuesday evening of last week at g past ears with misery, the fisheries and that only amounts .to thisprovince should not allow mislead- y >; durio those y CIHOIC.E FARM FOR BALE. ing statements to divert their atten- terest for the Department of Educe- ,the home of Mr and Mrs Jas. Sharpe, ruin and de,tith. What cares this ` tion hereafter to make arrangements of Morris, over 100 invited. guests as- beast of blood for moderation; what alone show 000. that exports cineas d December Ing rsale, a s lendid farm of 33 acres, belong- , tion from the fact that their' business with authors for payment to them of .sembled to witness the marriage of cares it for the moans of the widow or nearly $6,000,000 in the one month and IPOrato tion o! C13nCton pGGoner, a Dining the cor• has been wisely�and economically con- a lump sum for the copyright of any I their daughter, Miss Minnie, the cry of 1 cleared and under good ducted by the Liberal government.,and to Will Y bereaved orphan by suicide the imports increased by $1,736,000. cultivation, small frame hou4e, frame barn ne snore so than during the text -book instead, of including in the Lowry, formerly of Brussels, but now under the curse of this nefarious trade. The duty collected during December. , good e hearing � bgs rehaNrrhs to c3doeu the g pat•t price of the book a reasonable percent- of London. rd_cnd well.. will be sold year. - age for royalty, and leaving the author hardened ed the heat oP those�en a ed 0and has °pnOdutiable imports increased by $254,- wi ball= ora eon Alb•rt p- Street, Cte. Al- to receive his compensation from the The Winthrop reeeae company ship- In it until they have th compassion around opleudtdl l The Federal Government is about to ped the balance of their seasons make P 1iiR0, C• 1IcG�lEGOR; �• sale price of the book. left t0 exercise over the ruin the have 6= ace receive a request which will be as em- ,,,, . on Tuesday last, realizing 8ic per wrought• Y 11I[r J. M,anary, a farmer ^near Delhi, MRS- W. ROBERTSON, Canton, harassing as it is novel. The heirs of pound. They have had a ver site- There must be a reined le Y g hiOPERTY FOR BALE y committed suicide b cutting ills throat p + There has been a great deal of talk in cessful season, manufacturing 55 tons y ft sural the late Hon. Luc Letellier de St. Just the press of a number of new Officials of cheese and bringing into the mei h- to a long-suffering people. Asa Chris with a razor. " who was. dismissed from office oP Lieu created by the Ontario Government, g Iain eo le we must At London Mr ixeo. W For sale, Uiat roparty on the south aide o! borhood clues on to $9,000. P P pttt the vocalized yatt's little 3- Huron street, Citnton, directly Opposite the tenant -Governor of truth about this wicked business into Year -Old daughter was. burned in some residence of urs Walsh. There is a two-story Quebec in 1879, has yet they have never been able to It is our sad duty this week to chr3- an expression of our will as a people mysterious way while playing about ir'at'e house on the lot, which is near] half an , . signed a petition to the Premier and point nicle the death of one of Howick's old that shall command our le talatora to the house, and died from the he effects, acre. The property inmost eligibly situated, lite colleagues, asking that they bepaid_ to one who was not fully earning his residents in the person of Mr Robert hearken to our demands% Igt ie a burn- - • . and will be sold for t40o each. or particulars a sum equivalent to the amount which` j Wilson, sr., who died at the residence in shame that all Temperance people apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. salary. During the life of the last Le g THE BEET EVER USED. the deceased gentleman would have Mature three new officials were ap- of Mr Jame Hunter, on the 9th con., are not what is termed Advanced Pro lklEseRa. T. MILBIIRN & Co. i; received as Lieu .rant --Governor, had pointed - )!Ir Kelso superintendent of where he had made his home for some hibitionists all over our country. The DEARS T. Mm can recommend Dr Woods' FINE PROPERTY for SALE. he not been dismissed. Over expire two:yre neglected children;' Mr Campbell, in- Years,• on Tuesday evening of last destruction of men for the ag randieo- Norway Pine 13yrup as the very beat medi- adjotni,. th g property t . and a halfpf his term was expired at atructor of road-making;and Mr Laing, week, g The undersi ned offers for sale his ro the time if his dismissal. Letellier's meet of the abbettors of the liquor Sino for soughs and oolde, sore throat and aci'ee, 5 acres oo which Clinton, ionsisting of orchard of heirs cold be entitled to claim $25000, provincial municipal auditor. The Wm. McIntosh, of Wingham, one traffic must .cease. Is the Christian weak lunge, which I have ever need, fleet named has been credited by the time section foreman on the G.. T, R:, church deaf to the cries of eufferin Yours truly, Wm. FERRY, Blenheim, Ont, house, bank tb The buildings consist oiframe The etitioners express their Willie house, ba,ilt baro,, poultry house, etc., all in .{tta to accept the cum, and interest o Toronto World with saving to the died last Saturday from -pneumonia, humanity, and the voice of God to this first-class repair. This is a rare chance for a province $100,000 since his appoint- aged 74 years. Some years since de- matter? As members of the Christian farmer wishing to retire or fora person want• date, -as) a full settlement. The gov- ment• Mr Campbell has everywhere ceased wag severely injured by lumber p tact onrhomes our all of r ii farm. F r JOYxrrRs apply ly peen rnment 'should not r g crhurch we must ro IT PAYS TO y or t pp y Poon. eco nize this been ' credited with doing excellent falling from a car, and was not expect- boys and girls from the allurements k ]aim at ail. work in the cause of good road -mak- ed to recover, but his strong constitu- ad fangs of this nefarious business. - BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR ing; and the numerous defalcations by tion won the battle. It must be destroyed and made to taste SALE The report on the administration of municipal treasurers in late ears James Forrese, former] of the 8th= the cu it has _ ' mostly through defective bookkeeping, P Put to the lips of our LL g Y sons and daughters. How man 'that desirable Brick Business Stand o, ,,, a Ontario Liquor License Act, just show the need of such an official tags line, Morris, died on Jan. 18 at the I ea- ges for bort St. Clinton, Deco ' Al %dance of hie brother Chas., on the 2nd more must we suffer its ravages for offered 'tor eels, including by lotland° Robson, bmit4ted to the Legislature, is an im- provincial auditor. Everyone of these the Bake of the partyism of political "! The location Is one cl the dost r Clinton. The ortant document. It is the most sat- officials is necessary to the good ggov. line, of tuberculosis, contracted from a strife, and our legislators handle its property islroelrotn incumbrance and title in- ?` ernment of the prorince,and instead of cold and inflammation of the lungs gold to keep themselves in place and Ree Yoltl Rrnfare of the Raft that dispua blr, Apply to sora lBTANBU a to suit Factory, from the point of view of the being condemned the government about a year ago. The farm be former. power, O, arm of the Lord break p RY, Lon- , progressive taxpayer, ever presented should be cemmen�led, for its action in ly owned was sold by him to his broth- down this agreement with bell, and TlIeCanadaBusiness College don Road, or address Clinton P. O to the Assembly. The comparieiona appointing them. er Alexander for $3;000. - - wippe out thin cursed business as thou `? Mr Joseph Gr6ldthor e, of Saltford, didst wipe slut slavery, by t+ighteous QgATl3ADi, ONT. 1 PE' RRIN BLOCK given are interesting. In ; in 185 the whose illness was noted last week, dled judgment and indignation! z FOR SAFE 4" •Z number of licenses was 3.373; in I855-96, on Tuesday morning last,' notwith- REV, VM, MCDONAaH. _ the number was 3,801; In 1898.97 the Arehiteotnral Aberration.. Is doing more for its Pupils than an 6900 cash 120 month) p standingg the ho fie created by an oc- y other number was 3,853. In 1894.95, the Chestnut street, Philadelphia, used to be casional.rally in his constitution. He A7 P TITEAND STRENGTH. Business college,. o the Dominion. y aymonde ofl$13eaoh amount Of fines collected amounted to known as the scene of the most outrageous was one of the best known residents „ 43 pitppile were p'ac, d in two months Stu- D J CAhIPBELL, Hamilton dente ficin all quarters are flocking to this --------_.__• $17,243.48; in 1895-96,$16,979; in 1896-97, commercial arohiteeture in the United of that section, and an early settler in I have been a victim of indigestion, and • worthy business school .- $14,457.01. The list of commitments States. Indeod ib was and is extremely the township of Colborne, havingset. I took medicine without relict. I resolved there n large his yea from Chatham to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Alter inkin there are already this year 93 pupils regtatered Fat in f, -r 41L10 Or t0 Rent. 1 ,- r gi drnnkeness is much more s 4,L 9_ bad, and it is rendered the more irritating tied on let 1, eon. 3, some 40 years ago. one bottle I found that m a g from out•tde points. 60 of them from points itging In 1$89 the number was 4,789; by the fact that the worst buildings seem He was a staunch Conservative in olt- Y ppetite was nearer to other business Colleges than to Th th half of lot oncession 9, Town- ie 1890, 4,573• in 1891, .3,614; in 1892, 2,• to be the,mostadmired. The promiscuous tics, and a long adherent of the church better and I bad more strength. I am how Chatham. hip of Morris, containin; 100 acres, 80 acres 736; in 1893, 2,052; in 1894, 2,274; in I895, Philadelphian will of En land. ,, able to eat heartily without any distress af- We presume these people invoetigated the ci«seed .cud in good atuto o, cultivaHvation. t point you with pride g matte o! the different schools, and decided share are on th• preri,isoe a frame house, frame t 2,237; in 1896, 1,907; in 1897, 1,716. to the municipal diegraaes. Nova MRs G. HrRH;ATnIOH, Windsor, that nothing but the beat would satisfy them, btu -n, frame drive boas+ go d Decherd, never f The bad er>ainenoe of Chestnut street is The annual meeting of the Hayfield Nova Sociis. hence, they aro hero, tail ng auplily of spring wai fir. shared $ mile g „ at present, however, loudly ehallen ed b cemetery company was held last Week writs lorcatalegtto of other departments and from e torn village f pBlyth' will be so d on ren- n "Canada Threatens the World." g y Monday, when the following officers HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. Mail- a list of the 43 pupils placed in two months. n ]'Hos. R. Wlti 13 to C. HAA11f,t 0N, r3,yth I __ what used to be the pride of New York, were appointed for the ensuing year: ed for 250. by C. I. Hood & Co. Lowell (113T, Execute. 948 Prince s a k.," -Vlider the above headingthe London Not that Chestnut street is any less out -McDonald, + A v , London, On 2 rageous than it used to be, but Broadwa Vi li• Woods, Pres.; Jae. ec Mass. D. McLACHLAN d Co,Chiathatu __ 4 Z+'n land Dail Mail says:- y Vice Pres.; t E. Erwin„ Sec. Tress.; Mrs Sternaman had a close call, as CHEESE FACTOICY NOTICE. 13onse Suri Lr,t fur barb >� + Y . Y • more The good things that have been John Middleton, John ]][organ, James "fit is not only in wheat that Canada done In Philadelphia within the past 15 Campbell, John Manson sr., T.J.Marks •the Cabinet were decidedly in ftkvor of ►I threatens the rest of the world. In years, and there have boon many of them, Geo. Bates, directors; Jae. Sturgeon. banging inpreference to commutation. The annualmeeting of the stool; -holders and The frame house on Retienbury street, live stock and dead meat, and ham and have been erected in outlying quarters, sexton. The books were audited, and The new -trial only carried b a narrow opsteone i (he ill. be h to Cheese sort Butter immcxliately east of ]C r. Tom.ineon'a is S bacon, in dairy products, acid in fruit, tan from the ignoble strife of the madding business for the past year fonnd most majority. Y Co, (Limited) will. be hold in Wilaou s linlJ, offered for Sale on very reasonable terms, F Holmeevh, 1 at or tloek p, m., on 9atuuley, The house is central] If she lt3 steadily forging to the front,and, crowd of edifices that loudly swear at each satisfactory. Considerable improve- Wm. Pollard has leased his I00 acre Feb. 12th, 1898, for the purposo of cloi•ing Trp Y aittsatsttn bei' g only with her. unmeasurable re9ourees in other along and across the chief commer- menta have'been made. Over 100 trees farm, near Walton, to S. Barrows, of oleetion of officers fseason ominB�g' end for the a i'ninut0 walk from t1,o business centro„ n each of these departments, she is ob- sial thoroughfare. This is not to be re- were planted, drive ways levelled, and Mcgillop, but retains possession of the W. H. FORS r1yER Pres. (.as n cellar, large dining room, nrlor, ni *each destined to take a leading.part Stetted One good building, a dozen good grounds kept in good artier. house and part of the orchard, and will w. 9. LAWRENCE, Seo. bell t•,'o and kitchen down stairs, wttb olioto In the world's productions. Consider• buildings, would be overwhelmed and sub- work his 80 acre farm. Hormeeviile, Dec.90, 897. lar; t ua two smaller bedrooms a C° ing that Canada has only just begun merged In the confusion of bad architso- Considerable excitement was oeca- psmirs bioned on Tu sda last by the investi- The first Gooa•e.�ed sunfiner kitchen and garden. w her development in any of these direC- tore: Indeed there are buildings there ation b q Y grizzly bears barn in cap- Very conveniently situated for boarding tions, statistics. of. -her achievements which, if not very good, show some souse g y Inspector Hopkirk, of Strat- tivity are those of the Neve York den- NOTI[CE TO CREDITORS. house. A ' are woeful% misleading, unless read of the] Value of ford, of certain charges that ]tad been teal menagerie, which came into the _ pply'at NEw ERs office. _ Woefully , g, pence and quietness, bub preferred against Marks, the postman- world Friday. One of them is thriving, A the Surrogate Court of the Country of With a full recollection of. rho fact that they are lost and do not disturb the gen- t'er at Brucefleld. A large number of but the other ori] bluron in the estate of Thomas Neilans � work hitherto aacomplisbed Is. little eral impression of a museum of arohltee- a y lived about Your r SOAR PIG FOR 131E better than the experimentd,l effot6sl ttiral freaks, --.Architectural Record. witnesses, patrons of the postoffice, hours. The living one is a male, deceased. _ RVICEi 7 Of pioneers; iiizt, opith this fact in view, were examined, the consensus w the NAPOLEON'S LOSS. All persons havin any clalm against the ea- Subejors has just bouKht a thoro•brod of a few figures will not, perhaps, be with- lead Him There. sevidence several. gStakoing to chow Oat while tate of Thomas Not ane, late of of the Town- Duroc•Jora°yboar, oltirstolasa t ',,gr°•, which at Out value and interest." "Hero's several .mistakes had, Pro time to It is said that but for an attack of idi- ship otHullettill rho County o! Huron, farmer, he will itoop for service, T•rma, 81 at time of He your book, dear Miss Soribblah. time been made the estion brow ht on b over eatin Napol- ,arose utrod on or boltlre the 14th Bary co, with r '6V . Qf returning if neoea- general conduct g + g y gg, deceased, q DT,AUbu node has been p telae` slow; she Sorel+ to have kept it so long, Delighted Of the office had been satisfactory, eon would have, won Waterloo. Great rs• day of Februa•y,1898, to send to the underalgn- rn villa, • candies ed for a loft tl with it I assure you." sites de en g g od solicitor for the executor of the estate fall pp . g' tyle: f l' tt r Y �� of Marks g one d as oldest residents tion depends ti goad digestion- cod di es• particularA of their olaints and the acottrities gitlnt,, silt bas recently lyL�fi (,~iV„ „load it through, did you? t of the village, and has been postmaster „ p Pon Bt RDOOR BWOb BITTEtts. (it any held by them duly verified b affidavit. THORO-BRED BT n `d#, idb0d. A -Was eharming. thetNe For over a quarter of a century, Two years ago my wife was very ill with After 1ho said date iho oieocutor a3vi! proceed dCii %OR Toa Woofs Ot her strength . anct'dispge1, ' " iPt►r Show your eyes to tin expert oou• and although a staunch Conseruative dyspepsia. Six bottles of B. B. B. euretl to distribute tl,e asAets of the oati�to among the SALE tov a t�k� ativaptage of lt, list? . and a .m'an of Stec her, an artiea entitidd thereto, having roforonae only "- _ t4v trlI?der rr . pg views, he has , d she has had no return of the mal. Eo ,he claims of htoh h0 has. received notice, l?'or eaio, s two ,oar old TatnwOrt vr. ze e,..11 my eyosP VAat do you mean?"many very warm friends in the r inks say. Wnf. DA¢ Fort Wi and a4 b h Bdare,one pat p f rop tial tarfi'ft"t�i'Indic . , florist 4) #Omothi y a lliam, Out. ter such d�abrlblition the said oxd�oufor beingWinuorof&IO8rd prize at hoed a 4 ng tib4orirral adopt bf bbth� 411tictti arttes, thus showin will not bo 400outitAbio for au arbof tha & - let At ExOtOr Qoderi an also tt l� Yp, 9 , bh, Clitltoh Seafcct�t ahtl t1lQ>1 LlteB V tltl .1wour'britis�t, tlietrr, mole tippoa>t• tib havo reild no bad that' he ktetd Clot been 'r6 � W.�;, t� pelta Of, the eetAtd to dAY p talon of h ae DYillk"10noii, 11.186 a t t ,' S' i'ferlelvuly ar'- •3i'.E:1. �' 0 lttitix t t god Poland 17hi Office -HURON STREET, tilTilr$1TON ' R. AG til EVY, DENTIST, CLINTON;` a a A T ZURICH THE 2ND T. iMiksl) Op.� ,s EACH . MONTH ,., Office Hours -9 to 5 ., 4 SURGEON DFSNTIST,, radnate R Q D s' of Ontario, and Trifid , , veraity Toronto Special attention given to-t-b"I 'ion Ie natural teeth. Fa�1.,,, office, 07 ate flock, over Taylor's shoat store yAN. eld ever viissit Blyth every Monday an0 & y Thursday Immwr y afternoon a.miL a,. aur; bulli( W OYeu-R-�re ubscriber is agent for thA (Xint ib i� r5 1Pof'eirt (7itzitilYY�, 10 'ls'btilad to • 6dr it . +r • without outtOng the loaves%-Olevelan;ll tizari fro an sense of the tej%m- Tai tao� klalri'It�sFtlbf"r j he rlmile)..'' fjeYiertll f2eilrigti%tire ir;tllttt Cvti,1roi11..� irA iti>`tc',;,. - ° -a .., •r++wo+ #d.OA• duo noti0ehattn0t beoit- , ; . - WWIDuteuanttothostatittoivy 1,xiOLMSTID Von', 118 Winuar;oflilt rt .ailOarr g T) fit) t9 'p xbfl WberoaheWn 'ZDurb6JCI. bat behalf* eo, IiOAra,O menthe old, onb Wluls9 a hrtkoatLandCiti., `l 9t1 r. f 2itti a ��' �y Mr A lelFi 4►:r a Ylbt hes, r Sri r :0 6 , y ri1Kt fitli l>4ttek', I swig, / � 7� etc lOi Eiirl'tsr file xt'dut ate' a lotlf �lay.of �alluar),1808.., g Y' y r Wihuor ! a on ed Jot4s toop�, . o + e!afolttlL.br 022tiriz9F! . A� bYltl isi thtisodrill Litt. Bold bheallr llildrltla$>r1�utx ,ltd ll'ttl •. . ,. ^ 8, , W.ES)= Wrl�Bniu HO.Ulaitl4k . . . xI 11111ir> ., ,. ,. i'... . -at.'