HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-28, Page 1,-: p
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.9 pace# likely aerpo from the eyes; per.
momently oared, we. mean, #relict
f -11 7" may be aocured but if the cause re-
rnains #ha relief can be only tem-
�" tiro >lh orary. In fully half the cases of i
H. g' d .. _ -- `--- - - _...___..-. headache, eye-etrarw of some bind
rrA 0lcxc. M e , ' is the cause. Cilaeses properly fit•
B sue of CLINTON,' ONT., JANUARY RY 28, 189$ $1 a year in advance 01.50 when not so paid ted remove this cause. Comfort re- •
calks. Why not reverse the banal
a UoClt-- 2tO1ERTOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. proceeding of first taking inedioine
N. `..
. 11 . 1 - and then, if it fails havingour
ARO-[7NT� THS H -US. >eiaytield Marna Sumraerhl4l eyes tested, by first )laving a test
' SOCIAL. -A social will be held at the CHURCH•—Revival services areheing ANNUAL MEETING. - The annual your eyes ? We will tell you at
What wide awake and reliable oorrespondeats And worthy of recording for publication once if our a ea are a# fault and
residence of Harry Beaks, Front read, conducted in the Methodist church meeting of the Cheese Factoryy will be y Y +
Blyth. wider auspices of the Bayfield Metho- here,, by Rev. Mr Burton, and they are held at the Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. i[ they are fit you with glasses that
... Kingham. h Feb. meeting with some success, fl at 1 P. m. will remedy the fault
thtrouble. If will
"-"` LET THE CHIEF WASE IIP. -A num- NOTES -The manager of the skating diet church, on Wednesday ev g, g eyes are not at fault thou you will
our watph r►n where rink has arranged for a big carnival 2nd, at which a good entertaining pro. POULTRY. -Mr Wilson Cooke, who SOCIAL GATHERING. -On Wednes- feel sure that medicine must be ne-
p bei of citizens complain of the speed- for Frida ni ht, 28th lust.; a number ram will be provided, including re- by the way is qui a bird fancier, is ,day evening of last wQek a sleigh load oesaary. Proceeding in this way
at #o a Xeljt►ble jely- y g grain qq
tbpa41ing is a skill- lugg of fast horses on the front street. of good prizes are offered, and the freshments, taking in the Goderich Poultry Show of young people went from this loculi- will often save mush discomfort,
Vile would like to remind them to not young folk are gcin .►n for good PERSONAL. -Mr Moorbouse has just this week and is exhibitin some very ty to Mr Woodyard's, who is mana- mons and medicine-taking.We
raid #h s skilled repairer is Y g h g
]4 r:hl . to the rltanafacturer.- a xmplain to us. The town pays the time. We notice t at the school board returned from a fifteen days' visit to fine specimens of fowl which will be ging the farm of the late Dan Ross, 8rd charge nothing to teat you eyes.
e+upbgbfste:both,, ,If youhavea chief of police to look after tt and it is are advertising for a supply of wood Por Saginaw, Bay city and other pointe in hard to beat. We wish him success. con. of Stanley, and hada most en- 1f glasses are needed oar price do-
'flkte �i%oh# ,botli panto broken his duty to do it. the school. Mr G. Leith was the sue- Bay Co., Michigan;his five eldest child- oyable time. On the way home they
BAND.- The Varna Piccolo Band panda on quality of lonsoe and
IF,or r1Yl'to vie: pan, replace it. If QHANGED TO THE TpWN HALL.—OW- easeful applicant for the position of ren are all married acid settled there, held its annual meeting on Jan. 14th, ust a parr of horse blankets, which the frames, but we can give yon ,good 1.
,on'�re a valuable -Did watab that ins to the large number of invitations 'suitor of the arbor), the renumeration and all have prospered fairly well;tbir- when the follRwin officers were a finder will please leave at the NEw lenses in substantial eteol frames
Ileast been•7rtix, . by'• patent issued, the Masonic "At Home" to- being $100, same as last year. The teen years have elapsed since he bad a ointed for the ensuing ear: -Press- ERA office. for $i, and satisfaction guaranteed
, rrplemen, lot fix.
it. No cure morrow evening will be held in the grain still comes roiling into our mark• ride on a�'cailroadcar, and his firer view dent and Leader, J. T• Cairns; Tress., e. E. SOCIETY. -The officers for this or money refunded.11 I
rtiiRt:liply« town hall instead of the temperance et; the price brings them. !dr Powell of a trolley was in passing through Lou- N. W Bayes; Secy., J. V. Cook; Hall term are as follows: -President, Mr W.
hall, as first stated. After the program has bought a large quantity of clover don an route. Committee, J.E.Harnwell, F. W.Keyes, Lowery; Vice Pres., Mies Flora Miller; AL GEN aS(i w[LBdN
dancing will be indulged in by the seed, it is a beautiful sample; when we SUPPER. -The oyster aupper and ball J. L. Wanless; Biijiness committee- R. S., Mies 011ie Nesbitt; C. S., Mr Graduate Druggists & Opticians,
�iY'�W lovers of the terpsichorean art. I asked him what he was going to do under the auspices of the Canadian Or- J O. Barber; Dan McNan hton, J. T. Wether al; Tress., Mr C. Lowery; Look Clinton.
I 1,BASER.-D. McKenzie, who has tak- with so much, he laughed and said be der of Foresters was a grand success, Cairns Geo. Weekes; garetaker, F. out Com., Miss Esther Wallace. We
r►elei3���x arthe com.
- an possessior, of the Dominion bakery, washopan too buy onnea lot more with the yet. The mittee, Messrreflects s Jai. Donaldsonreat credit on • Arthur Ptirdy, would like to see a full house at every tr ,
M eputrer hue secured the cervices of Frank J d pp meeting; remember the night, every
English next week is going to Peck. Frank Keegan and H. Talbot. NOTES. -Mrs John Reid, of the Parr Wednesday of each week.
Kling as baker. Frank has the repo- ' g y r Londesboro
Cation of baking the Best bread in draw the crowd. Anniversary services The supper was held at the River Ho- line, who has been visiting friends in
hose who have not already in connection with Trinity church will tel and was all that could be desired. gay City, returned home on Monday .PERSONALS. -Miss Lucy Baine, of NOTES. -It is expected that some de -
town, and t be held next Sunday; Rev. Franklin, of The ball was held in the town hall, end last. Mr B. A. Higgins, our enterpris- Clinton, and Mies Lizzie Whitely, of c;cion regarding the Martin estate will
tried his bread should dao of fHcls lliple will take the service, he will was a very enjoyable and well -conduct- Ing harness maker, is a hustler, and is Londesboro, spent Sunday with their be arrived at this week. Mr J. Boyle,11
also an expert on all kind y also ye p p P turning out three sets of harness a friend, Miss M. BinKham. Mra Wal- of Toronto, was in our village this
�oderlch To*11ship d hoer his o nisi lectureon Mon- ed affair. The Grand March was a a s
takes. da evenin subject "Marriage." tial feature of the evening. week and is still away behind his or • lace•is enjoying a visit from her sister, week on business.
I ERP $AGN-1vlrJas. Yuill, tori. 5, ie y g' 1 dere. Some of our capitalists should Miss Bingham, of Dakota. Me and
akingpreparatione fa. r the erection IT SHOULD BE STOPPED. - Many There was a rough and tunfble fight in NOTES. -The young men, of the vii- l' POULTRY. -Some of our oultf fan -
a. a am till ear• hQ 'ie getting boys, and men too, in drivingphorses, one of the hotel stables on Saturday lege have opened a reading room on erect some more buildipge as several Mrs (,sitar, of Stapleton, spent Sun- P y
" s y g g are unnecessarily cruel in their treat night, the participants were both farm- Main St. Mr Pickard, of Porter's Hill, parties would like to locate in our day in.- the village visiting relatives. tiers are exhibiting at the poultry
ti; nlaet from#e Schwanz property, show in Goderich this week, among
1p8C11'e men. of this no animal. There is yrs from south of here; the elder of the was in town on Friday. Rev Mr Grab- thriving village if suitable accommo- Mr and Mrs S. Lower sent part of whom are Messrs Cat ter, Wallac
e h no excuse for the brutal whipping and two was badly used up; the primary am attended Presbytery in Goderich dation could be procured, last week visiting filen In and A plab and Watson, Mc Qac ter alone
1?$Nh'ED., Airli'41> .'rtry Bak r, of t e lashing to which some horses are sub- cause was whiskey. Misses Pelton on Tuesday of last week. Miss Maggie OYSTER SUPPER. -On 'Friday even- around Wingham. Mrs Lo Gt; �r., la P y
ii ),arid eon,,,has ranted his farm,con. jetted by incompetent drivers, who and Ferguson, of W' g met 48 entries.
ire =:ii etroa•of yeara,to W.Sinclair, gg m bum, ware the Falconer hue returned to Goderich af- in lest Court Varna No. 264, Q O, F., still improving- in health. Mrs E. g
F t,_, . make up for their lack of knowledge gnests of the Miesee Jamieson on Sun- ter an extended visit to her parents.- held an oyster supper and entertain- Butt had a quilting bee one day last CHIIRCH.-The Methodists have at
t n" 0 ht ¢275 per Year. Mr Sin- by venting their anger on inoffensive day. Miss Curran, of Wingham, was Miss Wilson, who has been visiting men. in Temperance Hall. The mar- week. The members of the L.O.L. are last decided to build a new church at a
1i kta,A •the Hama of being a good ten- brutes wWi h eouldhandled much more the guest of Miss Annie Hamilton for friends here, has returned to Toronto. ried men brought their wives and the Preparing for a monster debate to take congregational meeting held last
, t, s,t~Arty rate he . a Si good farm. effectively by sensible means. Cruelty a tow days. Miss N. Kelly has taken Mies Miller, of Clinton, is visiting Mise rest of the members, not having taken Place in the near future. Wednesday, and appointed Messrs.
.,?) gC CEg . Miss Idri, Hanley, of Detroit, to animals is always objectionable and a position as book-keeper for E. Livia Donaldson. Misses Anna W hiddon that degree, brought their best girl. Moon, it subs ie, Carter and BrunFdon
I visiting'. Matives in this vicinity. should be stopped by the authorities. °stne's establishment.P W. W. Taman and Flossie Stanbury atteiided the The table, tie is usual in Varna, was SruCefield to solicit subscriptions, and their can-
isiiTa 1. r, of;(�lidton, visited at Mr RCH. -The E worth League has been on the sick list for a few days Presbyterial W. F. Dd: $. in Goderich all that could be desired. After ample CONCERT. -The Farmer's Institute vas was so successful that, ata trustee
CHU P meeting held on Tuesda ,
+ lliiidt# eofou laetr' week. Mise Anriie meets at 7.45 .m., instead of at eight lately, "la grippe" having a tight grip on the 10th fuel., as delegates from the ustice had been been done to the . oys- concert was quite a sucrase, Mr Mc• g y_ afternoon
7arter,;of T,ilckeretnith, who has been o'clock, sa formerly. The W. C. T. U. on him. Mr and Mrs N. McKellar and Lou Graham Mission Band. Miss Har- Cera and other good things provided Loan, M.P., of, Seafortb, and Messrs they appointed a building committee,
tsibl�I}�gg;>:;;4$. Mr'G},: Cooper's, has re- meet at the home of Mra Button, family returned on Saturday from riot Fraser is visitin her parents at an excellent program was given, Gibson and birtson addressed the meet- composed of Metiers Carter, Moon, Mc-
urnnd hbrtie, , Mrs :f31ufF,who has been willVittie, Lrotuence and Stevens, and ap-
Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 25, at three London, where they spent their New Mornington. Alex. Fraser, r., has speeches, songs, duets, readings and ins, which was instructive as well as ointed Mr J...Brunsdon Treasurer,and
ell' .,; illi 'i" roving slow) Rev. been visiting his uncle, Jno.raser.-
s 'or .atB nmiller rescb- o'clock. The Epworth League and Year's holizl"Lt ys. Mies Nell Klug, of Gerrie, who has been violin selections. The chair -was occu- cotntc. Mr Daly, of Seaforth, gave p� nd
ive asocial at the home of M pied by Mr John Torrance, Court Dep- some nice solos, also Mr Delgatty, of in Braithwaite visited
isi etaryB The Build-
& pntea oa tr.y •se'rmon inP'Cole s Monday evening, Seaforth visiting her sister, Mrs D. Harrison, uty, who fully sustained his former our town, rendered some very nice on Wednesday, and also BI Blyth brick
ra E. P. Paulin, has returned home. Miss Lottie Mar- Y,
>r't I )sal w$aturda . Mr Chas. B. y
t� � Jan. 31; an enjoyable evening is amici- HOCHEY.-The Listowel hockey club high reputation by his ,excellent ad- vocal selections. aid. The are to have a bee eve �'iddleton hail;the:misfortune to lose a tin is home, after a leasant visit with y Y
pated, and a cordial invitation is ex- a ain defeated the Stars of this town pp dress and witty anecdotes, approp- NOTES.-Miea Anna Burdge, who d+iy until the brick are al( hauled.
Mt beas0AACweek;>it being choked by g Che Misses McPhail,Goderich township.
1 1''K ii 'Cfie'Con re +Ition of Middle- tended to all. Rev.J.G.Abey,Brue els, Friday evening, the score being. Lis- Arthur Peck has een spending a few riate for the occasion. has been quite ill for some time, Is, we The membersof,the committeeareto be
g g will preach the annual missionar ser- towel, 4; Seaforth, 3. A a r Peck
has in Hay. ins Por are glad to say, improving in health. commended for their zeal in the work
ion'ai hurs'sb inteEid hcldinp;a tea=meet- mons in St. Paul's church on behalf of MAsomc.-At regular meetingg of y Stanley Mr Jas. Baird, sr., who has been ill
, wlthiW the; near: future. Mr S. E. the mission fund of Lha Diocese. The the;Mallacb chapter Royal Arch Is- terfield, of Marnoch, one of our former undertaken, tie in the few days they
1ck,: Paris},,: aid. the parental roof, Lowe nes to Brussels . per- tions on Friday evening last, the fol- teachers, is staying with Mrs Cowie.- • NOTES. -Jas. McFarlane, the well- for a short time, is recovering. A have been at it the subscription list
uron"r. 11 ,tying visit last week. Rev: Mi ce and administer the )owls officers were installed for the Miss Houston, of Clinton, was in the known stock raiser, has gone to Que sleigh load of young people from Sea- shows almost e37. The cost of the1.
"cliool., ehie}tainment. _Taylor's form a like ser g village, for a couple of days. Miss bec; his object is to bring a car or two forth spent a very pleasant time at the new church is not to exceed 165000, and
l+eb. 4th 13 ly Communion. The Ladies Guild current year: Ex. -Comp., R. C. Chas-
1.1-'r.Smithers, of Seaforth, who has been of atockhome. W. glen is about to' residence of Mr Samuel Reid last Mon- we ho a before next Christmas to have
mere, ori the evening of o�St. Paul's church will meet at the wrtght, P Z.; R, Wilson, P. Z.; R. J. pp
Tni#eI tp i7e itieeit,as all that will be rector on Friday at 3 11 m Macdonald, P. H.• i on s, P. ; R. Q• visiting Mr and Mrs Holman, left for purchase the farm of Jas Steep. Wm. day evening. Kr and Mrs Neelins, of a building that will be a credit to .the
iitiaty to:lnake it a genuine sur- Y y home on Saturday. Jervis, who has been off work all win- Portage Is Prairie, were the guests of community.
God cK!eatl?er, a len th ro- FlitsT of THE SEASON. -The first Jackson, Scribe E.; F. C. Bruce, Scribe ter on account of rheumatism, is im- Mr and Mrs Neil Ross last Monday
r g y P, N.; R. Wilson, Tress. R. E.Jackaon,Y. rovin afternoon. Mr J. Mceowan, er., who
bncrii ins ,f, dialogues, recxta- carnival of the season was held in the S ; W K Pearce, S.. S.; G. Murray, J. KlPlfen p g' Uae been ill for some tirioe, is still con- 1?orters Aill..
. styxpstl'umantals, etc, will be skating rink, Wingbam, on Monday S •Geo. Patterson, Tyler. NOTES. -Revival services closed on VISITORS. -Mr and Mrs Filch and fined to the house. Mr Simms, of AOCIDENT.-On Friday last Mr John- t .
.vvillatn'Use andinterest evening, and a large crowd was in at- NoTEs.-Di htheria is raging here and
bh Hees at 7.30 don't tendance. The costumes were many P coins of �he public Fridayehnight; ownlow have been) Ona allfromTriirrieiberryoha eathissaswe Wylie,
Blyth, spent Sunday at the home of Pickard met with a bad accident, mote
-ii 1.
at resent; three r P Evan Mr Wm: Graham. Mrs P. McGregor especial►y for a man of his age. ria was
Mrs John Ketchen, and varied. Geo Morrison took the school have been shut down on ac- ducting them. A rand concert will itis friends and acquaintances here.
i Vali: " `.the home of Mrs J. raze for best ggentleman a dress, bel g g g entertained a few of her lady friends standing on the limb of a tree doing
pp seed as an Ee uimaux; Kies Smith, count of so many having the dread be given in the hall to -night, (Friday,) Mr Hugh Gilmour and wife, of Moose to a five o'clock tea on Thursday of some pruning.when be slipped and fell
lep�abt;$ dreg q disease. The enterprisipgfirm, Broad- under the auspices of the Foresters; Jaw, went away on Monday to visit to the round, striking on his elbow.
as Night took the prize for best foot &Box, are shipping several cars ternoon of last week. Some much h g
'. :,t lad 's dress; Harry Snell, as a secret pP g good talent has been secured, and it friend and relatives in Bruce Co. Mr needed repairing has been done at He had the misfortune to break his
r� a •, 006tH y of furniture to the old country. Wal- promises to be one of the best. Save- Hugh McKenzie went to Atwood at S.J. No. 10 Stanley, in the shape of a arm at the elbow and also at the wrist.
g1TAT�,'tiJnphrey Snell, son of society officer won the prize for best p new stove, pails, tins, stove pipes abd He is under the doctor's care and is im-
comic gentleman; and the prize for ter getup, who was so badly hurt a rel of the Royal Templara visited Hen- the end of last week to visit his slater,
`i'll • 'pall, spent ,last week beat comic lads was awarded i Miss short time ago, is rapidly improving. sell Lodge last week; our Lodge held Mia Chapman. other much needed articles on the provin ,,but it will be some time before
as to; 'ee�4 Elfunty. Miss Carrie Freeman, miliiner, King- an open meeting last Monday, when a school grounds. Mr George Turner, he is all right.
1.Laura Martin, who was dressed to Nile. of this village, s ant last Tuesday evC.
.=Jno. McGregor, represent "Ivlellin'e:Baby- Food." In Ston, it here spending her vacation. large number were present; members g p y NoTItS.-Mr Jae. Cox sold a horse
taken a situation Thg bo s' race Alf: Fleming of Luck- Mrs Farrell and niece, Miss F. Starin, from Sodom and Hensall assisted in WARNING. -Look out, Holmesville; ening in Hensall; George likes Hensall this week to Mr Fred Moore, of Mitch,
i.sapnker, haying .,now, won first. lctaft boys from who were visiting Mrs Dr. Bethune, the program. Rolling Thunder, the we're coming next Monday night. very well. Miss E. Dowzer, of Clin- ell. Mr W H. Lobb booght a 4-year-
buslnes. ` A "Teeswaterand atrother from L!icknow left for their home in New York on Indian, delivered a lecture in the hall, tan, s ant Sunday at the home of Mrs old colt on Saturday from Mr D.Bm ns,
""` a e. Friday last. Jas. Archibald left for St. in connection with the selling of his CHURCH.-Let•eyerybody attend the P Mrs Scott and Maitland con. Mr John Torrance has
eve` in a tri ndanc, as secured a n- Robt. Them son, 'r:, of the Epworth League meeting next Tues- M s Keteheens attended the Huron �'
n g Louis, Mo., whet a he h P medicine. P d Mrs purchased a piano from Mr Geo. Emer-
beral'candidate in ; > NOTES, -John Johnston bought a sition buying horses. London Road; has been making a deal day evenin g; consecration and roll call Presbyterial of the W.F.M.S., held in son. Mrs D. Cox returned on Tues-
lreld "ir;o?�ganizati?ti' meet- fine team of horses from R. Porter, 'of ATHLETIC CLUB. -The Seaforth' Ath ;n horses, this time securing ®sae of the led by Rev. J. Millyard. Prayer meet- Goderich last week; Mrs Muir took day from London where she has beet
eParate i3chool! which was Turnberry, on Monday. W. • G. Gray letic Club held a grand carnival Friday best animals in this vicinity; Robert in will be held Thursday evening at ,tit in the dedicatory prayer. Mr A. visiting friends for the part three
deX! ' The; same night Mr has been visiting at Listowel. Miss evening, which surpassed anything believes in good stock. We are pleas- the residence of Mr Moreland, i❑ the Beatty, and daughter, is visiting at weeks. J.Cox is in Goderich this week
hit e.;:G'onservative candidate, Eva Gracey entertained a number of ever held in Seaforth. The evenings ed to notice that G. E. Thompson, village. the home of his sisters, Mrs Scott and attending the County Council meeting.
Get nor in , Bayley's school her friends on Thursday evening. Mrs performance commenced with about has been on the sick list for the pest LECTURE.—Notwithstanding the ter Mrs Swa an. An attempt was made Those who have been on the sick list
.11 !3r'S+iniztLtion, which was also John Elliott and son George went between Bob Torrance, of Harpurhey, few weeks, is recovering. Mr Balfour rific storm on Tuesday night -and by last week to take the post office from ,i
pded Petrolia on Saturday to visit friends and Huh Uonrtable, of this town. ;s a ain indis osed: Wm. Sinclair' ie P in our neighborhood are all on the
Hugh g p the way, MrEditor,this is usually the Mr Marks; his many friends (without mend,we are glad to say.
I5, g;;,Li . ,A, good_ crowd at- there. D. Stewart, of Brussels has ac- Constable was counted the winner in putting material on the ground for a calmest and most heathful of cities - a regard for political party) came out
'W I#ale of ,.farm stock at Mra cepted a position in Colin A. Camp- the 5th round. Next was s ten round new house. Jae. Smilie his barns put goodly number attended the lecture strongly and spoke for him; it is the Brussels
Zhu'*-xa�val on Saturday, and bell's drug store. Miss Jones, who has go between the two light Weiglite, Ray ting a foundation under b The men for the times"delivered here wish of the whole community, with
tytlitng went at good prices. been visiting her aunt; Mrs R. M.1Robb_ Dunlop and Billy .Piper. This wa th by Rev. J. Edge, of Goderich. Those very few exceptions, that Me Martis EAST HURON COriSERVxlTIVES.-The
eSold•its high as 623.75 each; a inson, returned to her home in, draw, honors being even at the 10 West Wawanosh presentenjoyed an intellectual treat. may long fill the duty of ostm%ster in annual meetingoftheEast�uron Qon-
01 ggiood sucking colt at $41.50; ilton on Saturday. Miss Cassie Harris, round. The principal bout of the even- pp sell last a Association was rnoon, Wo.e12
at 22, and other air- who hat been emplo ed in the millin- ir•g watt between Charlie Goldin and THE SICK. -Mita Emma Moss has RUNAWAY. -Quite an exciting rung- the village o Brucefield. Mrs J eels last Wednesda afternoon, tr en
g. eOw $ y q the following officers were elected f r
rtioriall ().Hamilton was erp department of the Bear, returned 'Wattie Callaghan. This was to decide one to Goderieb, where she is un way occurred in ourotreeon in Monday Huinor, of Georgetown, who was vis- y
o to her home in WroxeteY' on Friday. g the ensuing year: Pres.,B. Gerr Bru&
P the heavyweight championship of the `der the care of a doctor; we hope she night last. A horse belonging to Mr iting at the home of Mr A. Thompson, g
near . „ y town, and was exciting at times, but may be able noon to return home fully Morrow and driven by hie grandson, returned to her home on Monday. Mr y y
g,¢y¢N, .ce E. -We are author- Robert Watson left on Monde for his sale; Vice res., John Wilfrid, Bl th;
home in Hamilton. Mra W. J: Fleut,y, Golding seemed to have the better of recovered. H. G. Taylor was confined Herb, became unmanageable, and for A. McFarlane, Holmesville, will take Sec., W• F. Vanstone Brussels; Treas„
ay; ,that..the statements made of Bl th, was calling_ on friends' in the fight, and finally, in the 9th round, to the house last week from the effects a time made matters interesting. Af charge of the cheese Factory this sea, W: smith, Walton. Addresses were
oronito Mail;. and republished town this week. A. Burkholder wasCallaghan'is ter throwing Herb and Geo. Hutchins son; he .comes highly recommended, given b Henryonne the eunser-
of the Count papers, concern he landed heavily on Callahan s aw, of a severe cold, which, a the way, g' y and will, no doubt, prove satiefactor g Y y y
y ol- in Toronto this week, attending the which made him the winner an put going the rounds at present. from the cutter, the horse final) sur- y votive candidate for the ridin Mr E.L.
e 1 te• JapYas Brown, are abs funeral of his brother. Miss elara El- Callaghan into a trance. The evening's MOVING. -Benj. Holtby, who had ceeded in getting free therefrom and in making a good grade o£ cheese. Dickinson, of Wingham; andgMr Thos.
e'I fru r so� far as they relate to liott returned on Saturday. Miss Min- erformance closed with a bicycle race the farm of Jno.• Smith, of the 6t.h con, made for thelake. Mr Fulford captor- Miss Belle Aikenhead returned home Ma wood, M. P. for North Perth.
: be ,under medical t�•eat- Hie Hemphill, who has Ceen visiting etween Eddie Cask and Mike Ta ne ed the animal opposite Point• Farm,and last week from a visit to relatives in Mag
mala cliOly. And the i$ain- aruth in town, left on Saturday g y leased for several years past, is mov it was returned to the village, little Kent county. Mrs Sparks and daugh11 I
'nt Miss C Cask being the winner. Excellent mu- Ing his fat in necessaries to Middlesex worse fur its mad Hight. The boys, ter, Mrs Dorcas, of Manitoba, former- Henry Creswicke, a survey.,r, of Barrie,
a. loug loi :the 'trine article that'any sic was provided b the Nickle Brass co,,.,ty, where h.� bee bought a farm. was etruok b a railway train and killed
fora visit amongfriends in Hensall. p y
�`l he —of:Mr $ .wn t family wgtr tof he Band of Walton. Proceeds amounted Ju,. i i, il. Srxiith is also engaged in hap 11 were unhurt, but this should ly of Tuckeremith, are visiting friends Y Y
t s pend ir3ind, ar iilso withgii tear them to bemore careful in future• in the village and neighborhood. Mr The Rev. R. G. Burrage, retired An-
t • foundatio'n Ain fact, Where CGonstanCe to $112. the removal of stack and other articles W, Nealens and wife and niece, Mitis glican clergyman, recently residing at
g 'rtlt" family are known this tor- NOTES. -Dr W. Seboales, of 1liichi- to a 4arm itc heed leased, near White- � Agnes Casket, of Portage la Prairie, Batley, Que., was yesterday found
East Wawanosh. Holmesville Man., are visiting at the home of'Mr dead in his barn.
:n is npt%rely,, unnecessary, but Ban, was visiting at the home of his ....rch.
1cle:. NY wide -spread: and the mother a few days of this week. Mr PERSONAL.—S. Carter, second has CrIURCH.-Quarterly services will be TEMPLARS.-At the meeting of the Jas. Aikenhead and other friends in The hark Lane Express says the to- rt .
IOU :'fi3' therefore published as Wm. Robinson, of the Notthwest has S. carter, of Daet Wawa I heia at Nile on Sabbath, Rev. G. W. council Mrs Leech and Mrs H. Elford the neighborhood; they have lately tal cereal acreage of Russia is 200,000,-
"" in '.justice. The state- been visiting his sister, Mrs Schoales, bought out the Bedford House barbel I Andreas officiating; in consequence were appointed delegates to the Dia- been visiting relatives in Chicago and 000 acres, an increase of 400,000 acres
a ., a wtl .always worrying and in the course of a few weeks ex- shop, Goderich, and is already doing a' "rvice will be held in Ebenezer at 7 trict Convention to be held in Goder- Detroit; Mr and Mrs Nealen left Hur- over 1896,
this ibdebtedneas was refuted at parte to return to his home, accom- good business. Miss Lorinda Ander• P m , the above gentleman is to ;cb on Thursday, Jan. 27. on Co. a numberof years ago, and have The Pall Mall Gazette says; -"Our 1
p esti the :evidence there show ponied by his niece, Miss B. Schoales. son was at home to a few of her friends preach. The Enworth League have LEAGUE. -The League bad a very succeeded in making a good home for latest informotion in regard to Mr, a
+ - e' ,. jtn the best of spirits. The position of organist in the Metho last Thui sday evening. Jas. Armour i heir topic cards Issued for 98 and the good, meeting last Monday night. The themselves in the west; their many Gladstone's condition is that it cont,10 , -- 4
IEri bad, dist church was filled by Miss Susy is now convalescent, after a severe at g
a r,gram throughout promises to ' be subject of -Moses-at a prince, as a fu- friends here will be glad to greet them ues to be most rave. There' has been
p21T10Ck Wheatley, on Sunday last. The tack of inflammation...Geo. Vancamp '�i lily interesh^tr ,uid instructive, as J y g no improvement since our announce',
Literary meetin of the Epworth attended the Dairymen's meeting m hive, and a law giver -was ver nice- again.
' TllB y."4 alter Cunningham made y g it..ittl°, bran in the past. Misses L. Andrews, A. menton Wednesday. W e say this ri
Lea ue passed off very pleasantly; in London last wePac. 'Jas. Walsh gave y g1
trader' on Tu and treated g;on to the home talent, Mr J. the freedom of hie house to a number 1'irrs:;SAL.-Mr and Mrs Robl. Mc- Stanley and E. Qouctice respectively. Auburn spite of all statements to the contrary,' x''
y Addition d
e tliing,ppe��opla,to, a jolly good dance ;villa of Londesboro, gave an ex of select friends last Tuesday evening. Duwall, of Last !',':, wanosh; were re- The next m8etmg will be bel on Mon Call and see our stook of Fur Coate, Robes, and with a full sense of our responstbil-
th ' ht; Mr Geo. Watt, 4r., is on the Melville,
recitation entitled "The Reap John jct fr"is on the sick lief at present. , Dowing „I,, acqu,uutaucea here this day, Feb, 7, to which all are invited. Blankets, etc. -J. NICHOLSON. ity in doing so."
Id,fat at &&sent, but we hope to see g p C,oME. -Arrangements are about CHURCH. -Rev. C.C.COuzens preach -
t ' tttn soon.,, A number from er. Mr E. L. Farnham disposed of John Qotlltea and his,;dau titer Qlai " ,Nf, rvo•ok. hire Sir hen Medd was a
hlny ou Its six bead of choice c;ettle to Mr Hearn, drove to Clinton on Saturday last. Mrs v,<a,ur Lo ber father:, Mr Geo.Beadle, completed for the E. L. of C. E. anni ed Sunda morning from "For who • `
. .. v111sga atte"bded, the'• night.'
in of Clinton, nue day last week. Kr and Wm. E. Scott is quite poorly at pres- of St. Au ustine, last Tuesday. Misses versar on Sunday and. Monde . Rev y 1Xre You 1n neeU -mow a
S ptburnbn ]Monday night. J. Shiels, g y y hath despised the day of small things."
he;. y n of his cousin, R. James Fairservice, spent a few days of ent, with a bealing ear. Organ pedd- Sarah and Jdaud Mills have returned ldc Millyard, of Nile, will preach morn- Rev. Mr Higley preached in St. Mark's p
'Grey, W S last week at Seaforth with the parents lars are on the 8th con. in large num- from a visit to Dungannon and Blyth in and evening on Sunday. On Monchurch g of a 8o�i11� I
els, thle;Vdeeli': ; Mitis Agnes Crosby la the latter. o r J. Suth a pare is berg at present. John Coulter, jr., is relations. Mre Rutledge was visiting do a New England. supper will be text IsA Sunday evening taking for his i
isl lofting fc!iend5 in Seaforth. `. having a Brantford windmill erected buying hogs pretty extensively at pre- her daughter, Mrs Robt. Plunkett, last 'served from 5 to 8 p. m. Pre orations text I r 62de "Gather er the stones."
i f Rev: Mr Anderson, Goderich, preached
I on his Karn. Mr E. L. Farnham 'vat sent; there being a rivalry among some week. Mise Emma Dobie is home are being made for the hundreds who Mr A.Youn 's funeral sermon last Sun- I! eo, now ie the time #o buy. "We 11
'i' the finest of Mr Isaac McGavin. of of the buyers, farmers are getting top from Goderich, where she has been intend coming. Come and spend a die which wee a very touching one. are offering a line of Roolunghaul.
Jan• �� 1'e7zdbury, last Sunday. Mt J. Me- prices; $5.10 per cwt. is the figure. learning dressmaking. Mrs Barber, of most enjoyable time. Everybody vel- �tyiu'rterl meetin will he held in the wMe at prices that are hard to bast.
the 10th, rues a visitor in Auburn on Quarterly, g y Feb.Bth BOWL, Be, 70, 8o and l0a each -'
y Gregor, r., spout Hunduy with his Sunday. Mre john i'lunkett ie at come. Methodist church on Sunda ,
. uncle, X ,went
of Goderich Senmiller NOTES. -Mr S. T. Walter it laid up
town, present sojourning With her daughter, at 10.30 a. m. Bakers Oral; 8 inch ....1. 100
P NOTES.—Wesley Vanstone is able to Mre Hugh Finigan. g with a severe attack of grippe. Mrs Baker's Oral, 9 inch ...... 12o 'I
Goderich. NOTES. -Mr W.Farrow and wife war Baker n Oral, 10 inch...... lbs
OUR be out again. Mr Thos. Cousins,Gode- Ste hton, of Hamilton, is via' Ing at
I 11 G$NERAL.--Wellington Oliver, Who p g visitin under the siesta) roof last Na ren Oval, 7 inch ....'.. 100
J , rich, spent the past week visiting his Mr B. Forster a. Mr and 11[rs John -
THE ELEVATOR PROJECT. -The town daughter, Mrs, Wm, Maedel. Mrs lost two valuable horses last week, the Lon- g
,, Ston are ,visiting friends at Birr, week, from Wroxeter. Mr J. Hoare pl? .
council met on Tuesday night, and Storey, o! Thamesford, who vias visit- cause of death being attributed by the don Township. Messrs J. Connolly was visiting friends in Brussels last IN STONEWARE We .bade .
t a DAY assed unamiously the re;ruvt of the y + veterinaries in attendance to impuri- week. iniac M. Arthur has returned
I GAIN mance committee in favor of ivin ins at her father's, Mr'Chos.Vanatone, and a ai Forster were in attendance
F' g� K � � ' at the Dairymen's Convention in Lou,Dome from Glencoe. Mies Ella Tyn- Pint Jugs mottled ..... ...];bo
,., returned to her home last week. Mrs ties Griefs from the Snore has had dall has returned home from Brussels Quart Juga mottled . , 200 4
privileges to the elevat ct• company to'- J. Henry removed to her home in Dut- the stabling all taken out in cense- don last week. Miss Jackson and Hep• s ,
1. wards the construction of a half mil- ton this week; she will be greatly mien- quence, and every part thorougghly hew, Mr Fear, of Mortis, have been via- after. a few weeks' visit, Mr a Hoare Milia Crooks, 1 gallona 440a v
ZIT6 the lOW@tit lion bushdl elevator at once, accord cleansed to event contagion, This,. .
ed both in the church and community, itinq friends around here during the was .tie oast aE his sister Mary, last Milk Crooks, i,} gallons .,.205
q� Ing to the provisions set forth to th as she was a great worker in the Sab- indeed, has been a unique winter, net est week. Miss L. Talbot is spending g y r• Ix g , , % i
q j p g week, Ar C• Willard went to Parr Butter Crook 12 o pet d(lon.
Ct 111Ck blYp3r8 •prospectus of the elevator company. g enough snow for sleighing, and such P L Sound to visit his brother. Dr. Rosa
�, bath aebool. The last fall p� snow im- � g g' a few weeks at her hornrs in ondnn took in the doctors' convention at the Just the ramo Pride tie ``"`'`e
NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. -A meet{ n proved the roads. encu h r the bo s delightful weather ev�ryoii� wishes township.
of the citizens was held on Tuesda to haul wood again; the are all vera That it may continue till spring: J. p' House of Refuge last Wednesday. Mist enware, and lunch bel h'dt
m;IB�'"stidp Gibson is makir reparation fbr Flora Turner, of. broderieb, was the.
evening to $sate reposition for the busy this Winter, On they
evening. Tuekcresi#1th re`'
• Friday
took brick veneering . is Ouse nest sum- nett of Miss. Knox lash week, . Kiss The goods; Olin be seen in
running of,a line of first class steamers of last week Mr Geo. Stewart ori Fluker sustained quite NOTgs,-6;-Mra, L. Strong, of Sarnia, 6. Ferguson Sundayed tinder the par- north , lvtnaow, I 440
t@�Ora for "St, the comm season frnrn Windsor to alaigh� road of dung people, • Includin War. J h
h g y a loss last week in the death of a . rtil< who ltas been visiting at the h°> o ental roof, A grand ant rtainmerhiet —, f, 11 t ''
Sault Ste. Marie; calling at all the the Benmiller Orehestta, to Mr harry t ti Pigs, .John) her Barbar IVYrH.' i'lewes rotors will be held ttndor the auspces oft .`, . tib
to s end the even. uable brand sow ztaa >3 p g + ni cranes Hall, Wad tilos the rause.`her Cuss a Mauls, near Nile, r
R g McClean was reparing,the timber for her'bome on Monday .: 1�r ,7, Walker 100 l I.003. in the Te P G t+ cQop�+'� � 4'�nd
�y�-�^�yo S LV• par 'e a terydance and tlle.a ebt of one ,ing;t'hey'spentA, very pleasant evening . ,p a ypeeks 8, G. g s llin ova�� ocatoes4armakliti' �!aP, qe'P a Feb. 2rYd. �G rs�, �
LJ.1 h74l,L�l I t , gg It. Mt enzie s barn this ; ,_ 1 selling pp yr
. gg °rninent litre's addretised the in etfnesand music. The revival seri er tertrt this N dOhn 1 losidf-Wi MI 1 road. � T tiABII R(1Ctli zit'
,f th_a pr _. Taylor has leased fox U00th It home b , h Phutio 2e - o ,
meetin ,arid called uppon. prominelit vitae at Bethel are being cotsdttet act • it re lot near St. guguetitie; fol' le at present c61i#lried to .his y T rEp, ERA (iIVIES THx4 Y�lol I� l`tltiv &
hi8>i*irriiStcr • business trierltartsc�rtain vtihatflril lits this weak by Albert A lli 11xr Olivnt fifty e
g '�' ! pasturing purposes. iilneee.
%ia 11—too, p be got belie. bellig indiapaeed.. . .
,and esee>u exs can ,
'I '.. , 4
ME ` �, 1 t�,
k'AiNdsolik 4`� 4
r - a ",,.