HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 8dtintou
POMO, *JANUARY ?1, 111118
L00,4A NO`.i`I171;13.
& Stridentit,-,-Vrarin, oo n ortab1e_ mane
privatolarnikp• .4'plilg 0,1•041v ?lite Oleo.
WQQD Gcoal Rard rood taken in .exohanee
tor hobos. Plitokata, &o . aril; d WiTO1i,ICl.L'$
Viintoe. •
,wont AlianIt• Oraalas-Three Rood orgami
le sell cheap. er xP4t 'b OS Meath. .(ilio, °.
0,4l s;, Qllntou
, . t, .
taralskod likeeMs,,with. or witlreut board,
oentrat leoeli r, germs reasonable.
611tEAT .SNAP. -g Chinese Sacred, .billies,
• 'etlyaolntlr netts for A5 cents. Oen eBIupnli'
prepared oartli it required. ,.CUNNI a.&at,
.Shawl Lest. -Between 4. W. Williams, Goa-
erlch Township. and Clinton, or on tho loth
conoessren, a blank woollen shawl. Finder will
venter a favor by IeaviPg it at ifnw ERA Office.
Hammy The first. practise .of the
Hockey Olub will take ace on Satur
day night, comrraencing at 7 o'clock. A
general meeting of the club will be held
at the Commercial, after the practise;
rnenl,bership .tickets may be hadfrom
Ac$NOWL>nDGED.-The Toronto Tel-
egram acknowledges the following
ggrants towards; the Hospital for Sick
Children,; pronto: -';A. friend;' Clin-
ton, $5; municipal council of Clinton,
$10; 9,S. No: 13 McKillop, $1.25; S.S.
No. 5, Mullett, $r1.
•House of REFUGE. -•Miss Cook, of
Egmondvjlle, formerly : of the Huron,
road, Goderich township, Wks. . taken
''-heposition:�forraerly occupied •by Miss
Hod ells. A man named Hammond,
of \Valton, Was brought to the 'House,
last weekeuffering _with gangrene. in
his foot. , "
HOTEL CHA 4Ors.-Jonathan Miller
has' leased the New Bedford Rouse,
Goderich, and has bought: out all the
-- urnishinge. The price of lease is said
to be 01000. A change in the owner.
ship. of one of the Clinton hotels is al-
so under contemplation, • but has not
yet been consummated.
-,Lwwirrs--The incandescent electric
flights are now in service again,;the dy-
hianio having been repaaire' :during the
yr; interruption it was. necessary to take
some of the arc lights off the streets for.
the :accomodatition of. stores. The offic-
ials of Willis church propose tc substit-.
uteacetylinegas for gasolene,and some
of the stores talk .ofputting in the form-
,er also. . •
F' Honsrzs.--Messrs.Tom Mason, of the
base line, and .-Al. M,;Donaid, , •of,Exe-
ter, are picking up.Sonde•good, horses
for the old country.. Arming' the pur-
chases is one from John Hardy; ani,
,:other 'from G. 11. Ball; one from John
Ball; one from W. Sanderson, Hallett;
one each frons John Logan and John
Scott; one from W. Thiel, East. Wa-
.wanash, and Several others. They
*ern shipped. from Exeter , yesterday,
Mr McDonald going across the -ocean
with them.
NOT ALWAYS SAFE.-lt is not al-
ways safe' to"take things for granted."
-�l*_eficient Clinton •correepcindent• of
he' London News, alluding to the
nrs,: meeting; on Friday
nig. t, says: -"A me t interesting pro-
gram was rendered, not the-.te;ist en-
joyable part of which was a mock'
trial, "Quern vs. Grog Traffic." It -was
an enjoyable program, but the Mock
-Trial was not onit, having been: post.-
poned, uliitii a future meeting
A. O„F. ' CourtPros erity, No,7863,
0.F , Clinton; elected tl a following
officera forI89S Past ;Chief .Ranger,
. Peckett; Chief` ]Mangger. ' J, Derry;
a+'91.31,0hief Range, ;G. :Kathy; .Secre-
tary, ;Watts,•Treaenrer, C.Over-.
1ier;ty, Senior Woodward, -Jas. Me-
. lachert iJunior"Woodward, S.$emp;
Senior Beadle,t W Biiggarrt; Junior
Beadle; 1E .: Evans; Medical Officer, Dr
unn; Trustees, S. Derry,: J. Danford;
. -Evans; ;Auditors, J. • Mc0lacherty,
chili arks,;Ohas. Hale.
Ty '-EAn,N.'Very few;of
a townspeople have any idea of
tat the two sets .of Scales kept•'by the
own earn in the course of a year. The
market ecales, earned last year. $154:65;
theyear before. $188;,the increase be-
i,ig due to'<1 he appies that Were weigh-
ed there.. The ;Staticin scales earned
in 1806,,$112; in 1897 they earned over
1159, err that the. two Set of scales'
i?rought in over 5300, nor more than
enough to;pay the salary of one of the.
Meta employed to Took :after theni.
THE � a�eluEit : Not ;for ". a good
many years `have Huronlan exper-
ileneed so pleasantwinter as the pre -
cent one. It came On so easily ,'that
e erybody predicted it wonld inot:last,
anti a enuino howling blizzard iseeni-:
ed necessary to make wint'ert ° reality.•
The; sleighing has been splendid, • vvith-
tiat any heavy,storrns, thecold has not
bee intense, and. farmer':4 have been
able to matket Iirednee and transact
business without unpleasantness or
difilcuity, .We.hope . t:maycontinae
all through son the searanch the same.
�'AaMERB' INSTITUTE A i'tgular
meeting of 'Wet 'Huron Farmers' ' In-
stitute was held, at Dungannon, on
Thursday, ;Jan 20, and anot h er will be
held 'at' Blyth today, Friday; The.
offleers Of Enid institute make the mis-
take of not using sufflcient printers'
ink' to announce their 'meetings, r $5
spent for, alv�ertisemrents' in the, 1.660
papers is worth. nearly '`.double , the
amodntepetit for handbills, The.band-
bill, tninouncing the date : of the meet-
ing reached' the NEw Etta .ofiiee last
week, after"our paper Was issued, SM•
that niiany;of our readers who -do not
happen to eee.a bill, *Ill know'noth-
ing of Lhe meeting until itis over.
Not; Ool 'otf Mniftre.= At an eatrly,
hour on Sunday . morning >t youn�
xnan, rn
wbo ie epioyed in :towntumor,.
ot. ono ofthe quietest and most respec-
,table persona, woke up several•resi=
dents, and.. on 'their . answering 'his
knock,ave evidence this he Was
temporarily Mit Mf' hie mind, his hrtl-
lGcination turning; towards religrtiri.
At MS boarding house, ;knowing his
ooindition,• they tried to prevent' him
Cunei gne. The t Match of a
ries between ,01' on. and. Brucefeld,
was played 1 Tuesday evening. a
Wire. Gran " : residence, Wanton. The
Brucefelsl Ye mauaged to• defeat the
Ohntoniaate, ,the two standing Bruce.
field,IS; ..linton, IN drawn 8.
:. 0, H. W, The following officers
have been elected.and installed for the
ensiling term; -X). J. W. Irwin;
Robt. J, Clough; F., ,john Fos.
ter; 0,, Isaac Dodds R.,J•oh'n Bean; Fi•
nancjer, Frank Fowler', Treas., Thos.
Holloway; Gtaide, Hugh Ross; '1. S„
Jaai, .Sheppard; 0, S;, Frank Evans; re-
presentative to Grarld Lodge, J. W. Ir.
win; Alternate, Lester` Scott; Medical
Examiner, Dr, Shaw.
STAMPS NOTV S. -Among the ship,
ntents this week were a car of home on
Tuesday by Cantslon & Fitzsinlone;
two cars of cattle by Sid Sinith; two
thousand sacks of flour by Jas. Fair
for Glasgow; Forrester & Smallacombe
are importing several cars of American
corn for feed. Ohas,. J. Wallis ahips a
car of hogs on Friday; the • price
pard was $!.85, and we are told that
they are likely to advance to 115,
Rs:Tomas Ox Manntan ts.-The cler-
gymen of Ontario , are requested to
take notice that the circular recently
sent out by the Registrar -General re-
questing them to send, in their half -
yearly lists of marriages, states that
such returns are to go to the division
registrar, who is the municippal clerk.
They are not to be sent ' o the Regis-
trar -General as some hay) understood
and are doing.
S. 0, E. OFE$OERS,-The officers of
Sheffield Lodge, S.O,E., for the cur-
rent term are: -President, Jno. Moore;
Past President, N. Robson; Vice Presi-
dent, John Scruton; Trees., W. Webb;
Secretary F. W. W-attsrohaplain, H.
Joyner; Inside Guard, W. J. Sloman;
Outside Guard. A. Stoman; First COM -
mitt Pe man,. 8. Briekenden; Trustees,
H. Joyner, S. Pike; Auditors, ,N ktob-
son, 11. Joyner; Delegate to Grand
Lodge, T, Jackson, er.
FLORni& ON WHrier,s- Agood many
ppersons visittd the car- "Florida on
'Wheels” at the' station on Tuesday.
The car, which is sent out under the
attspicerr of the State Department,of
Agriculture, has been all over the
States, and is now doing ,the Grand
Trunk .system in Canada, the be-
ing to advertise the State and its pro-
diets from one end of the continent to
the other. The exhibit of State pro-
ducts inside the car is a decidedly•in-
teresting one. There: are.. oranges of
all .shapes and sizes, from a pigeon's
egg -to .a•mangle wartzel; grapefruit,
pane-applee, pears Florida olives, pom-
egranates,'bmee, cucumbers .20. inches
long acid full of cholera morbusat that;
Loquat plums, as yellow as an egg yolk;.
sappadiloes, wind of .apple; sugar ap-
ples; Spanish squash, ' anew white and
the size of a large pear; cocoanuts, with
the outer husks on tWo inches thick,
eta .There -are glass jars filled with the
various:products of the •, cassava root,
Florida tar and turpentine, rice meal,
Guava jelly, Florida resin, tamarinds,
marma ades and bellies; and a huge jar
full of orange wine, :which looks allur-
ingly, capable of producing a glorious
tropicaljag Suspended from the roof.
is a, stuffed alligator, and a beautiful
stuffed specimen of a Florida tarpon,
which in life weighed 145 lbs., and was
caught by some lucky an ler A-latr t..
bite. There aretplaurtintier curios, in-
cluding a.eo pte of iive-alligators, un-
aigqly'-looking brutes, the largest some
8 feet long, and the other smaller; they
•ate=not large specimens of their kind by
any means, and have been asleep since
October last, and will wake up next
May; they usually take a six months
snooze during these months. Notwith-
standing the attractiveness of the car,
there are many things about Florida
which take off the gilt edge. It is not
an agricultural. state . in the sense in
which we regard agriculture, and .lots
of its "residents would- gladly exchange
some of its •tropical fruits for a good
Canadian apple. .
A SUCCESS. -As usual, the entertain-
ment under the auspices of the, Good
Templars' which was given last Friday
night, was a great success. The hall
was filled to overflowing; .(we'll go to
the town hall next time .) Mayor
Hanes very ably performed the duties
of chairman, and after the -singing of
"Coronation"gave a lively speech. Mise
Hillier,Goderich.then sang -very sweet -
*y that beautiful Scotch ballad "Loch
Lomond." A quartette "Merrily" by
Misses Miller and- Goodwin, Messrs Me -
Rae and Oakes,which was much apppre-
riated. .A comic reading by Dr..Brdce
in, his usual good style, was much enjoy-
ed. Miss Ida Harland then sang "The
Saloon Must Go;" it is not'necessary to
say that it was well rendered; she will
always have an appreciative audienee.
Miss Gill delighted her hearers with a
recitation "To -morrow at Ten." This
was Mips Gill's first appearance in Clin-
ton as an elocutionist, but we are safe
in saying that it will not be her last.
Mr J. Hoiiston,Principai of the Colleg-
iate, then gave a speech Which was
"short and sweet;'' his speeches are al-
ways the latter. - An 'instrumental
qquartette by Messrs Geo,and J.McRae,
Ern Davis, J. Emmerton and, J. Jack
son was heartily a plauded.. 'Mr 0...F.Oakes thensang ""Oh,what a difference
in the morning in his nsual'good style,
and kindly responded tai a very' hearty
encore An intermission of five minutes
was then declared by the Chairman far
social intercourse, after which he Galled
the .Meeting to order and the second
part of :the program was rendered,
which cortaisterl•`bfa duet .'The Milk.
MOWN, characterrr sang by Mr and Mrs
Oakes; it•was greatly" enjoyed.. Mies
Sillier, of GGoderich, then favored the
andience With' a recitation'"A>Theeing
Thingth at Night," A duet"Bend•Low,
Sweet Angela, Was sweetly rendered
by Molt .Hoover and Miss M.Good-
Winr jB Hr smith{ then:' gave :a corriic
reading wbicf took well 7- Quite an in.•
stenettve address was given by the Well
known speaker. C. M. Bezzo on "Tern,
perance,'' hich showed careful thought
and•study. ' A closing quartette"Drop-.
pine off to Sleep" was then sung aftet
which all joined heartily in the singing
of "God•' Save the Queen," and; one o
the beat entertainments the Good
Tempars have evergiven was aVer. A
"MockTrial" wa'! in preparation, but
*tithe time was too short to get it up
properly,it was thought: best to give it
'nett quarter; the Good Ternplars don't
o things by Halves, and tattier than
siSoil 'the: Mock Trial they will get it up
ttflit& clear style and give it net :
barter,. Evidently' 'the brother who
at the head of the Trial is not saw.
ea with 1lterl: Trial and has, decided
hat henceforth the Trial will be Peed
r hint. All Members come out to
fight something good in stomal for you.
1 • who wish to join us,bontc along Teo'
at 8o'Vlock.-00
lotting. the house, 'but he struck the .d
than who was trying to befriend him,
ving him •a blackye. Me , Wheat- ,
' took 'Blip in urge,: bot he ran ►1
avyay' from tam ,with the speed of a
deer, and subsequently trade hiswa ,
to the house, of hitt' parents', which
Out of town..Ill's is subject to epilep-
tie "fits, and having one unusually se.
VOSP, it turned his head.
taered red, hie mental b
Weunderiltanrl that the 0,P, R, 141.
eibout to. re.open'a t icketagpncy intown.
Adis 0, .Steep had `the Miefartune to
slip and break her ankle the other day
Zndgenal Bros,. are auppl . ittt bra
Andrews' new tetra with.: an some
Carpets throughout. '
S. S. blooper has been awarded the
contract far *new, briek'honse fon Ml
T. J'.owett, of Bayileidr •
The e annual meeting of the Clinton
gun Club wtiU be beta at the Rattan,
burr House on ATuesday evefling •next,
at 7,80.
Quite a number intoigfn expect to at
tend the New Eligland snpper and en-
tertainm+ent at •Hoiinesville, onMon-
day evening diet in'st.
Miss Wits on, of the Public School.
staff, is this week o'i the sick list, her
place beingacceptably supplied by 111 res
Minnie Cooper.
The Curling and Skating Rink is cora.
pleted,'and only awaits the necessary
help of Jack Frost to snake it a place of
healthful pleasure.
Seale & Cline Is a new•marble works
arm irL St, Marys. Mr Seale is a broth-
er of Jas, Seale of town,,and. Mr Cline
is a cousin of J. B. Hoover.
On Monday evening Messrs R. Man-
ning and H.E. Hodgens and Misses Ida
and Grace Boles attended, the Harold-
A,lexander,concert at Exeter.
Suey Wah bas sold his laundry and
gone to Toronto, where he purposes
placing himself under the tuition of
Mrs Anna Ross, formerly of town.
It is altogether likely that at the next
meeting of the council a by-law will be
introduced providing for the inspection.
of alt .animals slaughtered for food:
purposes. =
On Tuesday Messrs W. Jackson, Spald-
ing. Tisdali, Johnston, F. Hodgene,
Wiseman, N. Fair, B. Sibbing and Ag-
new went to Seaforth for a friendly
curling contest.
Provincial Detective Murray was in
town • this week, and visited Blyth,
Seaferth and Goderich, while inn this
section, but did not disclose the nature
of his business.
John Fingland, o tom. Hullett, passed
through here yesterd$y with a . fine
year old Durham bull calf, which he
had' purchased from a well-known
breeder at Galt.
Mrs Robt. Cluff, Bayfield line, Gode-
rich tnwnship,rs seriously ill at present.
She is a pretty old lady, being about 80
years of age, a pioneer resident, and the
mother of R. J, Cluff, of town.
Saturday's (*lobe has an illustration
showing the Toronto University Fast -
ball `CI• b, winners of the Unlock Cup.
Among'the number is Frahk D. Turn-
bull, brother of Dr Turnbull.
Messrs Allen &. Wilson this weekre
ceived a card from a firm of druggists
in England, who had seen the criticism
in Printer's Ink concerning their adver-
tisements,and wantedsamplee of them,
which were gladly forwarded.
The Galt Reformer, reporting a
League entertainment at Sheffield,
thus alludes to a well known Clinton-
ian:-"Miss Eva CNA, of Galt, capti-
vated the audience, and in return for
her popularity had to respond to seve-
ral encores."
Jotrn Foster, of Wingham, and oth-
er5 spade o-areful inspection of the
town' --bad on ;Monday. and foundit
perfectly safe and'se:y,,,,- qe g,i„ est-
a few improvements in a written -a
port to the Council, which will be
considered at the next meeting.
The other evening as a couple of lad-
were walking along the right hand
side of the road leading to the .station
they narrowly escaped being run over
by s. man who was driving behind
them, and Wo, insisted in passing 'them
on the right side. Ha thould have
passed to the left.
Mr Mitchell, of England, is superin-
tending the';slripment of wooden roll-
ers. to the old country. They are used
in the manufacture of mangles (an ar-
ticle similar to a clothes wringer, but
larger) and about • 200,000 are made
yearly.' The rollers shipped from here
are made by Howson and Osbaldeston.
The Globe of Saturday has an illus-
tration showing "Gregory Clarke, .4k
years old, in the Hat his Father wore."
It represents a precocious youth wear-
ing a silk hats tew sizes too large for
him; Le is a son of Joe Clark, the well-
known "Mack,"of Saturday Night,and
nephew of Misses Nettie and Mart
Clarke, of town.
Charles Bezzo and Mise E. Manning
left on a happy trip to Lon don on Wed-
.nesday morning, where they were mar-
ried by Rev. Mr Ford. The groom is a
steady, industrious young map, holding
a .responsible position at the Organ
Factory, while the bride is the young-
est daughter of Mr Lawrence Manning,
well and favorably known in town. -:-
They will take up their residence on
Albert Street.
Taylor & Sons (boot and shoe dealers)
announce a dissolution sale, owing to
the fact that their partnership -expires
Oki the Ist o! February. The business,
we understand,., will' be. continued; by.
Mr Israel Taylor,' While Mr. ,Jacob Tay-
lor will give his attention to something
else, remaining in town. The firm; hint
•been in -existence fez` along time, and
has' establisheda good businees,,butde.
sire, a change. We areglad to know
that neither of theare • eaving town,
as they are a°class of Citizen we can ill
afford to spare. • •
As advertised last week, we ko_lstpur
ann:li Mid -winter Ba
r • • flay � on the.
abovedate.. `A list
• of special. lines and pri;ees.
for that date will be f and i ,
� u �last week's
"NEW ERA" and this week's "News -Record'
We have gone carefully through our entire
sto_.ck....ancl laid out ` an arra of gn
� , enua 'i�ar- A/inual
gains that should crowd the store from
morning till night. Remember it is, not a
to : hof antiquated, uated
�7� �. , out of date stuff we are ,fie hold an
/ � ing name; titotispIa
selling, but offer you bright, fresh, season o>Z dale,
ablegoods, atand Vire lute])
` . prices the '
t cannot butsave].
moneyfor those
� who take advantage of
r L?
this bargain day.Store will '
,.�be open from'
$ a. ins. still 10p. m., but t
he best . time to-
-shop , is in the morning.
we .'ot-pe
F* :.dea]1ti
fneuds and
VIOLINS am au ix
Duo price 1s
and .elsewh
We' have,.
for daax.
Nile WO
all ti au
The Dry Goods Palace, Clio
Mr John Ransford has a very fine
flock of piialtty., -
Frank Byline dispriiied of abate a num
bei of his Silver Laced wyandotts• this
week to a gentleman in Elgin county.
Messrs A, M. Todd, J.T.Harland and
A.J. Grigg attended the'VictoriaPoul-:.
try show held at London, the iatt'er
making a few urchasea, among which
is it very e Pyle cock.
Ilemernber' the Poultry -Show to be
held in Goderich nett week,. All in ter-,,
ested should attend. Mr W;A.Ross will
hove 'too incubatorin operation. Yen
will See the little. chicks liatched with.
out a heyn.•
• There Will be xq lr�ite"a large exhibito
poultry. froth. Clinton at Goderich,
':Among the octhibitor's. from here Will
be Messrs L,Kennedy T..Walker, ,The,
1To son, .6.....1. Grl g,,;N. Davis, ObSe,
Over'btity, Teddy Forxostor•.'
-,4110 Line 2-A line of Youth's Suite in Sizes 84 and
• 85, made froin a line of expensive Worsted
gboda, The only fault with them is that
-"IP they Pre'it little too expensive. The regular
,price was , u price !Len y
They were Made by onreeliesrand
.•;--**0 we ask are only half price. A great snap fo
thosethat they will fit.
Line '3-A range of Roys' Suits iikeizes' 32, 33
-0110_ and 84, long pante Made from ,good dark
to clean the line out and the price will be
brown tweed and were Sold et 56. We want
...Imo. 83.50. Well worthy of the attention of buy-
ers of,13oys' Clothing,
Jackson Bros. Special Sale Day
any house in thp trade. The whoW of our Wint
been equalled, and
It pays us to clear out ail odd lines, thus givin
The following list of prices speak for themseve
fore have we made them so low. No goods on
The establishnrent opens at 8 o'clock a
Clothing Departm't
Line 1-A. special range of 512 Snits for 07,45
This line is manufactured from an all wool
Tweed, well Made and trimmed, end at 51.2
we eensiderlt great value. There are only
five or six suite left, and hence our big mit
It is a wonderful snap for somebody, and,
anybody who has this line in view should
Line 11 -Fifty Reyes -840i m sizes from 22 to
28, two pieces, is a 'great line: The lpricei
tvera$8.50 to 05, but yon can make your ea,
the largest Children's Clothing trade in the
*eat, and we"handle nothing lint the best
goo& There are litindretis Of shrewd rho,
because ' boys are 'boys aoa they oan,
through their clothing fast. A. ohainieof tins'
kind iii not °Mired every day.
1410 L-40 halm a few' Salta' in three piece,
:goods, ,alfort• tiants,, 281a 82 'at 08, The reo
obit figures viol* 1010 tlo.so, cola. if bnyere
gat hersrearly enottgliihey will lists a brain'.
Line 6 -
be 58.2
odd s
Line 7 -
i4in0 to
lb net -
.00 the Marko
Line 1.1, -Thirty pairs
our -twin niiikcyregala
clisy 10..01,0
Ott OWamake at 0
evori 043 they
Wan. thein all