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The Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 7
IN W. i Tax �otox _ SCOW$ Emulsion, is got a ,A. ;1�t.ivk 3iCe>;o. 1q'tigz4tt►i4. V"Ovawept. «baby food, but is a most rtiiman � � iiexo'rt"h to oi0r. LA - e nalliesl����And daurp t�lit xoom. gam- w layette Wee ,eQlat. by WaeliipgtoA and oonw flea! _iaitc oiKoii fly �d saying u., alE►u a rwller t food 'for bibles : cruse to Branae to ask,flaxl0bor• aiupplleo vi . P thiuge shoos i #q-�a . i�iaen andlvnc+y, for the �►uorl9an oal9l�iea . 'tIV ie terrible!" as aaafd, �"' who ; U 110E Well ilo>al•rskted.. Hq sailed Lrom =61WA. iu Ms. Irigato 44- '"R'1?atts toiribleP" they asked. �' lianoo , n .Tap. ]11, 17 N. The kArbor was . A r -of�� a -teas oonful r. '+'balk About being ,between the devil t ,., frozen, and ,% passage had to too out for the Imd tho:deep $cal" he exclaimed, ignoring mixed in milk and iven ship1bmugh the ive, tl►o queptiop. "Talk about the problem of-landOff the Newfoaddbalake the chip r the lady or the tlgerl Why, thio is a thou- every three or four lion. , was aesa0194, by A terriblo terltPest whish oandfOld w9toe, than eitherl" threatened destruction, and Lafayette was "What is?" they asked+ will give the most happy very seasick. His aid de camp, the Obcv M $0MiINUT111 k< a'Alyrival has been oarrying false stories alter de Pontgibaud, who relates the Wei- 'Who ei- '�Cliayt,nto tg,the tlir�%�oveI he cried. results. dent In bis memoirs, heard him ooliloquiz- T off' lhitiedr Ing thus on the hopelessness of the a tua- g)pfeYton Or ,tla "tk►n "Ts that ails" they said. "Well, 16 The cod-liver oil with, the tion And the ciuptiness of glory: tees of,` brrostb weak pie W-9,41duli tak9., any.ot", as i "n�,t�.to decide "Diable! I have done well certainly. 'tfierinl ' elle .at ulsbtt. what we would do :under t�oW;;,,iroum hypophosphites add "as in At my time.oY life—barely, 20 years of ago hikkrt, Tk8 brain roc it i, a. stag headaches,: dMal atangeq' � —with my name, rank and fortune, and "He Teas .11ye11104lite in her presence,`�� '..�h1S �paiatabltw ��:CII'tll$lOn, nOL after Laving married Mlle. do Noaillea, to �t ah' P pi tatever the leave everything and servo as a breakfast fe Or' laalgitates #t la west or<�31�t�rl : onl .• .to feeds the child but fe Is valued trey{ptt3tat "end iPhet did Olaf lop'" they asked. y � „ , rAlMeAgtYe�q'e sere for the t, „.)he y - „ for codfish! --Youths Companion. Not>aingaanswered I was- pow- also- regulates its digestive lr Of ' ilisgovereq. erlesa+ g g He anew. ggive- relief iq 80 rola '1a#sly, 28+ dgaintheglaughed'soornfuilyand made functions. „ „ „ efts (70, merry fest at hie expel+ Young man, said Mr. N. Peck, you '"T?owerlessl�'.t#a0y qa!!t "'Iw nv Larose. Ask yourooctor about this. will never know what real bltss,ls until you have a home of your own. Strongman, powerless I A man calmly 9oa. and $i.00 ; 411 druggists. "EhP" said the young man, astonished stops In ared_ carries away your ladylove in SCOTT & BOWNP. Chemists, Toronto. at such a remark from such a source. addition l}sultimg you, and you claim "Fact. Nobody but a man situated as I U UV to its powerless#" "What would you have mo do?" h3b In, SHE WAS A GRATEFUL WOMAN. going up to'town Por a few hoursofgloritlo , q `affil!. hem 1" they replied.A Sailor Spine a Yarn of Love and no. one liberty. "---Pearson's Weekly, He Shook hip head. mance Ending Happily. ' �i "At least," they insisted, "you could A lot of sailors, who go down to the sea TM,E BEST EVER USED. thrash hint within an )nch of his life. You In ships of the kind in which the coater- Msesss. T. Mmsoax It Co. q(luld''kegent'an 'Insult by pounding him men navigate the raging Potomac, were DEAR Sias, —I can recommend Dr Woods' all he would figure principally as a non. sitting on the deck of the Mary Jane at Norway Pine syrup as the very best medi- " e tys*or the #'"t six or.eiglit weeks." the foot- of Seventh street two or three cine for coughs and colds, sore throat and sv tk Yorget;'? hi slid+ .- • days ago,, talking .between john and. amok... . weak lunge, which. I- have .exer used. { et vyhatp". they dtilnanded. Ing a pipe apiece. The subject of thA con - Yours truly, Wm. Finay, Blenheim, Onto ct eaux h acoldent*lL d life insur- versation was love and romance, and each d soca 11q the 17p i py"ria`T ,T >•oQt'efldnt+" man was taking his turn telling where he g Lost'Letter. 'i'Lap the' iced rthht ljia young in- had first mei his wife and hewor, If -he Kke It W t he refer- had nqt met her, then telling'how be Telegrams not unYrequontly get some- suranoo: agoalt tr . y h red to, the lady, li+e`°tiger tLo clIV and the would like to. At last they came to the what mired before delivery and sometimes homeliest man in the lot and it seemed give rise to queer complications. A Yasoi- �in-`art deep son,.: C:l7 ot1$e I�08, -:°: , r d ,^° hardly n ry to • ask him for a story, nating but frisky young lady had a valu- "'�—" "� ' 1 because IJKcommon acceptance only the able collie dog, named Shop, given her by CATARRH IS A DISEASE. beautiful move in the ehiumed circle of her brother, who lived soino 20 miles off. ' Which relu ros a constitutional rt m dy: It'oanno6-tie oared by local application. romance However, be did not wait to be Soon after she went on a visit and gave Stringent directions that her new pet Hgod's igavosparilla is wonderfully success- ked. 4. guess I was the bashfulest man op should be well looked after. The day fol - fol lit.: jtigg'cafurh because it eradicates $40ui t�e blood'the taints which the earth's'surface," he said, with a slight "and lowing her departure, however, the dog disappeared, and" the following telegram scrofulous OaRQed t. Safferere from catarrh find a hitch,in bis speech, not much pret- tier than I i;'''hls navvy, and a man like that was Sent to bar brother, thinking the collie ford 113; lopd,s Sarsaparilla,even after oth- elf tams%ee utterlq fail.. has got uphill Pin all the way when ha tackles arlytiiing in petticoats. Well, thorn had bolted back tq its old home: "Shop has bolted. Make instant inquiries and OOp'S pILL S aye... prompt, efficient, was a girl in 8 tiimore that I set a lot by, but somehow I g # Worse every time wire news." The form in which it arrived was "She has bolted," eto., and the panic teltaltl4� easy to take, easy to oper- caw her, more partia�`11ar if I tried to talk created b the omission of that one letter F . business to ber.,,Qne I scarfed upp and was great. —Exchange. ondon T.itlaes; in. its. review of 1$97, 01 have told her She ought to gi« led. It was the truth, too, for she wab, ttin older ev- Badly put. Ghe year .. _"We said that the year will make an epoch in cry minute and was already ast 80, and I two She w First Minister—It is sure to happen I have a Ghe L}}stpry' of, .'the relation between was years older. en't pretty when prepared particularly good at :Britain and the colonies. The enough, neither, to fade a carpok but she sermon that my congregation is small and this matter is largely due bad good health and good souse, and I'd 'a' large when I have a poor one. s1de;.to Mr Ohamberlain,and been glad enough to have her if I'd had Second Minister (intending to be com- to $ir iWilfrid Laurier, the nerve to ask bar. Well, when I told plimentary)—I have been told that the I ala; who has had the her she ought to git married she told me house is always full when., you preach.-- i bt[en th to inaugur- she would if I would And a man for her. • Pearson's Weekly. V rCial policy to the Wantin to let her ass I bad her best in- S advantage of the terests at heart, I got to work, and" in a Light on the problem. C ,her country. Sir month I bad a right nice widower with "What Is the problem of - the far east?" t7se eloquence &0- three children settin up to her for all be 6FIOW many oriental rugs Americans ved, on for him was.worth, Then be asketagher; and she vrlil buy."—Chieaito Record. 1 Cr ver in this country come'right to we .with the news, and she it—has carried. a fit, year Sind` was the gratefulest woman I over see; �pna she oculdnIt tell me how grateful, she ,LIFE DESTROYING CROUP CURED. wards, upon the es disposed bf to give A bOn`t been for me she never would b said dere iv 't� o�man to marry; "wo , GENTS.—I have used Hagyarti s Yellow Oil in m Tamil for. croup it bronchitis Y y p during the twelve 'never es'to Canadian goods. ' capfl certain diff culties she was -so en t>nough; said ratdul thlit she would be past, years, and found it to fail. It cures every time. -X Fittonde o ace new Oan- 9F.e "denounced" 'in July w3111=t to me instead .- the widow- er; esifl t t, she dldp'.t say ai� more It t hnve.recommended it to :iiV--Agbborp'and they kdep it on Band T. �•giild UU4 us -with- tsetse commercial treaties rias my that som }yen;;and eOIn t, _� r> ,,: ,t.ferRnv.nriney • lime: S. WaDENt Winthrop, Ont. ny and Belgium, while cf- , a.--, , e- give ms the sand I needed is my craw; ' eke new ones. wnich would and I just reacbed oui.%iond took her In. n anything that might in. th the Canadian arrange. That was ten years ago, and all I'm sorry for now is that I lost so much time foolin The first session of the sixth confer- ence of the foreign mission boards t f great deal, but probablynotaround before -I got her."—Washington the United States and Canada wxsheid has been made of this new Star, in the Methodist building, New Yoik, by Canadian speakers and ,Tuesday. The report shows that there E is certainly a step in the di- A Reformer. are four foreign missionary societies f that '*free trade within the , is They were," talking about reformers in CanAda,wvhose work ineluaes$9prin- which the ideal of many when the traveling man told them about cippxl stations,227 out -stations, 242 (Ian - even of those who are pot free the most practical worker in thisfieldthat 'Tian missionaries, missionaries, 500 native laborer?, 112 nativecbitrcbes,9141 communicants« be had ever encountered. "I met him one night tri St. Louts. We 1040 additions last ear,$32339,and con. ' were in the annex of one of the big thea- tom; cations n Canaada lash year of $283,j 4 lbs. tore when one of the boys caught me on s lbs. an old gag that a moment's thought would have warned me against. 'That's on me,' CURE YOURSELF OF RHEUMATIESM lbs. a lbs. Ir � U%a Am yearS to dfSovver s stiltaitle to their awn Daae for tdie I admitted,, with a forced laugh, 'but I wish somebody would kick me around a Thea lioation of•Nerviline—nerve- ain Pp P Laund Broom PAkq �.'r` Indigestion, $eadaclie, and Liver Complaints block' or two. "It once—which oasessessaohmarvellone ow- pain,hae roved a remarks! . over all nerve P k Broom �^`�'"'e�` fro>ri:paof�a� wila aCJr, was no sooner out than the kicks. began to come, and come good and plenty. le success in rheamatism and neuralgia. Other Oats ,Dttioreteretl.T.dtx�t 7lo tf�eSie vaesay, , tl+eileio,e— I was propelled clear out of the place and was going along the Sidewalk is enforced Nerviline nota on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out and so gives relief. Try it jumips when my friends rescued me. The and be convinced. kicker was a rawboned 200 pounder, who+I began at once to tell' me that he didn't be- could die dancin is what Mrs lieve in people making rash wishes unless they meant them, and be was doing what Mamie Shelly, of New York,often told her friends. On Sunday night she bad be could to stop them. It was such a re- a party of acquaintances in her flat,and freshing change and the fallow was so they spent the night dancing. On re- tiring for the night she aswrgd be,- "a' � hiueh in earnest that we quit blie ibeater and began running in such of the boys as husband that, she had "a lovely time+,' LSof we could find as victims Half a dozen them went out on the foot of tbat hu- and could "die dancing." When he &rose to go to his Work next horning people. say, Here it tea man (atapult, tor 'I'll be flicked' was the his wife complained of being tired, and ile told her to remain 'in bird. When tpHoiy, Monceau, N- B- ,ragodrhen "Just to vary the programme, when one he arrived home that night she was of constipation and sick of the boys told a particularly improbable dead. - Nlohoiat; fiefs!, Hanii3- story, I brought out my watch and chain, iF ''ttey ares a pleaeanb, sure unscrewed my diamond stud, and offered them to him as tLa prince of liars. The pyt%n, dyspepsia RUEUMATIn �tloa roformor promptly seized them and start-. 13tmth Bay, Ont.l ,ars excellent for. sick- ed for the rejar of the lace. „ 'He'll be back,' said n rwidl dressed - man who had i,t:t Is gertised b9 IIt'4e Acid 4sad or " griping. Hamilton, Ont« y,Onjoying all the fun. " What,did Vita crank have to say when flee b �t fur },he(, he ,amt Ii again P" "I've "—Detroit , _ �s �q�g it f>Fialark never su..n him since. Frcu Prube. floe 1roa�le b bob I& the & tans- -or ^.l+,it 2613 t A icl ' All a 34 +-fury to Her. :aiiimeitbs or ' Jade. $��� "Well, fur my 1•,at, I don't see how In tl o,widu world eoma women And timet. EYEHNI,ail around the usy they the said Mrs. �G agtung to her husband at the dinner ta; CUR ble the other evening, according to a vera- was taken with a severe attack of rho©onn clone chronicler in the New York World tism and could not turn myself in bed. I was ° "I never go down town witbout-running persuaded to try Dr. Hobbs' Sparagns Kidney Pills. They soon put mo on my feat E LEADING— across Mrs. Smythe. I met Ler this after- Y again. Lase than one boz s�cared me so nompletely �Q11M tr'1:11� noon, and Monday I met her at tbo Art club exhibition. And then there is MrS. that I have returndd' again to work in the Lake Shore Repair Shops as weasovor, 4 a ivi .�. R Jaynes. How that woman finds time to Wu. A. scgoir>gLD, Adrian, Mich, —AND— go so much is a mystery to me. I met her Tuesday at Professor Smart's lecture, an'd I am pleased to say that Dr. Hobbs' Sparadgyus have everlused for rheumast tism. You meq use fie EALiRLLiL a ,again Wednesday at a bargain sale` of Ketchum & Ciheatoms. And whoa 16 ,this as a testimonial for the benefit of others who are afflicted. CHAMES HESS Veteran of o comes to Mrs. Brigbt; •why I don't believe Civil War, 284 Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich., T-- that that woman makes any liretense of robbal �e Awa&L ,t.t o ever staying t{t home. I met her Thurs. day at Mrs. Brigham"e when I was out o „ , �,� ���� calling, and she teas the first persou I caw that I knew at the flower slia"ci' �'rlday � A AJ afternoon, and I daresay that Ill See her 1kiilbey Pills +` at the matinee Suttirday, afternoon., " t Fluid t, You apo thank goer lucky' stars, Gaorge Wagtung, that yeti hatio. a *lfe !roll SAM! nit ts't, ALLDIII & WILSON, Druggists, using riaedr who isn't given to gadding. eterhialy, or I . . CLINTQ�15, 0111'L' don't know what, would ileootntr of youi tie ale - :• domestic affairs. _Irdw sant# Wouldik boli heed ihb gd , iW thbl,&b la u iiiystery+ to .....noun" X011 Aire Ener to ..and ,'iKn't it,'1016iOlf , Strong* And George Wit .that Wa".iih yo .lei thaaght 86160 thinp6 that 4x0 W44 tdaVtsa 7t6'ware. abggefarSilsh I)t ltdldio d#tlnstdaorl tbas,ds0 ak sense itis ' ta�say; d Vassiagfartl;�oodbook,tl lnolyorbff tlsititfig Tile uforfnatiosiiwvill;cost ntlthid of have vitt Nuadrods of • mbn fa the wa v nikitill, attsriply cline o� wlttittt at o iiatw ritlh. Cdia db°gtltl�+ tTtint;+l for y±tilY,. if y'gtt"dro Mon- o '�" i91 nzauTa.aad wvilt ronark pawl. s , eta iw.xeap TSLINACOTT, Toronto *Tu. alar logy` IS civ Two 111 `WRAPPER of EVERY", DOTT M i01P 1 )ORtme-for- -6 for- O10RIA SEiikGi,�i OE " VIS siolevei�isti- Q 7 . Oastoda Is put up in one-abo bottles onlyo, It a not sold In bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anytldng else on the plea or promise that It, is "just as good" and "will answer every purr pone+" 4&" Bee that you 0 O-A-8-T-0-B.I-& Tho ho - simile �� !8 every gigof ,wrap l�emie�lber, wheti purchasing' your , Christmas !Supplies f you take Quality into consideration, we are able to meet all requirements, n FRUITS, FINEST SELECTED OALENCIAS, RAISINS, FANCY y OSTIZZAS, CURRANTS, ELEME FIGS; NATURAL FIGS, PURE PIC S, Rest,branda CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELS„COCOA, HOCOLATE,,ICINGS, EXTRACTS; ESSENCES, ORANGES, LEMONS, ' CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DINNER SETS,.&o ate Fancy Chinieh just the thing for Christmas presents r 1\Ta ROBSON'S, - Clinton. O+� T ; Or .perhaps a Lounge, a Pa I r' Suite Want. t`- g n Ift"eiom . Z' its, o set' of Sigl>< cis Chair il3acsl Dir lig' ob at ,6e room15ets a'1[attress,,eoxde PitstureFramed Our stock is complete, the quality is equal to the beet. Our prices are as low as the, lowest. We want your trade. J. iii. C'� IMLEW. RLYTH Y TS . ITS WAN rED In exchange for FLOUR, FEED, GIROCER,I , ETC. New Raieine for' ...................$a 25 R gular Price. Our Prices `. Good Japan Tea ................ 100I Washboards... .. 26 17 s 26o Japan Tea. .,, -, 21 00 800 Japan Tea....' .... ..., ... • Oatmeal (per ll lbs) . ............ 26 Blaok or Japan Tea. .......... l 990 1 Flavoring Extracts .......... .. .10 Regular Price. our price Lanndr�tRta,reh............ .lo .� Os ry Soap, lO bo bare for- 2b 4 ” '�} i" ' .... ,Nati, ,. lflr� a' s ......... .................1b .. 12 "akin ligat Sov�.w ... 61 s •+�• --•. •.. ••.•«...-. 26 20 sUn aP (9 bare.' .18 1& 31001. plug Moi5onalds Tobacco ... so, 26 goods at like prices. Much Sugar for little money. Choice family Flour, $2.85 per cwt W in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand. Bran, Shorts, Chop and all kinds of Grain bought and sold. OLSON, Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, Clinton A Dcuble SA VINO Ot" COAL By using the RRASEL Dousm Asir SMItE, patented U. S, and Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. Two sif- ters in one, of different size meshers. Separates small from large cinders. No labor, no dust, no waste. 1' • On receipt of $2.60 we will deliver i double ash.sifter to any part of Canada and pay express tihargea ourselves. Write -for descriptive circular and ref.renees. Wholesale ancL Mail. Agents wantedeverywhere. County, township and stater rights for sale. Apply .to Ps �RISL` 1 . Patentso and Manufacturer, Lf 2ae0 dt• Catherine St. Montreal, P. Q 0. u t is ar t► � ' i• 1 .. I ,ry SOME1 OF THE 5TRIKINa 1PEATURE5 FOR I / THREE SERIAL STORIES 4 Fffi ADVINn pi E" FOM FOR A POW11M THS COPPt'R P'R1fOt7Lo mrl.).Jr/itiwA'1►11ea1 � �tssiar'tsis a, D7BX xtnVnolt' aW1111111I yOra42111 "dieisanarmfhecf0d' ttlslnthebmretsoftheeaAhwhefe fa@ft re abselop" is a„ a� bra aaiona who lat" kb the hero has his adeesTh cad oiOWintkar band a�emalm+ acted a leeg tare fosieiWi iatnrhernshrrtoeocoettwSiiYoeeeP SHORT F1GMT4 iti4 sddlAmt f1°!ie ftsw 1M� rtlMlti aartea, the pablf�s,�n of aAaicfi Mil tldrtfRttte dtn4ng fhq AnNrs . ybsry th.ee wKt (ar,Msrt ren«i of Idsd, ri*his M Itis only possible to mention di few titles he s, Want A* Ovtlor nie otecfoaders A Harbor Melfi By sowirawor. wirwwr so drimm AoiamA �1 207tNtt NP1piRe 47�r plorlibt/ e4 p'atklna' Qhoe{ A great haul A oft etare of Ghvathstawas BI vela sflr)xK 1.(ima Dj aerirts etvJtN A, YOAd/� ltdDlu¢7f901V i ARML:E.S ON SFORTi IMAM# ETC. . meptraat Wdesar In Atdo AtA American Eftloirr M &0" ' AV tr]rirsX iiNOXtI �t B, alittW d.SDAJd I► eA Le"ea s ks hilar and b•6ed a i+ tAy.16r out,d dolt Codfft " Ar rty»snr•p JS,,ttlatiN"A': b. fifi'7'ddBJrt :erizTlraa+ i ' DhP'it.�7'INBN7'S ' ''*'9O'"' OR= COl PHTMYONS 6dii t'i rfSbia,t'tamps and Caine, Pholoprepl'l lhtti Sto'tles,skofth111g,photoprspNi, i io st .twiax 6& (fiend for pret .turd b &brerlpelonj s'im to rear. 0402,e'e free la the'1:i`nited th0g, Caaada,#t1d itieftlea a, Address TIdJtYt' lel Ox337sttS, iartblfaiteiYl, khrtizklln flgttai+ef 1C -•Y« f31t3r ' tltadpit� . tgeymafi fl; I7. M.+tve[teq ° glik WftYeroe : .