HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 6...,e n.,; Ir, F i �` . • t� �1 �y �rrr t i� *ll, i ll It° Ar Fl i, , IN . .. , _ -: .. `. :..... �tA `v.�t nn,171,715i. .._ - y �°y. -. ,�y 0 � i,7 1'ce ' tot ti {Ctp tt TAMIP6I: of X0 QplortyAn"laA cur ,r !d oaplOaliHb, tt ' _''11Pq. Ka!>ttiitep f91`l09' :._ '. ... r�: iS.hel'R)�Sl+� . 04 $1 uAll for iieeping t12 ;r.elGRle�i o ,, ; t8:u # Qurl kl1." ' 01 0 ,i • • i ;YI . ,. 1J »ap @4 erflDi ._...Arg ..en Oganli t,wo ageituak,�_yrte� t4iii41z I!tpili re. a 7 001 , R t 4� -, 1Rl1 Ainpti�.e�r �hd., .. .. � - .. ,. . . c,,. `,. x, , + 1�11,,€r &x i? d. a ,.. -,� . T' . B ITS. RI4t+ AA.AiN T . HI GOV�RNM . NT ...,_.. „ I ( What fit 'O P@ S +'ifi until rlry.dyipg dao. Una D a ° nun#ber of kC wanted Tema. p O when la 'a mom, wa 1Q6 fro ct�,ee. �iii.11�',a�J{)tt ., �t . 4 ► ' . . G>di1H1tT,IdQR �v ,$gect BTId FQR Hlll`#TING HClR3E "iHI.�FEB..Ii d Frolli 4 9 m mo a p.1} iQo it w he 4T its . -- .. ryr} �•�,y R AnGtr r4f. 10 ' 'V _�, st '@Fut x'sna.elx1 a�?'?�i h haGta,�tB,. 11 v,. " * __,_ `' "1�$Q)- as.n a T+e- Wgme4 DOWa by, the xtowtt7 Dopprt+ we4t�_T#* VapsrtmeAt of altwtieef seat w jE[gm Q,a3r to Ipvestlwte-131/ RapArt Ww�►�•1�0 . ehaxe, ; +� r0fltaed the id.wo he A.. -lc h�e mule, sold at 1375.0 a share. The. Ott F loot opportunity was eve room An 4. d friend, who bad been a school companion R"atl it il►i►r;P ranr ,1$"- It beets Iaehgi et ige iln. ?4N� !RI>►9nr t1itlQn J/ptd Orange, peelfe, Iia 11 ' flu lwilvo wet} Pietureeglrw. •--� in �y youth, came to me and implored �„ Non 'Wei Will Ply@ �QtF1 R prises; r><b a Co>u{dt���i . a% motto help hm out with an option he had -mss^^ Some years ago, said the philosopher, 'Upright in Everything -•Always Beeping on a silver mine in Colorado. He bad �•.�tQ wxl r �-ales �+ before trolley caro came in and board the Above All, raised $8,000 and he needed that much Could. no . Palk o r Fut His hose market there wore aiawerous crowds Faith With the People, and, @ wore td iitgvent the aspiration of the op- ti of or anized horse thieves 1n the nils and . Oaring them of their ills -Why Would ]a>O His Mouth g tion in alfon a week I had been bltben �..... a ' woolly west who, when not engaged in success Not Follow. in a number'of old and silver, -mining "!� W, IClint,0n.'8,& h r 00x, .g �• .. the ser.ioua ocoupaiion o! horse lifting, speoulatione, and I �rQfused to put °up the d varied their afternoons by little stage rob- Mr A. Atkey, NO.49 Northcote Ave„ To. desired $8,000. My friend found a man1. ' l Ix nottles of Nature's Medicine Tonto, Oaaada, Days:.-`eI have been a con- on Market street who had more nerve than "''" � ''�' beries and incidental One pne of slant suffers; for the laet ten or fifteen I and took up the option with the $i0 OOp. •. ]PRO B*Lect IA GeiO>rgplcte �urQ these outfits in the neighborhood o! Dead- P S. S.� COOPER ' A 14'at'7tfY g years. At times l suffered severe pains to Sine. that time those two men rhave � wood became especially annoying to the the stomach and chest. At other times it a Ge ner I Bll>ll�ex allt� C't0ntr&C199 .0 soared 87,000,400 on that min,, $8,500,- Poly ;; authorities and to those citizens who were has taken the form: of soreness of the otom. 000 apiece. The lightning may strike•�me A Strong and Convincing Let- happy or unhagpy in .the possession oY a ash. Again intense spasms would occur. I yet, but I doubt whether I will over reaov- L3tble Pills. This factory is the largest in the county, and hQ@,liaewoty iptasi int ter pony. Finally patience Ceased to be a vir- have treated with a number of medical er those lost millions. "-Philadelphia eharelt,ve Disfreasfrom Chinery, capable of doing'wo?ck an the s. priest settee a,`iry -$. men who all failed to effect a cure, I be- They I Pee . and reliable stook and prepared plans, and giver estinga. so foil lad buil tue, and the orders came from headquar- t R00O� Indigestion and Too Hear Satin A -" tore to the marshal of the, district to or- gen taking Manyon s Dyspepsia Cure and Indlg Hearty 11> pet- es of buildings on short notion gird oa the oiOsesk pxroee AilTigric i 11 II can unhesitatingly say that the neve John's Lees. Ef ct terttedli for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ed in a mtohaniaal way and safisfaetio>a guaranteed-. W�eli ,ail WM, R & RICHARDSON Co., ganize a posse and bring the gang in so treatment has noted wonderfully and I terior and exterior mlaterial Des Sate: -For five years I aafferea that retribution could be mated out. In a have vastly improved. The pains, have The Chicago Trines -Herald says that an tteasy BttctTastein the Meath, Coated'Songati ixotn II sciatica and rheumatism, years at times short time the department of justice was disappeared and the depression after eat- Evanston woman one morning instructed pain in the Side TORPID LTVEIt. They Lumber Lath, Shingles, Line, SaSIIs 1 `. ,o rs', p her new cook, to order cegtan provisions beinU so bad that I could not walk or put informed that the posse had been formed, ing. I must express my entire satisfao- „ Rega3abe the Bowelsi Pure)yQegetable. gent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL Si?Hoei, IFS my hand to mouth. If I attempted to had gone on the bunt and had returned tion with "Munyon's Remedies." oY John, the is merman. � Did John have g y frog lege this morning? ' asked the mie- QPdfO{{ Pill. Small DOS®t1 at waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates befofie going , do any work.I wonld be crippled for weeks. with three prisoners, who were turned Munyon's Rheumatic are seldom, fails tress upon her next trip to the. culinary $mall Pric®� "t•boyrolt medical treatment, Turkish and ' over to the authorities and whose fate is to relieve in one to three ours, ,and oures sanctum. "Sure, I don't know, mum," '- P0110- �, mineral baths. but all failed to meet my in a few days. Price 25a. was the semiupologetio answer of Bridged. Substitution ' .. Case. Some tim't ago I tried Paine's Col• not set down in legend or song. , �y Munyon a Dyspepsia 0 e positively "He had on rubber boots and an ulster." i"' 1�e71� ���yi!�•� cry' ComPOand, and after using six bottles After a time, however, the department d _ �.`�r g cures all forms of in igestion d stomach the fraud ofi the slays •�' 9. 11I began to feel like a new man, mud can here was grieved by receiving without ex- troubles. Price 25o. fir do': a hard day's work and feel nova the planation a bill reading the United Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia Nothing Like Method. . , - 1 worse for it. I have also gained In weight, States overnmenttdebttor to the rJeadv al and breaks nil s cold in a few boars. Pride "Shall we shoot or hang him?" asked SCCf p 0 -" ou get � r -Malaga, Valencia, Balt•ane. (TTIiIiAN'Gi�- Filfatr. i[�c _ _, Y2, 0 for the , - - - ILL�ud can say I am permanently cured. posse, b0 xpepfge0 9koa ng- f5o. -- ' _ •- ,. the vigilantes. The methodical - man of H ;. i F Yours truly, throg hors, th�fevos," A1lhh4tag �j ;,lunyon'e Cough Care stops coughs, business paused to think "Let us not be CC1ite1�3t.California Prones and F}fine Iki�;tr J. BEEOttINOR, Shiloh, Unt.0 ting min , tie deptutmv , Bent night sweats, allays soreness and speedily hasty," he said, "tor harry begets Crim• CROSSE &, BLACSWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and�(111xbn1 < bill to the treasury depart �,f t. The heals the lungs. Price 2Kc. anal waste said extravagance. The first r RICK Man. reira did not spend g_i)ogIII lie n doubt- , g d g Li st and demand }r; !uY P Manyon a Kidney Cure speedily ogres thing to do is to learn the prise of rope N IITS-Filberts, S. S. Almonds and lW sisals. Cooking Figs to �._ 1119, ti w g romptitul9 nd p bosh- �W_ 1 l? pains in the bank, loins or groins, end all and Compare it with the coat of ammnni- A' ta* -3c Lor one day came to a ne'�s orn o ong exparie turned the forms of kidney disease. Price 26e. tion. "-Philadelphi$ North America& C NICE OLD RAISINS for 6o a pound.Head . efiek - poor mints er order to assess the val- b ll doW7a- In fact., turned it pride down. Manyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness �I teI''S Z.3t E LNCI' P 1S'� The auditor told not aoiltont himself with p y Teas Sugars, GtPO('��E'r C_ir1aSS�eL�'4't 4kit1 , ue of his' pro rt and determine. the and builds u the system. Price 260, ay._ $I t , Y a turndown but added some Amvri©tui , ..ai:' �' l amount of t .. The minister asked , Munyon's Headache Care stops headache the man to sea�,,t which he did. 'language about peopple wife wanted 4;00 ill three minutes. .,'rice 26. _ _ �,.j �� Then the) tookhis book and liPiew Yor ontohiug Svoryc�ay fierce iovge Manyon'e bile Ointment positively cnres,j C� ^• as -ked, 11how• muchoperty do you when the variety could be picked up site all forms of pike. Pride 260 �,M-. J. � I� a ,; osces?" day on the road for $10 a boad. The Manyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im• •p //�� A;11. ` • P "1 am a rich man," answered the audiboroloeed�vithaomeunoomplimentary purities of the blood. Price 260. BdiV�19.�F�Q�v B�� W 'Co. - allusions to a department that would Pend Mun ons Female Remedies are a boon F'.. •, a a • minister. Y The steady inareaee in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods are right and The ofi3cial quickly sharpened his up such accounts. The department of to all women. 9 Y p our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trader 1 ra, •;,` ppencil, and asked intentlyf "well, what justice Pelt ,von more grief at this rebuke Mnnyoa a Catarrh Remedies neveriail. �Y13 manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell ate If on b t do you otgn't than at the reco)pt of the original bill and The Catarrh Cure -price 26o -eradicates fro us we save for you the refit, which, in other oases, has to b added in for K a 1. ` The past -or replied "I am the posses- sent a friend of mine, who was in the the disease from the system, and the Ca. Y P '. ser of Saviot�t, who earned or me service, out to investigate the account. tarrh Tablets- ride 25o,-oleanse and heal t re 'I dealer. ' e This man went out to the Deadwood the arts. P This wee we have passed into stock some of our new designs. Space will not permit e life everlasting, and who has prepared P u o quote prices, but come and see for ourself what snaps a place for us in the Eternal City." neighborhood with s mi filled with Manyon s Asthma Remedies relieve in Rbmem et; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest i)l thead� we have to offer "What•else ?" prejudice. IIs did not wan go to Dead throe minutes, and Dare permanently. UN ,11TAK1NG "Healthy turd obedient children." wood at all. At any rate b egan to take Price $1. + "What else?" testimony. Munyon'e�Vibalizer restores lost vigor. Iii this artment our stook is complete, and we have andbabtedIy the beat funeral k,+,.ct on ,,, , w•nreldstmostreaders mter sting and imponact news "A merry heart, which enable@ me His first inquiries consisted of an in- Price $1. Ou in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest. , _ ,i �o pass through lifejoly'fully., formal talk with the big lender of the A separate on, -P for each disease. At all , 11:.. P au THAT BECOMES HISTORY. 'c•",:i- "What else ?" ,Jj posse, and what he learned went some- druggists. Mossy 2bu a vial, T�1 . «.'1-7cl and ' 'ar• 'PheWssKrv,wiilcontinueto dcipato ='r •'That is all," r fed the tniuister. thing like this: Personal lettere to Prof. Mnnyot ,11 and B� A.A./S OO� �O� �. (yO J, W. Ch.,dley natlontd Potitfus in the great political ,yenta otornr corm The officin cies?d his book,.aroPe "How man members were there to that 13 Albert St., 7 orottto, onewered with free f �+ • Social .and Ecoriomlc CrY• . It will treat of the nodal and eco. + y Manager nomtc uesdons, and of the devel toO'(Cu, lati£t and said: horse thfeP gauge" +iediaal' advice for any, disease. $' S -Night and Sunday calls attended to by oalling at J. W. Ch:dley'e, (Funeral Questieila' of theiofddle west. Its speciall coiri t ''' DireOtor) residence. InduutrialEntorpriSo s ondeatintheKlondikeregtonwtlitra " "You are indeed a rich man, sir, but "Well, about 25." I p 1.your property is not subject to taxa- "And you captured three?" S. R. ciockeu Art end Literature the story of the great gold disco• i Keeping Roads open in Winter. �, ,tion;' Yes, we put three of them in jail.',' t' LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES .111 "Have the rest of the gang been giving At a recent meeting of the Brooke- Tns ass Asx -•,, BIIy trouble since thou P" , Two serialswill appear during the { Dy g•I01toozET1 • Wonder -Working Diamond "Well no. They haven't troubled us* dale Farmers Institute the question of year, contributed by anchors of inter- i} THE es NK R,$ TOOXT Xh 11 , ^i national fame, and will be illustrated. D FRANK R. TdQSTOh* :, keeping roads open in winter was dis- _ r a Dares. none." , cussed.' R. R. Gill, a leading member, Owen Wister These and a score of equally prammeiik , Then you must have captured the lead- Howard •P le waters will contribute short stories,toahe tiiaP" has taken an interest in winter roads John Kendrick Bans Wusimy in r g p '- in winter roads for anumber of ears. Ay 9 s9s,mal in the a er'a. "Nq. Can't say the Was. The three y \ Glary E. Wilkins ctallyrichinfiction. Otherfiatu&,$,getbc Thousank of ladies in Canada know, Y He said that the road should be kept vvell.t$t►b-rifamond Dyes combine immense we brought in didn't amount to much. ' DEPARTROENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLE$ y open at any cost. Thegovernmont ex- CLOTHING var='is't , ,merit and 'great beauty. These They only cooked and carried water for Gvpar WhitneyTHIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NQTES y g y „ pended large sums of money to make e 'a S. fdaP.rrN wondei-working dyes are pre &red in forty- th� st. transportation cheap and easy and all • y By PMATEUR jllaF� o» pp „ LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORt Leight of the pest standard oolorfi for Woul, �mPh• upheld them. He thought the beat By dR1VOLD Ii�rrITE DgCdBPdR WtrrTX$Y' , silk mud feathers, with speoia d es for col- That closed the first mend sg�i after method TPould be to lot the council la 41' Y k v , , y A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD .t � *ring cotton and all mixed goods. lig t refreshment too inquiry oo a n@W g . � I1.n the interest of theWastcLY,CasparWhitneyisanhtswayaravnd�' ,f g g the leading toads off in 2 -mile section's 111fnute and full directions o with each 11 er the man from the department having g ' apd let these sections be kept open by giaokage Of the Diamond Dyes, so that th's to o,9 o4 some additional prejudice re- contract. He said the COL1nCIl ahCllld principal world. liewillBangkok. Siam in search of big game, making hja huntJromIle will visit dthanpproc most inexperienoed person oan .do as good $e d' o hit 91180, a ecif what condition these sections ` to Europe to prepare articles on &r). sports Subs Germany anf�Ic ". , .ork as the proftsaional doer, Well, ow span were there in that p XG ' 1;,:"�, "" Y should be kept in. This he thought IOe. a cofly efree in free United t ate S"dseea sMs>r� y� emeiuber that imitators are trying t0 posa0 of yOU"V! Fostwge jrcx in the United Sinter, Cavtali!a, axd Afes,cM would be a good experiment. .It was y e style and package of Diamond "Stranger, chore was'just 24." moved by D.,Reid, seconded by R, D.CLOTH1a w. D. iiolvctto Atldrpsy.ItAttPJ K S BIiUTHF.lt5, Publiahore,Now YorC t:t, yes. When you buy dyes for home dye. "Umph I Five hundred dollars apiece. Gill, "That we, the Brook edale, Farm- ( V ;:Y� Eti��1b%9 � b. 1'" "' g see that your dealer gives you the "Dia- How long were you out?" ers' Institute,do pronounce the system ,;: end' ; no other make of package dyes 1IWe was out exactly 12 days." of keeping roads open very unsatisfAct- � " v1vi21`de�'�onr work with profit and satisfao• "Whew! One thousand dollars a day." cry, and deem it advisable that a por- 0 9 { 'L-.11"' tion. "We've got to got at this thing some tion of each councillor's appropriation How about that suit you want made t0 Orders all lIl and ' t n . Bend to Wekla & Rioharrlson Co., Mont- way. What did you do. the first day?" be set apart for the purpose of keeping see our tweeds before you buy. _ real,eP.l�., for valuable book of directions "Well; we;rode and trailed." the road's passable during the winter W dry ,< % , and, sample card of dolor,; post free to any "And rho second"- and would recommend that all leading �`' •S• , T _ rte` ^' address. "That day we surprised the borsteD In roads be laid off into sections,the keep- �� camp. Ing to be let by contract."' 1 buys a Il1Ce �3lllt: � ' r �t The negotiations that weie said, to be ItDid you fight?" LONDE� 1]1613. ljiG)~T Dec, 3elth going on between the Mail and Empire Woll, w, fit Como." -�- -,�� �� 'Men who work we desire to Cordia;ly thank cur leant axis far their i ppp and the World, are now said to have.fallon "Were any of tbo thieves hurt?" itw w,,l 'on in, or by the 12 buys a better one. the year. We wirer run all a Hapliy New Year, an. I + • through. Owing to the alleged trouble Some six of them were shot up Consid- water, or are ex-, are in used of any goods yon will i omembei vabere Eb a'` with a p&per ocmpai>y,'it is said that W.F. arable," posed to the cold 13 50 gets you more style.are prepay d to supply your wants eIt as low pribet{ MaoLean. M.P., went to the Riordons, . "•Billed?" t i_ ag1 or damp are prone . Ru honest business. Try as it yon want Boca t1, ,` the chief proprietors of the Mail, to ar- "We buried them." - ,- to suffer from that A for a supply of paper and this, it is "The third day?" / most painful stn. 14 leads you to hiPerirades. CLO fall ed to deal S, OAPs, xtetiiS, 13: W 11.1 itau, & 11)) ease, r ainful dis have failed to deal with us we extend tt cardial fuvitat4 n , said, led ap to the negotiations for the "We redo like h -I. r This is a disease 15, splendid value. pashas, of the World, by the Mail, in "The next?" of the blood and which event Mr MacLean Was o have be- "Wo. tomo on to the, borsies as they was •t can only be per ADAMS' P'tb�POR1UM7 dome managing editor otth ....T i ,_aroseingaford." manently cured 16 elegant styles beautiful cloth. R. . t,'.,-'=- iory.is that the debt, in�id were "Any thleves'hurt?" 1 s r _ "' • by going back to 9 � � mound t be so'hetty hat the Mail refused "We buried. five of them afterward." .firat Pruiciples and dprivitig out Ib: aseu a the d the deal.fell through. ::The fifth day?"'" "� all iaipuntiea, . We trailed and hunted horses separate- ��...- and filling the or- .. f a NAPOLEON'S LOBS. ly;',®�2/ teries with a new, b Any fighting??' - �2., rich, red, healthy It is said that but for an .attack of indi. "Well, there was considerable shooting tee- life•streant. a�Q • ®"R; PH ;` ^ This is the Tea- g COATS (•� 1 Bastion, brought on by over eating, Napol- had Dotting. I believe five of them was, i, • eon would hay, won Waterloo. Great -is- Tease for the resurrection. $1 son why Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- # sites depend on good digestion -good diger. "What about the sixth day?" covery is an unfailing cure for that disease, . r :.bion de ends u On BURDOax BLOOD BITTERS. "That do we get the drop on six Of It c the greatest of all blood medicines. p P Y P It creates a keen and hearty appetite. It 1�1�F .ylr'wo years ago my wife was very ill with them in a canyon and had them tied be. cures all disorders of the digestion and + dyspepsia. Six bottles of B. B. •B. cured fbre'they knew it." ' makes the assimilation of the life-giving '�`AK +` T BV Tier, and she b&s,hasl no return of the mal. "What did you do with thpmP.1, elements of the food perfect. It invigor- ,; sdy. r War, DAY, Fort William, Ont. "Well, stranger, the boys hanged them Ates ,the liver and tones the nerves. It is o.o.o.p.c.p.p oaoaooaa six. Being an officer of the government, the greatest of all known blood -makers and ��1t ty ? . of course I didn't take no hand in it, but blood . pur[fiera. It builds firm, healthy,�1 -j } Irrank Davis,'"of Wardsorth, met wflh flesh, but does not make corpulent people Y t perhaps the most peculiar accident on re- kept my back turnc4.until it was all over. more corpulent. Unlike cod liver, oil, it fibre bath, followed. by ecoid while out hun£ing in the woods. Dav- The .next i •- wo caught the last throe. y 11 They t does not make flabby flesh, but teary down i ts,.had-snoceeded in wounding a rabbit y hrow %4d thoir hands soon as we got the unhealth tissues that constitute cor• �� �'' t4�Wh endeavored to, escape by crawling in- in shooting range. - The boys was going pulency, carries off and excretes them, and Onest frictional briU.m' . ` to frlihovr saw-lo'g �r As th,,hole ran only to hang them, too, t I said: `No I No, replaces them with the solid, muscular tis- itart;piloway s w -lo j,, logAs Davis crawled fn sires. The United States government sues of health, It drives all impurities, "he life and glory of leather. . y_ rhe apertare &Etter ft. The log happened has cont qou out t catch those horse disease germs and acids from the blood, In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical #O be on i aide hill, and being disturbed thieves; the United S tos government is Adviser many sufferers from rheumatism, " I � I I "'IrGtlti its xestin lace b the banter's cf- paying good wages, an expenses, and I'll' whose cases were considered ho ,less, tell" - 11 fOEts to 're tare the rabbit, it began r' roll, be d ----d 1Y Ilia United or got+,mo ey. the atom of their recovery it n ands this woes SHOZ F0' Sliding down agaipst a bank and blocking shan't get somethin or its money. deA medicine Their names addressee ATER �4 Q I'llDavis' Only means of exit. tCne prisoner Those three horse tlileves goes quietly and photographs are given by their own • V QP immediately Began a moot desperate fight book to jail. Besides,' I says, 'they ain't request, and anyone who wishes to db so It,7• / 'P may write them. Good dru gists sell the t i'.or•freedom,kicking and screaming and us• no regular horse thieves, anyway; they's "Golden Medical Discovery.' 4 . -- iriq every' ether means in his power to at only cooks and waterm n. Then, we rode When a dealer urges some substitute u r� #Tact attention. He xe.nained confined in. peaceful back to cam being 200 miles he's thitikiag of the larger refit he'll '�o Black or colored leather. i lAI\PE�'S MAGAI.i .•sfdo of the log for 24 boarh,but'Snal,y'a Mrs therefrom." fluke -not of your welfare. p T� ` Y'J?ilf abtr40ted •b his cries, name to the res- Mry Friend was a 11 , weak by this will enter the coming year prepared to give to the reading ubltc that vYht y , , " I sure red fr m rheumatism in my left ghoul-' i For Ladies Gentlemms or care and succeeded by means of means of an time, but he managed to ontinue. der and.eibow,'PWr'ites ,Rev. Wilson Williams, of • the past quarter of &century -contributions from the pens o the great liter+ "Wasn't „ Tri ft t3 tion Morgan Co., Ala. ' Dr. Pierce's world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectu4il 40- find spade in releasing him. anybody in yo party hurt? p y t# e Goldetr M dical Discovery co pletely cured me ' OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT "Oh, yes. We was all considerable shot rs a cost of only four dollars," Chlldrens Shoes. DON'T GO ON i and cub up." For a free paper -covered copy of Doctor s rnoaRcros Ton A VIDNICTU PI oANAi TUE eotiitaaoYtn ttll'HIS42 ` "Anybody killed?" ' p By Bon. DAVID TORPIl4` try wdhrslNds Don't go on stlffering from nervous trou. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser IUMUN srnttRIA AND THE PAWIC - ;#*O , TUB DsystOVARNT br btoo thAt make strong men weak, Impotent, "Fourteen of th8 boys was killed gut- send ,,, one -cent stamps, to cover customs By STPPBNN DONaei sy O>rAAMS. h right and two has died since there' and mailing onl�yy. Cl'otb-bound 5o stamps. ODEN'S CORNER -THE NOVEL (til TH q arid', uadble to do the right thing at the `t What was your idea of disposing of the Address r. R. V. P erre, `fiuffelo, N. Y, A xo ihi uie, all beliuuse the system i>3 tobacco _ medical labra in one w8 age volume. t by HURRY ted by uchMERauth rs athp} of "The lis, R ch Strikingg acv o ilbtirA ll are . on to, test ist obac o $12,000 you have asked? ry � W. 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Y+ C(#y,: I . . e' "'some l+, - , orations 27urtl it k l a auroW T N ,.V • , hi/.A..�,1 H , ,. ... xeetom T Det vtwl y is old or roust= ands :a�ii� Thanthbtnaia bin thedapartm"tsent . fftnman aratudy,beginesearmarrit , - V. a. c Prevent nutty. acid fl anibtion 1 1% tsiaS t ra to his, chief Saying titAt the to t 'ix xhoirase htae_itm eatate 'm iti �` mI iib meet and ORoeie p QBItl all ,1694r%VA D,advt+otxl bill wttb all ri&hk olid that the ri Tin °re=' r- we 1 E lid > ,O C3xZ� �tlM; i eiet upon a tt the • aria AiaY 'iheyatiditwrt Wa3 hkt:ses. 4 �r re ontsdthposandsan-dMllotireata /� y, Zvi ��y �,�7'it�revrrittenguate CeetgoRtata are�s' ouite `i� aw . 81 Ld � till i tore fttl " x0]). 'lid philosopher' odic., be, dill. tltlil Acilbaw eat, eoaeoor o z"'�t$es ttmiJ°Nirye`a en t wliothp thb moral 0! hit f36to 15ttitrl that ,Too g t ., p t J. t p� ot'' ,.. y ..,., b, rite l in'Mr�.. Yl ireaei"tYfL ' , ttiP, - a q , t'` l' iib widitoifu W ziaf flew bfl'*, W..h .0. le et t AMR �D1F Gb+ j µ �,,, >oi. >r fes.. a fhb 'lit, that , _.w iz M...tut . r �R I. t,�{Oo t nr �?►Ilkb r. :; c fiiintoil b Ali ,:.•. it10'fl rt: Tt.frimi�ar+r ` �t � CAibr1 ?i�►Iirb Wow #�►1 tY 'f(t�d�iiAkt tailiiiL �ty1$ in 5'., efi �Ii r : w �' f 1111 liatil drogglato, .. , M 1� a 1444.--Atr,r.i,A,Ak....a. w ,... ..wr ,..,41"+.n .,,. � y, n . :, 7 , 1 • y ',yly,.� 1. •, 'fir .. .. . 'I iiiiiiii i1i . �, . - . - . i, I I . I .�, 11.J I 11 , I � i ,61L lg'Allawsu , , I , ... .- MI i - '"q * A e S I'