HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 4r...-.., . • 49+ �� " �11-'___ > int'^',,.1'';'„ ear,\' . -, Y', .. }.. ,` .* - . I .. Pyr-+ � . '., (' _ h -.11 . uar► 2 } 1883 . J. . •„ Ville New Era & Glob( Subscribers to the New Er; can get it and also the weekli Globe, for one year, for $1.50 ! , � All renewals at this rate mus t be accompanied by the money J 1.We dont club with the daily 1• . 0*�Vdw h�Di"xxtu�ltt . 1. U rgaus—G F Oakes Oats wanted -0 Olson Wood -.-Jos Twitchell Guo Olub--J Motrnrray Salo day—Jackson Bros ' Boy wanted -4R G Webb Bargain day—T Jackson or The reason—W L Oufmotto Barg day—He o.T 111 Bi s Overstatements—wRw D Fair Cc 1 ::ave dollars—McKinnon do Cc Yonngg pwplo—Allen & Wilson Dlssolutiion—Gllro & Wiseman Dissolution sale—Taylor &tions X giftw0,14,41.1 04a . FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1898 , Coarse Grains and Gorn �, — ` Time and again it has been saic that the introduction of American - corn would lower the price of Cana than coarse grains, and notwithstand 4 the fact that the market price o e grai s governed almost abso 1 �, . , ,�. 'ely by export value, man? `have belie the statements. I '' is no new for this paper tt stand by thal" oduction of Ameri can coin as ont to the Can .. adian farmer, because , matter ha: ' not only been thoroughly studied out + but experience has demonstrated th, i', correctness of this. position. Ameri � ' can corn is coming into Huron at the d ` ` ' present time for feeding purposes, b3 ,,, ., the carload. Doe's it lower the price of coarse grains -peas and oats P Mosi . assuredly not, for these grains are to t i, day bringing froml 20 to 25 per cent more than they did before the intro duction of free corn. This is a state ,. ment that can be verified by anyone , disposed to doubt it. It may be said that Canadiad,'corr should be used in preference to?Ameri "` can. Unfortunately for our own pro } duct, the summer of Canada is tot short tri properly ripen corn, although ,"q, _: it is grown in limited quantities, and feeders manifest a. preference for the ` imported article. n A paper asks "Is love a disease?' t, • Uert iinlyt you often hear of people be- ing love-sick. (''_ The London Advertiser speaks of the I . ,. bagpipes i es as an instrument umen of war. g P t Some people regard them as an instru- ment of torture. It is certainly gratifying to learn from the report of the Provincial Li- rense Inspector that during the year 1897 there were over 200 liquor licenses less in Ontario than during 1895. " Vii' it 4,.,* • , , V) An English magistrate recently fined i- Queen Victoria five shillings because V f „... one of her dogs appeared in publicwith- out a muzzle. Quite right. Even a i ` Queer cannot be a law -breaker. , . . >,l . J. T. Garrow, the able representa- V0- of West Huron, and wlio is likely to be re-elected by a larger majority., than before, will shortly address the olectois on the issues of the day. I The Local House has , practically been dissolved, a'bd it is expected that the date of the elections will shortly r be ann unced. While dates have been published they are only guesses, yet they may be clearly correct. °'Mowat Must Go," and "Whitney Will Win' Are phrases that sound very nice, But to the people who think Of .the good men that are in, -pleases "don't cut any ice," ' r�� $ir Charles Tupper, in an interview at Montreal on Tuesday, says "The pre - ,,1 . _ sent government is working for the rres- , tor, ation of the Conservatives to power ,1 ., nt the next election." He should be happy if this is correct ,and as the Lib- , erals are satisfied, it's a case of happi- ness all round. Where is there another case ' of a W_I, . government spending, during its 25 ,, `' years,' administration. about ten mil- Ilons ,,of dollars for public buiidings,and Its opponents unable to lay their fin- er on one cent corruptly expended P K et that is•the honorable record of the q, 4ntarlo Government. Surely its mem- ' hers are entitled to a renewal of confl- dence. Iii the Local House' on Friday Mr 11 I Whitney stated that "Mr St. Joon had • never said the piggery cost $30,000. ' Mr McNeish, of East Elgin, promptly got up apd showed that he beard Mr t. St. Johh,speakingin St. Thomas. make the statement that it cost that amouh t. Mr Whitney sat on the platform of Clinton Town Hall while Mr St. John Spoke here, and at that meeting the latter alleged that the piggery cost $35,000, a stateMeint that was subse- quently' challebedd in Mr St. John's presence A dquiralsefon was recently appoint, el tit a ggire into the quality and cost , of the-OARAHo school books as coral. � ,000141 w,lthotheraw. Thatcommittee bae.rOported, but ,the Opposition pa. pelts say„thett'tlae report *xs received Hca lith ori:. the 1ati�n:'Eo be coaisidered,' It is nod too Xate,' however, to publish I �/ the hp�rrb�t't tri theairpre, .pti , gulls f likely tq �loolr.; ill v in inn' t i their t 1.eolriclC,ne, fot'it itusl atilri 'letp; hdica• i tion. of ,'the Ontario EdUbAtioriAl Do. , c ,tiarttneli lurid ut lett9iF,tltle hietab;tr 4t ' o L-, I I .�111111 I'll I 111. � e coatis tt� Is-* 0000orvAtIm ,a11 � , :. . hulrch ehImes. . . . Per;sonalk Huron riresb ter al Soolet _ The W,C.T.U. will Asset at Mrs Bid- We shall b© lad Eo' iia4e. contributions to . A4llllett, '' �.e>rxesoill�ence g tibia eRiunw #rpm. any of our to&dexo. TP ^� 1�TpTES.-]lira Cclbgrne, o! East; 3Va• p� dlecambe Q next Wednesday, at 3 p.ui.,hskr and a full attendance is desired. you have visitors r .Bepurr,' goittB away ANNUAL llt�ET1tNG} wangsh, la the neat of .hers melte, Mrs We are npt resgoneible for anythiog whab 'tkr ever that apppara Under tblt: bola Jag, i ' V yourself drop iu anRd tell us, or pend us a �.,,,.. Th*. Cole,. con. 8, this week, A num- r .w Rev. Jose .1 Edge, of Goderich, will mote tQ blot ell set, her of friends and mei hbore a.. erect .�','. t pp The thirtge��nth annual meeting of gg g t,tr preach Missionary serinotiS in Ontario, Mien S ark, Vpinnipeg, is the guest of the Huron Freehyteial Societ wag• at the home of Mrs T, (lois on Titeaday �cicjllpol Re>�llltltopa r St. Methodist church next Sunday. Miss oill, held iu Goderich to Knox church, on - • - ,y afternoon, and . ui r two guilts, fin- To the A'diear or Ejra .dew, Jr...Owing to the Imperfect working of Mias. Millis Smythe retains to Petrolfo Jan. 18th, and was a decidedly inter- iehing theirs' bgti; Iklr Cole expecte to , e tthe electric lights, there was no service on Saturday. esti6l; and enjoyable meeting. The go to Maaftoba in Maroh. D>}ea BCR,- i do not �vialr to interfere11 in Rattenbury St. church last Sunday Mine Lillie Miller has gone to Bayfield reports of the various societies were THE BROWN OA,srv--The Mail of Wed. with tho management of the Public sohool,: �v r evening. for a few week's visit. most. gratifying, as they showed In, nesdav hoe arae -column article, with for I have every oonSdenoe'in Mr LgUg • ' r It ie expected that the new; pipe oi� Mrs George Hummel epent'd few days crease liberality, 4etts'r attendance, flash heading, dealing with the suicide but I think sometimes teachers do things; gan will a laced in the Ontario St. last wopk with her mother, Mre T.Oook. more .,}nterebt takQn in the, ie}rular Of the late James Browny of Hallett.- that seam to me to unoallsd for; with• Methodist church about, the middle of Miss Lila Powell, who has been home for meetings and increased readiness to There is very little new in the article, out his knowledge. For instance, children A, series of Bogkg sale next month. two months' holidays,has returned to Pros- render service on the part of members., ' beyond what was published in these who claim to know their 1emone ore some. the greatest' ottiro, 110, , During the year 1897 one new Mission times kept in after ebhool. hours because oavQus, .A.bout. X A Parlor Social will' be field at the colt, columns at the time of the Inquest.- P Band, on the Bapfleld road, was form- Much of the article is made up from some other member of the clow did not Rattenbuty St. ldethodiat parsonage, Mrs G. A. >SfoSes, of London, spent ed, through the invitation and earnest gossip that has been currer}t for some happen to know them. If this is done, 1 Clinton, on the evening of Thursday, Sunday at the home of her father, W. efforts of our esteemed president, and time, which may or roe not have the do not think it should be, and as an Inter- •� cents .hf Jan. 27th. Refreshments will be sere- Doherty, the Clinton Mission Band came under slightest foundation. sated person I only 1 e5 ed, and a program of music, etc., ren- W. Taylor, agent of the Confederation the supervision of the W.F.M.S. The not he drown has tion to it. Yonne wish to dA P alen each ..;1'0. dered. Huron Presbyterial now comprises yet decided to make any further .' Life Insurance Co., Walkerton is in town Y prises` 16 investigation of the case, and it is cer- �,: The Boston, Ont., Methodist church this week. auxiliaries, with a membership of 361, tainly out cf place to comment on it An Improvement All of Grace, by '$. $ ; which has been built at a coat of 83,675, of which 87 are members of the goner- unless this is done. -- The Way to Ger ,'f1nd h: was formally open for divine service mise Lottie Ker has just returned from a al society, and lU mission bands. with To the Editor of the New Era: D. L. Mood last Sunday morning, Rev. S, Bond, two months visit to her grandmother at a membership of 516, of which 13 are BURNS' CHUROH.-The annual meet- yi, Bayfield, fn o SIR, -Might I suggest president of the London Conference, members of the general society, ,� g f Burns church, Hullett, was held g gg the propriety of Pleasure and Prgfi }i} T3 preached; , � Tom Jackson, jr., spent last week in Tor- few scattered helpers contributed on Wednesday afternoon, the 12th having a second door at the Post•Offioe, for L. Moody. onto enjoyinghimself and at thesame time about $25. The Auxiliaries ave this vast. The pastor was in the chair and exit and entry. Alt if the present door was The 19th annual S. N Convention of g converted into one twice its size Life, Warfare andE°i- , , , . the Dungannon and Nile Circuits, will Picking tip orders. year $1264.27 for miasionar purposes, Mr Jae. Hamilton was chosen as seers- it would be held In the Nile Methodist Church, Miss Sadie MoEaohern will leave for the Mission Banda $298.01, making a Lary. On behalf of the Sabbath School be an accommodation. It frequently -hap- Heaven, by D L. y. ; , V total of $1562,28; a life member was there was reported the largest average. Pens that the lobby is crowded and access Prevailin Pr or ll. - i on Thursday, Feb. I0. Three sessions Detroit on Friday. She will be greatly attendance for a number of Bare and by a single door ie et. times diffionlb. Th g y ' y > will be held and,a good i o ram has missed b her man friends here. added during the meeting, which in- Y g P g y y creased our fund $25, raising the. the largest amount from collections. coat of the change suggested would be trif- The Way of iii#qa E. been prepared for Aach session. Miss Clara Scott, (daughter of L. S. amount to 81587.28 which with ae- y Qp y lin and the convenience Mille, Chapima. The school is entirel su orted b the g great. I remain, The aero' in the Baptist church, Scott,) has returned from Toronto, and will truing interest yet to be added, makes congregation anal its givings are de- Yours, A BnSINEaa MAN. Talmage. 7-1, Sunday in the will be specially for remain home Until the millinery season re- this sum total more than one hundred voted to missions. One exception was Secret power•, by,.B",_' .i' 1 children; ail thildren invited. In the • opens. dollars is excess of last ear. 1500 made in a collection of $5.55, sent to At Marthaville, near Forest, while lav- To the Work, b 1?. i evening t p"Mon will be on "The Taylor & Sons having closed out all their pounds of good warm clothing, much help pay the debt of the Assembly's Ing a tooth extracted, Mrs. Jos, Quinlan Accor4nAgttl pr, -,-, . i` revelation o St. John," indicating the . interest at Walkerton, Jacob Taylor, who °fit new material, was sent• to Mr Sabbath School committee. The died under the inflgonee of ohlorofornat_ ,: amount even to missions was 38.40. She leaves a husband and three small obil- Bible Characters, tt?" easentialS understa4ding the book, has been lnetinagiog._ Ilse .busmesa, ha - er- gh.t, the miasionar on Rollin g $ 1 ' �p Kni Y g The Xmas ree. brow ht in $16.50 -The Wa aceburgg N 'we,of last week, momently returned to town, river reserve, to be distributed among g a dren. Gospel Pietnres olid • says: -"Rev VV, H. utt has married Will Emerton, who has lately been em- -the old and feeble, and children. under little more than sufficient to cover all Toronto's new municipal building, which children, by 31x. ?lt 1 ten c•ouples`within • e months. How ployed at Stooil, ie in town. We regret School age; some of the Mission Binds the expenses connected with it. The was planned twelve years ago and which, And Peter, by J,: I much he ma av g sent boxes of dressed dolls for thegirls teachers only asked .for enough to re- when be y ago, Select Poems. to answer fol we that his health is not as rugged'aa desired, sou themselves for their culla and gun ten ears a o was to coat don't know ale same paper contains as he is under the doctor's care. and presents for the boys, and the p y $800,000, has already cost $2,500,000, and r • a couple plimentary references missionary's children were fitted out it was generously given. The Christianrom ffereno Light on a Life s Dgtres,;? ° der Butt's set mons. 'H, R. Sharp, of the Molsons Bank, got with nice suite and the missionary's Endeavor Society reported a member- between the oondooteoP thataworkt a land the Point and; Palepoee in St references n word last week that his brother was ser- wife was cheered with 31 yards of new ship of 62 and a year of helpful meet- Provincial Parliament building, which had , Rev. John �, alkerdied at Lucknow, iously ill; later information shows a mark- rag carpet. The Mcdillivra Mission Ings, They have put two large new not one cent of extras, 5eleotions from Spurgeo Jan. 14, aged 74 years. He entered the ed improvement in his condition. Band have a membership of 220, and lamps in,o„the church -not being con- The Good Shepherd. Methodist New Connexion Ministry in T. D. Hod ens, London, who has been are still the Banner band. The letter tent with tl;e dim religions light of ly 2 and had been superannuated near- g former years. The Auxiliary of the Good Tidings, by Talmag selected as the Conservative standard leaflet has sit increased circulation � G'.Le'/V%IQ key and .McNeill. lye years, yl was ter whom T of the ' W.F.M.S. ave $32 to Foreign Mia- R bearer for East Middlesex is a brother of but not nearly as large as Should be. g g C late Robert Taylor,after whom Taylor's the late John Hod ens Our morning session was purely busi- sions and clothing valued at about $22 Sovereign Grace, by D. L. Corners, Huron road, Goderich town- g , of Clinton. Haas. Election of officers resulted as to the Indiana of the Northwest Terri- Seleot;Berntons, by D. L. ship, were ►lamed, ri letter received from John Joy, of On• follows: -President, Mta (Rev.) Colin tortes. 'The Session reported a>}. in ST ATFOR.D, ONT toric, Cal„ formerly of Clinton, states that crease of 10 names to the church roll Temperance. .i. The Epworth League meeting of the Fletcher Thames road • lot Vice Pres. OnIario,streegLea ue on Monday even- he is progressing in that place, now being Mrs (Rev.) Jas. Hamilton, Leeburn; dgri,, the y ear, with a withdrawal of Our coarses are practical and are offered to Nobody Loves Me, by Mrs,` ing was fairly well attended. Thelsub the owner of the largest dairy there. 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs Archibald Sea- five - one by death, the late Thomas the public with confidence that the instrue- Resarreot%ona sermens_b'.'' jest "The Gospel in Poetry” was taken D. J. Cantelon, of Lorlie, N.W.T„ is forth; Sec., Mrs R. Irwin, Clinton; Neilans, much missed in the church tion ie thorough, and the best to be obtained mage, Liddon, hFgoy by Thos. Walker. The Bible Studp on down on a visit to hia friends hers; he says Treas., Mrs A. Scott, Seaforth; Sec. of and in the community. There was in this oonntry, Individual instruction: Sowing and Reaping, by D.,, the prophet Isaiah next Monday will'be trade is greatly improving, and the pro- Supplies, Miss K. McTa art Clinton;raised for ,congregational purposes taken by Mies M. Nott. An address on spects much brighter than they have ever Leaflet Sec., Mrs J.G. Willson Seaforth. $597, for church schemes $284, for other Students can enter at any time. Probable Sons. (IllpeiraJ " "The Bible a divine Revelati 'will be been. At the afternoon session the various religious and benevolent objects, $88; GAod Newe b ilob�"" B ` a given by Rev. Mr Clement'. reports of societies were received and total for all purposes $1046. Mr G. Circular free. Y hIra R. Hunt, of Hensall, who recently P Hamilton Mr A. Reid and Jae.' Watt The meeting,, of Rattenbur Street returned from St, Louis where she had adopted, Mrs Colin Campbell, Gode- The Seoretof Garda' er h I ,W.", �a g y ' rich, the Presbyterial delegate to the were chosen as trustees' of the t,hurch W.i J. Elliott, Principal The Second Comi ii , ,,, League, on Monday evening, was a been spending a couple of months with her g Ql� C t~ko ii very interesting one; it was !ed by the daughter, Ttlre Johnston, nae been viaitin annual meeting in Hamilton, Aril, property. Provision .was also made H. B. Stowe lir ,,, _r 1897, gave a'very full and interestingfor the carrying on of the church's C Ryle, Ge ge, it O P 1st dice President T. J. McNeil. The her eon and daughter-in-law in roam, g � �,� topic was "One thing I have learned account of the same; her report was so work by the appointment of other HOW lOn� -- G•eo. 0. N ha'm a , ,� ," from the life and letters of Paul." Charles Hicks,of Manitoba, is visiting real, we could fancy we were there. officers. Sunday Talks tr tbetilthy s}at Most of the members took art b his uncle, John :;mitt,, of town; he has During the session we. were favored have you L(k(I-i. Parables from N.�taxea bv�'l ,>i . P y been a resident of that Province for 18 with excellent solos by Misses Strachan telling of one thing they bad learned years; and likes it Kell, He is a son -in. and Wilkinson, of Goderich, and were Nile.. making Kadesh•Barna&, ily.«!a�! from the life of .this great Apostle. law of the late Rota. Uall;inder. PERSONALS. -Misses J. and N. Ste- The topic next Monday night will be well appreciated. Mrs Jeffrey, of To- eXCUSCS t0 Whiter than Snow'-nd� itt dot To - an outline Bible Study of the book of On Monday morning the NEw ERA had ionto, a member of the official board, wart are away this week enjoying 1 a the leasure of meet y a y g� holidays, Mise Allis Morrie has re- your eyes 2 The Overccm ifo r e1, O adiah by W. R. Lou Se meet- P g Dr. Wilson, Ma or g ve us a ver interestlpn and instruc- turned from Goderich. Mise E. Wat- bMoody.x and, }oh Ing will be led b Lou Dohert of London and son-itt-law of M. C. Cam- five account of a tri to the north- y,D. L. Bron, Esq., also Mr Bailey, of London, a west last summer; she visited a num• son has recovered from her recent ill- You ve been promising them new lenses A Royal Exile and 1` The Lucknow Sentinel thus refers to roe a ti nese, g Y > th � " o ve eon -in- es and ,. tm r. la • we are o P w and b .ter o e oleo I e P both len f the ac Sas > bed heel ed to the eldest son of Rev R•. Millyard, Clin- 8 s on the differ: nt re- P state or a long time, why not come in and DeWitt Talmage i`: =- heartily over a little paragraph which was serves, and found a great deal to en- that Miss Elliott, who was so seriously let us test your eye's aeeararely and ton: -"Very successful services were in the Nim ERA two weeks since. courage those who are trying to preach ill, is improving. scientifically, then you osn !fe fitted The Prodigal, by Spnrgeo `,'Alt field in the Methodist church on Sun- the gospel with lasses that snit o house and others - day last, on the occasion of the Ep- James Young returned last week Prom g P to those who if riot convert CHURCH NOTES. -Rev, J. Millyard g you ex'aotly- worth League Anniversary. The the Soo, where he had one to settle n ed, will prove our enemies; many con- Occupied his own no guess work. Test free, moderate The Spirit -Filled, fe g y. pul- g P vented Indians would put us to shame morning an Pulpit here both charge for glssees. McNeil. h`. pit was occupied both morning and ev- .his deceased' brothers business. The ice } P g d evening of last Sabbath. ening by Rev Mr Millyard, of the Nile, in the canal there was so strong that he, by their willing sacrifice and desire to In the evenilig he preached to the W. -'- ( ' Jessica, by -l3 with others, croEsed from the Canadian to help others. The money -which had yeun people from 2nd Samuel 18:29 W V COOPER & LO A Castawa and no more eloquent or able young g P P speaker has ever preached in this the American Soo. He was much inter • been raised was dedicated in prayers "Is the young man Absalom safe," and •f church. He is an effective speaker, eeted while there in the manufacture of by Mrs Duff, Goderich, followed by a more eloquent, impressive and prat- CLINT! $raven on' and both discourses were greatly ap- Paper pulp, and brought home samples short prayers by Mrs Muir, Brucefield; tical sermon we have not had the plea- s preciated by large audiences." with him, Miss Morris, Smiths Hill; Miss McKen• sure -of hearing for a long time, On �U�lethl�g Bel zie, Bayfield, and Mrs R. Irwin, Olin- Sunday 30th Rev. G. W. Andrews, of ik ��' Moore, s Rev. Donald McGillivray, a mission; John each who (son been living ton. Mrs R, Irwin was .appointed Holmesville, will conduct quarterly __ McKenzie, onar, G pry from Henan, China, gave an ad- Heron Cosa) who has been living at a is Presbyti rial delegate to the annual meeting services here, ,ant[ Mr Mill- Cuyler. dress in the school room of Willis Ch. toric, Cal.', has returned to Canada; he is meeting in Toronto next May. The yyard goes to Holmesville to preach r last Thursday evening, to a fair sized not at all in love with the far west, and, collection in the afternoon and even- E. L. anniversary services. The collet- �' �• `� • Absolute Surrender, by Andre , and highly appreciative audience. He thinks that Canada is far and away ahea3 Ing amounted to neatly $28. A pleas- tors for the Nile branch of the Bible Possibilities, Rev. J. G. H. Mcol"I. took as his subject "Things old and of it in many respects. Jack has moved Ing feature of the afternoon meeting Society- Misses Stewart and McIll- SEE I Faith; by Spurgeon, Finlayson,.._ new," and illustrated it by the case of around considerably, and he should now was the presentation of $25 by Rev. wain -have nearly finished their work Maclaren and Moody: a native of high standingwho became settle down and become a permanent resi• dent of Huron. Donald McGillivray to make his step-nd report success. At the Epworth Canadian Cough Capsules core Coughs Christie'e Old Organ, by Mrs. U, F. a convert to c ristianity; showing the mother a life member of the General eague meeting last Tuesday evening and Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Frog ---••-i development in one position as • against society; thus helping us financially to Miss Ethel "Lessons gave an excellent in the'1'hroat, etc. Pleasant to take, and the other. He is much .pleased with 0ddfelloarship. spread the gospel and give his mother address on Lessons from the life of do not affect the stomach. Just the thing the prospects of mission success t real pleasure. Daniel. Prayermeetiug on Thurs- for public speakers and singers, as they '.^ China. At the close many remained to The semi-annual The evening session was presided day evening at Mr Hetherington'a; clear and strengthen the voice. Prepared examine the curios brought, back by meeting of District over by Rev, Mr Anderson, pastor of everybody come. by ONTARIO CAPSULE COMPANY, of ) ` thelecturer. Rev. A. Stewart occupied Lodge No. 15 was held the church, and after devotional exer- Clinton, from tCAPSUL of a° eminent the chair. in Brucefield on Fri- cises the choir of the church favored Benmiller Clintonicago from t e.f and for sale ri all TThe London News sale: -Rev. Wm. ay la t, representatives from all the us with a Selection, well even. Rev. MAIL SERVICE. -Thanks tot COSI MOKl lodges in the district beim resent and Donald McGillivray g druggists. Price 25 cents. McDonagh has not changed materially g being > y gave a glowing he ef- g g forts of M. C. Cameron, the people of Buy a box of your druggist and give the since be held the pastorate . the Lon_ also r number Of the brethren from description d his personal experiences Benmiller now enjoy a daily mail ser- Capsules a trial, You'll find them the best don West Methodist church. His pttl- Seaforth, Goderich, Exeter, Clinton in China, and they were so faithfully throat medicine ever made. CLINTON. pit peculiarities are still the Same. He and Hensall. The D. D. G. M,, Bro. portrayed that it would deter any one Vice, something that will be a great still reaches half his sermons in an in- L. Harold, of Hensall, was Chairman, from enterin convenience, particularly to the vil- P g into such work unless la era and those near b terrogatory vein and punctuates every The representatives from the different they have the spirit of the Master, and g y K 1- , query with "um ?" His penchant for • lodges gave their reports, showing the was burdened with' the desire to save NOTES.=Rev. Mr Olivant preached 'preaching long sermons is there, too, Order to be fn a prosperous condition. souls; we who sit at 'home know no- missionary sermons in Bayfield on Sun- '�'PX'J-TIM ` T vV 0 .&. J,�� r his sixty minute discourse in the Lon- Several matters of importance were thing of the trials and hardships of a day and Mr Robt. Young, of Goderich, don West Methodist church being evi- brought u and discussed. Tho Degree missionary's life. Asolo by Mr S. Stod- took the Benmiller appointment in the device of that. Mr -McDonagh is one of Team of Nnton Lodge was present, dart pleased the audience, Rev. Dr. evening. Messrs Henry and Norman e1 �Il ed those who cannot understand why it and conferred the 2nd Degree on two Robertson, Superintendent of Home Snyder returnea home after spendingAW is that people can easilysit out a three candidates, after which the visiting Mission work in the Nor vv 9t a couple of weeks g ,gave p e ks with friends in Ber- -Meat/�`� hour opera and yet get restless under brethren were entertained to a sump- a stirring address; he fee s deep y that lin, Mrs Story and children returned R'e •vont help to carry ont the few a sixty minute sermon. Last Sunday tuous supper at Dixon's Hotel, by the professing Christians n Canada ealize to their home below London on Mon- d L remaining We are clearing ut a line of night he delivered a characteristic diS- Brucfiel edge, who, by the way, ne- so little the need of sendin the day, after .visiting the former's par- g course from the text "Likewise I say ver do things by halves. The following gospel to those who are leaving ents, Mr and Mrs T. Vanstone. Mr T. SUITS OF unto you, there is joy in the presence statistics show the numerical and fin- Christian homes and going w re Gledhill does not seem to be improving .UNDERCLOTHING WORSTED of the angels of God over one sinner 'ancial strength of the I. O. O. F. They there is no church privileges, se any. Mr W. Vanstone has been very PANTINGS r that repenteth:" are taken from the last report of the young men soon forget their h me the past week, but we are pleased we have left both in Boys'snd Mena'. Sovereign Grand Lodge, and are well • lraimng and fell into very bad hal3its, to a y he is on the mend. Rev. Mr11 MINISTERIAL INVESTIGATION—Some worthy of the attention of the mem- and oftener into the grossest vice, &nd Oli ant is Still holding services in Our aim has been to give good value for that were sold in th months ago certain charges of indis• bers, who may well feel proud of the if Christians did not wake to their Bet el church. Miss Maud Oke was every dollar we received, which, no $6.00, now at $4.50,Y . cretion and injudicious la were record, being second to none: -Grand duty these souls would be eternally the oast of Miss Clara Jewell ori San• ' doubt accounts for the large trade we out in thecustomer's fa. y�referred against Rev J. W. Pring, of lodges, 56; Subordinate lodges, 11,399; lost. A well rendered solo by Mrs An. day. Mra Ohas- Walters, who broke did in this line during the past sea- we guarantee to give yo Nile Methodist church. These were Rebekeh lodges, 4,567; Encampment derson, was well received. Mr Knight, her 1 some weeks ago, iS Slowly inn• eon. There are only a few left of and a out that will fit yo' heard beforea committee composed of lodges, 2,648; lodge initiations, 60,146; a returned .missionary from China in- rovi g. Richard Moore is Ill with - our special line of Scotch Wool. They few pairs to go, Corrie ministerial brethren, and on the evi- lodge membership, 831,7I8; Rebekah land work, gave a very interesting tai cute; we hope soon to hear of are of the hest quality, make sore you get a pair.L::!, Bence of complainant,and,it is Said, the members, 281,491; Encampment mem- to us, and urged us to better servic is r eovery, A line of Buchakin Gloves is going for a admissions of Mr Pring himself, the bers, 131,898; total relief paid, $3 393,- home; abetter light at home ane dollar. ° w charges were sustained. The decision 253; total revenue, $9,058,946; total in- brighter lights abroad. Mr Be er's NEWS DOTES. A. J. IIOLLOR'AY, of the committee was that Mr Pring vested funds, $26,849,943; total expens- Solo, "All hail the power of Jesus A J MOIiItISH, Clinton. should be suspended from active min- es, $4.021,891. Statistics of the Order name," was given with expression. Mr John Martin, of Lyndhurst, was isterial work until next District Meet- from 1830 to 1896 show 2,137,592 initia- Rev. Mr Acheson, of Kippen, convey- drowned in attempting to cross the ing, it being the intention when the tions, and a total relief pard out of $74, ed the greetings and congratulations creek on ice. term expired to restore hfrp to full 350,668,76. The Order in Ontario gives of the Presbytery to the ladies for Swine disease has broken out in Yar- ministerial standing. The investiga- the following showing: -Ledges, 272; their successful year, and urged the mouth township, and the district will tion. was held before Rev. S. Bond, membership, 22,669; total relief, $82,- ladies to more earnest efforts; a plc- be quarantined. President of the Conference. Mr 430; total fonds, $925,773, tured both the bright and dark side of Pring allowed the time for an appeal missionary work. A hymn and the Dr. Phelan, Cle'bk of South Walsing- .Shoe to pass without taking action, but lat- HURON PRESBYTICRY.-The regular benediction concluded a pleasant and harp, one of the oldest pioneers of Nor• et•, Rev J. S, Ross, on behalf of Mr meeting of Huron Presbytery was profitable day, - - folk county, is dead. 44 Sto.'.. Pring,' instituted charges of mal -ad- held in Xnox Church, Godericb, on An 8 -year-old son of Mr Siple,of Yar. ministration, inuendo, false im_pyea- Tuesday, with a• full attendance of Henry Carseallen and E. A. Colqnbonn mouth, was thrown out, of a waggon sfons, Ste., against Mr Bond. These members, but only routine business have been nominated Conservative Candi- during a runaway and killed. ° charges came up for hearing at Gods- was transacted, Itev. S. Acheson, dates for Hamilton. Mr. Carsoallen roti Our aSSOrti�l a t ' richTuesday week,before the following Kippen, was elected Moderator for the for mayor on two ocoadons, and was de• Mr George Booth, watchman at the Rev, gentlemen, who are all chairmen ensuing six months. The examination feated each time. Waterloo street crossing at the Grand . ° '�•� of Districts: Dr Pascoe, Wingham, of session records was satisfactory, and Trunk at London, was struck by a Goods in. eve . t1 I Chairmr�an of Committee) G. Jackson, payment of Presbytery dues followed. Dawson City has received no regular train and fatally injured. 77;;�� y Londorl: G. W. Henderson, Sarnia; The presentation of reports of Mission- mail since last Angnst Many of the min. At the annual meetin of the Bos- talIllfl' tO rile Jasper Wilson,8trathray; Dr Bannon, pry meetings and sources thrbu Mout ora have paid $1 per letter at Dawson, to B-QO g have mail brought out to relatives and ten Chamber of Commerce, the reso- , Stratford; James Livingstone Ayyimer, the bounds of the Presbytery; Wats friends. lotions favorin$ reef rocity with (Ian- Shoe llxLe . IS b For the defence, Revs R. Riliyard, folJowed by an excellent address from p and 19. Clemeht, Clinton; W. Rigsby, Rev, Dr, Robertson. Superintendent A Cumnock, Wellington countyy,cor- add, were unanimously adopted. 0 Blytb, and J. W, Andrews, Londes- of Northwest Missions, res ondent says: "Mr Alex. Alarrmin rumors regarding,Mr•Glad- _ . _. _ we carr a , .. born, were also summoned to appear. p stone's health, , are again current in J W) p bus t o very -fine young horses to a London, but reports from Cannes+ ' ° rhe committee heard the evidence, . weattield n Guelph for the modest sumo p. and, for three days fou ht out the case, p f state that there is little foundation for good goods, and a growing, b1� q] �j e��_ g Notime.--•Dr Dent -y \ $ One olTthe colts iia.not broken to C� „ . bile Pring matter carving in only, my r recently an hon- •harness et+ T e nem• • ry 'ideiitall t o ll_ or i{Wedh a ri the 9t V, O, To ont �' .... h re i4 always a txrarlc > c,-., n' p i4, fully 61101the allele , . r n, et far th ei 0 .. best , e 'donee that eC� J left Wednesrta ,for Dutton wheys' he • . e �ht kind. of atu>~I!, I3etweln six suet s wen thonartfld :bti- � 00ple �,� , �`e�,I,,a,. :Bing ,gatxe over that ooltolusione had...' yy .. .. bei tendo:. reetleitsg . A Iqutrtbe l4r.IioWti �'fslier,. 'of. l)elorAIdo, Mah,.# andls of *heat wel�o etroyed tin Wedy a Ortiaetll~ancetinib' it. The"com» at the ii , . gg 9 ' iris eE oe is:al' resent to 1fin, st.:, neiada ,b a 8rb tri t Nbrthi4esi;. Ble{ ood&' nitres acct t5uk lied, Cantil. T tc p t gid attended the catA• p g on Vishing hie V610 . , esda tb , , ttitbr loin arty+ e valor ata .Ire orn%ll recolr the a tats at bei rave' TueWa bl 2664 r tives� die is o�re> 90 yer,rri bf'o e,tifd Bite P Ix • , d i verdict« llhrRse g tl. ubse u lusher d' 61IM111 >erlki l rigokaus•xndhadrby. ,l m wax eoola#zaot lder Man, . q_ontlyh ;ilio` ire tot2leoormlailt- >hs WPM fri lids, rr�� attebdecl T�Vt>atfield ghtligh -Ii t tit"' cr Who eeested X11119bturl Clty Itilli tt flue 1~ioii, ,1![r Tu '0 list :ruude .t y s eo for hlo':act on,.,3r1 wxithag, and;tlfa .. k' w,000n DIDWIttee o TUT a day, Mr *"% d, T, Nervy `�dvh6 h ve = etonw haildi g:ovel�lo+ykiri ills h0bbtn,;and trarttsfali!li alit' the iliAm u tC rii h1; telelon g . ,1 alt b ild g e >qel A drat the ma wine , - , — t, Xallers.a i o -vlt ciao t JaW CE, MV �oo� that itiul v'e irst'hod 'be ., d d ... .. � , . , .2l tl�e l�z<ddtlag , •, a bean.trisi;t n fi'le�dsi iii gg g ntiftly 0010f'tpt+bli'J' tu.riilxt vicinity,, recur��t� ad oil° ! ted a ;a aZ It ctrl i re or of 064 rl ftk t 12l vii o bhp C1o11 , , thOW 2100 iia "W"+xter#ot'Il.• "rt 12ta iOb, � h� b ° _ r Y r Fir'.. { 1 , . :w y r,.