HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 2-- _. -- -t _
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�r ,, -'or tkn l�i�ttl.l�irnt�>1xxeFiol�a�1OOOfQr that Item Civil governt,0 t,,. C�'i CUII[lt U 4�, IN ,
' C , W �?Ose hao been roan tasted by the WIJ! cost $270,020. in Quebec, while An, p, ty Clippings- -
rf "Ad . ,� tatip 1¢lil flava t p„xY � �, + nn. ' p� 1110 � UN
lGiberatila of Weat Aidd�epex, The .rise• , Uavid.rri-ng,tan has said hie #armM tit,
t I
der the same hee}dt
fulness of the public career of the on the grid llne,. 1Marrie to Wm, �'..r- 8.'S.To rf'-w0s Pro
, - -
- 11 ,Minister of Education will be sufficient h }gnat letforgot cep flat Ontario vey, #or $4,0;10, Msde and Me. it Maiwtains tlroo ' Sdonfae ..
A pp anis. n at la t census x1f 21X4. x an, Tbo old ori lual C omAtocttox '
ito ensure his. success at ho polls. Far 821, wlliie Quebec had only 1,488,03, p in- The horse "Old Dick,” which -was as- . p! the people 1n Hoodip SAxippitrilla. Its. whoa bare. made Cllinton bis.
' httb auto. medicine aures yota�vhen civic; if it makes `".
twenty-six years lac has represented socIated with file early days of Sea- cures ova whore than be and ue&t g Yat fill in buelnes. wi
p y lhVeln etconger testimony to the gov- forth, has Passed over to the " Happy Waiaderful ry , y .. o data �'aotery, And is
d the constituency either at Ottawa or ernment's careful a4lmtnistration of 1f
• . at Totauto, and..aince 1$83 he h r held the afiitls of the l'rovinee is pasture fields at the respectable age allcigestion that, modiofnepossessea merit. all aiders of wb4teve;r clesori �t t ` °
Pf .. 0t4_
given by of 31 ycarF, notice slid the lowest tenths;
4 the' office of Minister of Education. the Toronto. Telegram, controlled bp. > •e..
l 1 At .1 . w, The re�ard of his work in that of'dce is g -4� . workmenehip gut►rantead, CO,NT]C h
before the ub is and shays that white John in Robertson, Inde endent- Wm Govenlock, eon of Rabt, Goven-
for bulldangs taiten, and all kiAds of huhu:.
(bN TRE S.ClAli2 RIVE N Conserva"ive M. P. for East Toronto. lock, of McKillop, who has for some in material furnished as deplted.
�p� he has kept full abreast of all real im- It takes this ground: time held the position of mathematicalade g
' ,Y��A�[lll�. provements "and discoveries in educa- "The financial critics of the O oei- teacher in Ingersoll high school, has W1
tioual methods, he has kept the schools PP $ENItX STEVENS?
`` " ' _ Book keepigg • Ours stem of P tion xray gothroe h the motions of an received a sirnilar.ap ointment in Lon -
y of the province free from the stagna- g don Coll is That Is just the truth about Hood's Bar. William Street, Clinton, immediately
boob;. -keeping i. actual business attack upon the financial and adminis- fg to Insti Institute. behind the Park.
from start to finish, tlou of the rnactionary and the ex- trative records of the Ontario Govern saparilla. We know it possesses merit
Che beautiful rand cabinet lord. --- � 7- —"— —
Shortbalprd,,. Qtir S.hortband treroes of the faddist, g accuse it Imes, 'but once or twine or a
' went, but their speeches are not likely lLuimer plana which so many musicians hundred times but in thousands and
de ar i0,0 i,s tlae riiost+thorou h to alter the general public feeling that ,
p g the record of the Liberal art in On- [lave admired for the past few days in thousands of cases. We know it cures, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET
In 040. da, More gold discoveries in Canada. party Emerson's music warernoine Goderich, absolute,
instructllolltl, Aq hi4lvidual in• tario is in this respect on the whole y, permanently when all others
This time the scene of the fiud is in creditable. It would be well for Tui - has been purchased by John Torrance, fail to do any good whatlr�ver. We repeat
ntvvktio►�;a„_.v;,ira.-,.students may of Porter's Hill. Mr and Mrs Torrance
p,' ealter'at Anytime. L%brador, which is much nearer civili- onto if its administrators had guarded +-+•;, ._ FOR SALE.
i are to he congratulated on trotting such 9
Posixtolts, Begiuiiowand,boreadyfor zation than the Klondike, but almost the public resources as carefully and a fine instrument. ---
” >ltreeI the llvrn agent the public money its frugally as The undersigned, will sell sits,saorlfrce, Lot 461
Na��[0 h tl od S '_` Ior 12, Railway Terraoe Qllnton. Partionlare
i equally cold and unknown. From what a resources of Ontario have een A sad bereavement occurred at the upon applicatton, JAME& SCOTT, Barrister &o
�@,e,t,*,Wg,q ;1pgpW' little is known of the country minerals f,ua, ded and the money of Ontario ex- residence of Joseph C: Mor r•ison, conn.pended." cillor, p, HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT
Of all i(indsareplentiful,andaeccrding . The MonetaryTimes, the leading McKillop, on Dec. a, when his Sarsaparilla
g third daugnter, Wilhelmina, aged nine
Clinton Post Office. to reports the gold deposits are as rich commercial journal of the Prov ince,al- pears, died after three days' sickness. ]Several'houses elthe;r for sale or to rent. Full
. TIMETABLE. as those of the Klondike. An ex edi- lied with neither of the political par- She was at school on is the best—In fact the One True BloodPuriAer. particulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA
P P the previous
tion is going to sail ficin Nova Scotia ties, says that the finances of the ro- Thursday, and went home as well as erne nausea, Indigestion,
DUE . MAILS CLOSED g g vince are in a flourishing condition, usual. Du rin the ovenin she com-
about June to ex lore the St. Louie ri- and that the Ontario bud et a each, g g H Pills bllloitsnosa s5centa
! P g P plained of a pain in her ear. Medical
A.M. P.M. A•M M5 ver and other districts and search for given the other day, differed from all aid was secured, but could do nothin
1010 6 65 London and S. W. Ontario 7 00 4 0) others, in that it dealt with a per an- g• Tuffs/ d Literature, Mrs MA Smythe;
7 40 4'30 Wingham and Kincardine9 55 6 95 gold. There wi be a big rush to this ant surplus and not with a deficit. Matter flowed from the ear, and the Work among Lumbermen, Kra Geo
1015 6 55 Western S.W. A N. W. U.S.7 00 4 05 territory if the reports as to the extent child was racked with pain for a day Scott; Parlor Meetings, l0 15 1 03 Paris, Buffalo&easternU87 00 4 05 'of the gold fields be true, but in it Un- The Ontario Government's receipts and ni ht, until relieved by death, g ,. Mrs Clarkson;
2 35 for the year ending Dec 31 last were Pi ess Dept., Mrs Elliott and Mrs Kirk -
10 15 1 03 Tgronto�¢pointaeast&nrth7 00 4 05 [ted States citizens. will have no place, $2,172 over the expenditure. This is caused y effusion of the brain. man; Srientifir. Temperance; Mise K
1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa.., 700 2,85 excepton our own terms as Labrador, P
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 2 Z's and ll the routes for getting there, are a nice little nest egg with which to AT THE JAIL.—Jae. Carrier on, of Mil-' Cowan; Relief Fund, Mrs K O Kemp.
1 03 .Stratford and" Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 in Canadian territory: The will un- begin the year I898. It is also an ef- torl,nized 55. wan se down on Thurs- WINGLIAM.
27 ' y g g festive answer to the statements made y, y qh Seager, for three
douhte. be another rievances against da Jan.Gth b
03 D..+..♦ u! a u .,t A+.rn,fnori 7 nn 2 Ai by (1t+n F;., .,t....,,, .t ... ........... frac-- Mra CV -T flhunn— n• Vina Praa-
Zi unyvu tut Pzecau> vue ea+,uurrll,letg,{t - - - - —� .....
•+�••�• ••••�,mrKoa,a\vagraucy. rranK
03 ....MitchoilandDublin.... 7 00 5 bore. last -fall: Tkreh they arse[ ted that Russell, of Ashfield, , ,q was" In Mies J Pocock; Cor, Sec., Mrs J Ritchie;
12 4 there would be a defleit of $800,000. as Rec. Sec., lira E Paulin; Treas., Mrs
55 •.........Goderich) ,...••••.• 9 00 in defaurt of payment, w -• scharged
Luca oroasi'og, carnia and They thought a general election would on Jan.5lb. Ellen Durnin was remand- Button.
65 • • • •i rmediate points... 7 00 4 O6 take place before a session of the Legis- ed on Jan. 6 for five days on a charge Superintendents of Departments:—
desboro & Balgrave.. 9 66 - Parental Neglect. ]ature, and before the financial state- of -vagrancy. Judge Masson and Drs. Press Work, Mrs J Ritchie; Flower
in." is open to the public (holidays ex -- merit could be officially made. Shannon and Hunter were at the ail Mission Mrs J Pocock; Fair Work,Mrs
from 8 a.nr ,to 7.16 m. but holders of The current number of the Nest- The " i er " issue is not worth J Gillespie and Mrs Ritchie; Parlor Meet -
access P•gg Y on Monday toexamine into the chargee
es have access to the lobby until p.m minster cuts a slashing blow at an evil serious .•onsideral ion, and it has prat- of inaanity preferred against W. Wall, ings, )Kra F Paulin; Franchise, Le is -
10 Order and Saving Bank office open which is growing among us namel tically fallen to the ground. The guv• Ashfield, and Mrs Leibold Zurich. The lation %nd petitions, Mrs Dr Fowor;
BP,m• g g g ' y' einment were not responsible for the former was released on furnishing Literature, Miss Cummings; Jurfew
an hour before olossii tionth� mails be posted half the that decay
aro f home influence. It says outbreak of cholera, and did all that bor.dsto keep the peace, and the latter Bell, MissK Fisher; Work among Lum-
e of of all social disorder is the was necessary when it turned the is awaiting removal to the asylum. bermen. Mrs Dr McDonald.
STAGE MAIL –, SUMMERHILL –Every matter over to the Dominion Veterin•
Tuesday.11and Friday, arriving at 6.25 and Ivey home, and that We must not allow po• RECOMMENDATIONS
cryy Inspector. The Pan Presbyterian council, at its
ing at 5.30 p.m. lit]cal discussions and other matters to ' `�Vith such testimony to their care- meeting in Glasgow, iu 1896, urged up- 1' Your Committee would recom-
ONCE ADAM ONLY is mail despatched blind our a ful administration of the affairs of on the churches of the alliance the r o mend personal work on the art of the
from t�,ie office to Londeaboro and Belgrave, yes to the facts.. The basis pap-
- P 1?
s2 -o -to tohell and Dublin, mails closing ae Ontario ficin independent sources, priety of celebrat]ng]n a suitable man- members of the W. O. T. U. 1n seeking
ab•rve stated. of the whole trouble lie the multiplica- premier Rat dy and his associates can Her the 250th anniversary of the com- to help those who may be helped by a
I'llMails for British ieles'tmd European coun• tion in recent years of social, benefit- certainly go to the Province with as- pletion of the Westminster standards. word of warning or a word of encour-
tries intended to beforwarded by New York, surance that the great majority of the Since then many of these churches agement.
t must have written on the top.left hand corner iary and religious societies, good in people are ready to vote for their re- have held most interesting and enthus- • 2 That each Local Union hold itself
Of envelope Vie NEW Yom their aims, but which are injuring the '
J g turn to power. iritic meetings, highly apprec]atlye of responsible for the organization if pos-
home by attracting away from it at the Westminster Assembly and its sible of one .or more Local Unions each
night the fathers and mothers, to the grand and lasting work. The General year.
j��y -- Assembly oflbe Presbyterian church 3 ThatTeinperanceandSocial Pur-
�Q5 44
ii neglect of the children. There is in , Crisp Co11Dt�' Clippings
in Canada, at italaet meeting, warmly ity Literature be freely circulated.
the, Popular Science Monthly an ar- recommended Presbyteries andsessiona 4 That we urge that etz�s be taken
FRAA-k, JANUARY 21, 1898 , hast Friday Joseph Kellner, a pio- to take suitable measures to commem- to secure the signing of a Temperance
title entitled • Parental Ne lett as >1 orate this carter millenium anniver- Fledge ill all onr Sabbath Schools.
>, neer e latterof Grey, having settled there 41 q
word is associatedwitha distinct nct and years ago, paid Nature's debt and pass- sary. Several Presbyteries have re-
.. 5 'that each sister endeavor to get a
vely asserted that the Can- ed away in his 80th year. cently worthily honored that famous new member for every meeting. .
very undesirable stratum of society, y, y progressive
i'.^ a shave been forbidden to but it may truthfully be said that the J. Morrison, McKillop, who sold 2 Assembly. The loyal and g G an recommend that each Union
V.term has a relative as act and that Shorthorn bulls a few weeks a o, has Presbytery of Pinion has perfected its take an active interest,.in the coming
Af letter or comment of their P commemorative arrane•ements, On Dominion Plebiscite.
nG ,...,.- -.-:at. a1.-'0___1_ ., fhPTP n.rP A'Poraaa rf '�Sh nnAl. m;n..,11 nurcbased a voune bull from Mr ra.na-
- .•+ua.uwy, ...ur,. t.4, I.Ltl L,l file LCL' UJ. ea(:ri "`--'•"
c more or less evil existing among us, er,Hallett, ora out $100. g y y ( ANNUAL MELTING
y' g g 1 char a in the Pres ter will as far as,
and all ptoduced by this same'•parent- On Sunday of. last week at h►'s real pc.ssible) preach on the subject to hie
' al neglect," of which the We»tminater deuce on lot 1 con. 12, Gre Jna.G.KeI-—'-
4(erar bers of the
discourses. It says very truthfully, ley one of the earliest settlers imMor•ris people,
s, full meeting of Piesby The annual meeting of the melCompany)will
rr fr, J� , g �icliillo ',lutnalFire euranc
fo o article on Canada's among other profitable meditations : township passed to his long rest at the t cry will be held in the Presbyterian be held to the Town Hail, Seaforth, on r'RI-
rt J' DAY, JANUARY 21ST meeting
1 ill be r he
eek Y say»; " he' Senate 'When we call in the curfew bell and age of 60 years. church, SeaPorth. Dr, McDonald will The business at the meeting will be for thm.
r 9' d it must be elevated the policeman to rule child -life, we are J. R. Wood Win bam received a testde. Rev Principal McVicar, D.D. purpose of receiving the anual statement of
tr11 .i ' + making a confession of failure, and the tele y the affairs of the company, the Auditors' Re -
Alis grave on Saturday from Walkerton L. of Montreal, has been secured
r6' it character; we must failure will become all the.more bitter oto,,.,.. ,t,.,,. t,:. l- 1.. ..A a:_a to mvP nn Pvt.anfl—I nA lr•a_o r,....TAo Port and the, Financial Statement, the also -
gnu com tete awe LOOK coo mI1Cn AC --• '" '-•_'- •""• - - - - "•"•' •'• ""'�� "•`���van +�+ �++e uuw"y.W of acv
bah , ;: as lost; in a wordthat p ace. He left Sunday to attend Distinctive Features of the Confession Killep, and any other business that may be in
e Se . s be made democratic." Egypt an place too great reliance up- the funeral. of Faith." Short addresses will also be the interest of the company.
1 on externhl .restraints, The bit and GEORGE WATT W.J. SHANNON,
!ll or ro rni. n the beat wa ie to abolish bridle can never take the lace of the Among the list of those killed in the given by Rev A. McLean, clerk of the President. secretary.
r P Y P resbytery, oil The Influence of the'
login eye. The Sunday school teach- London disaster Wap John Turner, ex-
t: Every appointee of the Liberal alderman Standard on Civil and Religious Liber- D1fE8Si♦IASINti.
r er, with his hour per week, can do lit- ,who is a cousin of Mrs John ty;" Rev P. Musgrave on "England
Glovernment to that institution should tie without the co-operationof parents. Retcflen a Stanley.
He leaves a wife and the Westminster Assembly Era;" Subscriber has opened dress makingrooms in
be pledged to vote for its abolition as The public school teacher can, with and Rev J. A. Anderson B. A. on the house formerly occupied by Mrs- ye, Hui
difficulty, maintain discipline if he has The Spy in Assize Court will open at " „ on Street, where she will be prepared to exp-
' a majority in favor of wiping it out g The Outlook of Presbyterianism. cute all orders entrusted to her to a thoroughly
I J y P g not behind him the moral support of Goderic on Monday, March 7, Mr Jus- g, e
111, The Monday evening meeting prom- workmanlike and satiaraotory manner. She
, 5 has been secured there. • fathers and mothers. Parents must tice Rose presiding, and the Chancery ises to be of marked interest and value. Will ulso go out and do sewing by the day if
l" be kings and priests in the home if the Court will open on Monday, May'30th, desired MI86 BYr.', Hurou Street, Clinton.
young people are to gain an intelligent before Mr Justice Ferguson.
neervatives of South Essex recognition of authority and a real rev- John Wood, Exeter, met with a pain- :ir C. T U
ted W. P: Kiilack as their erence for God. We have heard people W. T. IT PAYS TO
y ful accident on Saturday. He was on __
singing "Were is my wandering boy
e for the Legislature. Mr to -night?" when they ought to have a load of hay, when it capsized, Mr List of Officers and Superintendents �_
been solving Wood sustaining a broken wrist.
leis hatham man who was g that question with their of Departments for Huron County for �'
own eyes and bands. In many cases if On Thursday evening between 6 and 1898, organized at Wingbarn by Miss le
ointed to 18a office in the customs there had been a firm, gentle discipline 7 o'clock, Mrs James, of Brussels, bad K. M. Fisher, Sept. 9, 1897. •
at Windsor diiiing t. �eneral elec- in early youth, there would have been a bad fall on a slippery sidewalk,
tion pampaign'in I896, Gt spent sev much less recklessness and misery af- breaking one of the small bones in her Pres., Miss K, M, Fisher, Wingham; ,-+ w• 5. .
i - terwards. arta near, the wrist Vice Pres., Mrs D. McGillicuddy, God- € -
era, weeks stumping Ke'At in the in- % .rich;• Cor. Sec., hire C. GillespieyWing- f ~-*•s
At the meeting of McKillop council 'I'lleCana iia Wfiess College
terests of the Conservative candidate A Manlev was elected deputy teeve, J. ham; Rec. Sea, Mrs D. McGillicuddy, g
Present a Strong ease C. Morrison re -A o]nted clerk, D. M. Goderich; Tress„ iss ' Biddlecombe, CHATH:AIK ONT.
while still an employee. he lass re- __ pppp Clinton; auditora,Miss White, Clinton,
Ross treasurer, W. Evans assessor, C. and Mrs Kemp, Goderich.
moved from the office by the present The members of the Ontario Govern- Dodds:collector, A. Dickson and W. G. p' The best in Western Ontario. Our pupils
Mini of- Customs. Mr Killacky ment ma' y hold office until next sum- Smith auditors, Superintendents of Departments:— fill the beat situations and get the largest
indulge in election campaign- mer, if they are so disposed, but an ap- The residence of Jae. McNair, 15th Parlor Meetings, Miss E Paulin, Wing- salaries.
heart's content but not at con., Grey,was the centre of attraction ham;, Work among Lumbermen, Mrs, Write for c talo ue if interested.
+ peal to the country must be made on Wednesday evening of last week Biddfecombe, (Sinton; Work among g
`se of the public service; • some time during the present, season, when the.marriageof hisdaughter,Miss Sailors and Fishermen, Mrs Holland, D. 1rIcLA LAN Co,Chatham
_ and it seems to us that- theycan ap- Mary, to John McNabb took place. Goderich; Curfew Bell, Mrs M Y Me,
About 100 guests were 'present. Lean, Seaforth; Railroad Work, Mrs
of twenty five years ad- peal on a record that should beendors- Crich, Clinton; Press Work Mrs Me -
The death occurred at Brussels on CHEESE -FACTORY NOTICE.
tion by a Liberal Government ed by even those who do not agree Tuesday afternoon,, soon after two GiI rk, dy, Goderich Evangelistic _
io all . that the Opposition in with the government in all its le Lala; o'clock, of Thomas Edward Grimaldby, Work, Mre Smythe,eaforth; Prison The annual meeting of the stock -holders and
g and Police, Mrs Stoddart, Goderich; patrons of the Holmesville Cheese and Butter
tore can brio against it is tion. If a overnment honest, and eco- in the 29th year of his age. He had Co, (Limited) will be held in Wilson's Han,
g g g y Fair Work Miss J. Pocock, Wingham-
managing a i er nomically administers the affairs of its been very i 1 for the past 9 days of ap- Unfermented Wine Mrs You ' Holmosvillo, at 2 o'clock p, m„ on tiaturday,
g g P gg y' pendicitis, and leaves a wife and four • lytb; Feb. 12th, 1§98, for the purpose of cloring up
o their onlysource of constituency that government should Scientific Temperance, Mrs Ritchie, the business of the season of 1897, and for the
be sustained If it 19 edrru t and ex- children totally unprovided•for. election of officers forth comm ear.
P Wingham; Narcotics, Mrs Stevenson, W. Be FOtlshvR, Pros.
consumptive calf. The travagant it should be defeated. No- Alex, Forrest, Morris, has purchased Clinton; Franchise, Legialationand Pe- W. S. LAWRENCE, sec.
take a prize. Now they where the world over are the insane, the 50 -acre farm adjoining his 100acrea tition, Mra Bond, SeaYorth; Flovler Holmeeville, Dec. 30, 1897.
pi er to found a the blind, the deaf and dumb, and be+ng the East half of North half of Mission, Sirs Rigsby, Blyth; Band of
t gg y those otherwise afflicted, looked after Not th half lot 26, con, 2, frgm Alex. Hoppe and Silver Medal Contests Mrs
t; What a maapificept with greater care than in Ontario. Eaket, of Algoma. The price paidwas McFaul, Seaforth. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
st, clean and efficient Nowhere are the public institutions $1,725. This gives Mr Forrest I50
flet the Ontario cabinets managed more economically than in acres now. He evidently has faith in BLYTH. In the Surrogate Court, of the County of
this Province. In his late budget the future of the country. Pres., Mrs W. Rigsby; Vice Pres., Huron, in the estate o/ Thoni"48 Neilan',
Bide when their critics and op- speech the Provincial Treasurer proved Mra Fred Metcalf; Cor. Sec., Mre J. deceased.
this to a demonstration: Theo oei- Mr Jos. Davis, teller at O'Neil's bank
e13tH )have to resort to such tidier- tion critics, it is true, maintain that at Exeter, while descending the stair- Coombs; Rec. Sec., Mrs E. M. Young; All persons having any claim against the es-
thie record could be improved upon; y g Treas., Mrs J. A. Anderson, tate o[ Thomas Neilane, late of of the Towi,-
nt 4'Atters to flcd causes for com• wa at the rear of the ban owing to
P P chip of d, are
re the County of Huron, termer,
laintl - but ithas been repeatedly shown that their icyconditian, clipped and fell to uperintendenta -of Departments:— deceased, are roqutred on or before the talk
I :1Ontario institutions are conducted ,t bottom, about 25 feet, sustain ani Pass Work, Mrs D. B. McKinnon; day of Februa'y, 1898, to send to the unders,flu-
�e.,..:: _> aless cost to the taxpayer than those jury to his back and a bad shaktng•upp, 'entifie Temperance,Mrs E MYoung; ea solicitor for the executor of the estate mull
Th Toronto Saturday Night says:— of any other countr but fortunately he was not aeriously Waiting Room Literature, Mrs Slater. particulars of their claims and the securities
,V; (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit.
il Preitt� er >Iardy's prospects have been Let us take, as critics of the manner injured. After the Haiti date the executor will proceod
in which the Ontario Government has , Death has again visited the home of CLINTON. to distribute the assets of the tatw�o amoLg the
11 ghB.tLtl pravedbyseveral exhibitions o Prea„ Mrs Crich; ,Vice Pres., Mrs parties entitled thereto, having reference only
administered the resources of the Pro- John Gillespie, Exeter, this time remov- ,.to the claims of which he has received notice,
o>i good getieraishili and necessary leg- vince, not avowedly Literal journals, ingfrom their midst the mainstayof Biddlecombe, Mrs Hoover Mrs Stew- and after such distribution the said excruror
isliition. ; He is proving himself a lead- but new,gpapers conducted by avowed the household. We refer to the deart; Cor. Sea., Miss Louie White; Rec. wits not be accountable for any pact of th. ,or
and generally found of his wife Raeba 1 it See., Mr's Seaward; Treas., Mrs D''Ste. sets of the estate to any person of whose chtiat
er. ' l r. Whitney has such a small fol- g y e , which sad event . due notice has not been given. This notice is
ranged with the Opposition. The took place on Friday morning last at venson. givov pursuant to the statute in that behalf.
lowing in the House'that he has neces- Montreal Star is a newspaper of this about 4 o'clock. The deceased had been Superintendents of Departments:— F. HOLMSTEAD,
eafity too many advisers. The session description. It contrasted the expen• ailing, for about two years from lung Flower Mission, Mrs Seaward; Press sone 10t for the Executor, Seaforth P.O.
g Dated the 10th day of January, 1$98, -
lie practically over and the gain's that ditures of Ontario for the present year troue. Dept., Miss White; Parlor Meetings,
with those of the sister Province of On Monday a horse belonging to W. Mrs W T Harland.
talr;',beerl.rilade are nearly all in the Quebec in an interesting manner the Fertruson, from near Belgrave; started GODERIOH. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
ba other da Said this Conservative to run away when opposite the Ex-
remier s hands: $e has scored point y _
contemporary: change hotel, Wingham. It rad up Pres., Mrs D McGillicuddy; Vice In t7w matter of the &'tate of Catherine
after point' bit good generalship, and "The estimated expenditure of the Victor is street to R. Small'ewhere the Pres., Mrs Duff and Mrs Smooth: Rec. Walker, late of the Town of Minton,
the average bypt Eider admits that Mr. Province of Ontario for the coming cutter struck a tree and was smashed. and Cor. See., Mrs Bogie; Treas., Mrs married woman, deceased.
year is $3,397,000, while the Quebec The horse continued till it ran into a Holland.
]:lardy lase been more progressive than
total is $4,663.000, Of the Quebec es- tree And broke its back. It was killed Superintendents.Take notice that all 15orsons havengg claims
of Departments:— against the estate of t above namodCather-
Sir Ol
r L, fi, lver'A4owat, and yet quite as titrated expenditure $1,604,000 is for to end its suffering. _V Press Dept., Mrs McGillicuddy; Oil rfew ice Walker, dooaaped, who dies on or about
'footed, To fritter ,sway such a the interest on the provincial debt,and Mr Hugh Spackman, Exeter, met Bell, Mrs Duff; Medal Contest, Mrs Col- the 7th day of December, 1807, are required to
thi 4-1111.1` $511042 for railway subsidies thus Bend in partioulars of the ea a to J n O
Good 80 acre farm to rent in Goderich Town
ship, about six miles from Clinton. All apsitia
ulcers on application to JOHN RIDOUT, C%rt'olt
FAR11T FOtt SA.i
80 acres; Bayfield road; 11;milea from Clinton,
soil, clay loam; abundance of water; bank
barn,. 56x56 frame Louse and good orchard;
five acres of bush. JAB. STEEP -
FOR BALE... ..
Vaotory and contents on the rMVty of D.
Buchanan for $126; by paying J16 down and
balance at $to a month. Buil ing W be re-
moved, Apply to J. SCOTT. Clinton.'
The undersigned offers for tale a frame cot.
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached. Centrally situs ed. Good"water and
drainage. Will be sold cheap. A pi to
Clinton Dec. ,Ott, W C' b A$LE'
The frame house and half-aore lot on Huron
StClinton,root. Clint occupied by subscriber, Is offer-
ed for for sale. Accommodation for ordinary
family. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
bearing fruit trees. The house Ix well bested,
and win be sold on reasonable terms. Apply
to GEO. SWALLOW or on the premises to
WhO AGN EW Clinton.
For eate,loto 46 and 74 or the Maitland eon.,
Township of Goderich, 87 acres; nearly all
cleared and fairly well fenced. Soil is flIrst-
class Good frame house and outbuildings
Bearing orchard well watered, about 5 miles
from the town of Clinton, and, close W school
and churches. Will be Bold on reasonable
terms Anply to JOHN RIDOUT. Clinton.
wu .
[$2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
houses on Rattenbury 8t., known as the Fox -
ton Property.
Other houses and also vacant lots for'shle.
iHoney.–Private funds in large turd ell
sump to loan on mortgga�gge. Rates low. e,
W. BB,YDONE, Barrister.
For sale, a splendid farm of 83 acres, belong.
ing to the late C. Spooner, adjoining the cor-
poration of Clinton. 411 cleared and under g od
cultivation, small frame houre, frame l�i,,
good bearing orchard and well. Will b ,
on reasonable terms; to close up the estate.
so -frame cote on Albert Street, Clinton,
with half -acre or ground' applendidly located.
MRS ,C. McGREGOR, Constance.
• ]HRS. W. ROBERTSON,, Clinton.
For sale, that property on the south side of
Huron Street Clinton, directly opposite the
residence of lira Walsh. There is a two-story
frame house on the lot, which is nearly half an
acre; The property is most ei bly situated,
and will be sold for 6'400 cash. 'or particulars
apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton.
The undersigned offers for sale his, property
adioloL,g the town of Clinton, consisting of 14
acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of
choleest fruits. The buildings consist of frame
house, bank bam, poultry house, etc., all in
first-class repair. Thio is a rare chance for a
farmer wishing W retire or fora person' -out
ingg a fruit farm, For particulars apply poison•
ally oLbylettertA 13. JOYNER, Jr, Clinton,
That desirable Brick Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
offered for sale, including .rear lot and stable.
The location to one of the beet in Clinton. The
property is free from iucumbrance and title in-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon-
don Road, or address Clinton P. O
2 _ ,BLOCK
$900 cash 120 month] ppa�yyments ofj$19eaoh
—D J CAMPB1ILL, Hamilton
17 ai u1 f,Lr Rale or to Rent.
4'h th half of lut oncession 0, Town -
hip of Norris, enntainhig 100 acres, 90 acres
el .red And in good state o, cultivati4atlon,
rl be a aro on the p-6nrised a fraule house, frame
barn. frame drive hous. good orclard, never-
ffi,il ng supply of spring orator. Situated 4 mile
from thn village ul rlrytb. Will be so d on rea-
tonnble torms• A 1 to C. HAMILTON, Wyth
ut TROS. R. WR1��13T, Execute_ 948 Prince e
Ay , r.ondon, On
Honse and Lox for Mare
The frame house on Rattenbury street,
immediately east nVL'r. Tom.inson'a, tr
offered for sale on very reasonable terms.
Tbu house is centrally situate4 be;Gg only
a minute' walk from the business Centre,
bas n cellar, large dining r8om, rarlor,
bed reo - and kitchen down stairs, with one
large ;nd two amaller bedrooms upstairs
G+ood•sl2ed• summer kitchen and garden.
Very conveniently situated for boarding
house. Apply at NEW 1Ene office.
Subscriber has just bought a, tboro-bred
Duroo•Jersey boar, of first class pvkUlgroc, which
he will koop for service. Terms,
time of
service, with rfvoto a of retupi•oinKK if acces-
sary. JOHN IDT, Auburn 1, 1,N,
I Office—liantiltto'n Of
Mmu, LIFir AND A
Office, Mackay Blue]
Fire Insurance 11 ]r[4ney-to lend; #1'sal eatattl',
III csreiuil'y'attaudoQ to,.
Office__ j JRON STREE%', a" TNT(jlI ,
kt, .,4GNEW, 1. •
DENTIST, CLIN,,T.01N' `,""
Office Hour" to 5. f '
DR- T. C:
save ,
Graduate R O D S o!,' Ohtarfo, and rTP
veroit , Xwonto.
Special attention givon to the anti `,
the natural teeth, t
Office, Coate f lock, ov J
N. B.–Will visit BI y , .
Rayfield every Thursday%tri
summer is
Edinburgh, QffioeL. -
Night calls at front door ,
bury St., opposite Presby,
YJR J. L. TU.R _ G:
LUniversity, lk ,,
M. O. P & S„ Ontari 1
]Society of Edinburg
Edinburgh Hospital G. ;
office Rattenbury
answered at the as ng I
�R. J. W. SHA , yxI
Arobuoheur, etc., ,.
tario St., opposite Wet
onpied by Dr. Appleton, (
J �J��r~ra`
y a e of tihe0k►t
Oollege. TreatBalldlseaseeof o
male on the most modern and go
VOffice— immediatelysout
Otice, Residence –Albert ]St ,-e.t
night orday attendedto proinptly
has returned to Clinton and o ed;.,
at the Queen's Hotel, where be m y;.be Dona
ed for the treatment of all dirseases of Borg,
cattle Eco. All ealls, night or day, p4outptry'ti.
tended to.
College, Toronto at Trea% �l to ae na.,
1C1 insurer of Marri
and Residence, Mary
.a.• • P, L, S., Provincial sand'. lit
Civil Engineer, Loudod, Ont, -(111
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
CL" TON 1,;
WOOD and
Subsa fiber is preppared to pro
dare for Wood or Coal, wbach
lowest pates.
Office on Iaaasq,%eoet
AGENTS– Book bualne�{i"I» l,stt
n .t, 1,. I
The Gem Woveo�, �u��;
Subscriber is ngent for the Gf Vitov Tr w1R»`
FENCE, admittedly one of the at wits• enobg.
in oxistenee. ho wire ntlm' , Itii*U4,• ono6e
Coiled -spring steel Wits.ba mda,A, Sr1 h adw
lustable tighten era, elbsolif Overt, Arid ftu�
niched complete at 6c per t4ndlleY'rad „ 7i1
fence is not woven until ;is�,'1stit ftp . and one:
eau have as many strap arrta�r eL at is,'
a strong, durable rO ei bane letter, and
where used farmers efer it to an nth r
PESO EVA.NSt Tao Wep'&i :.
BsiA STA1K':. tt;C ;
n no s 1ng,.of ,one pig and
brit wits ill•advisoi1of bbe'Oppo.;
leap ngscarCely more than halt 0 the
tootgael revenue to be used for o: her pur•
an experience the other night which
he would not care to have repented. It
borne; Prison and Police Mrs Holland;
Work among Sailors, Zs C Campbell
Tito Clinton• Ontario, theExeoutor named i
horiast will and testament on or before the
"" "
The undersigned i,ns;bodn .au'.
atlrl probablythis will. be file
s i Ontario $72I, is to be spout
on: education. in Quebec, $425.000 On•
resins while filling a lamp with alcohol
at Ilia home for heatikig pur ogee he
1st day, of February,180s, antlthat on and after'
the .said date the said 'Executor will proceed
to distributo the estate of the said door
-- –
resent the o1�i11b11: Itfsnrarlr
telwnabipa of ulldl;t"t lkitrTPi8, an
rioeh, Parties hsvin buainat*a
pealrt nbe tlf. ;iyi4o•liog 'Poll leg iia
[arid is to S n ,
Y ped X9a",000 fol a rldul
titre Qaebet 159 600, For
,ae` n 1 1
• bide t y spi to uantity of the spirits
the'' ear of nn when lighting the
p. g
Plea, Mhra , Bond. 'Vice Pres, Mrs
Smith, y Stewart, Mrs-Neelin, Cot,
havfn regard ot{ly to tiro olairYis of winch ho
shall have had notice and that ho sha11i1at bo
For sato, 2 two ear old Tamtvtlrth Boar vire
being winner of the Ord rize at London also
pant, •or desitl g',to insrir6, w+llI e.
attended `fit. ROItT, a&11- "Ictrl
�: t
, $ .., mainterl°
tLtlCe of prtgons, refotmatbri6s,aejtltYtg'
vl4ti4 h, itak Ogtarlo will ' a 9 .
p t y $. t'
inflaxrlmablpe Auld i nitedandth%eatefi-
ed� sdrlouslblaze. rSpacktl�an a ret♦d
�, ,,
tL blanketbV..er tilrt? bilis+ t'it Waa
,, ,
pet3.,yMks i7oultea, Bee Se ,, iti(rg M Y
11Z'CLr3aii�'Tteak, Mra �+leo'bi
, +.
regporisible fOr the assets of the said est to or
itt oroof
spy a 1t to tiny 1tgrsott or viscus of
wh'' of im n . nn ,
o o a s otioo shall not thgn have been
let at Exdtor, Goderloh .afot ah
, , S d
Daurant3on. dlSoati agodllolanri Crii moa,
wtnnor of 1st ptiztia xvh r dghowfti•. 2 Dr od Jer-
._ +- l -nw,a :s.°
i� est
Rs AAI i
lily dLVEe'JCt#i iJt 3t7E11" h31
p 11 t't'f1
000, . Ue� ,$034 OK t will ,
,• . , L1ost
. .,.
Quebec $I90 470 #oe ie islatl tv' i
$ ori,, Tai e
.. ,. ,
cola id`blH tllf3l4ruit the h uxtirl
... - '
u arttltendellti7 of ]fie artmt llt.it:�-- +.t
ly .. •
la' 'few = re .1 c 1111 Vw3 elistic
g I
ooi� d
5 g ' 3A .3
f. 2 ilk,
Solitiltpr fat Joliu.C,artorxeotlto;r
o r 6 o th d
a _t inn ar m n _ s n�i ,ono I�rriultdr or 2trd,
rizaatLrtWWI, iso. 61 o c�a1d J r
17 1,. tt, a aey �o%v,
2x rig A thogoWill
LE,0 e ;
.: ,
lrftdittbtt+ 4it , ' o, , tt
�. t
slit'i11A >9
. leo sW.
, - ..
bntarlo wltl. et: tan g 0111 141I.4,
.. ,
kxecl tizu, a> Ibi3y, :. ,
,dell ' . , ,, , +
Mrs, 'KIrJtMttlll BAild Ilf tLo it
Dabed'eb'U ititoixrtltis lbtltilerit+mlldr;' x 97,
winuCf of .. rl nr all of bo.
soitlbh�tlr; �,bl�#,#C7: rSlClsl)tt llenirtillor
,, .�l'ith r
. ;:
I OR . . ..
• .J
, :. •
t .�
,' ,