HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-21, Page 1a
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RQ , RT l4o4l s, Vdltar ,and Proprietor . C. LITTON, OXT., JANUARY �1 f 1$�8 $1 a yeq in advancse 12 a widen not go paid
Br i Lpadesbore
^p ^•�-�•• �� , ucefield Goderich Township
->G:L�./ V 1+r T , NoTEs.-1Llr W. Wallace purchased
i - rt, BIOYCLICS.-Mr Joh.n.•Brilder, our en-
QPhat.wi .awake apd relie;ble oorrospondeats and worthy of recording Lor pub3ioation a Elbe- it of fans turkeys for the SPEOIAL UEETING.,-A special meet,
terprising harnego " maker apd bicycle Pa y } Ing will be held in the Lode Room of
ip SummlerbIll - agent, we notice is in the early rush, 'round dam of $11 last week. Me A. g
.. Af►t►ra* g L. O, L. No, 189, (Ourrie's) on the ev-
a has W odm n a so 'm rav Cas b
a Ear i to e
ce coining i trade, having re-
the i bike ad n
I e t
(. EDT H L G .-OnceA H RO L AIN.
I9 7it... A. n1, o
NOTES.-• is Addle WrightWr' ht is. an n f the 2 i
M a A d i o 4th inst. n g full attend,
> t l a d
a O O
f3 let . work again, u
b w S bac ipt�ions r?e
ceive a lar e supply of 97 n o is•
r a
'-lagfaife hate Paul ,Powell cleared the ea;tended visit to rQlativea near Ham- d gg ups y A, .tel .P being taken ,rice a nets Methodist once of the members is desired..
Taraberry tax collector's roll, having Ilton. Mr W. L. -Mair is making ex- be in ereat'ny high grade, thise�h�B should church. A vdry instructive lecture GOING 4WAY.-Mr Thos Trick sails
oulleotetl•evgry dollar of this years teasive preparations for the re -model- interesting g tointending pu vas iven in the Presbyterian church from New York :next Wednesday' for.
roll a g
taxes, and he returned the Ing of his barn during the coming ANNUAL MEETING. -On Wednesday last Friday by Rev. Mr McG111fvary,on England. Me Trick gave an oyster
month earlier than it has ever been summer. Me W.E.Miller is attending afternoon last, the annual meeting of y
xeturned before, Paul has a knack of g f; t.hinese, but not many availed the sapper. Wednesday evening to a few
the military school at London. Mr -the Union Church was held, when the selves of the opportunity of hearing of his old neighbors which was much
getting the money. and Miss Reid, of Constance, spent: ,affairs of the past year were brought him. Rev ilir Hamilton attended the enjoyed, and with wishes for a safe
CHURCH. -Rev, R.S.G. Anderson, of Sunday with their aunt, Mrs J. J. Mc- to a close, The church, we think, is at presbytery ma@ting' in Goderich on journey and future happiness the gath-
wroxeter, preached in the Presbyter- Laughlin. Me Thos. Mair supplied the present more successful spiritually Tuesday. Mise $dams has several ering came to a happy termination.
ian Church on Sunday night and per- wood Por 'the public school here. Me and financially than it has ever been. pupils in mucic. Mrs D. W. Roberts REcoVERiI�G°-Mr Herb Lamprey,
formed the:ba .banal rite on Rev. D. A. E. Wetherall, our teacher, visited The reports submitted were all very an two children are visiting at Me A. p oy'
`P rrie,? littie,�aughter, Mar aret. An Me J. 11• Lowery, Hullett, on Friday, gratifying, showing a substantial sur- W,aodman'a thio week. Misses Bill, who had the misfortune to cut his
g foot with
entertainment w.fll be held in the plus of MW on hand. The contribu- Young and McConnell spent Sunda h an axe while working with
tions for missionary work were larger g P y in the bush last Tuesday, is sufficient -
Methodist church next Monday even- Porters Hill. Y g at the latter's home in Blyth. 1 recovered to be around again. Me
Ing; stereopticon views of old Lon- CHOSEN FRIENDS. - The following than they have ever been before, all CHUncn.-Knox church held its an• John Falconer, who has been se iousl
don•and a select program of vocal and I are the officers of the Chosen Friends societies contributing more largely. nual congregational meeting on Thurs- ill for the past few weeks is we are
instrumental music. by a phonograph , for the current year: -P. C.. Jae. Con- It is thought that a Sabbath School day afternoon, the 13th Inst.; Me Isaac glad.*to'say,.improving,
will make up an evening of enjoyment. i will soon be built, as as the eongrega. Barr was chosen to act as secretary.
though slowly.
nolly; O.T., Jas. Cox; V. C., M. Woods; I'tion is now in a position to build one. y' VISITORS. - Mrs C, Andrews of
TOOg•A LITTLE RUN. -A horse that Rec., O. W. Potter; Asst.-Rec., F. Mc- The Sabbath School reported a rail of +
H. Day was driving on Monday, start- Cartne Tresis.., V.ir.,.H,, Lobb; Mar It is the hope of all that the intercourse 54, average attendance 00. The school Rochester, N. Y., is visiting tinder the
y' of both Pastor and people will long be parental roof, the residence .of Mr and
ed to run on Diagonal street, ran up shall,, W. A. Edwards; Warden, A. I raised by collections $20.48: and from
-- JoQephine street to Alfred, turned Cox; Guard, T. McCartney; Sentinel, continued in as pleasant a manner as the 1st -of July festivat.$27.46. Boake Mrs J. Driver, Huron Road. Harry
down Minnie street to Victoria, thence G. Kelly; Trustees, G. Hanley, J. Con- it now is. to the value of $19.90 were added to Gould and wife, of Clinton, spent Sun
down to Josephine street and was nolly and A. Cox; Delegate to Grand NOTES. -Mr Neilans was the one to the library. The collection on Child- day with the fortner s parents, still
Inde .starting for another trip u Main street Council at Toronto, Jno. Connoll obtain the gentleman's bicycle at Me renis Da was 7,74 con. Miss Edie Tebbutt, of Holmes -
g p y, g y y e ,given to bele pay ville, is this week the uest of her
•1@t when• it run into -the window of Geo. Snider's on Thursday evening last. the debt of the Sabbath School con- g
NOTES. -Mr C. Wallace, of Clinton, uncle, A. Tebbuft, Huron Road.
Newton's harness shop and broke the Mr Gilbert McDonald has returned m%ttee of the assembly. The C. E.
St. p shipped a load of hogs on Tuesday, for y'
sere window. The cutter was smashed which he aid 4.85 and is now among from alis North West; he and his society has a membership of 20 Active ENTERTAINMENT. -The young peo-
but neither the horse nor the driver P ' g brother William, left this week for members and 19 Associate, and of these ple in the vicinity of Taylor's Corners
to the far in this neighborhood of- y y .
add, were.injured. feringg $5 for the next shipment. Mr Texas, where they go for the benefit 21 are church onembera. The Auxiliary are hard at work prer•aring for their,
Ing-' . INSTALLATION of OFFICERS.- The and Mrs John Cox visited friends in of their' health. Miss B. McDonald, of W. F. M. S. gave $16 for Foreign entertainment, which is to be held in
I of installation of the officers of Court .Colborne on Tuesday. Rev. Mr Oli- who has been in Clinton for the past Missions and about $11 in clothing. the schoolhouse oil the evening of Fri-
Ct . . 'is said
- W.
Win ham, No. 505, took place at the
� Friday
van daughter were calling on old
Beason, is spending her vacation with
der -here. Mics Walks, of
The Mission Band also contributed $ 8
for missions. For congregational pnr-
day, Feb. 4th. An interesting pro -
gram will be, given. which will eclipse
'fi+ o7in
t9}ti3: 'W. l3.
regular meeting on evening.
The following will hold office for this
friends in the neighborhood on Mon-
day. Mrs Sterlingg, Dakota, is visiting
Tiverton, is this week the guest of her
Me Alex. Mustard. The. Misses
poses there wits raised $334, for the
$109, for benevolent
anything of the _ nature ever held in
1i.,:., Thomas
year:-P.C.R., John Cornyn; C.R., W.
at Me Arch. McDougall's this week.
schemes and re-
neighborhood. Don't fail to at -
relµ;last week,
�ib>it Me-
Button; V.R., Alex. Young; R.S.,. C.
Me Wm. Stirling, 6th con., is on the
Falconer, of Bayfield, accompanied by
Mr G. Lindsay, of that place, attended
Hoses purposes $91; o'. total for all pur-
oses $542, Mr Geo. Scales and Mr R.
tend a it will prove the event of the
1Sxtcknow on
Stewart; F.S., C.J.Reading;
T.Abraham; Treasurer, Wm,Feaseant;
sick list. Mr Thos. and Mise S. Wallis,
]st con., are laid tip with cnida and
the Presbyterian church here last Sabcott
bath evening. Mr J. Beattie, of Sea-
were elected to take the place of
the retiring managers. The meeting
NOTE%-Robt. Thompson disposed
Physician, Dr Chisholm; S. W., E.
sore throats. Miss Mar Lindsay is
Y y
Earth, spent Sabbath with his sister,
was closed in the usual wap. '
of one of his fine parses last week at a
t Tay,, of Hui.
Sharpe; J. Isaac Davidson;S. B,
Share ,
under the doctor's care. Mr Stewart
Mrs Wm. Scott. Me Fred Waldron
ed into it in the fall, doubtless with the
full expectation cf enjoying, in com-
twiuival figure. A sleighing ait
' g P y
her in No. 2,
''John Wilson; J. B., G. Parker. This
McDougall has had a severe attack of
went to Kingston lately on business.
from Goderich spent lee t Hurn at the
order' is making rappid, strides all over
grip, but is improving Mrs Uook,
Sunday. Miss Dallas, of Wingbam,
few circumstances have occurred in
borne of Walter Hick, Huron road.
America and Wing Am Court is doing
Point Farm, is staying this week with
this township which have given rise to
•Louis Tebbutt is this week confined to
H'a treat at
' '''t days re
its part.
her •sister-in-law, Mrs O. W. Potter,
who has been on the sick list.
NOTES. -The vacancy in Blyth coon-
filled b the b
more sincere and genulne sorrow, than
the unexpected death of Mrs Campbell,
the house through sickness. Misses
Ada and Alice Woon has returned
n. is havinga
the regular meeting of Maitland Lode
g g
of the kindly regard and esteem in
oil was election, accia-
y y
nation, on Monday, of Mr G. Powell,
wife of a greatly and
homy from their visit.. James Barkley
Blyth friends
&ylor, visit, tl
No. 119, I.O.O.F.,on Thursday evening,
the work of installing the officers was
Livingston's mill is receiving piles of
loge. Mrs Curtis is in Goderich this
Treasurer, Jas. Campbell, which occur-
red at Londesboro on Monde evenin
land Mise' Ida Stewart are visiting
frieuds in Ashfield;there must bean at-
1 -a".. Miss
ttiendfng her
completed and the list of officers for
The seryice held in the Methodist
week attending a meeting of the Pres-
Deceabed was never a tugged and
strong woman, yet she was net sickly,
traction that draws friend McBrien
down the 4th con. Mrs J. Wigginton
&, 1liiiesa$ .
the current term is as follows: -N.
J. P. Kenlriedy; V. G., A. Sebastian; R.
church on Sunday evening, in connect-
ion with the'above occasion, was target
bytery. Miss Witt, of Toronto, is vis-
iting in town. Miss Youngblut, of
and her illness was of short duration,
being which
is visiting her daughter at Lucan
she' guests at.
+week. Me
g,, J, F, (,}roves; F. S., J. W. Dodd;
1,y attended and of special interest.
Auburn; wan visiting Miss Ida Tamau,
an attack of pneumonia,
lasted only about two weeks. She was
halon family, are
Anna Weeks is spending a few days
Tress., W. Robertson; Warden, T. J.
The pastor., Rev F. J. Oaten, was the
Sunda Mies Miller, of Wroxeter,
a.woman of ver kindly and amiable
PERSONAL. -Jae. Connolly, our po-
et e., guests at
icy,, . V. Levy,"W.
Elliott; Uonduatpr, A. J. Irwin; R.S.S.,
J.'Haines; L.S.S., A. Tipling; R.S.
preacher. On 'Tuesday evening the
concert, previously announced, was
was the .guest of Miss Moffatt a few
days this week. Fred Denstedt left
disposition, and a staunch member of
Buena' church; and her life was a
polar Reeve
P is in London this week
attending the annual meeting of the
oro recently,
Ong old time
N.G., W. Hough; L. S. N. G., W. A.
Johns; R.S.V.G., D. Loughead; L.S.V.
held in the Foresters' Hall, when a
good crowd showed hearty apprecia-
for London last week, where he has
secured the osition of manager of a
embcdimeut of the principles she pro.
Dairymen s Aesociatioq. Mrs Brown,
Who, has been visiting at John O: EI -
e o call far the nt n
d t r1, i The Pol-
P g'
G., C. Oillespie; I.G., Neil McGregor;
tion of the program for the evenin
g g•
lar a manufacturing concern thatis
fessed. She was Mr Campbell's second
wife, and had no family; in the truest
liott's and other friends in the neigh -
--- _
Finance Comittee,.J. A. Morton and
The fancy hoop drill and march was
orng in for manufacture of as
sense of the term she was a good wo-
borhood, has returned to her home in
s .
A. J. Irwin; Property Committee, T.J.
the special feature ,of the entertain-
line lighting machines; they. really.
man esteemed by all and words seem-
Fullerton township, George Elliott
:-meeting of
Elliott, J.T.Groves and W. Robertson.
ment; the young ladies displayed great
made a fine choice when they chose
lately lack sufficient expression to con-
has been suffering so much from the
effects of having tooth
irday it was
ening, would
NOTES. -T. E. Walker has moved
his butcher shop into his new brick
Precision of action, while the costumes
of while and pink, with the hoops dee-
Mr Denetedt for the position..
iouservices are being couimenced in
vey the sgmpathy that Ie felt and ex
pressed for Mr Campbell, who, having
a extracted
that they have had to sit up with him;
A very large
but there are
block, three 'doors north of the town
hall, S, Youhill has entered upon his
orated in evergreen and pink, made a
bewilderingly pretty scene. The W est-
the near future ° in the Methodist
church. The members of Trinity
no daughters, sustains a more than ir-
reparable loss. What adds keenly to
M appears verycTavish and wife, of , of better. John
MHuron town-
eleventh year as assessor of the town
field Quartette captured the audience;
church intend holding a Birthday too-
the bereavement is the fact that Dir
ship, are visiting at the home of Wm.
Wise, enc l@ of the lady.
gr Wingliam. James McLaughlin has
selections were appropriate and
tial connection with the church on
Campbell had only this summer erec-
and being a native of the town, was
aw material:
retired from business on account of ill
pleasing. Mies Wellwocd sings with
the evening of Feb: 4; parties attend-
ed a commodious new house, and ttlOv-
BEREAVEMENT, -The removal by
i :an)temper
health; James Haugh will continue
the business. Mis9 Bertie Kent left
good expression, and will always be
.welcomed by a Belgrave audience.
Ing must be careful to count their age
correct. Me and Mrs John Kelly, Of
ed into it in the fall, doubtless with the
full expectation cf enjoying, in com-
death of Mrs John Gibson, on Wednes-
day, Jan. 19., at her -home on t.be Hur-
n_ The bills
on Monde to resume her studies at
Miss Reid, of Wingham, in bet first
Goderich, visited friends in town on
an with hie late wife some e,ira of
P Y +
on road is certainly a sad and lament -
E.. anniver-
Hellmeth;,•.°College, London. Frank
appearance here, revealed a voice of
Sunday. Miss Dallas, of Wingbam,
well-earned comfort and hay n ess,
able occurrence. The deceased had
�,d 31. The
dton Orches-
McLaud-A ,'.)eft for Detroit on Satur-
day, after';s�on_Ing several weeks un-
unusual sweetness. Mr McClelland,
who kindly renders assistance on all
wt1 a visitor in town on Sunday. The
young men of the town have organ-
Alas for human calculations. Hctw
hard to realize that
been during her bort life a robust and
healthy woman in fact, was thel Pic-
" ` Aub :of Col*
er the 11 I . ta1- f. George Smith,
I 'lla9` beers itatig at Tor onto for
occasions, was in splendid tune; a solo
with duet chorus by Rev Me Oaten and
Mill heartily
ized a hockey club and they practi ce
on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Mr Mrs Howard Alexander left
"All's for the best -if we only did know it-
•sorrow and suffering, anguish and loss;
Lure of health and when her illness
became known, some five da s before
intteioal par ,and
t11 iieh;'four, onlhs, returned on
Code, ofTrowbrid e, was
encored. Mies W baleq s instrumental
for his home in Bervre to visit his
Bridging with love the dark chasms across. "
her death very few sus ecteyitwould
Y P d
fatal. She
delivered by .Revs
Frrday:.last and Illa remain for
was well received. The building of a
encs for a month or two.
The funeral took place yesterday to
prove was a daughter of
R,obt. Thompson, 'of Goderich,
-.and Sir A. T. Coop-
sonic .
by ladies
Monday night now. Next Monday. will
NoTEs.-Misses A. Pollock and A. Directors, Messrs. Frank Metcalf, Geo.
tatiQne _and reading
Monument of Truth nine was
Union Cemetery. \
and being a native of the town, was
aiid supper will not
ITlpp ^,
one of the unusual features; the whole,
with the monument, from the top of
nodi meeting of the members of Mor-
PRESENTATION. -Un Tuesday even-
highly esteemed in that place, where
1,g,-;I3olmeaville ever
ommeudation suffi-
NOTES. -Measles a�,e�prevalent'n
this neigghborhood. •Rev. �1't!cheaoty
which the dove bowed and nodded to
the tab-
tis Agricultural Society was held at
McCau he s hotel, Blyth,
g y y , on the 13th
lagan large number of the members of
Knox church gathered at the home of
she leaven many sorrowing relatives
and friends. She was just in the prime
IO,a>m. and 7 P -m-
[inner, from 5 to -8 on
ba tised.seven persons on Wedri6da
P y
evening last at a R. McLean e, Lon-
audience, made a very pretty
leau. Mrs Ireland gave her recitations
that free clear manner so seldom
inst.,and a large number attended. The
Sec Treasurer's report for the past
Mr Aiex,B:trr and, presented Miss Sara
C. Barr with a beautiful gold watch,
of life, being only 34 years of age, and
her sudden demise has left a vacant y
I'e.'s.from Clinton and
urehaise tickets
don road. We are leased •to notice
enjoyed in these days of so-called etc-
J y Y
year showed the to be in a
very rosperous condition. The euro
on her retiring from the position of or-
in the church. Misses Jennie
in a household where she proved to be
a faithful wife and loving mother. She
pp ,
W, or 'sale at the
. Me J. Balfour, merchant, around:a ain
after his illness.. -Miss Murray is at
Addie La culture. Pearl Proctor and
of $8 9 was paid out as cash prizes.
McKenzie and Aggie Scott made the
was a consistent member of 'the Pres-
thig' smaller limbs
resent visiting the Misses McMordie.
fi t' h' h
The ate receipts showed the attend-
g P
presentation, and the astor, Rev.J.A.
� P '
byterian Church Goderich and was
M Revival meetings have rfort held t two
Methodist church here for the past two
in a ower mo ion song, w is was ex- ance • to have been over 6000 people.
ceedin 1 well rendered. Mrs Oaten P P
The Auditors, ,Messrs. 'McKinnon and
Hamilton, read the following address :
recognized in all circles as a cheerful
g '
sympathetics and influential ;.crena.
L?E.-=John W. Ma-
weeks and are being continued this
bad, full charge of the program, and
well earned the hearty thanks of those Hamilton, presented their report and
it was adopted. The Old Directors
She leaves behind her four young
children, three daughters and one son,
scape from instant
�.: Fie was driv-
week with fair success. Mr G.E.Thom-
son sold a good horse 'the other day
present. $33,40 tells the financial story, were re-elected for the ensuing year,
We take this opportunity of expressing•
and a sorrowing husband. The be-
tt in the bush, and
dee which Messrs
realizing a fair figure for it. The Roy,
al Templars of Temperance meet on
viz: President, J. B. Tiernay; .1st Vice,
Stanley C. Ruddell, 2nd Vice, 'W. Patterson.
our thanks for your -untiring fidelity
while filling the position of organist in
reaved have the heartfelt sympathy of
the entire community. The funeral
.were felling and
Monday night now. Next Monday. will
NoTEs.-Misses A. Pollock and A. Directors, Messrs. Frank Metcalf, Geo.
Knox church., We know -that your Ieg-
on Friday to Maitland cemetery was
largely the
am until the trete.
bean open meeting,when other lodges
Rathwell visited friends in Stephen Powell, J. Sherritt, John McMillan, J. ,
ular attendance and faithful adherence
very attended, showing
)•ate for him to get
are expected to be present and take
Miss Maggie McLean has pur-
last week, Preparatory services con- Shortreed,r., A. Carr, W, J. Tabb,
ducted by Rev. W Graham, Bayfield, W. Clark, Thos. Sloan. The Directors
must often have been at the cost ef'
great personal inconvenience,, and al-
high esteem in which she was held in
the vicinity.
sleigh box was
"limbs of the top
chased a new driver. Me W.D. Thom-
.were held in Bayfield road church, on ►net at the close of the annual meeting
though assured that your efforts Wel a
COUNCIL.-Oouncil met on Jan. 10th
Mr 1lCason; some
son started framing, on Monday, pre-
Friday, Jan. 14th. Mrs Armstrong, of and n ?pointed H. McQuarrie secretary
•always prompted by love for the Mas-
according to statute; members all pres-
broken, but the
pAring the timber for Me Fees new
Bronson line, is at � ,pl�resent visiting bar and Frank Metcalf treasurer. The
daughter, Mrs J Belgrave.. date for Fall Fair fixed for
ter and with a desire to forward His
cause, and without any hope or expec-
ent and made the necessary declara-
red. to,any'extent.
barn. Rev. M>a Acheson is holding
It1CAsh, of next was
tions of office and tiroperty qualifica-
bfimub'es to remind
cottage prayer meetings and they are
Rev. W. G. Richardson, 13° A., preach- Tncsday and Wednesday, October 4th
tati,)n of earthly reward, yet we beg
tions. Minutes of last; meetibg read
thig' smaller limbs
being largely attended.
ed in St. Andrew's church, Bayfield, and 5th. The matter of the admission
of you to accept this watch as a token
and passed.- The' salaries of the town -
he Came off pretty
and at Bethany on Sunday. . Mrs J. fee was discussed and by a unanimous
D�arlcham, fixed I5c for 5c
of the kindly regard and esteem in
ship officers are as follows:-Olerk
P ,
Ecichardt, of is at present vote was at adults and
which youare
$105; treasurer, $70; collector, $70; ae-
;nites leaves this
NOTM-Mrs George Beattie is visit--
visiting friends in this township. Miss for children. The membership fee of
Asits hands mark thepassing moments
sensor, $60; auditors $5 each; council-
in her. son Willy. of Ethel, this week;
Anna Beatty, of Ethel, visited at 01 is to include two admission tickets,
and hours of the day, our earnest hope
fors - y'
$� each for each day's sitting;
t'tudy music:
ay Wright
Misa Phema Lo ie takin in the
her home in Varna recentl Parties deairin to become members
y' g
. in that to ou at least these hours ma
y y
'oouncil)ore as road commissioners, $2ti.
-at -g
em `' t,n ' Wri, t-
sights of Ripley -this week, and Miss
PERSONALS. -Mrs Rayner and her I should join before September 1, as the
be laden with peace and joy and bap"
By-law, No. 1 was read and passed.
halon family, are
Anna Weeks is spending a few days
dau titer, Katie, of the vicinit of fee after that date will be $1.25. The
g y Orton Lodge
pineso. As you look upon the dal
be filled kind)
Chas. W. Williams was re -appointed
;%idahere at Pres-
with friends in London. The Meths-
dist here have been holding
a a lied for free use of
Georgetown, are visiting old ac uain. g h pp
g q ro++ods for P c,'uui demonatr,tt.ion
may our mind with
y y y
hoe hte ,tgward us, and may our
y y
on the Board of Health for a term. of
;k in, a tree recent-
tances here; Mrs Hayner is the •sister, g y
in to
three years. The Clerk wan instruct -
iverr 5000 feet; he
s services in their church Por theg
P iq
2, whi •1 u
n J. 1 h which re est was i.Ln-
and guest of Mrs Alex. Day- b
Thomson, o
g y
urs wafting
ere unite wi•h o w
e o call far the nt n
d t r1, i The Pol-
P g'
Is inial and he took
last two eeks. Rev. Me Smith is
St. Church
tall. Extensive lin rovements arp to
field road. Mr Hugh Forsyth, of Use , P
be in the is the'Direct-
the throne of race, the petition that
g P
in the hereafter we asan unbrok-
lowing officers were re -appointed: -
tea,. Be�giave, who
holding services in Johns
every Wedne(1day evening until. Pur-
vicinity of Brussels, and his son al a inade gomu and
y ors are d`'teruriiiF,i chat Blyth .Show•
in Stanley Tucks
an congregation may he gathered
F. McCartney, assessor; L, Anderson,
G. Holland
e tithe ' one bad to
their not ice. Messrs. Pilgrim & Chafe,
visiting friends and r
smith; -he is a former resident of tl,;s (111'1,11 contiuue to he one of the best in
around t•he Heavenly Throne when
collector; auditors, and J.
R. Holmes. ..The various fe,lceviewers,
1. A' lime 11 ;
of Mitchell, have u ened out a tailor
the count
district, Me John Gilmour of Moose y'
time shall be no more. Signed in be.
poundkeepers and atlimasters . were
- �¢• ..
+, •1'
�� ,
.' A �T
t5 .
,w l
Do not, always have a perfect sight, .. '
possibly their eyes give them no
pain, if they are coneoioue of any
thing wrong at all, itis only through •
not being able to see distant objects
a ole r their fr' Without s � ash friends. 1 er n w t
glasses they lose a liberal education
along with much enjoyment. Again
their vision may be good enough,
but the are troubled 't •head-
. r le with -head-
aches, &u„ or their eyes tire- an$
ache easily. They suffer needlessly,
Glasses fitted properly remove
the cause, and the headaches
will naturally disappear, fiat-
isfy yourself. Have us test your
eyes. We will obarge you nothing
for that,• and but moderately for
' Glasses if you need them. More-
we will refund your money if not
i Graduate Druggists & Opticians, ,
i Clinton.
a Smoked G4fasses save even strong - '
eyes this weather. We have them
for 25o, • li0o and $1.
stallion Dellmuir from Thos., Gn
of Goderich at a fine figure; this
is very highly spoken of by the h
men of this county asastock horse
is undoubtedly a fine animal. Mr
Coleman has sold the Canadian
Clydesdale stallion, "Young Raker
to Thos. Berry, Heneall, at a goo
ure,Mr Berry has sectored a good
which will no doubt be a profitabl
Call and 'see our stook of Far Costa, Robes
Blankets, eta. -J. NICHOLSON.
OUR LIBRARY. -Frank Metcalf, of
Blyth, received the order for the:. civ ''
Mechanics' Institute libraries at?r-~
burn; over $200 worth are being put
in. They are also opening a free pub-
lic reading room.
PRESENTATION. -Mr W. D. Wilson .1
took a load of Home Girele friends out
to Goderich last week, to , and the ev-
ening with a former memos Mrs Ro- - '
berton, and they, also pies ted het"
with a costly clock, showing th it high
esteem of her. .11 ji
CORRECTION. - In the items •last "
week it was stated a arty was hr��rd-*tQ all
Me H. McBrien's, and they spent' a;
evening tripping the light fang
toe. This is incorrect. ' There w
dancing whatever, and the come x b
is gladly made in justice to the p
concerned. I
CHURCH NEws.-Rev Mr lin
preached an interesting seem
Isaiah 40: I-2, 'It' ye, con
my people, saith your God; s
comfortably to Jerusalem, and
to her that her warfare is acro
ed, that her iniquity is Pardo
she bath received of the Lord"
double for all her sins." Rev colo
ens preached at; instructive se, o I
"Little Foxes." Rev Mr Higley `held"
service in the English chur ch on Friday
evening. The S. S. of the Methodrsia } :,
church, at its annual meeting, re-elect- ,^
ed all the old officers, with two changes, .
Miss Wellwood, as organist, and C.
Oouzens as assistant librarian. .
NOTES.-Misa Glen, of Carlow.. is the } '
guest of Mies N. Wetheral a1, r ,
Miss Margaret A. Henderson, n
Rev. R. Henderson, was recentl
ried at her home in Barrie to
Kaaice, of Kinloss. Mies Holt
who has been visiting her' broth
M. Holtzheaur, has returned o
-home in Walkerton. Miss S. Wi'lso
has returnj2d -h a from her visit
Toronto. Miss • Young, of Londes-
boro, is the'gue of Miss Bertha Wil- r•
r sent. iss Dow an
d Mable
son at p @
Erratt were visiting friends in Clinton
on Sunday. Misses We'VW'AL and
King joined the .Temperance Lodge
last week. Miss E. Fluker, of Clinton.
is spending'her holidays at home at
present. The Baer family are r
in the saw loge at present. A
of our Youngg men risited Gc
this week. )VIr L. Paterson
misfortune to have a runaway t
or day, when considerable dama
done. A number from here.
Clinton to see the Florida show t
NOTES. -Mrs Wm. Beat, of SF
is visiting her daughter, Mr,
Allen, this week. Several of
people attended a party a
and report baving 'aRt 111
George Knox is dram
Belly property, as he int
Dstme rumor has it that
a wedding in our neigh
Wm. .Knox enter
Mrs n
friends on Wednesday ev
(Additional local news on page 4.)
vruu aaaus TlavI c r s . sit° in the buildinglately vacated b halfof the con rega,tion. I e
ti+iltrLvvpas fat great success;, yB Y Jaw, and Mise Kato Fletcher, of Min- . appointed. By-law No. 2was readand Are You �n need
g Mr arlmer, adjoining Beatty Bros, nedoea were visitingin Ba field this Bayfield J. A. J3AMILTON.-Pastor passed. The following accounts were L-1
"t, " ,,@bfitC as prices are store; these gentlemen come ht .hl ° Y IMPROVEMENT.- JOwett's Point is ISAAC BARR } g 60c, election
g g y week. paid: -A. Rumball, revel,
recommended and we feel satisfied to be 1,m roved nex ear b the erec- ARTHUR, JAMIESON 1.
P t Y y suppiplies, Municipa World, $2,09; six
> G17ti s'1'tnI R°>� Niivrs that the will do a rushing business. 5eaferth tion Of a din"'e, brick house, to b@ mod- THOMAS MANNING Managers f1, C p w
Y g, . co es • Mnnicf a Worl for use of of a • - i�.6wl
Me L. Beatty is erecting it wind motor ern in st Ie and furnished throughout GEORGE SCALES
y g DEATH OF MR JOHN T. DlCgsoN.- y g council, $5; Clerk, postage, $11; re.
tot Mr John Beacom this week; i his with all convenfences. We tinder- ROBERT SCOTT If so, now is the time to buy. 'rho �`
There died at Gladswood Farm, Bur= REPLY. -Mr Isaac Barr replied In be- turning and deputy officers election y :!
' will be a great convenience to Mr stand that the contract has been let to P • expenses, $57; collector, postage, ate Offering, a tine of Rookin am
lei h near Seaforth. an Silturda ,Jan, half of his easter in a few words of P P ,std
'Tan• 2 Beacom. g ' Y S. S, Cooper, Clinton. tion@r and advertising, gg Wsre at rices that are her boat
, 15, Jno. Turnbull Dickson, at the age cauncu.-Rev. E. Olivant's.visit to his sister in a few words of thanks at y f3+ 11,2. R. F)m- P
11 �of 77 ears. Deceased wits a brother I mereon, culvert" on 7th roti., $6; H.
y the Bayfield Circuit for • Iilissionar the unexpected kindness. After a few Bowls, 6c, 70, 8o and 10o each
Gontstance of the late Jae. Dickson Registrar, of y y Dyke, gravel, ; treasurer,
ter, ie,repairing ,
' (+ NOTES.--Mia3s Lottie Uook went to Goderlch,and came out Jedbur h, work was highly appreciated by the hours pleasantly spent to mu4�c and p B.lrer o Oval, a inch ...... 100
culvert, $2:50; treasurer ostaq�; Ota- '
eople. The congregations were ver singing the company retired to their tioner and financial repor Bakers Oval, 9 inch ...... 120
Woodham this week to attend the Scotland, in the early thirties, with p homes y tr tb. Ad- ,
ma:iiia @ of a cousin. Mlss•Ida Brit- his stents and other members of the large ana'attentive and the preachers ,wolf pleased with the results of ourned to meet on first Monday in Baker s Oval 10 inch...... led
• • p efforts were generally applauded. The the evening. h7aptpies Oval, 7 inch ...... 100
A`% ton ie visiting .friends at Clinton this faintly, being among the first settlers g y PPebruary. N. STIIRDY, Clerk. ;
j x• )f1, week. Mre Wm. Snail is visitin her in this art of the country, which was returns are ahead in excess of tact Hensall '� --"y" IIN ST0R EWARE we hafts,
1, ii , 1w ID g p ear and it is ex a ted will be mater• ;
- dauggb; er at Hatrietora. Miss Lottie then a dense forest, Deceased was a 3' > . p Tuc rertdctllth
Me(7ul hasreturnedit•omavisitwith strong, robust hard-working man al taliq' to advance whenlhecollectora SUDDEN b�ATH.-The residents of ��*�' pint logo mottied,.,.,,,,.lbe •-_ I �-1
' riende in SlWorth. • Me J. W. Kin ways enjoy in good health u to with- have completed their work, our village were greatly shocked °n HPWORTR LEAGUE. --The address on g � .
f g y J Y g P Friday mornin on learning that Mrs Sunday, Jan. 23 will be given by Hen• Quart Jag:, mottles ..,...fl0a
lD. Ate th� OWeSi was at'Win ham on Saturdry to see in a few monilia at his death. He had MEATH. - An, Old pioneer passed 9 n almost gwithout a r Carter, Tuckoverri subject, "The Milk Crocks, 1 gatYon,,,;150 �`
p g, - 1
,' his brother, who is sick. been ailfn during the est year with away SundaT, Can. 16, Cn the parson of B. Thumpso 11ad a Y rifflk (frocks, act
moment a warning been called from only Divine Religion. _ � g tgnA,,.26D : ' •
(r g Butter Crook.l2o pct gelloft '
( "`fj lI1C O11 taro 17si:k'b.•--•Mrs McMillan, of Stafl'a, who „heart trop le, but his Bath was has• I Me John ateou, a ed 91. lilts wife time into eternity, The deceased bad PERsoxAL.-• Doncan Ashton, who
' has been livin with her titer, Mrs tsned by an attack of bronchitis, he pp__re•deceased flim about six months. not enjoyed ed the best of health, boot yet q e ith Mr Thor;. Townsend dust the same rice '
. I g g being confined to the house but.a few He. was a consistent msember of the J y a_ i• „leas res d d w Zi 1ta earth
IIbt R : si1f1, it 1161'd. '.Win. McIntosh, of thlsvilla e, died on g was a le to attend to be a regular f m • for A number of 'ears, has returned to enware, and muoh better. • .
' . � O ain crier lin erin days. Mr Dickson was a staunch Lib, Methodist Church, Rotmerlyt he te• , tis he took , tit of severe •
on Sunday' m r g, lingering y _. .. - ly duties. • a his home near Bluevale;durin hisystay
`. ` illness caused b cancer on the face. oral and a member of the fiirstPr@shy I aided On the Satlble line but
1,"d) OT 11st1 ! y • c n , coughing, which eansed a blood vessel hbi*he *011 many friends, an, will be The' goods oln be also In our 1.
r a eaehed the advanced age of terlan churell, Seafofrth. Three staters he lies Ilved w th his rielihew, Mr robin to ura and in a few moments asi6d, - religious Shell d r tt S b .. t► p missed hath tin social ttnd re igloos .sir= north window,
el h _Cotte' d was cheerful amidst +tad one brother survive him. viz. Mrs (Watson fn th a i+lila e.. Tde was much away, , 'Her rbmatns were followed to Mr J (. Coleh is now recovered
,. ' . , t3>' ,ail.... � , g Y _ cies.
�y 1g et ' lferf tt td the last cl of her Chishont, Manitoba; fibs Jas. Scott reapectt�d and beloved by all Who , t e tomb on Monde b alar a Huth- `s 1 t ill se Mr M, L o d h s „'
R. a, l h , efi g q le ROx ur h� and knew hurt. "A rept Iran has fallen,,s b 1' 1 lentil tti a e, tib ., 1 q fd ,
N:' , # S e wad k consist tit. Chrlstiml 5nd.. Mrat 9omervii , g , i her, of s rt"b.wxh relativeti and Erten 0, oun ill r e ,fora '-
, f .. life, .. h o . ,g d ekigu pd with C e oJ' Tit ti i n
9 resigned to ti Lor a will, Iiobcrt, Of De-_ -, ll�ti ti sten Dick- 1XIS remains wbre inte6od, Wodpesday,
and fully.. g . h d ,. mot sorkowiitp;. htieband .and: faintly In years ���� ����g�,. ;;�
having died itboub .three uroliths Afterhoon at two, u t ioek, in Ba f Ola, . ... "
T o re atnit M taken to Stafftt of still vtt q y
h int _ !pvc hve,thc,,watxn sy>Ytpathw oflao'caix, 1I•t�A��-,� rJti loutlara Otis' rl afttyl��.
I'>1 ie a o at thea a of 82r ,Deceased lmves eemetery, l eceaaed 6rlt Itlarrl8d , 1 01ta
Tttosday for in�tAtmeiit, >x t l t. Pxiitifrt in thole tludden Arid siadbe=
y litt,�chase the celebrated Cllydsdtile' fehone 23'
i say $0lt1ti4etlr .° +
1 , lilitwti, 'T13k d1# 'fiAL'tliCft8 TIM 0OMh 90lm i tt Fife ertd. evetal t out aitd• dau .. htdrs. twice and leaved n1, .
g Int. Olservel",
teadenlo .
/ _ / .
`.1. * a M.1. M tj d w
Y .1.
.. r �. t. S
t. �� ,7.