HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-14, Page 6R �"'"r & ,!• ARBY MILLIONS'
_ ^Endurance,
- P'
,�l.11 t`�St
i'ROL; • .
not mo4ity my declaration. You are my.
a? p, ?Ih M, Ir -o'" Ttt,atuaud J.'geaengora
-, - -." . 1, " Eaioh $our'TiU Thirty ;Buildings.
>rt the ?iralittee shake the Possessor
of TZ;ors. 1)zare i(;pvable. .
Cx. IAC. eooll Hopelessly erippled
estimate oftho" number.of ,persons
"No man is sinoanoly and securely loved
with Rheumatism.
'Carried by elevat�in Now York bust-
except by those who know his foibles,
Mass houses "is ptu`ar9 a mattes o1 :eonjoo-
u tum One of ilio members of a►rge firm
says Si} Arthur helps ]tiouserau qualifies
his rtwognition of faults in fids old friend
Could Not R lee Either Hand or foot an
engaBed in the ufa6oturo -at olovators
Gauffrecourt by the sp mA— that Without
Had to be Fed and Dressed—The Doctor
gave bis estimate tdat 600,000 ,passo119M
them he would probably have been, lest
Told Him Cure Was Impossible, Yet h
Ore carried dr}iYy about 80 ,of ithe:aky
amiable. In no works U this better oxen),
a thoueand times its cost for prostrati
g4raping built, go alone. Another person
plillod than in those of •Charles Diokene
Attends to His Balinese To -Day.
icpnneeted -00th the same firm said :that
,.,. „When I know all the foibles A man has,
From the Millbrook Reporter.
this est mato should be doubled to be nor-
,with little trouble in the disoovory, I be-
Rheumatism has claimed many victims
root is diffloult. k eepa record oettheiper-
gin to think he la worth liking," And of
Iliokona' father, and hie uotable;Micaw-
and has probabably caused more pain than
an other ill affeotl
y ng mankind, Among
'Po s using elevator?. In the Wase of rthe
' .elevated railroads surface roads artd other
barisms of speech and <leaoearwr, ho do-
ckues that no one could knout Lim with.
those who have been its victims taw have
suffered more than Mr Coon, now
r`' ,gammon carriers, the tickets or money
oolte9ted can be used as a means z�bta►in-
outliking him the better for them. No
' one likes Micawber less for his follies, and
proprietor of a fionriehing bakery in Ham-
"�Ctg statistlps, that nothing of this kind
Itossible with $110 elevators, which WOPat-
Diokonsliked his fatherbotter the more Le
Ilton, but for a number of years a resident
of Pontypool, when his severe illness oo-
xpnized daily thousands of persons wvho
recalled his whimsical qualities
One of the notable examples of the fact
carred. Toa reporver who interviewed
him Mr Coop, gave the following portion-
nothing fo the privilege.
,It is estimate hat in the average build-
using. sove "elevators trips are made
! that foibles may rather ondear than es-
#range is in Oliver Goldsmith. The epi-
heard in kindly
lars of his suffering and ultimate cure:—
"Some seven or eight years ago, said," said
Al ev note and a half. One lard
3' g
thet so often and ever
•� "
Poor Goldsmith
air Coon, "I.felt a touch of rheumatism.
tail store in Sixth avenue has 88 alova-
tones of speaks vol-
umea Writing of him, -vYashinglon Irving
At first I did not pay much attention to it,
but as it was steadily growing worse, I
r of the buildings has eight & 11lAny t3 a !�
And ten, and the number in other build-
.says that when eminent talent le united to
began to doctor for it, but to no effect. The
Ings -varies from one to six. Taking 30
;spotless virtue we are .awed cad daiiled
dntp admiration, but our admiration is apt
trouble went from bad to worse, until
three years after the first symptoms had
moment they halt. The flooding lights
;buildings with sic elevators, each carrying
,� be cold, while there is something in the
manifested themselves I became utterly
nation of the Christmas trees is added the
six passengers per trip, it will be seen that
harmloss inflrmittoe of a good and great
helpless, and could do no more for myself
their niultiplioity of branches. Another
In one hour 43,900 passengers would W
,serried In five busy hours 216,000 passen-
;but orring nature that pleads touchingly
I with ours. Irving is persuaded that few
than a young child. I could not lift my
hands from my side, and my wife was ob-
i, . 1.
,gers would r'eprosent the number of per-
sons carried in only 80 buildings. From
, who consider the real compound of admi-
li ed to out my food and feed me when I
gallantry to her special table before turn-
this,It may, be seen that with thousands of
rabic and whimsical qualities which form-
ed Goldsmith's character would wish to
felt like eating, which was not often con-
sidering the torture I was undergoing. My
ro oicin s l oril in the most r -
What V
j g y, Pe
elevators in use in Now York the figures
prune away its eccentricities, trim its gro
hands were swollen out of shape, and for
tutus youthful joyfulness. The emperor,
aro,enorinous. In 1887 it was estimated
tesque luxuriance and clip it down to the
weeks were tightly bandaged. My legs
' µ
tat 16,000 persons were carried in one
decent formalities of rigid virtue,
and feet were also swollen, and I could
'�Uytt ,by the two elevators in the Potter
11d1 n
' "Let not his frailties be remmnbered,"
not lift my feet two inches from the floor.
u .tho clearing house 260passengers
i dohnaon. He as great said w a very g ea
man." Washington Irvin would rather
g g
I could not Bhang • my clothes and my wife
had to dress r and wash me I grew so thin
ni .the elevator regularly bo en
zo v for two
g Y
Lot thein remembered since Bir
se. be � tit
that I coked more
1 o e Ike a skeleton
1 els on than any
• Q.'gloea� The New York Life
chief end was to endear.:'
thing else. The pain I suffered was al-
t. elevaWrs in operation,
that each elevator car-
Oliver Wendell Holmes asserts that we
I have in
moat past endurance and 1 got no rest.
day I
*sore each day. In the
roust a weak spot any character
before we can love it much. "People that
I either or night. doctored with many
doctors, but they did me no good, and some
wilding 6,000 passengers
do not laugh or cry or take more of any-
of them told me it was not possible for me
The Postal Telegraph
fila than is altogether cod for them or
t g B B
to et better. I believeI
8 took besides al-
. average 2,700 hours'
use any but dictionary words may be ad-
most everything that w6,3 re;ommended
A low estimate of the
mirable subjects for biographies. But we
for rheumatism, but instead of getting bet-
ge s carried may be put
per hour, equal to 810,-
don't always care most for those flat pat-
I tern flowers that press best In the herba.
ter I was constantly getting worse, and I
wished many a time that death would end
:month. When it is re-
rium• -
my sufferings. One day Mr Perrin, store.
s represents the service
I The most nonexacting and most Indul-
keeper at Pontypool, gave me a box of Dr
twill be seen that the
. gent cannot perhaps fail to find some faults
Williams' Pink Pills and urged me to try
"c�o by elevators is vast.
in the nearest and best friends. But in
them. I did so somewhat reluctantly as I
m rrcial•
not a few cases foibles are even the
did not thing any metlicine oould help me.
brilliant eyes and tangled hair and beard '
strengtheners of regard.—Exchange,
However,.I used the Pills, then I got an -
formed Corsican bandit or else an imper-
other box and before they were gone I felt
fectly secularized Carmelite monk than of
precision. Repeatedly the Imperial mother
a trifling relief. Before a third box was
the Conundrums With Which
p A
Belle ille.
finished there was no longer any doubt. of
the improvemept
mithsonian Officials Are ,Assailed.
self selected with so much care."
they were making in my
doorkeepers of the Smithsonian in-
mantelpiece, loaned upon it and said, with
condition, and by the time I had used three
E3fi10tion have.a hard time.pf it in answer-
boxes more I began to feel, in view of my
Ing the questions propounded them by rho
True Tile Last.
former condition; that I was growing quite
+visitors to that place. `These questions are
Ore of the best known and most popular
strong, and the pain was rapidly subsiding.
Original, if nothing elso, and cover all va-
shoernakore in Belleville gives evidence in
From that out, there was steady improve-
rleties of subjects. One of the men who
an important matter.
ment and for the first time in ion
, g weary
dies been there for a number of years has
Mr Wmp.Iiemp, the Nell -known shcemak•
years I was fry, Prom pain, and once more
become so accustomed to hearing these
er, saya: ' 3y wife has been a great suffer-
able to take n y place among the world's
ti,,ho,would not be surprised, he said, if
or from nervou$ and beast troubles for the
workers. I hnv.• not now the slightest
some one should ask him gravely, where
last 20 years. She was in a very bad state,
pain, and I feel better than I bad for seven
the right.nmlar tooth of George Washing-
had terribJo pains in the region of the heart
years previous to taking the piers. I thank
tor.* s gr"andinothor's great aunt could be
' ,
extending up over the shoulders, and she
God that Dr Williams'
m 'n
a Pink Pills Dame in
. and. Neither would, he think that the
was ao nervous that she, couldn't sleep at
iriaht. Her appetite
my way as I believe they saved my life,
and there is no doubt whatever that the
tsar of the qurstion was a lunatic.
11 angii�to say, though in some places
was almost gone, and
although she had taken many itinds of mad-
rescuede from years of trouble,
fight no�baregarded as strange, most
Pro rietor • ar-
kine both from doctors and p y
Dr Williams'R Pink Pills strike at the
ose peculiar questions aro asked by
tieles,ehe roceived no relief from them. Seo.-
root of the disease, driving it from the sys-
inine portion of the visitors to the
ie.g eta advertisement of Milburn's Heart
tem and restoring the patient to health
Soria time ago a lady, who
and xvc-rve Pills, I got a box with the faint
and strength. In oases of paralysis, spinal
appoaranco of being such, fn
having an intelligent face and
hop=. that they would help my wife. She
Itis t".leen two boxce a.nd the results aro
troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheu-
matiem, orysipelas,sorofulous troubles,etc.,
ed manners, stepped up to a door-
something wonderful. The pains have all .
these pills are superior to all other treat -
and inquired, in a *ono ne voice
showed that she was in earnest:
ic,ft her. Her a . ctito is good. She
pP g
sleeps well, which is one of the greatest
ment. They ate also a speoifie for the
troubles which make the lives of Be man Y
ruld you kindly direct me to the por-
blessings sne bas experienced, and she has
impro-:—1 in every tray.
women a burden, and speedily restore the
rich glow of health to pale and sallow
est ution where I could find
om the (}aidon of Eden. Tun-
' f care reoommend tnei-a ;eery hi lie and
oheeka. Men broken down by overwork,
role are a number of them hero
feel that no other remedy could have achiev-
worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a
ould like to see them very much."
era a result in so short a time. (Signed),
dertain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent
e�'d'oorkebpor did not know whether
Win, Kemp, Belleville, out.,,
by mail postpaid, 50c a box, or six boxes
bac, io see the traditional fig loaves
I for $2.50, by addreeaing the Dr Williams'
apo ooze of the apple which Adam is re,
Laxa Liver Pills core constipation, bi:-
Medicine Company, Brookville, Out., or
ted'to, , vo eaten with such dire results
iousness and sick beadache.; 25e.'
Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations
the humu1 :r 0, but told her very frank-
p ilia f
t ills lase button
and substitutes; alleged to be "just as
was not possessed
f such treasu 'os. The Iady seemed sur•
Mrs Stetnamanhas been refused
jlAsed_and stat. that she had been in-
A Practical Joke That He Played Upon
new trial.
ormed correctly, she thought, that the
rellce'wero there With an air of disap-
His Royal Master._
Amelia Wofford contributed to St. Nich-
Edward Hanlan, former the world's
jp Antment she went inside to see what
j i
olas an article on The Court Jesters of
champion oarsman, was elected an al-
dermaa i❑ the four ward in Toronto.
• ,elge she could unearth.
England." The author says:
1x ^Ono day recently abother lady asked o
-doorkeeper. Where the bottles containing
Scogan, Scoggin or Soogin already
mentioned, was principal jester to Edward ,
+ the elements of the universe were located.
IV. He is said to have come of a good
"My whole system was run down. I was
�` In spite of biei•experionco in such thingg
Suffolk family, was a graduate of Oxford
so weak I could Boarcely get around to do
.he,d94rjicepei was rather nonplused and i
and for a time was tutor there, but wits
my work. I finally began to take Hood's
slioolf• � I
dismissed on account of his 4-Migfoue
Sarsaparilla and after using five bottles I
'1 ,. at tt4ojL_wa-,e-� ere, r
spirit and unscrupulous conduct. Upon
found that my strength had returned and
that they were kept
this he presented himself to Sir William
my appetite was better. I now feel as
tion," the lady said.
Novillo,'solicited the place of jester and
strong as ever." Mae KFLBY, 9 Wellington
Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
- UV _ me of the universe that
was accepted. Sir William was vary proud
,. „
1 I;know of, the oorkoeper replied, are
of him, and one day, wishing to show him
-,, whisky, air and v�f€*tor; and Choy aro cum•
oft, took him to court and introduced him
HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head-
xnon most everywi,are, I believe, madam.
to the king. Edward was as pleased as Sir
aohe,indigestion,biliousuess. All druggists.
TI.Ortbor than these I know of none. "-
William could have wished. In fact, he
'Washington Stall •
was so enthusiastic he was unwilling to
have Scogan leave The king's wish was
• The Provincial Department of Agri -
Field Sports •'In Shakes are.
all powerful and .so Sir William loft See-
culture has i8sued a neat 24 -paged bul-
letin entitled "Statistics of Cntario."
( on I ,began to collect and sage the
- �••giQns to field sports and to orses scat.
gan, receiving In compensation a house in
Choapafds and a country minion in Bury,
It is a digest of the reports of the Bur-
g p
tere bhtoughout the writings f Shakes-
Scogan loved a practical joke, and one
that he perpetrated on the kingbrine
eau of Industry. This bulletin shows
the totals from the part dealing with
my mind
ban nothing was further frecritic
than to orator the Hold of critic m. Bub
mind the of our burnt cork instgpels.
municipal statistics now to the print -
er's hands. The population of the ro-
p p
ts aby- work progressed I disco ed more
-and, clear! the true nature f these
He borrowed money of the king and when
the day for payment came was unable to
Vince, according to the municipal as-
_.,',r,.at <Allusionsi how the for the most Well '
99 oet -n
make good bis word. He feared the king's
anger and d dad to a se him b
seasors, was 1,972,•286, showing�a net in
ct ease tri the 493 townships, an
.dips ontaneousl from the s i
Spontaneously ' P
„most soul, and. ate seldom suggested by
g y a
ka Fei nidi death he had his friends
g g
e f 9,4
tact ease of fl,487 in the 99 towns, an in -
crease of 4,`/19 in the 13 cities, and a de -
1 plot or oharactor in hand at the me-
inpnt, with wbieh indeed they are on
r•ry his body before Edward. The king
f 1 a ready victim to the deception and
crease of 2,579 in the 136 villaors. The
„ put of keeping. - And according as I bpi•
in iiia la supposed dead
total assessment of the Province is
$814,917,633, �ieing a reduction of $6,-
:tatno bettor ac uatntod with the works o .
f 1 said be, freely.Eorgavo the debt. Sea-
5481533, every class above Bhgwing a de -
contemporaries it was more and more
,dent that this peculiar of thought
f P g
gan immediately sprang to his feet, ex -
claiming, 'Tho news is so revivifying that
crease. The taxes imposed were $193,-
644 leas than in 1895, and were equiva-
npt happen to be Shared by other
it has called mo back to life"
lent to $6.16 per bead of population,
mhti"o writer`s his ago Thus the
ofrgiit was sugges ed that rho presence
The Ihssoi2tating Zulu Maiden.
14.88 mills on the dollar. The deben-
lure debt, which now stands at $51,-
abknce of this di inctivo°note might
'of some aid In distil thowork.
One morning I got into a railway train
for dozen
895,991, or $26.51 per head of popula-
running about a miles through
tion, shows an increase of $2,171,404,
).' airship of Shakesp . e from that of ser`-
3'kl *'her dramatists
a succession of sugar plantations. My
notwithstanding that $2,153,587 was
41i whom Shakes-
R. r.64n, criticism is mainly concerned.
idea was to see the country find the people
in a more leisurely way`than I could have
paid on account during the past year.
The "floating"
milt, the admitted writings of Shakes•
done had I traveled by a swifter convey-
or temporary liabilities,
however,, show a decrease of $8,35438.
%pearo it is never wholly absent. In tho
ance. We stopped at most of the cross-
The debenture debt in 1886 was $29,924-
mitted works of Flotchor, Greene, 13yd !
road's and picked up a varied assortment
863 for all municipalities. The amount
il3AA0Wo, or in certain of the anony-
of native types that soon made the train
in sinking funds was $7,932,608, while
s plays attributed to Shakc,,i: aro, it is
look like an anthropological. sectign in tho
cash balances aggregated $1,648,455.
'�r found.—"A Study of Shakespeare
Berlin museum. It was something of a
The waterworks and electric 'light
-lkof EIliabothan Sports," Right Hon.
shook at first to see young ladies stop
plants of cities and towns were valued
:1. Madden.
aboard dressed in nothing to speak of be-
at $13,406,341. The assets exceeded
yond their magnificent skins of chocolate
the liabilitiee by $6,958,398.
the Mighty Ctesat`.
bronze, but a ro modest and well be-
rt W$s on his way to the battlefield of
haved mons Bri�o e�nact be conceived
btttsttla that fisher uttered the income i
Thorn was a maTicet for Cape gooacbor-
yang to rho• fishermen. . ge hifd tomo
own to cross to Dyrraohinin,
ries at the end of this railway, and the oc-
rasion was evidently one for social display,
Have you over tried to estimate the eat -
iefaetion, financial
d, Jin$ing filo galley, c8mmanded the
for thorn was considerable coquetry shown
pleaenrob and returns
no of a ginalI gallingboat `ta ut him
r4�s Adriatic; f4, the. ago a vio-
in the matter of hairdressing and arrange-
ment of bead" One Zulu maiden fasci-
you get when you spend ten cents for a
package of Diamond Dines? The advan-
t sigrlm oacvitied4 aiicl:'ovoh 'iiia b8grf-
noted nae b a hoaddress which reached
esti behind something like avast kinky
tagee and profits aro strikingly wonderful.
Faded and dingy looking dresses blouses
g 2 +
mdrinors wore . tint the, •
riW41.1 499av+o leo fo6irl you i
marline spike. This conical chignon wan
capes, knitted tihawle;'hbso, lace onrtgins,'
pieces of drapery are all restored to
h f it
at least two foot in oxtent, and gave hot,and
great Satlefaetidn. It excited moat envy
their original galas and nsefuln0M The .
tbati if she had worn a dual. ooronot. She
truth is, they ate made fid good a$ new and
allowocl Ino to photograph heir subsognonti•
th the bUtilt that she b6onme even'
the Dost only.#en d6nts, '
This work'ls donu ovoiyr d4y by thotia. ,
haughtytotv+ard herr' :tti#idrapod
ands with rho Diamond Dyes. , Bewaie df
w.. f4Wbito Mkilfa Atrlod;+�
that Some dea. - T offer tui, fb[f
ON6 of
sake civ bigWp>Goilba. • '
n%fYQok aimp dr l do
"RfttO+, _4 1 , ff lea I". t f0,1i1►iG111� 11'on*.
.. - a WOl+ I til I M�1.
ry mm
OL.) , ' ]
.11111.1111111111" a_ .
'. 11.1.
: .
b.. The oaaYa�tn tido Desert,
"No," said Percy do Goncogrt, "1,tutn,
i'ROL; • .
not mo4ity my declaration. You are my.
The remedy known as Sotttb Am rioApi
Polo star. Around you I must revolvti.
Rheumatic Cure never fails to. give elief
Without you I must become motionless,
in aia hours in • all derangements q the
inert I Darling, you believe me, don't
kidneys or bladder. Bright's dispage, Ra.;
bates, inflammation or uloeration, of the
Sylvia 'McAllister looked up at him,
kidneys, aguralgia, consumption bprao 11,
, with a mist in her groat, fawnlike eyes,
age and, pattarrh of the kidneys, Intl am
and, suddenly catching sight of his Ad-
tion of the bladder, ate. It purifies a d,
aim's apple, cried out: I
regulates the urine, removes sediment a
0110h, heavens, Peroy, what to that on
urine and prevents scalding. It is wortlti
,your neck?"
a thoueand times its cost for prostrati
1 Where?" he exclaimed, a wild fear tak-
troubles in the old, such as gnlargerpeatr
possession of him.
inflammation and ulceration of the prog-1
"There," the beautiful girl said, "right
trate gland. 'above
your collar—that big lump there.
Peroy—tell me—you haven't swallowed
your false tooth, have you?"
With a gay laugh the handsome young
man explained what it was that had
What Krim Ii tingle Brhaea Little Pslnae$
frightened his sweet companion and beg -
and a Princes&
god her to calm herself.
An interesting article in The Ladies'
-, Sylvia McAllister was only 25; she had
Home Journal describes a Christmas with
no brothers; her father and mother had
the German emperor and his family in the
been divorced while she was still in her
palace at Potsdam- "After the trees—one
teone, and It is little wonder that the
for each of the faintly—have been arranged
sweet, innocent girl had been frightened,
and all Is in readiness," says the writer,
Pox Percy do Goncourt had an Adam's ap-
Nagel von Brawe, "the little princess, ao-
plcn him that stood out in bold relief
companfed by her next younger brother
and as calculated to attract Attention al -
opens the solemn procession into the Shen
Won, which is ablaze with light. For a
"Ah, Sylvia," he resumed, after quiet
moment they halt. The flooding lights
had been restored, "tell me that you will
Are almost blinding, since to the Illumi-
be mine. I cannot exist without you. My
nation of the Christmas trees is added the
life, as I look back upon•It nota, has been
brilliance of the many chandeliers, with
a dreary desert. Now I have found in you
their niultiplioity of branches. Another
'a -fair oasis, where, instead of tho lifeless
short pangs in the center of the room
waste of the past, all is swoot, fruitful and
Two of her brothers each take the little
heavenly. "
princess by the }land and conduct her with
She put her soft, white arms around his
gallantry to her special table before turn-
neck, raised her rich rod lips to his, and
ing away to their own. What deligbtl
after a long, long, blissful kiss, mur
ro oicin s l oril in the most r -
What V
j g y, Pe
'feet interpretation of the word this consti-
"And tell me, Percy, am I the first lit
tutus youthful joyfulness. The emperor,
tle oasts you've ever had?'
having conducted the ladies and gentle-
"Yes, darling," he replied, "I swear
Men of the court to the tables arranged for
it, " •
them, leads the empress to their majesties'
With a glad cry she flung herself into
tables, and the hearty domonstratioris of
his arms, and then when she had become
pleasure which they exchange evince the
calm again said:
loving care taken in their mutual seloo-
"I wish I could have gonb into the oasis
tion of gift&
business years ago. "—Cloveland Leader.
"But they do not linger long over their
own gifts. The joy of the children grows
more and more lively. The princes show
ono another their new treasures. Prince
GENTLEMEN.—My brother wag troubled.
Eitel Friedrioh invites the crown prince
with a very bad backing cough, but after
to visit big fine water tight tent, while the
using three bottles of Norway Pine Syrup
latter mounts a bicycle of German mauu-
be was completely cured. I cannot recom-
facture. Prince Adalbert'puts on big new
mend it too highly. Miss M.j Bradshaw,
snowshoes, which he would greatly like to
Wealeyville, Ont.
try at once in the park, and beside him
his younger brother, Prince August, turns
the leaves of an illustrated book of the
Berlin exhibition of industrial arts, to
Talking to Tennyson.
which he made a visit'' Prince Osc '
Arriving, I sent up my name and heard
mounts the tin soldiers over the strongly
presently a rather heavy stop in the ad -
fortified citadel of papier macbe which
joining room, and there stood in the door -
Prince Joachim is preparing to attack
way the most un -English looking man I
with his lendld artil e n i nick
w and is el
sP ry
had ever seen. He was tall a 1 and high
t3 h
cannon. The dried already rattle
n P y
shouldered, careless in dross, and, while he
against the leaden gates of the fortros"
had a high and domed forehead, yet his
Victoria Louiso is happily seated amid her
brilliant eyes and tangled hair and beard '
miniature doll's household, inspecting the
gave him rather the air of a partially re- i
numerous toilets of the blond doll which
formed Corsican bandit or else an imper-
can say and 'mamma' with great
fectly secularized Carmelite monk than of
precision. Repeatedly the Imperial mother
a decorous and well groomed English Yuan. I
is called upon by her youngest child to ex-
He greeted me shyly, gave me his hand,
amine and admire treasures she had her-
which was in those days a good deal for I
self selected with so much care."
an Englishman, and then sidled up to the
mantelpiece, loaned upon it and said, with
the air of an aggrieved schoolboy: "I ain
Ililiousneas"causes yellow akin and eyes,
rather afraid of you Americans. Your
tired, weary, sluggish feeling, etc. Bar-
countrymen do not treat me very well.
dozk Blood Bitters cleanses the blood and
There was Bayard Taylor." And then he
regulates the liver, curing all its diseases.
went into a long narration of soine griev-
" From a child I suffered from biliousness
anco incurred through an indiscreet totter
and headache, and all the money I spent
of that well known journalist.
for medicine brought me no relief. Four
Strange to say, the effect of this curious
bottles of B. B. B. cured me eeimpietly,
attack was to put too perfectly at ivy case.
however, and I gladly recommend it."
It was if I bad visited Shakespeare and
Mrs W. Coleman, Toronto, Ont.
bad found him in a pot because some one
of my fellow countrymen had spelled his
name wrong. I know myself to be wholly
innocent and to have no journalistic do-
signs, nor did I ever during bis lifetime
The White Ones scared the Hurglars, and
describe the interytow. —Colonel T. W.
Saved the silverware.
Higginson in Atlantic. I
We were telling ghost stories one rainy
evening at a house party in a Maine town,
says a Youth's Companion contributor,
when a young lady remarked, with a
laugh, "Mine Is not exactly a ghost story,
Put is something like one, and it is, be' -
aides, a personal experience.
"I was spending a week with a friend
Frances Idvermore, a few years ago, dur,
Ing the absence of her father and mother.
The housemaid was balled home by illness
In her 'fainly, and my friend and I were
left alone but for the co{ppany of a big
hound. We were not at all timid, for Tige
was an excellent watchdog,
"On the last day of my stay we went to
A picnic, from which we returned very
tired and with faces sadly sunburned.
We applied buttermilk and then covered
them with white linen masks, with holes
out for eyes and mouth. We had great
merriment over our comical appearance.
"Frances expected her father and moth-
er to return that evening, and we sat up
rather late awaiting them. At last, how -
over, we gave them up and retired to bed
and were soon asleep, with our masks still
"Along in the night we were awakened
by a noise in the roorps below stairs.
"'They've comet' whispered Frances.
'I'll run down and sec if they're all right,'
saying which she rose, lighted a candle
and started down stairs,
"As soon as she had left the room I de-
cided to follow her, and lighting another
candle I throw on a white wrapper and
hurried after her.
"The sounds came from the dining
room, and we proceeded in that direction.
Frances opened the door, expecting to see
her mother and father. •Instead we be-
held two masked men hurriedly putting
the silverware into a bag.
"The burglars looked up as we appear-
ed, then hastily dropped bag and silver
and fled to the kitchen and out of an open
"We did not scream, but stood for a mo-
ment petrified with astonishment and
terror. Then we look8d at each other and
did not wonder that our appearance had
frightened the burglars. We were in white
from head to foot, and with those masks,
by the weird light of the candles, we must
have looked like veritable ghosts.
"Tige, it appeared, had been lured Into
the stable and shut up, making it apparent
that the burglars were mon whom the dog
know. Mr. and Mrs. Livermore had beon
detained a few miles from home by a
broken bridge.
"Frances and I rallied from our fright,
hunted up Tigo and sat up the romainder
of the night, but nothing further, our.
red. The burglars bad carried o . noth.
Or ought to khow,is that health And even
fifd itself depponds upoil the condi#lob of iho
blood, F66din' i as it .doetr, *t,11 *ilii br anit J
.,..�_ g_ ,, _, g
pood'it pair.
miouia Axid
$ "#f
V ' 6 �4, . When Lady
■ .., Marie Wortley
Montague visited
� the household of
-• the Sultan, she
. wrote' home to
England that the
f ladies of the
harem were
-1, smothered with
laughter to dig.
11. cover that her
ladyship wore
an inner vest
of steel and
I ( '" . whalebone,
tl, tight, impene-
trable and sti-
� i fling in other
words, a corset.
'' The ladies
'��- te-
of the harem
� e I would 'no doubt
have been
equally astonished, though perhaps not
disposed to laughter, had they known that
the women of western nations, through false
ideas of delicacy, suffer in silence untold
agony, and sometimes death, through neg-
lect of their health fn a womanly way,
Women who suffer in this way shrink from
the emtarrassin examinations and local
treatment Insisted upon by the majority of
physicians. If they only knew it, there is
no necessity for these ordeals. An emi-
nent and skillful physician loy since die -
covered a remedy that women may use in
the priv y of their own homes,' It is Dr.
Pierce's avorite Prescription. It acts di-
rectly one femintne organism, giving it
strength, viiiigor and ejasticity. It stops all
debilitating drains. It is the greatest of all
nerve tonics and invigorators for women.
Thousands of women who were weak sick-
ly, petulant and despondent invalids are
to -day happy and healthy as the result of
the use of this wonderful medicine, Good
druggists do not advise substitutes for this
incomparable remedy.
'•I have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion and 'Golden Medical Discovery' in my
fainily," writes Mrs. G. A. Conner, of AIleghnny
Springs, Mohtgomery. Co., Va., ",and have found
them to be the best medicines that I ever used,"
Send •3r one -cent stamps, to cover cost of
mailing'and customs only, to the World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N, V., for a paper -covered copy of Dr,
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser;
—Cloth binding 5o stamps. A whole Med-
I ical library in one t000 -page volume.
v3•®S ®�O4®<3�3®®��t�•tD®®�•®OQAf
G'Ve The only food
tiro that will bt,ild
Baby tip a weak core.-
a titution gradtr :�
ally but surely iQhaOQ
4'•f%, o .
rogn . C.
+t w
, '01 -" �?VYfi +4 w gsis�`" i 'f'
a 911 1!Piei I scicatiiin 'and ilighl
nutritive Preparation for ii`�6nts,,I ,
delicate child eti an(I irivAlid� ' 4 11
Kanmy wkraofi a 04., M'ndfiorio"44,. ',4
Uaple C9*y Qooperegop.'T`. NbillIM Prop, Lboo.
DEAR SIRB:r-•Dome"tfmo ago I wap troatod by one of
continued bleeding at the nose, and the *real men* I wpq d,
stomach Be, that'nothing I could oat would agree with me an- 4
bread and milk which was my 0� lef diet. I'll
I tried'a bottle Of your Slotut's Indian Tonic rs,I ,at "",
has made a permanent cure in my cage, I can noW 1�dabnite o>'tr
strong, and experience no distress atter eating, r .
I have recommended it to several people, and lin $VM Co"'Ji halt gat
suite, and a bottle of it should be in every bonsehold , X' m vp� "
Wim. X T. b'avw
xl- r+w `7� r_R«w° osEn ___ �#, wipiami"6., XR rfoli;t ,
DDA i SIR4i Ii i tie^ me great pleasure to iesiity *o lbs feat that
Indian Tonic has oaused a must remarkable ohange in myOondliign.
bave Buffered from indigestion and weakneem, and not find�lo_g,,,�i 'P
Dino until your agent came bore 01,0 ds� rand d8�" xl p7a!'glcla
did so and have coed four botrios. Ib h madq a area* change is m
rest and sleop with ease and comfort. I believe 81oari's xndian, T' s
Dino in the world. I remai>af YOUR$11rU- ' -"-1y ;
r a . ,�
Frr,or Fo sale at •➢1 doabora or addrasA the npaaY tN 8prnilt0o,
Price $1 per bow* 6 boiAlas far $6. 11 • -'i
i :,0.
f. C'n
. 1 h
� 4 t !4 G: -
t' is
lrU �ti l = �r 5
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I' �lI
-c i't WE
Ykh '-W,.
Y'ro : ,.:fit . _ . :�`;°wr' -- --'"�' -�--• ..�5' i. a��.. ,' �N
1`191 " j ,
2a��,t wn.00 �`' .
�..w. Opposite the Towle Hall, C144 1
,— � � 1. ..._�,,'A.-
a thoronghly ap-to-date pperiddical for wo nen, wi
thirtp 1.y -first volume in i898 During the year it will
Parrs and New York Each issue will can taffi' p
Fashions pared drawings of the advan e
of Paris and New York- Oce a m
A t;0%red Fashion Ude BAZAR will issue, fre ,a coltl"
Supplement fashion supplement. Cut paperpatt
of certain gowns in each number sdjl..
T. W. W=,Osw Cur Paper Patterns made a feature. These will bo a
, A Bi -Wookey Pattern connection with each issue at a nnif
Sheer Pace The BAZAR will also publish
weekly, free, an outline pa .
Two famous anthors will contribute long WILD ELEN
A aerial stories to the BAZAR in 1898. The By TYILGI.[dr BL4CW
first deals with Scotch and Continental
scenes, the second is a story of a yoaog *u`AGGED LADY
girl, versatile and [ ' 1 8 M A Hoff
Si , deal tlmencan. y LLB
y i
• it , YP
' Mary E. Wilkins These and a score of other ec?tlly
' Octave Thanat prominent writers will cyutribma
H. P. Spofford , short stories to the BAxAR In 289%
ICatDarina Do Pouat making the paper especially rkih in
DR. S. Briscoe fiction,
There will be a serfes of ardcles on E1Sg9t�e et M�asie, the
Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leademong Women,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Imor Details, eiw
I 100. a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) 176b., 84 a Year
Podage free in the United States, CaxatA and Afxkw
W. D. noweae Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers saYO k Crib
1 "'t ''.-__- __
f r' A.�.^-__
"' _
�P r' 1 01
." r
MM JOHN CA'.; rt.
.. r,�, - r
— r�_ :; �Z I -Y
_N - - -"
My `� husband
tl: o b1Ed Mi
and ids,. P
the 1.� 10111.
.. ,bv,a4
,2ts, •
jay a'
Uaple C9*y Qooperegop.'T`. NbillIM Prop, Lboo.
DEAR SIRB:r-•Dome"tfmo ago I wap troatod by one of
continued bleeding at the nose, and the *real men* I wpq d,
stomach Be, that'nothing I could oat would agree with me an- 4
bread and milk which was my 0� lef diet. I'll
I tried'a bottle Of your Slotut's Indian Tonic rs,I ,at "",
has made a permanent cure in my cage, I can noW 1�dabnite o>'tr
strong, and experience no distress atter eating, r .
I have recommended it to several people, and lin $VM Co"'Ji halt gat
suite, and a bottle of it should be in every bonsehold , X' m vp� "
Wim. X T. b'avw
xl- r+w `7� r_R«w° osEn ___ �#, wipiami"6., XR rfoli;t ,
DDA i SIR4i Ii i tie^ me great pleasure to iesiity *o lbs feat that
Indian Tonic has oaused a must remarkable ohange in myOondliign.
bave Buffered from indigestion and weakneem, and not find�lo_g,,,�i 'P
Dino until your agent came bore 01,0 ds� rand d8�" xl p7a!'glcla
did so and have coed four botrios. Ib h madq a area* change is m
rest and sleop with ease and comfort. I believe 81oari's xndian, T' s
Dino in the world. I remai>af YOUR$11rU- ' -"-1y ;
r a . ,�
Frr,or Fo sale at •➢1 doabora or addrasA the npaaY tN 8prnilt0o,
Price $1 per bow* 6 boiAlas far $6. 11 • -'i
i :,0.
f. C'n
. 1 h
� 4 t !4 G: -
t' is
lrU �ti l = �r 5
�- _ _
_- _ s
I' �lI
-c i't WE
Ykh '-W,.
Y'ro : ,.:fit . _ . :�`;°wr' -- --'"�' -�--• ..�5' i. a��.. ,' �N
1`191 " j ,
2a��,t wn.00 �`' .
�..w. Opposite the Towle Hall, C144 1
,— � � 1. ..._�,,'A.-
a thoronghly ap-to-date pperiddical for wo nen, wi
thirtp 1.y -first volume in i898 During the year it will
Parrs and New York Each issue will can taffi' p
Fashions pared drawings of the advan e
of Paris and New York- Oce a m
A t;0%red Fashion Ude BAZAR will issue, fre ,a coltl"
Supplement fashion supplement. Cut paperpatt
of certain gowns in each number sdjl..
T. W. W=,Osw Cur Paper Patterns made a feature. These will bo a
, A Bi -Wookey Pattern connection with each issue at a nnif
Sheer Pace The BAZAR will also publish
weekly, free, an outline pa .
Two famous anthors will contribute long WILD ELEN
A aerial stories to the BAZAR in 1898. The By TYILGI.[dr BL4CW
first deals with Scotch and Continental
scenes, the second is a story of a yoaog *u`AGGED LADY
girl, versatile and [ ' 1 8 M A Hoff
Si , deal tlmencan. y LLB
y i
• it , YP
' Mary E. Wilkins These and a score of other ec?tlly
' Octave Thanat prominent writers will cyutribma
H. P. Spofford , short stories to the BAxAR In 289%
ICatDarina Do Pouat making the paper especially rkih in
DR. S. Briscoe fiction,
There will be a serfes of ardcles on E1Sg9t�e et M�asie, the
Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leademong Women,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Imor Details, eiw
I 100. a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) 176b., 84 a Year
Podage free in the United States, CaxatA and Afxkw
W. D. noweae Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers saYO k Crib
1 "'t ''.-__- __
f r' A.�.^-__
"' _
�P r' 1 01
." r
MM JOHN CA'.; rt.
.. r,�, - r
— r�_ :; �Z I -Y
_N - - -"
My `� husband
tl: o b1Ed Mi
and ids,. P
the 1.� 10111.
.. ,bv,a4
,2ts, •
jay a'