HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-14, Page 5•
grittily exceeded our
004, this season,
Stools of '
• .
tOP very 10,1180,
do it io bob or
ats use
or trying to fool people by false pretences? Better be honest with them,
Pat'fl our experienoe, end -is one reason why this business has grown to its
present proportions. We've said before that this is a "satisfactory store"—
a store where you get the beet possible value for your inoney—a crisp
STORE—where you can get your money back if not satisfied with your
mud all be cleared out during the next two weeks. Prices
greatly reduced. Every garment is up-to•date.
Black Rough Cloth Mantles, regular prioe 04.50, reduced to $3 50
. Black Beaver Cloth Mantles, regular prioe $5.00, redrioed to 3 75
Tweed Effect, light grey Mantles, regular prioe $4.5C, reduced to 3 50
Erown Beaver Cloth Mantles, regular price $6 50, reduced to 4 00 (
;Eine Grey Beaver Mantles, regular prioe, $7.50, reduced to 00
Beaver or Rough Cloth Mantles, in Black and Colors, at 08, 00, 0'9.50
, and $10, reduced to 6 00
Boy'e and Men's Overcoats at greatly reduced prices; special line of
Men's Uleters'at 4 49
Our Prices are absolutely the lowest—not for one day in
the_week, but every day in the year.
Ile Leading JenTeler,'
El [I\ 0
,. C1.eks,
, nit ware,
deal .Gods,,
-11 f1ntl it,a;pieasnre to
our gifl.s trozirqu,r,Zda,g-
'Et litflO 2•Eikt 6Ontail)8 80
article Ini$gOstivextif,the
wee -d;,..,.. ..,
ei• Ilavingbought the-
eflentb ', took .0'6 e on
•II:. , it pl *Os to ft position
ttrO,Nro yciajPrieco litibebt o we r
t/0.1).'elSeW120(1). Never before
'ere -,giioti• ttigh quality goods
bidlOr,,7 such: IOW prices. The
' utatien,Whiell this !store has
41,1i held got 4 .high quality
(rtbe 'g044):4.91 ,:: will still be
litrivintfined4 filii, 4ty.,' As well as
hebe8147ltiee' , - 'A.".,nordial in-
tionf di,otft dect to every-
() will be pleas •
Ur stock. .
•'w,. .
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
011011110441101114140041040 SS 011•0111.1100
Business Change
Having purchased the Grocery stook of James Steep, at a greatly reduced figure,
and having thoroughly overhauled the same and sorted up with new goods, we are
now in a position to meet the wants of everyone, in prioe and quality.
Special Bargains in Teas, Soaps, Starch, Pickles, Biscuits
and Coffee. Don't forget to try our Blue Ribbon -Tea.
Cash paid for
Butter & Eggs
You all know how we have made prices rematk-
able during this Sale, and having only the choicest
Goods to offer we ask you not to overlook this last
chance of getting what you. want at most reason -
ab Le prices
J. McMURRAY, Combe's Block
For Seed Grain
Spring Wheat, Peas, Oats,
Rye, Buckwheat, etc., or
For Feed Corn
Go to Standard Elevator.
Porrester & Smallacombe
Clinton, January 6th, 1808 10 3
s. fe. Always gives relief. Cures 9 cases
as cured many coughs and colds. Try it,
it wi 1 cure yours. 25 cents a bottle.
25g a lb.
OAP, .10e. a CAKE
Y. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
re Oitling\
"cos get 1
d get
t and as the stock gets smaller
If you want to save money
gains while they are going.
dies' Jackets at si.ro
Ladies' Jackets at $2.00
esfi Jackets at $3.00
6 former ,prices were from $5 to $17.50
•.10t of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for $2.
A big stock of Clothing, Suits,Overcoats, Odd Pants,
Vests and Coats, Overalls Hats,Caps, &c. See our
tens, Prints, Flannelettes
&Linings for 5 0en.ts.
A lot of Children's anceuuth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers
and Overshoes. at tam below cost. See them.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, January 13th, 1898.
Wheat, 0 81 a 0 81
Oats 0 24i a 0 244
Field Barley 0 27 a 0 28
Peas 0 47 a 0 48
Buckwheat 0 28 a 0 30
Rye 0 40 a 0 40
Flour per owl 2 20 a 2 50
Butter 0 14 a 0 14
Eggs per do z 0 15 a 0 15
Hay new 04; old 6 00 a 7 00
Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25
No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 8 a 8
Potatoes 0 40 a 0 45
Turkeys, per lb 0 08 a 0 08
Geese per lb 0 05i a 0 05i
Ducks, per pair 0 50 a 0 60
Chiukens, per pair 0 25 a 0 25
Pork 5 50 a 6 00
Dried Apples, j2, r lb0 04 a 0 05
Apples, per bag 0 90 a 0 90
Special for Thursday, Friday, Saturd
Mtss MacKay, of Montrealwill demonstrate the superior advantages of The Protector
9 "Lip" and "Tube" Bias Dress Bindings at our Notion
Counter. Ask to see thena. The best Skirt Bindings we know—and we know them all. Durable, waterproof and
neat. Beyond all others. We are glad to show them because we can confidently recommend them-
FREE—With each dress length of these Bindings the latest French;Skirt Pattern for spring is given.
There were about 250 head of butchers'
cattle, 10 calves and 100 ebeep and lambs
offered for sale at the East End Abattoir.
The butchers turned out strong, and a good
business was done, although prices were
unusually high, the advance being fully
half a oent per lb. in the price of common
cattle, above what was paid two weeks ago.
MrIG. Martel bought eight prime steers at
410 per lb; pretty good animals sold at
from 3io to nearly 44o, and oommon dry
cows at from 2io to 3io per lb. Nearly all
the good calves were bought up before
reaching this market, and prices continue
very high; young calves sell at from 02.50
to 05 each. Sheep sold at from 4io to 3ic
per lb; lambs at from 4io to 5o per lb. Mr
Senecal bought 17 ohoioe lambs at 5o per
lb. and, they amounted to 082 for the lot.
Fat hogs sell at from 5o to Eio per pound.
reps GoodS, hirts and Drawers, Ties, Cuffs;
oVes, ilandk rehiefs, &c., away down in price.
aro clearin out, no matter what others may say
o contra 'nd you can get bar ains here.
Crandall, who has been acting as agent of
the Department of Agriculture in England
for several months,has returned to Canada.
He superintended the marketing of the trial
shipments of fruit and then waited over to
watch the 'shipment of poultry. Despite
advice and warnings given to shippers, large
consignments of poultry for the English
market were sent out in an unsaleable con-
dition. English purchasers call for dress-
ed birds,and,although this fact was strong-
ly impreseed upon the farmers by the depart-
ment, little attention was paid to it. Those
who sent over poultry dressed will derive fair
returns as a result of their ventiare,but there
will be praotically little or no profit for those
who sent over poultry in the feather. As
demonstrating the difference in prioe,it may
be stated that Canadian birds unplucked
only brought 7d per lb in retail atores,while
Irish birds plucked, but not as good as the
Canadian,brought 9d.
New .
We have, two new lines in the
baking department, [one is a
Cycle Cake . .
with three flavors, strawberry,
chocolate and vanilla; 10 cents
eaoh, plain, or 150 ornamented.
The other line is called
Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine for February will
contain the first of two notable papers by
the late George Du Mauriei on "Soaial
Pictorial Satire," in which the writer will
discuss the celebrated caricaturists, John
Leech and Charles Keene, as well as his
own experience as illustrator. Other arti-
cles of special interest will be on "Projects
for an Isthmian Canal," by the Hon. David
Turpie, and the Musical Development of
Chicago, by George H. Upton.
Judge Gilbert Boynion, for 25 years po-
litioal editor of the Detroit Free Press, died
at Alma, Mich., Sanitarium.
Sale Register.
Farm stock of W Hanna, lot 15, con 6, Morris,
on Thursday, January 27; C Hamilton, Auct.
Farm stock of Mrs T. Hill lot 25, con. 5, gra-
vel road, Hullett, on Saturday, Jan. 22, C.
Hamilton, Anot.
Corn Dodgers
These are particularly nice
. cakes and sell readily at 100
per dozen.
OYSTERS—Our trade in Booth's Bal-
timore Oysters is increasing daily.
A large variety of good Oranges, Lemons
and Grapes. Don't forget to try
Our Rea Homemade BMW, it
is giving good satitdaotioft.
Wedding Oakes opeoialty.
Jas. NioCilaoherty, •
Novelty thikeiy and itestautont,
TeleOnii!. '
pot govertionnento.
All accounts duo the late firm of Davis & Mo -
Cool must be paid to t,i,e undersigned on or be-
fore the 20th of January, and thus avoid o,sta„
The Council of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meat in the Court Room in tho
Town of Goderioh, on the 25th inst., at 3 o'clock
P.m W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated January 10th, 1897. 2
, —
Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre•
raises recently erected especially for this
purpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will 1
keep on hand and delifer promptly, to all
WIGHTMAN.—In East Wawa nosh. on Jan
6, the wife of Wightman, of a daughter
MAXWE11.—In Turnberry. on Jan 1, the
wife of Wm Maxwell, of a daughter.
BIGGIN—In Hullett, on Jan. 1, Ethe wife of
Isaac Biggin, of a son
DEER—In Wingham, on Jan. 3, the wife of
Edward Deer, of a son
SHrE,L —In Zetland, on Jan. :4, the wife or
Robt. Shiel, of a son
ELAINS—In Hullett, on Jan. 4, the wife of
Matthew Mains, of a daughter
GARRETT—In Hullett, on Jan. 10, the wife
of Joseph Garrett, of a son.
HENRY—FISHER—At the residence of the
bride's mother, Colborne, on Jan, 12, by Rev,
E. Olivant, James Henry, V. 8., of Dutton, to
Miss Martha Fisher, daughter of the late J.J.
TAYLOR—McCAUGHEY.-.4t St. Joseph's
church, Clinton, on Jan. 10, by Rev Fr West,
Wm Taylor, London road, to Mies NI McCaugh-
ey, only daughter of Mrs McCaughey, Gravel
road, Mullett
HOGG—MASON .—In Morris,at the residence
of the bride's father, on Dec. 29th, by Rev J.
Ross, B A, of Brussels, Mr J Hogg to Miss
Mary, daughter of Jno. Mason, both of Morris,
SPOTTON—GREER—In Gorrie, on Dec. 81st,
at tho residence of the bride's father, by Rev
J S Fisher, Anson Spotton, of Toronto, to
Mise Jennie Greer
DOUGLAS—DANBY—In Hamilton, on Jan.
5, by Rev Mr Thompson, William Douglas, of
Hatailton, to Annie M. Denby, formerly of
BARNBS—EVANS—In Exeter, on Tan. 5, by
Rev Dr Willoughby,. at the residence of the
bride's parents, William street, Robt. Barnes,
of London, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Ella,
daughter of John Evans.
HARRISON—FANSON,-At the residence of
the bride' mother, William street, Exeter,on
Dec, 89, by Re* Dr Willoughby, Dr J. W Harri-
son, of Detroit, Mich., to Miss Ella May Fan -
son. danghter of Mrs M A Fanson
Makes Better and Lighter
Biscuits Vial' any other.
3. 11. Combo,
FISHER.—At Toronto, Jan 6, Wilford Victor
Theodore, twin son of Mr and Mrs H W Fish-
er, late of Clinton, aged 8 months, 19 days
HAYDEN—In Howick, on Deo. 80, at the
residence of Edward Pike, Elizabeth Hayden,
aged 84 years
LAMBERT—In Seaforth, on Jan. 2, Martin
Lambert, aged 58 years
DAW-,-In Exeter, on Jan. 2, Thomas Daw,
aged 86 years and 5 months
MONAUGHTf5N—In Exoter,lon Dee. 80, Mary
MoNaughton, aged 87 years
CASE—In Dungannon, on Jan. 2, -Marion
Gordon, daughter of Dr and Mrs Com, aged 8
years and 0 months
STRAOHAN—In Saltford, Dee, 81, J'ii'mes
Straelian, aged 8iyears and 8 Months -
BAILEY—In Goderiohron Jan. O. Tone, wife
of F Ballot aged 48 pearit arid 8 Menthe
Port Albert, Ott Jan. 8, d
Hawkins xigoa 5714%re and 7 Menthe'
YOUNG -JIM: 8j Alex.
vtatog,, tasito now A.,young, aged. 87
Manufacturing Chtimis)t,
Physici Supplie
parts of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of
public patronage respectfully solicited,
Winter = G
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of New
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former is an exceptionally good machine,
and has given good satisfaction to all
Needles and all kinds of Repairs
kept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payinentp. Call
on me or write for prices and terms.
Jan. 1898 WM. MOORE
(late Hill & Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton
Flour, Bran, Shorts, . Oats, Peas, Barley,
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38e a bush
Good Valencia Raisins, 28 lb box 01.
Choice Tea, special line 25o per lb. and up.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
, market prices.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the estate ol Thomas Neilans,
All persons having any claim against the es-
tate of Thomas Notions, late of of the Town-
ship of Hullett in the County df Huron, farmer,
deceased, are required on or before the 14th
day of February,189S, to send to the undersign-
ed solicitor for the executor of tho estate full
particulars of their claims and the securities
(if any) held by them, duly vokified by affidavit.
After the said date the executor will proceed
to distribute the assets of the estate am on g the
parties entitled thereto, having reference onl
to the claims of which he has received n e,
and after such distribution the 8. • eoutor
will net bo adeountable for a art of the as-
sets of the estate any per of whose claim
due notice has not • een eia. This notice ie
given pursuant to th: : cute in that behalf.
Solicitor fotthe Executor, Seaforth
Bated, tho 10th dar of Jail riot',
OA:W*1'01k SA
ttoteo;,,Boxii0141 molt (rani
rArteic5Itatnra' abull
Od"ea °f,ftvilt°
tiVo atireS Of btieli, 4Ati4 •
There is a lot of cold weather abroad t
of furs, heavy overcoats and blanket.
about time to clear the balance of stopk;
duction in prices:
Ladies' Black Russian Sable Capes,
German dyed skins, bright and glossy, high storm collar, best satin lin-
ing, regular prioe $10, only 2 in stook, nom
ou t
or us it
hence the .re.
Ladies' Queen Anne Collars,
Black and grey oppoemm, high storm collar, regular $4 to $5, choice for
Regular, $1.40 to $1.75, now
Regular, 03, now
Coon and Opposnm, with head and tail, regular 02.50, now
Men's Russian Beaver Caps,
Wedge Shape, with best satin lining, regular $3, now 24
Men's Austrian Seal Caps,
Sport shape, with band, satin lining, regular $4, nowt -
Wedge shape, regular $1.75, now
Goat Robes,
Nice clean eking, regular $7.50, now
Men's. Heavy Ulsters,
Tweed lined, for
All wool, brown, claret and grey, tweed lined, with Fibre Chamois inter.
lining, a very desirable garment, regular $8, for
Men's all wool Frieze Suits,
Coat double breasted, lined with heavy tweed, a most becoming andoona,
fortable suit for winter wear, regular prioe 810, now .
Heavy Wool Blankets,
AA ten per cent. reduction from our already close prices.
e laced and button overshoes, beat quality, sites If
to 7, re ar price $1.75 pe i ewritig at *
Be in nd that we are just now quoting very interesting prices Ott ready-40•Wes
or °thing. We make up a nice all wool tweed suit bet $11. thila a 1i110 -blaek
sled suit for $14. If you want a suit—and care to ease ale* dollars in HS ptwo
call on us as soon ss yon can, We gharhntee to give yoU a dathlia(ory At
Wo want more business, and 'we want it on the basis of beat vain0o.
Ism to have a greater purchasing...pow
20 pairs only
. •
• • "