HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-14, Page 4Good work sickness and dow of Graver s NG LIFTED pusaids' of Homes in- .Canada eleon, engineer Evening ate, :Canada, says: -"I was Illawtth.the nioeb severe form of ea- tor eightears. Ifad tried every ltd get well, bbut without success. The aoroea my forehead were so severe It that I.wae; unable to obtain my heat. I.weie also subject to eneez- Sueh' an extent that I would eneeze itt as 40 Or 50 times a day. At the 411ospital, where I went for treat - was told that en operation was Aar, andburning it out the only 'hate used Mnnyon's Cold and Ca- Cure'for elle month and became rap- ettsr. I believe Munyon has done for Me than all the othere and I have inndrede of people. to Munyon. nymn'a Rheumatic Cure seldom fails ieye in one ';to three hours, and cures ew days. Price 25c. neon's Dyspepsia Cure positively all forms of indigestion and stomach Prloesa5e. nyon's,Col `C ire.prevents pneumonia maks up a cold in a few hours. Pride • rayon's' Cough Cure stops coughs, eweatB, allays eoreness and speedily the lunge Price 25o. tnyon's Kidney Cure speedily care a. in the bank, loins or groins, and a', a of kidney disease: Price 25o. inyon'e Nerve Cnre stops nervonen ss builds np the system. Price 25o. enyon'a Headache Cure stops head he !tee minutes. Price 25. unyon's Pile Ointment positively i ares hams of. piles. Price 250 - nnyon's Blood Cure eradicates ties of the blood. Prioe 25o. ur<yon'a Female Remedies ar II women: unyon's Catarrh Remedios r Catarrh Cure—pric'a 250— disease from the system, a h ablets-price 25o.—plea parts', ittrryon'g':Y•Asthma Remed Se minutes, and cure • 30$1 fnnyon'G,IVitalizer recto e #lnmte for each 25e a v P,rof.' o, a .:esti 1im- 1a boon ver fail. adicates the Ce - and heal relieve in rmanently. a lost vigor. sease. At all unyon, 11 and Bred with free ease. Insurance xtensled insurance conditional policies eration Life Asso- at, in event of the third or any you will be held ount of the pot- s which is def3n- y the operation lrance it is ab So- o be suddenly left on account of your mium. The Con- ssociation publish a ing full particulars ars of insurance ich they will be cation to the head erael Taylor, A RUSE DE GUERRE When daintie Daphne, inne ye Towne, To take ye ,Aire doth goe, She done a rneegno to hide hr Feyoe From everle ogling Bean; A Trifle, made of $ilke and Lace,— And, oh1 ye sauck., winsome Grace Yt lies kr Masque below I For me bee tooke awaie hr Masque: Hope inure my Breaste did start! But when to win hr Love I tried I learn'd hr mocking Arte: For when ehee putt ye Muscle aside, Wh eret hr. daintie Payee did hide, She placed it o'er hr Heart! —H. H. Bennett in Chap Book. HIS TOUGHEST WALK; The Major Was Playing 'Treadmill on a Sprinting Glacier. We started out in the early morning from the hotel, the major carrying a pair of field - glasses, a light overcoat, an umbrella and a bookdesoribing the glories of California. I contented myself with carrying a email hamper, and more than once found myself wondering how my companion dared at- tempt the trip. "Pooh, pooh!" he said in answer to ono of my questions concerning his ability to getthrough the performance creditably. ooh, pooh, sir. I have coaled the Him- alayas and the mountains of the moon. I asoondet;a Popoeatapetl and have crossed the Sabers on foot. Why, sir, I could run np a little hill like Tamalpais blindfolded and not even pause to wipe my forehead." We .'said no more on the subject and finally reached Larkspur, where we began to make the ascent. At the station the thermometer regis- tered 70 degrees, but by the time wo had finished the first quarter of the ascent it seelned,;pbout a thousand. Presently we arrived at a point about 1iaalf way up the mountain, and the major ?suddenly came to a halt. He again waved his arms about and then sat down. "It is too great for speech," ho said, mopping hie brow. Tho incline?" I ventured. "No, sir, the scenery," ho thundered, with punctuating puffs between each word. "A little walk like this occasionally is what a man needs to keep him healthy, sir. 1 came of a race of walkers. Tho Blazems, sir, had tramped from England to India had thorn been no water between the two places. Fork over some grub. It is 2 o'clock. "Yes, sir," resumed the major, "this is easy walking to what I have done in my day. The hardest climb I over had was on ono of thoso Swiss glaciers. I was alone, for I always prefer to travel with- out guides. As far as the eye could see there extended a mighty bed of ice as fiat as a mirror and without a single object on it to relieve the monotony. After walking for three hours it dawned over me that I was making absolutely no progress, though at first 1 was at a loss to understand the reason. "Happening, however, to stand still for one moment, I found that tho glacier was slowly slipping from beneath my feet, and that, although I had. been going through the motions of walking, in reality I had made no progress whatever. I therefore commenced walking In a direction at a right angle to the ono I had been taking, and after a short while succeeded in get- ting—not on terra firma, but on glacier firma again. But that was the toughest walk I over had." The major had no sooner finished hie story than ho gently dropped off to sleep, apparently with a clear couscionce,—San Francisco Call. or r: Huron. NBE'ARABLE dney trouble so much q bank wars almost un - oat tired and worn out all gee was coated and until I ney Pills I had been nn- ousework for over a month. made a complete cure; all bladder troubles have dia- feel like a new woman." gaton, Ont. 1111E ERA Ovitt WOMEN AND GIRLS Too Many are Broken Down, Weak and Wretched. S NOTE. pods, Q. C., ex -Judge of armed a partnership Tin,• barrister. one Company repre- lked from Gallatin, k, Va., a distance of IS believed to be the hone record. t r for the coun- Paine's Celery Compound is the Great Lite -giver for All who are Sick and Ailing. , It has Rescued Thousands aid Mnala� their Lives Happy'. The Marvelous Compound Is Womzln's Best Friend. Jessie M. Rosa says : "I Was Compjetaly Cured by Your Won derful Medicine." WELLS Bt RICrHARDSON Co., DEAR Sias :—It affords me much plea- sure to testify to the great goo that Pain,': Celery Compound has done f r me. I wae completely run down in health and a vic- tim of female weakness, and after using three bottles of your wonderful medicine I was completely cured. It 'it the best blood purifier I know of, and I r,•commend it to all who aro troubled as I Re. Youro very tr Jessie M. An Explanation. room of tho ho - It was in tho :molting tel. There was ono big fellow who was blustering a great deal and telling of how many duels ho had fought, and behidd him sat a small m }n reading a magazine. "Sir," said the ! ig man, as ho wheeled arcund, "what would you do if challeng- ed?" "Refuse to fight," was the quiet reply. "Ah, I thought as much. Refuse and be branded a coward! What if a gentle- man offered you tho choice of a duel or a public horsewhipping—then what?" "I'd take tho whipping." "Ah=I thought so—thought so, from the looks of you. Suppose, sir, you had foully slandered n:o." " "I never slat -icier." "Then, sir, suppose I had coolly and de- liberately insulted you -what would you do?" "I'd rise up this way, T',,t down my book this way and roach oyer like this, and take him by the nose as I take you, and give it a three-quarter twist—just so!" When the little man let go the big man's nose, the rest of the company held their breath, expecting a terrific scene. But the big man turned red, then pale, then looked the little man over and re- marked: "Certainly—of course—that's it exact- ly!" And then the conversation turned on the generalprosperity of tho country.— Pearson's Weekly. Plano Practice. Who is forced to practice o or three hours a day may d hope. Sho has a friend in mucic. Ho is a power among end ono of his distinguished nu - ) less a celebrity than Paderowski. izky, for that is his simple name, at believe In long. hours. A. pupil practice two hours a day if sho cares ut one hour of good work is in his n sufficient. This is certainly do- 4chf11 news and would surely horrify the professors of the Berlin Consorvatorfum, whore 10, 12 and 14hours are considered none toce much for Losehotlzky's playin delicate and beautif he red 3, in com- ains are Ef- Greatest of all erioan Rhenmat- Welling Street N., very bad with rhen- oaks--eared with two Aiiic lean Rheumatic Pat Saga,ocher of Huns treats, 4amilten,' says: Ithetnrhalllhiiaad Caro le the rhea atiem I.: over n, Binbrook, says: "I 1 Coulhet -intense, my intense. bottle, rand- id far i and RAISED THE lY, esti, Qaoyon, P. Q. OK'S WAGES. For He Bad to Pres srve His Wife's Con- fidence In If Capableness. There is nothing I admire so much as A friend of mine am quite sure he can do all that does be- come a man and B few other things that are not entirely bocotning. Ho and his wife—somehow cinoalways thinks of them in that order- moved into a new house. The upper floor was to be left uncarpeted and was to be oiled The wife suggested' having a man from the furniture store to do it, but the! capable man scoffed at tho idea; oiling .'a floor was just as easy as rolling off o log. He'd attend to it him- self- The wife wont out of town for a few days, and one afternoon the capable man came home early with a can of prepared oil finish and a brush. He went up stairs and whistled gayly. When the cook went up later, the hall was a neatly oiled desert, with a narrowing unoilod oasis in the middle. The capable man was id the oasis. There were sundry spots on the new wall paper, hut thea o roan said they'd dry off. The cook went wn stairs, and presently thorn was a 1 d noise, a sliding noise and a falling noise 'from up stairs, together with a savage yell and some remarks that oven cooks don't caro to repeat. The wife came home a few days afterward. Tho husband mot her at the station. Ho was wearing brand now trousers. Tho wife ascended to the upper hall. It was neatly carpeted with a new carpet and the wall's had a now paper dodo. "Why I" sho exclaimed. "I thought you were going to oil it." "I decided that a baro floor would bo noisy," answered the capable man. "It always looks cheap." "And tho dado?" answered the wife. "Wasn't n- n good idea?" answered the capable man. : t gives tbo hall such an ' air, you know. The 000k has had Lor wages raised, but then a man must preserve his wife's confi- dence at any price, you know.—Washing- ton Post. /n all tbo world that I a really capable man. as married one, and I Forgeries of ..Autographs. " hat about forgeries, lithographs and pho ographed handwriting and all the of r iniquities one hears about in oop- n tion with autographs?" 'Well, forgeries, of whatever kind, aro 11/amorous and very easy to detect." "Easy to detoot?" / "Cert iq,ply, if the colleotor bas a cool /head and -does not allow the wish that an autograph shall be genuine to father the thought that it is genuine. Most of the forgeries would deceive no cool, careful man with a modicum of experience. Aa for photographs, they certainly cannot bo detected at a glance. I frequently buy them in bundles of genuine autographs. The test is a drop of acid. The carelessness of young collectors is the mother of for- geries. "—Academy. an earnest student is described as" airy, I," and ho is the fa vorite master in Part vow. Ho was a pu- pil of Czorny's, whowrdto those desperate- ly difficult exercises, and who was, as all pianists know, Beethoven's favorite pupil. —Now York Commercial. Perseus and Andromeda. "I have come," announced Perseus, "to strike off thy chains!" Andromeda oast down her eyes and fingered her dance pro- gramme nervously. "Do you really think the bevel gear ie an assured success?" she finally faltered. It was rather difficult, in fact, for tho unhappy maiden to protect her own interests and yet not appear un- grateful.—Detroit Journal. It is not generally. known that by an not of the English parliament, passed in 1855, it is enacted that all wedding rings must be of standard gold, the enactment being intended more tcrraiso theeni qnt of the geld duties than to protest the public from Imitations. Find awayjar make ane. Everything U either Dasher or lluehOcl. The vdorld al' way/ Tl��iza to iia !sharia rs Will in him. V-•.�AM4MVMY The Modern Mother. Friend—What do you do when your baby erica at night? Modern Mother—I get up and go into another room where I can't hear It.— Abendblatt der New York Staats-Zeitung. Ireland sends out as emigrants to other lands from 40,000 to 50,000 of her sons and daughters annually, while Scotland parts with only from 16,000 to 18,000. If a man could jump as far, In prgpors, `ion to his .-ize and weight, as a flea, he could at a single leap pass from St. Louis o Chicago. ' W TO BE BEAUTIFUL To be beautiful we must have pure blood and a clear skin. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood and makes • the skin bright and clear. It (Aires all skin and blood diseses. Witness etre foilowing:— "I had eorofnla on my face f ter some time, and could get no relief until I trraa B.B.B. one bottle healed me and left no BOD.,.. It is the greatest blood purifier in existent. Mary C. Berrry, Toronoo, Ont. Mr J xbett, night operator for• the Ball' no company in Belle- ville. was killed on the Oland Trunk track. MK HEADACHE Positively cured by Mese Little PIU. They also relieve Distrese from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. ' fecal remedy far Dizrinese, Nausea, Draws!. nese, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Teague Pain ht the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowelsr Purely Vegetable. 6rnail PM. Small Dosed Spall Price. Substitution the banded the days See) you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and demand c'.arter's Little Lvrer P1119. EV3R,NITU BROADFOOT, BOX 66 CO • 'dile steady : ncttease in cur trade good proof of the fact drat oma geode are sight amid our prices lower than those of other dealers in the eredh. WO manufacture furniture on a Large scale and can afford to Bell oasts IP you buffy from ua, we save for you the profit, which, in obhev oasts, bap to bo added in few the retail dealer. Thin week we have paesed into etook SPme of our new designs. Space will not permit us to quote eattleef3, but come and see for yourself what snaps we leave to offer. IlSere?emhere we evredeitermined that our prioee shall be thelowest;in the trade. UN DIC1T1K INGa lib thin department dun aback is complete, axed we have unerotrbtedly the beat inneved ot,U nn the county. Our prices aro ere low as elle loweet. BROADF00T,J0X 6 CO. J. W ClManageialley S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by oalfiina a -t J. W. Cb?dley'a, (Mineral Direotot) aesddenoe. A Great Smoke.'. A gentleman well known in turf circles made a curious wager in the year 1860, in which he backed himself to smoke ono pound weight of strong foreign regaiias within 12 hours. The conditions were that the cigars should be smoked one at a time to within an inch of the end, the backer of time, as in the case of some pi- geon matches, finding the weeds. The match was decided on a Thames steamer plying between London and Chel- sea, the smoker taking up a position well forward in the bows, where he caught the force of all the breeze that was blowing. Tho cigars ran 100 to the pound, so that about eight an hour had to beaaaalsmned to win the' wager. A start was Shade at 10 o'clock in the morning, and the affair was finished shortly after 7 in theevening. In the course of 9 hours and 20 minutes 86 cigars were fairly smoked, the greatest nnmtber oonsumed being in the second hoar, when the smoker disposed of no few- er than 16. At the eighty-sixth otgar, when -14 only remained to be smoked, the backer 'of time gave in, finding that the smoker was certain to win, and the latter puffed the remainder away at his leisure in the course of the same evening.—Strand Magazine. A CODE OF SIGNALS KaNature has a oode of signals—a listless stop and tired, weary feeling are in the code. They show that the system ie run down and dragged out. Nature's medi- cine for this is Milburn's Heart and Nerve Me—they benefit the entire system, brace the nervus, and brighten the brain, curing nervousness, eleepleesnesd, weakness "and palpitation of the heart, etc. Blood first of ell that fat 1'. :K., "g point on the road to halals. Without it Dyspep- siar Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ulcers and Abscess= thrive and increase ba 'the human system. But with pave CLOTHING,! ci6Tut 3anuary 189% HUB GROCERY NEW FRUITS NOW 1N STOCK ARGUIM RAU'gSelect Layers, (YosiiZZa's, Z�ltliilw, RAISIN S Fine of Stalk CURRANTS i tr ti Pf r1 1A34 1. Oil' Stella til California Prunes, best Eleme Figs in mate and layers, in ten poland beeea. Lemon, Citron and Orange peels. Having bought at the lowest prices this sea4.. eon we will give you close prices• 431-1DO, ISW.,-11.1_4I.440Pwe - C✓=11R)dtofl Clinton Sash,F oor iBlindFactor y S. S. COOPER - - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved me- ehinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for:and build all °lass- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior saterial. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Linie, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DFSS, manufactered at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders 1897 ew Dried Fruits 1897 RAISINS—Malaga, Valencia, Bnitans. CUZ?RANTS—Filietras, Fine Vostizee$ . California Prunes and Flims Figs. CROSSB Ba BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS—Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Walnuts. Cf:crtng Eigs for 5caa ' ound. NICE, OLD RAISINS for be a pound. Headqaarters for Teas., Sugars, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. How about that suit you w-nt Made to order? :' .Call i and see our tweed�s;,ybefo,ro you 'blit'; ' cherdattng freely these des cannot tang remain. There is nothing to keep them these -,--no hmpgrfffes for them to feed on. Burdock Blood Bitters rpur firs the blood, and dtiv s out all htipurltlea, waste and effete nutter more chctkekly and runty than Ohre remedy,. If you wheat part blood tips goeidlictItIt taitd j . A $10 buys a • nice 12 buys a better one. 13.50 gets yOu more style. 14 leads you to higher grades. 15; splendid valuer. 16, elegant styles, beautiful cloth. J. W. I' I10 - - clinton ft e ROBT. COATS & SON ff v. •'a`Y`5 ,+h5r4 r � 4e, cy.4-.a�nay., SIT,` .f 't -.a � ;r7r rind ,f fit"+'k f„�•1• T{+f y. •Wl �hr•;a"t+ �j 1,r,1S <r y 'f' �,:.'i''," ,b pSrAiiu*"" ', a during raga will present ro 1:•i readers a faithful pie oralwoe., se,natk,, cd the wand's :nowt i ttereztirg and ire?,�tent vein T°r'E IIEt;"MATS "T E'ECi-Ig.7.3 l4'tSSls. ire? j y . "kat}oral and Inter- Th:`.-vi•szt.yWill con:;nne 0partic!pate national Politics tits political teem of our ooan- Sectal and Economic try. It ta;a treat of the teal and eco remit quesrinns, and of th>' development Ouestlens of the midd e west, ItsFspecial tears {nduoirialEnterprisC r.1fiele rt In KIondiker')• tonwilltrae. Ari and Literature the tory cf the great gof d scovoriee LONG SERIALS AND SFIORT STOIBI(:S Twolongserialswillappearduringthe TIIR 10.., Ayj, year, contributed by nuthn-, of inter- >IJ H. R, CRO!- LETT national fame, and will be illustrated. By A8 NK R.SD 0trraa,Iamti.. Lay I'RANR R. STOG'a:!N Omen tti'lster These and a score of equally prom!n Hov:ard Pylo S e r tars will contribute short stories to the John Kendrick Bangs 1 Wo s,.Y in 1893, making the paper espe- Mary E. WiikinS ,dailyrichinfiction. Otherfeaturesarethe DEPARTIIIENTS AI=iD SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY .1ORLD FOREIGN NOTES By 25 S. MtRTIS' I>y POOLTNEY BIGELOW LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR'SPORT F,y AR.VOLD W111TE -- Ry CASP,AR WIIITNBY A SPG4Tlt4G PIL Greel"-.GE AROUND THE WORLD In the Interest of the W re c LY,t.1 tpst Whitney is on his way around the world. He will visit Ids, in search of bigg game, malting his principal hunt flout Pnngkol:, lie will visit India and then rocs to Europe to prepare articles_on the sprat.%of tretmanrs s IOc. ¢ co/y Iscrrcz,/or free J.ros/�rtttrsl S,rbsrripb'ore $G. Poaiagt free its Ute Unihd Slates, Canada, mad Mc Address IHAILP1:it & BROTHERS, Pt[hlisbors,New Tot w."D. How,:il, • quo r s Thanags. LONDESBOROUGH, Dec, 'Bib, T897. .fie desire to cerdially,•tjiank our patrons for their liberal treatment during --the year. Wo wish:,you tall a Happy New Year, and trues. that when you are inneed,of^any geode you will remember where the Ere portent is. We are prepared to supply your wants at as row prices es are consistent with an honest business. Try us if you want good TEA, FliTTITS, 1300TS., CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ROBES, BLANKETS, dee To those who have.'failed to deal with us we extend a cordial invitation to try us for 1 ADAMS' EMPORILT4 �y LONDE.SBORO R. ADA THE BEM' PHOTOG RAPHS ARE. TAKEN BY HOR ACE FOSTER Save .. Your Feet! 'Save your eyes! 'Discard rubbers ! 'Ask your Doctor I, Wear the new wet -proof, snow -proof, sweatless leather footwear. Light -weight, easy,' warm, stylish, eeono- micas. Made with the famous Goodyear Welt. Ask for trio.:`:. - a $5.00 per pair. W. TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON CUTTERS.AND SLEIGHS We Eeeip in Sit and make to other Cutters and Sleighs of all kinds. E; RUIAI:L, CLINTON 9. HARPER'S MAGAZINE will enter the coming year prepared to give to the reading public that which has made it famousf theast quarter of a century—contributions from the pens of the great literary men and wortett'ofth world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT . PnorECTs FOIL A NICARAGUAN CANAL THE COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE OF AN IST11ams CASA By Hon. DA FID TERPIE • By WORTHINGTON 0. Fedi) EASTERN SIBERIA AND T11R PACIFIC -I:t'.w . THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR Nettie Doubt Dy STEPHEN BONSAL -- By CHARLES 1'4LOM411.1 ROUEN'S CORNER—THE NOVEL OP THE YEAR by MeamY Serest MaRRIMAN, author of "The Sowers." Striking novelties in shert11 be contributed by such authors as W. D. Howells, Richard HaIdieg Dab'ig, Brander Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, and others. Thome will be a series of THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART AN ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CNARAC Postage free to all sulscrr4ors in the United States, Canada, and M Sub. $4 a year. Address HARPER & DROTHERS, Pub'$, N. Y. Cltt. Send tor for Wades U. ma** `1V, 1. HowSflf 'so !1