HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-01-14, Page 1. , i• - . - ' 11 r • . I I 1 I . I " .. I I . I . . . , 1, I . ''I I I W .. I I .1 . . I.V-1. - I I I , ,/. I I .11 '\,__/ I . I 1 I T " w , SPP �v x , ,a eeiate the prompt , payment of ��reaar���� n � axe e�r�� re?���v �� o� �u�s��r �i�� � � �� Earp: _ pp red , . I „ ,- -„ . I _T - .. 9 'I) I I J r1 ri{ „ ., I I �_11' 1. "I I . . : x�r_X _ I”, I �- • PROPERTIES �` r ERA # _ flri Lha. qa. .: gree and l — — — - O! Cod Liver 9i1 have loaibeesl eg opk j . tablielied Prepared as it to in Aar , I pt;ilte F �" "Perfect" Emulsion; the 0sto f pne - ROBBRT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. m the oil is entirely disgstomach rot vii alas : • tR4_ p CLINTON, QN.� JANUARY 14, 1898 $x r� year in advance $1.50 when not so paid most delicate atoinaah rataiu"s ft, r: with ease, and every a child takes it , • . with a relish. Stubborn colds and I s -U1�1 1 �� lJ B• -Blyth id that the Rolures�ri4le• Q!olborne troublesoose lme, yield gto its sinfiugnce AR Mss iiIiANSIE. It is as sING1NG CLASS.—The Class andel SPECIAL SERVICES.—FOP the s where ordinal couab remedies have 11, ' What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication Council will make a change in the col- i the management of the Choral Society Five weeks Special services have bpeen failed. It builds u pthe system and lection of taxes this year, requiring is reaching great dimensions. The in progress in BethelMethodist church, in this way not only Cgl'e;3 bI1tP I Hallett. g Bayfield the same to be paid to the Treasurer, class will p en next Saturday night at bein STATISTICS. -The Hallett re intra- DEATH. -Mrs Cameron, relict of the and dfs eosin with the services of a Q y g g conducted by Rev. Mr Olivant4 prevents goughe;'colde rind bion.- oli gnywiaer tion returns for the year ending Dec. late Donald Cameron dyed on TuesSh dispensing 7.30, and tf, it is a tine night all are ex assisted by the members of his c arch, chial affections, PerfectEWO,r Tuesday Collector. petted to attend. We had the banner He hits u ll�� 1st, 1897, was 58 births, 23 marriages 4th last., at the age of 81 years. She, 1tE-U ENING.-The re r; renin of the p t in good, faithful, skrneat r cion from us and us only at 35C 1. kill- was a native of Invergordon, Roaehire, 1 g class last year, and intend this year to work, with some aaccess but not as ! a bottle, regular 50o adze. Your and 29 deaths. g Qatbol"a church will take place next eclipse- others. much as had been hoped for. We move book too ff not satiefaed, rQ. is Scotland, and has been a resident'of Sundair, when Bishop O'Connor will P P y ler.-- SALi'-Mrs T. Hill, oY the gravel Bayfleld for over 40 years. She was. bless the altar at the morning service,' LEAVING. -We understand that Mr trust, however, that "better things haves road havingsold her farm, will have one of a large family, some of whom A. McFarlane has been secured b the are yet in store." ALLEN & WILSON '_ g y and ii;' the evening he will deliver a y broken an auction sale of her stock and imple- are in Australia, and some still in the lecture, which mill be worth hearing. directors of Brucefleld cheese factory WEDDING. -A happy wedding took it. if menta on Saturday, Jan. 22nd Old Land. A brother of hers, Rev J. A grand rally of the. denomination as choesemaker for next season.. This place at the horse of Mrs Fisher, Mait- Graduate Druggists & Opticians, tob that A NICE INSTRUMENT.- Mr Isaac Robertson, who died a few years ago, from the surrounding localities is ex- will, of course, necessitate his removal land coo,, on Wednesday evening, m ompetont . Lawrence had a beautiful fano case was a roxninent minister of the.Free from our villago, for which his man when her, dau titer Miss Martha Fish- ; Clluton. p' peeled for that day. g + Y g I 1, To -Bare •- -organ put itis his `residence- this week, Cburch in --Scotland. --Mrs--Eamovoin. - _ ,frien-("em_be sorry. _Albert, el', became the -wife of Dr. -Jas: Henry,-. -_ .._...-.._ ... _ _. manufactured tared by the Goderich Organ was an example of Christian patience NoTz�s;=--Mr Iiaiiiel Buie, pfOhicagtr, E though he has been a resident only Dutton, formerly of East Wawanosh. r Are your eyes worth a dollar? If t. and piety, and her end was eace. She ds visiting at the old home of Mr and. two ears, has won man friends and The wedding was witnessed by"a large the era loculeproperly-fitting _ UO' P y Is Jo n Buie. Mr and Mrs W, Bent people u y y spectacles on the filt. ppyeti ! leaves two sons, Alex. and hos. Catia•• the youngec le es eciall' will miss number of guests, and the bride being S PERSONAL. -Messrs Jae. and Henry 1 erun and numerous grandchildren, to ley and Mr and Mrs H. Alexander at- his smiling countenance and genial an exceed n 1 p popular ou i lad g C faili" eight or selling eyes. We S Camiog, o! Whitewood, Mau., are at I moors her lose. rived borne from Winnipeg this week; company. Brucetield will find Mr Me- was the recipient tof man tokens of guarantee every pair of glasses we gert presenton av[sit to their, fattier, Mr J. I COUNCIL. -Council met, on Jan. 10th. they will spend a few months visiting Farla, a it No. 1 cheesemakerand y sell to satisfy or refund your mon liepaixer. umiug, of Hallett. Mr and Alias Mc-' • friends and relatives. Rev. A. E. Tif- I' good goodwill. Rev: Mr Oli van performed a Test free and lasses 1 n Cowan returned home afters spending a in the town hall, persuant to statute. citizen and the well wishes of the Com- the ceremony, y.' g $ P P g Present: the Reeve Geo. Erwin in the fin,'. of Walton, preached two very munity here go with him to his new a wards, few days with friends here. chair, Councillors Clark, Elliott, Stan- Powerful sermons m the Methodist place of business. A PIONEER'S DEATH. -The removal SOLI LGATHERING.-Social ether- bur and Thomson. The statutor de- church last Sunday, Rev. Mr Rigsby by death of Mr Alexander Young, ou 001* I A y y taking his work at Walton. Mr Oakes, CHURCH NOTES. -Mr Lough of Clip- Saturday last, left but one of the pro- ings seem to be the order of the ay. A clarations of pffice .and qualifications $ ton, preached asplendid sermon Sun- neer settlers in the Township of Col- �, ' ver ' la4gge athelia of.youn peeple were subscribedto b be members, af- 4f Clinton, is about establishing a p haw from d[ffergat arta of the township ter which the minutes a thepreviouss,singing class in town if he can secure day morning. Rev. Mr Andrews has borne. Mr Young 6ettled in the town- St. All". - , pp a.Certain number of unils. A load �f commenced special services at Sharon ship in 1834. The year previous he and INDUCTED. -Mr W. ,E. C,laci�t wets GA IT. CJHAI]RS.-In took place at A4r Christopher Dale's meeting were read and signed. The P appointment. League thet on Tuea- his brother William emigrated iron: last Sunda Jan. 9th was inddrribtl_j� . ettori•of the Coun- Friday evening last. The evening was following officers were chosen for 1898:. young people from Winhaln drove dap night, when the following officers g y' down last Thursday evening and en- y + g Nairn, Scotland, for Canada. After to the office of Elder in the Ssse;t?ki , I1&`��`Oao tt8 appointed a ant in usual amusements. Mr and -H. W. Erwin, Clerk; Ben. Higgins, ° were elected: -Pres., C. L. Fisher; 1st landing da of nopul- •g g n E,d� j sed themselves :at the home of Mr gat Montreal they began look- Calvin church, St. Beier. tire'"oaftion ; ` Vice Pres. • S. T. Walter; 2nd vice in fora favorable location for settle- being made vacant by tbe.det or~ bis : : y Mrs hale know how to entertain rt t assessor Frank Bee an and Flra . k and Mrs Wm. Fleet g f,'R ,eveof the royallyy. AQ a rer4sonable hour all de- wards, auditors; Dr. Sheppard, ate. teal y' Pres„ 1). -A. Holmes2rd Vice Pres., F. y� ,�.ld for home wishing Mr Dale a -health officer; Jas. Whitten,sA,httr,;y CHURCH.-Tbe 0. E. society .of St: meat. The fleet winter, was spent in father, The servicestbererysotenn _ It,pPF+si' ewY ar, inspector;,John Ti etJphnFar uE n,., Andrews chyrcb;••••D�yft; held their 0' Elford; Vice'Fre,q:,.;.. Acheson; the neighborhood of Kingstor�c Not andimpresaiveunderthecit�cilrngt�4fi�e : R p SEs. Trees., A. Stephenson, organ`i`st; e;t£isri:tii 3:P los seta °f the lU MATRIMONIAL. -Mr M.Vij.Qdt; erl�ed ` N eiFP , , binsirtess meetr on Tuesda evenin P . P r , ''hos: Cameron. RReve_ar? L'.�rUoiyrcl Jig g. ,. NoTEe.-Lha parbnersbipeistingbe- Jan. 4th, when ,the folktwin officers E. Tebubtt. Great prepttratiopa are calit Mr Alex. You travelled west and his bride, from Port Ti<np , 11`ch. of locos Messrs Troop, Farnham and of health. Elounc[I adjourned, to meet R beingmade for the Lea ue•anniver- y" to n S.underCock for the last few ears as on Monday, Feb. 7th, at 7.30 o'clpek.- were a., the enauingsixmontbs: earyon the 30 -31st, for which the bills ward on'foot, from Kingstoi cion- agent several days with fill nd ` rxh% 4 r w Y -Pres., Thos. Pate; Vice Pres., Miss to, thele' Little York. Following '•i't vrcrnlby sere settling dowry a;t 9 ger strawcutters was dissolved b mutual H. W. EtWIN+Clerk, will be out in a da or two; Clinton lakes be took host at Obi 'i M y t ''r 2I.at2 y AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -The an- Florence Robertson; Treasurer, Miss y , ppawa, and r tires oflife. any fdierr, s Wii4- cera and consent, Mr Troopleers complete Orchestra will be in attendance. Mr r,,q ;' and ha py merit d life+ " , M. P., E. g P nr.al meeting of the Staple Branch Mary Mcp�arrie; Rec. Sec., John Hab- after a long, tedious voyage, landed at-thorY} a. ,^ p control; we wish Tommy success in his g y kirk; Oor�ee., R. B. McGowan; Or- Millard, of Nile: will conduct League Goderich. Here he 'oine bis brother• Nox , , and Mt•s Murray; of Csrdth: R y new undertakin i Mr E. L: Farnham Agricultural $celery was held at Mrs anniversar services'on Sunda ,Jan.30 t ant,, and others is having a wind mill erected. Mr R. D' Elliott's hotel on Wednesday, Jan. franiet, Miss Ella Anderson. Uonven and Rev. Mr Andrews will reach at Villiam, who had already Gaken up 200 `riclai tire;"visit friends i fd rtcfr)� „r ors of committees: -Pia —Prayer P acres about seven miles to the east of its, Miss An Dona rrfssels,; Sm th, who has acted as assessor for so 12,1898, at 1 o clock p. m., according to , y g' Nile and conduct uarterl services. it h I. 14.141110. ,i i Miss Flora Stewart; Lookout, Miss N. q y Goderich. At this time there was no a ent`1V3 YI 11 Caesar returned man ears, bas been a ointed tax• law. The following officers were elect• i h: rents y Y PP Anderson; Social, Miss Helen McGow- BIBLE SOCIETY. -The annual meet- road thrnnvh the township, and it was , r Dick. Miller Monday, to resume collector for the townshi ed for 1898:—Wm. Townsend, Pres.; ,� ' W I4IAnna-Kennedy, New P' Robt. Snowden, 1st Vice Pres.; D,tvid an; Music, Mrs A, Taylor; Sunday ing of Holmesville Branch Upper Citn- only by following the blaze that they in Toronto at pr fii@ads here. Miss K. CouNciL.-The council elect of the McNaughton, 2nd Vice Pres.; Joseph School, Miss Jennie HabkiW4,--Mission- ada Bible Society was held in St.John's could find their way to the new farm. aid and familyat `e. number of friends township of Hullett,viz.:JohnBrigham, Wild, John McNaughton, John John- ary, Mr D. McGowan; Floral, Miss M. Church on Friday night. The Rev. Mr During the winter of 1831.35 the two Miss Reid, of G :° ".Chursday evening.- Reeve; Alex. Leitch, Deputy -Reeve; J. Ston, George Bates, David Tuff, Rich- Nicol.. This society has enjoyed a pros- Hall, of Belgrave, the Society's agent, brothers undertook cutting down the aunt, Mrs C. Du Isl elm left yesterday to Lasham,John Wilson and Robt.Ferris, and Penhale, Thomas Cameron, John, perous year., The attendance was gave a very interesting address on the trees near by the creek now known as u(ltea at Toronto Conser- councillors, met in Hill's Hall, Londes- Woods, Donald Galbraith, Directors; targe and the spirit of the meetings work. The new officers are: -Pres., S. Young's creek. In the spring a few R sic..!;. Mies Ho Netterfield burp, on Monday, Jan. 10th, having H. W. Erwin, Secretary;John Mot an, earnest and devotional. This year it Sturdy; Vice Pres., Rev. Mr Ernest potatoes were planted; in the autudin g of the same year the Call and see our a '>i+' 44 from an extended made and subscribed the usual etatut- Treas.; W. H. Woodand F. A. Ed- is planning for special work along the and REV, G. W. Andrews; Sec.-Treae., y y were by Blankets, eta. Qoixj A.Igoma. cry declarations. Tenders for the yup- Edwards, Auditory, The past year's line of missions. F. U: Elford: Trustees, Messrs C. Will• their parents, brothers and sisters. ply of rock elm plank 16 ft. long and business has been a most successful iams, A. Osbaldeston, T. C. Pickard; slowly their little clearing increased in PuBLC LIB e district lodge of 1. 2 inches thick will be received b the Stanley Opllectors-Huron road Misses Sturd size. The road 10 Goderich Mr Young lar an Rea J Y one. The auditors, W.H. Woods and + y eIa •in the Oddfeilowe council U to 2 m. Feb.15th, to be de- COUNCIL. -Stanley council met as and Mrs McLeod; cut line, Misses assisted in clearing of the rimeval an ," -ir•and t; P P• F. -A. Edwards examined the books Y g P on•Thursday last, and ' per statute on Janus 10th; members , Proctor and Gardner; 11th and 9th forest, and but few im rovements took Mire les been livered as follovre:2000 ft.at Jas.Snel[ s, and found them correct, the receipts P January 1 her's:. The a PT_ tent representatives 2000 ft. at Leitch' 2000 ft.at Lasham'e for the year being $470.30 and the ex- all being present the necessary( con,, Misses Richardson and Courtiee; p ace in that part of the township, but •r6 "thio -os' nthe district ,1000 ft. at Brigbam's, 1000 ft. at Ferris', pensee $465.49, leaving a balance on tions were signed; the minutes of the Huron road east, Misses Osbaldeston received some contribution from his �nsiet.af t g.11 ,..D., G. M. McKay, and 20M ft. at J. Wilson's. The usual g revious meetin were read and ado t- and Huller; Maitland don„ Misses willing bands. During his Iifedixie-!}e':�r31''hel° Instal '' the officers of hand Qf $4:84.-13. W. ERWIN, Secy. P l? � .. by-law for fixing salaries and appoint- ed. The following are the township Williams and Laithwaite: The meet saw the township of Colborne trans- CHURCH lodgeC, t% 'o are as follows:- ,ing township officers was read and NOTES.- Mr Thos. Sanderson has officers for this year: -Clerk, J. T. ing decided,to conduct their own ser- rot med from a wilderness to a rich' ag- of Lonitesbo e tie;dy; Vt G., A. Sebas- assed. A number of applications for moved into town and intends opening Cairns; assessor, John Tough; treasur- vices another ear and die ease with ricultural district; he eaw what ver b terian 0 ,TF .G}Coves; P. S., J. W. the offices of tax collector a,nd assessor a butcher shop. Mise Evelyn', MI Am- or, John Reid; auditors, Geo. Baird the agent's visit. p few are privileged to � see. Indeed t RS Henders sr• W R bertson; R.S, V.G., g PP brose and Mr Percy Smith have gone and John Blatt y + was received and the following appoint- y; caretaker of hall, was difficult to believe that Colborne Sundays, b, I, - ' G.,« D. Longhead; to Clinton to attend the Collegiate Wilson Cook. Each- member of the Goderich. township passed through such a change on Monda j4l6G}rfi lir meats made:-AuditorP, Geo. Stephen there. Mr -Paul Cleave, of Killarney, in one life -time. To liear the old n• ended. R son, by the Reeve, M. Braithwaite, by council and clerk are to be furnished ORANGE MEETING.-D:strict meet Man., is visiting bis mother, and in- tlernan, in' hie latter da Ctt1UF0Tj[,.--'L'he new Coun- the council; assessor, John F. Staples, the Municipal World for this year, rug L.U.L. was held in the hRh of 182, ye, speak o his Sunday.lm tends leaving his daughters here to at- earl ate $r•s e'e Sion' in the Coun- Constance; Collector, Robt.Smitb, ar- The salaries of the township officers Goderich, on Tuesday, Jan. lith, with ,y experiences in the woods, with worth Le tend school. Rev. Mr McGillivray, the brush ilea, the oxen, p 11., -,last at 11.30 a. lock; the local Board of Health, Geo. are the same as last year. The follow- 45 members in attendance, when lthe . P'wild animals, whelr O: - L+ missionary from Honan,China,address- new settlers, and man ,t&n - >i the chair. Watt,appoin ,ed for 3 years, Dr.Agnew, i,ng aecounte were paid: -john Reid, following officers were elected: -Jas. y other things, : NOTE9,- �, pa.the mission band on Saturday, al ten-,: tnak ri was to be reatl piq �.. ,tn-• Health Officer. The township treasur- g'out and up financial Cox, D.M.; Jas. Connolly, Deputy; J. greatly mused, as well as siccaand preached to large audiences S edified. Mr Xoung worked hard aur- Rose City ,�Mi�h. 4.'6' nmdttee'of , er handed in the nese, municipal ca�Ja in Si.tAndrew's church on Sabbath statements, $6; John Gingrich, grave), Woods, Chap,; R. Caldwell, Ree. ec.; Moore last week. et<'appointing ter- book for the fnepection of tb'e council. $20.24; J. Watt, gravel, $6.88; Munici- R. H. Mew, Fin. Sec.; Adam Cantelon, in those long years of toil, but ahap* morning and evening. Mise M.Wilaon tier life could scarcel b was accidently of i;own, It appoint- This is the system of municipal account pal Worlds for blanks and subscri - Treas.; Robt. Cox, Lecturer; R.l Tich. T y e found. Bles• fa s"till'aan is here from Toronto visiting among tions sedwith wonderful health having con- gerous -Clerk, at a salary of keeping introduced by J. B. Laing, the , $10.20; express charges, 70c. bourne, D. of C.; C. Million, D.L.; W. g pd'treasurer at a sal Prov. Auditor, and which into be kept her friends. Mr and Miss Moorhouse Manson was re-elected a member of Crooks, John Cox, Past D. M's, stilted with a physician only once in slight mistake i have left for Pinconning. Miss Ethel the Board of Health. Oouncil meets 80 ears, he labored on, convertin the the I. O. G. T. it nun]; an armor- all over the Province by Treasurers of TEMPERANCE. -On Mouda evenin y g trict meeting her Smith has gone to Mor pets on a visit. rain on Feb. 5th at 1 fn. J. T. y a,forest tato fields of rain. Encoura edea't$410perannumI corpporations having a population of P• Jan. 10 the Vtioman's.Christian ,Tarn- g g needy in Fe•ager,. ist $60 per an• 15000 or leas: By this system balances Miss Reta Stanbury has returned to IR s, ler-k. ' by the results which almost every•yToronto to resume her studies eras('y�,t E, act: + „r ,,,, n•:,:. peranee Union, of Goderich, held their attended the funeral. of Xer,- 11L: D., medical on hand and in bank can be seen ata ,. rPIOTEB. br. a $cotta•,:of , oronbo, Second Silver Medal Contest in Victoria month revealed, the years passed pro of Ci'arlow,. last;Wed Mr H. Dramen is home fro" ;F s t8 �V`aix 'van'norman, rani- lance and in that and other res ects f1tably and pleasantly, In 1849 he was, of ff g P fire near Tees e'.'. F $ arks General Hospital, is spending a few o era house. The medal was won by No. 93«, are going to ha i, , . I )`• P married to Christina McKenzie who r't, 6 'mom - (it is gtfif'e"an=improveinent on our bid �f D oti, ie digitin bis father -fn -law, days under the maternal roof. Mr Misa Mildred Godwin. A good m usical ' ' on Feb. 11. Mr and Mie" ranvirio-; Duneati;=r +m et4odai,Jif,c4,ut• e;i`„�y�yj1,1i gejssar+y IMi Jofiii Morgan. iss Susan Burges Neil McFarlane and Mr John Camer- program was rendered, but the gem of like himself, was devout and God -fear- and daughter, of 1Vlanitou b to keep a J`ourna all thegame. On the on, from Greenock, Bruce county, the evening was the vocal solo "Alla lug. Until her death in 1887 she prov- visiting -at the old homestetta �ktr 6 '; 06. Moore, Thus whole it seems an excellent len but wishes to; tender her thanks to her , gg ed herself a worthy bel inset. Iu- �(n P plan, many friends for kindness rbnd sympa- were visiting rtivea and old ac Stella Confidenti with violin obligate deed her influence upon him and thein E. Wetheral spent Sunday; i" bertson, fence view- much better ads ted to town titan thy during her mother's illness. quaintances here during the first part by Miss Eva Aebeson,of t:roderich,who Mias.T. Sprun who fs tea 15tewait, aria R, Vanatone, W family'cannot be overestimated. She township corporations. Meetings of of the week, returning home on ed- ranks among our first Canadian singers Nile at roe t; visited' 15 each; Tlios. Irwin, tem- council will beheld on or about the ISth From an occasional correspondent assays. Mr and Miss McIntosh, of possessing neat personal charm and a was a very Wong Highland ebar= P g $ P father or}ttn�t A nu' .a er;,yalary, $ti0; Thos. Man- day of each month during the year, ex- THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. -The re- McKillop, paid a short'visit to Mr J. so rano voice of unusual,range,witti ex- atter• and possessed of great integrit r oun peo le ei ed'" th" of fire. clepartmtsnt, at 100 and undoubted piety. Although MrI g. $ sept as otherwise ordered lythe Reeve. salt of the election here, so far as the Gilmour s on rides last. Misses Mag- ce lent carrying qualities, pure enunci- r lJ. Ball a on ap.`;, �• JAB, CAMPBELL, Clerk. , Reeveship was concerned, was particu- ie, Lizzie and Edith Falconer, of Ba ation,love] tone and them Yodng shrank from public office, hey, gg y-• y g g various amus r< '' Iarly gratifying to every order -loving field, were guests of Mr John Gilmour netism that alone makes the great }• was frequently urged to aci apt public e>nwdjrom t Goderich Towrnshlp resident of this municipality. The late durin the first art of. the week., Mr List, Miss Acheson is open fpr• concert Positions of trust. Hia integrity and even ' A�trsa>�I �' g P the implicit confidence which the com The„annual meeting of SPECIAL SiIRVIr EB.- Special relig- Reeve as some good qualities, but x- Thos. Gilmour and wife, of eek. Mrs engagenfente and recitals. munit had in him blockT y 'r ppr g ious services have been *commenced in has els some not so good, and his ex- were,visiting here this week. Mrs y ,doubtless suggest- till the wee sma licit .Qvas•held on Thursday am le n various ways was not condo- Gilmour was visiting bet mother, Mrs I'REBENTATIo%.-On Monday even ed his taking office. In the Presbyter- baserrientwasfull to the Sharon Methodist Church, by Rev, Mr P y g in aver pleasant time was spent at ing. Mr M. Ar Andrews, who hopes that there will sive try what many thought to be the J. McDerinid, Brucefleld. Robt. Cote- g y P P ran church, however,' he acted for from Blyth uti Iirs.':ti6elieet interest was best i tercets of the villa e C en and man and hi sister from Tucker- the home of Mr and Mrs R. A. Reber- many years as Elder, which office he , r. ceo.d,n s. There arts not only be a good attendance, but p g ' ih p ton, when a number of the members of held until his death. His influence in Mr Lawlor s an ” g • P that much good rna result.. flagrant violation of the ethical code smitb, were renewing their acquain- rAuxiliariea .show that g y leads' to but one result, and no one but lances leers; the were the acyls of Auburn Home Circle assembled and the community was ver great. All means becomi tti°has.'its forces well or- HE ESCAPED. -John Crooks; (eon of y lI resented Mrs Roberton with a hand- reco sized him as a "moat oonsiatent home, where b W. Crooks of this township) who is himself is to blame for what has taken- Mrs D. McEwen. Mrs Williams; of P g on the ate doin es2rited' a record of P) pIad�e, Clinton, was visiting Mrs P. Camp- some clock, showing their esteem• to- Christian man, and very -frequently g ti;" encouraging pro- employed by Smallman & Ingram, TERTAINMENT,-The annual enter- • bell on Mouda she is also visiti n ward her. was he upheld as an ideal character, while rennin a Lyndon, was in the City Hall at the y' g He was cheerful, a m allelic qer°sreportnoted the taihment in eonnection"with the Meth'= her ac uaintaneea in Brucefleld. Ml6a TO 111Ra R.A.ROIIERTON.—WO,- y p , and al- in contact wit W. Pa legation had out time of the recent disaster, but escaped q ars and sisters of C. O. H. C., No. 240, Au- ways read dud''villin set him out of his cutter. 1. b reason of beingg in the allery, od st Sabbath school, held here last Macdonald, from the vicinity of Blyth; Y Y g to lend a bell- the pleasure of the event capacity of the by W.Blair, Huron road haV- ursday evening fn the town' hall, is of p,•esent at Mr John McCowan's. burn,feel that we cannot allow this occasion ing hand, and those who were privy- ed a an of en , • to pass without expressing to you our love ledged to be acquainted with him could la'ge, old and young talon pi in purchased several trees from Mr T. w s a pronounced success. The Clin Mt J Ubu McCowan is still confined to 8cided to securer g P t n and respect. Although we miss yon as seo• easily understand why it has frequent. amusement, though is _Ginn, hada bee on Friday afternoon Quintette, championed by Mr Coo the house. Robt. McCartney, son of Y Y q ant• 4 t + er was a decided success. Mr and Jas. McOart ne , of Moose aw is at And permit ns to wish you every success ly been remarked since his death; "he prove very a of ing to he ode, while it is to cel is wi�t�e s 3'a�ppg: _ Tjj� a bergs, T y I ' in your, new home, and rhes G}od add iia was a man greatly beloved." He leaves id the case o$ OaCar iottll re Murch, Mrs Chowen and Miss resent at his uncles, Alex. Thomsons a y tt broke: as usua�id good .work and •before p blesein to on both and when we are call- horse got frighten�' spina. ay of increasing Harland rendered good service. The he will remain in "this neighborhood g y five sons and three daughters. Two of, laati3ri rfi Taecessar T e night had a large quantity cut, g g ed Home there will be none' of us found his sons are tier and cutter.: ugh rAtur :, y h Bayfield Brass Band and Orchestra till ,piing. Mr Frank Butchart, had- p�ymen in the church of from $anvil on t . A%ternelrt 'for the year ALL RE -APPOINTED. -The township were in -excellent fordo, and area ere- ing retired from teaching, left on Mon- missing in the Home Circle above,and now their, fetber, while three are farumryre whsle lis please accept clock a token of esteem in Colborne township. All of his faro spending a few dash, Mr ;,!C$ Lei fhb total receipts from all Council held its first meeting on Mon- die to the village. Mise Rothwell pre- day to attend college at St. Thomas. P• h eI'e ,2842:91, which, after day, and the officers of last year were sided at the organ, assisted by Miss Er- from gdnr Cirule so that you may remem- ily are married, and be was spared to the sympathy of the tVlitrl ' ` yI . her each ofne as the hours o b and incon- qty in losing his vnitYabler14 ' C exp$'n'e0s,i, leaves a balance re -appointed, viz: Assessor, F. MCCart- win, the program being as follows:—se- Aarlock g y, zi'ee fifteen grandchildren. He will be . I I'ha anuouiilt given to the nay, salary $60; Oollector,L. Anderson, lection, band; �choru ,school; Prager, elusion we`wish you both .long life and a reatly missed in the community, but week. Mise L. Sprung is 11ver „ NOTES. -Sam Torrance, formerly of . ha New Year. Signed on behalf of our is Influbnce will not ass awe with resent. Mrs Arthiiras rlald .up r' f the church this year was salary $70; Auditors, J. R. Holmes and Rev W. Graham; chorus, Christmas happy g Y p y „ ilwrlur k, bhtwho moved to the prairie heart failure. D C. Mlit�to e, he repbrt of the Session eta- G. Holland', salary, $5 each. is here school;:selection Orchestra; Circle, AIIDORN. t is generatio{i. With hie memory 11s j , %ad,united With the church ' province, is visit ii,g hie old friends at thesicli.Jist. Mr �. • i'febo *i: , CHURCH NOT1 B�Uwln to the storm recitation, Flossie McGee; solo, Bertie rec< i, r, C. U. Univ oY Gerrie, in i is- RimPONSE.—Dear friends, as you have set will ever be experienced an aroma by oat, itttdnotedwith leas- g P to was visiting tiisn°da`r,-ar3dart5lir ' p of Sunday, .Tan. 2nd, no service was Brown; solo, Mrs Chowen; solo, Deb`s „i Mount Pleasant thio week. John this olook with the town clock of Goderich, w�jicb men's lives be helped and = tirn last week. Mt' $,l Rji�tE (i. tlsttt'llie ,attendance, both heldin Zion RleLhodias church. On San- Brown; girls'' chorus, "Din Done " allow me to thank the brothers and sisters encouraged. Although tidead yet be a+ y'till 0hath services, had da last. an an,iiversctr miasionar g lo, Mies Harland; selectio Fe, r is, r f Manu „era, is visit.in lire o! the Auburn Home Cire[e on behalf of my epeaketh." Landon, is renewing,, at tit r'- " no - 1 r or; root$ re uIar of de- y y y dialo ue so I I,rw her Robert t,biy winter. H. &Al- bore. Mr IT. Doer` spQint'ttrt£t . . sermon was preached by Rev. Chas. band; recitation,, Ethel Watson; sol. e1 luta been appointed trustee for S.S. Partnerinlife. Dear friende,this is a great v''sitin around Tavistock: « iCringlregsttotrthisyear cele- Smith, of V,x,_ter, which was listened Flossie Brown; selection, Orchestra: N' ,• 0. `lubes Kate Webster has return= emprise to her, and.to me; I am at a stand- �arren rf CFodericlif !is, y` 150th anntversar of�its or- to with intense interest b a large nu lilymarcb; solo, A1f.Rrwia; recitation still for to know how to express m feeling Londesboro �hiei�hotlldma eft a year y g num- ,, ed home. Tommy Ne[lans had a bee on y here. Mr and Mrs W C • p#' gt,' y ber`who made it convenient to come Last Hymn, Dolly Parsons; solo,Mrs Friday last drawing ppreseed hay to of gratitude toward you. Little did I think NOTES.-- On Monday Mr Leonard Clinton, were the guests'of Mre J, tlteCesti air s Ficial work. Murch; quartette; solo Mr Murch• Blyth. PeteTa.yloreelebrated his birth- P y color one day last weal;. . , out to hear this reverend Lrentlemen, q , ,solo when I took this partner in life she was Whitely returned to his studies at the Clara Erwin; duet, Mrs Chowen and da on Friday evening last b ,akin under such an obligation as now stands be- Medical College. On Tuesday Miss Ma. • : VISITORS. - Mrs Stephenson and y y g g Mrs Murch; selection, band; solo, Mr a art for his friends. Mr lore her. Allow me once more to thank you bel Bell returned to Loretto Abbey in t dau hter,Lilly,and Mr 11. Me Murch; good night; doxology. It was party � crefar kR all for our kindness shown towards her, Toronto to Pursue her studies �r t �_ �y�i of 1$ort Alher spent. tt few days last g gy has bought of H.KeI y his 50 acre farm y . P here• The Caa7hl �W • weekwith the amity of $,J.AfcOullagh; a matter of great regret that Dr. Steep- it being•notth half of 1pt 5,con.12. Misr and as this useful and valgabie clock ricer Mre W,. Hill, of Colborne. is visiting they also visited the family of Glingb pard, supertritenderit of the Sabbath Jennie Scott, is visiting her friend, Ag. on may we both belong spared toenjoy our here this week. Wednesday night we t nd were accompanied b Miss aehudl, was unavoidably absent, owing nes Crosby, this week. home together, end when our Heavenly had rain and thunder and lightning, Elliott,11 I' P y to sickness. He has taken a deep m- Father above sees $t to ball ns aw.y, may but we soon got a Chan a to colder girlies lie numerous ptttaoa Clat.� JldCOulla$h. Mies Gert[e Hegira- terest in the schopl and training of the Porters Aill.• we all be lonnd around 13fs Home Circle weather. Readers will pleads bear in non, of es Willson, il so spent Sundatd. with children for the entertainment. Mrs NOTES. -Mrs Thos. McDonald, 7th above. MR lb. A. UoarniTow, Goderioh, mind thelecture of the Rev,McGilft+ray ' Elliott, of1lamiota, Man,, s at prey Mr pP p y - con., is on thq, sick list. MrO. W. �� ii�fie the tt4d allies we Sheppard resided gracefull as nils- in Knox Church this afternoon 'and g�pny and bs`ildferog'' Mix more so tress of ceremoniwa, n her usual cape Potter is still b6fif3ned to the , house, G•fonstance Burn r, Friday night, this is a chance . '; x visiting htsfrienda and relatives in this ilei Bdfgrl�xfdwewill offer neighborhood. hborhood. Mine Alice AicUnllagh, hie and affable manner, Rev E. A. but is some better. We are glad to NOTRS.-At the meeting of t>ie mil to boat a teat live missionary, The { �'4 . , g Shaw took the chair. The proceeds see MrrRobt. Beacom _is able to be out nfci til council of Hulletti ,Mr J. F. Methodist church was crowded at the . -c >ieio tnAfifbs. of London, is enjrying a taw holidays 1 � * tinder the parental roof. amounted to $30. again, although he has to use the Staples,a merchant of this village, was evening eery a chu 8 yet lifers pt's those And j--� v I tb gmt truth beat goods, at • crutches et. Mr Robt. Elliott is ar ointed sssesaor tot th8 townshi who think the churC targe enotf9 and ioOT7�B, The splendid etet{{hing the East 1Afaanrranogh. awe to p p' that it is all right to decorate the bell- lPlr, >�. R1ltltllbdellt`• y Montreal with a shipment of Ret+.. A. Ra son iY ent a few' day& at , past week has canoed a great amount NoTus.--Tae farmers who have cloy hay, Mrs Moore left ort Monday for the holho ORIS f2lot last eek..Mlse in with basewoad lulmber: ,lbs»holttit U'i�fifltbp.+, ow'Idt our, 96w` of sierghftr . to be done. A great deal of . l th a �+ , , . or are getting ft threshed. D. A. Difu'- liar hofiae ill Mitchell. Mrrtrid Ji[rs W.' Nellie %[add' 'who has lfee'tt 's endin tt forth, ; ' ',., y , d Zli eO:Stewart,Of Sea forth, property a:nd ook t . P g are both' ahippfpg hit�y had at . re.enf , - , ottrOppdrirunitl+ t0, Op the woo from the Swannbar gave a party on the 7th Inst„ Cook, Dunlop were calliltl on friends her htfltfla ,Y With ilei at`ents, luttvr3it e':nilimbb •1 t e %� I And teamed across t the r' h on the . d me g ` - , , thk A gtae + s ant, a dt4�y its a slgt'd +s �, ro li say ., those present report �, s ltrndi tl in the utile a last week;.. Mr'and Mlr+s, old ,�Etar��, thiei.'tveok,.to attend t'he � ., atlad s rl : rice tltid then broilght throe h Mr 8..1E3. i ..- , . , , . thfs Vi ee1cM, —V al tarter, ls-"taktu h glrNia VP % f3' D caFr< sr„ resented his batter half, os. Cook, Pofnt Fa>~>fI, :Sunda ed tlttr brlllat, r:atld i le. ', Iidie+w lfFttr9, . g ft ix>r' l►iN e,ift,, Wrllsar► s farkll to CIA urori road• this t, .. ,.. the pntlltty show lel Condon this vt ed )p _ p t with ;rise fdaestoutter he cleoid��'ptatitire otters >ritll, 1VIrs 7a7. (7; Potter. ie t esu . bleu d etSc�ttt tela -day a af; laittn!�lllo.. , . .. ,_ ... , 9ltsart•+�fi fl nt>l%eec tt•t�tttCh>ihorte thtlla. lay gbifi Wednesda on' a,' v si t ; lyra Yoar'd da Mr and Mre Wro. )tR►>P tarn "ill tet�cit h �alliorne d cosec call , . , ., i t o ftleYl s,fir amiss thel tidliew is itis# tn6tgin:.iti qhs 5 e rs!t >Y11 ntt It ee 5 . Wile itttmnd Iitabng J.eYI s tliftj week I iipperl amid• vfcltlity, Mrs XJavid Ut�9r ofsft't1t: Rxrttelr� . Me t>3a�elRrnw, t! )nr heftq xna3�l canventetlt. a rar>tentets haves aria 7. xa.'br.9' .isle, *wCLt.lut+.t. fin,: #f,ni«• dd+.,tePrw.w'4Y.w:(r a.. w.la: ri t_v �Lv.i c•, ...v 4---- Irt+t .,vac. fYtttrt��l. fd Rtl�el° YtilrlHf g 11frs a ileeatlan by 6 bbd?t• ,W#A boleti to vis, pi !i . 6,w th" �. L --�i