HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-08, Page 3GREATER GCyD�RI�H; MAY 8, i9i8 THE 5TAR �OR 75 CENTS %', �ANNOT BE EXCELLED �� i�;tai�io �Arr� rur coun�:as in ti��c�tcrn 1 ;�;�,�gara Ri,��s Goderirt� Fire ��arm . cainps which' offer iirst clsss a« ,;— - ; _ � A:noineer F:ellr has installed a half modat.ien ir. thi� ��ild a,nd r•t*�„a� Boo�ting the Boostcr t1O1�"' �°��-�i' >>i�iton c�lv��- (he, brll in p]g��gr��tlntl. Illllstc8led d0SC1'ip$- The Goderich Star Is !4iaking a�'ery [t�nton Harh�r, ELE� Et., ! I the court 1�ouse to«re to operate .� i�•e literatur•t may be had for �t�s� Special 01Ter for the Balanee of Hay "''�i t'`F°' , The �lar, � ic�o�t >�uur eiLy, boost y�our friend ;; hammer for uGe as a lire alarm, thu, asking. �Vrite C. E. HOR;�iI�,'�2. the lear Goderirh, tEntario. �oust tha �i�urch ttiat �•ou attend. makin,; tLe �1o.ing- a a�«�itch �io in D. P, r1., TOrOntn, Unt. � o Dear 5ir� 'Cu��-n De�•eln�nnenE En��ar- � ii�,o•t it�e street on ���liieh ��ou're � p];�r�� of the ���ld LimE l+bnrintt� jnb of � FOP lhe hulallCe Of th� �e81' �,ciohb ��orafP�f rzf �r��� Tork f.it�� pci9� oet �� d��Pllin�, � ptillin ; the uF�r�. i� ; intc°n����i tu �-�—�-- fUll mOnL113) tt�t are tnaking a vePj ra�npai�n h�•r�� u�hich ii�i. �e�rF� •ier,- �'�o�t Chr gGods ti�at �-r�u �re scllino• i ha���� t�i�� ���iii � estr i.� t�rl l�o the tu���n � 5peCi81 oti�r. ��'e n'ill S�nd The rec,�fui. 'Ci�i. is a to«�ri ot' a%eu.t fere ��soo�t the peopte 'ruun�l al�uui, ��uu, � hal] �o that� Ih�, t�ell �, r.��� ��t rin.,iri� �� tlioiF�an�F a�td �he�� obtained if�C� riu.yte, � I`�f,e�� ��t1 �et� alon� ��'itllput >nu, � rpnn� tl�e�rP. nn accoun; �if lu�v cul- ,� ���, < Star to 8n,y' a�1�1reS3 in I.�anada �r Tlie nz��riiher. hace �tuek. 4�, :4 coEt- i3ut '.�uccr�y ���ili ui�ker lii�d tl�e�n ! 9 t.a�r� ��ft�n uLt-ained n❑ the li���lrp ��irr�s �s CTCeat Britaul 1�ron1 now to Jan. lst, �h�ucti��e Ei��o��u.ition thcc can �xot. F�r if' the�� kno�v that ��ou'ce bcliin�l tliem. � at present, c tu�ed b�- i�i�e bin use uf 1919, for �ust. �n�'ent.�'-Fl�'e Cents. e��elled and i❑ m� o iniv�� t'ar ewe�•�E s',;�:��t for e�er � 2'or«arQ niu�'ement, � . . Ha��e i'Y:e �iaC sent LO ��our abseni, . P y po���er fur industrial concern�, it is a. fPiends f'r01n no��' to tIle tirSt of tlle anv "milar �•ompanlrs in tf�at line u�h' .3uo�t fur e��ery ne�s impro�'t�menL �l.u���tion «�hPther the -,alf h.p. n�utc�r ;��� �� ' ear. 'l�he�' �t�ill ap�ieciate it. To �i°`<<re��. 'ioc�.t the ma❑ for .�•lioni �ou labor; ��-ill be st2tYicieutl�° po��•orful t�iourli iii � � I - addres�e� in the I?nitP�d State�s, on � ���'�'S truly ��o�2r�; ��s� �-t the siranoer and the ncirt�bur. the testin; mit on Tuc�da�- .taiting at �� °$;� _ W. G. SEs:ti?�. i a�e to be a chiron=c knucl,ei• ; ? o'�lnck tlie bell �v„s run„ alt ri ilt. � �� '� � aCCouut of tlie etitra postage the t�� tc;� to hc a pro�;ress-blucker. �Ir. heli�• replaced t'le li:�mn�er at �r;t ��j' -,� r�j� char��e for the balance of ibe Sear � - will be Oilo Dollar. �hitf[�xn�� 6oad 1Yacher:ce�� � if �i�u �i i�t:ik�� your i�itp bettei•, put on tivith a hea��ier one. ��':" �� __ 'fhe Dnmin����� Roa�l �t:�-•hu.,�rt �, �_'e''t it t„ tfie final lc�[�r. v �" °'` -Detroit Frr•�� pi.��5 � .. i� ��: .I ('onduc•tor Gallahan Hurt arz toda�� chi�ipino a �un;plete �� �k AMONG THE CHURCHES � �ru�hin� plant to HalzAu^ton � r thP. � Conductc�r Gallahan of the G. T. R., to�in�hip �•. ���-�art Tt,3= n�ak�e tiie Exeter Papers Spcuk V'er�� Highly oC met ���ith a��erv painful accidenf at fourth cru>hii�_ plant �liirrpud ��ittir. Goderich Opera Go. At the meekin; of the l�Iinisterial Port Colburnc. While the cre��° �rere the la�t t����i weeks. 'fher ha�e, ai�o � Associ2tion on 1�Iond�y afternoon it was unloariin�; tin autouiobile fra�ve from �tiipFre�# ent 1��-o carlozd� of bradF.~� Ttie E���ter Tinies last ���eel: I�ad tLe � decided to submit tbe question of the elpre,s car, it lo,t its balance, and aud �ec��i•;ii �n��rP ���ilY bc t.ipp,d �y�_ rollo«ino account of tl�ie Lass of �� chan; ing the hour of e��eniuh services before hr� could g�et uut of the ��-a��, � iuie t}te ��n•] ��f t�liis «�ecl,. They are '-�iulerick To�r�n : 'to 8 o'clock foc the months of�June, Jul,y caug(it tii� foot, requiring four �titch- � bFin,� �tiippNa to �i'innipe�, t;al€a�•}�, ThN musical comedy "The Lass of ; antl Au�ust to the ruling bodies in Lhe es tn cl�is< up the �cuund. He i� lairi Quebr���. �t��rbtrooke, and «e a:4�� ;ir. I�'i�n�rirk To«-n" put on b�� ttie young ��ariona congregatiovs. up fur a ir��v ��a�s. � derstaud they- ha�•e a number c,i u�i?ers �eople of Uo�l��.ich in the Eaeter llpera Rev. IlZr. Scott, son-in•law of Rev. J. IIou�e on Fri�iay e���nin_ la.i �1rew one E. Ford, who is visit;nn in tow�, ,,:, ,.„ , , c�f the lar�;e5t audiences t1iaL lia�c filled p�eacheci �n Sunday evening in Vict�ria tfle h•all, the house beinn pack�d for street i�Iethalist church very accept- � t.i�e oci•a-iun. To say� tiia6 Lhe rnter- ably. Mr. Scott has been studyin� at ' iainment �ras enjo�•ed is Iiutting it, �Lteen's tiniversity, Iiingston, and was = 1 NY E R E�TI N G N�WS mi'dl�� as the opera ia in a cluss b�� ordained to the m_nistr,y the week ;iself and the lioderich � uunr i�eoplP before last. He k�as been assi�ned to a - FRO\i - ?illed tliP ciifi'erei;t part� ��itli such � charge at Port J4IcNicoll and assur�es � ���ceptional abilit�� as to draw forth the � the duties �nnday after next. A men'fi � WALKER'S TWO STQRES ��PPlause of the audience time after � choir fux•nished the music on Snnday - Lime. :1 most fa� orable impressionl e�ening and the c'�urch was filled. . ` _i �1 as niade and left not�iuia tu Pre de- I At the morning service the sacrameut cired The laading Parts �cere well of the Lord's supper was administered, ; ST: ;Z� I�'O. 1 STORE �O. 2 ,,���:�,rl �ii�� ab15� filieu. "1'lie solos, the pastor receiving sit netiv meinbers The Furnitare $tore The Mosic and China Store duet�, choruses, etc., w-ere aLly ren- into the church. __ i �. 1 only Dinner Set �15.00 �tered. The pr;ncipal actor� .�ere sup- 7 -- ; Space will not pertnit to ported }��• a chorus of �ti-iiic_ume Irish A SL3iliER PAR:�DISE 1 only Dinner Set $17.00 � maiciens. Ttie prodtiction m�i�t tia��e gi�•e you in detail our many 1 on15� Diuner Set $2G.50 entailed muc�� hard �,ractise. 'r��e con- �� handsome booklet, artist.ically s ecials. We will uote � printed and illustrated, has just been P q 1 oiily Dinner Set �Z5.0� �'.i't «�a� unaer tli� ausPi��'; uf the t�5ued b�� the Grand Trunk kailway �pecial pric�s all through this � fe�� bar�-aius in the f'�triutic Leaaue of to��n, tl�e pruceeds telli� of the beauties of the "Lal�e ten-day campaign on b a:nounting to �•Li2. In addition a,�f ��ys'' �istrict in tl�e Highlands of Music Department i hand�ome cenLrc-pi,�re «�a� �01�1 u5" Ontario. The concise description Linoleums, Dil Cloth, Congoleum 1 only Square Piano� byNiarshal] ' auction by collecti��� bid; and ���as �i�en and the interesting• pictitres � Weudel of New York �85. knocked do��n to �liss h:tta f�ow-ey, Rugs, Furniture Coverings, Cur- 1 ne.v Pia.no, s ecial va,lueat�w�y) $33 bein� realized on the sale. The reproduced from dii•ect photc>graptis P �� tell the story of a very charming taans, CfetonIIes, �t'apeTies, EtC. on eas terms Godericii peol�le «�ere after���arcls ser��- Y t>d to refre�timents by ttie lea�ue. resort that is reached through � � � 'Phe Exeter :�d��ocate also �peaks in Htmts��ille. No�� is the time to � think of 3�our surnmer's ��acation. liigli prai�e of the production ."�Iuch T3ke a free tri , a mental little Often the 'Phones }la�! been I�earcl of Lliis talented a.agre- P Chea est � WALK�R Journey throuoh the "Lake of F3ays" P , �;ation of �oun� people from the coun- h�, askina for this handsome pub- • ty tu��n," sa��s this paper, �`and the lication. Tal�e the, ourne some AIWag'S Res. � 9� ]arge a.udir nce that greet,ed ther4 ��•as � y t�1e Best jJndertaker Store �9 not in the lea5t aisappointed of ���hat c��ening after supper with �our �tiey exx�eeted." ��fe anrl ci�iildreii, then slam tho - � door on tl�a doctor for 1�J18 by tak- � - -� -= ing ��our famil� on a real journey � �� � � � �� �� � through this ideal summer pla��- il ���� �t7 ��� �N SIG�T around. A postal card tu �. F. Hoi'Illil^a� .'-'�_JlllllllllillllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII!!lIIIIIIIiIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIilllllllllilllllillfllll11611iii�` t nion �tation, Toronto, �vill prompt- ly bring a c�py of tlie bool.let. _ = Pope Does Not Contempiate ---- -- — =� New Offer, AN IUI:.�L StiJiill.R OLTI\G GR OCE�1 ES' � f 19ID Officiat Statecuent From the Vati- � � can Indicntes That Berlin's Bid ] � � for Meddling of the YontitY tlas a = - Faiied In Its Object, as the neca- a — _ � sion Does Not �aeem Favorable� �� = �f[�XT��At�fkyfacyflcXX�fkt[7c� � ROME, May 7.-No favorahle oc- f -. Casion for a further peace move ny = �Ut Yaur credit is Krt = I Pope Benedict has presented itsel,, � �flE yfk � � nor does one seem near, it was stated � � still $'OOC� Ci't � _; at the Vatican when enquiry was � made there regardine the report that � � POWELL'$ � = His Holiness wou�d ma�e a new � _ peace offer on Whitsunday. � �CYY�YY��t��C�ct�t�t C "It is no secret," replied the VaLi- 5 �rxi� i�k �rx Xk1�fkXkyAc � can authorities of whom the corre- �' = � spondent enquired regai•ding the re- � = _ port, "that the Pope, since the beKin- `� C C ning of his ponti&cate, tras intereste3 .j � = himself regarding three great issues � � concerning the war: = Telephone �1 = "First-To maintain absolutel� �' � impartiality. � = "Second-To limit as much as pos- � � sible the extent of the conflict ae i � i1 `iy r —� its Lorrors. :111���'�'�'�����������'"�������������������'������ 1'�!�'�����) �������'��1����������'���III��II����IIG "Third-To a-oi•k in every may, c�n r Look Over Your Supply of the Following Lines which we are still selling at the old prices English Breakfast Tea - - 60c per pound Regal Brand Japan Tea - - 50c per pound Our Special Blend Coffee - 45c per pound When we have to buy these lines again they are subject to the new war tax, which will increase the price considerably. No better quality on the market anywhere. DEAN B�OS. Grocers Where yau get the fresh Lettuce every prnpitious oecasion, to restore concord and brotherhood among the preeples. "Given this program, it is only nat- ural that should a propit;ous occa- sion arise the Poge would do his best co ��rry o�t o��c. � "It is an easy task to prophes,y ! from time to time, within a few : weeks or months, some new action on ; the part of the Pope which may occur : at any moment, if a favorahle occa- ' aion ariae, which, however, has not : yet occurred, nor does it seem near." ' The original report of the immin- ence of a new Papal pe.ace move came from a German source in the shape of an article in the Neueste Nachricn- ten of Munich, late in April. This newspaper was quoted in Ameterdam despatches as stating that the mave would be made "as soon as the west- ern offensive assumed a new phase," and that it would take the form of "a word of warning addressed to the universa.l conscience." Cologne ne�vspapers have later been quoted asg declaring the Pope intended to make a new peace offer on Whitsunday (May 19th), the doc- ument to contain concrete ofters ot meddation by the Pope, it was snid, �vith the poedgible co-operation of rieutral eotereigna. Berlin was .re- D9lted to itave recei�ed ezmpstheti- calty rimilsr inforn�afion ae to the y Po�'a �nnwed inS,�utions. �/D`��'s'.�9.'.: �, .. . J<'^ ;y�i: . , . . ._ f ,� "Che Pro��incial Governmenl of Ontarin Parned th� graiitud�� nf' all o��er, �f out-of-doors wl�Hn it, �et � part, in 1893, nearly t�vo miilion' eres ��f heavilti tirobered land star- � ed �ti-ith beautiful lakes and ���in�l- i�' steean�s, as a preserve for th� uil�i t,hii�ga and a r��crFration arr,im�l or t�he people. The,y called it A1- � oziquin Parl.. 1��va� up in tlle Highlancls of Ontar�o," 200 miles nort�h of Toronto, 1;0 miles ��-est of Ottawa, and t�vo thousand f�et bo�-e the level of the sea, this o��ely region remains to-day un- poiled, a per#'ect refuge for t.i�e. re��tures of the forest, and an iaeal � ampin� ground for ihe si.�orts�uan t nd busines� man. The Graizd; 'ruiik operate hotPl unrl log cabin ; - � t5 �L � :� F^:' . � t+ ' :� - � ��� ��`� `� �� Springtime renews interest i� � PIC�URE TAKINt� � S�napsl�ots of the kiddies when _; they gro�� older are pleasa3�� � memones. Send snapshots t�a ' the bo}> ot-erseas of the kiddie�� _ All Kodak and Brownie = Supplies. - Developing aud Printing. f JAMES A. CAMPBEI,� - DRUGGlST 'Phone 90 Goderich, Ontari� � FOOT �VEA� The newest models o£ Osfords and Pumps are now Ueing shown in ou3 windows, aud, they repre- sent t..e very best efforts of the successful Shoe mau u f acturers. P,ach style is desigued to include perfect comfori as well as good looks. The prices are most reas- onal;le. G�o. MacVicar i�A�N �IOi�ERS �o you require a neuJ �a�vn 1�/lotver ? 1ve have just received a large consign- ment. Call and see them. I�oes your Lar;vn 11/lou�er require shar�ening and overhaulin�? If so,rleave word at the store and we will send for it and put it in good re- pair. . ..., . �" CHAS. Phone 22. ,_�.- :< . r C. � � :_ : �,. ;..^;. _� :_r._�: �