HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-05-07, Page 1th
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Elan Ontark—Pm•just waiting until them judges get through, and I'm going to give somebody this Ananias medal.
now to save by :opening a
with the
WAITS.—The Bishop of Huron will
hold a confirmation cervico in connec-
,Aieet with Trinity church In this place
this' (Thursday) afternoon at three
d'at ak, There is a large class, Agood
year if reported In connection with the
ioburoh and flnancse were never In better
,condhion, a neat balance being in bend
' .At the oloee of the financial year. The
incumbent, Rev. J. Edmonds, Is doing
,!rood work,. ..Miss Maggie Bennett, of
Blyth, to renewing old acquaintances
,Around here , at present.... Quarterly
stewing. were held in the Bel-
MD4ethodist church last Sunday.
re. Baker, of London, is speeding
. es few days with her mother, Mrs. Allis
,,eoe....A meeting of Trinity church
,eoegregatton was held on Saturday
as ening when it was decided to.ho-
w the church properly here. The
nt ohurch will be raised and ve-
•I`sePiwf and a basement hoist under it,
A large addition will also be built to it.
Maters.—The contract for the laying
of granolithle walks in Winghem dur-
ing the coming glimmer hes been award-
ed to the Forest City Pitying Co, at 11
ts !b -r square foot and tZ cents e
addltionel for crossings....Meagre.
A. Dore have been very busy for
sake past building pneumatic
ggies. We understand that this
finis sold 15 of these buggies to
hamttee, besides a large number
PA►q,�eve been shipped to other pointe,
.A call has been .extended by the
'Ingham Baptist church to Bev. Mr.
eLean, B.A., of Toronto. Mr. ietc-
e Mn ie *young man who is jnsr leav-
ing college and to raid to be a splendid
greedier. It is not definitely known
rt whether hit will ,accept the call.
'n• will preaoh in the church here on
Sunday next ...Dr. and )4re. Sperling
and child, of Leek, Wyoming, are visit-
igg with Mrs. Sperling's parents, Mr,
acid Mrs. F. G Sperling . . • • Mr. J. C.
Mile*. of Bo fsio, is visiting with hie
pagentr, Mr. an Mrs. C. Dense. We
N pleased to learn that he has about.
ally recovered from his recent severe
!j!llKnep..•.Miss Carrie Cody, who for
tbglteat six years has been the obliging
ator at the central office of the Bell
ephome Co. here, expecte to take a
nation in Toronto at an early date.
iw Cody wee always prompt, atren-
etfec end obliging, and business men
Will Welkercheeryreeponse in answer
o their rinae..,.Mr. W. J. Chapman
decided to remove Ida glove worke
to Alston, and amalgamate with the
,$torey glove works In that town. The
Tsenoval of Mr. Cheprnan wilt be a ser -
foes to Winghant, as he &nee a
aT buatneas and employe a large
.ti of workmen —.Mr, S. McBurney,
who has been euferinu from paralysis
or rNle
lire. yeMcBuurrnsyIs
is alsero 111.
sok a number of,rriatives (rpm
e distance visited the afflicted home....
Messrs. Walker Bros. & Button had a
strange customer one day last week,
A cow passing the shop where the firm
store their surplus stock,eaw the door
invitingly open and walked in to in-
spf the
t publishing
of marriage" isnot often
of ,ti these days of license and quiet
weddings.�For the first time in many
yearn, Rev. Wett,,Uowe pubiahed the
bands in St. Paul's church on Sunday
last between Emma Woodcock And
Charles Hardestry, of Montreal: leo
between Serah Woodeoek and Wm. M.
Dawson, of Toronto. The balms ase to
be published three Sundays.
Two Minnie Dean.—One of .the
old settlers of Tuckersmith Pawed away
the other day at the home of Mr, Robert
Lavery, in Hibhbrt, in the person of
Mr. Murdock McKay. The deoeaeed
waM a native of Sutheriandshire, Scot-
land, and carne to this country about 50
years ago, settling first in Dumfries.
About five years later he came to
Tuck%rsmith. He never took up land
for himself, but worked among the
farmer,. lie was a quiet, industrious,
hard working man, and was held in deep
respect by all, Hle lest illness was
only about of a week'',duretion, and
was the result of pparalysisef the throat.
Deeeaeed was 7) ,yeere of, age. The
remains were taken to:Dubfttt etatioo
and from there to Pai ley, where, is
brothers reside.... Mr, Hobert Ple
one of the ploneer req dents of Tucker-
uckersmith, passed over to the better lett on
April 18th. For the past 10 years Ihe
deceased has been troubled with Bright's
disease, but had been able to go about
until a few days before his death. Mr.
Plewes was born in Yorkshire, England,
in 1825, and came to Canada in the
thirties, settling in Toronto township,
where he remained until 1850. In that
year he came west and settled on the
term on the 2nd eonceselon of Tucker.
smith, where he continued to reside
until the time of his death. Tw•d years
tater he was united in marriage to Miss
Harriet Walters, and to thein were
born four sons end four daughters, and
all Survive with the exception of one
daughter. The sons are W, G , of the
Soo; Joseph and Edward, of Mooeomiu,
and Frank on the h instead ; the
daughters are Mre, J. B, Crosetn, of
Moosomin; Mrs. Levi Strong, of Sarnia,
and Mare. John Wise, of the Huron
road. Mr. end Mrs. Plewes celehrated
their golden wedding but a few months
ago and at that time they had all their
children with t'.tetn. '!'Iso remains were
laid to rest in Turner's cemetery and
were followed to their last resting piece
by a large number of sorrowing friends.
—At the Stratford spring aelegem, Mr.
Speck secured s verdict of WO (or dein-
ages received while empployedWith the
$1 and Upwards received on deposit, and interest allowed
at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, compounded half -yearly.
Special rate on large time deposits.
CORNsnt SrONia Late. Tho corner
scone of the new Roman Catholic
church at. St. Augustine waa laid on
Sunday afternoon by Rt. Rev. F. P.
McEvoy, D.A, Bishop of Londou, The
day wile not an admirable one from s
weather_ point of oujow, ,being cold and
relay, j`iotwitbotending the inclement
weather there wet a very large gather-
ing of people from all over the country
and much interest was Awn in the
beautiful ceremony. In .addition to
!eying the cornerstone, Bishop McEvay
blessed the wane ,of the new church.
The sermon for the occasion was preachh•
ed in the present church by Rev. D. P
McMenamin, of Leon, a former pastar
of St. -Augustine .uhuroh. The rev,
father, delivered a stirring, prettiest
address. full of good.'food for any Chris-
tian. Its pictured the true Catholic
and the bad Catholk, and urged upon
all present to live good and upright
lives. A splendid musical program was
rendered by the exoelient choir of the
church. Large collections were given.
FLoue MILLS Buatlsn.--The Man-
chester floor mills, owned by Messrs,
Cuilie Bros., and operated by Mr. George
Tome were destroyed by lire et five
o'clock Tuesday morning. ,The fire
originated from it lantern which Mr.
Toms left on the upper fiat for a short
due to attend to the machinery on the
lower flat. Insuranoe partially covers
the loos.
Nana —Mrs. A, Jackson, who was
thrown from a buggy and severely
hurt, Is slowly recovering.... Mist G.
Armstrong has returned home to nurse
her aunt, Mrs. S. 8earlee, who is very
:tick ....Miss Charlotte Lawlor has se-
cured a situation in Mr. W.T. Riddell's
store Miss Myrtle Stalker, echo has
been spending the past few weeks et
Londeahoro, is home —.Mr. J. Coup -
lend is vary sick with the measels....
Mies M. Dobie, who wan home for a few
days last week with en attack of la
grip e, is beck to work again ....Mrs.
W. Symington has started in the dress -
snaking buaineeq...The regular month-
ly meeting of the Auburn branch of the
Weet Huron women's hustitete was
held in the public library on Tuesday
afternoun. There was a good attend-
ant of ladies and the program given
was an instructive and interesting one,
,..The union choir hes again taken up
its class work under the guldanee of
Mr, George Lethbridge, of Goderich..,.
There was a friendly farewell gathering
at the home of Mr. John Ferguson one
evening let week. It was given in
honor of Meters. Win. Forgneon end
Leander Lawlor, who have since left
for the west.
A Ploea ntt'e DEATH.—By the death
of Mre. George Young, which occurred
on Monday of last week, one of the
links that connect the early settlers of
the Awn. Out with the Orient has
been broken, Mrs. Young was born in family were James, of'u\uhern; Meg.,
Banffshire Scotland, in July, 1822, She of 1\tinghsm •,Mre. John Menne, of
was the eldestdelighter andeldeet child Wingham; Mlrs, Thomas. Srraughen,
of the late David Chit*, 0,!. Claremont of East W'awenosh ; Mg. Alex, Mc.
farm, 9th con. of Colborne, sad a niece Kenzie, of Heasall, and Mre. Thomas
of the late Sir Janne Clark, who was Anderson, of fibre, Michi aa. The
physician in ordinary for many years funeral took ,place on Wednesday to
to her late majesty Queen Victoria, Colborne cemetery, where her .remains
Mrs. Young emigrated to this country were interred beside those of her late
with the rent of her father's family in husband and two of her infant children,
May, 1884, and went to Claremont farm, who died shortly after birth. The fun -
when the township of Colborne was an eral was largely attended, the services
almost unbroken forest and the only being conducted by Rev. J. L. Small,
snide from their home to the town of of Knox church, Auburn, of which
Goderioh was the surveyor's blaze. In church Mre. loung wee one of the first
February, 1818, she was married to the members, aasisto,t to; bot• nephew„ ev.
late George Young, fifth son of the late John Young, of St. Jolut's Presby,terian
Alex. Young, who came to Colborne, in church, Hamilton. The .pall•bearers
the year 18115 and settled on lot?, .con. were six of her nephews, Alex, Glee,
7 Colborne, where she lived anti! Alex, Young, Cemtdon,Young, jr., Perey
alter the death of her husband in July Stewart, John Clash and, David Bogie,
1874. She disposed of the ferns and .+.�•
moved to Auburn in June, 1815, and —'.Che reeidents, of •Tiny,townehip,
lived there till the time of her death. Simcoe county, have declared war
Two brothers and one sister survive her agaiuet all wandering curs, and are re-
- Wm, S. Clark, of Goderich; David D. solved to destroy all snub fourdoottd
Clark, of Stare Centre, Iowa, and. Mrs. pate as come within range of that'
3. 0. Stewart, of Colborne. The de- eheotina iron. The reason for this hoe-
ceased brothers And sisters of her fam- tile declaration against the canine tribe
ily were James, of tielhorne; Mrs. Capt. is on account of the finny depredistions
James Bogie, of Colborne; tire. Julius whelk tutee lately been made upon the
Weise, of Ashfldd, and Margaret Chu e, sltecp-f ,lds in northern Tiny by trendies
unmarried, of Colborne. Mre, Young's iug sni vagrant curs,
New Blouses, '
and Whitewear ..
Having just received an immense range direct
from the manufacturers places us in a position to
give you unequalled value in these goods. They
are the very latest New York styles and fit per-
We can take any quantity of Eggs in exchange
for goods. Bring them in this week and we will '
give you a good price.
Some great bargains in
Lace Curtains, Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Linoleums
and Mattings.
In the_
we have New Hats and Novelties
arriving every few days.
been broken, Mrs. Young was born in family were James, of'u\uhern; Meg.,
Banffshire Scotland, in July, 1822, She of 1\tinghsm •,Mre. John Menne, of
was the eldestdelighter andeldeet child Wingham; Mlrs, Thomas. Srraughen,
of the late David Chit*, 0,!. Claremont of East W'awenosh ; Mg. Alex, Mc.
farm, 9th con. of Colborne, sad a niece Kenzie, of Heasall, and Mre. Thomas
of the late Sir Janne Clark, who was Anderson, of fibre, Michi aa. The
physician in ordinary for many years funeral took ,place on Wednesday to
to her late majesty Queen Victoria, Colborne cemetery, where her .remains
Mrs. Young emigrated to this country were interred beside those of her late
with the rent of her father's family in husband and two of her infant children,
May, 1884, and went to Claremont farm, who died shortly after birth. The fun -
when the township of Colborne was an eral was largely attended, the services
almost unbroken forest and the only being conducted by Rev. J. L. Small,
snide from their home to the town of of Knox church, Auburn, of which
Goderioh was the surveyor's blaze. In church Mre. loung wee one of the first
February, 1818, she was married to the members, aasisto,t to; bot• nephew„ ev.
late George Young, fifth son of the late John Young, of St. Jolut's Presby,terian
Alex. Young, who came to Colborne, in church, Hamilton. The .pall•bearers
the year 18115 and settled on lot?, .con. were six of her nephews, Alex, Glee,
7 Colborne, where she lived anti! Alex, Young, Cemtdon,Young, jr., Perey
alter the death of her husband in July Stewart, John Clash and, David Bogie,
1874. She disposed of the ferns and .+.�•
moved to Auburn in June, 1815, and —'.Che reeidents, of •Tiny,townehip,
lived there till the time of her death. Simcoe county, have declared war
Two brothers and one sister survive her agaiuet all wandering curs, and are re-
- Wm, S. Clark, of Goderich; David D. solved to destroy all snub fourdoottd
Clark, of Stare Centre, Iowa, and. Mrs. pate as come within range of that'
3. 0. Stewart, of Colborne. The de- eheotina iron. The reason for this hoe-
ceased brothers And sisters of her fam- tile declaration against the canine tribe
ily were James, of tielhorne; Mrs. Capt. is on account of the finny depredistions
James Bogie, of Colborne; tire. Julius whelk tutee lately been made upon the
Weise, of Ashfldd, and Margaret Chu e, sltecp-f ,lds in northern Tiny by trendies
unmarried, of Colborne. Mre, Young's iug sni vagrant curs,