HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-23, Page 3ale .sw111111111111ll►
A lot of people thank were too care-
ful in putting up
t` ,
We can't be dg“, AO when we're
retaining all1)1'1x,t.11.& .avori end aroma
of the best w;n'i'.;kt,, 'es'i kL:'iis itlt Ceylon.
Di. cla 1 4)i. C a Creep. ic for Idol label.
FORT nC,^"di O Sl'tCa1L.. Eft FIFTY
slid Mrs. Bryan is wise hm her gen-
,ration; she does not go out, aril.
time hoarg mare of the opinions of
evla'yhutly than anyone else, for
everyone Bode her at home. Ant the
nmugpt d tea elonanme4t at Bryan
(boort during this one week le almost
lneailoulable. Talo butler declares that
ho has worn out a pair of elutes
walking up and down tho stairs, an-
swering the door, and carrying In
tears of afternoon tea.
"Tolk away, my dears!" snaps old
Met,. Brynn, d.&0 little, angry eyes
It14xnWiag like danger -signals. "I)oa't
spare my tlephow !Fortunately one hs'
`nrrthtlawerablo for oho fallings of
one's relativoe,"
011, poor, childlike, innocent Gipsy,
adutt a ahipwrcck hag Leen matin of
you; hemg and happinoa9.!
Mitt Bryan, for ono° In her lifes
makes a feeble effort to stand up for
one of her own era,
"I thought Sir iifnurloo'a wife little
short of an angel," sh0 remarks,
grimly ; and then, with one of 1(01'
lightning gl'tneo,, she anulh'latea one
,d the Mises Orimrhaw. "My dear
creature, lt:Mall very well for those
to laik who havn never been tempt -
,al ; fled there aro women who,ln no
circtuntkanoca Souk' ever run a risk
of that sort."
Ulan Otimehaw, feeling the cap fit-
ting to a "t," 109909 her head, and
abruptly changes the subject.
Whilst the soauainl Is 111 full
swirls at Drumaneen, tiro Dowager
iady Derrlot has transferred herself
and log maht, and a supply of sn.l-
volatile and smelling -Rai le, 10
Queenstown, to eooapo from every-
body and await tiro arrival of her
eon. The sooner he is told the bet-
ter ; and who ie no fitting to be with
hien during this trying time a4) her-
end,. when the steamer arrives.
and Sir Maurloo step; &ahere, with
keen gid eyes betcaaae he is home
again, he meets a messenger with
the intelligence that Lady Dermot
is awaiting him at the hotel. Hie
fano flushes wait a quick surprise.
"Darling little Gipsy 1" ho thinks,
fondly. °How good of her to come
and meet me 1"
Swift and straight ho goes, 09 ho
thinks, into the arms of ids wife,
erect and fearless, vvlbh a great
gladness In lila breast, wondering
eves is leho will like tho promote he
ietttldtought her, and t'wolllng on tiro
ley it will be to look Into her fico
lie is Shown Ip to a private sit-
ting -room, and ibo husband's heart
beats faet with gladuosn, because to
mpg leer een4pd he will see Gipsy
(and then we will bath oome to you;
and you will to the meantime be
gaiting well In these nice rooms ; and
Mrs. McPherson I8 40 kind,"
Siby1 1108 np, with wild, sorrowful
111.1,11A"1 woat to got well only for my
411(1 '4 sake, to prove. -to prove that
s(1tch ends In hitter
wm, p ig.
(Mos puts hor 11 0111H u4)areotoIher.
"I know, deer -I know ; and afaullr
will he Ip yen. He will know what
15 tight."
"Von will veuut bark to me?" wills
p •re p, or Sibyl, brokenly. Ant, with
molly tears :,n;1 kisses, the sister
says, ge:o l -sty, Lille dreaming of al
that will happen heford they rime
If I could only Mc!' murmurs 11
b,vl to herself twain. musing In 111
gloomier, noel thinking of her fruit
118+ (pint to prove her Sooteh 11131
Lady Dermot, tu(111n ; very Palo ((e
she speaks. " 117 poor Maurine, try
to think of something worse than
Illness, or death, or--"
" For heaven's rink-," be streaks in
hoarsely, while tin blood Burgs+
to hoe 'brain, "don't keep me in this
suspense -tell me what it is at
once !"
ho she toile )elm; and fur ss, time
he neither spooks nor moves. Then, ea
elle nacos her oyes and looks at the
awful agony to hire face he sways
forward and faits head long like a
dead mat at hies mother's feet.
Ghastly and gray he Iles for a ter-
rible hatlf-hour; and Indy Dermot
w-atalies betide him, waiting for the
awfulness of the awaking rad the
Inevitable explanations that must
They have carried him to bed, art
his mother watches aid waits at .
gases at too .trlledten Igoe of her
idolised son, surging in her heart tit,
girl ho married. And tiro !fret otm-
sreious words he uttore are-"1Vife,
aro re
His =other sees him for a moment,
with hes oyes tit up with love and
"Oh, my son, my son 1" site cries,
In hes' heart, as she sees tate keen
disappointment tlutt rushee over lite
Lace and notes the sudden quenching
. of the radiant lovollght In Ills ryes.
".f thought 11 was Gipsy," he says,
wltt a am io of Lor secondary wel-
come for hos mother; and then, even
mite stoops to k's9 her,'eomothing
In her lace arrests him. " You have
not bra Inc i(1ny bad news?" ho
ori 9 an kly, with a great Wave of
trelyldatlon sweeping Door 1,11n. "How
is Gipsy ?"
Latey Dermot turns her head away.
?How shall I tell you, my poor
Maurice 1" she murmurs.
"Tell me at once," he says, 111111117,
withnick, uneven tones. "Harr any-
thing happppened ? Is Gipsy 111 1"
" iSomet deg has happened," begins
Olby'l does not die. Like the weary
who pine for death, she is given lite,
'mud awakes to find Gipsy watching
her with a sweet, 'smiling fade. It
liae been a long, terrible week, hut
a wife of hie choosing. Oh, Sibyl, I and rote dares not fall to inform all
WAR a man of the world, you were her friends of the foot, That the
a young, Ignorant Windt I thought ; sweet young things do discuss the
atter a time you would be Iaippy laedov04] subject in the sanctity of
without me, and I lead a sort of their own rooms Is not only posoit lc,
'Irl-. 4),n. when vague a that :nom i w 1 but highly probable. u Maurice
1 y r l y,h y pt UttUl ..1t 1 le.
nnolo was dead and left me every j beings so to spa k again n the. noir-
thing, 1 could come back to you ket hos u.to d like a to (lo to the
again. I have been bas(, selfish ncipi(ih,ehnod
11111 moil Think of 1t, SIbyl--you, ; Pleat Ito has oomo home root has
(1 often. m wife for '1(u came t me. ort t t (, e•, re �-
Y 3 shut himself up D his ole 1 3
n , and 1 drove ,you away and sent you leo_' knows, and thoeq few who 111.(1
fto rile I le, goal luck to catch night of Ids
"Oh, Paul ! Paull" sobs Sibyl, eat ("hanged taco during the short tran-
- ing to ear oho sell-ahasemeul cud sit front t110 railway station to 1110
A110111 13 fn hie fee; "do nor. 1,) lac owo carriage are persons of Import-
s: any more!" iu10e, White, hn.ggard and miserable,
"I Must," ho answers, g100mlly. "I he lookisi indeed wretched enough to
tel! you, 1 haled you often ; and %l lien plea FC! hie dearest fon, with a sort of
1 saw your sister, Lady 1)ermot's, proud indignation smoldering 1n the
foes, for the Ilrst time, i thought ryes.
11 101(0 7(911, nn,! -heaven forgive the 1 ! Ilut the wirrid carr orOy guess at
-1 was glad to think you were as the Rhami, and ae'wny that milk., this
- outer 11x1'44 wife" trouble almost Unbearahle, awl how
S.byl slavers all over, but says aro ; ,frnrly he has loved Ids wife
00101; nod he gone on: j no ono ill ever know but
"I kept promising my uncia himself. Though only a few
to look out for a wife, and' 4(4174, It seems a, lifetime
1111 the time I could never get your since he stepped on More with R
fuer, out of my head; and then light heart and glad ooniaolonenesle
Lady Dermot come to toll we you that be should soon time his litho
were dying; and 011, wile, (11n lou (story again.
forgive mo now? When L thought Yi10 be Continued,)
that it would be ended iu tlrtt
way, mill when" -lowering hies voice
-"when 1 Kan your dying face„ 1 v4tt
'i► i
HAD 1-R SUN 16E,
- -- �- l\ '1 ILL 91'l41K(1.
984 ((40 '1'emin,, a Ewan '1'14at 'rivet
1;-,1111,1144, d Alm' 0101 W0111411
rihuuld 1'ullu)v.
TLu -piing is the station when na-
ture la ups - s lot summer, Ali the
irete:a 11 plants arc ,111,d w111.11e)0
&4.p to beatd and brace grow up to
withstand the coming hot suu1011,
wltl.uut new sate ill tiro spring a 'Neat away heart•strickeu; rind I,.
pd.wt would. wltLar and die boueath awtvir to you, Sibyl, )t all returned
ton Ipi"summer sou. !t id the x1mt, do ale -the time when you were my .laid." twain I'"8"""n1 ur Ji: ni'. F:rsa
are ague•i that everyone weeds it 8U I 1411.11 00(1(4) bal=k, ((ear, to 1101 " It Is hard to belie._ that there
with Into and women ill hyo;cl(ns little c I'nllw ifo rut my
1 love -and Friend Ammar Animals
fresh supply of new blood la the you to begin a new 11e whit mel 1,4), (s1.,o11s h)ntg ill tile. Western
spring, Without the new blood you again." i ile•mispir c4) who never saw a 1(0rae;'
would bo ins belprces In the summer 1n his heart ho knows that loth- Woo )lU;lrte•rmaster sobs F. llic.,4, (1t
no a tree without now sap. lug can ever atone for alma 010, tie \or m.indle,'rout :;urn Is tit: cos:•.
Wlrtt you need at this season is a
tonic to give you now blood, and the
very 1)e81 tonic medical 904,110e has
1110001 1.1021.1 lo 1)r. Williams' Pink
Pella, Every pill makes pew, rich,
is 1 Moot, boxes th.: n, ryes and over-
ronays (.11 weakness headaches, back -
,How many babies wake up just
about the mother's lusltlme and
keep her burry for good part of
the night. The m0thyr (11ty not
see anything apparently the smat-
ter with the (41(4(1, but she may de-
pend upon It that schen (11111,1, is
crone and sleepless there Is some-
thing wrong, and the little 0110 18
taking the only modus Ire has of
telling It. Baby's Own Tablets will
make hint well and cheerful right
away. There are no opiates in this
mestleimr-they send ltahy to sleep
simply 1(ecau40 they i'emel'e the.
Ca11941 of his Hleepleesne1s and snake
lllm feel good and comfortable. The
Tablets are gond for ,hildren of all
ages, and they care all the minor
thimbles of children. if you known
neighbor who le using the Tablets
for her children, ask what she
thinks of them, and the are sure she
will tell you they aro the beet mist-
letoe In the world for little onyx.
Mrs. Janres Lerere, Speneet•vilte,
Ont., onyx; "I believe Baby's Own
Tablets saved my baby's lile, aull
would not tic without them."
Sold by druggists at 25 emits a
Lox or sent by matt port pall 011 re-
ceipt of price by writing direct to
the Dr, Williarns' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Sibyl will -get well again,
"Caro nal eourisllment," the doe -
tor soya "Nothing' really wrong -
old; °omelet() prostration, mental
and bodily.".
" And acre nod nourislunent tit'
shall have," Gipsy declares: and,
WW1 a proud 9m110, she informs Sibyl
that Maurice must ba told every-
thing (row,
" Why didn't 1 diet" erled Sibyl,
oonv(il9ively.."1vny didn't I die on
tho night you and Paul came and he
Said good -by 7'
' Hush, deer 1" whispers Gipsy,
eerily ; but Sibyl will not listen.
" lie has gone, Gip' y --gone (meter ?
And I am 50 weary and tired -:aid
0019 you are goh(g to 1"
Only for a little time, darling,"
01pey am -ere -Thome to Maurice ;
!antis , `�.( "=e
"'4) 7 WHITE
I verly,
4 e,
r)ANT 114
If our name is'nt on it, you'll have
trouble with it,
Ramsay's Paints, paint most and paint
best. Ready for use and price just right.
Write us, mentioning this paper, for booklet
showing how tone beautiful banes are painted
with our paints.
1Uv, A. RA44SAY & SON, Pile ern, MOWIlt Ai.
ham nldfetrd; and 70t, uutnliko, he' 1 1x0 11 r,collact W1011lith the Amer -
feels flint her levo will lay a veil (.(((14i(1)' 1,Npr,110011 ill1899 100 found
Met over the poet, and the of (del °wolves one September night 1400-
ornldug back to her at host tvill be I ,.rel hundred mgrs from uvv
reparation enough. Susi as the sun was sinking Wi'r'e the
hoe oe taken a tract of land in Ala:lion range the eaulp was startled
Australia, ho tells her, and he! by the report et n Oily.
((obo0, iudige8tlmm, loss of appetitr.,i w11,11t8 her to start with bon at ,. IVs sprang to our feet, prepa.rod
skin eruptions and other troubles sol once for a new world; and Sibyl for ort cmc(g ut y, whc❑ our mtlrta
common 111 .p. lug. This 1.1 :,4 sotto)" F.tJ•s "I'es" 714.futly', oven 4.1 114 ai r .11 (14it4 lrcruss the (;(44419
hosted fact, proved by thoueaudo in tells Iter (bat oho ssi(lp su.ilx 1(u thin n1( Iudlal, who (111 just
day after to -morrow, and oho l>1 ' brcught down a caribou. By the 41444
engem aro takou, of signs uud signals 11' indu^rxl
Thetl manes the unplon.sant part 1 (0 1.411(4)' onto chin.(). 1(1%.1f,'."w) haul
of 1148 e()1tfe94i0R, where the eefttslt- lnukcxl him up with strong ((':a 1cul
Dees of his nature to diselosod, 11radrv1 11:
10 the gu1tr10 with puri
"I (01u(t to keep it all 8ner,tt , 1,11 1.041.11A his t0u„vs, limbered' up,
71t,' ho wh19p_rs. "My 011 mnele 18 and, through one of the gui: ,•'1, Ile
dying; and, 11 hr (hougltt 1 (04144, iuf1r11r41 1944 that he was a Matam-
marilel, lie would bo quite capable (1nki-sty tho way, the 1leroest tribe
1(T u:nkiug a now will, You Hee, 1 I14 .1l414ka-and that h,+ wa8 hunting
cul a beggar, Sibyh hampered with rulbou. At the/ time we discovered
debts on every side. This property (,ie, no was 100 nn'des from the en -
in Australivl belongs to the old chelpmeet of his tribe, which shows
mat, (11(1 I have told him 1 will' that the fellow had his nerve wits
Pomo back hl 11 year and marry 1 kiln. Ho 111111 aero; 8.,011 at L•:;:.•4),
whom he likes." 11nd cur• pack animals 0 -sect, his
Ho Los got the difficult part 'arid imp and won,h r. I1:: 1,1(141,)
out, and looks down at her. ;lot no ,member of lss tribe hael eves
"flay 1 tell Gipsy?" she asks. ,;ecu 1e. horse, ;til transportation in
gently, looking at Ma grave tacos, this rountry being conducted by dog
tittle wit/gully. teems hitched to sleds In winter, and
" Yee," ho answers. "I suppose 1 by 1411•k flogs in Rummer. Whitt
Indy Dermot and hor husband must ' amused him most 'was to see 1111 11111
know ; but they must keep it to
Ile puts his arms around her ten-
derly, aa tenderly as he did n
years gone by --and yet how inf-
terent aro Ler feelings now 1 Glu
Oat ever put the saute trust in
him again 7 Can all the atonement
id the world ever quilt° take away lout of the Rocky Mountain grlsely,
her heartache? And yet Hite lays nisi 4 quite a, feroelouo, : 111 or i(..1111,-
ly f14010,1 by oho other tri11r4 (44
.hh^eka because of liver fierce ,iis-
o sitien and too:di1(1 moues. Our
4ulles, who were shore Led 11341 105111-
oKl 10 be 1111111 of oho rlew'o10,1%
;(1111 11i" respell them with hmugl,t,v
eonlempt. Wheuever hr w0u11 shoo.
0vrry part ut the world.
Miss A. :d. Tuckey, Oxdritt, Clut.,
cogs; "I do not know what would
111104) become of me had it not been
for Dr. W111luo.i Pink fills. M7
blood seemed to have turned to
water and I woo troublal with dizzl-
nase, Lead:rohus 1110i 41,0)094. prostra-
11011. I got so wc,1k that I Would
hardly go (bout, and notwlthstaol-
ing that I woe constantly doctorlog
1 got 140 relief unlit 1 began using
hr. Willlhtass' Pink fills. They 00111-
pletoly curls' 10(1 101111 111190 given me
back all my 0141-11m0 health and
stroe glh.'
What draw) pills have done tor Mins
Tuckey ala tholusInds of _there tri l
wlll do for you. They will maks yam
1111,41, vigorous and strong. Don't
take a substitute nor 111(7 of the
''just as good las" medicines which
some duelers push bemoan. of a larger
profit. Cwto that the full came "Dr.
Williume' Pink Pills for Palo People"
io round on the wrapper around every
box. If in doubt hemi direct to the
Dr. VVIlllone' Idol:eine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., at '1 the pills wilt be mall -
al 11C 10 cents u box. or 019 loves for
Sage. She wonders, utile theie:i.rs
roll down her wasted cheeks, why
Paul, who loved her so dearly once,
treated her so cruelly.
Sho starts us the door opens and
1111/0489 In the fire -light, not the
pleasing figure of her landlady, but
It (nee and forst at eight of which
her heart leaps almost to ber throat,
and, weak and weary from long ill-
ness, ego bursts Into a passion of
There are shame and repentance In
Colonel Bryan's face as be coulee
forward and bends over Slryl's choir
and takes lire' wasted hands In hie
"My leer Sibyl, my poor wife!"
"Wife -trite l" she ejaculates. With
a sudden dawning of n. great light,
the poor thin. girlish face looks up
at hint wilily. "tour wife!" she
gasps. "011, Paul!"
Hm 000404 to be struggling with
himself for at Second or two before
he speaks; but he presses her leiud8
closely, and site, poor heartsick awl
lonely, finds 11 great bliss 1n the
touch of his Iraurls, e0e1 before 110
speaks the 1901115 that send thelife-
hfo0d r.nn'sieg through h:a• veins,
"Yes, Sibyl, my true uud hn)ful
wife!" And he coutinUes hurriedly.
as 11 the 1001115 were choking him;
" I have come for your forgiveness
-to ask you 11 you could ever for.
give and forget all the troubles, 111
8'byl has riseat, wavering and
shadowy, In the firelight.
"You have coma back to 11111 she
eries,ktll tremulous with the love that
forgets and forgives all, and holding
out her frail arms toward him.
Very tumbly ho places the
poo' wasted hands about file
neck, and lowers his face to hers;
and they speak no word till she raises
her head and looks into his eyes.
"My lin-hand 1"
111 this one mooed all the shame
and agony, all the weary look of vel-
lum's, 9eetn to pass away from her
"I do not deserve this," he attys.
"Sibyl -oh, :Olbyl, titbtk of all I have
made you suffer --think of the deceit,
the ort neht r 1-uud surely even you
cannel. 1'040)e 1"
"YOU frac come back to me," she
whispers again, as if this one stet
atlsusl for all,
His ince flushes.
"What will you think when I tell
you that you and 1 were (parried
legally, according to Scotch lute? We
are as truly stint and wife as If we
had leen married by a dozen bishops
You ruurmb:l' how happy we were?'
Sibyl beaus her head..
remember," oho whispers, softly.
"Aad then;' ho goes on, "1 loft
yon, falsely and cruelly lett
you, because I was over
head and ears In debt; be-
ea119e 11 friend told me It was quite
easy to get out of a marriage like
mire; (tad I have nothing to nay
111 my defense. My old uncia made
me swots* never to marry any but
mulct eat grass, and every time the)
wt,nid grab rt mouthful of forage, lie
\)cold almost y„0 into convulsions, he
thought It so funny. In nn athno-
I gle,t! spite, (110 M1tanudkis nsom-
b!e the Aprielte Indi:nl8 of our pito ,..
They subsist on the flesh of the
mullion' and crown boar, the count 1' -
her pale, tired face on 11544 breast,
with a raiglt of contentment.
"Tell me;" in% whispers; "tell me,
wife, about our Mind 4"
"Our Ohild 1" 'rite mother's heart
leaps wildly with a now lutppines5 ;
closer she creeps to him, and her eyes
light 1111 ar, for the first time she it Fiore, Blanco at theta they would
feels the Inelfablr lderlsurc 0f 110)14- ,Phil lik1' wl111,01 ours.
fig into hie (3411' 1111 the love and pity "We holo! the shore Penults quite
she has frit for their lltllo ohIb!. jolly lot of follows. Compared with
Two day' later they eel sail, and I.ho Mo(auuski they 10(7,1) (mire stri-
the boy is In his lather's arms; and,
1f Sibyl's eyes aro heavy with tears.
they are nog tears of sorrow.
UDAI'TER SXXV. tar eon
Society has pronounced Its ver- 13, Therell be n Hot Time In
Met, The society of a whole coup- the old Ter d 'Po -night,' and that
try has sat in judgment, and the other tel der dlt.ty, 'Goa -Oso Eyes. „
Jury, without so much as even mak- "-tVashington Star. -
Ing a allow of retiring for consulta-
tion, have handed 1n a verdict of
"Utility," and the sentence 1s swift- H•o,e1 i,n 1.ifr.
ly parsed -banishment for life.
Fortino, Jun, -Why don't ye buy
T11ra'e 11015 ((0 defense, heea114e
there could he norm. t'irramstauula1 that horse 0S Seth's, pop? tit's get
evidence of the most convincing char- a file paltgree.
rioter has sufficed for the conviction. Perkins, sen.-Pedlgreo be got dare-
r) ie ani (401111 crime, (u)d 1110 pew- md, The (l1000011 Is, 144 he truth nuy-
tsluns111 110151 be eaer110111 ur;. 11,irig :' Way, boy, thou( aa:telr't,s
'Mrs. Grimahaw forbids her 11(1(4(11- folks what comes here In the summer
tern to mention Lady Derfnot's nnune. 1010 pedigrees.
ably and Meitner' to be obliging to
white people. When camped 011 the
Yukon quite recently I hen rd
small band of (nen singing the f1mil-
oughs, Colds
and Pr.tilima
Ars WWI as Croup, Cronchitis and Vs'J1orctping Cou -h are
Quickly Cured by
The virtue of this great prescrip-
tion or Dr. Chase is so well known
In Canadian limos that It, aortas
uxeless to do more than remind poi
Watt It stn' a larger sale and i8 cur-
1111a10 (1)404(1 (.10.11 rve: before.
Mrs. J. W. Lloyd Albion street, j
Belleville, Ont„ arta tris 1
"In the beginning of Io._t winter I
took :t very sex (rre cold, e.1 o_o1upNarted
with n bawl cough, and 1411H 1110st
Laid up for a time. I bled several '
remedies, but with f,difler_nI. le -
sults. 01) the advi)30 of a friend 1
got a battle of Dr. Chnse'x Syrup of
Classed 401(1 Turiuntine and found
that It relieved the 110.(811 al once,
By the tine I had taken the one
bottle my oold inns gents, and I can
truthfully recommend It as 1 splen-
did remedy for oouglus and colds."
Mrs. A. A, 1.'a(busklrk, Robinson
street, Moncton, N. B., and whose
lln8band is 0;11;0 11 1441 the I. C. R.,
41111)0:'Toy years 1 have used Dr.
the e r, O rap o 1,f1A;11..1 uud Tur-
pentine for my end _!pea whenever
I1.y, rah,' ,old I 11,-1 it first with
one ofnip cd. Il 1.'x11 suffering with a
WV pre forth of asthma. It seemed
AS 1110(14('1 toe least a.sposare to coat
or dampness woad bring on ;all at-
tack of this disease. 1 began using
this medicine, ami must sty (hitt I
found it tn14(41 eatolle11 We have
110411' tried nal thin ht 13.1. ((7 of a
rvatgll mediein � 1 ' tot;. -ed r,1( eat-
lrh1"torily. It seemed t (r,a right
to the dis0rs, ( rtx au(d oroatght
speedy relief." •
Do not be mu i0fird 11 1411 Imitations
ur substittit es. The portrait and
sigaatar of Dr. A. 'R'. Chase fa on
every bold_ of the genuine, 2.3 cents
n. bottle, family size (three times as
much) 1() cents, at all dealers, ret
ildm:o4on, Bates & Co., Parent°.