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The Blyth Standard, 1903-04-09, Page 8
K u K K Cash Value! If you want to get cash value for your money come and examine our goods, end you will find them up -lo - date hi value and quality.. Tine Lenton Bieenits, 3 lbs. for 25c. Excellent Prunes, 8 lbs. fel 25c. Try our Japan Tea at 25c. It is out -of - sight. A few dozen Herring left at 20oper des, Timothy Seed. first-clans,S2,50 per bush. Seed Onions—multipliers and dutch sets A variety of Flower Seeds, Full stock of Tobaccos, Pipes and Cigars Satter and Eggs taken In ex. change for goods. R. R. DOUGLAS ... BI.YTH CLINTON. FIRE AND ACOi»EN'r,—About nine o'clock last Thuradey evening the frame residence of Mrs. Steep, a widow, cor- ner of Mary and North streets, was found to be on fire in the attic, while hire. Steep was at church. The fire was aoou got under control, and con- fined to the roof, The damage is povered by insurance, Mr. Charles Carter was badly burnt by a collision of the steamer with a hose -cart. WALTON. LoCALB,—We are sorry to report the serious and extended illness of Mr, Swallow, an old and well known resi• dent of this locality. His many Mende hope a better condition of health will ensue ere long.... Miss Leech has come from Toronto and will preside oyer the household affairs of the Methodist parsonage for her father, Rev, W. W. i,eech, We welcome Miss Leech to this community .... Mr. Wm. Knechtel, who went west from this locality recently, wi11 take charge of the fine farm at -,-oris owned by bis brother, Dr,14;neoh. tel of Winnipeg, a former school teach- er In this locality who now has a large practice in Winnipeg Mr, and Mrs, James McDonald are hero on a visit from Manitoba and Dakota, where they have been for the past year. Their son is in the hotel business in Manitoba, Mr. McDonald talks of selling his farm in Grey and will then go west again in all probability ....There is aroposition on foot to move the Methodist church from its present location to this village and if proposed plane are carried out a basement will be put under it and other modern improvements made. Many good reasons could be advanced as to why thio should be a popular under- taking, from a Methodistic standpoint at least.... Mr. W n, Pollard has been quite i11 but we trust the arrival of better weather will prove helpful to him' and tend to his speedy restoration. Mrs. Coleman, who had an arm broken about a week ago, is getting along very well considering her age..., Dr. Irving and bride have arrived home from their wedding tripwhichextend- ed to various parte of Canada and the UnitedStatte. We welcome Mrs. Irving to the village.... Mrs. A. Hodgins, for merly Mies Nelhe Hamilton, of Luoan, presented her husband with a bouncing Lor one day last week,,,. The Ladies' Guild of Sc, George's church met at Air, T. H. Sholdice's on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The principal bus:nese of the meeting was the election of odicere for the ensuing year with the lo1'owing result:—President, Mrs. John Searlatl ; vice-president, Mrs. Henry Hamilton; seoetary, Miss Jane Kelly. The Ladies' Guild meets on the first Wednesday of each month, to prepare bales of clothing and quilts for mission- ary work ....A few farmers are making maple syrup bat complain of the bad season.... Mr. W. M. Smith, who erect- ed a new residence last year, is working on the lawn now and otherwise improv- ing the preutises...,llet. A. MacNab, M.A., was in Toronto the other day purcietsing new books for Walton public library.... Miss A, Moon and Mise A. McVillfo, of Londeaboro, were visiting in Walton last week..., Mr. R. H. Ferguson is recovering from an attack of bronchitis,. The Let. Hey. A. W. Moore. Prom the Lietowel Standard we take the following reference to the death of of Rev. A, P. Moore: "Following so closely after the an- nouncement of the eerioue illness of Bev. A. P. Moore at Detroit, its fatal tertnivatiou on Friday last caused a shock to prevede this community, where he was so well known. Having left here only a few months ago in the host of health it was hard to realize that one possessed of such a splendid physique should so soon be numbered with the dead and .a brilliant career be thus suddenly cut off. As stated in our lost issue Rev, Mr, Moore was taken ill on Saturday morning, 16th inst., with a severe attack of appendicitis and on Monday following underwent an opera- tion at Harper hospital, Detroit, the operation not being eueceesful. He rapidly sank under the diaease and on Friday, 20th Inst„ passed away, Mrs. Moore, also Mr, L. IT, Moore and Mise Bernice Moore, brother And sister of deceased, arrived in Detroit on Thursday and were present during the last hour of his illness. "The deceased Alfred P. Moore was a son of Mr, George Moore, of Blyth, and was a native of Huron county, having been born in Hnilett township on Sep. umber 28th, theft, He studied for the ministry at the Western university and Huron college, London, and in 1898 was ordained deacon, his firet appointment being Bervie, near Kincardine. He suheegnently went to Paisley and after reinaini:,g there about four years, was appointed rector of Christ church, Lis- towel, corning here in October, 1899. As a speaker and preacher Rev. Mr. Moore had exceptional abilities, his sermons being remarkable fur their vigor and brilliancy, To his efforts ie due the advancement of the church in two important particulars, namely, the introduction of a vested choir and the purchase of a new pipe organ, Thane will be enduring momentos of his energy and zeal while rector of this pariah. In Aaguat last Mr. Moore resigned his position as rector here and shortly after went to Detroit to take a medical course at the Detroit college of medicine. He had entered upon what gave promise of being a successful college career and Wild very popular with hie classmates, BLYTII LIVERY and SALE STOLES O 0000©G O Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O GO DD 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and othere requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEER STREETS, BGYTH. ST. JAMES IYAFER /Artae:TigkOTIMNSTIItot �enNk fUNCiONALWrOKBSa • ENRK8h1EBL066a51RIN4 • ut CONSTITUTION' .114,44 4ondo[MMotdreel.G4 Bost76 "�" ATBRITAIN AMERICA sII Druggists e C Price In Canada: 11.00; Ab; bottles for 13.00 1 No remedy covers so large a field of usefulness as ST. JAMES WAFERS. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the 'different organs and bring strength to the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, anemia, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by ST. JAMES WAFERS ; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and fatigue. ST. JAMES WAPifRs help stomach, digest fuod and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health andstrength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "St. yameeWafers furnish a most powerful evidence of the vastly La 4 power of medi- cament by combination of Judi- cious pharmaceutic prepara- tions. I have need them with good emcees' when my patient* needed strength," Pr. Charles Sall Liverpool, Bag St. James Warns are nota terra remedy: 1n the monstrous doctors re. rommaedi sy them to their patient* we mail Ms formula span request. Where dedersare not sellingthe Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the Canadian braoeh : Si. lames Siders Ct., Mt St. Cctherins It., Mestre4 rt West Huron License District. The Board of License Commissioners will meet at the Inspeotor's Office, Clinton, —ON-- Thurs., April 16, 1903 At 5 o'Clook p.m. to eonelder the appllcatioue for the license year of IVO 1001. A11 petitions or appltoetlooe to be tont to W. J. Pdsley, Inspector. Clinton, The Dumber of license. for the year le01.1009 wee 09 hotels sud two shopts. The umber of aV Iloations for the year 1009.190f is 01 hotels and two shopps. New application.—R. Pike, Waverly Hones, Clinton; h. ti. boggs, Carlow, sod Alta. Orr, Brenswlck House, Winghe n. No license grant- ed to any hotel whleu has say kind of slot machine on its premises. W. J. PAISLEY, 84b Inspector, Clinton. having been chosen president of the freshmen class and through his hard study and fast edvancement was ,ub- sentiently honored by receiving the appointment of assistant in the labra - tory class and at the time of his death Was nearing his completion of his first year with the prospect of flret-class honors. It not !raving been Mr. Moore's intention to relinquish minteterial du- ties, upon applying to Bishop Davis, he was appointed assistant to the rector of Grape church shortly after Itis arrival in Detroit, end after the return of Rev, Hells Wilson to hie home in F,ngland, owing to failing kealth, was called to St. George's. In appointing Rev. Mr Moore to the rectorship of St. George's, Bishop Davis complimented him upon being ono of the ablest speakere in his diocese. During Mr. Moores short stay at St. George's the church made rapid progress, and his sudden death has been & very severe blow to the congre- gation. "A funorrl service was held on Friday evening at 446 Case avenue, conducted by Rev, Joh,. McCarroll, rector of Grace church, and which was attended by the D.C.M. freshman class in a body, also by members of the Masonic order. The remains left Detroit on Saturday morn- ing for Princeton where the funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the home of Mrs. W. Freeman, sister of Mrs, Moore, Both Christ church and Bernard Masonic lodge, of which de- ceased was a member, were represented at the funeral, the following gentlemen attending from town: Rev. C. H. Buckland and Messrs. John Watson, A. S. Tricia, B. F. Brook, J. R. Grant, J. H. Gunther, It, C. Bamford and A. St. George Hawkins, Rev. Mr. Howard, of Milverton, and Messrs. Charles Briggs and M. Daniels, of Paisley, were afmo present, besides a number of deceased's relatives, among the latter being Mr. John Moore, of Blyth, and Mr, and Mrs. McBrien, of Rtpley. The funeral services were conducted by Rev, Mr. McMillen, of Princeton, assieted by Rev. Mr. Buckland. R. W. Bro. Sniffle, of Paris, had charge of the Maeonic services and the members of Blenheim lodge, Princeton, and visiting bretltreu marched in a body to the grays. The interment took plitoe lei Princeton ceme- tery. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by the medical society and class at the Detroit college, also by the choir and congregation of St. George's church. Bernard lodge, Listowel, sent a wreath. Both at the morning and evening ser- vices in Christ church on Sunday last reference was made by the rector to Rev. Mr. Moore's death and the sym- pathy of the congregation goes out to Mrs. Moore and son Charlie in their sudden bereavement." Robert Holmes and the Cigarette. Mr. Robert Holmes, M P. for West Huron, made a speech in support of the Cigarette bill in the Hones of Commons, and which caused the Toronto News to talk RR follows: " When Robert Holmes, of Clinton, went down to Ottawa to show the wise- acres of Canada just what sort of man West Huron could turn out,, he did not make an enuoun0eulent that he should have given to a waiting public. He has not unbosomed bimeelf, but out of his own month he is convicted of being a blood relation of that other, but hard. ly equally famous member of the clan, Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock was not the sort of 111011 that Robert is not by a large majority. Sherlock owed to smoke, he used to dope himself with morphine when he was not engaged in studies in scarlet or in deciphering signs of four. His kinsman Robert has none of Sher - lock's evil habits, but the people of this country have dienovered that, as a de- tective, as a diecoverer of thinge, Holmes of Huron has Holmes of Baker street beaten to death, Our Holmes, the Ottawa correspondents say, upliftedhis dulcet voice in the cigarette debate. Bickerdike had given him a lead in demanding the downfall of the cigarette, Bickerdike wants the government to prohibit its manufacture, importation and sale. Being a good free trader, and well up in fiscal doctrinal points which go to show that tariffs cannot atup smuggling, Bickerdike should know that the baneful cylinders would come across the line in any event. This, however, is not germane to the subject of the perceptiveness of Holmes. While he was dealing sledge -hammer blows at the cigarette, while he was denouncing a habit which ho has never tried, sod of whose joys, therefore he wots not, Holmen of Huron showed himself to he possessed of the detective merit. 'I have,' 11e 1B reported t0 have sant to the drowsy house, 'seen boys and git•le of tender years mucking cigarettes on the streets of Ottawa.' "Now, ie that statement correct? Did Holmes of Huron really make it? Are the usually accurate reporters nod- ding for ones? Or is Ottawa embarked 011 a wild career of continental vice? Do the girls of Ottawa smoke cigavottes on the street? The public woeld like to teoarate Your Homes We have anticipated your wants by laying in a large stock of goods which will add to the beauty and comfort of your houses, Window Shades -50 different patterns et the lowest prides. Chenille and't'apeety Curtains, Carpets, Art Squares, Mats, Table Covera, Lounge Covers, Sham Holders, Piano Polish, Varnish, Etc. We have a large stock of General House Furniture —the newest designs, gnnlity and finish the best, nt prices which defy competition. J. H. CHELLEW--ow—'BLYTH �nu�mnanmara�w FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there Is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tubules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Te - butes are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they nre a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tekules have become their standard fatuity remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful reseed, to euro Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn eunetipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure Mood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derlvee constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist Belle them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S K K K K K K Ku( K Ki,r K K1,e K K r'. r‘ ; K DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN apdalists In the Testmeet of Nervous BUMWlood, Private and UMW MI Ilea and Women. 'he Years in Detroit. meso Nimes reed wltbnt Written Commit. Cures Guaranteed. Thousanda of young and middleaged men are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses, Chas. Anderson wan one of the victims, but was rescued i. time. He Days: I learned an evil habil. A change soon came over me, I could feel 11; my frleade policed it. I became aervoes, despon- dent, gloomy, had uo ambition, easily tired, evil forebodl.ge, poor circulation, ppimplea on Lace, back weak, dreams and dreier at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation., To melee. matters worse 1 became reckless and contracted a blood disease.' I tried many doctors add medical firms—all failed 1111 »re. Kea.. nedy A Kerne tank my case. In one week I felt better, end le a few week. urea entirety cured. They are the only reliable and Mama Specialists In the country." READIR—Ws guarantee to cure you or no pay. Ton run no risk. We {lava a reputation and business et stake. Beware of trends and impostors, We will pay 01,000 for any cue we take that our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will not ten. We treat and cure Nervosa Debility, Vadcocsls, Splatter*, Windt Parts, Ktdesy nfeintd Blafor Hoddrme Dteeews. TreatmentConeultatioa. fru. Books free. Call or write tor Qautime DRS. KENNEDY & SIMIAN Cor. MicDJ'olt, ;Araby St. (�xK K6eK.Kt:<K Kix K art i. K know. Boye smoke cigarettes on the streets of Toronto, and citizens ore horided at the awful spectacle. But girls do not smoke cigarettes on our streets, or itt the ICreets of any other city in North America that has ever been heard of. Ottawa has a shameful emi- nence if t11e statement is true. Nobody can imagine why the girls of the capi- tal should go in for this form of vice while the girls of other plecos would forfeit a dozen boxes of candy before they would smoke a cigarette any- where publicly or privately. If the horrible charge ie justified, the only in- ference is that the presence of so many legislators has injured public morality in the capital. The abuse must he stopped. 'There is yet time for parlia- ment to {less an ant amending the Criminal Code as to make smoking ou the streets—when the smoking is per- formed by girls—a penal offence. The chances are that nobody will be ar- rested under the new clause. And t o- hody will have to think very long be- fore hitting upon the roason why." —Renfrew town council will spend $200 in fitting up and caring for a recreation room for the young men of the town. It will ho under the super- vision of five young men, one from each of the five churches. In addition to this sum the council also grants 9.800 per year to the public library, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MANN{ DESIGNS COpvR'ours &c. Anyone sending n eketnh and description may quickly tscertnin our °pin..m free whether W invention in probably patentable. Communion. tiomttrlctl) euuadontial. handbook to Patens ,ant free. ()fleet agency for securing patent,. Patents taken through Munn a Co receive pedal notice, without charge, 1n the Scientific American. A handsomely nlnetrated weekly. Tamen dr. natation of any scientific Journal. Tenni, N a year four mouths 51 Bold by all newsdealer,. M ,Co 8' ;,New York Field and Farm. Our annual supply of Field Seeds has arrived and we have endeavored to get the very best varieties to be procured. In Mange's we have the following standard varieties :—Rennie's Giant Ilalf•long Yellow Mengel ; Rennie's Mammoth Long Red Mengel ; Rennie's Giant Sugar Mange!, also Evans' Improved Mammoth Saw Log Mange!, which is tho leading variety in Ontario and is grown by all the best farmers and stock raisers, Among our numerous varieties of Turnips you will find Evans' New Ontario, also llartley's Bronze Top and the Kan. garoo. These are three of the beat known varieties m Ontario, and along with many others we feel we have a collection of Swede Turnips that will please any of our customers. But in thinking of these we do not want you to lose sight of our Orr curies, of which we carry a com- plete stock. Higbeet market cash price nlways paid for Butter and Eggs. Potatoes wanted. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK teoarate Your Homes We have anticipated your wants by laying in a large stock of goods which will add to the beauty and comfort of your houses, Window Shades -50 different patterns et the lowest prides. Chenille and't'apeety Curtains, Carpets, Art Squares, Mats, Table Covera, Lounge Covers, Sham Holders, Piano Polish, Varnish, Etc. We have a large stock of General House Furniture —the newest designs, gnnlity and finish the best, nt prices which defy competition. J. H. CHELLEW--ow—'BLYTH �nu�mnanmara�w FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there Is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tubules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Te - butes are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they nre a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tekules have become their standard fatuity remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful reseed, to euro Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn eunetipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure Mood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derlvee constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist Belle them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S K K K K K K Ku( K Ki,r K K1,e K K r'. r‘ ; K DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN apdalists In the Testmeet of Nervous BUMWlood, Private and UMW MI Ilea and Women. 'he Years in Detroit. meso Nimes reed wltbnt Written Commit. Cures Guaranteed. Thousanda of young and middleaged men are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses, Chas. Anderson wan one of the victims, but was rescued i. time. He Days: I learned an evil habil. A change soon came over me, I could feel 11; my frleade policed it. I became aervoes, despon- dent, gloomy, had uo ambition, easily tired, evil forebodl.ge, poor circulation, ppimplea on Lace, back weak, dreams and dreier at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation., To melee. matters worse 1 became reckless and contracted a blood disease.' I tried many doctors add medical firms—all failed 1111 »re. Kea.. nedy A Kerne tank my case. In one week I felt better, end le a few week. urea entirety cured. They are the only reliable and Mama Specialists In the country." READIR—Ws guarantee to cure you or no pay. Ton run no risk. We {lava a reputation and business et stake. Beware of trends and impostors, We will pay 01,000 for any cue we take that our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will not ten. We treat and cure Nervosa Debility, Vadcocsls, Splatter*, Windt Parts, Ktdesy nfeintd Blafor Hoddrme Dteeews. TreatmentConeultatioa. fru. Books free. Call or write tor Qautime DRS. KENNEDY & SIMIAN Cor. MicDJ'olt, ;Araby St. (�xK K6eK.Kt:<K Kix K art i. K know. Boye smoke cigarettes on the streets of Toronto, and citizens ore horided at the awful spectacle. But girls do not smoke cigarettes on our streets, or itt the ICreets of any other city in North America that has ever been heard of. Ottawa has a shameful emi- nence if t11e statement is true. Nobody can imagine why the girls of the capi- tal should go in for this form of vice while the girls of other plecos would forfeit a dozen boxes of candy before they would smoke a cigarette any- where publicly or privately. If the horrible charge ie justified, the only in- ference is that the presence of so many legislators has injured public morality in the capital. The abuse must he stopped. 'There is yet time for parlia- ment to {less an ant amending the Criminal Code as to make smoking ou the streets—when the smoking is per- formed by girls—a penal offence. The chances are that nobody will be ar- rested under the new clause. And t o- hody will have to think very long be- fore hitting upon the roason why." —Renfrew town council will spend $200 in fitting up and caring for a recreation room for the young men of the town. It will ho under the super- vision of five young men, one from each of the five churches. In addition to this sum the council also grants 9.800 per year to the public library, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MANN{ DESIGNS COpvR'ours &c. Anyone sending n eketnh and description may quickly tscertnin our °pin..m free whether W invention in probably patentable. Communion. tiomttrlctl) euuadontial. handbook to Patens ,ant free. ()fleet agency for securing patent,. Patents taken through Munn a Co receive pedal notice, without charge, 1n the Scientific American. A handsomely nlnetrated weekly. Tamen dr. natation of any scientific Journal. Tenni, N a year four mouths 51 Bold by all newsdealer,. M ,Co 8' ;,New York