HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-09, Page 7HOUSEY'S RAPIDS
Deo. C. Chalker Tells What
Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for
Took slim From His Bed, Made 11 int a
Well Man Able ALIO Wllnng to 4)0
a Fair Day's Work.
$ousey's Rapids, Ont., 511rch L':).—
tepecinL)—As ivory city, town and
village in Canada seems to bo giving
its evidence as to the wonderful cures
resulting from Dodd's Kidney Pills,
thern 1s no reason Removal Rapids
should not be in line. People here
yawn Kidney troubles just the sante
as elsewhere, and like others they
have used Dodd's Kidney Pals :nal
been our s t.
One of the most remarkable cures
was that of (h'n. 1', Chalker. He
stays: "' I a,m cured of my Kidney.
(otnptaint. I luno loo doubt about 1t
In the least. I weigh tell pound@ more
then laid fourteen months ego, can
1111 a fair day's work every day, and
I nm C1(nr of my 411d enemy, lame
back, heavy, aching new, 131131 bloat-
ed ey'0H—yea, it is all guar, verged
out by Doeld'a Kidney fills.
" No ono can realize the relief ex-
empt those, who have Isom through
It all. I was so bad I could not work.
bard, but WAN compelled to make a
living. My head felt He 1sul that my
eyes would seem to nota. I fell tired
all the time, ,,iy arms telt useless at
times and so very heavy. .1t hist
1 was had up and Poul.' do no work.
"Then I was Induced to try Dodd'14
Kidney fills, 04(41 you see the result.
It only took dix bows le curt, 1111'
And Dfr, Chalker i4 only our of
many 1n this u('Igilborhnol who
(1110r3n+ their ;good Ia'altn up to
00111114 Kidney Pills.
Surpday Schools
APRIL 1'2, 1903
The Roeorra:tine. ) ('0r. 44: "a, 21,
Commentary—After proving the
reetaroctlel( of 3'(44'411 from the
Seliptutey (vs. 1-11 and from eye-
witnesses (vs. tS-1C), Paul offers a
str'014t' argument 'by showing the re-
sults or 'tido minivan, deems (4' 1.
'PI)' whole gospel 01,(113I 3a' a failure
and prealahtlg and faith, tam (v. I4).
This Is clear h(''ause, (1), if Christ
hog not been rn1xtd from the dead
Ho cannot keep Hi', promises. 2. Ile
cannot be a 34(rsrni saviour fr0ur
stn. 3. Ho cannot 344' proved to be
title Non of Doti. "It is 111114 power
over death, Ills e0r41ina4d existence,
Igo ever living, that completes the
-proof that Ile 1:s n divine Sit(Iou1'.''
t, P34e4444 hos been ne atonement for
slag. Tioi'e tan '3):1 101 (11'011(1 coining.
I. Christ's resurrection affirmed.
—tot 20, 21.
233. :Now 'r4 Christ risen—"Paul UI -
ains this famous chapter with n
10,;u(anatifv4g of 6240 proms of ,the
nnsurivrbon of i'hrisl. Ho brings
wittav414 after witness, ewe 501) 1,
ono time, %vile during fir' forty days
between the rrwurre'tlon and the
n)eena10u, sen, .Jesus, touched Him,
• heard him talk, ate ivit44 Ilius, walk -
e3 WW1 slim at different times in
various places, and ninny of these
witnesses were familiar acauaint-
21, By man -11 p!e4oed 4lo,1 that
1'n some way humanity 14h0u(l with-
a11i itself, however aided with divin-
ity, work nut Its own destiny, both
for death and life. in Adam and In
elitist." Came death -Compare Ro-
ut/us v. 12-19 with the narrallvq
in Oen. 311. 13y man the resurroc-
tlon—Mortality came by Adam, Im-
mortality by Cl11^19t. 8o sure a4 all
3414444) 1/C0(1 14u14,µ41:led 10 natural
lkil(th by Adam, (so same shall all
In inieed again by Christ ,Jesus. —
11. The Incorruptible holy (v44. 50-
57). 110. This 1 say—The up:'st1' ahuws
clearly that riddle to his 111,1,11,111 '011-
(Rtlon cannot enter the portals of
,Sterna( glory. Fli+sh and blood—Man
In his prevent state of Infirmity 4411'1
may, with a body that Ls fragile
and weak. Cannot inherit—His na-
ture 144 not capable of enduring 1344'
"eternal weight of glory.' 111 order
• to be able 1:0 inhabit the eternal
nut.nalona, man must he 1(01)01114!.
Kingdom of Ood—Hoe von; appropri-
ately called the kingdom lle•nmae 13e
will reign there in undivided and per-
'fect glory for'e'ver.—Barnn4. Neither
doth, etc.—Our ordinary flesh and
blood is by Its very on love destined
to corruption. It I. net with much
nosh and blood that we can become
partakers 03 the ineol'repti311c life.
131, 132. A mystery --1 truth not
known bolo^e, and even now that
It Is revealed U is toothy() for human
reason to fathom. We—Tlutt is, the
Whole body of Christu4)44 wild are
enndldatrs for the 810(1004 resurrce-
tion. The use of the word "we" hl
this connection does net prey", ns
*1010 (4nm to think, (hot the apostle
_ _--
etpsaUtrd to be mire at the coming
of 'Christ. Not till asleep ---13)' shall
not 1111 die. :111 be (hanged--Those
who aro elite at the tiny of Judg-
ment 4-31411 Is, changed NO 11111.1 their
bodies will become spirituel ho,lie4
like the bodies of those who (Iml1 be
1111814i from the 4)011.
.ret, corruptible -'rhe mor-
tal ((411y Is 11111 destroyed and again
emitted, bud It Is "ciolhed Igen"
with Inun0rinllly. "It re:mivesan ad-
dition of qualities within it did not
pesses4 before," l; written- In 114a1n11
x(1. 8. 8w811on'''.I up -13111111 i4 here
peennillyd anti t•' pres'uted nus 11 de-
teurhug bring, swallowing up nal the
g,'ueratiuna of teen, ani ley the re,ur-
'(':•lnou of the holt amt th,' 114slru'•-
tion of the empire of drape, 14013 14
represented 114 Hw-n114)1v1og him up.—
l'tarke. 111 victory—'rhe vletery over
death and the grave (vlll bo n0m-
11ele. 'Che changed holy w•111 be (1)
hue01'ruptIble, (2) glorious, (3) pow-
erful, (h) a spirituel body, (5) one
like the Ludy of the glorified Christ.
What a time of victory that will b4'
for the rlghteloo4:
55-57. Thy sting—Quoted from
Hosea 1111. 14. Death Is here repre-
sented 154 having a sting. i) grove--"
den.th—The 11. 1. also 1rnn4tlnNPsthe
two menders of this verse. Sting
sin—"Desch could not have entered
lulu the world if 4111 had 1101 en-
tered first, and it 14 stn 111411 311114
armed 114nt14 with Its destroying
force ; by 44111 both body and sold are
slain." The law—That wh3+h gives
4311 1(14 power Is the feet that It is
the trumegreasiou of the righteous
law o1 an all -wise and all -holy beteg.
III. Tho church admonished (v. 58).
58, Therefore—We come now to the
conclusion of this Wouderfnl chapter.
Stedfast—Ile settled and firm In
your (111111 In the resurrection, 0hleh
4om0 (v. 12) are endeavoring to over-
throw. Uiluwnwoble—"Let nothing
move you away from this hope of
the gospel, widen is given unto you."
Always 11boundiug'_"''hendfast menus
positive, intrinsic fleetness; 1tnu1nv'e-
ahl), implies resistance to the migh-
tiest ou(4545111 pr'4snres nod fiercest
woad.: nb01wll ig 11)4:)(14 energetic
taction." Work of the Lord— That
whirl) the Lord required ; all the du -
Mrs. Anderson, a prominent
society woman of Jacksonville,
Fla., daughter of Recorder of
Deeds, West, says :
"There are but few wives and
mothers who have not at times en-
dured agonies and such pain as only
women know of. I wish math women
knew the value of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, It
is a remarkable medicine, different in
action from any other I ever knew and
thoroughly reliable.
"I have 4cen eases where women
doctored for years without permanent
beaellt who w0(44 cured tit leas than
three months after taking your Vege-
table Compound, while others who
were chronic and ineuea.ble came out
cured, happy, end in perfect health
after a thorough tmatment with this
medicine. I have never used it myself
without gaining great benctit. A
few doses restores my strength and
appetite, and tones up the entire
system. Your medicine has been tried
and fouul true, hence 1 fully endorse
it."— Mea. R. A. ANDERSON, 112G 11•ta;l:
in ton St., Jacksonville, ISa.—:5000
/oriel t If original of nlaue to timon(al preelnq genu-
ineness cannot be produced,
Vie experience and testimony
of some of the most, noted women
of America go to prove, beyond
a question, that Lydia E. Ptak -
ham's Vegetable Compound win
correct all such trouble at once
by removing the cause, and re-
storing the organs to a healthy
and normal condition.
tice:, of ChrillhU14. The eorn'erelon of
sinners and the upbuilding of the
church. Ye knot,—Christians are a
positive people. They do not live In
uneertaknty and d(wlbt.
Thoughts,—"The ale point which
is most distinctly the peculiarity of
Christian touching 114 to the future
state is the re'snrreetion of the body.
(It has 104.0 said that Christianity'
is the only tr'liglon which takes ser-
ious account of the hotly, or 11004 It
any honor, or regards Itollnnnw no
DetestIble In connection with it.) It le
all a pure matter 0f revelation, and
n. pure question of frith. Now that
the truth has been lunaonnced, var-
ious natural analogies 111(1)' Fs' Im-
agined rind pres,,wl into servle". bei
certainly they 11)414' suggested It.
We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of
pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make?
Granby Rubbers
cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for
one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers.
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron."
The only kind of consump•
tion to fClt is ne,lected
People are learning that con-
sumption is a curable disease.
It is neglected consumption
that Is So 011C(1 incurable,
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion and begin
regular doses.
The use of Scott's Emulsion
at once, has, in thousands of
cases, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglected consumption (does
not exist where Scott's Emul-
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul-
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
Send ter free ',Ample.
SCOTT & nl1WNE, Chemist",
Toronto, Oatarls
pa. and $l,oq all drutpitts.
Henson, unaided., never deemed of
ilio resurrection.
rll:A11'r1C.41, SCIlVEY,
The doctrine of the resurrection
of the 1441;3' IN distinctively n reve-
Intion of the Bible and Cheistlan-
I1y, lienthen religion and philoso-
phy continued 31)3311)4111)484, of o
future life for the Spirit, bat con-
tained no hint of it resurrection
for the beefy-. Ilene' the doctrine
of the r'4urreetinu from the dead
ns taught by the npostlee scented
foolishness to (hi heathen world.
Importance of the resurrection
of Christ to the ('helltlen 143 -stent
The apostle bases his argument for
the resurrection of all upon the
resurrection of Christ. Indeed, this
iw the keystone of Christianity.
Blot out the victory of Christ ()ler
the grave and the whole system
falls to the ground. The apostle
urges this though!: by various con-
sidern(inas; lel The po44itive et4-
dencc of Christ's resurrection from
the ,fend (vs', 3-81. This evidence
W011141 Is' stiffie1e11 to establish
any fart iu tiny just 1('ibun111 In
he worm. (b) 11)' then urges that to
admit the resurrection of Christ Is
to admit the pesslblilty of a resur-
rection for n11 (ye. 12, dal. (0) lb'
the; aeg0e4 that If Christ he sari
risen preaehiug IN 111 vain, faith' Is
vain and la' and others whoprcach-
ed Christ's power to save were
talent witnesses (vs. 113-17). Only a
living Christ can save men. He.
(35(4, ther4for0 1111 Celli Nave (Meta.
vii. •'S) (,1) "Then they also which
are fallen asleep in Christ are
perlshes1," (v, 181. Their hope for
the future Was at delusion, their tri -
11a)11 a fa nt'a y-. Our hope of nlret-
ing again with thein a dream, (el
"13 In this life only, we have hope
in Christ, w -r, are of 1111 nen mast
miserable," most to b.' omundse'-
(l11.ope through the resurrection of
Chl'141 of a resurrection for all ills
people. "But now la Chrhrt risen,"
etc. tv. 20). The ('31)41 of Christ's
reservation upon fns dns'Iples Is 11-
luatra14,1 In John st.20. Th03 were'.
"glad when they on lh^ Loral." (tope
revived, despair fled, f:t1U1 reasserted
itself and they were "glad." Tim joy.
outs note of v, _0 win con)tetrl1ly kept
before the (hnr(44 by the :tamales.
(al It wait 0 1' (sued thought In heir
preaching. Ib) In f'oul's lire It was
the Inspiration which enable) hint to
count all things bel Toss for Christ
and to endure the dint' (bath of the
apostolic n(luirtry. ,.c, 111 clew of sep-
aration b3' dead, believers were
einuf(r1en by lie hop, of 1t te4nrree-
11e'11 ;It the r11ming (13 dile Lord. (13)
Were the seders passing through
fiery (riot-, they were exhorted to
patient endurnaee' in view of the
glory which was to be theirs 111 the
tip:pearing of Jesus Christ, (e) The
saints are urged to persevere In the
(111111011111 race by the born' that at
itis conning lie "1411011 change our
elle b0,i3- that It may be fashioned
like unto His glorious body." T1114
hope has been and Is the Joy and
the •luspirlt(inn of the church 0f
('hint In the earth.
Victory In view or the resurrection.
If Io one parll,'ul'lr sin and Satan
keep the people of find under their
power, salvation is Incomplete. Slit
must (lot Duly be destoye'd hat Its
conscquemes 114 01011. 711(4 ((14(11 he
ICoomp11shed 0, Christ. "The Inst
enemy that 81(4111 he destroyed Is
death" (v. 261. Then 441111 over3 saint
of (hod exclaim, "O death, where IN
thy' sling':' el grave, where Is shy vie -
tory?" (v. r",1, Nleiug 111144 triumph
front a3ar, 151105 people may now by
faith bring It nigh,
The exhortation in thew of this
huge (v. ,'3:, 1)))' insig'nincnn( (111
earthly- Lopes cun,parr,l ,vitt this!
'low full is this 1103(1' of e0coarnge-
uumt to endurance. Therefore, "Ile
4tradtalt"—peas steadily rearward,
turning neither to the right liana nor
to the left ; "unmovnbl'"—let no-
thing disturb the eere'nity' of spirit,
begotten by this hope; "11104134
abounding,' cls.—let tills hope inspire
yon 10 your heat endeavor to glorify
Iiia( and ndvnu4e Ilia kingdom who
purchased this hope for you ; 'ter-
m:much 1114 ye know that your 144101'
Is not In vnh) iu 1110 Lord"—temldn-
1Ienhs to discouragement may 1 ('lee,
but your rew:4("1 is not here; when
Ile shall appear He shall "re(vlyd
every man accordion Its 3114 work
6ha13 be."—June S. 1llrllea: .
Making Them Palatable for an Invalid
Simple Egg No((.
When 1.1101' erg., nee ordered for
anti 1/1V:1 1111 to w-10111 1110,t 111,0 011-
hxrQonallle, nakt' 4114 pall1l1bh' as
Possible by het tang: the egg as cold
urs one rno mnk4' it, tad then 14r1-1'
It 110141 41 eon! glm4) as seen tis It
ix )34vbe1, ttrites 14 WO t/11.1;111.11 4511'0
10 "WW1 )4 go. Eat." Of county it i.s use-
less to 14('('50 no,t Itia.o' p,vde•tly
fresh eggs.
If the white alone Is 141 le 01ke'11
11 (1310(11,1 341 beaten want a whiseft
011111 rani 441111 and 3)01(4y, then
en'ason(d w13t( Halt or sugar, which-
ev+'r 1,4 preferred, and eaten itlth n
(44)(0111. T1114 ran 140 no vuea with
It 101' 11 414((40 of brr.nly if the patient
tikes the Dudte,
Some who ohieoot to (un egg beaten
fu 11 glass of milk sweetened and
31114oltirl, c1111 taker the egg if the
sugar is onlltled and the tav(ring
extinct repineari by brundy
A spoonful of rich, tldek cream
x4(1441.1 to the white of 410 r'rg beaten
still and flavored with n. 4/)1111111/11
or :brandy is; palatable and nutritious
for an invalid or unymat whose
health lac slightly impair)). .1 weal
.'pick-me-up" is 144)11:3 in every'
fatally from tine to tiu1', net 41444'
l4loph0 u(d'nvtau(.1 '1lin l it i- far let-
ter to speed a little time ends trim.
hie io t1his 0144,0 thither 11444)4 to re-
sort to stimulants of any kind.
An egg, hearten in a cup. rued the
cap fIhIel O'(tll ('011,1`, should be
glton (0 one with a Jotted appetite
for hreakthst. Stir the egg. ('4pldly
whno pouring' the eofrm 0144' it to
playlet nt.a curdling. ('re:uu or milk
and tomtit. should Lunn 1,0 added as
The Way She Worked 11,
N. Y. TOM'S,
"of rouse, you can't take 1)111(11,"
she said, looklug at hint, thimghl(u!-
13. Ile r0ulda'l, 111111 she Oh w it,
and netts( why she sa.it! it. it 00401
not have been 110ee4411.1t otherwise.
'Of course, "rte ('plied. "1lavo you
been hinting at anything""
"Ott, del5', no," she nntsvered with
simpletons hest,. "i was just think-
ing, yon know."
"Thinking. of what 3"
"Why, suppose --yon suppose,
know—that 1 w-al4 1t 113:41.''
after pin1eriJig the nr:11ter deeply
for (1)5vrni tnhtpt(', 110 decided to
lake her.
A 411111 that borne with reavnn !x not
only unsightly, but a w)arbines of Ie. flesh.
lit such tittle* taithh!'y use Weider'„ syrup
Inn'rmt11y nod Weaker's ('era l,' ,'sarunlly.
They always cern.
The Temptation of Sheldon,
ICanrts City Journal.
Parson 3111eldol, author or "In 111H
Steps," and a man wino makes a
specialty of believing hl the inher-
ent honesty of all mankind, tells a
good story on himself. Tit,' outer
tiO3 a young couple npp(•ared at his
Louse to be married. He performed
the ceremony with ,due solemnity,
and congrilulatcd the bride. Then
be, observed the groom sea echleg
through his pockets and looking a
bit humiliated tiled ashamed.
11 11'11111, parson," he 011113, "that I •Ila't
got any money to pay y -oil with;'
P11441, after rt moment of deep
thought, booking tip rhe'rf(!ly, ho
add ed;'Y)ut 1 01111 telt you how you
0,444 314 you• gas motor, so it wuli t
Ca Ando ,produces one ,b14,1401 of
wheat to thirty bushels grown else-
where in the world. 10t5t'ithslnnd-
ing this foot, Cantu ie by far the
largest exporter of agricultural In-
plen(0nts in the world, her population
being taken Into consideration. Ina. -
i111.; the past seven years the exp.,rls
of ('nnadian imps: 110'1114 hate r" u'h-
(l the 11441 total ur 1P11 nlillluu') of
daliars, or equal to the export of
twenty million ,bushels of wheat
grown in the great Northwest at
fifty rents per hnshl•I. 'Phase facts
4henld certainly establish in the
minds of all think !'' farmers the
excellent quality owl lhr' high 1''pu-
tlatlon which opium Lain to t'1)(ladi11n-
nnnlo in(pl'•uuv)l4. (';ulndlnn Imple-
ments are tap)rt'll to 'very country
in (14' t(,nld where grain is grown,
4xr)pl to the failed 141:ttes. Tient
mnek'1 1' 1a seal'.) book to Canadian
I8I4('Itent nurnufaetur'rs 114 11'11 as
to the ('nn:tdlnn tanner, for hardly
any of hie products find n. market
there., while the aggressive Ameri-
can 18 Cnlnpetllg 1111 etre OW world,
end in (huuldn, too, for :eery limb
of ground now held by the ('anadlan
former and nru1111nelever.
Don't you think It would be to
,rout own atIvaetage, 1114 (1,'33) 110 to
the advantage of (':ntau111 4/811 4;111011;
that articles should 14' grown and
made at home that aro consumed by
the Canadian 1x:011101 Think the
('natter over, and see whether it 1s
not your duly to work for 1h1., end.
.1 West Philadelphia girl 4ny4 (1(4'
01.0,111 0141,1' marry n nuns who (multi
(3111, her a (•anlage, beeams' she blas
1101411' yes 11"1'11 11 1111. t0 get e seat In
a street ear.
Mrs. John Quick Cured of
Sciatica By Munyon's
Rheumatism Cure.
A Wonderful Cass and
Remarkable Discovery.
"If my remedies will not do what
I claim for then, their sale should be
prohibited by law."—MUNXON.
"I have had l'31eun(atism for number
of years and auffcr,d witlt pains in my,
joints a great deal, and shooting pains
all through Illy body. 1 procured a
sample vial of Itfuny00'3 Rheumatism
Cure at the free distribution, and 1 am
indeed thankful. Aly pains have all left
tile. 11 any t other sufferer wants to get
cured of Rheumatism I advise Munyon's
Rheumatism ('err." -'Mrs. John Quick,
102 John street, Toronto.
.ldutiyon', Cough (hire alala 00(1031,, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals
the lungs. Price :bra
.Dlunyon's Kidney Core apeedllr curer
pains to the kirk, lulus orroin and all
forms of kidney disease. Price 20e.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops headacno
lu three minutes. Vries 2.5e.
Personal letters addressed to Prof. Ren-
ate, Philadelphia, ('.$,A., containing de.
tolls of slrllne'c, will h„ answered prompt-
ly and free advice as to treatment w111 Its
given. Yb
Torii 111113 l'ountry,
"\Vidow'bood omk'4 a Woman uo-
Nrif 3 (h,"
"Why soy"
"Because she (muses to look out for
number ono and begins to loot out
for /lumber two."
The reports DUMP by the savings
bank4 of San Francisco recently
shote depesit14 of *116,817,637, This
Immense 611111 'Sceeds the record of
all former years, anti represents
about *3180 per capita, Ali t1114 is
more than three times thy average
441441/184 bank deposit per capitia for
the whole (initial 51111(4, it iN Cer-
tainly a good N11001 fig. Nor la it
confined to Snit 1" riu(rhx/o. The
returns from the banks of the.
State, slave National 30101:s, show
an 1) ggregate increase of asset* for
the year, of 315.1„37e1,02I, This es -
feeds the 'highest former reeorel of
gain Ory ,y24,117!,41(7, a very satis-
factory- state of affairs.
California is net simply- a land
for the tourist, but for 131.' investor
and the farmer. Perhaps no other
farmers enjoy so large all income
as California farmers, A rate per
rent on their 11,te4tmen143 that
would satisfy the eastern farmer
Is considered very meagre here,
Fruit far0iing has 41n:4ys been pro-
fitable; fortunes have been maade.
In orange's, awl the great yield of
alfalfa makes dniryieg a paying
Land Is lower fu prier than It
will ever IH' again, mud rates from
the east over 8: 441hern Pacific lines
aro now bused oil a fare of WAR
from Chicago, so that it is a good
time 'to .see the State. Tina rate
trill expire June 15th, writ' F. $;
Chonto, (lettere' Agent, 8041 therm
Pacific, Detroit, illicit.
Polled Again,
Sllggin''on—Poor 5ant(w-1 4000nt Is
in hard luck again.
Lnzorowicz-1 didn't hear about
It : what Lav happened :'
Stlggiuvon—Why he was attempt-
ing to ascend 1n labs machine yester-
day' when a cop ran hint in for hav-
ing no \istb1e nY'ani of support.--Col-
nmbla Jester.
A Family Aaa(r.
Mamma—For goodness sake, Elsie,
why are yen shouting in tient (lite
graceful fashion 7 Why cont you 144
gniet like R'lllfe?
IElsie—lie has to be quiet, the way
� we're playing. 134'(4 papa coming
home dal”, ;nal I'm you.—Phlladel-
phla Pres,;.
A Wireless
On How to Save 40 p.c.
off cost on your Fencing,
Will be sent you on receipt of your name
and address.
Do= 00 SELKIRK TENCE CO.. Wr11anA, Ont,