HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-09, Page 6ASSESSMENT SYSTEM
Foe ssery
A. 1 . 1'
etnocratlo , `tA. .
deal t' F -
Admirable '
lone Such
(Hareful management
ealthy growth
rlglnal features
Superior merit
Ignitable rates
otable record
Financially sound
Reserve unquestionable
I mpressive ritual
zceptlonal Inducements
ational reputation
efinito benefits
econd to none.
Full Information cheerfully given.
Organisers wanted. Apply to either
W. F. Montague, Grand Reoordor,
Hamilton; or W. F. Corupbe1L Grand
Organiser, Hamilton.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Ladies' Favorite,
Is the only safe reliable
regulator on which woman
can dope] "In the Lour
and time of need."
Prepared In two degrees et
strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1.—For ordinary canon
15 by far the best dollar
niedicino known.
Na 2—For speeIal eases -10 degrees
er—three dollars per box.
les—ask your druwelet for Cook's
Cotten Root compound. Take no other
all pills, mixtures and Imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold ail
recommended by all druggists In the Do -
Minion of Canado. Mulled to any address
in receipt otertee and tour 2 -rent postage
stamps, The Cook Company, ,
Windsor, Oat,
Sante Old song.
Things haven't deluged much In
ILaoodonia since let. 1'aul'e time. It's
atlll In that come -over -,t nd-help•ae
frame of mind.
Rost'tvay, Jan. _n, 1901.
O. C. RICIIA110.4 & tO.
Dear Sirs,—Thio fall I got thrown
05 0 fence and hurl my chest very
!Yell 310 I count not work. Mud it hurt
UM to breathe. I tried all kiwis of
Lintrnente and they did mv no good.
watered on flanreI+ aud.oppllaI on
may bronol cured ate completely.
C. 11. I f)r;�IZlk OM.
Rossway. D!gby. Co., N. e.
Continuous Performance.
Iida—When he started kissing you,
didn't you scream
May — Oh, I would have lost so
many kiseee while I had any mouth
open.—Chtcugo News.
MInard's Liniment for sale every-
Knew All About It.
Vancouver world,
Waterer—What is th • meaning of
sleet revile ?
Jeh:nry—An upl tart.
Teacher—Give a sentence 110 ,Lich
the Word Is used.
Johnny—When a man situ down on
a bent pin ire gives a v'iolon1 parvenu.
."� 11' you are
WONDERFUL looking for a
RESOURCES home a n d
Or Tot] A, Es1' Want to visit
tho West you
.saw do ao with very little, expense
an. the UNION PACIFIC will sell
One -Way Coloulet Tickets EVERY
DAY at the following rates from
Missouri Itiv'er terminals:
525.00 to San Frauciero, Los
Angeles and many other California
4;20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City,
Butte. Anaconda and Helena.
$:2.50 to Spokane and Wenat-
$25 to Portland, Tacoma, Seat-
tle. and many other Oregon and
Washington points.
From Chicago and St. Louie pro-
portlooately low rates are In ef-
fect by linos connecting Alb the
'Anion Pacific.
Tho UNION PACIFIC has also ex-
tended territory to which round
trip Bomeeeekers' Excursion tick-
ets will bo sold, aa follows:
Te many pointe In Kansas, Nebras-
ka and Colorado;
To many pointe In Wyoming, Utah,
' Montana and Idaho;
To many points In Oregon and
One fare plus $2 for the round
Tickets on sale March 17, April
7 and 21, May 15 and 19, June 2
and 18, 1903.
For full information, call on or
11. F. Carter, T. P. A., 14 Junes
Building, Toronto, Ca nada.
V. B. Choate, G. A„ 120 Wood-
ward avenue. Detroit, Mich.
Ile Asked a Mies.
*What's the trouble, my b07 7'
Atoned .ter, minister of a young
Member of hie llcek. "You look
"Aid I feel suds' replied the young
man. "1 aeketl 'Diss tiullivan to be
sty wife, and she declined the
That's too bad," paid for 011'
Ben. "But It's in accord with the
Scriptures, which says: "Ye asked
and reeetled not, because ye asked
mules' "
"Well, what would you advise me
to O. 7" queried the youth.
"\ezt tttno ask a widow," raplie,l
the good 1110 11, w'I111 a eusplclou4
twinkle In hle eye,—Pittsburg Press.
'Sturm 11 la "lireet'hea,"
Au eminent Chicago lawyer toile 111e
tees story, Faye a writer in the
"My tither always look It great he
terost la musical natters, and was
often file patron of impecunious
mnu1Cla ale. .among 1110 latter 1 re-
member a (Petah% Professor Schell, it
fine pianist, who used to visit our
house. The professor had been melt-
ing a hard but unsuccessful struggle,
Lad beeunl,' almost disheartened, 1.11,1
waN seriously thinking of giving, alp
and eeturniug to Germany. My fa-
ther, who thoroughly liked him, had
tried to encourage him, tied had
promlmvf to old blur In finding pupils:
but still the professor vacillated for
many week,. Guy afletnmon he en-
tered our library. followed by my
father, and, walking solemnly up to
buy mother, wild, with au air of pro-
found gravity:
"'11u1<un, I lief burnt my breo'hes
1n111nt m1.'
" Goe I trrayioue 1 ejaculated my
moteer, with an Involuntary, startled
glance all the direction of the pro-
fessor's (teat tail'.
"My father luterpow•d tactfully,
the p"utcssur meanwhile nodding Itc-
prtesoonet. '1'00 will be glad to
know, my deer, that what 1'rofeesor
Schell 'merino by saying ire has
burn, .1 1.1, brhlgye behind 111111 1s tent
he h.;te lears'.l a house here forth year
11111 11,10 now til' o111)ic0 i)ut to stay.'
"'tlh !' exelnimal my mother,
greatly relieved, 'How del ightful'
Ile find Smiled Itepeatt•dly.
N. 1'. Sun.
" 1' 10," 1:11 rho sum 11 boy, "what
Is the ghost of a smile '
"A ghost of a rutile,' pa sadly re-
plltvl, ' Is etheethiig that le timed in
empty lea (lee."
Every Hcueel. eeper ((mel nilon ori ns a
family pity sl. len. Pain all the 11111,•
Ills, ruts and '40,11,, ns well un 101' nllbnwel
rurn4lniuls 's 10(111...1 111w. \void menti.
totes, there ts 100 100,' " i'alaklnrl'," Perry
Du vis'.
important Premgnfsit.'.
"We bo „• .•r ile l '' ...id the lntalee,
after the Cent entl11na1 ee mp 11 alent,g
of tyle day 1114 leen primed, "to
leerier you."
The missionary', demeanor 1)itrrrd
at once.
"Of course," said he, eolely, "1
cannot permit you to m'iir ler in un-
til you have given me 40rtl;fnetory
prool of your fi,tio 1, 1 sLOnhug
and ability to pay n snitab!e them -
The. heathen at Once, sate rho 1olo'e
of this and withdrew. promisiutc to
come agate to -morrow with rodin-
Yenned's Liniment ('nroN Dandruff
11,111211 trig the ( 'Omplimeut.
i L,n'urd 1. on peon.
Goal Old Lady --I wouldn't smoky,
elq are(lo'e 1t I wore you, little boy:
Iliminutivo'Mocker'--lu' 1 wouldn't
smoke 'one if I wa:.0 you,
Plii iles To trove in ecnfaa;that Dr.
t'ha2re ointment fsucortaln
and o-beolute euro for each
and every fere of itching,
bleeding and Protruding Pllev,
the mattered niers have guaranteed It. Seems.
timonials In the dally Pres and ask your neigh -
bars what, they think ofit. Yon can use ft and
,lot Sour looney back if not cued, nuc a Lox, at
all dealers or 0nManOoN, 11020,.5 k CO.,Toronto,
Dr, Chase's Ointment
The New Version.
There! hat9
Mlle girl, try!
They have broken your nerves,
know ;
And your beck ache:, too;
And your mood is b!uo;
And your mind Gelled long ago,
Ilut the strenuous life will soon
loom by,—
There! little girl, don't try!
—Kate Wisner McCloskey, In Harp
er's linear.
The calendar sparing begins March
1, the astronomical goring begins a
few weeks later, 1011,1 the genuine
spTing beglus e -hen It gets ready.
It upsets 0 bookkrrper to IOee his
40th Anniversary
Fer ever Forty rear
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gum
Nss been tested sad boa become the
Family trough specific of thouvnds
throughout Canada end the United
8101es. It never w'as herr popular
nor nwre largely used than it is
sough Rem,',1,ee come and go. New
preparations are tried and abandon-
ed, but the old reliable remains.
The present is a trying season for
both old and young, ano cold, easily
aught now are art to remain for the
-.sinter ((mesa promptly cured. No
better remedy au be found than
Gray's Syrup
Sorb sr dot hili ,Gisrs.
(Inc tet' " 1 Ant Molter Than Thou"
Attitude Toward 1'ouUt,
1 kaon' 00 snob. pereistr'n temp-
tation for tla g,_,l 101((0' so
•uh110 111 ils Maitre nor s° dL,'I.,-
11•o1le fu ire cun;lquemrs, is 111,11
1V11:011 nnlkcs 11, like to s, cur to oar
Jurior, not only initabllsh,',I 10 al-
togeU.or tlrluouv way(0, but tie it we
L;Id brrh to (rLtbllehrd all our tiers.
It Lt not., I think, a (Fry eouritgl'-
ous attitl,lo to take, list' ei,tlly be-
fore 1Io young, tree h.,.' 110 ((mann
of knowing alatt rapids we, their
'Very, lune enbountred win n guid-
ing to a peseta ,safety tete bail
crafts of our character.
Tee y ou1g. whose very nature it is
to lied the tllfler'enoes that dletin-
eu1sh th en les heat eluale from the
rest et minket I, never fancy the'm-
1e1uw so ioot:tieel as when they wit-
ness some of the older °lies Itltrbor-
etl in quiet lrts
1 port 1 arils Iv
4P t
911 11141 ba 1, mp:stn.'Flinn 11 15 that
by very tempest. the young dmagtne
Ilam°, 111„ on controlled by an 1d -
verse f:lto which hn,3 srltt them rtdri]t
net 11limo on the sea Of wild te1upCt-
t10ns over ,1.1011 no weipcetablcold
per ion could titer have INTO sent to
sail. Ls it right to MA,: them feel
90, I ask dee self often, gratttytng
ns Ie miry let to 114 to be vcnerettel?
Opulent people err 0on',lirred in-
bred who make the tudigeut feel pov-
crfy-atricken. 1l 400'100 to me quite
119 cu!p'111' for the tlrtoous elderly
►erlbn to aelko the young etumbler
feel Mewl; 10 sinner,—.April Cen-
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Only 50 cents for bottle and tube,
and is worth --as much as your life
is worth. Catarrh kills thousands
through colds, bronchitis, pneu-
monia and consumption, and Dr,
Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder cures
all of then When other prescriptions
have failed. It will relieve colds
and catarrh and cure headache in
ten minutes.
FRED H. HUB. i0., Ibe well known die
Eller of Railroad, VotI, Co., Pa., states :— "
have had catarrh of the head and stomach tot
two years in the war foon. 1 Wed all the
medicines I ever heard of, inn without relief.
• 1 used two bottles of Dr. Agnew'e Catarrhal
Powder. It cured me unlit ciy, t am now a
well man."
In thirty minute. Dr. Agnew'e
Cure for the Heart will add
strength to that organ. Feeding
the body by a full supply of blooc
it tills life with the old time vigor.
They're Otherwise All Bight.
Fmsa� city
It Is s,ll'l that _:i per cent. of the
Governors of the various Slates are
Meiho.11sts. In most respets, how-
ever, the Me'thoiists eland as well
as of ter d0nominatioltw.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contains Mercury
ns mercury -rill surely destroy the senile of
stnell and completely hernnge the whole sys-
tem when entering It through the mucous
'airfares, Such articles should never be used
except on prise realms from reputablephysl-
clans, as the damage they wildo In ten fold
to the good you the possibly derive from
them. II all's Catarrh cure, manufactured
by F, ,1, Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. contains
no mercury, and to taken luternnlly, acting
directly upon the blood ond mnemes surfaces
of the sretem. 111 buying gull's Catarrh
cure be sure yon gelthe genuine. 1t 1s taken
Internally anti made In Toledo, Ohio, by I'.
J. Cheney & t'o. Testimonials tree.
Mold by druggists. Price Ole per bottle.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Feathers pix' Father,
Will you get winge when you go
to heaven 7" tasked little Elsie of her
fntiler, w'lio 1,, baldheaded.
Ye e, dear," he replied.
".And will they pal feathers 010
yo,11' h1ad, loo, pipe?" 5110 persisted.
Olin State Journal.
11!nard's Linlment helloes Neural-
"1f No One lover Marries Me"
It no one ever marries me—
And they don't seem very keen,
For Ican't pretend I'm handsome,
And my purse la rather lean --
If no ono ever marrjee me,
I'll get along all right—
] shall play at golf tho whole day
And at hrldgo the livelong night.
1 n$nll have a little salllolg yacht,
\tut n motor all my own,
.and I shan't be plagued with Phil -
0 dr0e'e belle
For 'hinge that they've outgrown.
and when I'm reek of everythhig,
And dull no dull enn he,
1 shall think bow glad I've mole
some girl
who didn't marry me.
--iffy n Bachelor, with apologies, In
1'u (1111.
He who helmets the faults of
tethers through Ido own virtue 11
always diepOslsl to forgive tbem.
Indulgence Is tho child of purity of
A little Sunlight Soap will cican
Cut Mass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
clothes. lD
Hard Necessity.
1'. Sun.
Mrs. collet—Aro you really going
to move? I thought yon were Weil
sutiefll'd with your 11011se?
Mrs. Pu]'arprotel—fit I am. lint it
in the only way to show aha neigh -
bore all my new furniture.
New York and Boston Via Now York
The numoroue trains, the excellent
service, the unitormlty, of Its trains,
its foar tracks and the location of
its depots In Boston and New York,
make the New York Central the fav-
orite tine to those volute.
Any ticket agent will confirm the
('oar('eseone eV Geraldine.
[low marl) Iong,'r can I endure
It? TLlat morning ni,v hushanI roso
before ditybreale 1I+, W1114 too lazy
to light a lonlp, nal breakfasted 1,
the, .I,a.r'tt. Tile reemit was he ate til
prepared kindling wood instead o
tee ple11:1idol breakfast food.
When ten 1191.11.11 08 got up there
(11(s nothing to Wild the Ciro with
Of course they were angry and left
1 do not hlarn,, them.
1 spoke of the matter to my hoe-
istol to -eight. He nolle he did not
acre, that he had felt first-rate, all
The selfish brute.
1 am ferrite calm roe rite. I var-
ied et my 01010 pat reeve.
ISSUE N0. 15, 190;L
Mrs, Wtreireiee emitting b'yyrupp ..boule
always he used for Children Teething. le
"°°thee the child, .oft ens tbi pinna, °urea wind
eine and is the bort remedy for Diarrhoea
lilt A NT V.1. --E10.1 .Vtl,11 I.AlY ALIENTS
to 1„11,'0 "1•11(.1.111 11/111111011/1111110111/111111011111,proat
nssnrod. Apply l'.;uoadl,vu Lady Corset Co.
Lendno, nl.
I41nit St1.1: -- '1'w'ES'I'Y.l"IVN A('l1I S
Rood farm land suitable for growing
1. 'I'. I1, station Mud 110,1 rodstof 11, (r & 1{gvItiin nab. .
e•Irctrtr station. Ilex t '1, Itramsvl{le.
Ie' null! 0, you eau rank,' from i"Iyi' 0'n 'r0N
uold..tus .i 11110. cur pnrlb'nlars write
A. HANSEI, M. H.,Ave. Not rth
Hamilton, Ont.
Strawberry Plants, Etc., For Sale
I have a chuff ", lot of Strawberry Planta
to Marr for spring 1,1(101 that bar,. leen
grown on ground specially prepared, They
have good Inn', ,10o roots.
1 hove been spraying my plants re elarly
for {{ast two sc•asuas, hence they should been•
tin'ly frac' of leaf blight or rust,whfeh la every
Important matter In starling a plantation.
1 have 0 le age supply of the tvlliloms alta
most popular market berry today) Clyde
w'llson, l�Irhln'I's En rly, etc. Cela lnrnllah any
of the leading vnrlelles. Any of the ordinary
' vnrletles J.11 tidied wad lacked F. 0. A, at
following prices—
In lots less than Guo, :4010 per hundred,
Ili lots of 500 and under 1000, ilOn per
In lots 011000 and neer, $2,50 per thousand
A discount on orders of over 10000.
1 have also 20,000 Bieck Berry Plants tit
lending enraging to sell at $1.15 per hundred
1 or $10 per thousand,
Bnapberry Plants, and Currants, red and
e binek, for sale cheap.
I Order early. "First came first nerved."
Can ship et. T. It. ore'. 1', It., Canadian n?
DOInlillon Express. (1.1.W. or (1.1',11. tele.
ggraph counevi lm. 1te11 1,dephune No. 10F,
• GJrhneby, Address
Excelsior fruit karat, Beamsvflle.
Settlers' bow Rates West.
Via Chicago and Northwestern Ry.,
every day Irmo February 15th to
April inith, Colonist ono way 5010•
and -class tickets at extremely low;
rates trent stations in Ontario and
Quebec, to points lu Colorado. Utah,
Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington and California; also to 1
Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin-
ster, Nelson, Roseland, !etc. 1ti111
p:rticulars, rates and folders ran bo'
obtained from B. 11. Bennett, General 1
Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto,
Reflect Ions of a Bachelor.
Mast men carry soecess as grace-
fully as they do tun ninth liquor.
When you kiss a girl bite freeklee
they never t,ul(o the way they look
they would.
When wren get devoted to girl P,
first 1t's chaperons, then nether -In -
tow, thein (10etore.
Somo women's flgures are 00 do hl ty
that when a man looks at them he
thtlks of upholstery,
A woman who wears n "rat' has a
pretty mean opinion of one who
touches up her crimplecloo.—New
York Presse.
Mleerd's Liniment Cures Barna,
Couldn't be Exchanged.
A Philadelphia lay, five years of
age, ivho had recently become the
brother of another little boy, was
sent to the grocery store the other
day to got some loaf sugar.
By mistake the grocer gave him
granulated, and the boy was sent
back to have 1t changed.
" How do you like your new bro-
ther ?" asked the greyer, an he WON
weighing out the richt kind of sugar.
" Oh, 'don't like very much,"
tho little fellow answered. "ale cries
all the time."
' Why don't you 'hnnge him, then,
110 you do the, sugar 7"
" Wo can't change him now, 'cause
wo'v'e used him three (klys."—Phila-
delphla Ledger.
Nell—It was a cite(' of love at
first eight, Itedle—Whi0h one of them
hue the money?
Made Wm Weer.
Gbolys—Papa read your Hook of
poems and wept over every line.
Her Affianced -11c (1111?
Gladys—Yes. Ile woirl he wouldn't
help but weep to think such a lob-
ster was coming into the family.
Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
wash woolens and flannels,—you'll like
it o
Never Heard of 111101
Chicago Jou rim I.
Sunday School Teacher—Who kill-
ed Abel ? ,
Bobby (01 stronger) _I don't know, Truth may be as dear as a bell,
ma'am. I just moved here last week. but it lo not niwny0 1,4101.
t, I!, 10 1St, New York, Sept. 5, OM.
DR. 1t, J. 11KSDA1.1. co.,
Gentlemen :_I have tined yanr Rraatn Cure on
my burr, , Gu• the pun fourteen years and It h:u
Ibrat's givli mo good results In every particular.
nlet have one of gaup books that base found
very natal, 11 you have any later edition of
me "Trenrise en the Horse and els DLowor,''
will you kindly told mu tau.
Respectfully yours, B.F.ra11011.
1,1. an ebsoutety reliable remedy for l)parine,
4l1111s, Curbs, I<Ingbonoe, rt0. Ife,lloves the
huncle and leaves no scar. Prin. 1111 s1x for 11!10.
As%liniment for family use it tae no equal. Ask
your druygist for KENDALL'S OPAV1N CORK,
d,o "A 1040.00n Tho Horse," the book free, or
1t Has No Equal
Manufactured only by
For sale by all leading dealers.
horse Health
is one of the moat Important
things for every farmer to
Blood Purifier
will build up a rundown horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
so cts. a package.
You migt.t as well talk to an echo
re to to person who always agrees
with you.
With the old sural).
St. Jacobs Oil
tO Coro
Lumbago and Sciatica
There 9s no such word as tail. Price. leo and 505.