The Blyth Standard, 1903-04-09, Page 4JfMES 01CMURCKIE
Sale Notes n specialty Advances
made to farmers on their own
notes No additional security re-
We offer every acconimodatiou con
sietent with safe and conservative
banking principles.
To loan on Real Estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well
to Ileal their property on our list
for sale. Rents collected.
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire and
Life Assuranoe companies, and re-
spectfully solicit your account.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.
23u3iYNu Qi'tl0y
IoU,itor for Bank of Hamilton. Money to
Loan. On1ee, Meyer block, Wingbam.
Mee in the Proton block, Blyth. Special
attention paid to the preservation of the net
with good work pricers
work a specialtylow se .
Stleassor to Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Itoi-
Vasµty of Toronto, Member of College of Pby
idolater and Serpens of Ontario, 1,,rin rly of
London, Epgland and Edtobargh,Bootlaud, hos-
pitals. Ofaa and residenoe, that lately eau -
pied by Dr. Tait, Blyth.
M.D.C.M., Univerelt of Trinity College; M.D.,
Queen's University t Fellow of Trinity Medical
0llege, and of member College of Physician'
and Burgeons of Ontario, Coroner for the
County of Hurn. OdW, one door oorth of rhe
Oommmgtal he t, 1, Queen street, Blyth.
chola stook of Tabooeoe, Organ and Pipes on
Mend, Agott for the Parisian Steam Littudry,
Queen street, Blyth.
Land, Loon endkInoueanee Agent. Orrice, on
guano, Orders left at Tag
asp dice will ysears prompt attention. STAN.
The Eld.r•Dempeter hues represented. Own
ticket/ gold to any part of EuropeLow win-
ter rats- now to lora. lames of steamers and
ditty of selling funnelled on application to Tra
ITANDAID ofdae, Blyth.
pm:W. S. L. TAUBE,
All kinds of Spectacles and Eyeglaesty made
to order. Emeial rttentloo given to fitting the
eye Mit", by mail promptly .Hendee to.
Beware of partly went my name u 1 employ
no travelling agents whatever. Batistactlou
guaranteed. Eembllgked 1879. 214 hie: mond
street W., Toronto.
It. Thomas, Ont.
The farthest south, at,i ono of the
lar est and best equipped in Canada.
Preparatory audios.
Graduating Courses—M.L.A„ M.E.
L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine
Art, Elocution and Physical Culture,
Domestic Science, Commercial.
Healthieet.location. Moderate char-
. gee. 'Write for catalogue to
OUR MOTTO: "High Grade Work Only."
Our graduating readily secure positions •
Micelle oar high grade training preparre•
them ti render drat Blass service,. Boni- •
pots men want drat -clans workers and •
h'•',a no time to waste upon the other •
kruJ, Commmrco a course Dow ant bo •
ready for a position an the tall. Write ♦
♦ for bsndeOme ooWogne.
Farm For Sale. gyu
The underelgned offers hie farm, lot 67. con. 8,
Feet Wawteo.u, for sale. The farm contains
100 tyres, 90 gores ',leered, balance good hard.
wood bnab, 26 acres ploughed, 8 acme et fell
Wheat, 6 ions of orchard; good baro with stone
'tabling and cement Boor, 68:60; 80od WE,
hog pen with driving house over, 58128; two
wells ; Mme house, one and a half storeys
tgh wttb good stone collar and amen, poor.
he farm is well watered by a Befog 'prate
ty sb and to well adopted for stook purpose,.1t le titres tulles from Hlyth and halt mile tram
a oekeoI., For tan ppeZUenlrre reply to G103_1100Qtfnrtl en the premises, or address Blyth P.O.
(the V1t3h ltanbarb.
A. E. BRADWIN, PDsusnsx
THE BLYTH STANDARD, publiahad every
Thursday morning, is ► UV* 553611 news-
paper, and has a Targe circulation in
Blyth and surrounding country, making
O, a valuable advertising medium, Sub-
ecrlption price to any part of Canada or
the Ji ited States only One Dollar per
annum in advance; $1.60 will be charged
If not so paid. Advertising rates on
application. Job Printing neatly and
Cheaply executed. Correspondence of
aew:,y nature respectfully solicited`
The investigation into the Gamey
chargee will commence ou Monday
next, Chancellor Boyd and Chief Jus-
tice Falcon brid ge are the commissioners
to hear the evidence,
Both the Liberals and the Conserve-
tivee are busy at present preparing affi-
davits and evidence, arid everything
points to a long, hard legal battle.
The first 61500 received by Mr. Gamey
was deposited by hien in the Toronto
branch of the Traders bank, Hon. Mr.
Stratton is vice-president of the Traders
The failure of the Palmerston Peck-
ing Co, has again drawn attention to
the danger of collapse that attends all
enterprises of a similar nature when
thero is an insufficiency of capital and a
lack of the moat expert knowledge of
the busine.e. Because the Armotn'a and
Swifts have made enormous fortunes
others with small purses and bounding
ambition think they can jump in and
become packing princes. Plants of limi-
ted capacity work under great dis-
advantage and a few losses generally
result in the closing of their doors.
The members of the Big Four, control-
ling as they do certain transportation
companies, with the world as their field,
easily emerge from a break In the
market. Their ramifications are props
upon which they in part rely for a
large proportion of their profits; the
contracted field of the concern with
a limited capital works to its destrec-
It has been demonstrated in the manu-
facture of beet auger that nothing less
than a 500 -ton factory will pay; the
larger the better, providing there is no
difficulty in securing the raw material
of a standard quality.
The packing house to be successful
should be backed by a paid-up capital
of 1500,000, allied to a management that
is of the meet competent character. Too
plany of our concerns have been in the
hands of amateurs, and the experience
of shareholders has been anything but
satisfactory. The lesson of the failures
illiquid not go unheeded by prospective
Prnit Growers Meet.
The annual meeting of the Blyth
branch of the Lake Huron Fruit Grow-
ers' association was held in the Temper-
ance hall, Blyth, on Saturday afternoon
and was largely attended. Mr. George
Fothergill, of Marnoch, who was presi-
dent of the Association during the past
year, occupied the chair. Excellent
addresses were delivered by Mr. P. J.
Carey, government fruit inspector, of
Ottawa, on fruit packing and shipping,
and by Mr. A, E. Sherrington, govern-
ment experimentalist, of Walkerton, on
care of orcherda, pruning, grafting,
etc. There were nearly t00 farmers
and fruit men present, and the discus -
81028 which followed showed that a
lively interest is being_takeu in the fruit
growingindustry iu Huron county,
Mr. Frank Metcalf, secretary -treas-
urer, presented his annual report of the
work of the association for the pest
year. On motion of Messrs A. W.
Sloan and A. H. Jacobs, the roport was
accepted and a weird thanks tendered.
A good strong membership was se-
cured and the following officers elected:
--President, Mr. A. H. Jecobe; vice-
president, Mr, A. W. Sloan; secretary.
treasurer, Mr. Frank Metcalf ; direct
ore, Mesere. George Fothergill, George
Taylor, D. Farquharson, John Mc-
Dowell, J. E. Coombs, Johu Brigham
and Henry Young.
Blyth Sohool Board.
The regular meeting of Blyth school
hoard was held in Industry hall on
Friday evening. Those present were
Chairman McCommins, Secretary Plum-
tner,'I'rnuree Wettlanfer, Trustee Pot-
ter and Trustee Bradwin.
'Phe minutes of the last regular meet-
ing were read and confirmed.
Principe 1 Bailey presented the follow-
ing report for March:—Div. No..I.—
Aggregate attendance, 401; average
attendance, 18; number on roll, 20.
Div. No. IL—Aggregate attendance,
728; average attendance, 89; number
on roll, 86. Div. No. III.—Aggregate
attendance, 1014; average attendance,
40; number on roll, 82. Div. No. IV.—
Aggregate attendance, 862; average
attendance, 87; number on roll, 48.
Fees for the month, 814,90.
Trustee Wettlaufer moved, (seconded
by Trustee Potter, that .this board
sanction the introduction of the Modern
Phonic Primer for .new pupils, as re-
commended by Principal Bailey,—Car-
Trustee Bradwin moved, seconded by
Trustee Potter, that we purchase a new
slate blackboard for Div. No. 8, fad
that Trustee Cowan and Secretary
Plummer be a committee to make the
Trustee Bradwin moved, eeoonded by
Trustee Potter, that, owing to windows
being broken in the school building and
other damage done to school property
by scholars of the echeel and others
playing on the school ground, and in
the school building after oar o'clock
each day and on Saturdays, we instruct
Principal Bailey to inset'),Ion all pupils
leaving the school buildln } and grounds
immediately after schodl'is dismissed at
four p.m. each day, end that playing
on the school krouude on Saturdays in
future is strictly prohibited ; and fur-
ther, that no pupils be allowed in class
rooms during the absence of teachers,
except in the case of pupils who eat
their dinner at school, who are to be
allowed the use of the principal's room
for that purpose.—Carried.
Trustee Potter moved, seconded by
Trustee Wettlaufer, that we pay Meesrs.
James Laidlaw and Wm. McGowan 835
each on wend already cut and piled in
the field, said wood to be delivered at
Blyth public school when required.—
The board then adjourned.
Blyth Cuugrlh
The regular monthly meet ingof Blyth
council was held in Industry hall
on Tuesday evening. Present—Reeve
Sims, in the chair; Coune, McNally,
Sloan, Milne and Srothers.
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and confirmed.
Conn. McNally moved, seconded by
Coun. Milne, that the folio wing ac-
counts be paid :—E. Livingston, elec-
tric light for March, *41.25, less 1G,00
for lights not burning, 888,66; Adam
McKenzie, three months' services as
fireman, 82.60 ; J. A. Jackson, legal
expenses re Livingston vs. Blyth, 1'2;
A. E. Bradwin, Board of Trade expen-
sesto date, 89.16; J. A. Jackson, three
months' seryices es fireman, 4x2.60; Tile
STANDARD, 008e8etnent noticed, 81.50;
Jamee Barr, salary for March, 825;
Wm. Newcombe, work on boundary,
81.50; R. Hubei, work on boundary,
60e; Wesley Taman, work on boun-
dary, 50c ; James Barr, work on boun-
dary, 60c.—Carried.
Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by
Coun. Stotlters, that this council is
opposed to the good road* movement as
outlined by Mr. A. W. Canipbell,,depu-
ty Iflinieter of • public works for On-
tario, at Clinton on March 4th last.—
Mr. T. W. Scott tendered hie resigna-
tion RS village clerk and the mane was
accepted on motion of Cowie. McNa11y
and Sloan.
Applications were received from
Messrs. N. H. Young and Wm. Camp-
bell for the vacant clerkship.
Coun. l;Ir r moved, seconded by
Coun, MONrt,,y, that Mr. N. H. ',Leung
be appointed clerk at a salary of 050 per
annual.—Carried. Coun. Stet hers voted
Bylaw No, 5, re borrowing 31000 from
the Bank of Hamilton, and Bylaw No.
8 re the appointment of Mr. N. H.
Young as village clerk, were read three
times and passed on motion of Coos.
Milne and McNally.
Coun. Sloan 'moved, seconded by
Couu. Milne, that Rev. J. Edmonds be
given permission to prune the trees
1n front of the rectory, the same to be
done under the eupurvision of Coun.
McNally, ohairmau of the Street com-
Council then adjourned.
—Mr, John Moffatt, grain dealer, of
Kippen, has purchased the farm of Mr.
Elam Butt, on the London toad, north
of the village, paying for it the sum of
$6100. This will give Mr. Moffatt a
farm of 150 acres,
—In Rex. vs. Lewis, a Bradford case,
the conviction has been sustained by
the high court. Lewis hired with Stod-
dart in Toronto to go to work for him
at Bradford and accepted advance of
$1.80 fare, to be taken mit of his wages
later. Arriving at Bradford he worked
only a few hours and then refused to
do any more work or repay the money.
He was arrested and sentenced to a fine
of $5 and $1.88 costs or 10 days in jail.
This conviction and penalty the court
holds t0 be legal, and there will be few
to question the equity of it.
—The Winnipeg Telegram is prosper-
ing under the management of Mr.
Sanford Evans, formerly of the Toronto
Mail and Empire editorial staff. The
Telegram has just purchased the four
storey and basement blo:k on the .outh-
w et corner of McDermot avenue and
Albert street, Winnipeg. This is right
in the heart of the sic only a short
block from the post once and Main
street, When in its new home the
Telegram will have more than double
the floor space of any other news aper
publishing house in Western Cana a,
—The following is given as a sure
cure for the offensive smell that arises
from sweaty feet, and is worth trying:—
Buy five casts worth of permanganate
of potash and dissolve it in a quart of
warm water. Keep tbi, in a large
bottle corked, Pdur enough into. it
basin of water to make water blood rod,
Soak the feet in this five minutes every
day, and the offensive germs that wake
the skin sweat and smell will soon die,
If all is not pure after a week, make
the water stronger. It may stain the
feet brown, but this is no harm and
will fade off after a day or so. This is
It sure Cure.
--The following recipe for smut in
oats was given et a farmere' institute
meeting: Get some formalin at the
nearest drug store; mix in a barrel in
proportion of one ounce to seven gallons
of water; put your seed oats in a sack
and leave the sack to soak 20 minutes
in the mixture; lay the sack over the
top of the barrel after soaking so as to
allow the liquid to drain back into the
barrel, spread oats out on barn floor to
dry; turn two or three times to facili-
tate drying, then sow. By treating
your ort seed in this way you will avoid
all danger of smut in the crop and you
nlay make a differeuce of five to ten per
Dent in the yield, . .
New Millinery
New Departure
Our Spring Millinery Opening as
now going 041 all the time—open ler
business at once. Coale and leave
your orders.
This department is again in
charge of Miss Robinson, who, with
her corps of skilled assistants will be
sure to please.
Our stock of--
is now about complete in all lines. We have a
range of beautiful Prints, Musljns, Dress Goods,
Etc,, Etc.
J. A. Anderson
They are made from the best of
Woolens, fit perfectly, are double seat and
knee, double from seam to seam. Every
seam is taped and double -stitched. You
never examined a more carefully made
pant. Your boy never wore a better one;
he cannot rip a seam ; they are reinforced
where the wear comes'in ; in fact are our
Rightly -Made Kind
and cost 75c. The same pant in every
respect, only not quite so fine material, at
Men's Dongola Long Shoes 81.75, to clear et 75c,
Men's Buff Long Shoes $1,50, to clear at 81.15.
Ladies' Felt Long Shoes, No. 3 only, 81.2f, to clear
at 50c,
Our Empress Sh. es for ladies we will tell you
about next week.
S. HE!TO!, 1
THE ill /SOLE,
WALSH,—Io London, on Miran 29th, the wit,
of Mr W. C. Walsh (use teary Meltlroy), of a
MCR, 140Y,—In Toronto, on Denember 94110,
1509, the wife of Mr. W. H. MOElroy, of a
SHINE—CAN'COLON.—At the re,Ideoo, of the
bride's parents, Morrie, on Munk Ma, by
Rev. A. H. Brown, B.A., 11,0 , of Belgreve,
LaHtl, 2„ eldest daughter of Mr, ami Mrs.
Peter Canteton, to Mr. Daniel M. Shine, of
DBVMMOND.—In Wi0gbsm,on April 7th, Mire.
Wm. S. Drnmmoud, formerly of Blyth, aged
24y .u•P and a muntba.
MOCAUtiHEY.—In Clinton, on April 7th, Mr.
J141111 Mo0'mghey, eon of Mr. J. J. MDCeugu•
ey, f,rmurly of Blythage 14 gems.
WILLOWS.—fu Joliet, Illinois, op April Ob.
Mr. W. J, willows, Pau of lir. Phdlp \vu•
lops, of Blyth aged 26 years and 11 mouths.
on March 9e h, Mr.
Francis Morrison, aged 70 yearn and 10
KELL4.—Io Detroit, on April 2nd, Master Ray•
mond Kelly, grand -eon of Mr. John Kelly, of
Go4.rloh, formerly of Blyth, aged 18 years.
Bl)ah, April 8.—Wheal, 680 to 66e. Barley,
40e to 02o. Peas, fi8c to 110, O.te, 980 to 30e.
l.ggt, 10a ;o 110. Butter, Ito to ltto. Putatuae,
Pi to 600. Rides, 6a to 8o, Hey, $6 to 87. Lard,
tae to 14e., Pori, e7 to 58. Flour, 5690 to 02.22.
W,od, 02.60 to e6. Wool, Iso to 161. Tortes.,
lie to 180„ Geese, So to 1m. Duke, 8o to 10o.
Chickens, 6e to 60.
WANTED,—A Ton of Butter weekly.
Eggs, lac; Timothy, Clover and Wav-
erly Oats for sale. ORO, E. KING,
Wingham, 8411
Aa; O. U. W.
Birth lodge. No. I45, *000,08 Order of Coated
Workmen, 00.045 in the Workmen 11011, Milne
block, on the end and 1501 Thursday iu every
month, at eight p.m. Visiting brehren ere
'medially Invite I. N COMING, W,M. 'r. J. Hor.e-
rrrse, BknooDea 49
To PATENT Good Idea
may be secured by
our aid. Addraw,
TNI PATENT 080080,
aeNMsere, Md,
Seed For Sale.
Reed Peen, Goose Wheat and Feed Pees for
Palo In forge or em111 quautttlea. Apply to
Jona PoTTnn,B1y111 elevator. $sd
Building • ..ot For Sale,
Coe of the bent briding lots in Blyth Is offer-
ed for gots at e. bargain. It Is 1n • residential
season, being on Di0ele7 street, bei wean Qusep
and Wilson street{, Mull partially' at Tee
STANDARD omoe, Myth. 2251
House For Sale.
A comfortable brick bonee'and fair lots tone
sere lu ally, with good frame ,table and it num-
her of fruit tr.ea Thls property to situated on
the north ad. of Maley 0ireet in the Village
of Myth. Convenient d.taaeh from. H.R. teat•
tior, peat oMoe, channel mat 1011081. Alec
s10 lots west of and ,djolning the 1117 ib brick
yard. For further nerlleulars apply tothe
underelgned. N. H. YOUNG. , tart,
Good Farms and $aw Mill --
For Sale. '" '
No 1—W+ lot 66, eon. 6, Eaet Wewanosh, eon-
tu,dng 100 aoren, 60 , 0700 eleend and Ina good
state of ouhlvad:on, _'0 sere. partially cleared
ltd 20 sores of amber land. The soil lea good
loaw. There is on the place a gond brim 4weH-
Ing house Nati, one and a half storey., with
kitchen attache., wood -shed 23130, end ennui
cellar under fun else of hone; good cistern;
good well and wind mill sooventout to house
and out -building ; frame barn 60166, with store
'riblet uodetneatu; two frame dealing" 1gr98,
o0e and a hall storeys; a 'team saw rata 63x60,
two atoreye, with boiler, unglue and all melt.
guy maohine,y for msnutentunag Limber,
lath end shingle', 811 In goo , order.
No. 2-4 lot 84.00. 6, Sect Wrwanoah, cop-
tdolne too sorer, 00 acres oleered and Ina good
[tate of cultivation, 20 sores of timber land.
The, e Is cm the place 0. good trams batt {Oxen
and 20 teat high with stone stable' under the
full eine; good frame dwelling 86x28, one and a
half storeys ono Yore,/kltehen ettae6ad,
tlo. 9-1115 lot se, con.7, East Wawanosh, eon.
taming 100 sores, 00 scree cleared sed ins go -d
Mate of cultivation, 10 00158 of timber land.
Tha soil le a gond clay loam. On the place
there is a good frame dwenb'g 22290, !tune eel•
ler, w1.1r kitehon attached taste, one and a halt
storey': hart end tett water; good fume bad
40160, with stone etablee under; frame Mabee
and shed 24180; good oreltard, '1'hlg place n
watt deaIned ant hal a haver (thing Spring raw
ring through 0'.
For full pardoehas 6.411 to TRONA' H. TAT.
WestfieldP.O., Oto C. llArsHth P.O.,P uegf