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antler.' by bang Danielan, the Dow-
RU S�IA� CO I !� .,ger Endives; of t;usatu, snit aI1 the
',w`+�\J �Qrj
member, of the Danish howl Lou-
19uy Hou• :Vrr:uly Ileguu I, tali•
Who Was Immediately Killed by
Members of the Guard.
('utstentinople, April i - li. Ale ,u',fon iu,lrnp;ttt•hing edge reidN,rce-
of the attack or, M. et. 1'hereiutt, I int -uta 1i A lifeele its reidrm•o of tilt'
1urkbh liulernuant4 determination
tw carry uttl the reform prnjeve-
Another eftleial dispatch nunounce4
Geri diesin Ines given Bulgaria +a
defiultt' wed 411111 1,1141t111 11011i103 11011
that, if in (ter of the reslston,re of
the Bulgarian settlers In Turkey to
the Sultan's reforms brings on It
'l'urki lelinlgnrinn conflict, Buigtirin
must not count tie any support,
moral or material, from Russia. This
is rnestdered to be further evidence
of the purpose of the powers not to
!Millers, with the titillates rhino, so
long tis he Id carrying out in goal
faith the ;rowers' projert for re-
Rteeten Consul til M tietlt:a, show
that it teens mad, by an .t einitui
ciohlier, a rt'Iitite wf 01 (111 hail
/teen kllh"1 In the tightine nt Metro-
te:rev. The 1011011, who was nr(•om-
p by a 'reliesii secede errs on
ea, way to inspect tho lett Deice
which finally r41111snl the Anilin-
e, at,
[ 114, 11'110 nt1a ked Mit: 01lt7n, tvht'n
t1. *entry al the poweer magazine
delletretcly shot M. St. t'lrreinot in
tali Pack. The LuIttl lit.nersnt tine
rental rgflon ant inflicted n er•rlous
eliand. The fainter :Alto fired tit the
COtreular Kava -6 (11111itatt courier),
but missed Bina. 'Cit o'.hgr soldiers
of Aho guard aria hurried up fuel
dot the Albanian tontine!, inflict -
lug mortal wounds.
The Greats, Vizir yeataribty calle,l
nth the Ruolnn Andassadur at Com -
Ii I(ittnoplo and expleet el regret at
Gee attack 011 M. SI t'h^rblua. Pilo
palace offlaials and the Turkish For-
eign 0ftho also eonreyel thole re-
giVtr to the Amlorxuti1or.
'Cut•ker Acts.
Parts, April 6.—The French Foreign
Office has been officially advbe11 that
tqo Sultan of Turkey 1e0s orderer a
dix4Mon of troops to the serve of
tlo reboot outbreaks of Athenians.
�tticffi1 advices say that tire tit
teeking party at Mitrovitzu number -
tel two thouextnd men, represeuting
1110 element opposing the phut of
mseorine which toe powers jointly
fohnulatvl and which Turkey ne-
0epled, Tho ofllrinls here (windier
deet the Albablun ttppositIOd to the
enigmas creates a serious co11lptc:t-
tittl, and they accept the Sultan's
lir. Ibaix (lets n Pelee.
Paris. April 6.—The Figaro states
that the lnslh1nto of France at 0
eeeret' meeting hos decider, to award
to Dr. Emile Roux, the sulediweetter
of the Pasteur Institute, a prize of
1460,000, founded by M. Daniel Os-
iris, for the caused that the insti-
tute to ennelitetvil the wont worthy
to 1e rewaOliel. Daniel Osiris Is n
wealthy Purlieu' end a cavalier 0'
tho legion of honor. Ile bought tinct
had renovated the Chateau de Mal -
eon of Napoleonic assoclationd anti
peeeent it It to tiro French Govern-
ment. Wlion the committee of the
Aero Club at first deeli11te1 to award
Santos Dumont the Dent twit prize,
M. Girls offered Ism its money
equivalent of .:0,000.
The Betsey tit Met.
Kiel. April 6.—Emperor William nr-
tived hero from Berlin to -day, em -
harked on the Imperial yacht Ho-
henzollern, and, nrrontpanted by the
German utiliser Nymphs and the
DanJeh erdser Sle!pner, s0!lel for
Copenhagen amid salutes from flue
Wallah Ips,
etlereeetreteellsell wounding many.
Experiments were made at Loudon
which demonstrated the pre ctleabtl-
Ity of telegraphing and telephoning
under ground without wires.
The London Chronicle hue pilbl'eh-
it long warring to the an -British
colonists of the difliculttee of eltrly
yeti's in the Northwest settlement.
Thr. Jor:ep't 1I i - iek•s condition i,;
1.1311 erltittnl.
1r. Y. If. 3loorie 11rorL•vi[1e, is re-
ported to bo wing.
lion. E. J. Davis 1141.13 secured stn
option on a small tannery at Nene-
get'gt. Halos had tendered his re-
slanation troni the Toronto pollee
Mahe Doukhobors of Itollheru have
whippet! 40 work horsed to then'
bro,,thran /n yorkto1.
rho Toronto Public School Board
felled to settle on a system of ehort-
h4nd, and rejected tire proposed trip
t0 Now York,
The miners of Morriss,',t a1d JIluh-
el have signed a titter yearsagree-
ment with the ('row's Nest Compel),
ab will go back to work a1 one.
3rakema'l Mettler, injured In the
railway wreck at Hickson, Irl lit a
very 1erloue ceinelllotr til his home
in Stratford. •
The Health Comntie41ouer estt-
111111es tint there were 1,:100
deaths in the New York Slate inur-
ing February from la grippe.
A select committee has been ap-
pointed by the British Houde of
Commons to consider the question
of municipal trading.
At Chicago President ltoot•nvctt
made an Important address, dealing
M part with the Monroe doctrine and
the .torelgn policy of the United
Germany's offer to send trool,e Into
Hollafnd to assist in maintaining or-
der In view of railway strikes lute
created some vneastncss tl then
entailer country.
Ludy *triode Gordon, the •LtufSh-
ter of the Earl one Cmutteis of tb-
erde,•e 11:111 :utnouuccxl her 0(11 Ilea-
tnre .- the Refuse Board at Meth -
pick, Aberdeenshire,
A statement by Mr. Brodr•lck, Sec-
retary for War, that It is Impwseible
Rev. C. C. Owen; react' of the to arm the volunteer artillery with
molern guns 1i1ts urousod the Indlg-
Me .-atrial Church, London, 'hitt ac- nation of the Britleh volunteers and
the public.
°opted the rectorship tit (hrbrt
Church. Vancouver.
$brouto employers tied plaster-
ers 1e00 armed on a wage eche-
ddie of 43 cents an how' and an
eight hour day.
Mr. Isaac C. (Rimer, who began
btpdineee in Toronto in 183'4 /s dal.
Customs duties collected at Tornio
lei during March nmouutewt to `t781.- tilt, uo i oiiig of Turkish troops on
;,0,..L being u record and S16 s2S1 tho old Scrilen frontier Servin 13
mine than 1n March 190::. [n0^e:1 Any herr ft outlet perfectas,
Speaking at the Hart's River un- anii Iv convldcring the question of
niversary iu Toronto, A. J. ltr,tc,e mobilizing Ire reaervnt.
cot demecd hasty jndgnlcut 00 the Tie Cnnculuw Pacific has taken
ease of General Hector Mltedoo1ed. over the bike Champlain, one of Its
saw, College will 101,1er lhu Icon- remelt purchases from the Elder -
Diary degree of I). 1a on iter. ileo. Lleltpeter Line, and will take 0011-
1k'yoo and Rov. A. B. Baird, WInnI- trol of the othere nes they arrive.
Theo Mouterey will be the first to
•inti, leaving on the ninth for Mont-
rietl from London, by way of Avon-
In the House of Commons yester-
day Prime }enlister Balfour an-
nuuneee that the budget would be
introduced on April "3rd, and the
Irish Lund Bill would come Of/ on
emend reading the following week.
A (impatch to the Neue Frere Presse
from Belgrade ways that owing to
pig; hey. Alex. tarty, Termite, and
Rev. A. V. Mllllugrn. Convtuntlno-
lbrouto is .to hate one of the Regarding
talul*omttrt theatres on the coatis t the the, Dale British
bill rated
neat. Tne erection of an auditorium t :tier. now before the British Com.
WW1 a seating rapacity up to the the export
requirements of n growing site Mut inose, moreinutd say
trade of Canada and uetrelia will
been deckled upon by A. J. ieAlf. Ixnudit, imtsntuch as they send dry
Mr. John Bertram, of the siert- Nutters. 01(1011 will be largely tuned
rant imtana Warta, Toronto 1.; in for meting moisture as permitted in
Mont' 1 ler the purees( oft septet lin 1110 111111. Diehl butter will suf-
lug `,g dt-ids with the Itch,
rml (+•,t 1. 1 N ivignlion ('ontp.tuyfor
the 00:a:u.t,on of out two taw
eteri1crn welch the company pru-
po:e to add to their flet. The
eteminer Montreal, of the 1:..111,1 0.
Beet, dustroyeil by fir, at Memtreal
a few weeks ago, 11,3 bulli at the
Bertram yarels.
The German estimates show bal-
anced rerennee 11(11 expen,ttureNof
11eel d.1S,03N
A largo number of strikes and
lockouts are reporter from toady
sections of the United Suites.
The bubonic plague has reappeared
In ammo parts of Fgypt, and cholera
carve are reported at Alexandria.
$MMdieslr fired Into rlotoue crewels,
atlssttl1m ted to Bemire? 1 ,van t Mand
4;111111. (1 110• Reil l+b 1111srwn.
Lnrdcu ..'.tile --.Pile Minintrr of
lh,e 11(1. 11 r i;:o, ',it 1,0 ti'.nu 111 111/1
505111)0 of tire _dove elite of
the .tl:t,k,td queetle...
hnuellitely. on the nrrhal of Mr.
'Ilton tut, party, 'fit' John -1nd.'r',on,
the ollieial heal of the Coloulnl Of -
tic:•, (11Ibe,l and slated ti.:it the for-
eige and colonial offices would teen -
tido nv much as possible Mr. 1411 -
ton', Inveatlgntlond,
Or,1ery were estmetl gic1n4
party frectout of lee archive's la the
Mitts!. 1luaeum. The treatment 1e -
cordial iavestlgltord at the British
Muw'um wbon under official negler,
Is In marked contrast to the man-
ner te: welt they are t anion when
pursuing Investigations on tacit own
ecount. Nothing could exceed the
They Were Repulsed With Great,
Loss After Heavy Fighting.
('onntl It
nople, i - i'i;,, 1 1111 art' 11.'11111,. (001141 See-
the distirolIt('ed in North .11b:win "t•
:1 pante. tan 1'00111.1.141 al 1'rih•p 11
ehaw the revolt which 11113 broken
fi. -- Urns 11-
out there IN a very, steeped dtdturb-
aner. Several thousand armed Athen-
eum surrounded the town of Vue-
elren, on the Mltr'ov!tla-Usk11b Rail-
road, March 211, and demanded the
0000103y and khtdu0:15 with whlolt dta'rimdor of eleven Servittu gen-
1tr. SDton'4 off!eiuts were rrcdred dnrme4 who had been enlisted in fir -
at the Museum, the eery ices of two of cordance with the reform plaid. The
the most experienced clerk being °
placed at their disposal. Governor su rrenderel the Serviette,
who were btnud and taken to 1'01s -
A SERIGUS SITUATION. 11101, atter having beset maltreated.
A number of the Servile' inhabitants
Mellen Sellars Landed at Snalo and loitds of Albanians later ear -
Domingo. rounded Alltrovitza, and serious right-
e:,pc 110:1000, Hayti, .1pr11 6.—The ing ensued with the Turkb•h garrison,
situation In tip) e:tplual of Santo co.neisting of three thousand troops.
Domingo is very ethical. The com-
ool- Tru fighting contlru(d until ainrch
tt e ). of 1110 1111111,11 Sitars cruiser k g
Atlanta, w'htel has arrived 111 Santo 30, whoa the Albanians were re-
bottling() from this port, 3islrrday
entire at detIrluuemt of fifty biue-
Jurkete to Irma rd the, 1101181 States
lel tt0tlate 111 that city. A shell fired
last night by tile Dominican cruiser
Preeldente, which 1M on the idle of
President Vasquez, fell o1 the (ler-
man remade le. The damage done
however, was email, as the projectile
lumpily did not burst.
A battle laMting three tours took
p11ce yesterday morning leilwcen
the Government troops and the re-
volutlonletM on the bankei of the
IlIver Ozanne which flows into this
0aribbetn Sen at. Santo Domingo. A
hundred men were klnleel or
President Vasquez drnutruted the
surrender of Santo Domingo City,
but the revoluttoniets are disposed
to resist up to the Inst moment.
11u: -sit Man :IddrC3dI'Il another
note of adttemitiot to Bulgaria.
The comntnnlcietion IN to the na-
ture of it personal warning to
Prince 1'eedluive l not to provoke
Turkey. The report that, the Czar
has pro1entel a btttere- of eight
guns to the Prince of Montezuma
is tut credited,
While despondent from sickness
Henry- Helier, It New York
Misted a towel
around 1(1(4 nook and hang-
ed himself to a hook. 1(1s 12 -year-
old eon raised ![s father's feet to
a whdow sill, whereupon Heller
kicked the child in the side. While
the boy lay breathless upon the
floor the father strangled to death.
Queen Alexandra arrived at Copen-
hagen sax evening from London.
ger Majesty was received at the
Annual Resolu!i,Jns of Trades
Congress Prese,nied.
Toronto report—Tho afinal I con-
ference between representatives of
the Dotniufon Tirade.: Congress and
trades unions generally and the mem-
bore of the Ontario Government touk
plane yesterday, when the resolutions
passed at the Berlin meeting were
presented and supported in brief
s-prec'hcs, Premier Rods received tete
party, in company with lion. John
Dryden, (1011..1. 11. Stratton and 1.iuu.
le. 11. Lntchforie Mr. 11.0101 Gore -
ling, Secretary of the Bureau of
Lubar, earn iurirl the prrty, wnieh
inoln-141 'Mosey). Hurry Obcrmeycr,
llama t00 ; .Joseph f Alarke, 1.otiort ;
A. 1f. Kcnntrl,y, Arthur Calow, to A.
a10Crae., 1'. J. Yellson, W. A. Doug -
lairs, A. C. Saunders, Samuel Moore,
John G. O Donoglnl(•, solicitor ; Rich-
ard Southwell, Walter Cox, John
KIng, J. Hudson, H. N. Arlon, 1'. E.
Bcokltt, 11'. J. 4lhklleton and James
Mr. Marks presented the resolution
asking for n law empowering
With os to compel street railway
companies to provide a passage
through oath open car for the pur-
pose of enabling conductors to per-.
form their duties with greater
safety. In reply to Mr. Stratton Mr.
elarks said ho presumed the intimater'
was to apply this rule only to cars
built for the future.
ate. Moore pree.+eutecl the resolution
neither that more factory Inspectors
be appoint ad.
Mr. Obe,rnterer protested against
the retention or confiscation of
drawbacks, or percentage of wages
wlthhela on the Infraction of riles.
He urged that tbe Government should
restrict the terms of roles formulet-
el by employes►,
Mr. Wilson urged tbe abolition of
the contract system In the manufnc-
ture of convl,'t made broorne or other
articles. They had been led a year
Lugo to believe that it would be pro-
vided taut the products of the Cen-
tral Prison be stamped prison -made.
Mr. Stratton explained that the
present contract had a couple of
years to run yet, and when It ex-
pired he thought the views of the
deputation could be met on this
loeollttiou No. 5, rye Mei Ir;' -fr
Moore, urged legleat1uu prohibiting
the repapering of wells mei ceilings
without removing the oil tvall tap"'',
which was a menace to public linnitb,
hrcttling germs of every conceivable
Mr. Strnttou, who is chnrgn! with
ibe health department, promise) that
enmeteting 100111/1 he done 10 this
pulsed, with great loss, Heavy rein-
forcemcuts have been on -fermi from fent', Well Grounded.
tlto 0111101 tit Aldln, Asin \Mace, ane A die -mach to the Neon Fettle Presse
rotesequcnce of the growing tuna ti-
01en11 of the Allrnni+uta agalnit the
t» ndite:ea, The latter have clow•,
their eltop1 tine sehyeols, rind are
preparing to seek refuge of Monn-
stir. Numbers of Christiane have
liven murdered in the 1'rllep district
'luting the past few days,
Cunstderablo apprehension is felt at
til:+ Ruselan entidaaoy for the snfoty
of el. titruherbina, consul of Muesli
at alltror'Itza. The outbreak made
1 great. impreeslen at the pals"e.
The Sultan was intensely ecercieed,
mud measures were iuumettle tely taken
to watch the 1 -vu Alba nein battnl-
iwnd belonging to the lntperi•tl guard
on duty at the Yildlz Kiosk In order
to prevent illiorder at the palace.
The 1lussln ti 111t11asuaeor at Cote
sUtntinople has leen Instructed to
pretest to the Turklsh liovernmeut
epithet the iusulsordintttlotl .31 the
.1 Ito Mane
other places, to suppress the rebel-
Albanian rising has caused a
ninon* thio Christians of 01d
from lfelgrnde, iseleln, says M.
Stcl crbina, the pterins Consul at
3Citroviten, L:w' been woutuiel lu
tt.0 back.
Liability of Unions
Mr, O'Donoghue, au solicitor, pre-
sented the last resolution, which sug-
gested amendments to the lava re-
lating to trades undone.
The rneolutlon proposed amend-
ments providing that no trade union
shall be liable for damages for any
act of omission or commission dur-
ing any etrika or lock -out or dispute
New Ylrk Pastor Denounces the Criminal
folly and Extravagance.
New York, April 6.—Tl:i1 the e)II1l' -
trian banquet at Sherry's on Sat-
urday night, at which if. K. G. Bil-
lings wets the host, ecliptr,.I all die -
nor innovations lo freely- admitted.
'Neo frequenter', of Delmmnieles. the
Waldorf, the Cafe Mittel and every
other place In town where eplent'cs
Mit' do congregate, all agree that
this wets the most remarkable dtaner'
party ever given in the metrop0113.1
Tho actual use of mettlesome
bores 1s chairs, for the dtnuers was
"the Omit,"
A new floor Was laid 111 the big
banquet rues. Portable troughs I
were installed, mounting Mocks i
built rind covered with red velour
and rustic scenery provided. It took
two neuro of mechanic's three days I
to transform the banquet hull to a
rural letriarttrd tu,d stablt3 with t11e-
tlguous couservutory. '11dte cost is
estimated at about $200 to cover. 1
though the edibles and liquids red
not cost more than $1.5.. per capita.
Speaking of Menial extravagances !,
of this sort, the Rev. Donald binge
Mackay predicted that the, ()atom' of
extravagance iu living, Which hn said
Nota Yorkers had bust following: for
the last five years, will end In so-
cial and moral oatttstropbe.
"Nowhere is the complex life of
lei:aides phi:there seeking eelrava-
gauce NO 015(1)40 as in this motropo-
liM of Lilo new world. Everywhere
tho drags tiro off and tete wheel,,
of commerce and society, are running
wild. When the stoppage will come —
as 001110 It must—or how it will oomo
no one can tell.
"Already the shrewd, hard -healed
teen it Wall stmt are scenting the
approaching danger from the com-
mercial standpoint.
"They toll arc that the limit of over
ettpltnllzatlon tied headstrong spec-
ulation 144 retched, and the reaction,
unless it comes gradually, *111
spell panic from the Atlantic to the
'Thorn can be no life of worthy
thought where existence lo loaded
down with the vulgarities of luxury.
Tho two most illiterate classes In so-
ciety to -day are the abject poor, who
by necessity meet think of the needs
of the body, and, therefore, cau think
of nothing else, and tete idlo rich,
who by choice devote every hour of
tato day to the trivial problem of
what they *hall eat and what they
shall drink and wherewithal tbey,
shall 1x1 clothed.
"Now York becomes every evening
a vast Vanity /'air, where Irration-
al tend too often degraded pleasure
lured men and women by the thou-
sand to its glided shrine, and be-
fore tlint Amino high thinking and
plain living aro nightly ltnmolatel."
unless the union le a concurring
party In the wrongful act. It ens
also provided that no trade unlet
shall be enjoined from c'otnmunienl-
iltg with other employees or persons,
or, In other words, picketing, except
by 1111 unhnvfue alit, nor shall their
funds bo liable. Mr. O'Donoghue urged
that the present legal procedure gave
the undone much annoyance from in-
junctions, whlclt, by said, were grwnt-
rd nitogethet' too (airily, fwd he 111-
stancel the sheet mtrtal workers'
ease, as nit expeesive ease in point,
it hutvi(g already hung over store
September, with no prospect of trial
before September next. Ile declared
the union beide to .be for a s{ec[fic
purpose, for sick and other benefits,
n.ud maintained that they should br
free from molestation. He criticised
the justice of the Pollee Court all
being unfair to trude unions In nn -
ower to Mr. Latchford, be said the
Taff Vale decision heti not leen made
use if ,tore, but, tie the law was
unccrtaln, they wanted it made clear
no that it could not apply.
Mr. W. A. Douglass presenter) :e
relxohdlou favoring Ale, eine' tax,
,tiler whirl afr. J. f1. H . urger!
the oomplullte of ore, - 0 tae at the
Agriculture e ee, t;c.
,'ren e •'rammed careful eon-
. ,dr•: r. n o. ,h.• e,n'louv polnls nr1-
Bogus Pettdr ewttdter Laying 11 fires
tor That Family.
S1. John, N. B., April 6.—:Wain J.
Charlton, of St. David street, with
the aid of Chief of Police Clerk,
thinks he has stopped a game of
fraud, being played by /1111114' persons
in Boston.
About a fortnight ago, Mr. Charl-
ton received a postal card, dated
Boston, stating that a Iegaey of
ton ffamtily, and if Mr. Charlton 0 had been left thewould
call to person 00 Judge J. J. Feeley,
Room 10, 99 Milk .tweet, •Boston, he
would receive information regarding
It. The card was signed by Mr. Fred -
ley. Mr. Charlton gave the card to
011101 of Police Clark, who sent 1t,
with a letter, to the chief of police
at Boston.
A (maple of drays ago Chief Clark
received an answer from the Boston
elder, who sand that ono of his of-
ficers had looked Into the matter,
and that. J. J. Feeley, of Milk street,
gave out a statement that he did
not place very much credence in the
Charlton fortune trio, and that he
did nut have vary much time 'to
bother with the matter, that not
long ago a man called at ids ot►loe
and gave bis name as Fredley and
said he wldhod to have the heirs of
the Charltons looked up and that
was all that was done In the matter.
Ile, Feeley, did not take any stook
In the matter and is not connected
In the case at all.
1'11 tin un World Tour to Acquire
F'l'esh Vigor.
011i00go, April 6.—John Alexander
Dowie le going to take a trip
aroutel the. word. In the current
lame of the Leave' of Healing, to,
makes the foll•twing announcement:
We believe 1t Is for the best la-
teresd3 In every sones that we
should take a long reel, to prevent
a11v treaiatowe and to enable us
to acquire fresh spiritt;,.l, psyebt-
cnl alai phytalcal vigor,
Before he starts on this, ills first
long vacation, Dowie will Medias
hosts to New fork to aid in the
ronveluion of Ootham. lie will visit
London and Parte. At the former
city, whore he hies once :tttackeal
by a mob, Dewitt will hold meetings
ata a rcbule to has cue -time etas -
Theobald Chatrlin, the r
artist, will exhibit at the °owing
Salon, hie portrait of President