HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 7PARKER CURE iS ONLY ONE OF MANY at Ephesus (vs. I8-.'1). It was a ministry u( unwearied, diligent ser- vioe, 4ti' feirvedl t110 Turd, 414' 141 reed the people. IIe. WIl4 delated Ohl ililhiltl, pn•ea.clthhg publicly full prl- valely, suit laboring will( 11114 Deeds. Ills hertlr„ was constant nisi night - ewe r 11 Poor GllthO1floss (is. :2222.7k. 44 r" 14th it,.s 4.4 411, 41 rhe 1ur4' in the midst of fonds and afflictions, Bright s Disease Inyar i- in I! r mn n, 01 n. fru Is i o„,„. h1l facing death, he 11111 111,4 14414, r 4, unrel l h4 nllh ,:0 g001.' ably Vanquished by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Other Cases in Which Great Kidney Remedy Conquered. the Reliable Men Tell of Victories Over the Dread Disease. t'..1. Hurrix ('uomd „here in 1114o1144'r ease. 11 yvn'N take the, trouble to look at tide letter you'll eel' it is written by the Postmaster at Lovett, Ont„ At', C. .1. litter's, Notiee what he '114)4: '1(4 Dill 1 was at the point e.1 death from Bright's Disease, nod tats a complete wreck, could not etre 4.II'e64 myself or turn in my hal, but now, 1 am, I may say, a well man and I attribute It all to 16x61'44 fiidney Pills. Tint's from a postmaster, n man who nndoubt- a11y knoww what he le 'talking about, nod 'there'' no uncertaln 6011 nfl about what he says. Chas. Ingrain Cured (Fronk Bail um] J';nlliirr.4 ' 190 great has Mee the Interest In Torrn'to over the mire of Urlgtll's Disease, reported trent einthetutcant;e, Nora Boots, that a reporter yerde('- (lay malted the bend (4144+(1 of the Dodtit4 Moiliclue l.o., (el \Mete!. street, Toronto, to etecertale the v14'we8 of the management co eertl4g lite test.. found lite luIUagemcnl Natialed, but by no Meanie surprised. "No,' w81; the answer to the re- portor's question. -We ere not sur- prised that the public generally are at length bring to -'(•rd to the tie:ne - 4.10" teat Do,AI'Is Kidney icy 1 Itis 1('114 clue Bright's 11.411 lt We hero known It fora Ioog time Oate l 'er,. The I'nr- ksn cure 1s only one of tu,4ny of which 4)o tlaM Jurulsh proofs. A Special 1.,/,'M 1'rerrripuun "T,ho troubles i1, those cares 4w.vo 1,081) (4144414' by what 1 dorm.! 14'pat- Itnt tnellelnr.' Had they Mem made by a pillysailtka i1, les lvg111ar way, Mill that 'pllyaleindl had heel, 4(44111 10 toll woolly now he h;011 ht them nhout, they would have lice tallte11 of iearn- v11I Brom olio end of the country 111 the otkel'. tell ttive) pcopte talk about our cures Caere is i1 tendency to any, '011, tent f4, ()Illy n patent 4 edkitne udvert.isoment' "Tiers forget tl.al De.l.l''1 beam t Pills aro the life work of a doctor, that they litre been uniformly suc- tumefy! 11, treating all diNrascs of tate Kidneys, and that the only feature in w41011 thoy differ frena rey:11111 y obtnta(■1 n estlea1 01154'4 le that the preearlptloa of a sp eia41*t IN given the public a1 imitator prices. No Room Mr Doubt "Now, yen ha cce trot the pnrtimu- fare to the Palter ea(e, Nobody can 1 iOnlbt for eta instant that that 11 1114 veritable case o1 the 'incurable' Bright's 1Nscase. neither ant any- one dou'ht that the euro ens e1fee- ted 11y Dothrs Kidney Pills and by no other agency. Of cour.,o it took dine and px'l'Nuverltnce, hilt toy pa- tient writs In tho lust nln.get of the tlr)e(tco before she lenient to use Dodd% Kidney Pills. ILid she siert- mil sooner the work would Mire linen .soder and pm 1041114s would have been obtained much more speedily; It wee an C,tr(O00 CAW aa.( took time "You know of other caws ' of Bright's Disease tint have lien Adel by Do:id's K11hw'y P.I,8 ':" guy- ed the reporter. Tito assuager walked eve' to a sate and produce1 a Imndbe. Or let)cn'( Holding them up, he 1411411: "Ever One el them lettere tells of a cels" of Bright's Dise1ae cured by Dahl's Kidney Pills, and every (1(114(1 11114 been thoroughly investigate! and verified. Let me read 7 011 a few of damn. but preached the 4usp.41, declaring t)4:' tt'hole counsel of (toil, with jay . IIe says "1 not pine from the bl0o.l of all num," This form of 4''pre6- 1,1on IN very striking. It is borrowed from the 'rime of murder, end the method by it Mel) guilt Is ordinarily brought hone. to the c1'1h141ni II 1. Tho elders admonished 144. 24- :111. 4,8 --Take herd -„flaw enspenk- able the 14140 Of n 80111 ! 114, 4huddyr4 111 1110 11014;11 1, 411111 111 order to quicken their dlllgc'nec when they should return to their labor, be ru- detvnrs to impart some of his (41( 11 medley ley 10 the elders. Ile, in effect, hall's them to look to their Minds end garments, to make alae that there t* n4, blood on tient.” .111 the Beek -The work of these 414 11e1y- called bl.'hups, or elders, IF 10 011'11 "Doren one from a Toronto man, herd the church of (led: to Iouu,lI Mules Ingram, 58 llnnibert street. It With truth; to lead (1 to the 4)44,1 1le'4 a elloueuu(suu, (.1411 1511161104'1 of l'lIrist: to watch over 111141 guard among the ((striking men I« the needled the enlralIea of rail, net i1, bn)il41g 141,1111. "that tic 4444": administer sigh rule anti discipline its 'tor ten 3anr4 1 have been trim- is (44411)4,4) delegated. bled with (ho (lest 11 -11114 -ca 0( 29. 1 know -From obr:rt'cntbnl, lhlg'hi'a Di1In.se. 1 trk'l 1c"critl from e4perflllc) fwd 11,404 the in- sight given 141114 by the Iiuly +piroL. 1Voltoe-Tit enemies of Christ and Jlik church. Those who taught foist' doetrinen, evil princlp'ns 111111 bad Il100118• 41(1!1 wino brought wur1d11- 1e89 and 1414.4(41 into tin church. 30. Of your own selves --The ene- mies art described, on the one haunt, 1'.s Dimming waves, that 4N, men 1511.4 11 re $14111101X4 11 11,1 murderer's of south. fwd, on the; other, 144 tale' brethren 11.10 /11451' In the etteeell itself, and w'e0. 4414111 eplwi011 "curds, 1.4411)3)4 fa 60 11 11f1 dangerous dot:trines. 31. WVale11--1N n man on gn:aol. Renu ulbl'r J1y counsel and minima tions. Three yyars-Tho etstlry ars counts for tw'o yioneg end three months (clap. cls. 41-10). 111141 to this may be 11d414vl 1110 tone" which prole Ably preemie] Idle leaelli141 in the even g(gue. "The two atatemeets need not b»' conflicting. In the detrital (a1 mode of (444,•47111, 'throe years' noel only consist of ens w4ole year anti parts of that which precede.) 111111 Alluwrvd."-('um. Blit. Walt tears - 1.mue show tin love, e'trlit'4t110,I,, humility anti tenderness wile which Patti pre/lolled even the sternest truths. 11'. The elders exl4)rte1 to unself- ishness (es. 14e-415).112; '11e (;0d - Ail almighty support to those who trust him. Word of 111s gear' -"The truth's of the gospel. 'ihe gospel o'- Ig4uateN ie grime; reveal! grace; 114(411,4,,(+ gree'" 11nild you up. - "The funed.rtion of tette hard been Inti, rind the 44('nrtn'a 441 44 (tem- pleto ('hristinn elm ratter waN to ho reared 1h4011µ'11 tit.' ins'trunlent:lli(r of the gn4prl.'' .111 inheritnne_n- Eternnl life. 1401)4. 111)11(1 Cured "Thio one, yon (9e', Is elgnell, Hobert Bond. 1St. Brydges, Oat: Con fee what be' says. ''Jay attend- ing' physician said, I was in the last Meemil of Bright's 1hw'ase. 1 com- menced using' Deed's Kidney 1'4111) 111 fury, 1804, and 4114.,(1 in nil about la -city loxes, Wool hale 144441 110 Miter remedy er malieine of any and (Ata^q ani1 1141.1)4 "vel), sleep 151111, owl 1 licit) a g(xe1 appxrtlte, etc.' 'That 14( 0way track in 1Hs1. Helen another• totter from tin 00401' RMs 441 110 '1, 11111 ,:1 Met J, 11)02. Sou other t0•dielees, hut. (nada mol g,l'l cured. .1 !'meadof meso tell 110' to try' 114x61'44 kidney Ills, 1 hoe meet four beers emit me 11(4(1' cared of the 64141. 4ingee of pail::.' (1. D. Hent Cured "I could go out elbowing you sim- ilar letters 01081 01 the it1t:ruuol. 11u1 141 lust give you ono )1101'0- hatt 0l 0. 11, Kent, of .10(1) 11111011 1' street, Ottawa. lint was a must reullrrkable meet, indeed, 60 re - smirk -aide that we at teriyakis got hint to mete his 41:1:141111 111 u(,ler oath bet ore et 1,011,4) 111,041. ")i1', hent. e. 41111111•,' 14 lee Nil - 1,10y of ale American Bank Ault ewer fatly. 110 towered lir four months trout tenger s 141,0:10', and 1481 hour ally rrlle.041 (41'' 1)11141)5 when the due- u0s 4,ectare11 he rout 1 1,111 ln'' 1111 the ee.vt morning. N'11' the Agree: - lug wile wet tel by his b,'dede wattle 141g Mr int cliff rt(( eye .14011'.11 to 1011 o'n nn udcrrl14eul int tvidel4 said that losers ledory Petit ((Hold Our)' Pa)4r1:t'81)18e10ee. , a drowning elan grilses at (. 1.ililt IX, 60 luta 414'14.1 10; wo4ao1 }; A:1,0J 4)1 11116 1:4481 (Mamie to sate IIe- luu;nu4t'ts tile. A messenger 4.114 4 oettr:'.4,,a druggist roused out et 1 is bat, n 1104 01 1400.1's 11.1(14403' 4444,, 1,0ec'04., 11/1t1 1tf: dying men given his firer ,tont, adult dote hfougnt an 4u- la'(ectuent, gradually the peon 0(uset 1111(1 1041101 returned. It took mean - teen hoses to cure Liu completely, Put tint's seven yea1'4 ago, and he's been working, every (lacy since. Sorely a mire like that is enough to make the wimp' smolt believe that Dotitr4 Kittery I'Ills will tutu Bright's Dis- ease. Where the Trouble Ides 'Tile wipe), trouble le In netk'1ug people believe. '111444 114 n, skept hal age. 1C 11S0.1 10 be, '11 you W'4 it in the nxt- prr1lt's arm..' Nowadays It it '1f you see. it in the, papers don't believe it.' If 4'1' cou14 bring the people here one at a time 1141+4 let them read tenet let- ters, or bring them fare to ince with the ern and woolen who wrote them, our struggle would b'1 over, for the whole wo'(t would ninth teat 1(04141's (;.gluey fills wind cute Drlght's 01s- e:1N(', (.4116 1%0re• 4'ilr(5 'As you can qct these aro Only n few cures of Bright's itheti 84 pitted at rnadom from the many. There are dozens of others, 1440111! ' 448 re - mailable 10111 all oarelully Investi- gated lull attested to by reliable I sortie. Surely ylu would think that as doctors can hive (4o hope to thew threatened w-Itlt this terrible 114114', Moro should be no hesitancy ht giv- ing Dodd's Kidney fills a. trial. And IC Dodd's Kidney flit: ear ruts Bri4111'8 1184844', the moat deadly form of kidney Disease, how sure it to that they (10(1 14,',' those. 1':ir11er steges of kidney Disease, !malt as D11Uetrs, lab^uma1len, Lumbago, Sol- ution, Plain in the Bock, (t'. Re- member, 114 I N:11,1 before, Dodd44 Kid- ney Pile Ore n 118 rill l -t presertption for ilise:i8e1 Of 111'' hidueyt, and 111 tit' twelve ,1'4(1.1) they 11:1(114 Leen be- fore the ((U .1:11 th:'y 4,1.4'4 proved their worth 1,' coring Omitsands of suf- ferers (rent ell forms or klduey 118- ('4se. '41)4,1 441'f' 140 cure-all, but they 110 ene• all forme of kidney disease. Time :1nd the Imolai. have proved 1ha1.- "A Free Sample Packet" of Delicious "SA.LADA" Ceylon Tea (Black, Mixe4 or Natural Green) will be sent to any p>on filling in this coupon and sending it ,) ++°as with a 2 -cent stamp for postage, write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed or Nhtural Ore's Name Address .... .......... Address "SALADA" TBA CO., Toronto 33-:15. C meted --I gri' not made 11 an 014)4.1.4 of sly living 4umug you to obtain your properly. 4111141 had power to Comet nel support in the min- istry as the reward of Ills labors, but 41' d'41 not chaos. to elerelso it, lest It should bring the chergc n[ 814•X1' against the mhdstl').- Bornes. Mor' blessed -"When the. Lord luthnetrd t4tnt the blessedness of giving 1s the grotto, he del not eithultte tlult the joy of emelt-leg wan small. Ne proclaims In ono sentencer the teethed truth, that the joy e.1 his people in 011111 Ming* is gr^ut, and 71141 etre in bestowing it is grin tar." V. The closing some (vs. 30-38i. :16-88. Klud'I(Al-"Tim (4;111(1 nail• tit 1,, of prayer, aid lin' proper po;l- let, of .t suppliant. 1t Indicates re- vert ace null humility." Wept sore - Wept much. 411<s041--Tlls 1(1414 toe o0mmon token of affection. Sorrow- ieg-TIie Was n 1110,t tender and 4f- f,ctlor,ate meting scene, )fly 1)1x1 grant to ever,- minister the 0ph•It which P14 4n (41')41441''4 141 thin tine'. Thotµl4ts.-''t. We find In thio' ad- 41re1,4 11 look forward. Tl.e eye of the apostle bet.01(1' the tlnm' to (in(', It h 414"1 of Lis own future. i[ team tor, 's (I1 Hatton, awl impel named, await Mg tom nal d0atlt at. the (.nd. 'chi': petlir, w011411 daunt l,It' bratevt. mean, 1)111 4'4111 (1114 1(('4):1111- on It 4101 Ottly without tier, het with Joy. If 're we are taught 1. Our genteel lnr;iwre: r:rrvhl+t til, 1.01'41. ,2. Our is elal work ')'nl i lg h -I it unto our- 481 ur•- tun1 .,I1 414 0,, 44. .1. VI, ln4b- slutr4S 0) 010''100.111114: ltrp nt'urc4 _ ----- - -- faith. -4. 'Che 1144( os and r4144 144.4. jnu•ney. His neat 'topping place was or our tr:rh,ng (1 ;.1).:1• no taltfr Sti daJ` J`hool. Trons'(II. Per. 1L ]:, 13). Hero he Solley, ami Integrity n,crasau•y. 8. !NTN.IINA'1'IONal, LESSON NO. I. APRIL el, 1003. foul's Bare we 11 to lZpbe.n+. Arils 20; 444.21, , Commentary. - (1unneetleg (inks. Ephesus, Iles a liter the rail I p u Paul Inc nedlatoly left the eily. This tool :Ince, aocordlug to Levin, in /lay, 1. 44. 37, The apostle then spent ten tenths 444441ttag rho (hunches he hal founded on his '(11(4014,1 misr;bmsa•� ..-.. ---. ' rruunt*trnrml,s of his friatulx. To (fleetet 144 ale' Clot Ran ministry n 4u•rsnu mull J'n1' settled eunclettens o1' duty rel :Mile 4y them. 114, must be rail or he will be upset. He had no kneel -sem of the »'collar trinlu tho1 414 must andez•gu 14,11')' the gen- rrnl intimation tial in every vitt' bonds 14)44 hem iso.mlent4 awaited him. Paul's Nettle) rre',1r]. 1Ie collo nrv'n ('ho' Io(1(01g whom he lead mink( and 11,Lrired to testify to his faithfulness. "I em pure from Om Motel of all men." 111; illy end er- entpl„ were eemelstent. In hls Inter- 1011ree with nlen tit( minister of the g11gwd rhnuld ,tx hied, eonet'4ns, eerie -he slnlyre reel dyvent. In (der d''v0U'n1 to feel he had not bey,! Ie. weeJlslpp''int(vl in not meethi; Tans with mess from the church 4t Corinth. 1'aut then (mussed over to }grope and probably ckited I'hll- ippi, The4ialonlelt n14a Boren.; and perhaps it 'was at this ileo 11411,1 41(4 journeyed to lllvrtoum (lion. xv. 194. White to !1luce,onln, ..444)1114)) tit Phil - Ar.►setA S11...r,2.n I.11fliflfnunfi,i i Ili ik1111piuu i n11111111�ui1i1i1 I 'illliIljtl�lll 111 Iwo Page Metal Ornamental Fence Handsome, durable nrid 10wpu4ccl sparseieanllablyforfront awl dirtatoefeneelintown lOI' cont ri,-s,urrhnrd9,eto. Retails for 20 CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT. Juxt'bent the cheapest fence you eon put up. Write for full peaklike'. Use Page Farm Falco nod Poultry Netting. The Page Wire Fence Co., Limited, Walkerelle, NAL*. Montreal, P.Q., and Bi. Jobe, N B. 'p 'Pito s4'If-,lenia.l to he practised. 7. 4 4tlence and resolution to be, (44- er1.1`44,l. 8. Tho mol'l%ita Wn alundd Pin C'rli'.1L SCR( 1'ou1's future (iutlook, Constrained by tin retire, or fled and 4, strong e'lu'tion of duly-. 7'1111 decided to l,op1, be wrote lila 44enotd letter to gm to Jerusa1e11). Dlie miiy choice was the church at Corinth, Incl then in tit'+ will of tknl, "1 go (round in visltal Corinth at•.I whole t411' p (('rote spirit." Ile felt 4n Irresistible draw- ' the epistle to the 'G;1a1t1114144 and .1, ing Wheel determined 111s rile -dee and the BonlaII , ht. 4(11s1 remain licensed,. hath to i, The eharacter of Paul's in mat's ills oleo Idea of 141'1141eure 0nd the Wear! That's ('the greatest thing In the world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in Granbb Rubbers —But the one thing we emphasize is their Wearing Qualities, r "tenni* iitlllilen wear lulls iron" surenommwromnemennevasmosantsys ASSESSMENT SYSTEM O.1NVIdAN A ('('UI'T 1111,1: N A t'.Tlch o 1:)torl: 1'1'11 1 DE if, A PM! 14111LE N ONII ^l4:'1I o.1Itsr•1'r, 111yteem i1''l4 M }:1,1.1'11 1' (,tete '1'11 O R1(11N,1L t 11\'1'1 11'4 !$ hPFIUOR >iEI;I'I' /t VIA:I \Thi N I1:'ItD F iN.111('!.11,f,1' !101.411I) i� 114411tV1'; I"i(1l'ESTI lNvL'S.E 0 i'if \IN1eel; 1 ItiletEeelVE 111'1'11441 1+t 'F; Ai ON , 11,l' A '191'T1ON 1 h INDUCEMENTS p P <IR 11tl.li N :1T10V.1I. 1 1:VUT1 l'lON 4-ENT,1 \l, o } 1N1'rE, Rl' NNVI e Fe ti114Tl41411) et Is1OND To NOMI: Fall fnfnrlrltlon cheerfully gtcem. Organizers minted ipply to either (.rata! Reeorder, 11410111ton; 41' W. F. C.1.11 PELL, , Oran(' Organizer, 1lsmlIlon. fluenrad by 1he considerations of '10,4,, wealth, honor or fame. Faith - (4l to 414 eru+ral calling, he had de - 'tared unto them all aha counsel of )od. He !aired no 110111, JO! Fought to 111011's rotor. 1fe knew no man after the (bull. ('grist 8101 hint 1f you aro WONDERFUL looking for (. home and w1,U.t(4v11.11 1hellest mill do Ht with very itUa r4pru81. as the UNION PACIFIC will sell Ont'-AVl1y 1'1, 144434 Lcncts 4111J1.1 DAY at the fullowm), rate* from I MINA/Uri River Deed orfs' U V'41l19 .(1''1 r: 51'1 525.00 to Fan 1' ,iii 1µ'r, 1.04 ,ingcl(s 4.1111 many othse Calif,n'0i;1 tenets.UNTIL APRIL :'04111 .820.110 to 0;elen, halt l.14k'' city, ' Butte, Anaconda and Del nu 422..;0 to hl lknne 111144 IV4n;at- i rime.. 825 to Portland, 'Termite, Seat- tle, nal 4118ny' 1111,1' Oregon find 11'avidly:ton 4)011,1x. 1'r0111 (Mirage fwd 8t. Lanais pro- portionately tote rules are 'in (f- teet by fines eminecting with the Un1o11 181 411', 'Pile UNION PACIFIC hos alms ov- 1014101 territory t,' which round trip 11oneete'kers' Excursion tiek- (•ta will bo sold, as follows: FROM )V1i� FUI'413 R11 kt, TI:1:,1)NAL1 To muny p 111144 in 44(41,64,, Neht1t8- ka 411411 rolorlitlo ; To malty points In Wyoming, Utah, Montana and I(tlel; To manly !whits on Oregon and ,11'rlslnItglun. 0110 (114.11 plus r.1 fur the round trip. Tickets un sal' 11are)4 17, .lpril 7 and ::L May 15 fuel 1'J, time 2 end 1)4, 1!)(11, 1,er roll information, cull on or mistress 11. F. Carter, '1; 1'. :l.. 14 atoms iBuilding, Toronto, 1'anuda. F. 11. (loode, 11. 14, 1.2(1 11•4,od- ward at(mu, Detroit, \licit. Cr01)1101 wits his theme ,1111111iN g legit. Paws charge Io t1(• elders. 1114) work was deter, nal n1' thr41(14 the re- eponslbtllty of nua41tlul1441 the o11.11s4 1111061 the '1i;'rs. "'l',16( hoed 111) 10 yourx11v1s.' 111' who 4'0141:1 erre ot1- e1'.4 must himself Ix saved. Ile must depend upon Out aid of tho holy Ghost, lien may be renowned for human learning", and be able mime. elates of ''mall 11001.ritive, rams, 4rreuum1(44 end ordinwuu'8 (41 the ulntr'h and ,'rd ;hr helmeted of per - 4(1)1111, nffretiona1e enfumuuion a"'11I 1'111. Th" ap"rlencl' net lCe o, 'vel„ µospel rtlutsll'r 4010111 he 1n1 niern1- ti0u (11xhcnrd, "To ell the flock." The 114,1y (Moet Itnd l lac'(i hell 1n elm rge of Nos ceoveit people, 1"40 Intal been pnrchase.:l Willi a yrwal: prior -the hllod Of ["n•ist. 1;114t 14 the respon- sibility or tho-e who are smite over- seers of l ovi'441eet 011'8. The dor trine of 41114401117' by hili in ('mist Is the only 14(14')' 1014041411 1,111 111,011 1,114,411 they RESOURCES 4,e 7741:157:;11' could hultd. Onto tY tiled upon that foundation the gram, of Cott 1s mail - Ment 'to keep a sole even though wit -howl. any heliuul rapport. For those who aro sanctified and 401111- tul(4od 110,6 provldcd an inhert.ancy. In the Doss484ien of title inberltenet, the elnctifitxh en,i0,1' communion with (toil •tun w1(11 Ills Na4nt4) on earth, tegelher with the a,4urance of shar- ing Ills glory anti blessedness in the world to conte. Bucl1 a prospect Is Oat inducement 1(4 watchfulness, falUA.01- ne4s and pars rer nee. Pani soft v4 pot thus. As a minl,ter 111 the gospel IIe neither lied nor cov- eted 4,,r they possessions. HI' soaefit not men's pleses44111ns, but 144 4t• souls. 111' 0141 not (eg'ard it any dl,notlor tp la ber witli lhlegna.nds 14, amply his (1)'' ('("414444014 when the (Ment WIN 1111 - able to 'support elm. (lo (o0101 it "tnoru blessed to give titan to re - Paul's nffeeti11111te farewell. By hos fnfl)fu4 heloma and ituedfosll devotion to their interests he had 11/1410/1 11/11 himself to the Intl(' flock. 4144 4)1.1 now about to fluke his departure. It was' a anal I4ut ul'fee(1(>ntate parting'. 1114 brethren gave evidence of leu tenderest eff1etlon for him. 114 VINCI CLIMATE. Californians aro aeCt1CI1 of selling e lmom4'. Perhaps it is so. It 1111 s good ince'"rmeu 4. It plays better than b11yn 4,e coal. Open doors, froth vegetables :all the year, flowers and gro lei 1111 troller x401 fruits galore -that Is health and happiness and life. 1Vhcr-• Mutts will produce every- thing goat grows in rho Middles west. au -t nearly everything that tlrows la tin semi -tropics, 1144 di- nette Is 4, meal any man's coin. Win - ler S')'-:'.blex, tw'o crops a year on the ha ne Intel, tern and oranges in the same 11'bl; F.ng,islt w•11111u144 ' and French 14'11 1105 rpsin'4 olives or Bohemia's hops : to grew wheat Or 444fa11'a ; awl as dairymen (met 4)444) a year from each cow, to raise sweet potatoes or sugar beets -that Is, to I be able to (hexose athot4g the line et 31)411• tastes or your ability, or your experience. Lands etre Plump, water plenty, ,oil rich, and no4 ht Ic can a 'Mali ((1011' '11(44(3' "g'! stetted" The State is pTONperone, la(); nt demand, nud 110 rapidly, do things vow, that n 14111117) expenses are easily pro- vided. Until ,l0114 15th, rates to California, via Fionthern Pacific 4ine44, will be hawed on 8;13 front Chi- cago. write F. 1S Choate, t'enl.,l • ;!gent Soul here Patillc, i4'lreit, Mich. PLEASE 1 EAR IN N111600,-0 any he bat 11 syu1prun, of 1.(118108. In 41,:,1roar supplement w'cn44r8 e, 1':,t• "rich 4)111rcr'* syrup daily. flow It. Happened. Princeton Tiger. "I hear you waret cutting up Cnp're last imitator." "Y(,, I worked In 1t pickle foo - tory." piumwr A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights. N ono simuld expect soorearrrerrerraortsf The Frost Strongest fence t.4 hold op el itself between the posts. 11:4 Frea upright wires are Li and strong. The ' Fr *t Lock hulas them in place Mal each supper( its own shire of the weight. Light tie wires Loch Five no support. Fending 1e. lie 11 w•e:ak:me don and they arse art to Made. 4hen the Lamin i`; sevsef made. groat Pence carr 4 .':):'. Wrlll for C4:a'c;la('. e FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LIMITED, it'c"and, Ont„ Winnie:,, Man