HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 6DOM ODOOQGfkt WOO 0S 0 a a 0 a 0 Mind This. Itlnake% no difference whether It Is chronic t) Kato or Inflammatory Rheumatism StJacobs�il d the mvgdrs or loinls tone and cures promper. Pricer 25c, fond 50c, "What Luck!" IOU LUNCHEONS made reser 1n ■ taw moments. The W aim Sliced Smoked NA l Loaf, Potted Chicken. andk and lots 'l goodathingas to eat. Ms U. S. Government Inspected Eeep le the house [fir emeraeictee-tor suppeta, for eandwkhes--tor any tints wins yes want something stns mad want It quick. You simply tutu a key and Ow Lan V even, An appetialue lunch U rawly In an instant, Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago. 111„ U.S.A. Writs for our free booklet "How to Make Geed Things to Bat." STAGE FRIGIf IS A DISEASE, Nosiest repents lnstst Titat People aro Never Thoroughly tsired ot'11, IC h it Part+tan 110.,100i aitborily, Good --ns a story. Jonitnes Paulus Bruges sent it tonnes+;otter tennis to Englund to flat out 1f there were any more miss lett there. Tho etnedeeioutr wired from LW„ion to say that there worn lir. Paw I1'u'trnbe g, who Ins made 4,000.000 men and women knocking stage Went hl.o Installs' lull die- about the town, tont there w t, no e 1!-nI It ul n French 111. lut,lain.l lrop04r. excitement and that men were I11g- A0 1t ee'nes Ur ((.x0000(0 11,41 ging, to bo sent to tight U1 Bastes ufd(r sit care «tint well iwxrlt Kroger whorl bock, `leo Nortlis Cel.' celebrities hotel Music o. '4-, :ire t ..ally. e ommis:at rr you'll himself In New- ' b,H, toutt.I1;14)4 how lona, Cli45'1 omit le oil Maly, and tv•red to hrn- Ir,ie beet heron! oho foolllghlu. Mme. ger; "For (and'+ eakr, 6104y that Piet Butt is directed by the dread and- n. Ir 1 England i4 bringing up 15."n ady, 'Che prevnititlg nyluptene re- from hell, elglit at a time, In eng,s. ,elatelr ee:1 sickness, ntsom)0111((1 by ''11e hail well 11 C011 mine."-Wtuvh- 4.rr;at,ick and dryness of tint throat, 1nglon Timoe, tint the strew rent -tins unuttered• 111:'. (Mittel, It charmer, by the way, on the other hand, has thor ole and cplgn•0010 constriction, palpitations, coil sweats, trembling and dry- nes4. In, Id. Worms' cage the mouth 411141 pines e4 iecome painfully dry and 1 paean of the heart sem, tem tsdnlle the voice, 41ctomp,luiml by heart flut- ter and muscular trembling, espe- utlly of the legs. Faure 441!ftredfrom !obi hands and euel1 coplous perspira- tion that the prompter would be sprinkled 110 the Meter passed by hie lex. stage fright deprives the 'lotus of memory, consciousness and frcalom of action. lie plays auto - twit Walls null sometime.; does not crew know tLut he is playing. Tiros Cot Mimi to forret on leaving the stage whether he hod really anted ids part 01' tet. Among the queer •,s luptenn; or stage fright Ss Milo. 14, 11 tics etret0Liug of ono leg be- hind and (',lnh„ on it with all nor might, Ni. Le Itergv has quivering in 1,i: "n1In'o, 4111(1 41'rait Bernhardt I 14 never 1) 54 able to overcome a licking of 1114' jaws, which gives her latent lce at tines a p ectillerly ritep- iog el,aractrr, Finding it impossible ter til herself of this painful defect, tin, great i,ragcdirnnc has boldly 1 proclaimed It as to virtue. In view 1 of all thin tat fleeing onto asks, Why persist h1 becoming an actress, an tutor :' or. What may bo tho euro for .togo fright'! TD leave thestage, says Dr. llitrtenlx'rg. There is no of her—leoston Herald. no Little One's Logic. "Davie, you are very dirty." "I know it, mammal t but uothin4 rows rery goo.l wi11unl dirt." -N. T. News. Let the Children Mash. 17th dire, -This 10 t(1 err lily tho 1. I 1t,vo 101,i trmlhlyd w'ilh a 1vnE4 buck for fifteen years, I have used three bottles of your MIN.ABDS LINIMENT and am com- pletely turod, It gives me great pieasure to re- 0001110'wd it, end you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the WS of your valuable medicine. II011f:IVP 1,;C138. Two Pivot's. IIttiaanl's Unseen( Relieves Neural- gia. Why :'erutin 'fen Marry. All ,o(10)r sent nut circular letters IF They can easily and 1he1t 1Iy ;1 too will` the New Century Ball Bcar:ng Washing Machine. Five minutes week will thor- oughly clean a luh.id of clothes -- no handling of the garments or rubbing on the hoard necessary, Your dealer can get it for you or we will send you a booklet fully dean -thing it. THE DOWSWELL MFG. CO., Led., HAMILTON, ONT. d Not Quite All. PCIInSylvn01a Punch Bowl. "They tell aur, protessur, you have mastered 1411 the modern tongues 7" "Well, you; all bat toy wits s I1.1111 her mother's" Minard'a Liniment for sate every- where Why Ile Pats, A Salvation Army lass had at length corralled the millionaire in the outer office. "It in our week of prayer and self -taenial," she said. "\Vo are making !Tenet efforts to Increase our chlrtty fund; may Iank a subscription from your Tbo great mutt replied, "lt is also my week of sell -denial, and I must teeny mrvelt the pleasure of giving," As all the office land the lass her- self laughed al 1114 Joke he contri- buted liberally. ]area lures Liniment Cures Dandruff. to a largo number of married men, anis Inked theta why they married. Bent are some of oho auswers: I didn't hit1001 to do it. Because i did not have the experi- ence I have now. 1 married to get even with her mother, but never have. That's what I've been trohlg for eleven years to rind out. I yearned for company. Now we havo tf. all tete time. I thought it would be cheaper th0n a breach of promise suit. Because tiara![ 1.01u me five ether man hail proposed to iter. Thnt's the same fool questlou m,v friends ask me. I wanted a companion of the oppo- site sex. N. B. -She le still oppostic, Tho old man ens going to give me his foot, so I took Ills dlw4LtOr's Wind. Uoe,tIse Iasked Ler to Imre me, and ell., said 0110 weu111 ; I think she's gut 5110. Bemuse 1 thought stir was one among a thousand ; now 1 think 1111)' is a thousand among one. I was lonely and mela.ueiolly, 1111(1 wanted some one to make me !wets. She makes me %prry lively. Explaining a Slang Phrase. l'hiladel phis Press. "What do the boys metro they yell ' Cheese it' :"' "It means Utat something ohiec0es has a curd 01111 they to get a whey." Froin he Other !'colt of View. ('h tempi Nows, "You ern:Gels won:(ln't marry a girl for her money. would yon?" Ile --Of course not. Neither would I have the )wart to Int her become an old mnid merely bemuse she had money. Auer the Elnprmeld• N. Y. Fun. 13t -I Was ntrldd that after nil you wouldn't be able to manage that rope ladder from your window. 111(0-1 wouldn't have been able to It It badu't been for papa. Sto111d6n DiMordtrs I1 you want to enjoy 041910 metal to the utmost extent and 1001 that your atomaob Is taking the good out of the food you oat you should try Dr. Carson's Tonic DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE ... C' Stomach and Constipation Bitters it will give seat to your appetite. Our pamphlet ou the ague of tele superior mala and adrss exchange pact r car 1. name 50c. per b tttle at ail druretggiprly„r sent pre - Sample sunt on receipt of tic. (01)11 pl to cover postage. THE CARSON MBDIGItif GO• TORONTO And Proud of it. Pennsylvania Pun011 BowS. "Ono passage to Havre.” "What class, ser 7" "Nineteen -three, Pennsyivaala-" Is sent dhret t0 ec diseased part. Jy the Improved Biowe. Beals ala ulcers, clears the air paatares, steps snips( fire to the throat and pyennona01 twres Catarrh and Hay Faye lower Frre. All dealers, or Dr,A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Termite fid Buffalo ('010 4 1091 Perfection. Olt, yrs. indeed ! Vast Improvement. Tlu o'e 11nt1 bo'en vast improvement to the tools of the craft, "1.1, hy," 100ltimed the plumber, "If yon: evil; Intim; me, our tools are now so perfect that 5.0 matter how marry or them we tyke with las to do a job, it to always necessary to nl:apt 0151 work and go back after 01ore., UNLIGIIT OAP ISSUE NO. 14. 1903. Mrs. 4'.tnslowx soothing Syrup should al4v'ey' be 110ed for 1. hllb•oo Teetliing, Is voetheeo the child, tontine hegum. cures ed REDUCLSSI toile and 19 Hie best remedy tor UlroMedarrbces. Atill\TYM Vi'ANTED E7fiIsEaVSE i _-- $5,000 ReterA w ll bo paid by Leve" Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals. Ask for thr Oda„on tar. r(5 when nil a - want '`'hut. Was hill'rren1. N. V. tuts Fniehrr-W'hat it glorloue speech Jones n,ad4• n.bont lie flag 40 the mast bead. Iloeker-1'es. But you should have heard the speech he ,delivered when he nailed the carpet to the floor. New fork and Boston Via New York Central. Tho numerous trains, the excellent servloe, the uniformity of ate trains, Ito fo.tr tracks and the location of its depots In Boston and Now York, make the New York Central the fav- orite line to those points. Any ticket agent will confirm the above. What She Forgot. Princeton Tiger. A lice -year-old madden named Clytle Saw 1t statue of nude Aphrodite, "Do you like it?" said I, "Yes," the Aliso made reply, "But 1 (1088 tdloa fordotten her nightie." settlers' Low hates West. 4 N'i'I:U-it 1:1,19 BI.11 LACY AaItNT'B to eolbil on.,rs: tains-on' profit fel. Apply (.none; o4 Ludy (1110.et Co. I , radon, out. 1410 It 41.4,0; - T 11' LN9'Y4'It'L; Atetl$ good farm Inns "1Itable far growing pear+, 0)04 ,, or arnpe., within FO rnda of IL st n l Ion end I' at rods of It., (i• '''1,9, r:.ntlon. kov L,, Ce,, moonlit, LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIErEEN DAYS tis- milli so you can 11 0 frond 1100 re TCN Doam.Ana ! 411, 101eal'neala,$ write A. NANSEI, M. - .9 2 o 1lorth Hamilton. Ont. Butter, Ntyw Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted Consignments of 171(11er, Poultry and new !old Eggs s"llcll•d. ('11, 0Mita furebotee nab tiles. Choice you op Eli rkenx,dry plekeihelwm, nellin41 nal to Ser per rife. Nill t 11y Isle per lb, for lil't:D.:WA X, delivered Toronto. Correspondence 0el1dbvl. JOHN J. FEE 1 02 1. Strawberry Plants, Etc, For Sale I have a choice lot of Strawberry I'6mte to otter for spring setting that have been grown on ground speel1Uly prepared. They have good fibrous routs. I have been spraying my planta regularly for past two eenaons,heuer they .hoods ben- t -Indy free of leaf blight or mix t,wbleb le every important matter In starting n plantation. I have a large supply of the Williams (toe most po mlar market berry ta4bryl etyde lvllson, M1416",1, limey, .00.01(11 lurnlatl say Via, Cloacas J and Northweetern s,Y" ((11(1(1109(01141 vurictllx. Aav of oho ordlwtty every tiny lrnta February LSO to varieties hunched tilt( puked F. O. 11 at April 30th. Colonist ono way see' 1n 1),111,`757 oo than 1500, 1Scprr hundred and -Class tickets at extremely law Ili coo nud unser 1000, sW per rates from statloel in Ontario and hundred Quebec, to points in Colorado. Utah, br b bs et IMOD and over, A'2.50 per thousand A dleeount on order, of over 10,0(10, Montana, Newton, Idaho, Oregon, I hare (ciao 20,001) nfaek horsy Planta Ot Washington and California ; also to leading varieties to ,ell at 61.16 per hnadred Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- or btu per thousand. ltuxpi,en'y finite, 5.,,.l Carrante, red and Ater, Neltob, ltoisland, tete. Full bl"ek, for ante cheap. particulars, rates and folders can be Order hely. "Ptr0t, come first served." obtained from B. H. Bennett, Goneral can ship O.T, It. ora. P. s., Canadian or Agent, 2 hast King street, Toronto, nominlon Fspn•e., U.N.W. or C. Ne. 011', grap6 connertlon. Heli telephone No. IOP', Ont.Orin,sby. Addrrxe W. 10. RRITTENHOUSF1, An Easy One to Auew'eV. Excelsior Fruit 1earm, BeamevIke. 13allimo.o Herald. "When ,Pack proposal, I suppose you asked hem if you wore the only girl Ito ever loved ?" asked Polly, "1 should say not. I inquired it too other girls didn't represent steps lett In his prone5t 111 MIN progeess 1,:4.011'' saki Dolly. good at Multiplication. In one of the public schools re- cently it 11)1m(0•1' of the mall p11 - pile were busily engaged In work- ing problems in multiplication, with more or less satisfactory re- sults. After wine time the teacher not - 111 loos one little bellow who ucemod most ulhtlppt,y. His cheeks were tlu'hed, his 11011' tumbled, and tears were very near the surface. The tenchcr said, in a kindly tone: " Weil, John, what is the nat- ter?" 1 "Oh, dens', 1 wish 1 40110 11 rab- bit 1" rcplitLI the boy. "A rabbit 1" cxulehned the teach- & er, hi nsUnlishenrnt, "Why an earth it wild you like to be n rabbit?" "Well, m!' papa says they multi- ply se fust D' -The Gentleman's ]lag0zin0. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury an mercury will surely destroy the netts, of smen hurl completely derange the whole aye• tem when entering It through the mhcnua surface.. Fisch artl0les sbnrad never helloed except on prescriptions from reputable Physa• clans, M the 41101114ge they will do fa N',, fold to the good you tan l'''4''4' derive iron, them. Hallex Catarrh cure, me todnetured Cheney & Co., Toledo, ii, contains no merenry, and 10 talon iue'rnnlly, nettsg tit the sytly stem. In hayie Mood ng1 ' Maltese (nurtures rrh `!tiro he sure yon got the genuine. 11 10 taken ``eternally and made In Toledo, onto, by P. J. Cheney *Co, l'estlmnnl(Is fee Sold b7 dnigatate. Pdro 750 per bottle. 191il'a Fatally flees are the nest. Couldn't Fool Het'. 1.440 atm,-Dimpleton-I was de- tained at the office. Ms's. Dhnpleton-Was it worth see- ing ?-Life. Lerer'a Y-7, (W iso Hen]) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin• facts and cleans at the same (Mae. as The Doctor Leads ilial by the Nose Ninety ri"r 14 -arts (rat of a hundred are faliis40 to (40 their work. There may be no pain stere, but it is felt somewhere for Vane organ is robbed of its proper need of blood by this insidious heart failure, and distress follows. Common sense says, cure where the trouble and pain begin. Use DR. AONEW'S HEART CURB, because it begins at the blood's distributing organ, healing that rapidly and making it {strong and able, quickly sends strength and health to every other organ. It is the only Way that combines science and cense and relieves and cures. HENRY AKr.Y, of Petcrboro, Ont„ writes : "1 Suffered with my heart, nerves and general de. bilis}'. The host doctors said I must die within a month On my wife's advice 1 tried DR. AGNEW'S MART CURE. Pellet from the first dose. I nm fully clued Weighed 1128 pounds -now 1110 rands. Pr. !esnwW nlyrtlr401 lull ' uu.r iuuli a akin Host/ kell.r,,0 stn 4, 11aut, awe Ind simples, title,. tale (00000.0)', n Treatment or Friends. Miss elope -•What is the best way to rrtntn one's friends? ' Mr. Sage--Dof't give 'em away. Women Physicians in Russia, After a long x11'1 patient struggle the woman p hyoid In t of Ihtsoi't have secured a decree 4(1(401 '4 their ❑moil an equality, both soelnll,v and polttl- eally, with the mule physicians In tho empire. All official pool (tong will be open to them omens' with men. and they will be entitled to /sentinel. lifter the required length of service, and this whether or not they art married. " Are you not worried by your wife's absence 1" " No; ft's hor return that nlwnys worries me." t � , Down Sisk with a Ce1d If we could oI' Y convince you how easily you could cute a cough or a cold by using Gray's Syrup Ot Red Spruce Gum there would be teas pneumonia and con- sumption. 1t will cut c your coldas gulck- ly u you caught it. All Drugglem as cents. 40.0.111411100111k.1114. IHE FOR SALE ip Creamery and Cheese Factory at Muirltirk Station, M.C.Ity. ,�Ylik Lund, buildings, engine, boner and "11 machinery for butter and 3101 cheese making. Will well whole property -com- plete or detached -very cheap fur • rush. Apply to GEO. ROWLEY • Box 1155, St. Thomas, Ont. tlllc'tIF 'IOF �{F'lIF'fIF �'lIF �'lVF'llF'lll' The KISS. Ile lingered ere they parted, Asn` besought of her a kiss. elle' faltering replied, "KIWI sir, A question 'tis of tills: "Would you reverently impress It, On the forehead, '`were respect ; On the hand It is for friendship; Don't you think you'd first reflect? On tho lips It might be either, Or perchance be both, or more," Ho paused In meditation, till She thought 11101 quite a bore. Then he looked; she stood before hint, Fier little hat tapped low, Fier hands elegised tight behind her, Ccsid Ito keep her standing so? -Philadelphia Ledger. PAiNKILLER-Its rif'rta aro utmost in. 0tont,444444444.4 e1)010 onus, burns fled br1114ro, Tnkon lulernully. cramps, dlnrrluc" and ,lv,'utery. Avoid sub,+tll.ales. 'rhe re is but one " I'„h, lalier ”-Perry Darla'. USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For tale by all letullug deal: re, Occupations That Kitt. Some curlews and suggestive lasts coecertling the occupations and callings most hazardous to human Ilfe aro brought out in a recent number of the 'stetted Underwriter. an iesuranec journal. It appears that nettling has yet been dino01- er0d or devised by the ntretie: 1 fra- ternity to lessen the perils attend- ing 0ertala of iia' i,utltllug teeth, and the painters rate re- plumller0, pt ' '' mai1a0, us ever, t(4r} ae cite! cause of ,S bei.;; :cad-pelt/one tug, Pres 44 fifer epecinlly from ,,,•,,;, L. "4,, ants rheumatic) roan'. tlasteble 1141 le another trade inviting y chiefly from the effects of beath- (14; au atmosphere Unica wit11 tiny particles of glass. These enter the lungs and coupe h^anis sting(' nud other serious trot nriess, Class work- ers are also apt to grow dumb through it tweedier complaint In- duced by hatudlilll; the gloss, and which attacks the jaws :1111 rude le parnlysls,-mole's Weekly. Appreciation. Citanarrul, I bIko tins gest, old German way Of drtukhll; hufbrsea from a stela, For when they ask, "Flow many mora'" You modestly reply, "0h, nein i" A Common Bred Cow When toned up b Dick's Blood Puri - Ser will give as much and as rich milk asabighly bredaristocrattc Jersey cowglves upon or. (finery feed, and a jersey cow robes given. DiCK'S BL000 PURIFIER will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because • smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the demands of the system and every particle of nour- aiehment sticks. 50 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents, MONTREAL - Wood's Phosphodine The Orcat La;Oab Remedy Ia SD old, wen eatabnabed and 5150 liable preparation. Has bans eaves ea'ined and used over 10 years. Alt druggists 1n the Dominion of Cans. f ds Bell and recommend as being the only �l Ore' and 01101 universal sat efaetlo ne of Ito kind that l. It promptly and permanently cures all ferns M Nervous t , ,'kness, Emissions, epermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abn:3 to ffiscesws,, the 41xpensive use of Tobago, Opium er t,tlmulants; Atentnl and Brain nary, all of which read o In- firmity, Insanity, and nn early gray,. Price fl per parhoge, or six to 45. One w(11 /dame; 5414 will care. Mailed promptly on receipt of preca fiend for pamphlet -free to any seeress. The Wood Company, Windsor. Oat., Canada. Ayres. Not Wasted. WhaLte'er of good old time had Remains to make our own Uwe glad -People's RIM% Mtnard'e Moment Cures Barµ etc.