HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 4MILES r1IcMtURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTII, ONT t RIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sole Notes a specialty. .Advanc•es made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security re- quired, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con - einem with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLiMiTED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on )feel Estate at lowest rates of interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their proper) y on our list for Bele. Rents collected, CONWAOING Of all kinds promptly attended to, SNBOEANCE, Are represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.S. to 3 P.M. Business Cards. E. L. DICEINBON, BAIUII8TER, SOLICITOR, ETC., MMUeltnr for Bonk Meyer bot Hilton. Money to Loan, ORioe, MeY J. A. JAOk.80N, O.A., BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. COUTRIeaoer and Notary P0blie. Soticltnr for V1llege of Bl.th end Rank of HIlntlton. Otfloee Pretoria block, over Poweles store, Rlyth. Money to lend. {, S. JSEOktE, J DENTIST. Oldies to the rretona block, Blyth. Special attention paid to the preservation of the net with good Work. pricer' work a eas low pectaIty. usiatent T 0. LINDSAY, M.B. i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Raeawor to Dr. TOIL Graduate of the Unl- verUty of Toronto, ?higher of College of Pby ISurgeon'd Ontario, olnl7.LononEu%1r0dand FdlabnrgrSotad,boo pftale. ,Omoe and realdenee, teat lately 0002- PM by Dr, Tait, Blyth. W J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M.D.O.M., University of Trinity College; M.D., Qaoin'a Unlvenity; Fellow of TrinityMedical collage, and 01 member College of Ibyatellur and Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the (levity of Huron. OMoe, one door florin of the Commercial hotel, Queen Orem, Myth. T.;„ J. HUCIiSTEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. .Choice stook of Tobaaue, Cigars and ripe' on bend. Agent for the Parisian Steam Laundr, Queen attest, Myth. e HAMILTON,. AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. 011ce, on Quoin rtreet, Blyth, Orders lett at Tuts B'raa• namm office will receive prompt attention. Ka. BRADWIN, STEAMRHIP AGENT. The Elder -Dempster lines represented. Ocean token gold to easy part of Earope. Low win- ter rake now In force. Names 0t eteamere end ddMaet ailing tarnished on applioatlo12 to Tian STANDARD aloe, NAIL I)EOr. e. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICH.N AND EYE RPKCLA1.4BT. Alt klnds of Spectacles and Eyealaa.es Made Rade to order. Orders by mall mail proWen to mptly attended the Revue of parties ustne my name as I employ guaranted. gEett&blished 1898 er 2548 Riehemo d Oust W., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont, (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the largest and hest eeuippod in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses-M.L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Sin(,iug, 1-iolin4 Fine .Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial, Healthiest location, Moderate char- ges. Write for eatalogae to BEV. MIK 1V!RNER,1l.,V. B.D. Favor Toren COCIIMCas April lstt An excellent time to Cm etence a course of study fro as to be ready to oke a good position in MOTOOUR CAi) A l,) (I) L hltBEFORE D EC' AURR. TO G0 ELnE W 1IElth. tuft Courses m Short• Hand, Book•keepiug, PBnmaustrp, Etc. 8'. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL - _ A. O. U. W. Birth lodge, No.140, Aurient Order of United Workmen, meets in the Workmen ball, Milne block en the Sled and 4th Thursday 1n every smash, at sight p.m. Visiting brethren are ellyinviItecOarted, N COMING, W,IL. T. J, Bt49 R. OWL QGhe gtuth gtanbarb. A. E. BRADWIN, PUBLISINER, THE BLYTH STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live local news- paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per Iruium in advance; 61.50 will be charged tf not so paid. Advertising retell on application. Job Printing neatly and theaply executed. Correspondence of a sewsy nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903. THE REDISTRIBUTION OF HURON. In the last issue of the Clinton New Era appeared a forecast of what the new Redistribution bill was likely to do with the three Heroute This was the forecast: "Although the Redistribution bill has not yet been introdnced into the House of Glomtnont, the following may be ae cepted as the probable r*-arraugetnent of the ridings: " East Huron -Hlyth, Brussels, (=my, Howick, Morris, Turnberry, 1Vingham, Wroxeter and East Wawvumah. Popu- lation 19,227. " South Huron -Bayfield, Hay, Hen- sall, McKillop, eSeaforth, Staelev, Stath- 60, 'l'uckeramirh, Usborne anti Exeter. Population 2_',881. " Weet Huron -Ashfield, Colborne, Clinton, Goderich, Goderich Township, West Wawanoeh and Hellen., I'opu- laticol, 19.712. "From the foregoing it will be seen that East Wawanoeh is taken from the west riding and added to the east; Hullers is taken from the emelt told added to the west; while Stephen and Exeter, which are at present In North Middlesex, and Usborna, at present in South Perth, all cone back into the eolith riding. "If this arrangement ie carried out it strengthens all the ridings, from a Lib- eral standpoint, but still leaved the west riding what it has been for the past 20 years, the most difficult one of the who) three to carry." THE STANDARD fails to agree with the New Era in its forecast, as the division is unfair and uneven. By a little figuring it will be seen that the New Era makes the difference in population between South Huron and East Huron 8054, between South Huron and Wrest Huron 5169, and between West Huron and East Huron 485, These figures are too much of a con- trast. If THE STANDARD WAS Called upon to divide Huron county for parliamentary purposes, so that it would look well geographically and from a population point of view, we would divide it as follows :- East Huron - Blyth 871 Brussels 1114 Grey 8557 Howick 4140 McKillop 2685 Morris 2606 I'urnberry 2141 \V1t16ham 2392 Wroxeter 446 19952 South ][uron--- Hayfield 558 Exeter 1792 Hay 8($27 Helaall 820 Seaforth .... 2245 Stanley 2158 Stephen 4172 Tuckersmith 2463 Ueborne 2867 20196 West Huron- Ashtield 8497 Clinton 2547 Colborne 1866 Goderich Town ,,.. 4158 Goderich Township. 2528 Hullett 2898 E ,st Wawanosh 1960 West Wawanoeh ... 2218 21872 What redistribution of any county could be more even and more fair than the above? Our division makes West Huron the largest constituency ; the difference .of population between it and South Huron is 1476, and between it and East Hurou 1728, South Huron and East Huron hove a difference in populasiou of only 244. As to what advantage. THE STANDARD division of Huron county wilt give either the Liberal party or the Conservative parry we are not prepared to say; we will leave that for our Conservative and Liberal friends to decide when elec- tion day rolls round. TBE ST. JOSEPH GRANT. In speaking of the recent government grant towards the St', Joseph harbor, the Hamilton Titnes, the Liberal organ in the Ambitious City, says: - Now here comes the London Free Press with the information that St Joseph is ” a dream city ou the banks of Lake Huron, some miles west of ,Bay- field." Our contemporary is in error. West of Bayfield is wet, very wet, Lake Huron lapping the shore of the town whose centre is MacGregor square. St. Joseph is "Rome miles" south, being situated between the Sauble line and the lake, just Biz miles west of Zurich. The writer, who a few years ago knew well every foot of the locality, does net wonder that the people view the expeu• diture of money for a duck ug of doubt- ful propriety. Aside front the gnootion of St. Joceph'e future -if it 10 10 have a future -the coast there is unfavorable to any but works of great cost. There is no natural shelter, the,( tanks beeig high and without indentation. save what is made by the debouching of a small creek, and the westerly gilled make havoc with any light structures, to say nothing of the deetrect1Ve power of the ice-tields. What Mr.'le.rte saw to lead him to think that 65000, or even e50,000, could be expended on a dock with any reasonable Mope for its perma- nency is hard to guess. The people of the locality do well to speak out and let the government know the facts. SPRING MILLINERY OPENING- _ H. M. WREATH. Once more the metal crowd of expec- tant visitors thronged the show'roout of this store, where they were heartily welcomed and shown the newest novel - Hee in millinery materials and patterns, which for tastefulness and beauty drew forth admiration on all sides. In shapes, the etyies ere so varied es to suit any type of We. The large tlet hat coming well over the laze end tit tuts closely at the back being a great favor- ite, Among the foliages and flowers we noticed quantities of fruit, aLsoseined' i ng v,:l;y striking in the chiffon flowers. One of the trimmed hats which was especially 0dluired w08 or Leghorn with wrapped edge of green velvet and fac- ing of shaded yellow chiffon. A knot of the same chiffon with bunches cf heather and grapes formed the genii - tufo with 63d0 of the ribbon caught with large headed pins. Another of the round sailor shape was made of folded champagne chiffon and fancy braid, and finished with a bunch of egprey and scurf of chiffon and straw with pendant sequin. A Turban with roll book and extend- ing in front was made of 1)1, ck sequin with edge of plaited malice, and fiat fancy sequin crown and finished at side front with softfoether mount. The ready -to -wears are very new and effective in a variety of shapes and styles, ---Air. J, A„leckson, B.A., lett Blyth for Alberta on Tuesday afternoon, -The Ontario legislature has adjourn- ed for three weeks, to await the result of the investigation into the Gamey charges by the royal commission, -Among the cattle shipped by Mr. D. E. McDonald recently, were two ewers three years old, weighing 1600 pounds each, fed by Mr. Isaac Wright, of '1'urnberry, and ono very fine short- horn hull, fed by Mr. James Henderson, of Winghanl. The ball gold at 63.75 per 100 pounds. -Mr. John Herta, the owner of over 300 acres in Wallace townehip, was found hanging in a tree in his bush on Wednesday morning last. As the deceased owned several houses on his different farms, the family thought he was either at one of them or at the home of a married daughter, Mrs, John Fisher, but goon he did not. return for dinner they sent after him, Not finding him they started a seareh, but without result, that night, Next morning, however, he was found hanging to a tree by a hanle strap and rope. His lege were bent at the knees, otherwise his feet would have touched the ground. No reason can be assigned for the act, he having shown no signs of insanity or despondency, He was ac industrious and respected gentleman, and a kind neighbor. His wife, four 80218 nod one daughter survive, TILE CRADLE. ANDERSON. -In East Wawunush, on March 170, the wife of Mr. Wm. Audereon, of a daughter. D0R11t. -1u Whlteohurch, on M,roh 1018, the wife of Dlr. It. 8. Dobie, eta ,laughter. M08160. -L0 Lamborn, on March lath, the wife ul Mr. Jacob Mosler, of a daughter. THE ALTAR. BURR--MoTAVISH.-At the roeblenoe of the bride's hn.tnor, Mr. Dunc,n Mo Pevish, of Tnckerswitn, ou shrub 96th, by Rev. 4,. H. Beware, Mr. Fred Hash, of Staley, to Jessie, @feet daughc,ar of the late Toter McTavish. CL ARK -GAS D1 N88. -At the residence of the bdue'e pat euta, on starch nth, by Rev. 1), R. Marsh, of }Gambol., asdst.d by Rev. A. Maoneb, of Waltnu, Air, 0, G. Clark to Janet, third daughter of Mr. and DRe. Alox. Guiltily., all of M0Klllupp. IRVING-MACLEAN.-At 01. 800165' oathad, al, 'rororto, un March 21,1, by Rev. A. U. De. Premier, Or Lewis Erokiae Wentworth Ir. vrng, of Walton, to Alice Maud, yammer daughter of the lets Lieut. Col. (laird Ryer- son Maclean, td Medford, MCHeNZ1E--MrNFa 1.. -Ill Deutsch, on March Ord, by Rev. John Rosa R.A., Mr. Murd'atk Dichreett*, of Dakota, to Mles Maggie Mc- Neil, daughter of dire, Adam Sinclair, of Brussels WHITE-WYNN.-At Trlolty church, Hanna City, ou Mame aid, he Ito. IDr, t erggan, et. Harry Dek'orest White, of Ruses Cityt to Mains, daughter of Mr. John Wynu, ut Oode- rioh, THE TOMB. BLANSHARD.-In Wiogham, on March 99nd, Mies Ann Rlanehard aged 71 yeas. DICK -In filyth, on March 8102, are James Dirk, aged 70 years and 9 months. LUMONUB.-In Hurlwgtsu, en March R8pr, Mr. John Minot. a, brother. of Rev. J. Talmud*, of Blyth, aged 71 ysme. MAGUIRE.-1n Wingbsm, on March 81st, Mr. T, J. Maguire, a god 80 y,ars. 31004118-40 Harper's hospital, Detroit, on Mata, 26th, 850. A. P. Moue, son of Mr. and Mie. George Moore, of HI aged 85 year*, ROSS -le Stanley, ou Maru 94181, Mra Ala. Ras, aged 7'J years. BLYTH MARKETS. Blyth, April 1. -Whist, 083 to 70o, Barley, 40o to 426. Cosa, 58a to 01m, Oats, 080 t0 goo, 1•.gg., 10, In 111. butter, 131 to len. Potation, Nm to coo. Hides, 51 to 60. Hay, MI m 67. Lard, 120 )014'. Pork, 67 to es. none, .1.00 to 81.1W. Wald, s2.8I) to .e8 ',Vool,121 to 160. 'redoes, Ito to 220. Geceo, So to 00. Dente, eo to 100. ObiOkeus, 0o to 90. WANTED, -A 'I'on of Butter weekly, Eggs, 18c. Timothy, Clover and Wav- erly Oats for sale. GEO. E. KING, NV eighties. 84tf Seed For Sale. Seed Peas, Goose Wheat and Feed Peas for sale in large or Aman quantities, Apply to Jou Perron, Hlytb elevator. 324 Building Lot For Sale. One at the beat bonding tote to Blyth la offer- ed for sale eta barg8rn. It le Ina raerdeottal eeotlon, being on Dingle street, between Queen . and W 11100 streets.0041 pertlpplare at Tee ' BTasnAen oaoi, Blyth, SItt SFrAi P ,A 'AAt ♦i 111.1 ` A Will' WewMillinory 4 k; ri flew Departure 4 4 4 4 4 .4 i:,`i 14 F• Our Spring Millinery Opening is now going on all the time --open for business at once. Conte and leave your orders. This department is again in charge of Miss Robinson, who, with her corps of skilled assistants will be sure to please. e Our stock of -- NEW SPRING GOODS is now about complete in all lines. \Ve have a range of beautiful I0rints, Muslins, Dress Goods, Etc., Etc. J. A. Anderson +-1 LYTin! j YA Y, Yi 1 t ♦ Y4 Yathtt' O,1,711,420 intrzI r v, R Y'r4 SCHOOL ?ANTS 1c They are made from the best of Woolens, fit perfectly, are double seat and knee, double from seam to seam. Every seam is taped and double -stitched. You never examined a more carefully made pant. Your boy never wore a better one; he cannot rip a seam ; they are reinforced where the wear comes in ; in fact are our Rightly -Made Kind and cost 95c. The same pant in every respect, only not quite so fine material, at 50c. Alen's Dongola Long Shoes $1,75, to clear at 75c. Men's $off Long Shoes $1.50, to clear at $1,15. Ladies' Felt Long Shoes, No. 3 only, 31.25, to clear at 50c. Our Empress Slues for ladies we will tell you about next week. S. HERRINGTON, 'West Huron License District. The Board of Liconae Commissioners will nue tat the Inspector's Office, Clinton, —ON— Thurs., April 16, 1903 At 5 o'Clock p.m. to consider the applinatloos for the Manse year of 12031904. A petitions or applications to be sent to W. J. Pa leley, lnapeeter, Odeon. The number of Ileonee- for the year 1902.100.9 was 20 Roods end 0040 01100,. The minnow 11 applications for the year 1908.1204 ie 81 hotels sod two shops. New applioatlone-S. Pike, Waverly Rouse, Clinton; N. G. Boggs, Carlow, and Alex. O, 8124/200101* How,Wiiugbam, n'No Berme rant- ed to any hotel whim' has any kind of slut mach 'no In its promisee. W. J. PAISLEY, 84b Inspector, Clinton. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone mending a IOW rh and denrrlprlon may meekly abeertaln oar LPnilnn free whether a' invention la probably patentable. CommuNca. t Inns strictly confidential. ttandh,wtk on patent, (tent free. oldest agency for 5060,105 patents. Patents taken through stun a Co. receive gpeclai notice, without chance, In the Scientific .American. A bandeomety illustrated weekly. Lar0Oet clr• culatlon of any selenium journal. Terme, N a ear; four months, 81. Sod Mall usw.dealen, RRR R CO :lOrt4ad la New Turk Asa. Int F 8L Wnktaatos, D. . House For Sale. A oomlortn hie brick house anal four lose (one erre ib *112 with goat frame stable and a num• bur of fruit trees. '2h;e property in situated on the north side of Dtnal'y 0,001 in the Village of myth, Ch,uve0leet (betatron from K,14, Ate. trop, poet bale,,, obun.ilee eau embool. Alto arx lets west of and adjoining the 1411 th Mink yard. For lordlier nu,ttaulers apply to the 024de reigned, N. H. YOUNG. 8311 Farm ,For Sale. 0712 The undersigned offers 1115 fang lot 87. ono, a, Emit WIMP ,oeu, lop vie. The farm contains 10) acre', 00 scree oleared, Women good hard, wood bn-o, 26 acres pinugbed, 8 ruse of tall wharf, d cotes of orcharQ ; good barn with store etablmg end cement Lour, 5400; god stun bog pen with driving house overt Urea; two good wells ; trau,e hone*, ems and Hell storeys high. with good atone cellar cud 050001 floor. The farm to well watered by a llvlug epuug creek rod is welt odopeed for stock purpusee. It le three miles from ltlyth end bull mile tom II aehnol. For fait ryvtiotdars apply to G3050. QUINN on the pre1011*', or address Myth P.O. Good Farms and Saw Mall For Sale. No l -W t Int 11, eon. 6, East Wawanosb, eon- tatutug 100 sores, CO sores cleared and In a good state of eul,ivetion, 20 acres art10117 Miami and 20 scree of t,mber laud. The soil fe • good loam. There le on the place a good trick dwell - lug house 20004, one and a halt eloreye, with kitchen attache ,, wood•ahed 20680, and stone cellar muter full else of house; good oleter:t good Dill and windmill 0uuraefout 10 bona' and out -building, ; trams barn 60x5b, with atone stables unde0 ,eatb; two frame dweningg0 28026, our rod a halt morays; a 0/13501111W 111111 8(0210, two atorey0, wall holler, engine and all neoes- oaty machine, y for manufacturing towbar, lath sed shhtkle%, all in good order. No. 2-.08 Int 84, oou. 5, Rase Wewenosb, con- taining lee twee, PO tares cleared and Ina good state of cultivation, 20 agree of timber land. Thom 1n on the ;dice a good frame barn 40000 and e0 feet high with stone stables under the full alae; good frame dwelling ;Axes, ono aid a half et,.rsye 0,10 OUR atnrev Rueben attached. No. 8 -Et lot 88, tem.?, East Wasanooh, con- tsiuiug 10o urn., 00 armee cleared a...t Ina go state ut cultivation, 10 acme of timber land. The ecil is a good clay 10(10. On the ,,loo* thorn to a good frame dertiling )2080, stoma cel- lar, with kitchen attsohed 181e8, one *nil it halt etorny s ; hard and soft water ; gond frame barn 40x60, with stone stables under; frame Oaths,* and aired 21100; good orchard. This place 01 well drained and uaa a nater foiling smug mu. uing through 1t. For loll pantoulan apply to Trnxas R. TAY. nos, Weeteeld P.O., Ont., or to A. 4 ,uiILTON, Blyth P.O., Ont.