HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 3cf, ki.t4/ hedil oti,#1,447,4"/". LTSIT'S 11ARRIA0E 4444444444444 CHAPTER X \ NI. Viten the nuts are turning bet) wu in the woods of Drutuanceu Cate, and the sportsmen, w,tit doge and gene, are purbudtg their deadly way through the turnip fit:It --at this thus the old scandal starts Into new life, and the county people, and the non -county people find a great deal to say, and all because. Colonel Bry- an Is staying at Drunutuetm castle for a Milo bhooting. People must talk about something, or about sono ono rather, and the beoatioll little Lady Dermot to In every pie's mouth. "How UlJudloloue of Sir nhwrlee !" "DO the man blind ?" "I always thought silo wan flights," and a hun- dred other such seeteuees !1111 glibly from tuuguos aocustomwt to disenss their neighbors, and well used to the interesting process of dtscoverlog nudes in thelr brothers' eyes. U to Sunday, a stili, autumnal Sun- day, with a faint breath of frost in the a!r and a summer sky. Ott the ground Ile, peeping out of their prick• ly, opening sheaths, shining, glossy chestnuts. The children look Iovlmmgly and loutiingly at them as they be ulu!dsl 111( falling reddening teslas, and droido in their oven mluds that on the way moue from church they will manage to transfer many of these trcasmIres to their pookete. Ting, ting, Ong goes the old oouu- lry church bell through the air. The sax A11ssco (lrimshaw, who sing in the ohuir, hnsteu by, arrayed In summer (trews aur.! warm Jackets, and their mummer bonnets adorn tic six coun- tenances. They can hardly bring themselves to look at the Dermot oarrlage, coining swiftly under the chestnut trees, for they cannot help seeing that Colonel Bryan 11v there, talkhtg to and smiling at Sir Meurtce's wtt1, she, looking far too lovely for iter own safety and the tongues of her neighbors, sits op- posite to him and lets him talk to her, That she has on a new brown velvet coat mid a brown bonnet lo plalnty visible to the naked eye; and the Misses Orimshaw, who have eon- trnted theme Ices w.th their 'laminar drosses, look daggers at the clatntlly- atttred little lady stepping out of her carriage. "A brown poplin to matl'h 1" SWERY/L 1100 '1"0111L14G74 sxtva pt'IItU93 'Hos a AFOIsvu 7 'qurod $,0esmlg lila palmed ere easnoq Mos roll nu; soya 'asap ,; U leploog„ lap 1111 •31+A1 'alvap anon lay •entad 14411 Y111 pros t• pun lalleq 1!001 'Assaol test 'rho& of Uv els fogp '74811 spm Dun Tamed sand to steasi11 sot tnolnnclgp lull! -meg pl oaa11 pus a•noq ano6 enaesald 6agy •dnmu ural ao a0lnlq vine ton !lies '.Ci!1!' -rang pus 111100 )1 sol pulps 604av 1 •saiC 1)g .I0 tins Jammu' to psap •qp poop. eAsq 1149111 1NIYd 01 NONE BETTER THAN TANKARD CREAM (SUGAR BEET). A Greet Cropper -Floe Sloped Roots—Easily Harvested. Of enespafosel 'slue for feiding to Cat. ns Horsey Sheep, Boas and Poultry. Distinct from IOW Other root In ealtIve• eke, of uniform Tankard ahspe irowe simnel entire. 17 out stemma. Ofhlehnt quality, i lb. zoo., i Its ea. 4 Pounds1.80. 4Cd 40. 'opened( wanted by emit RE NNIE'S—HIGHEST QUALITY. RENNIE'S PRIZE SWEDE. GIANT GLOXINIAS. The Grandest of oil Summer. bloomino l(ulles. 5 Colors -White, Blue, Scarlet, Me,,Mauve, 660 for (Any two for 20c.I 20 buibs2,1c 1 Prize 11011.11111. 1 Uinta. Gloxinia, I Fpet ted Calls, 0 Summecllyerhnhz, 7 Superb (Hndtolaa, (Bathe ready April 15, c !tore Montbretiaa. Ord., to-dny,) 20 Bulb. for 23c. The Very Brat ...The Toe Swede. -Tho result oljndirl• 005 arleetiln. Flesh sweet and rich. is one of the hzrdieet most productive sod most nutrition, wirier 771111vn11on. Ezceilrnt kerpu. 1 Ib. 10c., 1 Ib. 1:c, Pound 25c. 4 Pounds 90e. Add 5e, nor pound ,J walled 61. marl. N EW POTATO—EA Rw Elgcs Heads the list In a test of over 38 varieties of earliest Dote• toes and yield. Ing at the rate of 484 bushels per acre. tloenr• wood Is aosllty hy any potato In early stases of growth or morlpe condition. Cooks dry and meal!. Lb.SCe.,31ba.75c., poet old. PECK 70c., BUSHEL $2,00. Purdue" pays height d•790.. ANY 10 PACKETS 25c• TAKE YOUR CHOICE. BY (MAIL POSTPAID. VEGETA BLEB. 1 B amt, e'dcep ep 1 ref. &01.,. rand.3 et. I,.1 say u,. 4. set. Iona Na til a i•dt. , wgraa S• a Far south 7. Caveea lett' r°el 4Yu'rp . nem or 0x.11. 1. 41•.1 •Wer. mel! 0. t �iiwes•.w 0. on IEcamber. SIMS* tl 4AIs1Mr.LY01n. 15CIrumber, nalstun. Ill,herby Meta Fa11. .r bamr7. 1)r ' Df 21oorem. a eti.eo, 014,,, 11.' a .thane omteryv SL .els elan. tic. 15 'Mer MLeelou,5 ty, a n`... Yl Iroja, 111'w 0,. Ia PPQa.114 en,,01. a rare w<10 a. Cro r x Few ao4 oat, K 0.a, uta. 0.m. I4 epoer, Roby Msg." al. Porsnkla, Lara, cee,o. et 5a111a}, lar arm. tn�(nifliallrrll, eR4 &or el. to 1 ,lana rs:,akt a. y A .t(.Iq. na.me{a, minsy IIueTsp 1' chow. H.4 Ty chow. 110, Versate, spapy a FLOWERS. e. Alrma n 8.81.r1 "'V. ni,,A B.h,.e, 5410,1. 44 u. C.r5W1.,m1N, 41 C,Imbery Mixed. td .erl.nl.p,. 14o'd 41 111 te.e.ettr, Hwwt U. . . l 00n .S talar!. Mixed. r nstllefl.m.7w FA M. ..y ¥I .t pww. 52. tup■a�lite, Melee& SI 4fllbtmtbue. Mad M 111:111 Rr.mnou. ba;west Pena. elo 4 20 �ippe p., 0.zK e. W0 i I,.Iy0a, Il El �• °11. illi* SOLD BY LEADING MERCHANTS (N SEALED PACKAGES -NEVER iN BULK. FROMRECT WM. RENNIE,Toronto. .AIARVBISTBAND Baby Orlmshaw, staring at Sir Maur - lee, helping out Ids wife. I (Nps,0 sudles her sweet, patltetlo sn1Ne as they pose, and follows thein Into tho shadow of the church. Throughout till' 11000101) pcopho are not NO devout e out !last they cannot sen what they choose to designate ns this most outrageous flh•lallou, and they - •o w Itdor at ;til' Maurice. To the ordinary rye 1111 that can be SOM. lo a little tatty el:ul In brown, sitting very demure and quiet at the top of the pew; beside her, 100!x. hag sadder and sterner than usual, Colonel Pt;a"; and, nt limo end of the emit, 'left' Maurlee Dermot, decor- -A Jho ra'D 1':It o( lit;st•iar,otott c1), Iooth•'1' i, 1)e, 11.1. to Homo extent fu; the 11 ;lith of Oct' IIL 110011419, hurl 17.,, p: (hi. at uwtlt.rr wt 0 always keep at hand the means lo pt•oteotiug tho health of her chil- d1•ou. 1' )1' tide purees() !!fere Lille buiutely no medicine can 'Ampere with Baby's Own Tablets. '+`hose 1 'Deblois s tallw relieve ve a r 1 pronnpl- leotnt ly cure al t .n'ac1 and Issuel trml- blct, break up all cold";, "heck sim-I p10 fevers, prevent croup, ami 1,11,1y the irritation occempt11yltll le, cutting of teeth. They are good for 00lelre11 of all ages from birth up- w:u•ls, told tiro sold under a 5010'- antut to contain l'0 °plate or herrn- Oil dreg. All lnuthcre who have tte(+1 Bnbr'4Own Tablets praise them and keep them In tho house. Mrs. John Weaver, 11J1'vtficl,1, N. B., nays: "1 have as family of six children and 11000 usal Baby'd Own Tablets and know that limy aro tiro best meet - eine I have ever used for my little ones," You can got Bab' Own Tablets from nny druggist 01' they will he sunt by 011+1!MIA p.(ld at _t; ensu 't fust; by writing to the Dr. Williams' Malitino Co., Brockville, Ont. suds arrayed in to frock -coat, with n DOwm' In Ile buttonhole, placed there by the hands of hie wife No lot ugly tide morning. To a stron- ger his fano would appear to beer the stamp of perfect contentment and happiness, also that of Gipsy, whoso mind strays, not once or twice, but many times, to the soft, warm, rosy baby at homno; and she feels a great pence and thankfulness for all the good gibe !leaven has given her. And �rwu:.\u.MI';N'rti The laooal 'seeds Attention at This - l'a rget ices Sinned he .lvaldCd. is01 f Iri't t (+ �l h ecneo11 when your 0y.t0111 meds toning up. Ia the spring (051 1,1041. wino new blood, ,dual a1) the trees must have 11110 s.d0. Aflail new blood ,von will feel 114401 11ly, happy and he:dltlty. Many, i '.1ple take purgatives to spring, but this Is 11 serious mistake, ns the tendency of 1111 purgatives Is to fur - thee weaken the system. The 01141 :Ohl only sure wily to get new 1,10ed ;ami nen' strength Is to take Dr. WH- IM 111N' Ptak i 1:10. They actually mak.new, Hell red blood -they are the greatest spring tonic In the (vor1.1. Dr. Williams' link l file speed- ily lucid -lt all spring n1111le0ts. lues 111.110 1'c,lm0n, White !took 1I111o, N. 8, 15: "L have found Dr. Williams' Pink Dillsit npl:'ndhi spring* medi- cine, 1 was tory much run clown ; 1h.' lots: exertion exhausted me, and l Mel a constant feeling of languor :I nal sin,gishnes0. My t11'ipetite fat cel e (' :Incl my sleep at night 0011:11 di;;. 1010.0 11 (1 restless, After I lt" use of Dr, Williams' Pink fills there Was a speedy change for the better, ami otter taking a few box1': 11, 11 stronger than I had done fo: y entail." \011 WO get Dr. Williams' Pink 1'llle from nny dealer In 1nedielae, or 1.v mail post pall, at 60 man a toy or Nile boxes for $2.50, by writ - ng direst to the Dr. Williams tt "li fisc Co., 10•oekvllle, Ont. Do not 11.1 nny dealer 900mntile you to take a 11tlbstltute. Substitutes never Cure,( ancone -(110 geuu:no tight have cured hundreds of thous:laaln in all parts t the world. yet their friends way that Sir Man- rlco looks most unhappy. l'oor Ilttlo t19sy haat left her hyinabook at home. Colonel Devon proffers half of Its. fand her cheeks grow suddenly lushed. She Ovate thinking of $llryl, aril hitt- ing ev011 to hold ever so light1,0 the book tint he Is holding. That tee I blah and her confusion are troth Oh - 8(1.1 pd is only too evident; and loththe colonel and Gipsy are freely ills. (sussed at various luncheon -tables Oils Sunday morning. The Downgor Lady Dermot takes upon herself the taut of delicately Meting to her eon the folly he is crew nutting in throwing ids ,wollug wife into the daily and hourly compn7101e ship of Colonel Bryan. That 440(0,1003 err with a tact (0(ua1 to 1010 430O11 91011 !,t undenlOble, Sir Maurine listens like a man be- wildered, and then Iaugh0 a laugh that expresses only sheer amuse- ment, "Gipsy got up a flirtation with Bryan I Whet 11010011831 Why she WWI (111te angry at my asking him- 110os0't Like him at all In fact I" At this( speech Jody Del'mit's lips curl tilemaelv0s curiously hila a thin Nettle. It is n. blessing. you are not a Jealous 1,ueband," she, rennarkeel dryly, "I ant only Jealous of the baby," 11e answers, 140050111(5, "(lip7y 10 wrapped up in the youngster," HeVu1s Gipsy, (,, never doubted p y, never ran doubt her. When silo said, with a face really' troubled, "Oh, please don't ask Colonel Bryan -I don't like him 1" IN, only laughed at her; 50041 Colonel Bryon rime, and neither Sir Maurice nor any ono oleo over dreams of the 1,44trel that day and night rests dike a nightmare on Gipsy' heart. • • • • • . "Itchy Is WI" Witu eyes wide with fright rind cheeks that polo suddenly, (tipsy elands looking up at her husband, 1v110141 a pang that only a mother'M heart wan know strikes quick and ail(1, They have Just come home from a dltnmr 9401,)', and are standing In the lull, where the 11etre has Just reached them, "Hadn't we better keep the car. 'doge and 34(0(1 for the dootor'0" Tho practical suggestion comes from 00lanel Bryan, and 1s Immediately oarritsl into effect. Tho !torsos' heads are turned from their stables, and they are scut spin1Jng along Lilo dark roads in search of the old doctor who has brought many people into the world, and soot many out of it, too, they 41177', OIps,y, with a face a3 white has her satin dross, hurries past Sir Maurice 1(1.1 flies to the nursery. Ile follows 0101'l( slowly, looking upon t111s Irl - (a11110., disorder an only something common to babies, no agony of fear retaking ills heart, "Don't be alarmed," Colonel Bryan trawlrko cpuutl,V, and IOWrere WOW- thU1g about "teot!i," as Gipsy tushes past ; and 111011 110 turns 1_:wartl the enloleing-room, W011- (10105 whether he 10111 be expected to 11lay up 1111 the doctor's verdict is to tb'' nm'sery nits Gipsy, her baby in Iter arms, 11(1001115 with Ian neleng +:(art to his hoarse, wailing cry, es unlike the lusty roar of the huge of the Dermets as po.s1.1.'. With 1115 lotu s behind his back, :•'Ir .Miotrie:7 Ot.ttai; picael5 i atkLug dust! lit Lk wile as silo bends over the cilli tier uw'u 000110 pressed to hit, hut, f'ushrd o,lo, his haul straying to her nruk, :114,1 the wart», ((1(7(sh little fingers tangled In her pearl Tocklnee. Silo is 10 her white satin dress still, and holds the 1.0,x, wrap- ped 111 a waren shawl, lighter and tighter to her own passionately -- beating heart. she whispers, lu a choking voice. "Maurice, nu is getting oeak-0001, look at Ids p:.or little face ! 1,v, why dial 1 leave him 9" laying hint back for a moment on her bare arm and gaz- ing down Into lite Idol, restless little face. "lay baby, my ow'11 I" 11 11,1 0911000) kills a 1015vy tear 00 the baby's 0'110411. Sit• Maurice and the, nurse inter- pose simult 11newt sly. '•Darluag-Gipsy, don't.!' from the husband, hurrloll,v, while something, of her terror affects 11.m. "Now, my' lady," from the Puree, `u,,n t t,ikc nn no. iffy-, the 71111111 le only' cutout. I is teeth 1 kvrry lathy lets these lit tin turns," adjus.Jng the nightotu.hes of 1110 ,OuthAll DcrmAt, and rubbing 1111 rosy little Meet In her hands as she, speaks. ''1 gave hbm mho het 1110 directly, 1113' Indy, and, see, he is better nn 1 ens:or. Give tmI to 11141, and 1 will walk him up and down." "I will carry Lint MS0i t ," 11111spers Olp1y afraid to lot tho boy out of hes' own arms for a second. Gathering him up elosu to her own warm neck, she commences to walk up and down the roum, murmuring silly, foolish 11011001180 4,11LiIlo for baby ears. S!t' Maurleo watettea her In thenen an elle moves to and fro, her shining a'ess rustlin„ over the I:o;ieh,:d 0: a.rds, the rel light from 'I se fire fulling on the folds of the g1amiag satin. It 'i'r' v0I'0 heel h^s snn11 119.01 her shoulder, the wailing ory ceases and Glpsy fancies foolishly that It to because Iver arms are round him. In after (1nys, Sir Maurtco will thht11 of this scene, of the love and fear in his wiles face, the, clinging, mother -clasp that would fail keep all danger from her tiny burden. He will think of It with anguish that he little dreams of now, and this scene lit ilio old-fashioned, warmly lit nursery, where his own el 11,1110,1 vette spent sip cnn0 back l0 111112 many a time and oft. It aeeme a long time before the doctor comes; and Chivy, in her utter Ignora leo of than ways and habits of tables, goes through ngonien of apprehension, with the nurse, with a ma eV(Ilou.v 1rau11 of tart, regales fuer mitre s wLh Oto 7,s of el 11(1000 site hos seen die while oho was look - lig at them, of 5110011,4 l,,fant deaths ( 004 cunvnlluus rurl every infantile incl alp she ant 111 I' of. Sir Maurice has gone ((lull to wait for the doctor: vel me n• ('r:p:y, , 9.711) es ashes and trembling with (ear, Its wl h (h • los on her lap a' d game into id.s half-el:mod eyes, with a love and Iuaging 111 Iter gl:uu'.e tint, if he lives to 10:1 eeo1 and has many loves, me' c will ever (01111, 1 "Is he ((sleep P" she asks anxbene- ty, Iookil:g at 1 ho nurse ns if she 1101,1 1 the keys of idle and death. The answer Is not very reassuring. "It le the steep of fever, my lady. Wo can't say anything for certain till tho doctor sees him." "1 with he Wook11 come!" moans Gipsy. " Every moment we aro los- Ing Limo when we might be doing sties 3li etll 11 . ill poor little child! MY Ami to think I woe happy and en- joying myself while he was to paint" A furious hound of approaching wlrtels, the carriage dashes under the archway, anti the doctor !tae cane. 'Tut, tut, tut! Nothing to bo al - mined at! Fever!telt attack- pulse normal -temperature all right. Put the chill Into hots. So pronounces the old doctor, look- ing lit ll!psy, and taking the baby deliberately out of her arms and handing him to his nurse. "Yost aro mato sure?" eh0 asks, with her mouth trembling and tears hanging thickly on her lashes. "1 nm quite sure," he re- turns, testily, "that you have no right to be standing beta In your plan (trees, Lady Dormoc, Why don't you put on a gotod flannel dressing -gown, and not risk your tbeatln of ",old? The child Is all right. (10 to bowl now your- self, and 11viII hnv0 a look In hi the morning." 1 But 01psy le not convinced. I nm going to sit up wltit him," silo says, anxiously. " I couldn't sleep, and I would know In u minute If he utas worse." 1 "Oh, yrs-,vou leevo had snit ex- perience. !" returns the doctor, wlpih fino contempt. "My dear Ludy Der- mot, your baby Is in no danger. Don't you think I would tell you if he were 7"; 011, butho looks 110 very, very III!" urges the young mother, looking Ile a. child herself In her anxiety and distress, tend gazing down Into Lite exquisite structure of pink silk and tvhito lace which repr000ut the baby's bed. He is sleeping quietly enough now, 1113 dark, downy head burled In the pillow, and Ids round, Cupid -tike cheeks aro lees flushed. lTo be Continued.) The 311111 \the HI•sllalee. Ile might have boon suut0thlng; he's plenty of brainuf, .mud to labor ho isn't averse, 1'; 1, I'm sorry to may, that tho fact still ranulas Ife h:u1 never much 00174 In ids purse. lie aiw•ny/4 coneidrrvAA just what he would d0 .110(1 would hope something better to fund, lent the m1)ro that ho thought more nncertalu he grew And ho never could snake up file mind. Quito often lie might have got on the fl0odtidl And have ridden to power and Wealth, But bo never felt able at 0(500 to decide That the damp wouldn't Injure his health. If fortune would knock at Isla door be would welt; To her heels and her smiles bo was blind, If lie opened or followed 'twasalwayp too late, For he novel' could make up his mind. So he's plugging along, and he's al- ways In l3oubt Wli"thor Ole plan or that is the thing; Lid the chancels tint come never linger about, 11"ug birds that (aro strong 00 tin W,115. Ifo's provided wlthi salt for moll fu- gitive tall 4tel to drop It he's nlmoat Inelinnd, Dot it's certain and euro that he niways must fall, Since he never can make up his 111 11111. -Hite Chicago News. Which of the 1:uglIs11 Kings has most reason to complain of lois wneh- wonlall ?King John when he lost tile iha4;gttge iq the Wash. The match -making mamma Is gen- erally on the lookout for the fel- lott with Money to burn. The Twinging Pains of Rheumatism And Sciatica, Distressing Headache) and Dizzy Spells, Made Life Wretchot—Doctors and Medicines Availed Nothing, but Cure Came with the use of It. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Instead of giving you reasons wiy Dr. Chase's K1 Inoy-Liver Pills should cure you, we prefer to quote from the experience of the curesi ones. This case of Mr. Ipaluo's Wal unus- ually merlons bones° It way of twen- ty years' standing, and had resist - the efforts of two pltyfslelansand all sorts of treatment. It le mere- ly another illustration of how, Dr. Chase's Ivi lney-Liver ale reach the swat of diseaer and cure when otbat means fall. M•. Wllllnm Rhinos, farmor, of Moretti Township, hoar Port Rob - 1119011, Wellatul County-, Ont., states; "1 Lave been odd -et to severe and elotrnseing headache@ since boyhood, and In later life thi9 became com- plicated with rtteum.tti1m and ecl- attan, and altogether my life Was mote mleerable. The headaebes wr ra nceodep:ntid with ditzlno>s and vomiting and I was for days and often weeps unfit for anything. As the trouble advanced I beeame re - (Mood In flesh, and 57;181 wrecked im health and splsita. "After undergoing treatment by two doctors and trying many do- mestlo and patent medicines, 1 al- mosb gave up to tieep01r, as none of these did me any goal." "Fortunately 1 here using Dr. t'h t.a's Kt's»y-Lh': r 1't le til nknz that 10 I'were, only henc.fto111 wl:uli die a Wonder. However, I 9erata td 111 using those pills until the time coma ulnen the bol sy11191051e of nearly twenty years' standing dis- appeared. I had galned nicely in flesh. ate! ligan Once more to en- joy life. for this great change all tl.o erelit le du., to Dr. Chase's kid- ney -Livor Pills, and 1 shall never eett911 to remrsl,v them wit:meter the o9portultty offers." Dr. Chasers hiIney'Liver Pills have attalnol their enormous sale because they succeed where others fall. Ono pill a close; 25 conte a ber; et all dealers, or ELIm'emson, lA,ste.4 di Co., !pronto.