HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 2IRISII LAN». BILL
It Provides for a Grant of $60,-
000,000 for its Purposes.
].endue, March :10.--T11i lrfeh Hee-
rotary, Mr. R'yn `ham, inlraht od tee
Oovernmrnt'ei long-antfrlpated Irish
land hide In the Hoioe of Commune
t11ie afternoon. 1l proposes a free
grant of $110,000,000 for ilte pur-
poses of the 1)111
The keen interest felt in this new
togielatbee,".which, it Is hoped, Atte
promote J><iace end contentment In
Ireland, was evidence.` by the crowd-
ed Hou°. The Peers' gat liery and the
dietingulshod strangers, gnliery were
!tiled, and theie had been no such
gathering pi member; of Pariiament
since oho 0(1 n:ug of the session.
&Liclnie' Aavftt, father of the land
league, co'ellrato:l hie 37th birthday
by re-entering the Rouse for the
first time since lie pearled to be a
member In Drier to hear the Chief
Secretary for irehunl untold his
qtr. Wy'ndhana, who was heartily
of aced rose to ;pore at 2.40 p. m.
At the oateet ho ttntounoei that the
Government thought crts!' aid wire
neoewary for the fulfilment of the
propose`` scheme, hilt it attache,`
grater Importance to the credit
operation than to the cash opera-
tion. lie then unfolded tlto scheme,
which provli'ctiw for Advances of
money dor the nurchaee of Lori by
tate tenants. The advances will be
In the shape of cash and not of
stock, but In order to enable the
aurin; to 113 til'.=;•+1 a 111.14 st0,-(1 is
to !le 1'1111) 1. IL IN 1,1 he rt) 11 1 "guar-
:1utr..i _:1-1 per real. i3ulrk," and
will he mdocioamahlc for thirty
ytealsi Mfr. 0ytedam doubtelif8500,-
000,000 of alto slack will be needed.
It will he Sequel at the rate of 823,-
000,000 y early for the Hest three
ye] es, ant 0,trrn1Its, pus lily, In
larger 0000. In a.hlition to this
the Ooverumeut proposed n free
grant of t0,O00,thee 10 he releed
by additions to tie stock. the in-
teresst an.1 einkin,r1 111111 o. which wit.
he borne by the 1reaciery, amt ter
maximum minted ehurpt- of w•Ui_•il
wilt 111>1 exvw3o:I ti1,930,0U0.
Tho advances to tenants through
the provisions of the Land
]till are tinned to $ 'BOJ, sit tete cow -
lee -sited districts, amt 83,000 else-
Tho hill will become effective Nov•
ember let.
Mr. Wyndham said e7.e00.00o,000
t0uld safely be fidyanced on Irish
land, but no thought the scheme
would not 10(0(1 ' tei,00,0(}U,000.
Tho heti Secretary- rxplaiped that
while tete maximum charge of the
Ftigllsh treasury 1v0111c1 not exceed
✓yz,' 7;1. tet 0 a elegle'year, the re-
duction ie tee cost of the admlliis-
trottten of Mend would anIm1IIt to
>j' I .:::10,(100.
Tho bill also provides that tenants
Khali ply a tel per cent. i`aerent
011 lona:: from the government, that
111111:n1ted farms 111(1 grazing land;
shah ho Noel to neighboring tenants
ami that these continf',Slener8 13111111
eupet:11e: the el11es.
.gtVleeftsegagnsere)sy.nges l The militia jtill, which Sir Fn d-
g' .ft SNf' ,IifM
CA;A11(A ti.
t.111,1,:).:: brewery him been
Now Litner'rci ties beth made a
t owls,
The London, ant., rolling `Silos
otarta.' operations wlth 1:, men.
Wm. C. Bailey, or Cli1eag,,, tall
nlwlage flit ]sing Edu'aUrl Hotel,
Cicalae exercises were held at
tate Ontario Veterinary College,
The Grand Trunk's Pacific peti-
tion for incorporation ane preeent-
eai a' Ottawa,
In the libel feat of Schmuck
against the Guelph Mercury the
newspaper got the verdict,
Annie Reaume escaped from the jail
at Chatham by prying the lock off
the woman's ward.
Chicago hotelmen are reeking rep-
resentation on the board of the KingEdward hotel Company.
Air. James W. Hevcy, of Went Lou-
don, has leen appointed Division
Court bailiff in succession to the late
Bailiff hurtle.
atanagor A. J. Small, of the Termite
Opera Heusi, which 'was destroyed
by tiro, has anloarlced that It will
be rebuilt before Steamer.
Clarke Fit era reek proposes
191 ameedr,tont to the wielded code
to put a stop to Immoral exhibi-
Tito Canada Shipbuilding Company
Inas purchased a largo tract of laud
near Bridgeport, Ont., on which to
erect its plant.
Reprosentatnen of the. Dominion
Trades acid Labor Culgr,181 will in-
tervielV the oat itio Government.rnment. on
April 1st.
The (Ineadlan .ltenetneturtr+f Aa-
soeiatiohl Ilan decided to holt the
annual meeting in Tor.;iito en Sept.
17 and 18.
Port ' Stiliiiam 1108 clewed en Im-
portant contract wall a Ch;cago
company for the development of
electric powor.
Tho Canadlan Northern, or rather
the t'eprteentattves of Where. Map-
kenale and Minn, have taken ;amer-
Mon of the Grcat Northern.Mr. V. C. Brown has been ap-
pointed inspector of the Bank of
Commerce, :Air. C. cnwhte nomad -
Ing him as uesintnnt Inspector.
The Teneakeinfng Railway Com-
missioners hat) ordered four en-
gines and aro having speciflcatlone
for ants prepared.
The smallpox patient on the stea-
mer Corinthian, at Halifax, has been
sent to the quarantine station, and
the passengers have been allowed to
The will of Mrs. Bolton, who died
on Sunday In Halifax, hequcathe
x:.3,000 to the Prearyterien Church,
and the Halifaxifax Ladies' College gets
Mr. 11. L. Bordeu, it is ut lerstood,
to opposed to the domande by local
politicians that Toronto be given
eight or trine seats under the new re-
distribution bill.
The Ottawa Typographical Un-
ion is agitating for tan nkat` a ill
wawathe wawa of - lliIotype men from $18
to Pe a week. They threatened to
strike union their whales are met
within a certain time.
erlek Borden 11111 Introline: this ses-
tet :m, will probably monde for an
biomes) in the perluanrat eerpe, 1n.l
(thee tare power for the nppuiultnent
of n Canadian Wilier to eeinniold
the militia,
Lona Jake Ilubetzn, n hunger -
tan employed t)1 a OUIIi'il at the
Immigration buildings at St. John,
N. L'., has ron.egsed 1, ,beryl`
'melee for men:sting 'de1:afne'1 far
migrants to enter 1 11;1;(1 811 (s. IIe
will le deported to 1,!terpool.
it is nunomlrrd tent the uniform
Which Is to he adoptee for lea To-
ronto Malltlited (11(Ira has now been
utmost determine` up:u1. Tho kink`
serge will be retailed end a uni-
form, to worn by the, dragoons, will
be adoptee for full drese.
Mrs. MnoQuoen, of Toronto, on her
way through London to North
1)a.kotn, whit takon from a train suf-
fering from cocaine lolsoniag end in
at Victoria hospital. She Is supposed
to have taken the drug in mistake
for medicine.
Poshuaslor J. A. Joltntoton 01111
George Clliverton were arraigned be-
fore the County Court judge at Dal-
housie, N. S., and pleaded guilty
to steeling $428 from the post -of -
flee nn July :10th lag`, and were
remanded for semen;;.
Helena, Ark., h: threatened by,
There will be no more women In-
sppeectors of Incoming passengers at
New York.
Mexico's qumrentine against San
Fraieleco, declared Met 1)t ermber,
boa beim rained.
The NI-rth elerme11 1 an't`e Hayti
the Itrielett;eg electieue will take
plat: 1111 J1111 10.
'J'ite Pope hits decided to snake Car -
devil Ramp:011a Alli .Cbaneellor of
tho holy sea.
John Ileney \I•rfssrnbrueh, the fam-
e()); Dinah la b:cape and neurirl'
palntar, 1s dead.
The 0estolen cony ration of the
South Aft1r,11 relotfan provides :er
ereferenteal trmi Intent o: I alt ti :..
Mr. John E. Redmond, the It^sh
lewder, ways there arc ohejotfonnhl"
ieaterrr, in tyle fa11,1 hill, but `hal
those will no doubt be amended!
11^ repro tint a ]rifle`` war
vessel h•d1 se:sel the Venezuelata gun-
boat ('rgtnulador for ailegal acts of
p;r11111 Is denied.
The St. Petersburg w erognomic:a
of .1 Berlin paper sibs that Russia
tieing to negotiate u. loan of
lilitn U,COu in 1Fr:in('0.
(ton. Clifford Sfiton and thorn who
seek rids` him 111 preparing tho .t1-
: 1,0 I,<mudary case. Hailed from New
Te 1: for London.
Applioat ions made by americans
for 1110Uon 1reeel.%411 lit 81.
Pi.tortberg an'1 M cots !dive been
rt ere,
The H: waiian Ile a.•r Committee on
Pulite! 1•:xpenditer,o inti reported an-
other embezzlement In the itlortrd of
Publlc Wort::+, tflo eineettt b1iug
Replying; to a nutation by Mr. C.
1). Robe, the Canadian member for
Nrn•mareel, 11r. Jos'p!i (llrunh:Hain
stated that oho deelsl0n of the alas-
Ir•o tribunal on the question to be
Helm:dted to It would bo binding on
;:I! psrtica to that couventlon.
Zino rush to Canada is brisker than
ever. 'The Canadian Emigr'at`ion 01-
ffeos in London aro hourly crowded
with enquirers, n.nd an avenlge 01
Every fa .1'r 1: ows 1 !iat
sonic J)ia1,i1' ' u' belted' tli:1 1
others. , A fly 1,;: tilt
and seed 11::1C i t't';1I the eetel11
but some ```antis are weal: and
others strung.
And tit:Wt's the tragi' with
children. They are like young.
plants. Same food, same hun,e,
same car.^- but some grow big
and strong while Milers stay
small and weak.
Scott's Emulsion offers an
easy way out of the difficulty.
Child weakness often means
starvation, not because of lack
of food, but because the food
does not feed.
Scott's Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of weak-
ness and failure to grow -
Scott's EmnIsion seems to find
it and set the platter right.
Send for free .ample.
bolt & Sown;, Chemists, Tomei, OaWlir
tBoc. and p.00; all druggists.
700 to 800 letters Is received daily,
nskleg for fitfornlation about the
Ruw:ul Swept Through 1a Newer at
Paisley, Bootland.
Paleloy, Scotland, March 80. -
Serali Rafferty, of thin place, le
living to -day, after having gone
through one of the most horrifying
cxperienctae Imaginable.
Last night she walked into the
bepeinrt horn, which was (10(414,41.
She was caught 111 the swirl of the
131 roam and swept Into a laevo
which connecter with the River
('auto. She had given herself 1111
for Let, when she manage` to gain
1t hold 011 as ledge In the server,
to which she clung. Her 'mettle%
however. was no improvement, for
the sawyer was swarming with rats,
iihich attacker{ h. and gnawed
Ler clothing till 1t was In alwads.
After clinging to the ledge for
eight. lours she weakened and was
swept from the Ridge and cut into
the river. She wee picked up this
morufig and fietann little, the horse
for her experience,
lint it. Wasn't Ili. Fault.
Princeton Tiger.
Henry -Did the murderer keep cool
when he wont to the block t
George -No; he lost his head en-
'thoroughly tip to Duty.
rite r,ga Poo.
"But why dors She want to study
"011. elle thfukn there is ;comely
in 14 able to try her ewe breech
ui promise snits."
Mrs. Ifughson, of Chicago,
whose letter follows, is another
woman in high position who
owes her health to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Money seemed but poor and pal-
try compared to health, and yet a
few dollars invested in Lydia E.
Ptnkhant'sVegetable Compound
brought me good health, I suffered
for several years with general weak -
11003 and beariugolown pains, caused
by womb trouble..ely appetite was
frightful, and I would lie awake for
hours, and could not sleep, until I
seemed more weary in the morning
than when, I retired. After reading
one of its advertisements I decided to
try the =rite of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, and
I am to glad 1 did, No one can de-
scribe the good it did me. I took three
bottles faithfully, and besides build-
ing up my general health, it drove all
disease and poison out of my body,
and made one feel as spryy and active
ass. young girl. Mrs. Pin ham's medi-
cines are certainly all they are claimed
to be."- Mese M. E. Ilu00so11, 147 E.
Ohio St., Chicago,
be produeea. M. -MOO Eerie`` 1/
original of above letter proe(nq genuineness cannot
If the slightest trouble appears
which you tlo not understand,
write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn,
Mass., for her advice, and a few
timely words from her will show
you the right thing to do. This
advice costa nothing, but It may
Mean life or happiness or both.
"Fighting Mac" Preferred
Death to Disgrace.
Perls table: Major-General Sir
Hector Maodolulhl, eomnlallding the
Britleli force; In Coylon, and one of
the foremost officers in the British
army, against whom charges hatred
on Immoral nets were filed N01110 titan
ago, committed suicide to -day at the
Hotel Regula stere. He shot hlmsel
in the right temple shortly after
noon, and expired a few minutes
The (`;neral was alone in his small
chamber on the Mezzanine floor of
the hotel nt oho time of the tra-
gedy. One of tho f00nale attendants
heard the pistol shot, and opeuhlg
the door, saw the General's figere
oetetrctcierd on 111e floor, with the
blood gushing from a billet wound
in the held She ran screaming to
the le Irony overlooking the lobby
of the botch whoro welly guests, In-
cluding a ember of ladlen, were
atmemlrled. Tile proprietor of the
hotel tuns the first to roach the ex-
piring man. Medical help wall Imme-
dlntcl0 semme ed, nut was found to
be useless, death ensuing quickly.
Tee Commit:sary of Police ons 110-
Gre-0, ; (1d accompanied by a doctor,
peace( cad to a preliminary nlvestl-
0:e tem. No honey or pelves 111any
Melt hero found r Elector's bag-
gage. Two notes written in Eng -
evert) found lying on a table
In 11113 100111, 1111) 1he14; ware taken
pollsessiun of by the euthorltics, (111
ft in understood their contents kayo
no fearing on bhp suicide. In the
Geaeral'4 emit, lying 011 t -leo bed,
were foetid some photographs. 'rhe
I:1ltish 81111.tssy and Consulate were
notified inter, and Consul -General
Inldiril incited tho hotel and took
charge of the body, which was pietist]
r^ the bed. The door was then
locked, the (:on,ui-General taking the
key. Tito French officials took pos-
session of tow revolver,
Ere. 8. Fogler Had Rheumatism
80 Long Ells Cid Not Think She
Would Ever Cot Well.
Arelied tneiccenipullce..
Sir Hector Aram:mail arrived In
fares last Friday evening from
London 011 his way 10 Ceylon,
where it was understood that nu
immediate court-martial would be
held to recur up the (Merges made
ngufnst Luo. 011 reaching the hotel
a.t 1 o'clock tat night, he wan 1014
`hut only a small and inetifferrl1
roam was available. Ile replied that
(list whin quite enffioient. 110 iv:18
not accompanied by any aides -roe•
camp or a valet. Ife sail he only
bo1cnded to `,"lay is day cr two in
fares. Little wean neon of him after
his arrival, tie wee, however, In
the hotel lobby about 110011 10 -day.
and 1t, in believe` that rt news-
paper• printed 1n English, 0ontaln-
ing n resu1110 of the grave charges
brought against ban,, and embel-
lished with the general's portrait
in full uelforul, came under Ids at-
teetlon. IIe left the lobby, going
to his room, and the pistol shot
folluwe(( soon after.
1t), err:Mgt:Meil n have ,vet leen
nettle no to the dlspesition of the
body, ',hlch is eml joct to the or -
clew of the li'7itlslt autltarltlee.
Both the British F11117anny nn+1
Ceiten1.4;cucril English have ndl1,ed
London of the t)•upPQy, and are
awaiting definite instructions,
The general's m(ic!ale bas pro-
f0un,ll r t=lorkr'1 the. British officials
here. Those about the hotel who
had cee4erv;<.1 with' Sir Hectorliae-
dena1l reeeetly, sny he showed no
engem of excitement or mental
N'lyds ill Sy1t1pntlq.
London cable: The tragic raid
ut "reghtnig Mac;' who, the eon of
A. i1a4iiii41i11 cotter, rem irons a pos-
ition 0; 0 deeper'; assistant to be
:111 honored general in the British
iirmy. hem calmed great Reverts° and
tie* sorrow In London. Tho nature
01 (111orreneue with which he was
rharge,,I had rot become generally"
known to the puddle, ilnt had been
common goecip it) military circles,
and nithongh In the army and
nnnone' his Higltlnnder comrades, en-
pax•Inlly-. there in keen grief, their
feeling 1n that It was 'better to
die thee than face dishonor." Sir
lector was eepnrated from his
wife many years ago, 1.nd, before he
got hie comneselon. He has not lived
with her slier. Bo Leaves a son, who
is being educated in au English Pub-
lic School.
The offfc!ai announcement made by
the (lovnrncar of Ceylon in the Legis-
Iatur1 3fendny that Major,0enoral
Macdonald wont() he court -martini -
ed, and publicity given to the affair,
were evidently the determining nue-
tivee for the suicide. Ills frlenda at-
tribute the unfortunate business to
bin broken health and shattered
nerves, the outcome of two c;uu-
paigns, in the Soudan and South
An attack of dy4enlory find n,
tonc'n of 0nnstroko tat leinrdeherg
during the South African campaign
left serious effects, and a wowed
110 received In the leg herded baldly.
It is nutted that he often complain -
eel of pains In the head, and in Cey-
lon his health and the depression
from which he wan suffering grow
worse, to seek an extent that there
was talk of Invaliding 111111 from the
more ice.
Tho newspapers Here comment
syn/pathetlrally on the inexprete
"There is no punishment too severe
for those who deceive the sick."-
Mfrs. S. Fogler writes :-"I bare suf-
fered from rheumatism for fifteen years,
and my whole system was affected. At
intervals 1 would have Brute attacks and
my suffering would bo terrible, 1 have
received (benefit from physicians, bet
only of a temporary character. I ob-
tained a sample vial of Munyon's Shen -
teatime Oure, and it hes relieved me in
the most extraordinary way. 1 have no
more pain, and .i recommend this remedy
ho every person who desires to become
cured of rheumatism. It ie a wonderful
remedy." -Mrs. S, Pelger, 111 masse`
street, Toronto, Dec. 121)1, 1902.
Munyos's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia,
and breaks up a cold la a 4141 hours. Price
lfnnyon's Rheumatism Cure cures Rheu-
m:them permnncntly, f'r`ee 25e ; at all
Minion's Dysp-'psln Cure /weave,' enrea
ell forms of Indigestion and stomaeb trot.
bees, Price. 135,1.
Personal letters addressed to Prof. Igen-
on, lllIlade7pbla, 1',N.A., containing de.
ta11s of airlineee, will be answered prompt-
ty and free advice as to treatmeat will es
given. tb
hlbly pitiful rlid of a bravo man,
and say that lea countrymen Will
reulclnbcr hen best act the man who
011 his return from Omdurman King
Edward, then Prince of Wales, greet-
ing him, said: "In 1879 you were
doing sentry in India, and nolo you
aro a general in the Britlah army. I
am proud to halm `net you."
hagiltiner 91,0',1 am 11;4,11,11.
Born in 1833, the son of a pioneer
Cro'ter, ' mlwetil m til, 110,1101: 11igh-
laalor'l is 1870,
Prolauta 1 to a c0111ml4,i0n by Lord
Roberts le 1879, for gallant oondut't
In the -afghan war. M intioneed twice
10 despatches,
Tool: pert 1n the Boor trot. of 1881.
Present at Id elnhe 11111, and men-
tioned In despatches,
WIN in tho Nile Expolition, 1881-5.
'and wee at Seaklm In 18e8, where
he w:1,4 licentiate)! in 41,4131tchr4, and
retched the Khedive's star. In 1859
110 WO', again mentioned for Ole-
th1guki,al srtrsice, end two years
Inter took part In tho 0aptuve of
Toke r,
111 :bee Iio commenced the Second
Infantry Brigade of tae (iougola
lsxpedlttonery Fora;, when ha Will
ng:nn mentioned In d0spatchos.
Iio ccnnmen.ierl the Egyptian Bri-
gade, 18,7-98, Inc:mime the fight-
ing at Abu -Hauled, Atbara, and
blr.rt0uni, 1n ell of which IIe was
apeill1010A 111 dospateltrt+, and re-
eehed the the tiles of Parliament.
Appointe-1 A. 1). C. to the late
Qlirei1 '1(100ria In 1890.
Commended Highland Brigade,
South Africa, 18J0-1001, and wiry
wounded at Paerdeberg.
Ambit:too to the comma:el of the
S0ull.ern and Belgium Dtytrlct,
L0111, 1901, and sueeemeotly ap-
pointel commander of the forces in
`reeler Inds ill. 1,111 by damping 1113)41
the Inver.
New Tore, ilnrch 30. -Dr. Duncan
MCFarinne', 11 we filthy physician or
('111M del ph ll, use pini (1 m the
1114erene;t etet11`` rium n1 Aetorle,
L. I., to -'lay and committal suicide
Ly Jumpil 11 into ilia hast River. .1.
tt•rttchm ll saw doctor ',Kip frn:u
a window, and followol, but was 400
late to save Ilam.
MtI"urbane had been at tbic sane
tmr'•ium only two days. Ho made
friends with 'the elevators and sensed
to enjoy the beet the satallariam af-
forded. Ise went to Mal early lana
night, while lits num was u.loep.
Early to -day lie dropped from the
window, and rustling acme the
protrude, threw himself into the
Hl,. 3(ol, name 1.14,1 the Lir 30Stories
Itr iuiling It.
Leaden, March :;0. -Tho vague sug-
gestion of 11(14 L (01(10ol Posit heat
King Edward 18 111 poor health and
mtffere from depreaeho does not
find confirmation in well informed
qunrtene. The Eine fregtwntly Is
seen in puller, and npperently in ex-
cellent health and spirits. 1114 left
1,nndo11 this aftornoon to vlelt the
Fart of Derby at KCnowroley Park,
Lancnshim, and to gee the grand
national a'tceplechase at Liverpool
to -morrow. Ills Majesty will start
on Monday next for Liwhon, and
there h+' w•111 go on a yachting toter'.
Queen Alexandra to to leave the
same day to spcn+l thtrc weeks at
Copenhagen, which la hardly com-
patible with the Atnggeetlon that.
King Edward is in ll!-ilpllth.