HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-04-02, Page 1AUBURN.
Parra -Mr Robert Sprung and fam-
ily are here at present visiting relatives.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Sprung spent their
Youth in this vicinity.... Mr. George
temp hesdispcaedof his dwelling house
in the village to Mr. Ackland, of Nile.
Mr. temp intends building a concrete
them beside his new chop this summer.
In the meantime M hae rented Mr.
Nicholson's house, where he will reside
until his own is built ....Miss Charlotte
Lawlor, who spent the past year at the
Boo, is here et present, visiting her
pseents and the companions of her
enkool days,...The Lain Union choir
under the able leadership of Organist
and Choirmaster Lethbridge, of Gode-
rioh, purpose giving a treat to the
Philo in music, etc., on Easter Mon-
Dont miss It, The best talent of
the neighborhood is being secured....
Mr. Wm. Anderson celebrated St. Pat-
rick's day in welcoming the arrival of
the Bret stranger to the family circle, a
wee lassie.,.. Mr. John McShannock,
et Manitoba, has returned to hie home.
We anticipate that his next visit here
will be more successful, and that on the
next return Mrs, McShanuock will
BOOM pony him.... Mrs. Caesiday, of
London, is the guost of her mister, Mre,
J. Carter,... Mre. George Whitney and
family leave here In a short time for the
Northwest, 'Their household edema
wars shipped last week, Mr. Whitney
has been in the Northwest several
yore. They disposed of their house
and lot to Mr. Wm, Davidson. ...The
mutual meeting of the Auburn Rifle
wociation will be held in the fire hall
on Tuesday evening of next week....
Ur. Wm, Lynn has moved into the
.village house owned by Mr. Eckert
xL WEDDtetl.—Wedneedey even-
t arch 18th, was tie menden of a
Lasant surprise for Mr. and Mrs.
t Lockhart, of St. Helene. Tkie
their pearl wedding, a number of
t e gathered at their beautiful home
tobrute it, 'Though taken entirely
rprise, Mr. and Mrs, Lockhart
ned their guests with their aecus-
t graceful cordiality. A very en -
j evening was passed in conver-
and games. The host and hostess
e recipients of ntany beautiful
b. tokens of high esteem from
t and also distant friends. A
kable feature of the occasion was
he table linen used at the anni-
y supper had been used at the
al wedding dinners of Mrs. Lock-
lear mother and grandmother,
g bon woven by the tatter in her
ora: –Mr. T. Phillips is hauling a
amount of wood to the brick yard.
cite a number of people 01 this
*laity have been laid off duty with
but many are Improving,..,Mr.
Robinson Woods has moved to the
near the village that he recently
aced from his brother Henry...,
. Alfred Smith and John Sheriff
loftier Mebitobalast week. The former
remain in Winnipeg a few weeks
proceeding weetwerd...Mr. Wm.
Antler has die oeed of his farm on the
n. of Wect Wawanoah to Mr.
Taylor, who resides on the 11th
The Ferrier term is so situated
that it will be quite handy for Mr.
layler to reach it from his present
A friendly game of football
was hayed here on Saturday afternoon,
21st, between the boys of S.S.
14 and those of St. Helens public
I. The game commenced at 2.15,
after spirited play for half as hour
way, no goal was scored, The
then agreed to play five minute,'
way. Iu the first gee minutes St.
Helene hoye scored a goal, and thus the
remained. Mr. Isaac Miller made
partial referee. A couple of the
were somewhat used up, but not
d ....Miss Salkeld is visiting
s In tiodericb.... Mies C. B. Gor-
e at present visiting with friends
aoknow.-..Dame Ruiner has it
one of our young men is soon to
the ranks of the bachelors,
nb fb.
health.... Mr. D. Dingley, who recently
left Wingham forCollingwood had the
miuforture to dislocate his shoulder one
day recently, He dipped and fell from
a dray wagon.... The organ fund of the
Wingham Presbyterian church has now
reached the respectable sum of over
$ 00, and the organ may soon be pur-
ohesed....Mr. T. T, Pietd le ill with
erysipelas.... Wingham baseball club
has elected the following officers:—
Hon. president, Mayor R. Vanatone;
hon. vice-president, Mr. H. 0. Bell;
president, Mr. R. Clegg; vice-president,
Mr. J. D. Burns; manager, Mr, T. J.
McLean; captain, Mr. A. Alderson;
secretary, Mr. E. Hammond; treasurer,
Mr, H. H. Wightman...,Mr. George
L. Ireland, of Detroit, a former well-
known resident of Wingham, had the
miefortune, while at work a few days
ago, to have the thumb and two first
fingers taken off his right hand.
by surprise,
that t
young Wa
IMeft„ to
n' 'errle
fOt6 00
an im
doe i
ITnats.—Mr, James Louttit, who was
for many years a clerk in the stone
block hardware store, died at his home
in Battle Creak, Michigan, on Sunday
evening, March 22nd. He left Wing -
ham two yearn cg"....Mr. A. E. Sim-
mons appeared before the mayor one
day last week on a charge of being
drunk and disorderly and was fined $80
and costs or 21 days in jail. He went
to jail.... Mr. T. J. Maguire real estate
agent, died in Wingham on March 21st,
+ter au illness of three months with
pneumonia. He was in his 80th year
and leaves a wife and two small child-
ren....A lacrosse club has bean organ-
ized in Wiugham with the following
officers:—Hon. president, Mr. J. A.
Morton; president, Mr, G. B. Roe;
vies -president, Mr. A. H. Carr; see-
retery-treasurer, Mr. H. H. Wightman ;
field captain, Mr. R. A, Douglass;
managing committee, Messrs. W. A.
Campbell, H. H. Chisholm, G. C. Hanna
end C. A. Campbell. It was decided to
-enter a team in the junior series of the
rCanadian Lacrosse anrociation....Mr.
C. Dallas received word a few days ago
.stating that bis non, Mr. J. C. Dallas,
was seriously ill with pneumonia at a
hospital in Buffalo. Mr. Dallas is at
present at the bedside of his nick son
.end fate reports bang the glad news
that the sufferer is improving.... Mr.
J, J. Elliott is slightly improved in
BRuErs.—Mr. Wm, Anderson ba
moved in and taken charge of hie hard-
ware store, which he purchased from
Mr. N. B. Gerry, of Blyth. Mr. Ander-
son hes increased the stock in all lines.
We hope he will have success in his
business here.... Mr, George Smith has
moved to his farm on the 8th con. of
West Wawanoah. George will be mis-
sed in the village,... Messrs, Adam
Thompson and Max Wilson left for the
west last week. They will take up land
and make the Northwest their home
for the future. Here's luck to you boys!
Mr. Wm. Sproule lost a valuable Jersey
cow one day last week. He sustained
a similar lose a few months ago....A
couple of young than from Goderich
were in the village the other day with
a load of fish, variety suckers. They
disposed of a large number of them.,,.
Mr. J. S, Habkirk has returned to Blyth
after a couple of years residence here.
Joe was quite a favorite and his re-
moval is keenly felt by our young folk..
.One of our young bueineee men
takes a cold dip about twioe a week.
Cold baths are all right and help to
strengthen the nerves Mr. Wm.
Welsh, of Stratford, was in the village
for a few days last week.... Mr. and
Mre, ii, E. Munro, of Auburn, ware
Dungannon vi Miters nae day last week.
. A number of young people gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mre. G. E.
Smith one evening recently, to bid them
farewell, se Mr. and Mrs. Smith are
moving away from the village. During
the evening the young couple were
presented with a chair and farewell
address. Games and music were in-
dulged in and all report having a good
BREEZES. —Mies Eva Acheson is visit-
iinng with Buffalo friends.... Rev. Father
West is recovering from his recent
illness. His many friends here arelad
to learn that he is improving in health.
Miss Brock Mitchell is home from
Chicago for a aeason....Mtsss Grace
Smith has taken a position with Mr,
W, A, McKim as head milliner.... Miss
Edith McClymont has gone to Guelph,
where she will reside in future....
Mears. Hodgena Bros. have the con-
tract for furnishing the steamer Mani-
tou.... Mr. C. J. Harper has sold his
restaurant . to Mr. Thomas Pringle.,..
A few days ago Mr. B. J. Crawford, of
Dungannon, shipped through the Gode-
riah express office 82 cases of eggs,
coneigned to a firm in Port Arthur....
Messrs, Robert McLean and Robert
MaLean, jr,,,have returned from their
trip to Manitoba ....Mr. George A.
former resident of Goderich,
died at Watson,tiforkton, Aesiniboia, on March
12th. Deceased was a barrister and
had been practicing in Assiniboia for 20
years.... Only 128,000 bushels of grain
are left in tate elevator here..., Mr. Levi
Card hat sold his house and lot to Mr.
George Green for $1000.... The proba-
bilitioe are that the now Grand Trunk
station in Goderich will not be open till
near the sad of April, as the front will
ill be platformed before the doors are
opened for business. —There is a rumor
that a well-known oitisen is going foto
the hen business ea a scaledarge enough
to make it profitable, and that he will
pay particular attention to the fatteningg
department of that line, with a view.af
supplying the home market with goad
fat chickens. The gentleman has struck
the right trail, and keeping to it will
soon be in one of the most profitable
lines of business on this continent,
Commit. Mgsrriee.—Council met in
the Township hall on March 18th, all
the members were present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and adopted,
The following accounts were passed:
David Weldon, ahuvelling snow, 82.50;
John Sands, road work, el; James
Adams, repairing bridge, $2, painting
poste, $l; Andrew Bennett, breaking
road, $8; Goderich Signal, printing re -
porta, $14 ; Dr, Hunter, attendance on
George Little, $2; expenses with arbi-
tration reschool section No. 5, Colborne,
and 11, Ashfield, $14.10; J. Brophey &
Son, funeral expenses of Georr, Little,
$8; Dr. Taylor, attendance to Mil-
Ilan'e family, ordered by the board of
health, $4; Goderich Star, printing,
$5.78; Municipal World, supplies, 17.20 ;
Jesse Gledhill, balance of account for
building abutments, $147; Wm. Collin-
son, road work, $4; J. A. Fowler, C.E.,
measuring abutments, B.M.B., 81; John
Barker, road work, $2.50; John Barker,
snowing bridge, $4.50; agents attending
at polling divisions voting on bylaw, $8.
John Bar'ker's account for putting tile
culvert et top of Dunlop's hill was
brought up. Moved by Mr. Jewell,
seconded by Mr. Robertson, that said
bill be not paid.—Carried. Wm. John
Allen, credit by $8, overcharge for road
breaking, A revolution from the mayor
of Goderich re the improvemeuc to the
harbor was pearled. The council will
meet again April 18th.
111111'S ART DAUM BM
Stock -taking is now over and we are
prepared to take Photos up-to-date in
every style at reduced rates for the
Next 30 Days
now to save by opening a
with the
$1 and Upwards received on deposit, and interest allowed
at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, compounded half -yearly.
Special rate on large time deposits:
Sgt'es.—Mr, A. C. Dames, who has
Nought live stock in this neighborhood
for many years, has secured a position
se buyer for Messrs. Whaley A Mc -
Denali, of Toronto. He will not re-
move from Brussels, but will fro to
Toronto every Monday and remain un-
til Friday ....Division court will be
held here on Friday of this week....
Mr. Richard Stevens, an old•time hoot -
black, has placed a chair in Mr. Wm.
Duncan's barber shop, where he will
shine shoes every Saturday night....
Mr. John Donaldson is levelliug up the
lawn et his residence and intends mak-
ing other improvements.... Mr. Neil S.
McLanchlin has accepted the agency
here for the Frost & Wood implements.
.The extensive repairs at Brussels
salt works are now about completed
end the manufacture of salt is once
more in operation..., We are' sorry to
state that Mr. John Ceuslev, er., is not
enjoying very vigorous health, but we
hope the opening up of spring will aid
in his restoration.... Mr, Robert frown-
ing, who recently underwent a medical
operation, is able to be about again and
attending to business, a cause of satis-
faction to his many friende....Rev. R.
Paul has been incommoded from getting
about for a few days by a return of
rheumatism in one of his knees but we
hope he will soon be clear of his ail -
meat ....
il-meat.... Quite a number of yonng peo-
ple accepted the invitation given thein
by Mr. and Mrs. It, Gerry to spend a
social evening at their residence on
Tuesday last. The amusements provid-
ed for their pleasure were varied and
appropriate. All preeent were wall
Owed with the hospitality accorded
them by their host and hottten. Suoh
events do much towards fostering a
stronger bond. of friendship among
the young people.... Messrs. Lockridge
Bros, have the woolen mill in running
order again. -
AGAIN AFN1OTItD,—Death has again
visited the dome of Mr. nod Mrs. Ed-
ward Harrison and taken their only
son, Lorne Qordou, a beautiful child
three years old. This second visitation
of death occurred on March Not, the
day following the burial of their infant
daughter. Pneumonia wan the cause
of both deaths. Mrs. Harrison and their
only remaining child have both been i11
with the same treacherous disease, but
we are pleased to say they are improv-
ing, Mr, Harristln only moved from
S;titford to his present home on the
Londeeboro road four weeks ago, and
hardly got settled when the heavy hand
ofaffliction visited him. Hie new ueigh-
hors were very kind and rendered every
possible assistance in his great afflic-
tion. For all this kindness and assist-
ance, Mr. Harrison desires through
Tun STANDARD to return his Wooers
and heartfelt gratitude.
evening of last week Mr. Samuel Apple-
by and a number of his neigithotegather-
ed at the saddened home of Mr. Edward
Herrison, to try and let in a slight ray
of sunshine to their bereaved hearts.
After expressions of regret had paved
from friends to rhe bereaved ones, Mr,
Edmund Crawford reed the followi,g
address, and Mr. Appleby, on behalf of
thew present, made the presaatation of
a puree of money Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward lierrison,— We have assembled
here this evening as strangers, but
as such we recognise the loss you
Lave suffered by the hand of death.
We sympathise with you in the loss
of your children and pray that God
will Mese you and youre, and when
your time comen you may ,;o hoeie to
those who have been called from this
world. David tells us "They will hot
Photos from 75c a dozen up, and we
case suit anyone in prices.
Enlargements at greatly reduced prices
in watercolors, sepi and crayon touee.
We also carry a full line of Photo
All work guaranteed,
return to yon." We _pray the God of
all grace, who is sufficient to sustain
you in this Borrow, may permit you to
accept this purse of money as a slight
token of our esteem towards you and
your family. Signed on behalf of the
neighbors and friends, Samuel Appleby,
Edmund Crawford and W. H. Farqu-
Toone.—Mr. Ephraim Ball hes moved
his family to Clinton, where they will
reside.... Mr. W. J. Miller has rented
a SO -acre grass lot on the 2nd concession
from Mr. W. Scanlon, of Clinton, This
makes Mr. Millet's farm consist of 200
acres, most of which is in pasture or
hay, Me makes a large number of
cattle reedy for the market during the
aeuon....Mr. Wm, Morrison has pur-
chased the Kyle property an the 7th
concession.... Wood bees are the order
of the day in Hallett.... Mr. James
Knox is recovering from a severe asci•
dent which happened sometime ago, it
being a very badly cut foot..,. Mr.
Robert Sprung, of Manitou, Manitoba,
has rented his farm in that section of
the country And hes returned to this
neighborhood with his wife, who has
been an invalid for a number of years,
and his daughter Fruncee to nand the
summer here. Mr. Sprung 'mends re-
turning to Manitoba with a carload of
eon, of Leskard, in visiting at tbe,hotne
of Mr. Andrew Tyerman at present....
Mr. John Cornell has purchased an•SI-
acre fartn from Mr. Wnt. Robinson, of
Goderich township Mime Anuie Jack -
mon has returned home from visiting
friend. at Harlock Mr. Walter ilur-
phy intends bittlding a fine brick house
the coning summer.
NOTES.—At the last meeting of Mc-
Killop council, held on Marc2.efdeb, the
drainage bylaw was finally ..adopted,
signed and sealed, ea their were no
appeals. Mr. Farncomiee's report on
the Dublin drain was read, and it will
be taken into consideration at s meeting
et the couucil to be held at Dublin on
April 22nd, so that the parties intewat-
ed will then have an opportunity to
withdraw their names or have them
added as they may desire Mr. David
Holmes has disposed of his line 75 -acro
farm, on the 18th ooacesaion, to Mears
Betts Bros,, of the same locality, and
received for it the handsome sum of
—The weather is once more mild and
—TRR ST IND ?.RD goes into the homes
end is read by the entire family. Au
horeesfnafew weeks. ... Mr. F.Hutch!. adv. in tts columns pays,
Carpoiand urtain
For the next 10 days we will sell "Lace' curtains and
Carpets at greatly reduced prices. This is a grand op-
portunity and it will pay you to drive mfleeto,get your
In the Millinery Department we
have the finest assortment ever
See the special value In the Dress Goode department.
,Inst received another lot of Hate and Cape for mon
and boys.
have some big snaps in
,,j l rT8 AND
• •8 •0E8
fel! to cnll when ,In the village, as It will mean a
saving of money .lf you need the goods.
D. M.McBEATH::x "'"
return to yon." We _pray the God of
all grace, who is sufficient to sustain
you in this Borrow, may permit you to
accept this purse of money as a slight
token of our esteem towards you and
your family. Signed on behalf of the
neighbors and friends, Samuel Appleby,
Edmund Crawford and W. H. Farqu-
Toone.—Mr. Ephraim Ball hes moved
his family to Clinton, where they will
reside.... Mr. W. J. Miller has rented
a SO -acre grass lot on the 2nd concession
from Mr. W. Scanlon, of Clinton, This
makes Mr. Millet's farm consist of 200
acres, most of which is in pasture or
hay, Me makes a large number of
cattle reedy for the market during the
aeuon....Mr. Wm, Morrison has pur-
chased the Kyle property an the 7th
concession.... Wood bees are the order
of the day in Hallett.... Mr. James
Knox is recovering from a severe asci•
dent which happened sometime ago, it
being a very badly cut foot..,. Mr.
Robert Sprung, of Manitou, Manitoba,
has rented his farm in that section of
the country And hes returned to this
neighborhood with his wife, who has
been an invalid for a number of years,
and his daughter Fruncee to nand the
summer here. Mr. Sprung 'mends re-
turning to Manitoba with a carload of
eon, of Leskard, in visiting at tbe,hotne
of Mr. Andrew Tyerman at present....
Mr. John Cornell has purchased an•SI-
acre fartn from Mr. Wnt. Robinson, of
Goderich township Mime Anuie Jack -
mon has returned home from visiting
friend. at Harlock Mr. Walter ilur-
phy intends bittlding a fine brick house
the coning summer.
NOTES.—At the last meeting of Mc-
Killop council, held on Marc2.efdeb, the
drainage bylaw was finally ..adopted,
signed and sealed, ea their were no
appeals. Mr. Farncomiee's report on
the Dublin drain was read, and it will
be taken into consideration at s meeting
et the couucil to be held at Dublin on
April 22nd, so that the parties intewat-
ed will then have an opportunity to
withdraw their names or have them
added as they may desire Mr. David
Holmes has disposed of his line 75 -acro
farm, on the 18th ooacesaion, to Mears
Betts Bros,, of the same locality, and
received for it the handsome sum of
—The weather is once more mild and
—TRR ST IND ?.RD goes into the homes
end is read by the entire family. Au
horeesfnafew weeks. ... Mr. F.Hutch!. adv. in tts columns pays,