HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 8CALL AT THE BLYTH STAR BAKERY and get some of those Fine Lemon 1li• cults, sold at 11 poundailor 2hc--they aro first-class. We have 00 hand some Fine Fresh Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Dates and Figs. ' '.ANNE)) FRUITS AND MEATS :wolfed Oats, \Vheet Gerais, Corniueal, Tobaccos, Teas or anything in the Grocery and t'nnfectionea,' line,. We never allow at,: ,''.ing to become stale, OV, sell quickly and replace with fresh ;eek. hall and see for yourself and :.a will find our stock up -t o -dente. Butter and Eggs taken In ex• change for goods. R, R. DOUGLAS BLYTH CLINTON. Toors,—Mr. J. 11. Hoover and Dr. Ball have formed a parthership to eery Ithe marble business of the former. tey have since purrbased the furniture goose of Menlo. Rowe & Holloway ped wilt run it In commotion with their marble business....There are 89 inmates is the houce of rehlge'at previa. This 1e the largest number that was ever ,paembled in that institution et one tiine...,Mr. Samuel Cassels is laid up with blood poisoning in his right hand, .lir. Israel 'Taylor, formerly of Clinton, has been given charge of the office work of Messrs, Wellwood & Co„ a largo Arm in Toronto, Mies Nettie Stevens, daughter of Mr. James Stevens, alsogoee to Toronto with him.... Work on the new post office building is heiug rapidly pushed forward eines the fine weather set in.,..Mr. J. W. Jones, who has been on the sick list for two Months, is now able to walk out,,.. Clinton checker players beat Brucefield checker players by a score of 14 to 8. ,.Mr. 1V. S. Lawrence has gone to Ottawa, where he will be manager of the Ottawa branch of the Ballantyne Dairy Supply Co.... Mr. Henry Beacom, of Goderich township, is moving into town and will make his abode with hie Aker, 'Margaret, We welcone him, and trust he will find tunny pleasant days in our midst. p,lrchast $ the fartr, formerly owned uy Mr. Craneton....For some two or three weeks pant it has been bruited that Rev. R. 1'airbairn, who about a year ago re- slgued his charge as easter of Erokine church here and left for mission stat - tion in Algoma, had deceased. We presume the report is incorrect, 8e WO hare not 00011 a Reties of it in the press. ....Mr. J. H. Gay ie disposing of his property in the village, consisting of two large dwelling Itonses and a store. Mr, Gay will soon move to Assiniboie and recede there for the future.... Mrs. John Y oong, of Luclmow, called on Dungannon friends one day last week. ,The weather at present 16 delight- ful Keil springlike but the roads are in poor condition and business is very dull in consequence. DUNGANNON. Jorrlt0e.—Mr. Roy Little hes left Dungannon for the Soo. He will visit Iriende in Toronto ea route The 7unganeon lodge of the Royal Temp- ers of Temperance met on friday even- ing, when a number of new members were enrolled Mr. R. Durnin is hway to Manitoba with a car load of orses. Mr. A, West accompanied him o look after the stock Mrs. T. W. Itt1e and sou, Mr, W. B. Little, epent set week with LUcknow friends.... r. Thomas Smiley leas gone to take charge of a saw mill near W ingham.... Mr. Jesse Mountain has sold the Queen's Motel to kir. David Crawford, of Hul- . itt, who will take possession on May I.t....Mr, John Smith bad the misfor- tt ne to fall down the stairs one day re- cently. When he came to, he found he had got badly hurt and managed to get to a neighbor's for assietenc.e.,..Vire hope he will soon recover frorp his in- urfes....Mr, W. A. Wilson, assessor of West Wawanosh, paid tbi6 village Ms yearly visit. He reports meeting several tough customers on his rounds. ..Mr. George ..totbers has sold his 6Q -acre farm to Mr. Joseph Cranston for the neat sum of $80011. Mr. Stothers has rented a house near the village for the euminer. Mr. Win. Matthews has BELORAVE, ITEM8.--'Mlae Lillie Scendrett, who was the guest of London friend% for the past month, has returned home.... Mors, Stalker was visiting in Auburn last week.... Mr. and Mrs. D. Sproat spent a couple of days recently visiting with Atwood friel:de.,... Mr. Daniel Fraser, who has been working at the Soo for sometime, has returned home. ....There passed away at her hopte on the sth inst. all that was mortal of Mrs. Wm. BenIlough. The deceased had been suffering from cancer in her face for a number of years. The dread disease proved too rnuoh for her ad- vanced ,years, she having reached her 85th year. She was a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist church and a truly Christian woman. She leaves an aged husband end a _grown up family to mourn her loss. We extend our heart- felt sympathy to the bereaved,... Mr. John Armstrong now wears a broad smile. It is a girl.... We are sorry to state that Mrs, Vanlortnan is under the doctor's care. We hope to soon hear of her recovery...31ra. R. Ster- ling, who has been spending the past three menthe visiting her parents, Mr. ani Mre. Wm, Geddes fir., Ilea return- ed to her home in the weet.... Mrs. Stewart McGee, who has been visi.iug friends in this vicinity, hoe returned to her home in Owen Sound.... Rev. J. J. gastie paid a recent visit to Toronto... r, Garner Nicholson entertained a few of his young friends on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The afternoon wee spent in target shooting, bud in the evening 011 oyster supper was served. A good time is reported. .•• Mrs. James Wightmap, sr., is spend- ing a short time at the home of Mr. Robert Wightman, yieiting her mother, who is Lying in a very low state of health.... Mr, John Fells received a kick from a horse the other day, which, though not serious, will be very sore for a time Mr. and Mrs, Robert Armstrong have returned to their home in South Dakota, After spending& very pleaseut winter with [deride in this viciuity....Mr. Howard Wightman is BLYTH LIVERY and SRLE STRnLEB Q SO QQ QS • Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR, •osQsss First-class Horses and Rigs for biro at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com, loercial Travellers and others reghiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KiNG AHD QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, WEAK BAC �K GTyE STkEnjTNT0e .tae rucTitnat n 05 ,TJf, tRICN ttif D, OOD Olay t t CONSTI TUTION Ur1JfG.)itt1 tlttdonb41 Ant i4 Bost ITAIN.� AMt'RIG 011 iiruQQl5i'5 b Caen ice, u Main Canada: 81.00; Sic bottle for Si.00 e • Women and men who suffer from weak back or pain in the lumbar region should take ST. JAMES WA- FERS, which possess remarkable cura- tive iufiuence on functional derange- ments of the kidneys, and exert special tonic action on the whole urinary system. ST, JAMES \VAFERs cure bladder troubles and pains of micturition, helping the flow of urine and clear- ing it from any sediment, ST. JAMES WAFERS are also a potent sexual strengthener. Sr. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "The value or Bt. Jame. Wafers cannot be overeatimatet In the most obstinate&easeso �C1dn , and urinary troubles they haw. tendered me remarkable paces. ses." Dr. Charles N. rowell, Fitagetald, Scotland. 511a was f0'ajtrr drtnat a meet r. lite augcrou., dots ,Y ri. vnd;ug Item 00 diel,'aalirnt, me m,ul t/ e f 'retina upon mutat. Where de^1er, ere not rellingthe Wafcra lh-y are maned upon re. :Int of bre, et the Canadian branch : at. James Wirers Ce., 1701 St. Catherine St., NeelMe , r slowly recovering from the very serious accident which he met with, by a limb of a tree falling on his head, while engaged in cutting wood in the bush of Mr. Wm. Geddea....Mr, Wm. Ben- gotlgh, who has been confined to his bed for the past few months, is, we are sorry to say, not much improved. OODERICN. BRIEFS.—Tlte big silver leafed poplar that has stood go long at the west end of the Park (louse was chopped down last week ....Big improvements to the Central school are under contemplation by the school board Mrs. Wm, Campbell died on Tueeday of last week, after a lone illness. She leaves a hus- band, one son and eight daeghtere to mourn the loss of a fond wife and loving lnother,,..Before leaving the Clinton collegiate institute to assume her duties on the staff of the Goderich collegiate institute, Miss Parlee was presented by the pupils of the former school with a kindly worded address and a sot of Dickens' work, 17 volumes, on Judie, paper, illustrated and hand. comely bound in leather.... Mr. Alex. Munro is on the sick Iiet....Many of our fair resideute are already appearing in spring costumes. Rather early, we think Mr. Thomas Shannon wee taken to the London asylum on Thurs- day.... Mr. Jacob Mosier, of Colborne, ham purchased the lot and buildings on the corner of Trafalgar and Victoria etreets for $600.... Constable Phalen has purchased the dwelling next to the colle- giate iustitute....There was a hop in the Harmony club rooms on Friday evening. This will probably be the last of the season, as the chill intend closing the rooms at the and of the present month, Mr, Thomas Finn had a largo growth on hie phoultlar removed by Dr. Whitely the other day, and refused to take any drug while undergoing the operation.... Mr. Edward Sharman died suddenly on Thursday morning, He had not been very well for sometime; heart failure was the cause of death.... The salary of Mr. W. L. Horton, town treasurer, has been increased to $51O, ....Mr. Charles Crabb left last week for Los Angeles, California, on a trip for the benefit of his health.. —Mr. Charles C. Lee has been awardei the coutract for the plumbing in connection with the new postoAice at Clinton. Mr. Lee also has the contract for some addi- tions to the plumbing in the Goderich postoffice building, Seeds! Seeds! Spring is with ue and we have provided our. selves with a largo supply of all kinds of Seeds— farm and vegetable. See our Rome -grown Timothy and Clover Seed—not Americsn seed. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. As usual our C rooery Shelves are full of nice fresh, crisp goods which we are sell- ing at marvellonely low prices. Look at our choice Layer Raisins, 3 lbs, for 2bc. 4 lbs. Currants for 25o, No, 1 Cheese 14c per lb. The housewife will want a new Whitewash Brush—we have them all prices to suit everybody. See aur new brand of Japan Tea. highest market cash price for Butter and Eggs, Potatoes wanted. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK Bring In Your Pictures. Special attention it paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in stook a laree assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from Se per foot up to 25c por foot. Our artist will select Frames that trill harmonize with your picturee, We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooks, Wire, Glees, Etc, J. H. CHELLEW --BLYTH WALTON. Satre.—Sleighing is a thing of the past for this season, but there is consid- erable snow yet on some parts of the roads.... Miss Mary McCuaigwas the guest of Brucefield and Varna friends for two weeks ....The annual meetiug of the Welton Union Cheese & Butter Co. will be held at McKim's hotel on Friday afternoon, March 27th, commen• Bing at two o'clock The directors of the Walton public library intend adding a large nutnher of new books to the supply already on hand. -„Miss Bella McOi11, of Blyth, was a visitor with Walton friends for a couple of days last week ....Mr. L. McDonald started to cut the season's loge and headings at the saw mill last v+eek, ... . Mr. John T. Dennison has leased his fine 180 -acre farm, con. 14, McKillop, to Messrs. Edward and Alfred Dennison for a term of years. He will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on Tuesddey, 24th inst. Mr. Den- nison and family will likely remove to Stratford where they will reside.... Miss Flora Campbell, who has been ill for the past three months, hail gone to the London hospital, where she will undergo an operatiou on one of her knees. We hope she will speedily rd - gain her usual good health.—Owing to the want of interest in the conducting of a cheese factory in this locality the directors decided to sell out. The building was purchased by Messrs, Thomas McFadzean, jr., and Alex. Murray for $200; the engine, boiler, eta, by Mr. L. McDonald for CIO; and the drive house where the milk wee re- ceived by Mr. W. H, Sholdice for 85. There is still aortae of the machinery to dispose of. The factory was not oper- ated last season as Numerous former -patrons have gone into stock instead of dairying. 1t was thought that a cream- ery would have been established but there appeared to be objections that dissuader) the proposed promoters.... Dr. Waghorn is not so well at present fie, his many friends would wish him to be....Mr. J. R. Hamilton, district mas- ter, and Mr, Duncan Johnston, master of Welton lodge, were in atter/datum at the Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario Welt at Wingham last week. Meters, John and Fred Scarlett, of Leadbury, also attended. MORRIS. WAIFS—Mr. James Duncan hate re- turned from Lindsay, where he attend- ed the sickbed and funeral of hie mother, Mrs. Gray, who died on March 7th, aged 80 years. Mr. Duncan arrived at Lindsay just two hours before his mother died. Mrs. J. Davis is still at Lindsay, having gone there before Mr. Duncan 'lfr. Richard Cardiff has moved from the 4th line to hie newly purchased 100 -acres on the 6th con, of Grey, formerly owned by Mr. Joseph H, Bowman, While sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff front Morris we are glad they are located so near by ....Mrs. Parker has returned home from her visit with Bohnere friends...Rev. J. E. Hun- ter, of Trowbridge, who. is only nicely recoveriug from an attack of la grippe, is here on a short visit with relatives. He is a hard worker, some think too touch so for his lhysical vigor Mr. Alex. Roses!' is home on a visit from Saginew, Michigan ....Harold, the little son of Mr. David Agar, died on Wed- nesday of Met week, aged 11 months and eight days, ...The roads are in very bad ehape in some places. especially the gravel roads and sideroads.... Mr. Roy Jackson talks of geeing the prairie erne. ince this spring, bowing on one of the early excursions. He has beau out be- fore so knows the road.... Mrs. George Smith is now nicely settled in the house that was recently moved to her farm. FOR C000 HEALTH 11, To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tubules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by all 9ofte of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need, Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pare blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S %t K K G' K KDeK I(r,K K $, DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Detroit, Bank Security. Nine out of every ten moo have been guilty of transgression aaggainst Calera in their youth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young, thoughtless or 1 norast be may be• The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The only escape from its ruinous results b proper scientific treatment to couoteracelts effects. The DRAINS, either by nightly 1oe1e0, or se,.retly through the urine, must be stopped—the NERVES must be built up and Invigorated, the blood must Imperilled, the SEXUAL, ORGANS most be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the bleed purified so that all pimptee, blotches and ulcers disappear, the a become strong *sateen, so that nervosa. nese, baehfatuess and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical aad sexual e s• terve are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. The The various or.ane become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to call and consult es confidentially and tree of charge. Cares G teed or as Pay. We treat aad care: Varicocele, blood Dissaas., Strlsture, Oiset. Emission. Urinary Dratae a srmatorrhome, (Janata.ran Dl.eharg¢es ificine ■ad'gladder Ol CONSULTATION FREE. HOARD FRHE, If unable 10 calf, write for a QUESTIOR BLANK for Boole Treatm ut. DRS. KENNEDY a, KERGAN, 14S SHELBY ST., DETROIT. MICR. K KtkiiK1:K K& Ki i -t K fK 1 .,Mr. Samuel Burke, who recently held an auction Bale, will move shortly from the 5th line to the vicinity of Jamestown, where he will again farm. He will bereatly missed on the 5th line, especially by the school board, as Mr. Burke has taken quite an interest in edncational affairs and matters per- taining to schools in general. How- ever, what is loss to this section will be a gam to the next one that has his help. .,Mr. Fred Nichol had the misfor- tune to have the tip of the first finger on his right band taken off a short time ago in a straw cutter, He ie making factorable progress .... The Hislop farm on the 7th line.hae been purchased by I11r, Richard B. Bewley, rand -son of Mr. Alex. Hislop. The price paid was 81000.... A few more farms are likely to change hands before spring plowing begins.... Messrs- Pugh & Heaney, of Bluevale, have the contract for Mr. Colin A. Campbell's new house. —A 1 'ertise fu TIE STANPAitn. --Grain shippers have been notified of an advance by the Grand Trunk rlti way on expert rates of grain shipped via Montreal, W take effect !hitch 11111. On oats the advance is two to three cents per 100 pounds. —Ex -Warden Cole save that Esser county will expend 8211,000, granted by the Ontario government, for the im- provement of the county roads. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATE,NTS TRADE MARas Downs COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n e1 oteb and description may enlekl0 ucertele our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communte . tion, strictly confidential. 11x6411008 on Patent/ sent free. Oldest agency for securing lAtente. P01011s taken ti,rauah Munn it Co.receive twee notice, without charge, lu the %cientitle Nmerican. A hardenmoly 111,etr,ted weedy. Largest elf. Culatten of soy rnleutldn ]mlrng; Term, S5 a fir, Mur mont.,o, 11. Sold by eh nceelatlern, fir ° r86ZaW:lNew rirk