HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 7"4 Free Sample Packet"
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TW 1 the Pare stands d eleran her atm fetch till, opr( nu lel o not er mpedl-totes op tbotlack
114 gmmer, does out to, owe 10, ig t winter regular,, Its owe 1,.11 •'on all the time. R
oprIshta In one piece sten 1 a 00.1in of Frit P.m!, ('oo,mnn mor u do aptly at pooh bar break et "1,
peende. Pogoyoes, ern aments1 fen pnn!irrnutt1ne, nrp stand:,rt the wtt riri over.
Therms Wire Pence 00., Limited, Walkervtne, Ont- Bt. John, N.B. Montreal, P.Q. 12
Sunday Scilool.
INT1':IINA'TIONA1, 111'?sSO'k NO. N11
MAU 'Jl Ile, JuO;3,
l'enl'i Message to the F-phnsiens. 1Snin ":I 10
Cammlxltary.-Explanatory. "This
epistle WlL0 written to contain and
strengthen the believers In tlo' faith
Wid hope of the Goopnl, nod to give
them some most important teaching
Wt the deepest and sublimes( truths
of the Christian retigl0u.' IL nmhabin
Many people Novo the Imprenstun
that they can grow large pumpkin;
from the toed of small pumpkins,
govt( wheat from the seed of poor
.wheat, large potatoes by planting
small potatoes. This Is a grave mis-
take. You cannot grow the bent veg-
etables or flowers from 1111see.( of
r v'egntablen fuel flowers. 'nth
est fertilize(( soil, :ho most care-
ful attention, the most fnvorahl4
season will /tot make up for the lack ,
of eubattutce and breeding 1n the ,
send pl'4.ntt(1. The bent planters boo'
stow greatest attention In the pur-
chase of their 1.1ee1, 31x11 will illy ,
only from tellable growers and deal -
ors. The best is none too goo 1, he- i
061180 an umprefitable 114'.11101 114 41
0eas(rn gone forever, nor can the ml.; -
take bo rectified :whin the season
is holt gone. Moreover, the (lost of
good seed Is a mere bagatelle In the
total cost of production. turd yet
goad aced usually CON 14 Just a trifle,
more than poor HOPI1.
Tl1 I10111h'n' Fled 111111111(440 of To-
ronto, their reputation, their suc-
eeot depends upon the most thorough
' syetetil 0f (4411141 ig. \o trouble is too
)teovy, no exprinso 100 great 10 se-
cure the best. 1':1er44 hit(;( it; thole
with Canadian 'thOrouglnleI0.
of two general divis1011s 'nit' Mot
three clmptara are doctrinal, lh' Imo.
lbre0 are procural.
1. The children of wrath (vs. 1-3). 1.
Adel you -As Christ fills the whole
body of Christian believers with (lis
fumes» (chap 1 :::)1, so had 1It, dealt
with the et/everted Epheeiu4ns, who
before were dead In trespasses and
Olen. (,}ulektmed-Sl:de alive 4 4irlu-
ally. Gene( -e,, Cul. !1. 13, Death i:4
ofl4(74 used by all writers find In nil
nations to express n elate of extreme
miscry, The l'lphe/Mom by trespassing
a'ml shining hail brought themselves
undo 4t state of deplora.[Ie wretched -
nogg, WS hnd all tl4e heathen nations,
Land having thus sinned against God
they were condemned by 111nt and
might be considered an "dead in 10.14-"
2. To Availed -They had sinned 0on-
tinually, not merely 0eeasloually.
They liv(st In slo 14141 followed ihn
evil prac,ises of the heathen world,
True Ctu'ierttans s4pnrat'I themselves
from IIo world (Rom. xii. 11. Cor,
Vl. 14,181 ford do not conform to its
sinful customs and practises. Prince
..air-TJt10 has reference 10 Satan,
the prltIco of devils, 110 le t4iso tate
god of thin world" (II. Cor. 41v. 41.
'The air Is represented as the scat
of his kingdom. The devil O'eanl to
have some power in the lower region
of the air ; lie is at hand to tempt
meet and to dr, as much mischief to
the world ns bt 01111.
Ii. 1V0 also -Paul herr ah0rtge0 from
Oho wooed to 1111 first person, put-
ting lUm if in with flies,. whom lie
1(1114 just described(. All -Jews and
gentiles alike. Once lived -The R. V.
brings out the meaning. The word
"conversation'. 144 mioLmding. The
whole (0urtwe of till, 11(0 was
wrong. Loots -"Tho evil, irregular
081 corrupt effe.tiOlVi or the lieu rt."
--Clarke. PI(tsh-Tho carnal, eor-
rupt nature, fulfiliing, etc. -They
111011 to 1,11e aoturai (onutlls:don or rill
those stns 111 1W011 11111 r 001'1'41)1 n
tomo Inclined them to commit. Mimi
Tltougltle; mental nuggettM/1s and
pnrp01os as dlslineuIsltavl from 11e
blind Impulses of flee flesh -J.,
& B. By (1atlrro -Nature, in Greek,
Implies that which has grown In 1:0
a6 the peculiarity of oar tieing, ns
'1i siinglIl(llo t from 1114't wine!' Ins
Icoa 0towght on 1144 by mere 0v1e1'-
1141 1 1 11 11 roe meed.
11. 8alvatirm an act of divine
nlorey (va. 4=)h.
"u, 5. I14t (io,i-TIh" apostle now
shoe's the gip/Otos elmlig0 113111 hod
(01431 w1'cvngh1 131 11('11 through (he
gospel. Thur wools are Helm -nail)
tuella eire:-uo 1, 11'0:11, goy e ill h
to uiettey--Got is Melt in many thlnit11
Insides merry ; He is Melt In w•urtdn ;
Ito OW BP tho gold and silver In a
lhotk440ud Itdtla, as Well no the cnttlo
on then/. But while a knowltrige of
Oxon riches is not neie1sary to our
c-.elk:Allen, It Is nismetn1 ;4 the Ave
know &front 1111 rlcluhe14 of Ills
1a•tey. lirv1t lot e-fli i infinite love
for on Is the gron!I 1 of o0,' 1411!vntl0)1
Il, lo1(1! 14.44 21111 Weil far 1tµ vvh-1(
114 WO'„ yet 0:unera. '1'ur112.er with
t'dit'lst-lot Ibis 4:91011 nN 110 cum-
p!eto r 111001 Ion (('01 -the death
(71 11114 to it life of Vigil 1,110111111(44S cel+
1,110 holy of 1.21,inst luta had from
t h gee ye
41, ruhvea...sit-13'1101'014 /I 1110 oltl-
Ann of Hewett 41111 ha1c 110!1" Jl;nc'en
'4144X 1101 thort', WIvch Choy W114 003114
tato nose t$!on of (('1111. 111., _ 1 ).
lint 110d 0111.4 lo, understood as r4-
boe/111g to Bnm+tlfied (osi): in this
life. IIaving been raised from the
death of el 11, 1vc rater roto It Ilea-
1cn1y union Av(114 ('(tots!, and the soul
10 I31dcscelbably happy to h!e love.
!t io 110aven eclow,
7.0. Agen to sono), etc, - 11 -hat
God had cone for the 471l111ers at
Ephesus %multi be proof of His
great g001110 44 and mercy and
servo as an encourugeluent to shi-
ners In cell ages of the world.
Through filth-pnith Is, 1. The
cnn4lltion upon which we are saved.
The Instrument In hod's ha min
111 which w'1 are 80 V01. 3. Pb'e
means b,1 w1(i141: we continue Rav-
ed. (lift—Thr)t la, salvat!on is 1Ili,
free gift of Omni.
111. The Christ ion lite It 1114,111)'
('reatl011(v, 10). 10. 11(;14 worknm(113th)
WOBTH rex W►c►uliT IN GOLI)
St. Jacobs Oil is a physician's
formula. established fifty years; the
pain soothing virtues aro 1(0 evenly
billnucud ne to 14141 MI cam's Wien,
pain (x(4411(, and where au cods':Ord
implication is generally applied. St.
Jacobs Oil I» truly worth its weight
In gold, even for (11' cure of nerve
P,1 1118 (end pretty well all 'swill)-
pnin» proceeding from 111' nerves).
It Illustrates how wou111'rfu11y the
esseatlni elements are culabhted; 1111
marvelous penetrating power enables
it to seek 0n't tiro painful spot 111
the sciatic nerve, d1'ply emlxd,led,
as well ax the face and 111'11111 nerve44,
It sores 111 urn g,nitlysoil surely,
and after tha application. if the nose
of the bottle Is hell to p.ttlent;
nostrils, for, say, ton Minutes, they
will Gall off into tt restful, pea7c-
ful sleep. There is 110 other rem-
edy. In the w'prld that will do so
11111011, uud do it so quietly and ef-
fectively an St. Jacobs Mi. Every
family should 1111.111 0 bottle Mindy
1)y them In the house. It acts Ilkc
magic, It always conquers pain. ,
I1'"teitlof our being the woronro
tied 144 Me worker and we are tine
workmanship -the fact 1111c0111p1i0h-
1,1." Creatnl-'rile saved noel 11(
created 11.11(!11"-a new ((('ration.
Thought,: -The. children of wrath
-1, They Our spiritually ,Lead t1.
1), T1l111, only life 144 a life of sin.
They lows no conception of a high-
er l(fe. Sin (Irk benumbe, then par-
alyzen, 11.nc1 finally slays our spir-
itual sensibilities. 2. They are tin -
de)' th'e spell of an unseen e.;
Prower (1. 2) They are captives 04
Natan, 3 They fur prompts( to sin
by the Insllnete of a depraver( na-
ture (v. 3). .I. They are exposed to
lxrmsleln Wait i on.
Tlho 011n11111 1(4((0 by the 13ospel
-1. Gott has quickened no 2. Raised
11s. 3. Slade ns sit with' Gimlet. This
eh:wgel in tlnvntgh the mercy and
novo of owl, It 11( wroughlt In the
soul by faith' (Rom. 1, 1.)11 but faith
cannot be exercised until all sin leas
Why do we wear
GranbyRu.bbers Overshoes
Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis-
faction than any others. The people sav they fit better,
look better, wear better.—Because thev are honestly
made out of pure new rubber.
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron."
bean renounced. Wlten we forsake'
our sine ern w1111 he saver( from
our nine. Salvation 11np(i144 (11 de-
liverance. 42) preservation, id) re.
(loud wb)rks.-'1.}l1err+ in a 8(04(/1 1n,
41)11011 gots( works arc 1ecesl4ary to
salvation. 11'e are not Not,. by
good wld'kn, but created unto good
1'RA('Tl('Ai. NUltV1:Y,
Our 0oatllton by nature. Dead 114
t'etsindeees and 1(13114. Nut only disease,1
but dead; that 14, spiritual death
reigns throughout 111'31 011t10 moral
nttturl. Ho Is totally depraved and
dovold of all spiritual life. Throe Is
110 WO in 111111. 'LY, 1111 114 to !lateral
nt'1Nn memo 41 8rllara.tlou of soul
and tasty,
M w'0
0I1 1,1 11441x0. 1l ROM( 11(, re-
u1en114'red 1 hat 41171 i+ ril'h in inure
only through his Ston Acsu11 Cads(.
'rlicy Who I'IJe'ut the One who sirs(
bis 1110,1 for men that they 'eight
hove/ 111' noeit former remain drvld,
(or 1110 WO in in the blood. Mercy
111 urn;,! riled favor, It rioter solely
out of the benevolence of God, Cnn-
srqueotly too good work or even rani-
Uplielty of good %welts 0:31) rend+),
any man worthy of the mercy of
.lbucdonl mercy. (iol Is rieh in
mercy. This wonderful 1a.:W n:la
should encoar 1141 the sinner. Om,
lieu sail, "The earth in 1110 Lord',4
and the fuloeav thereof. They 0e11
3131 that Otero are tw'ent,1--ih-e mll-
Iloilo of Duns with worlds revolving
nrtmnlTthem, and yet it iv not said
that. God t rich in Wnr1L+, but it I;{
1,111 (MIL IIo i.1( rich In oris(."
The (04414)')' of mercy. It rl( ielr"us
(131 'dead.' Mon 1:, utterly- loot, but
throb:Oh mercy 110 111.1(' Ise 441117141.
Mercy knows 110 herd ra 4l'll and all
it! auks: In a ch•.h.ncq through rrpenL-
;luno and faith on the part of the
Tho perpetuity of nler('y. "That In
t ei ages to o0utn he might .show the
exceeding rielte( of 11144 grace." 04(1 -
lotion' is not like a sprint rifle ball
which weakens 1t fort», nerurdin!4 to
1hn (btanen it had covin(. It. Is
Just. 111 strong' to quicken men from
the (lend In this age ad it was in
the beginning. God 1', an ever pre.
Sen1 help, and it thousand years is
t''4 a 11:4;- to him. Willi him lo no var-
iableness, neither shallow of tn'nittg.
Tel': Touov'ro NI>1tS S:11•,'4:
'' Thr, 52:1141(-I(arris company not
0111,0 or'rupieli n foromost place among
I'onadiuu manufacturing hooses, tut
ihn amount of capital lure,nted In the
buobtese, the number of men which It
employs, and lin cult 0pc111141eals, eu-
1111e It to a pinto 1u110u4 the great
industrial concerns of the continent.
Outside of the 1'ulted States, where
Ih17 high tariff make,/ 11 prnntleltlly
i14mottni1710 for a foreign company to
do business, the 7ln11sey-li41rris bind-
ers nn,l inewe n are known and ap-
preciated wherever agriculture is
',eyrie,' on older modern eonditlonn.
The Contently has had, mud has yet,
many keen rivals, 1111) for 1110 trade
of the Dominion, and it is cntire17'
owing to Oho merits of the imple-
ments which it 1(1,(444 out that it has
Men 111111' to 1011111 up the world-wide
trade which it now 1(011aesse8. The
heads of the. Company are among
the most cxperleucld and enterpris-
ing busine7s 111E111 In 111,1 I/0111111 1011,
and the tellt1011SH which 11718 1111 (11111011
It 01'011 since its estuhlisho1ent ie, no
doubt, largely owing to the fact
111111 they have always [writ on the
alert for improvements, and Imre
never rented satisfied with' their
agricultural )nteldec one mutter how
well they might work, while there
remninrd any chaucc of Increasing
their eifieleney. Thus, Who rem11ub1r
I. 110 old faetur7' I4 which I 11 ('01n -
puny conducted its bushmss 1413' t1
nutnber of y(nr0, hn1-ti only to look
at 111> [Ammons) work,si70ps of t o -day,
covering acre after acre of ground
on Xing street west, to realize the
muormOus development of thls bust -
(((s44. But, besides the Toronto fac-
tory, Otero is one In Brentford n0
welt, and the two employ nearly
twenty -dive hundred then. It 1141) ire
readily seen Hutt the output of so
much 14)101' mint 111 cuoruuaoo, l'spra-
111.11,1 ,'11011 the fact is taken Into con-
sideration that the noohinery 117(11
It the manufactory- is of the very
ltlghonl grade, and that Iver} time-
saving and la nor-Navin/A' invention
wh1011 1151117 to cheapen or hasten
produetiou is employed, In Austr11114
:And youth Africa the Massey -(lord(,
binders me nearly- as well known an
In l'Inmdn, nod 1114 annw11 increase
in the trade with 1111171' 110)011(0(
shown eoo(1lrts!le1y that: they are
making) their lea) Into general f0vor.
The 31a0eey-Ilarrlo inoilements Imre
played no incoo11idernb10 part hl
building up \Ianllol+a mut the' \m'th-
wtxst, and have done magnificent 0e11-
1)00 out there In lightening' the labor
of the+ pioneer 111111 softening the
hardship 1'112(14 must necessarily is,
feared by those taking' up homes In
a new and unsettled country."
Economies 111 1 he Church 0!' Engin nil
From the Guardian;
"Exchange (London proferred)- .t
elibrming L,c'neflen In tllc West. In-
come, Mho commuted at £301, with
glebe E60 On hand) 170 (on lease)
and 110(100. The honwl contains 20
rooms, beeidrs kitrlell, tlniry, bake-
house, s1or0 11001110, etc., and stands
In twenty acre; of beautifully tim-
bered park land; three kitchen gar-
dens and orcihrtrd. stabling for fool'
or five liorset, large hare, plgg„gins,
etc. Incumbent is Lord of the Man-
or. Population, 400. Church modern
nerd pretty. Chnrcll rehnnle. Gond
Society. RxeeRent shooting may 110
had S111t'tble 01(1,11 for man of means.
No agents. Apply, ((14
T11144 advertisement 4n nn excellent
example of the condition of the
Cburch of England In the, rural dis-
tricts i3014' 1v1' Have the attrac-
tions of the living net fortis down to
the piggeries, the garden, the sta-
bling and the timber. Tho good so-
ciety, the sheeting and 1110 lordship
of the mthhor all go to show that
the -100 souls can 01124, (0( shupllerd-
ekl blv a 'men of m:xtn4i” Tho rare!
S !
Yields 10 lions
fir etn Foralrc per
11400, Magi to 4 or 4
tons "Aso cured ley dry
hay. Prospers lb bor•
rpn soils and produces
woodrnne 01040 is (0001
land. The enrlLxteroI
for cutting groes svit
Loose of. 840 it in April
In rrody to rut 11, .inly.
Dxowl growth ,arid.
teat. Row 0.5 ih.,per
sere. l.b. 20,,., 10 lbs.
+1.70, poopaid.
a lbs. 52.110. Chagx
100 lbs. 80.30. (4,)
)'ureht er pair, freiphe.
BUTTER 111ANS Oland Vas. N0gra. doueompletemit hunt lhem.S11..rPr.,11, •ZG
GARDEN BEETS Eclhsr n,mud, extra
0'(1401). A grist fa\o:iw. lib, 1)1,,
tib. %e, n. ,........ �O
GARDEN CARROT -Intermediate Red -
Stump rate:). Ah-a,ye In drmn„d. Sero
r.ud rnnnhlo, h'.^h 0ea1!1y. I,b. 70',, •10
in. 2tr. or
GARDEN 1081 Peru's Sulor-Cody,
sleet! soil t )e. C:rt r.)t,for tutl1
use. 6l aPUe, 1, .ZU
Unyuer.rlenehly the
most Prof If obi/. Root for
Stork I-erdlnp.-Oot-
ylohii,:g the famous Maw
tooth nal Mang, l In weight
per one. tldnahle ,11 ,
for pr,du„ilg milk or a a
Oeah Vivito, . HandselS,
pert, ,Hnoodroots ofpink-
trh ,. I,n,. 1.01or, 100wtn1
Lig!, o .(cru:..,). Easy
t0 hoer,+t. Tho richest
Pound 30e.
0 Pounds 11.40.
Acid .1e. per round() tosnbd
67 41400.
Reefs SprIngWheat
In yield of Drain of
010.0 rip AC,ieW(orat
(tonne. In (10(44 a
Stator 11 (4 claimed to
glad 80 In 100 hush.
els of calor Lord than
Corn, bo4Llnn gieing 0.
mach a, 4 tm,o of good
hey tar aft, Shells is
tient ,iecril,ed 431 Wm'
binannu of sliest, 470
00,1 I:,cloy, and ter
fuedix,: purposes 14
031',,01 to other gloms.
:now 711 Its. per sere.
es,0 .a, 2 it hoc NM
ausbel Ido 440.151.00.
Il:,'lbo, rraprJrn; gr 10,u,11300;Bays M.)
ONION (I)1ne1, Stoll -Yellow Denvcra-T'ao
beeriest cropper known. &oat of extra
0110(41(, L IL.. 41,11, Ili. 41.20, 1 16 •35
ONION SE f r:; !tett, fnrute1, longe onions
early an wolf as flet mon 011one for r.
able 1411(. b ola. *1,1(0. 7 Als. 4311i, 01.....2.)
GARDEN PEAS -Early Market (iarden-
F.r0t,lb!e Inc (loollent Outlay. t Its. .25
RADISII-Sennet Turnip -1;00r A crest
/aorta rtith gnrJ4nors. 14( 0111 r, •p •' 0
sad tender. Lb. UO4., 1 lb i,r., o,;,..
INSENG tie ron furnish reed of 1101
' at the 40, 74ioe ,1,, *1 : --
V tends, lie; 1P neat, hoc: 70 need'', 41.50;
100 seed.,L'.IA 1(00.so Cultural DIN.:;ioag
are sept with uo. geol.
The nrondrst of ail
0wrden. Keeps 1111,
ser thse any of her
sort 1001 ;r.4 -„.':.r Iraq
rips 0 1114 1,,.r, . fury
hardy. lu. alar In 11,4
and g'n'at' to fho Eli,.
1,11011i. C.I.A. lirunz0
Creel, '11111, ie tbo 01001
pp;eel:+r owe a in roltl-
\ at"r. 110. ,nnatly 1(d'
noted l , di,oloo where
the laud Iles exposed, 1
lb. 1 1 I l ..,,e
d,1,1:;. pmmdV
vented 6y I(ai(,
clergy nee, p1 this ol 1411of things at 1117 04101 E.- VI '741'`1.17.
withunt :1 401441704, :ual +r1 1vomOr I An tonoit Illli10.lw; k,!7lcr is a
t'iutt (nen of rnrnestl,'ss rtot hr:lin' Ie.1t04, of 1•111,11n.--1o'I
:u')' dlrgt011ol with file 1011111,1 Si.n- IP”' 111, kna,v.o not 11111 l' is 1lc-
tem.-From 1 h ll-ostmin.,ler 0,171,1,4. 1'111111(. :in.t boon �' t4 of 14' ku ,wa
err i4 •,;r :1 ,11:31'^'1 eu.—.Ad;4ptrvi.
'Most Simple foul Painless 3lelhod 111
Dost toying Superfluous Bair.
Oxygenized wetter furnishes a sim-
ple, hr1rndes'0 and pn114es,; means of
getting rid of ouper(lnons hair. Thin
fact 31, (lrtlloi,, of Paris, discovered
by acoldellt. llavin44 rend that 11
would cause red swan lu 11,) lair to
disappear, Ito 110011 It for that pur-
pose ; the result was that he found
that it also destroyed the hair.
Moreover it Ices !wig been Irnolvn
that oxygenated water applied to
the hair ehange0 the color hao the
Venetian tint no much a.,huiltn4.
Isere is 11. GalleiK method, which
is extremely ;simple. Ile saturates a
pad of cotton with oxygenized valor
and /Applies It to the part which lie
wishes to deprive of hair, leaving
It there for several 11111111 LOS. 110 re-
news the application doily mail the
desired result Is 4hteined. Suppose,
for 1118tanco, 11 In Ola' heir 044 Oho
upper lip that is !t4 gnesjl(n. The
lour quickly loses Its color n ld be-
et/Men 1) 1)1440 colorless dow-:I, ab-
solutely' iutpetvleptlble. 1f the ap-
plication,: are couthnled the half be -
Amines ilttNotated, breaks off and din -
Tho method Is paiale044 end 11118 Ti()
111 result. The wily locunv4utOnce Is
1111 the late is (hot absolutely des-
tl'0)',e11. 411111 11(111 the application of
0xygcuizetl waive will have to be
recommended. 1tot, as for an women
no. concerned, the applications are
not cemplieatist; they merely coa-
sitwut4' nil addition to 1111' trainees
of the 1011et. There In only one px'e-
cauticnh to be taken. The oxygenized
water Intu4't not be allowed to 1(10114 -
ten any mita( to 1vhlch value, in at-
tached, 100 It destroys 111114 1101( nn
webnrn4s huh'.-Eur^peau d1-
well oafs 0
\1111 Ynrk 11'4-111(.
Quebec Bricklayer Quickly Cured
of Lurnhago
The man 111 ho puts cep 0:1111 im40us!-
Lion invite)/ it..-C00(uelue
N'ho suffers Montle,' 14
111113' is n 1110111 or n 1001.-: wlfl.
If you lvonl' t.'„440 • a nil ellief ex -
peso the nib:oleee'f olakel'.-hen hyro4.l
Oppiossissu 1011 11414ke a 111X6' Mil 11
Chola your finger before yon 1)0i41
!ie 1'sed i)odd's Milne( ('411+ mot in
Now Telling 111111'1, w11t11 Ole) 111(1
inn' Hint,
Qnelxo, Que., rt 11 IU.-(5pe'i:hl)
-L'o Hose 4(011;(1144 at items which
necessitate e xpu0ure to all kinds
01 weather and who are In ce08e-
quefto(' sahjcet to 1(11.1' eflsea01s as
Lumlingo, 1111011 e 11,1111 4111 pain In
Elie back, the story of Julio L'nll,
bricklayer, of No. .,7 Little Cham-
plain street, this cit), i» of peculiar
/Or. Bull 1471' 144,, year'.: ,;offered
from Lnmhago, one of 1141' 311,»t
1in111(W for1118 of kidney die'^1•e•, 1110
ui'tit:try organ, wore 1,1so 4011.0 ed
se that he was frequently itottoie.lt-
(td to rise al triglt1. '('114144 with
broken rent at night and patio by
day hie lot wets anything hitt an
enviable one.
One lucky ria;: he row? of a rues
Of a 0rvup1nOlt like his own by
0od111'4, K 111110 Pills, w'tte tempted
to try thou nod here's what Its
says of the result;
"I 401031:t1't It box of Dald's h1d-
ney Pills and rifler I had used
tient 1 began to rope and feel a
(hangs. I used three boxes and
am completely curd!. You On 11 t411
anyone yon like 1 snit] so."
Lumbago Is one form of 4011437
Disease; (:,iglu', Disease, Din.bete0
tied Heart Auras, are a fern of lle0
others. llakl'e Kidney Pills 1((400
cm'h1I (11(11 will cure 314(3' of MI, lin,
Not a Taker.
"lky you take :tido internally 4”
asked the customer as he put the
bottle In his pocket and handed
over the change,
'To 7" Wad the dreggl4t's newas-
»httant, "Great Scott, no! 1 sell
I COn€lstency M 111n only Jewe: 111'3
0101010(1 don't seem 10 mire much
al xmt
A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link
and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights.
No one should expect a
fence to hold up of itself
between the posts.
The Frost upright wires
are larg., and strong, The
J A' Frost Lock holds them
etia,,. 'S EM in place and each support
ii Its Own share of the
weight. Light tie wires
give '40 support. Bending M tie
weaken, them and they are apt to
break when the strain is severe,
Frost Fence never breaks,
nsr 11)!1 Write for Cataloaus, e
FROST winFENCE CO. LIMITED, Welland, Ont„ Winnipeg, Man.