HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 6WVW iiWO S 1'11 I<nlser's Itrtfdenr,•a. The Onty one, Common Soaps destroythe I:ta m:roe 11 aide., drrislon to ItP,ld Tho wtlty senplility -'t trot hfnl The Great Elting Remedy a palace for bitattelf at I'olten, Ili' p•u'adox -Di Offlite !EWE Ix prover• clothes and rcnJer the L an old, wall ertabliehed and re- cat alt.,; .0 Prussian PMand, with t1 • bill. here IN a little a.nttdote which 11aWe prensantim, Hae been pre- 1 1 nt t hands liable to eczema. serib,d and tied over iu Year A.: told, of Inert n,411g 11!13 110111. up • ua th y help UI prune. LION, Nays ill rut to sho Dominlen of ler -' lot: ''tv of !cis Polish suhj'ets. toot% ,•.e N. Y. `VIII. 'Po the nffl, of ;; local da mall and r,rommend 0ahcl°g'" t c II 1till( tell 11) the tart that 1'0011011 pt11111111t on eoutrollr,1 son- proonly only medicine of nm hind that,et, : and gives unlvecal ui,fa ti. . It Pproremptly and 1 rn unef lly rm ill t Nrrywa Weak';%;,'S' a l:mle.ei n. st rn ea, impotency, and alt eR cin A e ,c fff oene/, the Eoe . he tor of T l,.ua,, u1I t.1 K Stimulants: Mental and mala 'worry, all of which lend to In- firmity, Insanity, Commotion dad as early grave, Price 11 w'r who, or Mx for 15. One Mil idsaeet alt wilt rum. Malted 'grand,' on r•seetpt of Prlca. Send for pamphlet -free to any address. The Wood Contently, Atter. Windsor, Ont., Canada The hog's Lament. It's tory hard to puffer anil be stili. Our nftmo's applied to every hnulau A "doggerel" Is a. rhylne that's very btd- Indeed, the very- worst that's to be lend. A lxtok Is "dog-eurtvt" whim it's tern abused. .line; I Utak we're very hu i:Py trial!. .t man's a "dog" because Ise won't ,1lehin v/e. -(It almost makes san honest doggie ravel) A "puppy" lea fellow Most uncouth -- A slur upon the flower of our youth A "hound" n villain of the deepest dye -- An Insult to hie clop -tote's majesty ; A "cur," of course, 114 cot a shining light, Yet even he Is called to bar the alight, To "dog one's footsteps" Is, I really 4*i1nk. A dreadful thing, front which we dogs would sitrink. A "dogma" le a Iutrd religious school. :t."dogged" person always plays the Fool. And 'dog -days" finals us panting with the heat; Wo eaar00 can blink our eyes or lift our feet, Witye-why-throw mud upon our noble name? t dog's n dog thro all the world the same. -London Answers. Her Monologue Alt heady. 1IVdland-I'm going to the club. Yad needn't trouble to sit up for me. Wife (grimly) -Oh, 11 will be n plea - sere, I assure you. Dear Sirs, -1 1u1 ve leen it great sufferer from rheumatism, and late- ly have been confined to my bed. `geeing your ION.tIllYS LINIMENT advertised, I tried It and got Im- mediate relief. 1 ascribe my restor- ation to health to the' wonderfnii p•wer of your medicine. LEWIiI S. BUTLER, Burin, Nfld. She Was Dead. 511 bigot R riokle. "Really,' Mr. Jones, I am very sorry- to l.eee haat you barkvl your mother." "What would you baro taw to do with her?" DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE ... C1. is sent direct to the diseased parts:,y the Improved Blow, Heals Hoe ulceo, clears the air passages. stops droppie s in the throat 1,ad permanent cure/ Catarrh and Hay Fey Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chan Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo The Danger or Being Polite. Rlie-Your step suits ;Me beauti- fully. Hr-llow lucky ! Especially as I dente, eo badly.--n,trvard Lampoon. M:uald's Liniment eefeces Neural- gia. Cont inonus. Hermon -We were at the dinner table from one till seven. Diger-What did you do after dinner 7 ilormon-Why, It was so late then that we had hipper. ONE-WAY HATES. Tb many points In the States otCall- fornta, Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY. The Union Pacific, will sail One-way Colonist Tickets et the following rates from Missouri river terminale: *25.00 to San Francisco, Loe An- geles and many other Callfornta pointe. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to Juno 18, 1903. 820.00 to Ogden and flan Lnke City. *20.00 to Butte, Anaconda end 1101- 1 *22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Waah. $26.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New Wbatcom, via Huntington and Spokane. *25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se- attle. '*25,00 to Ashland. Roseburg, Eu- gene, Albany and Salem, via Porte Rickets on sale Feb. 15 to AprIl 80, 1908. Por full Information call on or ad- dress H. F. CARVER, T. P. A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, or !. B. CHOATE, 126 Woodward avanise, Detroit, Web Tito average girl Is prepared to ac- cept the tnevitsblo. If it wears trona - ors I ltht]Itaor I❑ the r 1- itch, it Pot. twin ta and in til• v :i , hr has la, Inelading the stadt- sehltee. the Hettes Pala is. Sans - t11,' \Inrbh' lhtine PrLelshorg, the Orangery. the Itelvelere Palace, ell'. ilr"iIII'N these he II,IN I na III CPA Fsel. AVIesbaden, IIotnion rg, :Itet- ttn. lin 111)ti KeenigalMrt'. Indeed, hl. nrat•ty rrery big city or ilia minions. their ntnintewtnc0 ntgtking n' gent Rule fu his n1111hal civil list. PRESCRIPTIONS UTTERLY FAiL To cure itching and disfiguring skin diseases. But DR. ACNEW'3 OINTMENT CURES no matter what other or how many other applications have failed. Madam used it. and got well, and she keeps it for her friends and her children, having learned it is a neverfail in the treatment of piles, and•in tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, eczema, barber's itch, and all skin eruptions. Price, 3o.. The Sisters at St. Joseph's in- fant Home, South Troy, N.Y., state : " Many children come to our home covered with eczema. We would like to buy your ointment by the pound." Dr. Agnew's Livor Pills are the most effective pills -while milder in action, more quickly set- ting free the digestive canal. 40 doses, 10c. An i'xetnplary Minister. A droning monotone he used When Ite was talking to his flock; The sort of affectation that Made ultra-wleked scoffers mock, And ere he'd talked a hail an (tour The phone 0n013 were lost in slum- ber ; And all about the house were seen Devout heads nodding, without number, And, then, one sinful wag there was Who saw a point too good to keep; And to MMS friend In whispers said: "He's giving Ills beloved sleep." -S. W. (Millen in Baltimore Ameri- can. ;donkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten- sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. . la lie Made of IialnaO Hair. "Point tresse" is a very rare kind of lace matte of human hair. Its pro- duction was coilflne' to the early part of the l(ttlt century, says Sci- ence Siftings. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, the nertlter of the wretch- ed Darnley, sent from the Tower where she woe lmprlsoned when her son, Lord Charles Lennox, married the daughter of Bess of Ilardwlcke, a piece of Me kited of lace to Mary Queen of Scots. Tills curious Ilttie square of point tresee wart worked by the old countess' hands troll her own gray hair. The Difference, leinecton Tiger. "\Vhnt't the difference betwrcn the Tramps' Protective Association and a golf fiend?" "Well''' "Wily one links the trtamp, tend the other tramps the hake." Syrup soothes and heals the sore throat and weak lungs. After a few doses the cough is re- lieved, and the soreness passes away. Gray's Syrup cures to stay cured. At all Druggists 25cts. Ot4y.k4.y.t:O.p: f RedSporureGum nn ldl tel. The offlet boy looked at tilt and se id ('here h. no man editor here, All lure W01ee11. Lt fact -with pride -1 ant the Duly well in Isle of flee." ISSUE SO. 12. 1903. 1111•a W tovtow ,, t^otahrng Nyyrul n.oubl always ho need tor Children Tneloing. 1. toolbox iho child, .of tens Gleans s, aures wiu,t colic and 1. 11,0 be'remedy for fnarrhswa. It 1 Yoh WANTED N,'.i\ 11 1 1 111.l.1,1111: 1 ADt Atte NTs 1 I I p 1 , I ,- lonels.nott wont on t i 001, REDUCES I W1NI Ih - d moria harlotrymen, nnotry etnrk salcallsoip ret Ir I arm ISul Mimed. curly tIth 0111"1`11C011181::, 111.1.&RAMS: Dt:1, 1'0l10\'r0, CAN.%DA. EXPEIVS$ Ash for the eettt-oa Bur rot Slboy ndrrotood. Alira10l's l.lnttdcut Cures ISIII'lls, liter, N iw,1ttt 'relegratlhy and (old Iden. 'Woo are reminded agonal that %hero is lotng nen' under 'the NI111, alit even M1111'011 1.8 0yNteul of 1110,1{48 teh'g.;t)thy.. The London correspon- dent of the Nen- York Tribune fur- uihhct that J011)11111 with two -column uceonnt of the cork of Jautett 1.1101- ,a of Dundee, Scotbiud, wito Its long ago as 1011 tmeoteded in tele- graphing rolsage/I across ponds nit him wire. Iu t4 t1. Lhldsay read 11 paper Inform the British Avsocia- t;11 on the pcnsibllllies of wireless lelegrtlplly. 11uvr touch oT the. truly proplwtil' vision this brilIitnnt seotrhannn now have hail is shown Ily the (nut that as eaely 114 15;11 hr was drliverhig Iectu •os III w'hiett he predicted that wi tilt a few lcare houses amt cities would be ighted by electricity instead of gas, and heated by it Instead of coal; and he slim demonstrated the fac- ility with whir.!% wheel:. could be turned and pulleys raised by electric Power, and fot'm:aid the substitution or electricity for steam as 0 motor for machinery. lir. Marconi himself, we, are Informed, in an address do- Es :tiering, livered et Dundee, lets done fol!us- J New fork Sun, lice er the a mory"first of the Scotch Adam 101014 Ell lie animals. pioneer as the "forst man who tiwr- ()ughty helleved in the pomilbilityand the utility of long-dlstanee wireless telegraphy."-Lvolie's Weekly. Mina lid's Liniment Corea Dandruff. t hirago Posi. Th1• flrvna11 Milo 'hitt invaded a. giri 0girl SI boardutg ,allttol from which xg `w i.)11 of 11.0 PI ile,T CLAYS SALAION: 1 1. good lnntlnu. Address W. II, Pear_n9:, Erie at enur, Niagara foal!., N. Y. It P"I'r71oNN, A'r'1'I:N'ttON ! THOSE IN - tending; bo.miling netted eottlera may select'"1111' rl"I,'lli 1:11'/110 11, 'rritttseantlog : uherw• lur r:•oerl ed. icor I ntoruol tion write' :1 lilt la Mit hall been relit ill was ad- Ii, S, Robinson, general merrinnmt, New I.tt dressing omit of his compo 11olls in I:ot vt.0nl. the street, bat. Cu: Otis didn't know' -_.-.- -- -_._.. _ -t_.- -. . it, They thought lip was speaking il.10...11 to ihem, yyyy, ,y{ "Why t t e''t the hose "" he Ips' led. '1.F FOR L+ A / E Ilk "I`ou impertinent. ti,ing:" they h 11.7 /,s 1 tela hued, , ('reamer}' and ('heese Ftot Tory Settlers' Low Hates West, 01 Mu Irk irk Stitt ion,M.('.lty. Oy Via Chiango and Northwestern By., l.:md, Inidlugs, engine, boner .. every day , from leebrtta'' 15tit to nal all tIti g.li ry for butter Hatt y h m •mrOtfug. April 710th. Colonlet ono way sect u'w aeu wb1:l• prolwrty-rom- ond-clans ticket, at extremely low Si e..,,. or leLO bed --very cheap for rate, from station, in Ontario and alt '':,"II. AI'1'1(0t,: Quebec, to points ill Colorado, Utah, GEO. ROWLEY Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California; also to ,Ilk Box 3511, at. Thomas, Out. Victoria, Vancouver, New Wtnitndn- 'IRrip.40. .4'IRIR'4IFa1F titer, Nohow), Rosslaud, !etc, Full 'IIF particulars, rate, and folders can be obta hided from It. 11. Bennett, (!metal Agent, 2 East tiing street, Toronto, Butter, New Laid Eggs Ont, and Poultry Wanted Cnnelgnmrnis of hatter, Poultry and new To Color Curtains With l'on'ee. It the eui'ta11111 bare gone so heal a color, why not have diem colored with coffee. Strada some very strong votive through nttolln foto a tub of cold water, wash the curtains, rinse them In clear cold water and squeeze dry ; then plunge Into the eoffee- tinted water, awl stir about for a few intnulet. Filially wring out, and pin on the line. STATE lir (Into, CITY et' • rm.Eno, l,, I.I'1'01 ('tlrOTi' PRANK J. l`t1ENEV Mil .kea oath than held the senior partner of the firm of F. J CHENEY 8 Co„ doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Stn leaforesald,and tht.taatd firm will par the mum of ONE HUNDRED DOI. LASH for each and every case et CATAa6H that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'a CATAI1RU C1'111:. PRANK .1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In m presence, thin GI h day of December, A. D„ 1880, i aEAL} Notary Public. Ball's Catarrh ("1x,18 taken internally and nett. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Sand for testimonials, tree, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by 011 drngglafe-i Lc. 1lairs Camay Pills are the brat. A. W. GLEASON, Who Could Blaine It ? "Ills Race wears a pinched look," observed the atugnitro tit, as the tramp slouched forww'd In the grasp of a brawny policeman. Every house needs a ' New Century Washer. It is the best, you cannot afford to de- prive your wife of so val- uable an aid. It has ball bearings ant strong spiral eprlegs - thoroughly cleanses a tub -full of clothes in five minutes. Have your dealer show it to you or write us for booklet. THE DOWSWELL WO. CO., LTD.. HAMILTON, ONT. The Whole Troth. Ilo1on linretld. l'apa (severely)- Did you ask mamma if you could have that apple' Five -Year -Old -Yes, papa, Papa -Ike carefui, now. Do not tell a story. Did you ask mamma? Five -Tear -Old -Papa, I asked her, (A pause). She said I couldn't have t. Minard's Liniment for sale every- where, The Newest Version. " Whore are you going, ray pretty nlald?" "I'm going plug-ponglug, sir," she said. " May Igo with you, my pretty mal 1?" "Yes, 1f you like, kind sir," she hold Site led him away to the ping-pong net ; and then camp an hour he'll never forget, for his howl lets ache from the many stoops to pick up the balls, and his eyelid Loops, where she smote him twice with her racquet small, which left her hand as sho struck the ball; 111,1 hell never ping with her pongs :gain, for she heard him swear when he pinged him then. -Baltimore lmertean. This is the proper Benson to forgive your enemies. If you have no enemies, forgive a few of Soar friends. ,.But,,' asked Eve, "whatever made you cull that beast a horse'?" "Stupid," lie rrplirvl, "there will have to be itorteless carriages tater on." Priding himself (et hie forethought for posterity, he continued Ills labor. CALIFORNIA The success of orange culture In Central and Nortnorn California for ten year, past suggests the climatic unity of the State. Some of the most successful orange groves are 600 miles north of Los Angeles. The long summer, the warm and dry at- mosphere, the abundance of water, and the low price of land, make these fields In the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys very desirable for oranges and all kinds of farm- ing acid fruit growing. Just now the rates aro epeolully low, Front Feb. 16th to April 80th the rate from %leago will be $33 to California points. If you aro lntereeted In Cali- fornia, such publications as " Tho Land of Oppo:tnnity" and "Califor- nia for the Settler" will be helpful. They aro free, and may be had of F. B, Choate, General Agent, South- ern Pacific, No. 128 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Be Gel the Jon. Chicago Tribune. The Senator - Mr. President, I !want you to do eomothdng for a man who needs help boldly, The Preetdent-Cm, what Ileo hie gtwtl1flcattiots'1 The Senator -He's the rather of seventeen children and more com- ing, and - The President -Mr. (`ortely'ou 10, Mr. Cortelyou. (seerotary Corteiyou eaten: .) Kindly :reserve a nice Whit - tion In your now department for Er. leullhouee. The senator will tell you about him. He's a lire Issue and a commercial factor. Next 1 New York and Roston Via New York Central, The numerous trains, the excellent service, the uniformity of Its trains, Its four tracks, and the location of Ito depots In Boston amu New York, make the Now York Central thu fay- adios aworlte line to those points. any ticket agent will confirm the above. Humorous Pointe. "Tide is an elegant piece of em- broidery. It 1s over fifty years old." „Beautiful ! 1)11 you nutke It?" -St. Paul Dispatch. Art M'enataer-AVett, Ibis if; gum! work. What too you like to draw lest :' Artist -Salary: - Brooklyn 1; iglte. Customer -You charged me $1t for Ole ono garment. 1 think that's pretty high. Tailor -Well, the 1)111 as I made It out at first wart for $13, but that Is such an unlucky number that ' I thought you'd rather pa•v n dollar more. A Busy Connoisseur. The Artlst-It would be such an horror to have you buy my picture! Mrs. Gotroz-Well, 111 have my con- The limp of lirta. nolaseur to look at it, but I don't A now effort Is being matte in Wear When he can conte. I'In buying Dublin to revive the old Irlah harp so much art just now that my con- and 1t is meeting with considers. noisseur le frightfully busy! boo support, laid l:g s aolleiteel. Pelves firm torchofeeqqual, lnrs, Choice youngg('hirkone,dry pleked,cleaa, yelling (1(I to 80c per pale. 0011 pay flee per lb, for It I' ESWA X, delivered Tporonto. per solicited, JOHN J. FEFea F'rnntStreet r East. Toronto USE 1,000 MiLE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFO. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all leading dealers. The Flow of Milk will be increased. Why got() all the trouble of keeping cows and get only about half the milk they should pro- duce. Dick's Blood Purifier strengthens the digestion and iavt- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for a cow when she gives three quarto as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. 60 cents a package. Looming, Miles & Co., Agents, r1WNTREAL f• ttiel® THING/ TO EAT Libby's Natural flavor. Food Products These delidouu prrpnrai leas allow of an' sorts of Impromptu spreads without the impromptu appearance, and permit the hostess to enjoy ratter than stave. Our booklet, "Sow to Make Good Things to Eat." lam to housekeepers;' Libby's At- las of the World, containing 35 new maps, Published expressly for us by the largest map and atlas publishers 1n America. Y ready now. Indexed, and gives new maps M China. South Africa, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as much prac- tical use as any atlas published. We mall it to any address for 5 two -cent stamps Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago The World's Greatest Caterers imunsi A Penny Saved is a Penny Gained MwIN A Selkirk Fence Ma." aler.lr 111. chine will Save you r'a"t■.•+ `+ many Pennies. N A Catalogue will be mailed you 0 you will send name and address. SELKIRK FENCE CO., Welland, Ont. .'imrs :.